#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemOutputLst <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
.info <- rxode2::rxGetControl(.ui, ".lstInfo", NULL)
if (!is.null(.info)) return(.info)
.f <- .ui$file
.exportPath <- rxUiGet.nonmemExportPath(x, ...)
if (!is.null(.f)) {
.info <- nonmem2rx::nminfo(.f)
} else {
.lst <- rxUiGet.nonmemLst(x, ...)
if (!file.exists(file.path(.exportPath, .lst))) return(NULL)
.info <- withr::with_dir(.exportPath, {
rxode2::rxAssignControlValue(.ui, ".lstInfo", .info)
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemOutputVersion <- function(x, ...) {
.info <- rxUiGet.nonmemOutputLst(x, ...)
if (is.null(.info)) return(NULL)
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemOutputExt <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
.info <- rxode2::rxGetControl(.ui, ".ext", NULL)
if (!is.null(.info)) return(.info)
.exportPath <- rxUiGet.nonmemExportPath(x, ...)
.ext <- rxUiGet.nonmemExt(x, ...)
if (!file.exists(file.path(.exportPath, .ext))) return(NULL)
.ext <- withr::with_dir(.exportPath,
rxode2::rxAssignControlValue(.ui, ".ext", .ext)
.getThetaNames <- function(ui) {
if (exists("file", envir=ui)) {
# here we are unsure of the theta name order since it could have
# been rearranged
.ext <- ui$nonmemOutputLst
.theta <- .ext$theta
.iniTheta <- ui$iniDf
.iniTheta <- .iniTheta[!is.na(.iniTheta$ntheta), ]
vapply(.theta, function(x) {
.w <- which(abs(.iniTheta$est-x) < 1e-6)
if (length(.w) == 1L) return(.iniTheta$name[.w])
stop("there is a mismatch between estimates for nonmem2rx conversion",
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
} else {
# here we control the theta name order
.iniDf <- ui$iniDf
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemFullTheta <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
.ext <- rxUiGet.nonmemOutputLst(x, ...)
if (is.null(.ext$theta)) {
stop('cannot locate NONMEM output', call.=FALSE)
.ret <- setNames(.ext$theta, .getThetaNames(.ui))
if (exists("file", envir=.ui)) {
.iniDf <- .ui$iniDf
# use same ordering of ui
.ret <- .ret[.iniDf$name[!is.na(.iniDf$ntheta)]]
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemThetaDf <- function(x, ...) {
.fullTheta <- rxUiGet.nonmemFullTheta(x, ...)
.ui <- x[[1]]
.iniDf <- .ui$iniDf
.n <- names(.fullTheta)
.fullTheta <- setNames(.fullTheta, NULL)
.theta <- .iniDf[!is.na(.iniDf$ntheta), ]
data.frame(lower=.theta$lower, theta=.fullTheta,
fixed=.theta$fix, upper=.theta$upper,
.getEtaNames <- function(ui) {
if (exists("file", ui)) {
# here we are unsure of the eta name order since it could have
# been rearranged
.ext <- ui$nonmemOutputLst
.omega <- .ext$omega
.iniEta <- ui$iniDf
.iniEta <- .iniEta[which(.iniEta$neta1 == .iniEta$neta2), ]
vapply(seq_along(diag(.omega)), function(x) {
.w <- which(abs(.iniEta$est- .omega[x, x]) < 1e-6)
if (length(.w) == 1L) return(.iniEta$name[.w])
stop("there is a mismatch between eta estimates for nonmem2rx conversion",
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
} else {
.iniDf <- ui$iniDf
.iniDf <- .iniDf[is.na(.iniDf$ntheta), ]
.iniDf <- .iniDf[.iniDf$neta1 == .iniDf$neta2, ]
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemOutputOmega <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
.n <- .getEtaNames(.ui)
.ext <- rxUiGet.nonmemOutputLst(x, ...)
.omega <- .ext$omega
dimnames(.omega) <- list(.n, .n)
if (exists("file", envir=.ui)) {
# here we are unsure of the eta name order since it could have
# been rearranged;
# match ui
.iniDf <- .ui$iniDf
.iniDf <- .iniDf[is.na(.iniDf$ntheta), ]
.iniDf <- .iniDf[.iniDf$neta1 == .iniDf$neta2, ]
.omega <- .omega[.iniDf$name,.iniDf$name]
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemIniDf <- function(x, ...) {
.omega <- rxUiGet.nonmemOutputOmega(x, ...)
.theta <- rxUiGet.nonmemFullTheta(x, ...)
.ui <- x[[1]]
.bblIniDf(.theta, .omega, .ui)
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemEtaObf <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
if (exists("etaData", envir=.ui)) {
.dat <- .ui$etaData
.iniDf <- .ui$iniDf
.iniDf <- .iniDf[is.na(.iniDf$ntheta), ]
.iniDf <- .iniDf[.iniDf$neta1 == .iniDf$neta2, ]
.dat <- .dat[,c("ID",.iniDf$name)]
.dat$OBJI <- NA # not captured, could look...
.dat$ID <- as.integer(.dat$ID)
} else {
.exportPath <- rxUiGet.nonmemExportPath(x, ...)
.etaTable <- rxUiGet.nonmemEtaTableName(x, ...)
if (!file.exists(file.path(.exportPath, .etaTable))) return(NULL)
.ret <- withr::with_dir(.exportPath,
.ret <- .ret[.ret$NMREP ==1, names(.ret) != "NMREP"]
.n <- c("ID", .getEtaNames(.ui), "OBJI")
names(.ret) <- .n
.ret$ID <- as.integer(.ret$ID)
.getNonmemOrderNames <- function(ui) {
.t <- .getThetaNames(ui)
.s <- "_sigma"
.e0 <- .getEtaNames(ui)
.ef <- NULL
.iniDf <- ui$iniDf
for (.i in seq_along(.e0)) {
for (.j in seq(1, .i)) {
if (.i == .j) {
.ef <- c(.ef, .e0[.i])
} else {
.v <- paste0("(", .e0[.j], ",", .e0[.i], ")")
if (!(.v %in% .iniDf$name)) .v <- paste0("(", .e0[.i], ",", .e0[.j], ")")
.ef <- c(.ef, .v)
c(.t, .s, .ef)
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemCovariance <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
if (exists("thetaMat", envir=.ui)) {
.iniDf <- .ui$iniDf
.n <- .iniDf$name[!is.na(.iniDf$ntheta)]
.ui$thetaMat[.n, .n]
} else {
.exportPath <- rxUiGet.nonmemExportPath(x, ...)
.covFile <- rxUiGet.nonmemCovFile(x, ...)
if (!file.exists(file.path(.exportPath, .covFile))) return(NULL)
.ret <- as.matrix(withr::with_dir(.exportPath,
.d <- .getNonmemOrderNames(.ui)
dimnames(.ret) <- list(.d, .d)
.t <- .getThetaNames(.ui)
.ret[.t, .t]
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemObjf <- function(x, ...) {
.ret <- rxUiGet.nonmemOutputLst(x, ...)
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemParHistory <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
.exportPath <- rxUiGet.nonmemExportPath(x, ...)
.ext <- rxUiGet.nonmemExt(x, ...)
.ret <- withr::with_dir(.exportPath,
.ret <- .ret[.ret$NMREP ==1, names(.ret) != "NMREP"]
.d <- c("iter", .getNonmemOrderNames(.ui), "objf")
names(.ret) <- .d
.ret <- .ret[.ret$iter > 0, names(.ret) != "_sigma"]
.n <- c("iter", .ui$iniDf$name, "objf")
.ret <- .ret[, .n]
.ret$type <- "Unscaled"
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemObjfType <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
if (exists("nonmemData", .ui)) {
.est <- rxode2::rxGetControl(.ui, "est", "focei")
if (.est %in% c("focei", "posthoc")) {
return("nonmem focei")
} else if (.est %in% "imp") {
return("nonmem imp")
} else if (.est %in% "its") {
return("nonmem its")
} else {
stop("unknown objective type", call.=FALSE)
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemRunTime <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
.info <- rxUiGet.nonmemOutputLst(x, ...)
if (is.null(.info)) return(NULL)
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemPreds <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
if (exists("nonmemData", envir=.ui)) {
.ipredData <- .ui$ipredData
.w <- which(tolower(names(.ipredData)) == "id")
if (length(.w) != 1L) return(NULL)
names(.ipredData)[.w] <- "ID"
.w <- which(tolower(names(.ipredData)) == "time")
if (length(.w) != 1L) return(NULL)
names(.ipredData)[.w] <- "TIME"
.w <- which(tolower(names(.ipredData)) == "ipred")
if (length(.w) != 1L) return(NULL)
names(.ipredData)[.w] <- "IPRED"
#[,c("ID", "TIME", "IPRED")]
.ipredData <- .ipredData[,c("ID", "TIME", "IPRED")]
.predData <- .ui$predData[,"PRED", drop=FALSE]
.w <- which(tolower(names(.predData)) == "pred")
if (length(.w) != 1L) return(NULL)
names(.predData)[.w] <- "PRED"
.predData <- .predData[,"PRED", drop=FALSE]
if (length(.predData$PRED) == length(.ipredData$ID)) {
.ret <- cbind(.ipredData, .predData)
.ret$RXROW <- seq_along(.ipredData$ID)
names(.ret) <- c("ID", "TIME", "nonmemIPRED", "nonmemPRED", "RXROW")
} else {
.exportPath <- rxUiGet.nonmemExportPath(x, ...)
.sdTable <- rxUiGet.nonmemSdTableName(x, ...)
if (!file.exists(file.path(.exportPath, .sdTable))) return(NULL)
.ret <- withr::with_dir(.exportPath,
.ret <- .ret[.ret$NMREP ==1, names(.ret) != "NMREP"]
c("ID", "TIME", "nonmemIPRED", "nonmemPRED", "RXROW"))
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemTransMessage <- function(x, ...) {
.lst <- rxUiGet.nonmemOutputLst(x, ...)
if (is.null(.lst)) return(NULL)
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemTermMessage <- function(x, ...) {
.lst <- rxUiGet.nonmemOutputLst(x, ...)
if (is.null(.lst)) return(NULL)
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemSuccessful <- function(x, ...) {
.term <- rxUiGet.nonmemTermMessage(x, ...)
(regexpr("0MINIMIZATION SUCCESSFUL", .term) != -1)
#' @export
rxUiGet.nonmemRoundingErrors <- function(x, ...) {
.term <- rxUiGet.nonmemTermMessage(x, ...)
(regexpr("DUE TO ROUNDING ERRORS", .term) != -1)
.nonmemMergePredsAndCalcRelativeErr <- function(fit) {
.np <- fit$ui$nonmemPreds
if (is.null(.np)) {
warning("without predictions output, absolute/relative difference between nlmixr2 and NONMEM predictions cannot be calculated",
.tmp <- as.data.frame(fit)
.tmp$ID <-as.integer(.tmp$ID)
.tmp$RXROW <- fit$env$.rownum
.by <- c("ID", "TIME", "RXROW")
.ret <- merge(.np, .tmp, by=.by)
- if (!is.numeric(fit$nonmemControl$ci)) {
.ci0 <- 0.95
} else {
.ci0 <- fit$nonmemControl$ci
.ci <- (1 - .ci0) / 2
.q <- c(0, .ci, 0.5, 1 - .ci, 1)
.qi <- stats::quantile(with(.ret, 100*abs((IPRED-nonmemIPRED)/nonmemIPRED)), .q, na.rm=TRUE)
.qp <- stats::quantile(with(.ret, 100*abs((PRED-nonmemPRED)/nonmemPRED)), .q, na.rm=TRUE)
.qai <- stats::quantile(with(.ret, abs(IPRED-nonmemIPRED)), .q, na.rm=TRUE)
.qap <- stats::quantile(with(.ret, abs((PRED-nonmemPRED)/nonmemPRED)), .q, na.rm=TRUE)
.sigdig <- 3
.msg <- c(paste0("IPRED relative difference compared to Nonmem IPRED: ", round(.qi[3], 2),
"%; ", .ci0 * 100,"% percentile: (",
round(.qi[2], 2), "%,", round(.qi[4], 2), "%); rtol=", signif(.qi[3] / 100,
paste0("PRED relative difference compared to Nonmem PRED: ", round(.qp[3], 2),
"%; ", .ci0 * 100,"% percentile: (",
round(.qp[2], 2), "%,", round(.qp[4], 2), "%); rtol=", signif(.qp[3] / 100,
paste0("IPRED absolute difference compared to Nonmem IPRED: ", .ci0 * 100,"% percentile: (",
signif(.qai[2], .sigdig), ", ", signif(.qai[4], .sigdig), "); atol=",
signif(.qai[3], .sigdig)),
paste0("PRED absolute difference compared to Nonmem PRED: ", .ci0 * 100,"% percentile: (",
signif(.qap[2], .sigdig), ",", signif(.qp[4], .sigdig), "); atol=",
signif(.qap[3], .sigdig)))
list(individualRel=.qi , popRel=.qp,
individualAbs=.qai, popAbs=.qap,
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