.monolixWaitForFile <- function(file, maxWait=10) {
i <- 1
while (i <= maxWait) {
if (file.exists(file)) {
i <- i + 1
stop("the file '", file, "' does not exist even though monolix export path is present",
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixOutputVersion <- function(x, ...) {
.exportPath <- rxUiGet.monolixExportPath(x, ...)
if (!file.exists(.exportPath)) return(NULL)
.summary <- file.path(.exportPath, "summary.txt")
.lines <- readLines(.summary, n=5)
.w <- which(regexpr(".*[vV]ersion *: *[^ ]*.*", .lines) != -1)
if (length(.w) == 1) {
.line <- .lines[.w]
# 2019 is 5.1.1
return(sub(".*[vV]ersion *: *([^ ]*).*", "\\1", .line))
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixHasChartData <- function(x, ...) {
.chart <- rxUiGet.monolixCvParam(x, ...)
if (file.exists(.chart)) return(TRUE)
.mlxtran <- rxUiGet.monolixMlxtranFile(x, ...)
if (!file.exists(.mlxtran)) return(FALSE)
if (!.hasLixoftConnectors()) {
.minfo("trying to create the chart data with lixoftConnectors::computeChartsData()")
.x <- try(lixoftConnectors::loadProject(.mlxtran), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(.x, "try-error")) return(FALSE)
.x <- try(lixoftConnectors::computeChartsData(), silent=TRUE)
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixParHistoryRaw <- function(x, ...) {
if (rxUiGet.monolixHasChartData(x, ...)) {
return(read.csv(rxUiGet.monolixCvParam(x, ...)))
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixParHistory <- function(x, ...) {
.raw <- rxUiGet.monolixParHistoryRaw(x, ...)
if (!is.null(.raw)) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
.iniDf <- .ui$iniDf
.split <- .ui$getSplitMuModel
.muRef <- c(.split$pureMuRef, .split$taintMuRef)
.muRefCurEval <- .ui$muRefCurEval
.eta <- .iniDf[is.na(.iniDf$ntheta), ]
.theta <- .iniDf[!is.na(.iniDf$ntheta), ]
.r <- .getOmegaR(.ui)
.n <- names(.raw)
.en <- dimnames(.r)[[1]]
.covDataFrame <- .ui$saemMuRefCovariateDataFrame
for (.i in seq_along(.eta$name)) {
.n1 <- .eta$neta1[.i]
.n2 <- .eta$neta2[.i]
if (.n1 == .n2) {
.par <- paste0("omega_", .mlxtranGetIndividualMuRefEtaMonolixName(.ui, .n1, .muRef))
.n <- sub(.par, paste0("O(", .en[.n1], ")"), .n, fixed=TRUE)
} else {
.par <- paste0("corr_", .mlxtranGetIndividualMuRefEtaMonolixName(.ui, .n1, .muRef),"_",
.mlxtranGetIndividualMuRefEtaMonolixName(.ui, .n2, .muRef))
.n <- sub(.par, paste0("C(", .en[.n1], ",", .en[.n2], ")"), .n, fixed=TRUE)
for (.name in .theta$name) {
.w <- which(.covDataFrame$covariateParameter == .name)
if (length(.w) == 1) {
.par <- paste0("beta_", .muRef[.covDataFrame$theta[.w]], "_",
.n <- sub(.par, .name, .n, fixed=TRUE)
} else {
.par <- paste0(.muRef[.name], "_pop")
.w <- which(.n == .par)
if (length(.w) == 1) {
.n[.w] <- .par
} else {
.i <- which(.name == .theta$name)
.isErr <- !is.na(.theta$ntheta[.i]) & !is.na(.theta$err[.i])
if (.isErr) {
.par <- eval(str2lang(paste0("rxToMonolix(", .name, ", ui=.ui)")))
.n <- sub(.par, .name, .n, fixed=TRUE)
.n <- sub("iteration", "iter", .n)
.ret <- setNames(.raw, .n)
.w <- which(.ret$phase == 2)[1]
.niter <- .ret$iter[.w]
.ret <- .ret[, names(.ret) != "phase"]
.cls <- class(.ret)
attr(.cls, "niter") <- .niter
class(.ret) <- .cls
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixPopulationParameters <- function(x, ...) {
.exportPath <- rxUiGet.monolixExportPath(x, ...)
if (!file.exists(.exportPath)) return(NULL)
.popParameters <- file.path(.exportPath, "populationParameters.txt")
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixOmega <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
.ret <- rxode2::rxGetControl(.ui, ".monolixOmega", NULL)
if (!is.null(.ret)) return(.ret)
.pop <- rxUiGet.monolixPopulationParameters(x, ...)
if (is.null(.pop)) return(NULL)
.iniDf <- .ui$iniDf
.split <- .ui$getSplitMuModel
.muRef <- c(.split$pureMuRef, .split$taintMuRef)
.muRefCurEval <- .ui$muRefCurEval
.eta <- .iniDf[is.na(.iniDf$ntheta), ]
.r <- .getOmegaR(.ui)
for (.i in seq_along(.eta$name)) {
.n1 <- .eta$neta1[.i]
.n2 <- .eta$neta2[.i]
if (.n1 == .n2) {
.par <- paste0("omega_", .mlxtranGetIndividualMuRefEtaMonolixName(.ui, .n1, .muRef))
.w <- which(.pop$parameter == .par)
if (length(.w) == 1){
.par <- .pop$value[.w]
} else {
.par <- NA_real_
.r[.n1, .n2] <- .r[.n2, .n1] <- .par
} else {
.par <- paste0("corr_", .mlxtranGetIndividualMuRefEtaMonolixName(.ui, .n1, .muRef),"_",
.mlxtranGetIndividualMuRefEtaMonolixName(.ui, .n2, .muRef))
.w <- which(.pop$parameter == .par)
if (length(.w) == 1){
.par <- .pop$value[.w]
} else {
.par <- NA_real_
.r[.n1, .n2] <- .r[.n2, .n1] <- .par
.sd <- diag(.r)
if (!inherits(.sd, "matrix") && length(.sd) == 1) {
.omega <- matrix(.sd * .sd, 1, 1, dimnames=list(names(.sd), names(.sd)))
} else {
diag(.r) <- 1
.d <- diag(.sd)
.omega <- .d %*% .r %*% .d
.eta <- .eta[.eta$neta1 == .eta$neta2, ]
dimnames(.omega) <- list(.eta$name, .eta$name)
rxode2::rxAssignControlValue(.ui, ".monolixOmega", .omega)
.monolixGetPopParValue <- function(name, muRefCurEval, muRef, covDataFrame, pop) {
.w <- which(covDataFrame$covariateParameter == name)
if (length(.w) == 1) {
.par <- paste0("beta_", muRef[covDataFrame$theta[.w]], "_",
.w <- which(pop$parameter == .par)
if (length(.w) != 1) return(NA_real_)
.w <- which(muRefCurEval$parameter == name)
if (length(.w) == 1) {
.curEval <- as.character(muRefCurEval$curEval[.w])
.low <- muRefCurEval$low[.w]
.hi <- muRefCurEval$hi[.w]
if (is.na(.low)) .low <- 0
if (is.na(.hi)) .hi <- 1
} else {
.curEval <- ""
.low <- 0
.hi <- 1
.par <- paste0(muRef[name], "_pop")
.w <- which(pop$parameter == .par)
if (length(.w) != 1) return(NA_real_)
.par <- pop$value[.w]
expit=rxode2::logit(.par, .low, .hi),
probitInv=rxode2::probit(.par, .low, .hi),
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixFullTheta <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
.full <- rxode2::rxGetControl(.ui, ".monolixFullTheta", NULL)
if (!is.null(.full)) return(.full)
.pop <- rxUiGet.monolixPopulationParameters(x, ...)
if (is.null(.pop)) return(NULL)
.iniDf <- .ui$iniDf
.theta <- .iniDf[!is.na(.iniDf$ntheta), ]
.muRefCurEval <- .ui$muRefCurEval
.split <- .ui$getSplitMuModel
.muRef <- c(.split$pureMuRef, .split$taintMuRef)
.covDataFrame <- .ui$saemMuRefCovariateDataFrame
.fullTheta <- setNames(vapply(seq_along(.theta$name),
function(i) {
.n <- .theta$name[i]
.isPop <- is.na(.theta$err[i])
if (.isPop) {
return(.monolixGetPopParValue(.n, .muRefCurEval, .muRef, .covDataFrame, .pop))
.isErr <- !is.na(.theta$ntheta[i]) & !is.na(.theta$err[i])
if (.isErr) {
.par <- eval(str2lang(paste0("rxToMonolix(", .n, ", ui=.ui)")))
.w <- which(.pop$parameter == .par)
if (length(.w) != 1) return(NA_real_)
}, double(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE),
rxode2::rxAssignControlValue(.ui, ".monolixFullTheta", .fullTheta)
.bblIniDf <- function(theta, omega, ui) {
.iniDf <- ui$iniDf
.etas <- ui$iniDf[is.na(ui$iniDf$ntheta), ]
.est <- c(theta,
vapply(seq_along(.etas$neta1), function(i) {
.n1 <- .etas$neta1[i]
.n2 <- .etas$neta2[i]
omega[.n1, .n2]
}, double(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE))
.iniDf$est <- .est
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixIniDf <- function(x, ...) {
.omega <- rxUiGet.monolixOmega(x, ...)
.theta <- rxUiGet.monolixFullTheta(x, ...)
.ui <- x[[1]]
.bblIniDf(.theta, .omega, .ui)
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixTheta <- function(x, ...) {
.fullTheta <- rxUiGet.monolixFullTheta(x, ...)
.ui <- x[[1]]
.iniDf <- .ui$iniDf
.n <- names(.fullTheta)
.fullTheta <- setNames(.fullTheta, NULL)
.theta <- .iniDf[!is.na(.iniDf$ntheta), ]
data.frame(lower=.theta$lower, theta=.fullTheta,
fixed=.theta$fix, upper=.theta$upper,
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixIndividualParameters <- function(x, ...) {
.exportPath <- rxUiGet.monolixExportPath(x, ...)
if (!file.exists(.exportPath)) return(NULL)
.individualParameters <- file.path(.exportPath, "IndividualParameters", "estimatedRandomEffects.txt")
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixIndividualLL <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
.ret <- rxode2::rxGetControl(.ui, ".monolixIndividualLL", NULL)
if (!is.null(.ret)) return(.ret)
.exportPath <- rxUiGet.monolixExportPath(x, ...)
if (!file.exists(.exportPath)) return(NULL)
.individualParameters <- file.path(.exportPath, "LogLikelihood", "individualLL.txt")
.ret <- read.csv(.individualParameters)
rxode2::rxAssignControlValue(.ui, ".monolixIndividualLL", .ret)
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixEtaObf <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
.etas <- .ui$iniDf[!is.na(.ui$iniDf$neta1), ]
.etas <- .etas[.etas$neta1 == .etas$neta2, ]
.split <- .ui$getSplitMuModel
.muRef <- c(.split$pureMuRef, .split$taintMuRef)
.etaMonolix <- rxUiGet.monolixIndividualParameters(x, ...)
if (is.null(.etaMonolix)) return(NULL)
.n <- c("id", vapply(.etas$neta1, function(i) {
paste0("eta_", .mlxtranGetIndividualMuRefEtaMonolixName(.ui, i, .muRef), "_SAEM")
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE))
.etaObf <- .etaMonolix[, .n]
names(.etaObf) <- c("ID", .etas$name)
.indLL <- rxUiGet.monolixIndividualLL(x, ...)
if (is.null(.indLL)) {
.etaObf$OBJI <- NA_real_
} else {
names(.indLL) <- c("ID", "OBJI")
.etaObf <- merge(.etaObf, .indLL, by="ID")
.etaObf <- .etaObf[, c("ID", .etas$name, "OBJI")]
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixLL <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
.ret <- rxode2::rxGetControl(.ui, ".monolixLL", NULL)
if (!is.null(.ret)) return(.ret)
.exportPath <- rxUiGet.monolixExportPath(x, ...)
if (!file.exists(.exportPath)) return(NULL)
.individualParameters <- file.path(.exportPath, "LogLikelihood", "logLikelihood.txt")
.ret <- read.csv(.individualParameters)
rxode2::rxAssignControlValue(.ui, ".monolixLL", .ret)
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixObjf <- function(x, ...) {
.ll <- rxUiGet.monolixLL(x, ...)
names(.ll)[2] <- "val"
.w <- which(.ll$criteria == "OFV")
if (length(.w) == 1L) {
return(.ll[.w, "val"])
} else {
.w <- which(.ll$criteria == "-2LL")
if (length(.w) == 1L) {
return(.ll[.w, "val"])
} else {
stop("cannot figure out the objective function value from monolix",
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixObjfType <- function(x, ...) {
.ll <- rxUiGet.monolixObjf(x, ...)
paste("monolix", names(.ll)[2])
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixCovarianceEstimatesLin <- function(x, ...) {
.exportPath <- rxUiGet.monolixExportPath(x, ...)
if (!file.exists(.exportPath)) return(NULL)
.covLin <- file.path(.exportPath, "FisherInformation", "covarianceEstimatesLin.txt")
if (!file.exists(.covLin)) return(NULL)
.c <- read.csv(.covLin, header=FALSE)
.n <- .c[, 1]
.c <- as.matrix(.c[, -1])
dimnames(.c) <- list(.n, .n)
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixCovarianceEstimatesSA <- function(x, ...) {
.exportPath <- rxUiGet.monolixExportPath(x, ...)
if (!file.exists(.exportPath)) return(NULL)
.covSA <- file.path(.exportPath, "FisherInformation", "covarianceEstimatesSA.txt")
if (!file.exists(.covSA)) return(NULL)
.c <- read.csv(.covSA, header=FALSE)
.n <- .c[, 1]
.c <- as.matrix(.c[, -1])
dimnames(.c) <- list(.n, .n)
.monolixCovarianceNeedsConversion <- function(x, sa) {
.ver <- rxUiGet.monolixOutputVersion(x)
if (!is.character(.ver)) return(TRUE)
.reg <- ".*([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]).*"
if (regexpr(.reg, .ver) != -1) {
.num <- as.numeric(sub(.reg, "\\1", .ver))
if (sa) {
return(.num < 2020)
} else {
return(.num < 2021)
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixCovariance <- function(x, ...) {
.cov <- rxUiGet.monolixCovarianceEstimatesSA(x, ...)
.ui <- x[[1]]
.split <- .ui$getSplitMuModel
.muRef <- c(.split$pureMuRef, .split$taintMuRef)
.sa <- TRUE
if (is.null(.cov)) {
.cov <- rxUiGet.monolixCovarianceEstimatesLin(x, ...)
.sa <- FALSE
.j <- rxUiGet.monolixJacobian(x, ...)
.n <- vapply(dimnames(.j)[[1]], function(n){
paste0(.muRef[n], "_pop")
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
.cov <- .cov[.n, .n]
.ui <- x[[1]]
rxode2::rxAssignControlValue(.ui, ".covMethod", ifelse(.sa, "MonolixSA", "MonolixLin"))
if (.monolixCovarianceNeedsConversion(x, .sa)) {
.jInv <- diag(1/diag(.j))
# 2020+ SA returns correct matrix
# 2021+ Lin returns correct matrix
# Otherwise use inverse matrix to get the correct covariance
.cov <- .jInv %*% .cov %*% .jInv
dimnames(.cov) <- dimnames(.j)
rxode2::rxAssignControlValue(.ui, ".covMethod", ifelse(.sa, "MonolixSA*", "MonolixLin*"))
if (any(is.na(.cov)) || any(is.nan(.cov))) {
warning("there are NaNs in the covariance in monolix, not included in nlmixr2 fit; check model results",
#' @export
rxUiGet.monolixPreds <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
.predDf <- .ui$predDf
.exportPath <- rxUiGet.monolixExportPath(x, ...)
if (!file.exists(.exportPath)) return(NULL)
.mlxtran <- monolix2rx::.monolixGetMlxtran(.ui)
if (inherits(.mlxtran, "monolix2rxMlxtran")) {
if (length(.predDf$var) > 1) {
do.call("rbind", lapply(seq_along(.predDf$cond),
function(i) {
.var <- .predDf$cond[i]
.file <- file.path(.exportPath,
paste0("predictions_", .var, ".txt"))
.ret <- read.csv(.file)
.ret$CMT <- .predDf$cond[i]
names(.ret) <- sub("id", "ID",
sub("time", "TIME",
sub(.var, "DV", names(.ret))))
} else {
.var <- .predDf$cond
.file <- file.path(.exportPath,"predictions.txt")
.ret <- read.csv(.file)
names(.ret) <- sub("id", "ID",
sub("time", "TIME",
sub(.var, "DV", names(.ret))))
} else {
if (length(.predDf$var) > 1) {
do.call("rbind", lapply(seq_along(.predDf$var),
function(i) {
.var <- .predDf$var[i]
.file <- file.path(.exportPath,
paste0("predictions_rx_prd_", .var, ".txt"))
.ret <- read.csv(.file)
.ret$CMT <- .predDf$cond[i]
names(.ret) <- sub("id", "ID",
sub("time", "TIME",
sub(paste0("rx_prd_", .var), "DV", names(.ret))))
} else {
.var <- .predDf$var
.file <- file.path(.exportPath,"predictions.txt")
.ret <- read.csv(.file)
names(.ret) <- sub("id", "ID",
sub("time", "TIME",
sub(paste0("rx_prd_", .var), "DV", names(.ret))))
.monolixMergePredsAndCalcRelativeErr <- function(fit) {
.singleEndpoint <- length(fit$ui$predDf$cond) == 1
.tmp <- as.data.frame(fit)
.tmp$ID <-as.integer(.tmp$ID)
.by <- c("ID", "TIME", "CMT", "DV")
if (.singleEndpoint) {
.by <- c("ID", "TIME", "DV")
} else {
.tmp$CMT <- paste(.tmp$CMT)
.ret <- merge(fit$ui$monolixPreds, .tmp, by=.by)
.ci <- (1 - fit$monolixControl$ci) / 2
.q <- c(0, .ci, 0.5, 1 - .ci, 1)
.qi <- stats::quantile(with(.ret, 100*abs((IPRED-indivPred_SAEM)/indivPred_SAEM)), .q, na.rm=TRUE)
.qp <- stats::quantile(with(.ret, 100*abs((PRED-popPred)/popPred)), .q, na.rm=TRUE)
.qai <- stats::quantile(with(.ret, abs(IPRED-indivPred_SAEM)), .q, na.rm=TRUE)
.qap <- stats::quantile(with(.ret, abs((PRED-popPred)/popPred)), .q, na.rm=TRUE)
.sigdig <- 3
.msg <- c(paste0("IPRED relative difference compared to Monolix IPRED: ", round(.qi[3], 2),
"%; ", fit$monolixControl$ci * 100,"% percentile: (",
round(.qi[2], 2), "%,", round(.qi[4], 2), "%); rtol=", signif(.qi[3] / 100, digits=.sigdig)),
paste0("PRED relative difference compared to Monolix PRED: ", round(.qp[3], 2),
"%; ", fit$monolixControl$ci * 100,"% percentile: (",
round(.qp[2], 2), "%,", round(.qp[4], 2), "%); rtol=", signif(.qp[3] / 100, digits=.sigdig)),
paste0("IPRED absolute difference compared to Monolix IPRED: atol=",
signif(.qai[3], digits=.sigdig),
"; ", fit$monolixControl$ci * 100,"% percentile: (",
signif(.qai[2], digits=.sigdig), ", ", signif(.qai[4], digits=.sigdig), ")"),
paste0("PRED absolute difference compared to Monolix PRED: atol=",
signif(.qap[3], digits=.sigdig),
"; ", fit$monolixControl$ci * 100,"% percentile: (",
signif(.qap[2], digits=.sigdig), ", ", signif(.qp[4], digits=.sigdig), ")"))
list(individualRel=.qi , popRel=.qp,
individualAbs=.qai, popAbs=.qap,
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