
#' Convert a point cloud to a raster
#' Function that creates a raster from a point cloud by applying a certain function
#' in each cell, e.g. func=max returns a surface raster (CHM in case of vegetation),
#' min returns lowest point per cell, mean returns the mean value of all points in the
#' cell, count returns a point density raster, sum returns the sum of all point values
#' and mode returns the most common value (in case of several equally common values one of
#' them is taken randomly).
#' @param pc Point cloud in XYZ-table format
#' @param xcor Variable name that contains the X-coordinates (Default "X")
#' @param ycor Variable name that contains the Y-coordinates (Default "Y")
#' @param var Variable name that contains the values that should be rasterized (Default "Z")
#' @param res Resolution (cell side length) of the output raster
#' @param func Function to be applied (either "max", "min", "mean", "count", "sum" or "mode")
#' @return Raster object
#' @keywords raster rasterization point cloud XYZ CHM
#' @export
#' @examples in progress
#' @author Nikolai Knapp, nikolai.knapp@ufz.de

raster.from.point.cloud <- function(pc, xcor="X", ycor="Y", var="Z", res=1, func="max"){
  # Data conversion
  pc <- as.data.frame(pc)
  x.vec <- pc[, xcor]
  y.vec <- pc[, ycor]
  z.vec <- pc[, var]
  # Derive the data's extent
  minx <- round_any(min(x.vec), accuracy=res, f=floor)
  miny <- round_any(min(y.vec), accuracy=res, f=floor)
  maxx <- round_any(max(x.vec), accuracy=res, f=ceiling)
  maxy <- round_any(max(y.vec), accuracy=res, f=ceiling)
  # Remove X- and Y-values that fall directly on the respective maxima
  new.x.vec <- x.vec[x.vec != maxx & y.vec != maxy]
  new.y.vec <- y.vec[x.vec != maxx & y.vec != maxy]
  z.vec <- z.vec[x.vec != maxx & y.vec != maxy]
  # Calculate the new X- and Y-coordinate
  new.x.vec <- round_any(new.x.vec, accuracy=res, f=floor) / res
  new.y.vec <- round_any(new.y.vec, accuracy=res, f=floor) / res
  df <- data.frame(cbind(X=new.x.vec, Y=new.y.vec, Z=z.vec))
  # Function that returns the mode (most common value) in the data
  mode.func <- function(vec, na.rm=T){
    #counts <- ifelse(na.rm == T, table(vec), table(vec, useNA="ifany"))
    counts <- table(vec)
    maxima <- which(counts == max(counts))
    n.maxima <- length(maxima)
    values <- as.vector(as.numeric(names(maxima)))
    random.element <- sample(n.maxima, size=1)
  # Cast the dataframe with the new coordinates to a matrix using the
  # desired function as aggregation function
  if(func == "max"){
    suppressWarnings(mx <- acast(data=df, X~Y, value.var="Z", fun.aggregate=max))
  } else if(func == "min"){
    suppressWarnings(mx <- acast(data=df, X~Y, value.var="Z", fun.aggregate=min))
  } else if(func == "count"){
    suppressWarnings(mx <- acast(data=df, X~Y, value.var="Z", fun.aggregate=length))
  } else if(func == "mean"){
    suppressWarnings(mx <- acast(data=df, X~Y, value.var="Z", fun.aggregate=mean))
  } else if(func == "sum"){
    suppressWarnings(mx <- acast(data=df, X~Y, value.var="Z", fun.aggregate=sum))
  } else if(func == "mode"){
    suppressWarnings(mx <- acast(data=df, X~Y, value.var="Z", fun.aggregate=mode.func, summarize, fill=0))
  # Replace -Inf by NA
  mx[mx[] == -Inf] <- NA
  # Convert the "by-column-matrix" to raster (requires coordinate transposition)
  mx <- t(mx[, ncol(mx):1])
  ras <- raster(mx, xmx=ncol(mx), ymx=nrow(mx))
  # Adjust the extent of the raster (otherwise pixels are shifted by 0.5 times pixel size)
  ras <- setExtent(ras, ext=extent(c(minx, maxx, miny, maxy)))
  #ras <- setExtent(ras, ext=extent(c(minx, maxx+res, miny, maxy+res)))
  #ras <- crop(ras, extent(c(minx, maxx, miny, maxy)))
niknap/LidarProcessoR documentation built on May 29, 2019, 7:18 a.m.