# backward-compatible list
.rxUiBackward <- c(
#' Convert rxode2 UI object to object for `rxUiGet`
#' @param obj rxode2 ui object
#' @param arg argument that you are trying to get from rxui
#' @param exact exact argument
#' @return object for `rxUiGet`
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.uiToRxUiGet <- function(obj, arg, exact=TRUE) {
if (inherits(obj, "raw")) obj <- rxUiDecompress(obj)
.lst <- list(obj, exact)
.arg <- .rxUiBackward[arg]
if (is.na(.arg)) .arg <- arg
class(.lst) <- c(.arg, "rxUiGet")
#' @export
`$.rxUi` <- function(obj, arg, exact = TRUE) {
# need to assign environment correctly for UDF
# The model() and rxode2() assign the parent environments for UDF
# parsing, if the object is in that environment lock it and then
# unlock on exit
.udfEnvSet(list(parent.frame(1), parent.frame(2)))
rxUiGet(.uiToRxUiGet(obj=obj, arg=arg, exact=exact))
#' S3 for getting information from UI model
#' @param x list of (UIenvironment, exact). UI environment is the
#' parsed function for rxode2. `exact` is a boolean that says if an
#' exact match is required.
#' @param ... Other arguments
#' @return value that was requested from the UI object
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @export
rxUiGet <- function(x, ...) {
if (!inherits(x, "rxUiGet")) {
stop("object is wrong type for `rxUiGet`")
#' @rdname rxUiGet
#' @export
rxUiGet.levels <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.mv <- rxModelVars(.x)
.str <- .mv$strAssign
.names <- names(.str)
lapply(vapply(seq_along(.str), function(i) {
paste0("levels(", .names[i], ") <- ",
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE),
#' @rdname rxUiGet
#' @export
rxUiGet.state <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
attr(rxUiGet.state, "desc") <- "states associated with the model (in order)"
#' @rdname rxUiGet
#' @export
rxUiGet.stateDf <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
.state <- rxModelVars(.ui)$state
data.frame("Compartment Number"=seq_along(.state), "Compartment Name"=.state,
attr(rxUiGet.stateDf, "desc") <- "states and cmt number data.frame"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.statePropDf <- function(x,...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
.mv <- rxModelVars(.ui)
do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(.mv$stateProp),
function(i) {
.prop <- .mv$stateProp[i]
if (.prop == 0) return(NULL)
.name <- names(.mv$stateProp)[i]
.props <- character(0)
if (bitwAnd(.prop, 1)) {
.props <- c(.props, "ini")
if (bitwAnd(.prop, 2)) {
.props <- c(.props, "f")
if (bitwAnd(.prop, 4)) {
.props <- c(.props, "alag")
if (bitwAnd(.prop, 8)) {
.props <- c(.props, "rate")
if (bitwAnd(.prop, 16)) {
.props <- c(.props, "dur")
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.props <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.ini <- .x$iniDf
.w <- !is.na(.ini$ntheta) & is.na(.ini$err)
.pop <- .ini$name[.w]
.w <- !is.na(.ini$ntheta) & !is.na(.ini$err)
.resid <- .ini$name[.w]
.w <- !is.na(.ini$neta1)
.cnds <- unique(.ini$condition[.w])
.var <- lapply(.cnds,
function(cnd) {
.w <- which(.ini$condition == cnd &
.ini$neta1 == .ini$neta2)
.mv <- rxGetModel(.x)
.lin <- FALSE
.doseExtra <- character(0)
.mv <- rxModelVars(.x)
if (!is.null(.x$.linCmtM)) {
.lin <- TRUE
if (.mv$extraCmt == 2L) {
.doseExtra <- c("depot", "central")
} else if (.mv$extraCmt == 1L) {
.doseExtra <- "central"
.predDf <- .x$predDf
if (!.lin && any(.predDf$linCmt)) {
.lin <- TRUE
if (.mv$flags["ka"] == 1L) {
.doseExtra <- c("depot", "central")
} else {
.doseExtra <- "central"
.dose <- c(.doseExtra, .x$state)
names(.var) <- .cnds
.lhs <- .mv$lhs
.state <- .mv$state
.end <- .x$predDf$var
.end <- .end[.end %in% c(.lhs, .state)]
.lhs <- .lhs[!(.lhs %in% .end)]
.varLhs <- .x$varLhs
.primary <- .lhs[.lhs %in% .varLhs]
.secondary <- .lhs[!(.lhs %in% .primary)]
attr(rxUiGet.props, "desc") <- "rxode2 model properties"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.theta <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.ini <- .x$iniDf
.w <- !is.na(.ini$ntheta)
setNames(.ini$est[.w], .ini$name[.w])
attr(rxUiGet.theta, "desc") <- "Initial Population/Fixed Effects estimates, theta"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.lstChr <- function(x, ...) {
vapply(get("lstExpr", envir=x[[1]]),
function(x) {
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
#attr(rxUiGet.lstChr, "desc") <- "Get a character vector of the model expressions (by line)"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.omega <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.lotri <- lotri::as.lotri(.x$iniDf)
if (inherits(.lotri, "matrix")) {
attr(.lotri, "lotriEst") <- NULL
class(.lotri) <- NULL
} else {
attr(.lotri, "lotriEst") <- NULL
class(.lotri) <- class(.lotri)[-1]
if (length(.lotri) == 0) {
.lotri <- NULL
attr(rxUiGet.omega, "desc") <- "Initial Random Effects variability matrix, omega"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.funTxt <- function(x, ...) {
paste(rxUiGet.lstChr(x, ...), collapse="\n")
attr(rxUiGet.funTxt, "desc") <- "Get function text for the model({}) block"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.allCovs <- function(x, ...) {
get("covariates", envir=x[[1]])
attr(rxUiGet.allCovs, "desc") <- "Get all covariates defined in the model"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.muRefTable <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.exact <- x[[2]]
.muRef <- get("muRefDataFrame", .x)
if (length(.muRef$theta) == 0) return(NULL)
.muRefCov <- rbind(get("muRefCovariateDataFrame", .x),
get("mu2RefCovariateReplaceDataFrame", .x)[,c("theta", "covariate", "covariateParameter")])
if (length(.muRefCov$theta) > 0) {
.env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
lapply(seq_along(.muRefCov$theta), function(i) {
.theta <- .muRefCov$theta[i]
.cov <- paste0(.muRefCov$covariate[i], "*", .muRefCov$covariateParameter[i])
if (exists(.theta, .env)) {
assign(.theta, c(get(.theta, .env), .cov), .env)
} else {
assign(.theta, .cov, .env)
.muRef$covariates <- vapply(.muRef$theta, function(theta) {
if (exists(theta, .env)) {
return(paste(get(theta, .env), collapse=" + "))
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
attr(rxUiGet.muRefTable, "desc") <- "table of mu-referenced items in a model"
#' @rdname rxUiGet
#' @export
rxUiGet.multipleEndpoint <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.exact <- x[[2]]
.info <- get("predDf", .x)
if (is.null(.info)) {
if (length(.info$cond) == 1) return(NULL)
if (getOption("rxode2.combine.dvid", TRUE)) {
.info <- .info[order(.info$dvid), ]
.info <- with(.info, data.frame(
variable = paste(var, "~", ifelse(use.utf(), "\u2026", "...")),
cmt = paste0("cmt='", cond, "' or cmt=", cmt),
"dvid*" = ifelse(is.na(dvid), "",
paste0("dvid='", cond, "' or dvid=", dvid)),
check.names = FALSE,
if (!getOption("rxode2.combine.dvid", TRUE)) {
.info <- .info[, names(.info) != "dvid*"]
attr(rxUiGet.multipleEndpoint, "desc") <- "table of multiple endpoint translations"
#' This is a generic function for deparsing certain objects when
#' printing out a rxode2 object. Currently it is used for any meta-information
#' @param object object to be deparsed
#' @param var variable name to be assigned
#' @return parsed R expression that can be used for printing and
#' `as.function()` calls.
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' mat <- matrix(c(1, 0.1, 0.1, 1), 2, 2, dimnames=list(c("a", "b"), c("a", "b")))
#' rxUiDeparse(matrix(c(1, 0.1, 0.1, 1), 2, 2, dimnames=list(c("a", "b"), c("a", "b"))), "x")
rxUiDeparse <- function(object, var) {
#' @rdname rxUiDeparse
#' @export
rxUiDeparse.lotriFix <- function(object, var) {
.val <- lotri::lotriAsExpression(object)
bquote(.(str2lang(var)) <- .(.val))
#' @rdname rxUiDeparse
#' @export
rxUiDeparse.default <- function(object, var) {
# This is a default method for deparsing objects
if (checkmate::testMatrix(object, any.missing=FALSE,
row.names="strict", col.names="strict")) {
.dn <- dimnames(object)
if (identical(.dn[[1]], .dn[[2]]) && isSymmetric(object)) {
return(rxUiDeparse.lotriFix(object, var))
.ret <- try(str2lang(paste0(var, "<-", deparse1(object))))
if (inherits(.ret, "try-error")) {
.ret <- str2lang("NULL")
#' @rdname rxUiGet
#' @export
rxUiGet.funPrint <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.ls <- ls(.x$meta, all.names=TRUE)
.hasIni <- length(.x$iniDf$cond) > 0
.ret <- vector("list", length(.ls) + ifelse(.hasIni, 3, 2))
.ret[[1]] <- quote(`{`)
for (.i in seq_along(.ls)) {
.var <- .ls[.i]
.val <- .x$meta[[.ls[.i]]]
.ret[[.i + 1]] <- rxUiDeparse(.val, .var)
.theta <- x$theta
.omega <- x$omega
if (.hasIni) {
.len <- length(.ls)
.ret[[.len + 2]] <- .x$iniFun
.ret[[.len + 3]] <- .x$modelFun
} else {
.len <- length(.ls)
.ret[[.len + 2]] <- .x$modelFun
attr(rxUiGet.funPrint, "desc") <- "Normalized, quoted model function (for printing)"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.fun <- function(x, ...) {
.ret <- rxUiGet.funPrint(x, ...)
.ret2 <- function() {
body(.ret2) <- as.call(.ret)
attr(rxUiGet.fun, "desc") <- "Normalized model function"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.funPartsDigest <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
normModel = .ui$mv0$model["normModel"],
iniDf = .ui$iniDf,
errLinesI = .ui$predDf$line,
errLines = vapply(.ui$predDf$line, function(l) {
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE),
# Now get environment specific differences in the model
# This changes how models can be expressed (and their output)
# Defined lower level functions and udf functions
definedFuns= ls(.udfEnv$symengineFs, all.names=TRUE),
# Defined rxUdfUi methods
# Add version of rxode2
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.md5 <- function(x, ...) {
digest::digest(rxUiGet.funPartsDigest(x, ...), algo="md5")
attr(rxUiGet.md5, "desc") <- "MD5 hash of the UI model"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.sha1 <- function(x, ...) {
digest::digest(rxUiGet.funPartsDigest(x, ...), algo="sha1")
attr(rxUiGet.sha1, "desc") <- "SHA1 hash of the UI model"
sha1.rxUi <- function(x, digits = 14L, zapsmall = 7L, ..., algo = "sha1") {
digits=digits, zapsmall=zapsmall, ..., algo=algo)
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.ini <- function(x, ...) {
get("iniDf", x[[1]])
attr(rxUiGet.ini, "desc") <- "Model initilizations/bounds object"
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.iniFun <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.arg <- class(x)[1]
lotri::lotriDataFrameToLotriExpression(.x$iniDf, useIni=TRUE)
attr(rxUiGet.iniFun, "desc") <- "normalized, quoted `ini()` block"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.modelFun <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
attr(rxUiGet.modelFun, "desc") <- "normalized, quoted `model()` block"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.model <- rxUiGet.modelFun
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.modelDesc <- function(x, ...) {
.mv <- get("mv0", x[[1]])
.mvL <- get("mvL", x[[1]])
if (!is.null(.mvL)) {
"rxode2-based solved PK %s-compartment model%s%s", .mvL$flags["ncmt"],
ifelse(.mv$extraCmt == 2, " with first-order absorption", ""),
ifelse(length(.mvL$state) == 0L, "",
sprintf(" mixed with free from %d-cmt ODE model",
} else if (length(.mv$state) > 0) {
return(sprintf("rxode2-based free-form %d-cmt ODE model", length(.mv$state)))
} else {
return("rxode2-based Pred model")
attr(rxUiGet.modelDesc, "desc") <- "Model description (ie linear compartment, pred, ode etc)"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.thetaLower <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.ini <- .x$iniDf
.w <- !is.na(.ini$ntheta)
setNames(.ini$lower[.w], .ini$name[.w])
attr(rxUiGet.thetaLower, "desc") <- "thetaLower"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.thetaUpper <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.ini <- .x$iniDf
.w <- !is.na(.ini$ntheta)
setNames(.ini$upper[.w], .ini$name[.w])
attr(rxUiGet.thetaUpper, "desc") -> "thetaUpper"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.lhsVar <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.eta <- get("etaLhsDf", .x)
.theta <- get("thetaLhsDf", .x)
.cov <- get("covLhsDf", .x)
setNames(c(.eta$eta, .theta$theta, .cov$cov),
c(.eta$lhs, .theta$lhs, .cov$lhs))
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.varLhs <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.eta <- get("etaLhsDf", .x)
.theta <- get("thetaLhsDf", .x)
.cov <- get("covLhsDf", .x)
setNames(c(.eta$lhs, .theta$lhs, .cov$lhs),
c(.eta$eta, .theta$theta, .cov$cov))
attr(rxUiGet.varLhs, "desc") <- "var->lhs translation"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.lhsEta <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.eta <- get("etaLhsDf", .x)
attr(rxUiGet.lhsEta, "desc") <- "lhs->eta translation"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.lhsTheta <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.eta <- get("thetaLhsDf", .x)
setNames(.eta$theta, .eta$lhs)
attr(rxUiGet.lhsTheta, "desc") <- "lhs->theta translation"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.lhsCov <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.cov <- get("covLhsDf", .x)
setNames(.cov$cov, .cov$lhs)
attr(rxUiGet.lhsCov, "desc") <- "lhs->cov translation"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.etaLhs <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.eta <- get("etaLhsDf", .x)
setNames(.eta$lhs, .eta$eta)
attr(rxUiGet.etaLhs, "desc") <- "eta->lhs translation"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.thetaLhs <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.theta <- get("thetaLhsDf", .x)
setNames(.theta$lhs, .theta$theta)
attr(rxUiGet.thetaLhs, "desc") <- "theta->lhs translation"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.covLhs <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- x[[1]]
.cov <- get("covLhsDf", .x)
setNames(.cov$lhs, .cov$cov)
attr(rxUiGet.covLhs, "desc") <- "cov->lhs translation"
#' @export
#' @rdname rxUiGet
rxUiGet.default <- function(x, ...) {
.arg <- class(x)[1]
.ui <- x[[1]]
if (!exists(.arg, envir=.ui)) {
.meta <- get("meta", envir=.ui)
if (exists(.arg, envir=.meta)) {
return(get(.arg, envir=.meta))
get(.arg, .ui)
.rxUiGetEnvInfo <- c("model"="Original Model (with comments if available)",
"meta"="Model meta information",
"iniDf"="Initialization data frame for UI")
.rxUiGetSupportedDollars <- function() {
.v <- as.character(utils::methods("rxUiGet"))
.v <- .v[.v != "rxUiGet.default"]
.cls <- vapply(.v, function(methodStr) {
substr(methodStr, 9, nchar(methodStr))
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
.v <- vapply(.cls, function(cls) {
.desc <- attr(utils::getS3method("rxUiGet", cls), "desc")
if (is.null(.desc)) .desc <- ""
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=TRUE)
# Take out any "hidden methods"
.w <- which(.v != "")
.v <- c(.v[.w], .rxUiGetEnvInfo)
#' @export
str.rxUi <- function(object, ...) {
cat("rxode2 model function\n")
.s <- .rxUiGetSupportedDollars()
cat(paste(strtrim(paste(vapply(names(.s), function(x) {
.nchar <- nchar(x)
if (.nchar >= 10) {
return(paste0(" $ ", x, ": "))
} else {
return(paste0(" $ ", x, paste(rep(" ", 10 - .nchar), collapse=""), ": "))
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE), .s), 128), collapse="\n"))
#' @export
.DollarNames.rxUi <- function(x, pattern) {
.cmp <- names(.rxUiGetSupportedDollars())
grep(pattern, .cmp, value = TRUE)
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