
Defines functions rftResults

Documented in rftResults

#' RFT Statistical Results
#' Returns RFT based statistical results for a single statistical image
#' @param x statistical field image of class antsImage 
#' @param resels resel values for the mask
#' @param fwhm full width at half maxima
#' @param df degrees of freedom expressed as df = c(degrees of 
#' interest, degrees of error)
#' @param fieldType
#' \itemize{
#' \item{T: } {T-field} 
#' \item{F: } {F-field} 
#' \item{X: } {Chi-square field'} 
#' \item{Z: } {Gaussian field}
#' }
#' @param RPVImg resels per voxel image
#' @param k minimum desired cluster size (default = 1)
#' @param threshType a numeric value to threshTypeold the statistical 
#' field or a character of the following methods:
#' \itemize{
#'	\item{cRFT: } {computes a threshTypeold per expected cluster level 
#'	probability }
#'	\item{pRFT: } {uses the mask and pval calculates the minimum statistical 
#'	threshTypeold}
#'	\item{cFDR: } {uses an uncorrected threshTypeold at the alpha level and 
#'	then computes and FDR threshTypeold based on cluster maxima}
#'	\item{pFDR: } {computes the fdr threshTypeold for the entire field of 
#'	voxels}
#' }
#' @param pval the p-value for estimating the threshTypeold (default = .05)
#' @param pp the primary (initial) p-value for threshTypeolding (only used for
#'  FDR methods; default = .001)
#' @param n number of images in conjunction
#' @param statdir directory where output is saved (if not specified 
#' images are not saved)
#' @param verbose enables verbose output
#' @return Outputs a statistical value to be used for threshTypeold a 
#' statistical field image
#' \itemize{
#' \item{SetStats: } {set-level statistics and number of clusters}
#' \item{ClusterStats: } {cluster-level statistics and descriptors}
#' \item{PeakStats: } {peak-level statistics and descriptor"}
#' \item{LabeledClusters: } {image of labeled clusters}
#' \item{threshTypeold: } {the threshTypeold used}
#' }
#' @details 
#' \code{rftPval} is used to compute all family-wise error (FWE) corrected 
#' statistics while \code{p.adjust} is used to compute all false-discovery rate
#' based statistics. All statistics herein involve implementation of random 
#' field theory (RFT) to some extent.
#' Both cluster-level and peak-level statistics are described by the 
#' uncorrected
#'  p-value along with the FDR and FWE corrected p-values for each cluster. 
#' Peak-level statistics are described by the maximum statistical value in each
#' cluster and the comparable Z statistic. The ClusterStats table also contains
#' coordinates for each cluster and the number of voxels therein. By default 
#' \code{threshType = "pRFT"} and pval=.05. Alternatively, the user may use a 
#' specific numeric value for threshTypeolding the statistical field. 
#' \code{statFieldThresh} more fully describes using appropriate threshTypeolds
#' for statistical fields and how \code{pp} plays a role in FDR 
#' threshTypeolding.
#' @references
#' Chumbley J., (2010) Topological FDR for neuroimaging
#' Friston K.J., (1996) Detecting Activations in PET and 
#' fMRI: Levels of Inference and Power
#' Worsley K.J., (1992) A Three-Dimensional Statistical Analysis for 
#' CBF Activation Studies in Human Brain.
#' @author Zachary P. Christensen
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mnit1 <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData('mni'))
#' mask <- getMask(mnit1)
#' ilist <- list()
#' for (i in 1:10) {
#'  ilist <- lappend(ilist, antsImageClone(mnit1) * rnorm(1))
#' }
#' response <- rnorm(10)
#' imat <- imageListToMatrix(ilist, mask)
#' residuals <- matrix(nrow = nrow(imat), ncol = ncol(imat))
#' tvals <- matrix(nrow = nrow(imat), ncol = ncol(imat))
#' for (i in 1:ncol(imat)) {
#'  fit <- lm(response ~ imat[, i])
#'  tvals <- coefficients(fit)[2]
#'  residuals[, i] <- residuals(fit)
#' }
#' myfwhm <- estSmooth(residuals, mask, fit$df.residual)
#' res <- resels(mask, myfwhm$fwhm)
#' timg <- makeImage(mask, tvals)
#' # threshold to create peak values with p-value of .05 (default)
#' results1 <- rftResults(timg, res, myfwhm$fwhm, df, fieldType = "T", 
#'                        threshType = "pRFT", pval = .05)
#' # threshold to create clusters with p-value of .05
#' results2 <- rftResults(timg, res, myfwhm$fwhm, df, fieldType = "T",
#'                        threshType = "cRFT", pval = .05)
#' # initial threshold at p-value of .001 followed by peak FDR threshTypeold at
#' # p-value of .05
#' results3 <- rftResults(timg, res, myfwhm$fwhm, df, fieldType = "T",
#'                        threshType = "pFDR", pval = .05, pp=.01)
#' # initial threshold at p-value of .001 followed by cluster FDR threshold at 
#' # p-value of .05
#' results4 <- rftResults(timg, res, myfwhm$fwhm, df, fieldType = "T", 
#'                        threshType = "cFDR", pval = .05, pp = .01)
#' # correcting for non-isotropic
#' results5 <- rftResults(timg, res, myfwhm$fwhm, df, fieldType = "T",
#'                        fwhm$RPVImg)
#' }
#' @export rftResults
rftResults <- function(x, resels, fwhm, df, fieldType,
                       RPVImg = NULL, k = 1, threshType = "pRFT", pval = .05,
                       pp = .001, n = 1, statdir = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
  if (missing(x))
    stop("Must specify x")
  if (missing(resels))
    stop("Must specify resels")
  if (missing(fwhm))
    stop("Must specify fwhm")
  if (missing(df))
    stop("Must specify degrees of freedom (df)")
  if (missing(fieldType))
    stop("Must specify fieldType")
  if (class(threshType) == "character") {
    if (verbose == "TRUE")
      cat("Calculating threshTypeold \n")
    u <- statFieldThresh(x, pval, k, n, fwhm, resels, df, fieldType, 
                         threshType = threshType, pp, verbose = verbose)
  } else if (class(threshType) == "numeric") {
    u <- threshType
  } else {
    stop(paste0("threshType must be a numeric value or a character ", 
                "specifying the chosen method for calculating a threshold"))
  D <- x@dimension
  vox2res <- 1 / prod(fwhm)
  nvox <- length(as.vector(x[x != 0]))
  mask <- getMask(x)
  # extract clusters at threshold
  clust <- labelClusters(x, k, u, Inf)
  if (!is.null(statdir))
                   filename = paste(statdir, "ClusterImg.nii.gz", sep = ""))
  labs <- unique(clust[clust > 0])
  nclus <- length(labs) # number of clusters
  cnames <- paste("Cluster", 1:nclus, sep = "") # create name for each cluster
  k <- k * vox2res # convert voxel number to resels
  # create table for cluster-level statistics---------------
  ClusterStats <- as.table(matrix(nrow = nclus, ncol = 7))
  dimnames(ClusterStats)[[1]] <- cnames
  dimnames(ClusterStats)[[2]] <- c("Pfwe", "Pfdr", "P", 
                                   "Voxels", "xc", "yc", "zc")
  ClusterStats[1:nclus, 5:7]  <- getCentroids(clust)[1:nclus, 1:3] 
  # get locations of clusters
  # create table for peak-level statistics----------------------
  PeakStats <- as.table(matrix(nrow = nclus, ncol = 5))
  dimnames(PeakStats)[[1]] <- cnames
  dimnames(PeakStats)[[2]] <- c("Pfwe", "Pfdr", "P", "MaxStat", "Z")
  # Set-Level----------------------------------------------------
  Pset <- rftPval(D, nclus, k, u, n, resels, df, fieldType)$Pcor
  Ez <- rftPval(D, 1, 0, u, n, resels, df, fieldType)$Ec
  # Cluster-Level------------------------------------------------
  ClusterStats[, 4] <- sapply(labs, function(tmp)(
    sum(as.array(clust[clust == tmp])) / tmp))
  K <- sapply(ClusterStats[, 4], function(tmp)(
    if (is.null(RPVImg)) {
      # follows isotropic image assumptions
      K <- tmp * vox2res
    } else {
      RPVImg = check_ants(RPVImg)
      # extract resels per voxel in cluster (for non-isotropic image)
      cmask <- antsImageClone(clust)
      cmask[cmask != tmp] <- 0
      cmask[cmask == tmp] <- 1
      rkc <- RPVImg[cmask == 1]
      lkc <- sum(rkc) / tmp
      iv <- matrix(resels(cmask, c(1, 1, 1)), nrow = 1)
      iv <- iv %*% matrix(c(1 / 2, 2 / 3, 2 / 3, 1), ncol = 1)
      K <- iv * lkc
  ClusterStats[, 1] <- sapply(K, function(tmp)(
    rftPval(D, 1, tmp, u, n, resels, df, fieldType)$Pcor)) 
  # fwe p-value (cluster)
  ClusterStats[, 3] <- sapply(K, function(tmp)(
    rftPval(D, 1, tmp, u, n, resels, df, fieldType)$Punc)) 
  # uncorrected p-value (cluster)
  ClusterStats[, 2] <- p.adjust(ClusterStats[, 3], "BH") # FDR (cluster)
  # Peak-Level-----------------------------------------------------
  PeakStats[, 4] <- sapply(labs, function(tmp)(
    max(x[clust == tmp]))) # max value for each cluster
  PeakStats[, 1] <- sapply(PeakStats[, 4], 
                             rftPval(D, 1, 0, tmp, n, resels, df, fieldType)$Pcor)
                           ) # fwe p-value (peak)
  PeakStats[, 2] <- sapply(PeakStats[, 4], function(tmp)(
    p.adjust(rftPval(D, 1, 0, tmp, n, resels, df, fieldType)$Ec / Ez, 
             "BH", n = nclus))
    ) # FDR (peak)
  PeakStats[, 3] <- sapply(PeakStats[, 4], function(tmp)(
    if (fieldType == "Z")
      1 - pnorm(tmp)
    else if (fieldType == "T")
      1 - pt(tmp, df[2])
    else if (fieldType == "F")
      1 - pf(tmp, df[1], df[2])
    else if (fieldType == "X")
      1 - pchisq(tmp, df[1], df[2]))) # uncorrected p-value (peak)
  PeakStats[, 5] <- suppressWarnings(
    sapply(PeakStats[, 4], function(tmp)(qnorm(1 - tmp)))
    ) # comparable Z-statistic
  # prepare output-------------------------------------------
  ClusterStats <- round(ClusterStats, 4)
  PeakStats <- round(PeakStats, 4)
  results <- list("SetStats" = Pset, 
                  "ClusterStats" = ClusterStats, "PeakStats" = PeakStats,
                  "LabeledClusters" = nclus, "threshold" = u, 
                  "ClusterImage" = clust)
  if (!is.null(statdir)) {
    write.csv(ClusterStats, file = paste(statdir, "ClusterStats", sep = ""))
    write.csv(PeakStats, file = paste(statdir, "PeakStats", sep = ""))
neuroconductor/ANTsR documentation built on Oct. 11, 2020, 8:14 a.m.