summarize_file_access: Summarize file access for files within some view

View source: R/access_utils.R

summarize_file_accessR Documentation

Summarize file access for files within some view


Some portion adapted from ⁠@allaway⁠'s original script. Common usages are:

  • Check numbers of files are viewable and downloadable for registered Synapse users: summarize_file_access(principal_id = 273948, access_type = "DOWNLOAD", "syn16858331")

  • Check that files within the portal purview are actually editable for the NF-OSI Sage Team, because we need at least edit permissions for updating annotations (historically, some issues with hackathon projects, etc.): summarize_file_access(principal_id = 3378999, access_type = "UPDATE", "syn16858331")


summarize_file_access(principal_id, access_type, fileview_id)



Group(s) for which to check the access type.


Which access type(s) to check for; result summarizes whether there are permissions for all types specified.


Syn id of the view. View must include benefactorId and type.


More complex usage:

  • Check access for multiple teams.

This summarizes file access by using the smaller set of benefactors, and returns a data.table with columns benefactorId, principalId, access, and N, which describes whether principalId has all the specified access to benefactorId and its N files. This data can be used for further aggregation as needed.

nf-osi/nfportalutils documentation built on Sept. 29, 2024, 3 a.m.