#' Internal messaging statements
#' @param text Text
#' @param ... Other arguments
#' @param .envir Environment to evaluate in
#' @return Nothing, called for side effects
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.minfo <- function(text, ..., .envir = parent.frame()) {
cli::cli_alert_info(gettext(text), ..., .envir = .envir)
#' @rdname dot-minfo
#' @export
.malert <- function(text, ..., .envir = parent.frame()) {
cli::cli_alert(gettext(text), ..., .envir = .envir)
#' @rdname dot-minfo
#' @export
.mwarn <- function(text, ..., .envir = parent.frame()) {
cli::cli_alert_warning(gettext(text), ..., .envir = .envir)
#' @rdname dot-minfo
#' @export
.msuccess <- function(text, ..., .envir = parent.frame()) {
cli::cli_alert_success(gettext(text), ..., .envir = .envir)
#' Internal function to tell if the linCmt() is the model variables
#' @return 0 or 1
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.rxIsLinCmt <- function() {
#' Internal function to generate the model variables for a linCmt() model
#' @param lenState Length of the state
#' @param vars Variables in the model
#' @return Model variables of expanded linCmt model
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
.rxLinCmtGen <- function(lenState, vars) {
lenState, vars, 1L, FALSE))
.normalizePath <- function(path, ...) {
ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows",
suppressWarnings(utils::shortPathName(normalizePath(path, ...))),
ifelse(regexpr("^[/~]", path) != -1,
suppressWarnings(normalizePath(path, ...)),
suppressWarnings(normalizePath(file.path(getwd(), path), ...))
#' Use cat when rxode2.verbose is TRUE
#' @param ... Parameters sent to cat
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @return nothing
#' @export
rxCat <- function(a, ...) {
## nocov start
if (rxode2.verbose) {
if (is(a, "rxode2")) {
message(rxode2::rxNorm(a), appendLF = FALSE)
} else {
message(a, ..., appendLF = FALSE)
## nocov end
#' Cleanup anonymous DLLs by unloading them
#' This cleans up any rxode2 loaded DLLs
#' @param wd What directory should be cleaned; (DEPRECIATED), this no
#' longer does anything.
#' This unloads all rxode2 anonymous dlls.
#' @return TRUE if successful
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
rxClean <- function(wd) {
if (!missing(wd)) warning("'wd' is depreciated")
unlink(rxTempDir(), recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
#' Defunct setting of sum
#' @param type used to be type of product
#' @return nothing
#' @export
rxSetSum <- function(type = c("pairwise", "fsum", "kahan", "neumaier", "c")) {
stop("'rxSetSum' has been moved to rxSolve(...,sum=)", call. = FALSE)
#' Defunct setting of product
#' @param type used to be type of product
#' @return nothing
#' @export
rxSetProd <- function(type = c("long double", "double", "logify")) {
stop("'rxSetProd' has been moved to rxSolve(...,sum=)", call. = FALSE)
#' Set timing for progress bar
#' @param seconds This sets the number of seconds that need to elapse
#' before drawing the next segment of the progress bar. When
#' this is zero or below this turns off the progress bar.
#' @return nothing, used for side effects
#' @export
#' @author Matthew Fidler
rxSetProgressBar <- function(seconds = 1.0) {
invisible(.Call(`_rxParProgress`, as.double(seconds)))
#' Error function
#' @param x vector or real values
#' @return erf of x
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' erf(1.0)
#' @export
erf <- function(x) {
.Call(`_rxode2_rxErf`, x, PACKAGE = "rxode2")
#' Gammap: normalized lower incomplete gamma function
#' This is the gamma_p from the boost library
#' @param a The numeric 'a' parameter in the normalized lower
#' incomplete gamma
#' @param z The numeric 'z' parameter in the normalized lower
#' incomplete gamma
#' @details
#' The gamma p function is given by:
#' gammap = lowergamma(a, z)/gamma(a)
#' @return gammap results
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' gammap(1, 3)
#' gammap(1:3, 3)
#' gammap(1, 1:3)
#' @export
gammap <- function(a, z) {
.Call(`_gammap`, a, z, PACKAGE = "rxode2")
#' Gammaq: normalized upper incomplete gamma function
#' This is the gamma_q from the boost library
#' @param a The numeric 'a' parameter in the normalized upper
#' incomplete gamma
#' @param z The numeric 'z' parameter in the normalized upper
#' incomplete gamma
#' @details
#' The gamma q function is given by:
#' gammaq = uppergamma(a, z)/gamma(a)
#' @return gammaq results
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' gammaq(1, 3)
#' gammaq(1:3, 3)
#' gammaq(1, 1:3)
#' @export
gammaq <- function(a, z) {
.Call(`_gammaq`, a, z, PACKAGE = "rxode2")
#' uppergamma: upper incomplete gamma function
#' This is the tgamma from the boost library
#' @param a The numeric 'a' parameter in the upper
#' incomplete gamma
#' @param z The numeric 'z' parameter in the upper
#' incomplete gamma
#' @details
#' The uppergamma function is given by:
#' \eqn{uppergamma(a, z) = \int_{z}^{\infty}t^{a-1}\cdot e^{-t} dt}
#' @return uppergamma results
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' uppergamma(1, 3)
#' uppergamma(1:3, 3)
#' uppergamma(1, 1:3)
#' @export
uppergamma <- function(a, z) {
.Call(`_uppergamma`, a, z, PACKAGE = "rxode2")
#' lowergamma: upper incomplete gamma function
#' This is the tgamma_lower from the boost library
#' @param a The numeric 'a' parameter in the upper
#' incomplete gamma
#' @param z The numeric 'z' parameter in the upper
#' incomplete gamma
#' @details
#' The lowergamma function is given by:
#' \deqn{lowergamma(a, z) = \int_{0}^{z}t^{a-1}\cdot e^{-t} dt}
#' @return lowergamma results
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' lowergamma(1, 3)
#' lowergamma(1:3, 3)
#' lowergamma(1, 1:3)
#' @export
lowergamma <- function(a, z) {
.Call(`_lowergamma`, a, z, PACKAGE = "rxode2")
#' gammapDer: derivative of gammap
#' This is the gamma_p_derivative from the boost library
#' @param a The numeric 'a' parameter in the upper
#' incomplete gamma
#' @param z The numeric 'z' parameter in the upper
#' incomplete gamma
#' @return lowergamma results
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' gammapDer(1:3, 3)
#' gammapDer(1, 1:3)
#' @export
gammapDer <- function(a, z) {
.Call(`_gammapDer`, a, z, PACKAGE = "rxode2")
#' gammaqInv and gammaqInva: Inverses of normalized gammaq function
#' @param a The numeric 'a' parameter in the upper
#' incomplete gamma
#' @param x The numeric 'x' parameter in the upper incomplete gamma
#' @param q The numeric 'q' parameter in the upper
#' incomplete gamma
#' @details
#' With the equation:
#' q = gammaq(a, x)
#' The 'gammaqInv' function returns a value 'x' that satisfies the
#' equation above
#' The 'gammaqInva' function returns a value 'a' that satisfies the
#' equation above
#' NOTE: gammaqInva is slow
#' @return inverse gammaq results
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' gammaqInv(1:3, 0.5)
#' gammaqInv(1, 1:3 / 3)
#' gammaqInv(1:3, 1:3 / 3.1)
#' gammaqInva(1:3, 1:3 / 3.1)
#' @export
gammaqInv <- function(a, q) {
.Call(`_gammaqInv`, a, q, PACKAGE = "rxode2")
#' @rdname gammaqInv
#' @export
gammaqInva <- function(x, q) {
.Call(`_gammaqInva`, x, q, PACKAGE = "rxode2")
#' gammapInv and gammapInva: Inverses of normalized gammap function
#' @param a The numeric 'a' parameter in the upper
#' incomplete gamma
#' @param x The numeric 'x' parameter in the upper incomplete gamma
#' @param p The numeric 'p' parameter in the upper incomplete gamma
#' @details
#' With the equation:
#' p = gammap(a, x)
#' The 'gammapInv' function returns a value 'x' that satisfies the
#' equation above
#' The 'gammapInva' function returns a value 'q' that satisfies the
#' equation above
#' NOTE: gammapInva is slow
#' @return inverse gammap results
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' gammapInv(1:3, 0.5)
#' gammapInv(1, 1:3 / 3.1)
#' gammapInv(1:3, 1:3 / 3.1)
#' gammapInva(1:3, 1:3 / 3.1)
#' @export
gammapInv <- function(a, p) {
.Call(`_gammapInv`, a, p, PACKAGE = "rxode2")
#' @rdname gammapInv
#' @export
gammapInva <- function(x, p) {
.Call(`_gammapInva`, x, p, PACKAGE = "rxode2")
#' rxode2 general transformation function
#' @param x value that will be transformed
#' @param lambda lambda value for the transformation
#' @param transform transformation to use (can be integer or string
#' matching supported transformations)
#' @param low lower bound for the transformation
#' @param high upper bound for the transformation
#' @param inverse boolean if the inverse transformation should be performed
#' @return transformed value
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' logit(0.25)
#' .rxTransform(0.25, transform="logit")
#' expit(-1.09)
#' .rxTransform(-1.09, transform="logit", inverse=TRUE)
.rxTransform <- function(x, lambda=1.0,
low = 0.0, high = 1.0,
transform=c("boxCox", "yeoJohnson", "untransformed",
"lnorm", "logit", "logit + yeoJohnson",
"probit", "probit + yeoJohnson",
"logit + boxCox", "probit + boxCox"),
inverse=FALSE) {
if (is.integer(transform)) {
} else {
transform <- factor(match.arg(transform),
levels=c("boxCox", "yeoJohnson", "untransformed",
"lnorm", "logit", "logit + yeoJohnson",
"probit", "probit + yeoJohnson", "logit + boxCox",
"probit + boxCox"))
transform <- as.integer(transform)-1L
if (length(lambda) > 1 ||
length(low) > 1 ||
length(high) > 1 ||
length(transform) > 1 ||
length(inverse) > 1) {
.df <- data.frame(x = x, lambda = lambda, low = low, high = high,
transform=transform, inverse=inverse)
function(i) {
.rxTransform(.df$x[i], .df$lambda[i], .df$low[i], .df$high[i],
.df$transform[i], .df$inverse[i])
}, numeric(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
} else {
checkmate::assertNumeric(x, any.missing = FALSE)
checkmate::assertNumeric(lambda, any.missing = FALSE)
checkmate::assertNumeric(low, any.missing = FALSE)
checkmate::assertNumeric(high, any.missing = FALSE)
checkmate::assertInteger(transform, any.missing = FALSE)
checkmate::assertLogical(inverse, any.missing = FALSE)
.Call(`_rxode2_powerD`, x, low, high, lambda, transform, inverse)
#' logit and inverse logit (expit) functions
#' @param x Input value(s) in range \[low,high\] to translate -Inf to
#' Inf
#' @param alpha Infinite value(s) to translate to range of \[low,
#' high\]
#' @param low Lowest value in the range
#' @param high Highest value in the range
#' @param mean logit-scale mean
#' @param sd logit-scale standard deviation
#' @inheritParams stats::integrate
#' @param ... other parameters passed to `integrate()`
#' @return values from logit and expit
#' @details
#' logit is given by:
#' logit(p) = -log(1/p-1)
#' where:
#' p = x-low/high-low
#' expit is given by:
#' expit(p, low, high) = (high-low)/(1+exp(-alpha)) + low
#' The `logitNormInfo()` gives the mean, variance and coefficient of
#' variability on the untransformed scale.
#' @examples
#' logit(0.25)
#' expit(-1.09)
#' logitNormInfo(logit(0.25), sd = 0.1)
#' logitNormInfo(logit(1, 0, 10), sd = 1, low = 0, high = 10)
#' @export
logit <- function(x, low = 0, high = 1) {
.rxTransform(x, 1.0, low, high, 4L, FALSE)
#' @rdname logit
#' @export
expit <- function(alpha, low = 0, high = 1) {
.rxTransform(alpha, 1.0, low, high, 4L, TRUE)
#' Handle arguments for ui functions
#' Note this is an internal function but it is exported in case it is
#' useful.
#' @param char This is the character equivalent of the argument
#' @param f This is the forced equivalent of the argument
#' @param dp This is deparsed expression
#' @return character representing the underlying rxode2 code for the argument
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' .uiArg("1.0", 1.0, "1.0")
.uiArg <- function(char, f, dp) {
if (!inherits(f, "try-error")) {
if (is.numeric(f)) {
if (is.character(f)) {
if (length(char) > 1) {
} else {
#' @rdname logit
#' @export
logitNormInfo <- function(mean = 0, sd = 1, low = 0, high = 1, abs.tol = 1e-6, ...) {
.fM1 <- function(x) {
expit(x, low, high) * dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd)
.m <- integrate(.fM1, -Inf, Inf, abs.tol = abs.tol, ...)$value
.fV <- function(x){
(expit(x, low, high) - .m)^2 * dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd)
.v <- integrate(.fV, -Inf, Inf, abs.tol = abs.tol, ...)$value
c(mean = .m, var = .v, cv = sqrt(.v) / .m)
#' probit and inverse probit functions
#' @inheritParams logit
#' @return values from probit, probitInv and probitNormInfo
#' @examples
#' probit(0.25)
#' probitInv(-0.674)
#' probitNormInfo(probit(0.25), sd = 0.1)
#' probitNormInfo(probit(1, 0, 10), sd = 1, low = 0, high = 10)
#' @export
probit <- function(x, low = 0, high = 1) {
.rxTransform(x, 1.0, low, high, 6L, FALSE)
#' @rdname probit
#' @export
probitInv <- function(x, low = 0, high = 1) {
.rxTransform(x, 1.0, low, high, 6L, TRUE)
#' @rdname logit
#' @export
probitNormInfo <- function(mean = 0, sd = 1, low = 0, high = 1, abs.tol = 1e-6, ...) {
.fM1 <- function(x) probitInv(x, low, high) * dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd)
.m <- integrate(.fM1, -Inf, Inf, abs.tol = abs.tol, ...)$value
.fV <- function(x) (probitInv(x, low, high) - .m)^2 * dnorm(x, mean = mean, sd = sd)
.v <- integrate(.fV, -Inf, Inf, abs.tol = abs.tol, ...)$value
c(mean = .m, var = .v, cv = sqrt(.v) / .m)
#' boxCox/yeoJohnson and inverse boxCox/yeoJohnson functions
#' @param x input value(s) to transform
#' @param lambda lambda value for the transformation
#' @return values from boxCox and boxCoxInv
#' @export
#' @examples
#' boxCox(10, 0.5)
#' boxCoxInv(4.32, 0.5)
#' yeoJohnson(10, 0.5)
#' yeoJohnsonInv(4.32, 0.5)
boxCox <- function(x, lambda = 1.0) {
checkmate::assertNumeric(x, lower=0.0, any.missing=FALSE)
.rxTransform(x, lambda, low=0.0, high=1.0, 0L, FALSE)
#' @rdname boxCox
#' @export
boxCoxInv <- function(x, lambda = 1.0) {
.rxTransform(x, lambda, low=0.0, high=1.0, 0L, TRUE)
#' @rdname boxCox
#' @export
yeoJohnson <- function(x, lambda = 1.0) {
.rxTransform(x, lambda, low=0.0, high=1.0, 1L, FALSE)
#' @rdname boxCox
#' @export
yeoJohnsonInv <- function(x, lambda = 1.0) {
.rxTransform(x, lambda, low=0.0, high=1.0, 1L, TRUE)
#' Get/Set the number of threads that rxode2 uses
#' @param threads NULL (default) rereads environment variables. 0
#' means to use all logical CPUs available. Otherwise a number >= 1
#' @param percent If provided it should be a number between 2 and
#' 100; the percentage of logical CPUs to use. By default on
#' startup, 50 percent.
#' @param throttle 2 (default) means that, roughly speaking, a
#' single thread will be used when number subjects solved for is <=2, 2 threads when
#' the number of all points is <=4, etc. The throttle is to speed up small data
#' tasks (especially when repeated many times) by not incurring the
#' overhead of managing multiple threads.
#' The throttle will also suppress sorting which ID will be solved first
#' when there are (nsubject solved)*throttle <= nthreads. In
#' `rxode2` this sorting occurs to minimize the time for waiting for
#' another thread to finish. If the last item solved is has a long
#' solving time, all the other solving have to wait for that last
#' costly solving to occur. If the items which are likely to take
#' more time are solved first, this wait is less likely to have an
#' impact on the overall solving time.
#' In rxode2 the IDs are sorted by the individual number of solving
#' points (largest first). It also has a C interface that allows
#' these IDs to be resorted by total time spent solving the
#' equation. This allows packages like nlmixr to sort by solving
#' time if needed.
#' Overall the the number of threads is throttled (restricted) for
#' small tasks and sorting for IDs are suppressed.
#' @param verbose Display the value of relevant OpenMP settings
#' @return number of threads that rxode2 uses
#' @export
getRxThreads <- function(verbose = FALSE) {
.Call(`getRxThreads_R`, verbose)
#' @rdname getRxThreads
#' @export
setRxThreads <- function(threads = NULL, percent = NULL, throttle = NULL) {
if (!missing(percent)) {
if (!missing(threads)) stop("provide either threads= or percent= but not both")
if (length(percent) != 1) stop("percent= is provided but is length ", length(percent))
percent <- as.integer(percent)
if (is.na(percent) || percent < 2L || percent > 100L) stop("percent==", percent, " but should be a number between 2 and 100")
invisible(.Call(`setRxthreads`, percent, TRUE, as.integer(throttle)))
} else {
invisible(.Call(`setRxthreads`, as.integer(threads), FALSE, as.integer(throttle)))
#' @rdname getRxThreads
#' @export
rxCores <- getRxThreads
#' Unloads all rxode2 compiled DLLs
#' @return List of rxode2 dlls still loaded
#' @return boolean of if all rxode2 dlls have been unloaded
#' @examples
#' print(rxUnloadAll())
#' @export
rxUnloadAll <- function() {
try(rxUnloadAll_(), silent = TRUE)
#' With one sink, then release
#' @param file the path to the file sink while running the `code`
#' @param code The code to run during the sink
#' @return Will return the results of the `code` section
#' @details
#' `.rxWithSink` captures output from `cat`
#' `.rxWithSinkBoth` captures output from `cat` and `message`
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @examples
#' t <- tempfile()
#' .rxWithSink(t, cat("message\n"))
#' cat("cat2\n") # now you can see the cat2
#' lines <- readLines(t)
#' unlink(t)
.rxWithSink <- function(file, code) {
sink(file) # nolint
on.exit(sink()) # nolint
#' @rdname dot-rxWithSink
#' @export
.rxWithSinkBoth <- function(file, code) {
zz <- file(file, open = "wt")
sink(zz) # nolint
sink(zz, type = "message") # nolint
sink() # nolint
sink(type = "message") # nolint
#' Temporarily set options then restore them while running code
#' @param ops list of options that will be temporarily set for the
#' `code`
#' @inheritParams .rxWithSink
#' @return value of code
#' @export
#' @examples
#' .rxWithOptions(list(digits = 21), {
#' print(pi)
#' })
#' print(pi)
.rxWithOptions <- function(ops, code) {
.old <- options() # nolint
do.call(options, as.list(ops)) # nolint
options(.old) # nolint
#' Temporarily set options then restore them while running code
#' @param wd working directory to temporarily set the system to while
#' evaluating the code
#' @return value of code
#' @inheritParams .rxWithSink
#' @export
#' @examples
#' .rxWithWd(tempdir(), {
#' getwd()
#' })
#' getwd()
.rxWithWd <- function(wd, code) {
.old <- getwd() # nolint
setwd(.old) # nolint
setwd(wd) # nolint
.qassert <- function(x, rules, .var.name = checkmate::vname(x)) {
.val <- try(checkmate::qassert(x, rules, .var.name = .var.name), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(.val, "try-error")) {
return(attr(.val, "condition")$message)
use.utf <- function() {
opt <- getOption("cli.unicode", NULL)
if (!is.null(opt)) {
} else {
l10n_info()$`UTF-8` && !is.latex()
is.latex <- function() {
if (!("knitr" %in% loadedNamespaces())) {
get("is_latex_output", asNamespace("knitr"))()
.nsToLoad <- function() {
function(pkg) {
requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE)
}, logical(1))
#' Check if a language object matches a template language object
#' \itemize{
#' \item{If \code{template == str2lang(".")}, it will match anything.}
#' \item{If \code{template == str2lang(".name")}, it will match any name.}
#' \item{If \code{template == str2lang(".call()")}, it will match any call.}
#' }
#' @param x The object to check
#' @param template The template object it should match
#' @return TRUE if it matches, FALSE, otherwise
#' @keywords Internal
#' @examples
#' .matchesLangTemplate(str2lang("d/dt(foo)"), str2lang("d/dt(.name)"))
#' .matchesLangTemplate(str2lang("d/dt(foo)"), str2lang("d/foo(.name)"))
#' .matchesLangTemplate(str2lang("d/dt(foo)"), str2lang("d/."))
#' @export
.matchesLangTemplate <- function(x, template) {
if (identical(template, as.name("."))) {
ret <- TRUE
} else if (is.name(x) && identical(template, as.name(".name"))) {
ret <- TRUE
} else if (is.call(x) && identical(template, str2lang(".call()"))) {
ret <- TRUE
} else {
# A more specific match is needed
ret <- all(class(x) == class(template))
if (ret) {
if (length(x) == length(template)) {
if (length(x) > 1) {
for (idx in seq_along(x)) {
ret <- ret && .matchesLangTemplate(x[[idx]], template[[idx]])
} else if (is.name(x)) {
# Check for a value if the name is not ".name"
ret <- x == template
} else {
# Require identical for one-length calls (e.g. `linCmt()`), numeric,
# character, etc.
ret <- identical(x, template)
} else {
ret <- FALSE
#' Print out a table in the documentation
#' @param table data frame
#' @param caption a character vector representing the caption for the latex table
#' @return based on the `knitr` context:
#' - output a `kableExtra::kbl` for `latex` output
#' - output a `DT::datatable` for html output
#' - otherwise output a `knitr::kable`
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' .rxDocTable(rxReservedKeywords)
.rxDocTable <- function(table, caption="none") {
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
kableExtra::kbl(table, longtable=TRUE, booktabs=TRUE, caption=caption) %>%
kableExtra::kable_styling(latex_options=c("repeat_header", "striped", "hold_position"))
} else if (knitr::is_html_output(excludes = "gfm")) {
DT::datatable(table, rownames = FALSE, filter="top", options=list(pageLength = 5, scrollX=TRUE))
} else {
#' Calculate expected confidence bands or prediction intreval with normal or t sampling distribution
#' The generic function `meanProbs` produces expected confidence bands
#' under either the t distribution or the normal sampling
#' distribution. This uses `qnorm()` or `qt()` with the mean and
#' standard deviation.
#' For a single probability, p, it uses either:
#' mean + qt(p, df=n)*sd/sqrt(n)
#' or
#' mean + qnorm(p)*sd/sqrt(n)
#' The smallest observation corresponds to a probability of 0 and the
#' largest to a probability of 1 and the mean corresponds to 0.5.
#' The mean and standard deviation of the sample is calculated based
#' on Welford's method for a single pass.
#' This is meant to perform in the same way as `quantile()` so it can
#' be a drop in replacement for code using `quantile()` but using
#' distributional assumptions.
#' @param x numeric vector whose mean and probability based confidence
#' values are wanted, NA and NaN values are not allowed in numeric
#' vectors unless ‘na.rm’ is ‘TRUE’.
#' @param probs numeric vector of probabilities with values in the
#' interval from 0 to 1 .
#' @param na.rm logical; if true, any NA and NaN's are removed from
#' `x` before the quantiles are computed.
#' @param names logical; if true, the result has a names attribute.
#' @param useT logical; if true, use the t-distribution to calculate
#' the confidence-based estimates. If false use the normal
#' distribution to calculate the confidence based estimates.
#' @param onlyProbs logical; if true, only return the probability
#' based confidence interval estimates, otherwise return
#' @param pred logical; if true use the prediction interval instead of
#' the confidence interval
#' @param n integer/integerish; this is the n used to calculate the
#' prediction or confidence interval. When `n=0` (default) use the
#' number of non-`NA` observations.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to default method, allows many
#' different methods to be applied.
#' @return By default the return has the probabilities as names (if
#' named) with the points where the expected distribution are
#' located given the sampling mean and standard deviation. If
#' `onlyProbs=FALSE` then it would prepend mean, variance, standard
#' deviation, minimum, maximum and number of non-NA observations.
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' quantile(x<- rnorm(1001))
#' meanProbs(x)
#' # Can get some extra statistics if you request onlyProbs=FALSE
#' meanProbs(x, onlyProbs=FALSE)
#' x[2] <- NA_real_
#' meanProbs(x, onlyProbs=FALSE)
#' quantile(x<- rnorm(42))
#' meanProbs(x)
#' meanProbs(x, useT=FALSE)
meanProbs <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname meanProbs
#' @export
meanProbs.default <- function(x, probs=seq(0, 1, 0.25), na.rm=FALSE,
names=TRUE, useT=TRUE, onlyProbs=TRUE, pred=FALSE,
n=0L, ...) {
checkmate::assertNumeric(probs, min.len=1, any.missing = FALSE, lower=0.0, upper=1.0)
checkmate::assertLogical(na.rm, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
checkmate::assertLogical(names, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
checkmate::assertLogical(useT, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
checkmate::assertLogical(onlyProbs, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
checkmate::assertLogical(pred, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
checkmate::assertIntegerish(n, min.len=1, max.len=1, any.missing=FALSE, lower=0)
n <- as.integer(n)
.ret <- .Call(`_rxode2_meanProbs_`, x, probs, na.rm, useT, pred, n)
.names <- NULL
if (names) {
.names <- paste0(probs*100, "%")
if (onlyProbs) {
.ret <- .ret[-1L:-6L]
if (names) {
names(.ret) <- .names
} else if (names) {
names(.ret) <- c("mean","var", "sd", "min", "max", "n", .names)
#' Calculate expected confidence bands with binomial sampling distribution
#' This is meant to perform in the same way as `quantile()` so it can
#' be a drop in replacement for code using `quantile()` but using
#' distributional assumptions.
#' It is used for confidence intervals with rxode2 solved objects using
#' `confint(mean="binom")`
#' @param x numeric vector whose mean and probability based confidence
#' values are wanted, NA and NaN values are not allowed in numeric
#' vectors unless `na.rm` is `TRUE`.
#' @param probs numeric vector of probabilities with values in the
#' interval 0 to 1, inclusive. When 0, it represents the maximum
#' observed, when 1, it represents the maximum observed. When 0.5 it
#' represents the expected probability (mean).
#' @param na.rm logical; if true, any NA and NaN's are removed from
#' `x` before the quantiles are computed.
#' @param names logical; if true, the result has a names attribute.
#' @param onlyProbs logical; if true, only return the probability
#' based confidence interval/prediction interval estimates,
#' otherwise return extra statistics.
#' @param n integer/integerish; this is the n used to calculate the
#' prediction or confidence interval. When `n=0` (default) use the
#' number of non-`NA` observations. When calculating the prediction
#' interval, this represents the number of observations used in the
#' input ("true") distribution.
#' @param pred Use a prediction interval instead of a confidence
#' interval. By default this is `FALSE`.
#' @param m integer. When using the prediction interval this
#' represents the number of samples that will be observed in the
#' future for the prediction interval.
#' @param piMethod gives the prediction interval method (currently only lim) from Lu 2020
#' @param M number of simulations to run for the LIM PI.
#' @param tol tolerance of root finding in the LIM prediction interval
#' @param ciMethod gives the method for calculating the confidence
#' interval.
#' Can be:
#' - "argestiCoull" or "ac" -- Agresti-Coull method. For a 95\% confidence
#' interval, this method does not use the concept of "adding 2
#' successes and 2 failures," but rather uses the formulas explicitly
#' described in the following link:
#' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_proportion_confidence_interval#Agresti-Coull_Interval.
#' - "wilson" -- Wilson Method
#' - "wilsonCorrect" or "wc" -- Wilson method with continuity correction
#' - "wald" -- Wald confidence interval or standard z approximation.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to default method, allows many
#' different methods to be applied.
#' @return By default the return has the probabilities as names (if
#' named) with the points where the expected distribution are
#' located given the sampling mean and standard deviation. If
#' `onlyProbs=FALSE` then it would prepend mean, variance, standard
#' deviation, minimum, maximum and number of non-NA observations.
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @references
#' - Newcombe, R. G. (1998). "Two-sided confidence intervals for the single
#' proportion: comparison of seven methods". Statistics
#' in Medicine. 17 (8):
#' 857–872. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0258(19980430)17:8<857::AID-SIM777>3.0.CO;2-E. PMID
#' 9595616.
#' - Hezhi Lu, Hua Jin,
#' A new prediction interval for binomial random variable based on inferential models,
#' Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,
#' Volume 205,
#' 2020,
#' Pages 156-174,
#' ISSN 0378-3758,
#' https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspi.2019.07.001.
#' @examples
#' x<- rbinom(7001, p=0.375, size=1)
#' binomProbs(x)
#' # you can also use the prediction interval
#' \donttest{
#' binomProbs(x, pred=TRUE)
#' }
#' # Can get some extra statistics if you request onlyProbs=FALSE
#' binomProbs(x, onlyProbs=FALSE)
#' x[2] <- NA_real_
#' binomProbs(x, onlyProbs=FALSE)
#' binomProbs(x, na.rm=TRUE)
binomProbs <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname binomProbs
#' @export
binomProbs.default <- function(x, probs=c(0.025, 0.05, 0.5, 0.95, 0.975), na.rm=FALSE,
names=TRUE, onlyProbs=TRUE, n=0L, m=0L,
piMethod=c("lim"), M=500000,
ciMethod=c("wilson", "wilsonCorrect", "agrestiCoull", "wald", "wc", "ac"), ...) {
checkmate::assertNumeric(x, min.len=1, lower=0.0, upper=1.0)
x <- as.double(x)
checkmate::assertIntegerish(n, min.len=1, lower=0, any.missing=FALSE)
n <- as.integer(n)
checkmate::assertIntegerish(m, min.len=1, lower=0, any.missing=FALSE)
m <- as.integer(m)
checkmate::assertNumeric(probs, min.len=1, any.missing = FALSE, lower=0.0, upper=1.0)
checkmate::assertLogical(na.rm, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
checkmate::assertLogical(names, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
checkmate::assertLogical(onlyProbs, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
if (pred) {
.m <- mean(x, na.rm=na.rm)
if (is.na(.m)) {
.ret <- stats::quantile(NULL,probs=probs)
if (!onlyProbs) {
.ret <- c("mean"=NA_real_,"var"=NA_real_, "sd"=NA_real_, "n"=NA_real_,
} else {
.nC <- sum(!is.na(x))
if (n == 0L) n <- as.integer(.nC)
if (m == 0L) m <- as.integer(.nC)
.Y <- round(.nC * .m) # number of successes
.ret <- stats::quantile(.Call(`_rxode2_binomProbsPredVec_`, n, m, .Y, M, TRUE, tol),
if (!onlyProbs) {
.ret <- c("mean"=.m,"var"=.m * (1.0 - .m), "sd"=sqrt(.m * (1.0 - .m)), "n"=.nC,
if (!names) {
names(.ret) <- NULL
} else {
ciMethod <- match.arg(ciMethod)
ciMethod <- setNames(c("wilson"=1L, "wilsonCorrect"=0L, "agrestiCoull"=3L, "wald"=2L, "ac"=3L, "wc"=0L)[ciMethod], NULL)
.ret <- .Call(`_rxode2_binomProbs_`, x, probs, na.rm, n, ciMethod)
.names <- NULL
if (names) {
.names <- paste0(probs*100, "%")
if (onlyProbs) {
.ret <- .ret[-1L:-4L]
if (names) {
names(.ret) <- .names
} else if (names) {
names(.ret) <- c("mean","var", "sd", "n", .names)
#' Convert a factor/char to an id
#' @param a value to convert to an id
#' @return id factor
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' .convertId("a")
.convertId <- function(a) {
.Call(`_rxode2_convertId_`, a)
#' Get the internal breakdown of an evid
#' @param i evid to breakdown
#' @return named evid integer vector
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' .getWh(1001)
#' .getWh(10401)
.getWh <- function(i) {
checkmate::assertIntegerish(i,len=1, any.missing=FALSE)
.Call(`_rxode2_getWh`, as.integer(i))
#' This converts NONMEM-style EVIDs to classic RxODE events
#' @param cmt compartment flag
#' @param amt dose amount
#' @param rate dose rate
#' @param dur dose duration
#' @param ii inter-dose interval
#' @param evid event id
#' @param ss steady state
#' @return classic evids, excluding evids that are added (you need to
#' add them manually) or simply use etTran. This is mostly for
#' testing and really shouldn't be used directly.
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' .toClassicEvid(cmt=10, amt=3, evid=1)
#' .toClassicEvid(cmt=10, amt=3, rate=2, evid=1)
#' .toClassicEvid(cmt=10, amt=3, rate=-1, evid=1)
#' .toClassicEvid(cmt=10, amt=3, rate=-2, evid=1)
#' .toClassicEvid(cmt=10, amt=3, dur=2, evid=1)
#' .toClassicEvid(cmt=304, amt=3, dur=2, evid=1)
#' .toClassicEvid(cmt=7, amt=0, rate=2, evid=1, ss=1)
#' .toClassicEvid(cmt=-10, amt=3, evid=1)
#' .toClassicEvid(cmt=10, amt=3, evid=5)
#' .toClassicEvid(cmt=6, amt=3, evid=6)
#' .toClassicEvid(cmt=6, amt=3, evid=7)
#' .toClassicEvid(evid=2)
#' .toClassicEvid(evid=4)
.toClassicEvid <- function(cmt=1L, amt=0.0, rate=0.0, dur=0.0, ii=0.0, evid=0L, ss=0.0) {
.w <- which(is.na(cmt))
if (length(.w) > 0) cmt[.w] <- 1
checkmate::assertIntegerish(evid, any.missing=FALSE)
checkmate::assertNumeric(dur, any.missing=FALSE)
.df <- data.frame(cmt=as.integer(cmt), evid=as.integer(evid), amt=as.double(amt),
rate=as.double(rate), dur=as.double(dur),
.df$cmt, .df$amt, .df$rate, .df$dur,
.df$ii, .df$evid, .df$ss)
.rxDerivedReg <- rex::rex(
group(or("V", "Q", "VP", "VT", "CLD"), number),
"KA", "VP", "VT", "CLD", "V", "VC", "CL", "VSS", "K", "KE", "KEL",
"Q", "VT", group("K", number, number), "AOB", "ALPHA", "BETA", "GAMMA",
"A", "B", "C"
#' Calculate derived parameters for the 1-, 2-, and 3- compartment
#' linear models.
#' This calculates the derived parameters based on what is provided
#' in a data frame or arguments
#' @param ... The input can be:
#' * A data frame with PK parameters in it; This should ideally
#' be a data frame with one pk parameter per row since it will
#' output a data frame with one PK parameter per row.
#' * PK parameters as either a vector or a scalar
#' @param verbose boolean that when TRUE provides a message about the detected pk parameters
#' and the detected compartmental model. By default this is `FALSE`.
#' @param digits represents the number of significant digits for the
#' output; If the number is zero or below (default), do not round.
#' @return Return a data.frame of derived PK parameters for a 1-, 2-,
#' or 3-compartment linear model given provided clearances and
#' volumes based on the inferred model type.
#' The model parameters that will be provided in the data frame are:
#' * `vc`: Central Volume (for 1-, 2- and 3-
#' compartment models)
#' * `kel`: First-order elimination rate (for 1-, 2-, and
#' 3-compartment models)
#' * `k12`: First-order rate of transfer from central to
#' first peripheral compartment; (for 2- and 3-compartment models)
#' * `k21`: First-order rate of transfer from first
#' peripheral to central compartment, (for 2- and 3-compartment
#' models)
#' * `k13`: First-order rate of transfer from central to
#' second peripheral compartment; (3-compartment model)
#' * `k31`: First-order rate of transfer from second
#' peripheral to central compartment (3-compartment model)
#' * `vp`: Peripheral Volume (for 2- and 3- compartment models)
#' * `vp2`: Peripheral Volume for 3rd compartment (3- compartment model)
#' * `vss`: Volume of distribution at steady state; (1-, 2-, and 3-compartment models)
#' * `t12alpha`: \eqn{t_{1/2,\alpha}}; (1-, 2-, and 3-compartment models)
#' * `t12beta`: \eqn{t_{1/2,\beta}}; (2- and 3-compartment models)
#' * `t12gamma`: \eqn{t_{1/2,\gamma}}; (3-compartment model)
#' * `alpha`: \eqn{\alpha}; (1-, 2-, and 3-compartment models)
#' * `beta`: \eqn{\beta}; (2- and 3-compartment models)
#' * `gamma`: \eqn{\beta}; (3-compartment model)
#' * `A`: true `A`; (1-, 2-, and 3-compartment models)
#' * `B`: true `B`; (2- and 3-compartment models)
#' * `C`: true `C`; (3-compartment model)
#' * `fracA`: fractional A; (1-, 2-, and 3-compartment models)
#' * `fracB`: fractional B; (2- and 3-compartment models)
#' * `fracC`: fractional C; (3-compartment model)
#' @author Matthew Fidler and documentation from Justin Wilkins, \email{justin.wilkins@@occams.com}
#' @references Shafer S. L. `CONVERT.XLS`
#' @references Rowland M, Tozer TN. Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications (4th). Clipping Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2010.
#' @examples
#' ## Note that rxode2 parses the names to figure out the best PK parameter
#' params <- rxDerived(cl = 29.4, v = 23.4, Vp = 114, vp2 = 4614, q = 270, q2 = 73)
#' ## That is why this gives the same results as the value before
#' params <- rxDerived(CL = 29.4, V1 = 23.4, V2 = 114, V3 = 4614, Q2 = 270, Q3 = 73)
#' ## You may also use micro-constants alpha/beta etc.
#' params <- rxDerived(k12 = 0.1, k21 = 0.2, k13 = 0.3, k31 = 0.4, kel = 10, v = 10)
#' ## or you can mix vectors and scalars
#' params <- rxDerived(CL = 29.4, V = 1:3)
#' ## If you want, you can round to a number of significant digits
#' ## with the `digits` argument:
#' params <- rxDerived(CL = 29.4, V = 1:3, digits = 2)
#' @export
rxDerived <- function(..., verbose = FALSE, digits = 0) {
.lst <- list(...)
if (inherits(.lst[[1]], "data.frame")) {
.lst <- .lst[[1]]
.namesU <- toupper(names(.lst))
.w <- which(regexpr(.rxDerivedReg, .namesU) != -1)
if (length(.w) > 1L) {
if (verbose) {
message("parameters: ", paste(names(.lst)[.w], collapse = ","))
.linCmt <- .Call(
`_linCmtParse`, names(.lst)[.w],
"with(.lst,.Call(`_calcDerived`, ", "list(", "0, 0, 0, 0, ",
", 0, 0, 0, 0),digits))"
.env <- environment()
return(eval(parse(text = .linCmt), envir = .env))
} else {
stop("cannot figure out PK parameters to convert", call. = FALSE)
#' Get the information about the rxode2 derived parameter transformation
#' @param ... Parameters translated, should be unquoted and not assigned to anything.
#' @return Translation information; This list contains:
#' - `$str` A named string of the parameters as seen in the underlying C/C++
#' code. The parameters that are NA are not used in the linear
#' compartment model calculations.
#' - `$ncmt` the number of compartments in the model
#' - `$trans` the rxode2 translation number of the parameterization
#' This contains the linCmt()
#' translation number, the number of compartments and the parameters
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' .rxTransInfo(cl, v , Vp, vp2, q, q2)
#' .rxTransInfo(k12, k21, k13, k31, kel, v)
#' .rxTransInfo(k12, k21, k13, k31, kel, v, ka)
#' .rxTransInfo(CL, V)
.rxTransInfo <- function(...) {
.args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))[-1]
.args <- as.character(.args)
.namesU <- toupper(as.character(.args))
.w <- which(regexpr(.rxDerivedReg, .namesU) != -1)
if (length(.w) > 1L) {
.linCmt <- .Call(
`_linCmtParse`, .args[.w],
"", "", "tlag, F, rate1, dur1, ",
", tlag2, F2, rate2, dur2"
.str <- .linCmt$str
.str <- strsplit(.str, ", +")[[1]]
.str <- .str[-(1:2)]
.str <- .str[c(1:6, 11)]
.str <- vapply(seq_along(.str), function(i) {
.num <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(.str[i]))
if (is.na(.num)) return(.str[i])
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
names(.str) <- c("p1", "v1", "p2", "p3","p4", "p5", "ka")
.linCmt$str <- .str
} else {
stop("cannot figure out PK parameters to use", call. = FALSE)
## nocov start
.dummy <- function() {
#dummy import to make check() and CRAN happy
.r <- rex::rex(start, end)
.d <- data.table::data.table(a=1)
#' Is the linear systems with gradients built-in
#' @return logical (TRUE) if the solved systems with gradients are
#' built-in. (FALSE) if the solves systems with gradients are absent
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' .linCmtSensB()
.linCmtSensB <- function() {
## nocov end
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