
Defines functions .gatherSubMat .getDf4PlotProfiles plotPPiProfiles plotDiffTpcaVolcano runDiffTPCA .computeEmpiricalPValue .compareConditionsRandom .compareConditions .getRandomProteinPairs .combineCondDistMatsFstat .distMat2AnnotatedPPiDf .filterDistMat .getSummarizedMat .checkMatDims .getMatList .getCommonRownames .simpleAuc plotComplexRoc .computeComplexRocTable .getMeanDistVals4RandComplexes .permuteComplexAnno .createComplexRocTable .createPPiRocTable .checkAnnoArguments .createDistMatTpcaObj plotTpcaVolcano .computeDistPValue .getMeanDistVals4Complexes .computeTpcaResultTable .sampleBackgroundDistribution .createBackgroundDistList .setBackgroundDistribution .intersectComplexAnnotation .testForComplexCoAggregation .adaptComplexAnnoFromPPi .testForPPiCoAggregation plotPPiRoc createDistMat runTPCA

Documented in createDistMat plotComplexRoc plotDiffTpcaVolcano plotPPiProfiles plotPPiRoc plotTpcaVolcano runDiffTPCA runTPCA

#' Run the TPCA analysis
#' @param objList inout list of objects, e.g.
#' ExpressionSets retrieved after TPP data import
#' or matrices or data frames
#' @param complexAnno data frame annotating
#' known protein complexes of interest to test 
#' @param ppiAnno data frame annotation known
#' protein-protein interactions (PPI) to test 
#' @param rownameCol in case the input objects are tibbles
#' this parameter takes in the name (character) of the column 
#' specifying protein names or ids
#' @param summaryMethodStr character string indicating a method 
#' to use to summarize measurements across replicates, 
#' default is "median", other options are c("mean", "rbind")
#' @param distMethodStr method to use within dist function,
#' default is 'euclidean'
#' @param doRocAnalysis logical indicating whether a ROC 
#' analysis should be performed which can be used to assess 
#' the predictive power of the dataset for protein-protein
#' interactions / protein complexes based on distanc between
#' melting curves of protein interactions partners
#' @param minCount integer indicating how many subunits 
#' of a complex should be qunatified to inlucde it into the
#' analysis, default is 3
#' @param nSamp integer indicating the number of random samples
#' which should be performed to estimate empirical null 
#' distributions, default is 10000
#' @param p_adj_method character string indicating a valid 
#' method to be used for multiple testing adjusment, default 
#' is "BH" which makes p.adjust use benjamini-hochberg, for 
#' additional options check ?p.adjust
#' @return an object of class tpcaResult
#' with the following slots:
#' 1) ObjList: containing the supplied list of
#' objects
#' @export
#' @examples  
#' m1 <- matrix(1:12, ncol = 4)
#' m2 <- matrix(2:13, ncol = 4)
#' m3 <- matrix(c(2:10, 1:7), ncol = 4)
#' rownames(m1) <- 1:3
#' rownames(m2) <- 2:4
#' rownames(m3) <- 2:5
#' colnames(m1) <- paste0("X", 1:4)
#' colnames(m2) <- paste0("X", 1:4)
#' colnames(m3) <- paste0("X", 1:4)
#' mat_list <- list(
#'     m1, m2, m3
#' )
#' ppi_anno <- tibble(
#'     x = "2",
#'     y = "3",
#'     combined_score = 700,
#'     pair = "2:3")
#' runTPCA(
#'     objList = mat_list,
#'     complexAnno = NULL,
#'     ppiAnno = ppi_anno
#' )
runTPCA <- function(objList, 
                    complexAnno = NULL,
                    ppiAnno = NULL,
                    rownameCol = NULL,
                    summaryMethodStr = "median",
                    distMethodStr = "euclidean",
                    doRocAnalysis = TRUE,
                    minCount = 3,
                    nSamp = 10000,
                    p_adj_method = "BH"
    message("Checking input arguments. \n")
    tpcaObj <- .checkAnnoArguments(
        objList = objList,
        complexAnno = complexAnno,
        ppiAnno = ppiAnno
    message("\nCreating distance matrices. \n")
    tpcaObj <- .createDistMatTpcaObj(
        tpcaObj = tpcaObj, 
        rownameCol = rownameCol, 
        summaryMethodStr = summaryMethodStr,
        distMethodStr = distMethodStr
        message("\nTesting for complex co-aggregation. \n")
        tpcaObj <- .testForPPiCoAggregation(
            tpcaObj = tpcaObj, 
            nSamp = nSamp,
            p_adj_method = p_adj_method)
            message("\nPerforming PPi ROC analysis. \n")
            tpcaObj <- .createPPiRocTable(
                tpcaObj = tpcaObj
        message("\nTesting for complex co-aggregation. \n")
        tpcaObj <- .testForComplexCoAggregation(
            tpcaObj = tpcaObj, 
            minCount = minCount, 
            nSamp = nSamp,
            p_adj_method = p_adj_method
            message("\nPerforming Complex ROC analysis. \n")
            tpcaObj <- .createComplexRocTable(
                tpcaObj = tpcaObj

#' Create distance matrix of all vs all protein 
#' melting profiles
#' @param objList list of objects suitable for the analysis,
#' currently allowed classes of objects are: matrices,
#' data.frames, tibbles and ExpressionSets
#' @param rownameCol in case the input objects are tibbles
#' this parameter takes in the name (character) of the column 
#' specifying protein names or ids
#' @param summaryMethodStr character string indicating a method 
#' to use to summarize measurements across replicates, 
#' default is "median", other options are c("mean", "rbind")
#' @param distMethodStr method to use within dist function,
#' default is 'euclidean'
#' @return a distance matrix of all pairwise protein
#' melting profiles
#' @examples 
#' library(Biobase)
#' m1 <- matrix(1:12, ncol = 4)
#' m2 <- matrix(2:13, ncol = 4)
#' m3 <- matrix(c(2:10, 1:7), ncol = 4)
#' rownames(m1) <- 1:3
#' rownames(m2) <- 2:4
#' rownames(m3) <- 2:5
#' colnames(m1) <- paste0("X", 1:4)
#' colnames(m2) <- paste0("X", 1:4)
#' colnames(m3) <- paste0("X", 1:4)
#' mat_list <- list(
#'     m1, m2, m3
#' )
#' createDistMat(mat_list)
#' expr1 <- ExpressionSet(m1)
#' expr2 <- ExpressionSet(m2)
#' expr3 <- ExpressionSet(m3)
#' exprSet_list <- list(
#'     expr1, expr2, expr3
#' )
#' createDistMat(exprSet_list)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats dist
createDistMat <- function(objList, rownameCol = NULL, 
                        summaryMethodStr = "median",
                        distMethodStr = "euclidean"){
    common_rownames <-
        .getCommonRownames(objList, rownameCol = rownameCol)
    mat_list <- .getMatList(objList, 
                            commonRownames = common_rownames,
                            rownameCol = rownameCol)
    summarized_mat <- .getSummarizedMat(matList = mat_list,
                                        sumMethod = summaryMethodStr)
    dist_mat <- as.matrix(dist(summarized_mat,
                        method = distMethodStr))

#' Plot PPI ROC curve
#' @param tpcaObj tpcaResult object
#' @param computeAUC logical parameter indicating
#' whether area under the ROC should be computed
#' and indicated in the lower right corner of the 
#' plot
#' @return ggplot object of a receiver operating
#' curve (ROC)
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom pROC auc
#' @examples 
#' rocTab = data.frame(
#'     TPR = c(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1),
#'     FPR = c(0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1)
#' )
#' tpcaTest <- new(
#'     "tpcaResult",
#'     PPiRocTable = rocTab)
#' plotPPiRoc(tpcaTest)
plotPPiRoc <- function(tpcaObj, computeAUC = FALSE){
    FPR <- TPR <- x <- y <- label <- NULL
    rocTab <- PPiRocTable(tpcaObj)
        rocTabAnno <- PPiRocTableAnno(tpcaObj)
        aucText <- paste0("AUC = ", as.character(
                auc(rocTabAnno$annotated ~
                        rocTab$eucl_dist)[1]), 3)))
    p <- ggplot(rocTab, 
                aes(FPR, TPR)) + 
        geom_path() +
        geom_line(aes(x, y),
                color = "gray",
                data = tibble(x = 0:1, y = 0:1),
                linetype = "dashed") +
        p <- p + geom_text(aes(x, y, label = label), 
                        data = tibble(x = 0.75, y = 0.1,
                            label = aucText))

.testForPPiCoAggregation <- function(tpcaObj, nSamp = 10000,
                                    p_adj_method = "BH"){
    tpcaObj <- SetComplexAnnotation(
        tpcaObj, .adaptComplexAnnoFromPPi(
    tpcaObj <-.testForComplexCoAggregation(
        tpcaObj = tpcaObj, 
        minCount = 2, 
        nSamp = nSamp,
        p_adj_method = p_adj_method

.adaptComplexAnnoFromPPi <- function(ppiAnno){
    pair <- x <- y <- key <- value <- NULL
    complex_anno <- ppiAnno %>% 
        dplyr::select(pair, x, y) %>% 
        gather(key, value, -pair) %>% 
        arrange(pair) %>% 
        dplyr::select(id = pair, protein = value)

.testForComplexCoAggregation <- function(
    tpcaObj, minCount = 3,
    nSamp = 10000, p_adj_method = "BH"){
    tpcaObj <- .intersectComplexAnnotation(
        tpcaObj, minCount = minCount)
    tpcaObj <- .setBackgroundDistribution(
        tpcaObj, nSamp = nSamp
    tpcaObj <- .computeTpcaResultTable(
        tpcaObj, p_adj_method = p_adj_method

.intersectComplexAnnotation <- function(tpcaObj, minCount = 3){
    protein <- NULL
    caDf <- ComplexAnnotation(tpcaObj)
    caDfFil <- caDf %>% 
        distinct() %>% 
            protein %in% 
                CommonFeatures(tpcaObj)) %>% 
        group_by(id) %>% 
        mutate(count = n()) %>% 
        ungroup %>% 
        filter(count >= minCount)
    tpcaObj <- SetComplexAnnotation(tpcaObj, caDfFil)

.setBackgroundDistribution <- function(tpcaObj, nSamp = 10000){
    uniqueMembersN <- unique(ComplexAnnotation(tpcaObj)$count)
    tpcaObj <- SetComplexBackgroundDistributionList(
        .createBackgroundDistList(distMat = DistMat(tpcaObj),
                                  nMemVec = uniqueMembersN))

.createBackgroundDistList <- function(distMat, nMemVec, nSamp = 10000){
    backgList <- lapply(nMemVec, function(x) {
        .sampleBackgroundDistribution(distMat, nMem = x, nSamp = nSamp)
    names(backgList) <- nMemVec

.sampleBackgroundDistribution <- function(distMat, nMem = 3, nSamp = 10000){
    nCol <- ncol(distMat)
    samplesOfN <- vapply(seq_len(nSamp), function(i){
        ids <- sample(seq_len(nCol), size = nMem, replace = FALSE)
        mean(distMat[ids, ids][upper.tri(matrix(0, ncol = nMem, nrow = nMem))])
    }, FUN.VALUE = 1.0)

.computeTpcaResultTable <- function(tpcaObj, p_adj_method = "BH"){
    tpca_tab <- .getMeanDistVals4Complexes(
        complexAnno = ComplexAnnotation(tpcaObj),
        distMat = DistMat(tpcaObj)
    tpcaObj <- SetTpcaResultTable(tpcaObj, .computeDistPValue(
        tpcaDf = tpca_tab,
        backgList = ComplexBackgroundDistributionList(tpcaObj),
        p_adj_method = p_adj_method

#' @import dplyr
.getMeanDistVals4Complexes <- function(complexAnno, distMat){
    unique_complexes <- unique(complexAnno$id)
    complex_table <- bind_rows(lapply(unique_complexes, function(cm_id){
        x <- filter(complexAnno, id == cm_id)$protein
        x_dim <- length(x)
        ids <- rownames(distMat) %in% x
        mean_dist <- mean(distMat[ids, ids][
            upper.tri(matrix(0, ncol = x_dim, nrow = x_dim))])
        out_tab <- tibble(
            complex_name = cm_id,
            count = filter(complexAnno, id == cm_id)$count[1],
            mean_dist = mean_dist

#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom fdrtool fdrtool
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
.computeDistPValue <- function(tpcaDf, backgList, 
                               p_adj_method = "BH"){
    mean_dist <- NULL
    tpcaDf <- tpcaDf %>% 
        na.omit() %>% 
        rowwise() %>% 
        mutate(p_value = length(which(backgList[[as.character(count)]] <= 
                   length(backgList[[as.character(count)]])) %>% 
        ungroup %>% 
        within(p_value[p_value == 0] <- .Machine$double.eps)
    if(p_adj_method %in% c("BH", "bonferroni")){
        tpcaDf <- tpcaDf %>% 
            mutate(p_adj = p.adjust(p_value, method = p_adj_method))
    }else if(p_adj_method %in% c("fdrtool")){
        tpcaDf <- tpcaDf %>% 
            mutate(l_fdr = fdrtool(tpcaDf$p_value, 
                                   statistic = "pvalue")$lfdr)

#' Plot TPCA analysis results
#' @param tpcaObj a tpcaObj after having performed
#' a differential analysis, see \code{runDiffTPCA}
#' @param alpha significance level / FDR at which 
#' null hypothesis should be rejected
#' @return ggplot displaying a volcano plot
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(Biobase)
#' m1 <- matrix(1:28, ncol = 4)
#' m2 <- matrix(2:25, ncol = 4)
#' m3 <- matrix(c(2:10, 1:19), ncol = 4)
#' rownames(m1) <- 1:7
#' rownames(m2) <- 3:8
#' rownames(m3) <- 2:8
#' mat_list <- list(
#'     m1, m2, m3
#' )
#' complex_anno <- tibble(
#'     protein = c("3", "4", "5", 
#'        "4", "5", "6", "7"),
#'     id = c(rep("1", 3), rep("2", 4)),
#'     count = c(rep(3, 3), rep(4, 4)))
#' tpca_result <- runTPCA(
#'   mat_list, complexAnno = complex_anno)
#' plotTpcaVolcano(tpca_result)
plotTpcaVolcano <- function(tpcaObj, alpha = 0.1){
    mean_dist <- p_value <- p_adj <- NULL
    plot_df <- tpcaResultTable(tpcaObj)
    p <- ggplot(plot_df, aes(x = mean_dist, -log10(p_value))) + 
        geom_point(color = "gray", alpha = 0.75) + 
        geom_point(data = filter(plot_df, p_adj < alpha)) + 
        theme_bw() +
        labs(x = "mean distance",
             y = expression('-log'[10]*'('*italic(p)*' value)'))

.createDistMatTpcaObj <- function(tpcaObj, rownameCol = NULL,
                                  summaryMethodStr = "median",
                                  distMethodStr = "euclidean",
                                  cond = "c1"){
    if(length(ContrastList(tpcaObj)) == 0){
        tpcaObj <- SetCommonFeatures(tpcaObj, .getCommonRownames(
            objList = ObjList(tpcaObj),
            rownameCol = rownameCol
        tpcaObj <- SetCommonFeatures(tpcaObj, .getCommonRownames(
            objList = c(ObjList(tpcaObj), ContrastList(tpcaObj)),
            rownameCol = rownameCol
    distMat <- createDistMat(
        objList = ObjList(tpcaObj), 
        rownameCol = rownameCol, 
        summaryMethodStr = summaryMethodStr,
        distMethodStr = distMethodStr
    if(length(ContrastList(tpcaObj)) != 0){
        contrastDistMat <- createDistMat(
            objList = ContrastList(tpcaObj), 
            rownameCol = rownameCol, 
            summaryMethodStr = summaryMethodStr,
            distMethodStr = distMethodStr
    tpcaObj <- SetSummaryMethod(tpcaObj, summaryMethodStr)
    tpcaObj <- SetDistMethod(tpcaObj, distMethodStr)
    tpcaObj <- SetDistMat(tpcaObj, distMat)
    if(length(ContrastList(tpcaObj)) != 0){
        tpcaObj <- SetContrastDistMat(tpcaObj, contrastDistMat)

#' @importFrom methods new
.checkAnnoArguments <- function(objList, 
                                contrastList = list(),
                                ctrlCondName = "control",
                                contrastCondName = "treatment",
                                complexAnno = NULL,
                                ppiAnno = NULL){
    if(is.null(complexAnno) & is.null(ppiAnno)){
        stop(paste(c("Neither complex annotation nor a PPI", 
                     "annotation were supplied!\n",
                     "One of them is required."),
                   collapse = " "))
    }else if(!is.null(complexAnno) & !is.null(ppiAnno)){
        stop(paste(c("Both complex annotationand PPI", 
                     "annotation were supplied!\n",
                     "Please only supply one of them!"),
                   collapse = " "))
    }else if(!is.null(complexAnno)){
        tpcaObj <- new("tpcaResult",
                       ObjList = objList,
                       ContrastList = contrastList,
                       CtrlCondName = ctrlCondName,
                       ContrastCondName = contrastCondName,
                       ComplexAnnotation = complexAnno)
    }else if(!is.null(ppiAnno)){
        tpcaObj <- new("tpcaResult",
                       ObjList = objList,
                       ContrastList = contrastList,
                       CtrlCondName = ctrlCondName,
                       ContrastCondName = contrastCondName,
                       PPiAnnotation = ppiAnno)

#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
.createPPiRocTable <- function(tpcaObj){
    colname <- value <- rowname <- pair <- 
        annotated <- TPR <- FPR <- NULL
    distMat <- DistMat(tpcaObj)
    distMat[lower.tri(distMat)] <- NA
    distDf <- distMat %>% 
        as_tibble(rownames = "rowname") %>% 
            cols = !starts_with("rowname"),
            names_to = "colname", 
            values_to = "value",
            values_drop_na = TRUE) %>% 
        mutate(pair = ifelse(
            rowname < colname, 
            paste(rowname, colname, sep = ":"), 
            paste(colname, rowname, sep = ":"))) %>%  
        # rowwise() %>% 
        # mutate(pair = paste(sort(c(rowname, colname)), 
        #                     collapse = ":")) %>% 
        # ungroup %>% 
        filter(rowname != colname,
               !duplicated(pair)) %>%
        arrange(value) %>% 
        mutate(annotated = pair %in% 
                   PPiAnnotation(tpcaObj)$pair) %>% 
        mutate(TPR = cumsum(as.numeric(annotated)) / 
               FPR = cumsum(as.numeric(annotated == FALSE)) / 
                   (n() - cumsum(as.numeric(value != 0)) +  
                        cumsum(as.numeric(annotated == FALSE))))
    tpcaObj <- SetPPiRocTable(
        tpcaObj, distDf %>% 
            dplyr::select(TPR, FPR, eucl_dist = value))
    tpcaObj <- SetPPiRocTableAnno(
        tpcaObj, distDf %>% 
            dplyr::select(pair, annotated))

#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
.createComplexRocTable <- function(tpcaObj, 
                                   nPermuts = 5){
    perm_tpca_tab_list <- .getMeanDistVals4RandComplexes(
        tpcaObj, nPermuts = nPermuts)
    tpcaObj <- SetComplexRocTable(
        tpcaObj, .computeComplexRocTable(
            tpcaObj = tpcaObj,
            tpca_tab = tpcaResultTable(tpcaObj), 
            perm_tpca_tab_list = perm_tpca_tab_list)

#' @import dplyr
.permuteComplexAnno <- function(complexAnno){
    protein <- NULL
    permComplexAnno <- complexAnno %>% 
        mutate(protein = sample(protein)) %>% 
        group_by(id) %>% 
        filter(!duplicated(protein)) %>% 

.getMeanDistVals4RandComplexes <- function(tpcaObj, nPermuts = 5){
    perm_tpca_tab_list <- lapply(seq_len(nPermuts), function(np){
        perm_complex_anno <- 
        perm_tpca_tab <- .getMeanDistVals4Complexes(
            complexAnno = perm_complex_anno,
            distMat = DistMat(tpcaObj)

.computeComplexRocTable <- function(tpcaObj, tpca_tab, perm_tpca_tab_list){
    p_value <- mean_dist <- category <- tp_count <- 
        fp_count <- TPR <- FPR <- NULL
    complex_roc_df <- bind_rows(lapply(
        seq_len(length(perm_tpca_tab_list)), function(i){
            perm_tpca_tab_i <-  .computeDistPValue(
                tpcaDf = perm_tpca_tab_list[[i]],
                backgList = ComplexBackgroundDistributionList(tpcaObj),
                p_adj_method = "BH"
            roc_df <- bind_rows(
                tpca_tab %>% 
                    mutate(category = "TP"),
                perm_tpca_tab_i %>% 
                    mutate(category = "FP")) %>% 
                arrange(p_value, mean_dist) %>% 
                mutate(rank = seq_len(n()),
                       tp_count = cumsum(as.numeric(category == "TP")),
                       fp_count = cumsum(as.numeric(category == "FP"))) %>% 
                mutate(TPR = tp_count / nrow(tpca_tab),
                       FPR = (fp_count/nrow(perm_tpca_tab_i))) 
        })) %>% 
        group_by(rank) %>% 
        summarize(TPR = mean(TPR, na.rm = TRUE),
                  FPR = mean(FPR, na.rm = TRUE))

#' Plot Complex ROC curve
#' Plots a ROC curve representing how well a given
#' TPP dataset recovers annotated proteins complexes.
#' The ROC curve is generated based on the supplied protein 
#' complex annotation specificity is assessed by comparing
#' the given complex annotation to random permutations of 
#' that table, i.e. proteins randomly grouped together.
#' @param tpcaObj tpcaResult object
#' @param computeAUC logical parameter indicating
#' whether area under the ROC should be computed
#' and indicated in the lower right corner of the 
#' plot
#' @return ggplot object of a receiver operating
#' curve (ROC)
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom pROC auc
#' @examples 
#' rocTab = data.frame(
#'     TPR = c(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1),
#'     FPR = c(0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1)
#' )
#' tpcaTest <- new(
#'     "tpcaResult",
#'     ComplexRocTable = rocTab)
#' plotComplexRoc(tpcaTest)
plotComplexRoc <- function(tpcaObj, computeAUC = FALSE){
    FPR <- TPR <- x <- y <- label <- NULL
    rocTab <- ComplexRocTable(tpcaObj)
        aucText <- paste0("AUC = ", as.character(
            round(.simpleAuc(rocTab$FPR, rocTab$TPR), 3)))
    p <- ggplot(rocTab, 
                aes(FPR, TPR)) + 
        geom_path() +
        geom_line(aes(x, y),
                  color = "gray",
                  data = tibble(x = 0:1, y = 0:1),
                  linetype = "dashed") +
        p <- p + geom_text(aes(x, y, label = label), 
                           data = tibble(x = 0.75, y = 0.1,
                                         label = aucText))

#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom utils tail
.simpleAuc <- function(x, y){
    sum(diff(x) * (head(y,-1)+tail(y,-1)))/2

#' @importFrom Biobase ExpressionSet
#' @importFrom Biobase exprs
.getCommonRownames <- function(objList, rownameCol = NULL){
    if(class(objList[[1]])[1] == "ExpressionSet"){
        return(Reduce(intersect, lapply(objList, function(x) 
    }else if(class(objList[[1]])[1] %in% c("matrix", "data.frame")){
        return(Reduce(intersect, lapply(objList, function(x) 
    }else if((class(objList[[1]])[1] %in% c("tbl_df")) & 
        return(Reduce(intersect, lapply(objList, function(x) 
        stop(paste("getCommonRownames: Supplied object is neither", 
                   "ExpressionSet nor matrix or data.frame!\n"))

#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr one_of
#' @importFrom Biobase ExpressionSet
#' @importFrom Biobase exprs
.getMatList <- function(objList, commonRownames, rownameCol = NULL){
    if(class(objList[[1]])[1] == "ExpressionSet"){
        return(lapply(objList, function(x){
            e_mat <- exprs(x)
            e_mat[rownames(e_mat) %in% commonRownames,]
    }else if(class(objList[[1]])[1] %in% c("matrix", "data.frame")){
        return(lapply(objList, function(x){
            as.matrix(x[rownames(x) %in% commonRownames,])
    }else if((class(objList[[1]])[1] %in% c("tbl_df")) & 
        return(lapply(objList, function(x){
            x_fil <- filter(x, eval(parse(text = rownameCol)) %in% 
            x_mat <- as.matrix(dplyr::select(x_fil, 
            rownames(x_mat) <- x_fil[[rownameCol]]
        stop(paste("getMatList: Supplied object is neither", 
                   "ExpressionSet nor matrix or data.frame!\n"))

.checkMatDims <- function(matList){
    dim_list <- lapply(matList, dim)
    if(!all(vapply(dim_list, identical, dim_list[[1]], 
                   FUN.VALUE = TRUE))){
        stop("checkMatDims: unequal matrix dimensions!")

#' @importFrom stats median
.getSummarizedMat <- function(matList, sumMethod = "median"){
    if(sumMethod == "median"){
        arr <- array(unlist(matList), 
                     c(dim(matList[[1]]), length(matList)))
        sumMat <- apply(arr, seq_len(2), median)
        rownames(sumMat) <- rownames(matList[[1]])
        colnames(sumMat) <- colnames(matList[[1]])

.filterDistMat <- function(dist_mat, ppi_anno){
    mat_nrow <- length(which(rownames(dist_mat) %in% ppi_anno$x))
    dist_row_names_in_ppi_anno <- rownames(dist_mat) %in% ppi_anno$x
    dist_col_names_in_ppi_anno <- colnames(dist_mat) %in% ppi_anno$y
    filt_mat <- dist_mat[dist_row_names_in_ppi_anno,
    filt_matrix <- matrix(filt_mat, nrow = mat_nrow)
    rownames(filt_matrix) <- rownames(dist_mat)[
    colnames(filt_matrix) <- colnames(dist_mat)[

#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
.distMat2AnnotatedPPiDf <- function(dist_mat, ppi_anno){
    key <- value <- rowname <- pair <- NULL
    dist_mat %>% 
        as_tibble() %>% 
        mutate(rowname = rownames(dist_mat)) %>% 
        gather(key, value, -rowname) %>% 
        # rowwise %>% 
        # mutate(pair = paste(sort(c(rowname, key)), 
        #                     collapse = ":")) %>% 
        # ungroup %>% 
        mutate(pair = ifelse(rowname < key, 
                             paste(rowname, key, sep = ":"), 
                             paste(key, rowname, sep = ":"))) %>% 
        filter(rowname != key, !duplicated(pair), 
               pair %in% ppi_anno$pair)

#' @import dplyr
.combineCondDistMatsFstat <- function(dist_df_c1, 
    pair <- value <- valueC1 <- valueC2 <- rssC1 <- 
        rssC2 <- rssC1_rssC2 <- min_rssC1_rssC2 <- 
    combo_df <- left_join(
        dist_df_c1 %>% 
            dplyr::select(pair, valueC1 = value), 
        dist_df_c2 %>% 
            dplyr::select(pair, valueC2 = value), 
        by = "pair") %>% 
        mutate(rssC1 = valueC1^2,
               rssC2 = valueC2^2) %>% 
        mutate(rssC1_rssC2 = rssC1 - rssC2) %>% 
        mutate(min_rssC1_rssC2 = 
                   ifelse(rssC1 < rssC2, rssC1, rssC2)) %>% 
        # rowwise() %>% 
        # mutate(min_rssC1_rssC2 = min(c(rssC1, rssC2))) %>% 
        # ungroup %>% 
        mutate(f_stat = abs(rssC1_rssC2)/min_rssC1_rssC2)

.getRandomProteinPairs <- function(common_rownames, n = 10000,
                                   ppi_anno = NULL){
    x <- y <- NULL
    random_prots <- 
            x = sample(common_rownames, n + 100, replace = TRUE),
            y = sample(common_rownames, n + 100, replace = TRUE)
        ) %>% 
            filter(x!=y), n = n) %>% 
        mutate(pair = ifelse(
            x < y, paste(x, y, sep = ":"), paste(y, x, sep = ":")))
        # rowwise() %>% 
        # mutate(pair = paste(sort(c(x, y)), collapse = ":")) %>% 
        # ungroup 
        random_prots <- 
            filter(random_prots, !pair %in% ppi_anno$pair)

.compareConditions <- function(tpcaObj, prot_pairs){
    distMatC1 <- .filterDistMat(
    distMatDfC1 <- .distMat2AnnotatedPPiDf(
        dist_mat = distMatC1,
        ppi_anno = prot_pairs
    distMatC2 <- .filterDistMat(
    distMatDfC2 <- .distMat2AnnotatedPPiDf(
        dist_mat = distMatC2,
        ppi_anno = prot_pairs
    comboDf <- .combineCondDistMatsFstat(

.compareConditionsRandom <- function(tpcaObj, n = 10000, 
                                     ppi_anno = NULL){
    commonRownames <- .getCommonRownames(
        c(ObjList(tpcaObj), ContrastList(tpcaObj))
    random_prot_pairs <- .getRandomProteinPairs(
        common_rownames = commonRownames,
        n = n
    comboRandDf <- .compareConditions(
        prot_pairs = random_prot_pairs)

#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom fdrtool fdrtool
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
.computeEmpiricalPValue <- function(
    combo_df, combo_rand_df, p_adj_method = "BH"){
    f_stat <- NULL
    empirical_p_df <- combo_df %>% 
        na.omit() %>% 
        rowwise() %>% 
        mutate(p_value = length(which(combo_rand_df$f_stat >= f_stat))/
                   nrow(combo_rand_df)) %>% 
        ungroup %>% 
        within(p_value[p_value == 0] <- .Machine$double.eps)
    if(p_adj_method %in% c("BH", "bonferroni")){
        empirical_p_df <- empirical_p_df %>% 
            mutate(p_adj = p.adjust(p_value, method = p_adj_method))
    }else if(p_adj_method %in% "fdrtool"){
        empirical_p_df <- empirical_p_df %>% 
            mutate(l_fdr = fdrtool(empirical_p_df$p_value, 
                                   statistic = "pvalue")$lfdr)

#' Run differential TPCA analysis
#' @param objList input list of objects, e.g.
#' ExpressionSets retrieved after TPP data import
#' or matrices or data frames
#' @param contrastList input list of objects for
#' comparison at e.g. different treatment condtion,
#' same file formats work as for objList
#' @param ctrlCondName character string indicating the name
#' of the control condition, default is "control"
#' @param contrastCondName character string indicating the name
#' of the contrast condition, default is "treatment"
#' @param ppiAnno data frame annotation known
#' protein-protein interactions (PPI) to test 
#' @param complexAnno data frame annotating
#' known protein complexes of interest to test 
#' @param rownameCol in case the input objects are tibbles
#' this parameter takes in the name (character) of the column 
#' specifying protein names or ids
#' @param summaryMethodStr character string indicating a method 
#' to use to summarize measurements across replicates, 
#' default is "median", other options are c("mean", "rbind")
#' @param distMethodStr method to use within dist function,
#' default is 'euclidean'
#' @param n number of random protein pair draws to obtain
#' empirical p-value, default is 10000
#' @param p_adj_method method to be used for multiple
#' testing adjusment, default is "BH"
#' @return an object of class tpcaResult
#' with the following slots:
#' 1) ObjList: containing the supplied list of
#' objects
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(Biobase)
#' m1 <- matrix(1:28, ncol = 4)
#' m2 <- matrix(2:25, ncol = 4)
#' m3 <- matrix(c(2:10, 1:19), ncol = 4)
#' rownames(m1) <- 1:7
#' rownames(m2) <- 3:8
#' rownames(m3) <- 2:8
#' mat_list <- list(
#'     m1, m2, m3
#' )
#' c1 <- matrix(29:2, ncol = 4)
#' c2 <- matrix(26:3, ncol = 4)
#' c3 <- matrix(c(11:3, 20:2), ncol = 4)
#' rownames(c1) <- 1:7
#' rownames(c2) <- 3:8
#' rownames(c3) <- 2:8
#' contrast_list <- list(
#'     c1, c2, c3
#' )
#' ppi_anno <- tibble(
#'     x = c("3", "3"),
#'     y = c("5", "7"),
#'     pair = c("3:5", "3:7"))
#' ref_df <- tibble(
#'     pair = c("3:5", "3:7"),
#'     valueC2 = c(4, 8)
#' )
#' diff_tpca <- Rtpca:::runDiffTPCA(
#'   mat_list, contrast_list, ppiAnno = ppi_anno)
runDiffTPCA <- function(objList, 
                        ctrlCondName = "control",
                        contrastCondName = "treatment",
                        ppiAnno = NULL,
                        complexAnno = NULL,
                        rownameCol = NULL,
                        summaryMethodStr = "median",
                        distMethodStr = "euclidean",
                        n = 10000,
                        p_adj_method = "BH"){
    message("Checking input arguments. \n")
    tpcaObj <- .checkAnnoArguments(
        objList = objList,
        contrastList = contrastList,
        ctrlCondName = ctrlCondName,
        contrastCondName = contrastCondName,
        complexAnno = complexAnno,
        ppiAnno = ppiAnno
    message("Creating distance matrices. \n")
    tpcaObj <- .createDistMatTpcaObj(
        tpcaObj = tpcaObj, 
        rownameCol = rownameCol, 
        summaryMethodStr = summaryMethodStr,
        distMethodStr = distMethodStr
        message("Comparing annotated protein-pairs across conditions. \n")
        combo_df <- .compareConditions(
            tpcaObj = tpcaObj, 
            prot_pairs = ppiAnno
        message("Comparing random protein-pairs across conditions. \n")
        combo_rand_df <- .compareConditionsRandom(
            tpcaObj = tpcaObj, 
            n = n,
            ppi_anno = ppiAnno
    }else if(!is.null(complexAnno)){
    message("Generating result table. \n")
    tpcaObj <- SetDiffTpcaResultTable(
        tpcaObj, .computeEmpiricalPValue(
            p_adj_method = p_adj_method))

#' Plot differential TPCA analysis results
#' @param tpcaObj a tpcaObj after having performed
#' a differential analysis, see \code{runDiffTPCA}
#' @param setXLim logical determining whether
#' x-axis limits should be set according to xlimit
#' @param xlimit numeric vector with two elements
#' determing the x-axis limits, only is implemented
#' if setXLim is set to TRUE
#' @param alpha significance level / FDR at which 
#' null hypothesis should be rejected
#' @return ggplot displaying a volcano plot
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(Biobase)
#' m1 <- matrix(1:28, ncol = 4)
#' m2 <- matrix(2:25, ncol = 4)
#' m3 <- matrix(c(2:10, 1:19), ncol = 4)
#' rownames(m1) <- 1:7
#' rownames(m2) <- 3:8
#' rownames(m3) <- 2:8
#' mat_list <- list(
#'     m1, m2, m3
#' )
#' c1 <- matrix(29:2, ncol = 4)
#' c2 <- matrix(26:3, ncol = 4)
#' c3 <- matrix(c(11:3, 20:2), ncol = 4)
#' rownames(c1) <- 1:7
#' rownames(c2) <- 3:8
#' rownames(c3) <- 2:8
#' contrast_list <- list(
#'     c1, c2, c3
#' )
#' ppi_anno <- tibble(
#'     x = c("3", "3"),
#'     y = c("5", "7"),
#'     pair = c("3:5", "3:7"))
#' ref_df <- tibble(
#'     pair = c("3:5", "3:7"),
#'     valueC2 = c(4, 8)
#' )
#' diff_tpca <- runDiffTPCA(
#'   mat_list, contrast_list, ppiAnno = ppi_anno)
#' plotDiffTpcaVolcano(diff_tpca)
plotDiffTpcaVolcano <- function(tpcaObj, 
                                alpha = 0.1,
                                setXLim  = FALSE, 
                                xlimit = c(-0.75, 0.75)){
    valueC1 <- valueC2 <- p_value <- p_adj <- NULL
    plot_df <- diffTpcaResultTable(tpcaObj)
    controlCond <- CtrlCondName(tpcaObj)
    constrastCond <- ContrastCondName(tpcaObj)
    p <- ggplot(plot_df, aes(x = sqrt(valueC1) - sqrt(valueC2), 
                             -log10(p_value))) + 
        geom_point(color = "gray", alpha = 0.75) + 
        geom_point(data = filter(plot_df, p_adj < alpha)) + 
        theme_bw() +
        labs(x = bquote(sqrt(italic(d)[.(controlCond)])~ ' - ' 
             y = expression('-log'[10]*'('*italic(p)*' value)'))
        p <- p + coord_cartesian(xlim = xlimit)

#' Plot thermal profile of protein pairs
#' @param tpcaObj a tpcaObj after having performed
#' a differential analysis, see \code{runDiffTPCA}
#' @param pair character vector of one or more
#' protein names
#' @param splinesDf numeric, degree of freedom of 
#' the spline fit to the melting curves
#' @return ggplot displaying the thermal profile 
#' of a protein pair across conditions
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom splines ns
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' library(Biobase)
#' set.seed(12)
#' m1 <- matrix(rnorm(50), ncol = 10)
#' m2 <- matrix(rnorm(50), ncol = 10)
#' rownames(m1) <- letters[1:5]
#' rownames(m2) <- letters[1:5]
#' colnames(m1) <- paste("fc", 1:10, sep = "_")
#' colnames(m2) <- paste("fc", 1:10, sep = "_")
#' pheno <- data.frame(
#'     temperature = seq(37, 67, length.out = 10))
#' rownames(pheno) <- paste("fc", 1:10, sep = "_")
#' eset1 <- ExpressionSet(
#'     assayData = m1,
#'     phenoData = AnnotatedDataFrame(pheno)
#' )
#' eset2 <- ExpressionSet(
#'     assayData = m2,
#'     phenoData = AnnotatedDataFrame(pheno)
#' )
#' tpcaObj <- new("tpcaResult",
#'                ObjList = list(eset1),
#'ContrastList = list(eset2),
#'                 CtrlCondName = "control",
#'                 ContrastCondName = "treatment")
#' plotPPiProfiles(tpcaObj, pair = c("b", "d"))
plotPPiProfiles <- function(tpcaObj, pair, splinesDf = 4){
    temperature <- rel_value <- gene_name <- mean_dist <- 
        p_value <- p_adj <- NULL
    plot_df <- .getDf4PlotProfiles(tpcaObj, pair)
    ggplot(plot_df, aes(temperature, rel_value)) +
        geom_point(aes(color = gene_name)) +
        geom_smooth(method = "lm", 
                    aes(group = gene_name, color = gene_name),
                    formula = y ~ splines::ns(x, df = splinesDf),
                    se = FALSE, size = 0.5) +
        facet_wrap(~condition) +
        scale_color_brewer("protein", palette = "Set1") +
        labs(y = "fraction non-denatured") +

.getDf4PlotProfiles <- function(tpcaObj, pair){
    tpcaObjList <- ObjList(tpcaObj)
    if(class(tpcaObjList[[1]])[1] == "ExpressionSet"){
        full_cond_df <- bind_rows(lapply(tpcaObjList, function(eset){
            sub_mat <- exprs(eset)[rownames(eset) %in% pair,]
            sub_cond1_df <- .gatherSubMat(
                sub_mat = sub_mat,
                temperature_anno = eset$temperature
        })) %>% mutate(condition = CtrlCondName(tpcaObj))
        if(length(ContrastList(tpcaObj)) != 0){
            if(class(ContrastList(tpcaObj)[[1]])[1] == "ExpressionSet"){
                cond2_df <- bind_rows(lapply(
                    ContrastList(tpcaObj), function(eset){
                        sub_mat <- exprs(eset)[rownames(eset) %in% pair,]
                        sub_cond2_df <- .gatherSubMat(
                            sub_mat = sub_mat,
                            temperature_anno = eset$temperature
                    })) %>% mutate(condition = ContrastCondName(tpcaObj))
                full_cond_df <- bind_rows(
                    full_cond_df, cond2_df
                stop("ObjList is of class 'ExpressionSet', 
                     while ContrastList ist not!\n")
    else if(class(tpcaObjList[[1]])[1] %in% c("matrix", "data.frame")){
        full_cond_df <- bind_rows(lapply(tpcaObjList, function(mat){
            sub_mat <- mat[rownames(mat) %in% pair,]
            sub_cond1_df <- .gatherSubMat(
                sub_mat = sub_mat,
                temperature_anno = attributes(mat)$temperature
        })) %>% mutate(condition = CtrlCondName(tpcaObj))
        if(length(ContrastList(tpcaObj)) != 0){
            if(class(ContrastList(tpcaObj)[[1]])[1] %in% 
               c("matrix", "data.frame")){
                cond2_df <- bind_rows(lapply(
                    ContrastList(tpcaObj), function(mat){
                        sub_mat <- mat[rownames(mat) %in% pair,]
                        sub_cond2_df <- .gatherSubMat(
                            sub_mat = sub_mat,
                            temperature_anno = attributes(mat)$temperature
                    })) %>% mutate(condition = ContrastCondName(tpcaObj))
                full_cond_df <- bind_rows(
                    full_cond_df, cond2_df
                stop("ObjList is of class 'matrix' or 'data.frame', 
                     while ContrastList ist not!\n")
    # }else if((class(tpcaObjList[[1]])[1] %in% c("tbl_df")) &
    #          !is.null(rownameCol)){
    # }
    # cond1_df <- tpcaObjList

.gatherSubMat <- function(sub_mat, temperature_anno = NULL){
    temperature <- rel_value <- gene_name <- NULL
        colnames(sub_mat) <- as.character(temperature_anno)
    cond_df <- sub_mat %>%
        as_tibble() %>%
        mutate(gene_name = rownames(sub_mat)) %>%
        gather(temperature, rel_value, -gene_name) %>% 
        mutate(temperature = as.numeric(temperature))
nkurzaw/Rtpca documentation built on May 12, 2023, 2:10 p.m.