
Defines functions refine.qtl drop1qtl leave1qtl stepwiseqtlShape

Documented in stepwiseqtlShape

#' @title stepwiseqtlShape
#' @description Runs a stepwise multiple QTL model search using penalized negative $log_{10}$ of the p-value
#' @details The function built multiple QTL models using penalized negative $log_{10}$ of the p-value (as a multivariate analogue of the penalized LOD score of the R/qtl package). The search is limited so far to a model without interaction
#' @param cross 
#' @param chr
#' @param pheno.col
#' @param qtl \code{\link[qtl]{summary.scanone}} object or any data.frame with 'chr' 'pos' and 
#'  'lod' values. If missing a one-dimensional scan is run first.
#' @param formula
#' @param max.qtl
#' @param covar
#' @param refine.locations Logical
#' @param additive.only Logical. (Defauft FALSE). Setting it to TRUE may be used 
#'  to force a diplotype model (pure additive) in an intercross (Have to bare in mind
#'  that it is *NOT* as in \code{\link[qtl]{summary.scanone}}).
#' @param scan.pairs Logical. (Default FALSE) #keep it default. Not use so far
#' @param penalties Genomewide threshold 
#' @param disthresh numeric (Default 0). Minimal distance, between loci already in the model
#' and a candidate locus, below which the candidate locus is discarded. 
#' @param keeplodprofile Logical (Default TRUE)
#' @param keeptrace Logical (Default FALSE) 
#' @param verbose Logical (Default FALSE)
#' @param test Multivariate statistics (Default "Pillai". Others are : "Hotelling.Lawley",
#'  "Lik.ratio", "Goodall")
#' @references Broman and Sen 2009. A guide to QTL mapping with R/qtl
#' @export
#' @seealso  \code{\link[qtl]{stepwiseqtl}} 
#' @keywords analysis
#' @author Nicolas Navarro
#' @return The function returns a qtl object.
#' @examples
#' data(fake.bc)
#' fake.bc <- calc.genoprob(fake.bc, step=2.5)
#' fake.bc <- update(fake.bc, phen2keep = names(fake.bc$pheno)) #Just update the class of fake.bc
#' covar <- fake.bc$pheno[, c('sex','age')]
#' out1 <- scanoneShape(fake.bc, pheno.col = 1:2, addcovar = covar,
#' test = "Pillai")
#' Q <- max(out1)
#' outStep <- stepwiseqtlShape(fake.bc, pheno.col = 1:2, qtl = Q, max.qtl = 3, covar = covar, penalties=2.5, verbose = TRUE) 
stepwiseqtlShape <- function(cross, chr, pheno.col = 1, qtl, formula, max.qtl = 10,
                             covar = NULL, 
                             refine.locations = TRUE, 
                             additive.only = FALSE,
                             scan.pairs = FALSE, #keep default
                             disthresh = 0,
                             keeplodprofile = TRUE,
                             keeptrace = FALSE, 
                             verbose = FALSE,
                             test = "Pillai") {
    # This is the model search version of Broman (p.250)
    pheno <- as.matrix(cross$pheno[, pheno.col])
    if (missing(chr)) 
        chr <- names(cross$geno)
    if (missing(penalties))
        stop("you should run first 'scanoneShape' with permutations to get penalties")
    if (!is.null(covar) & is.matrix(covar)) 
        covar <- as.data.frame(covar)
    if (missing(formula)) {
        if (!is.null(covar)){
            formula <- as.formula(paste("pheno ~", paste(names(covar), collapse = " + ")))
            warning(paste("reduced model formula created from covar names:", deparse(formula)))
        } else formula <- as.formula("pheno ~ 1")
    } else if (is.character(formula)) {
        formula <- as.formula(formula)
    # We need to define covar anyway because stepwise is based on formula. 
    if (is.null(covar)) covar <- cross$pheno
    if (verbose) {
        cat("Null model used is :", deparse(formula), "\n")
    # Null model (we don't need it except fm.red and except in leave1)
    fm.red <- as.formula(paste("pheno", paste(deparse(formula[-2]), collapse = " + ")))
    mod.red <- lm(fm.red, data = covar)
    SSCPerr.red <- crossprod(mod.red$residuals)    	
    rank.S <- qr(SSCPerr.red)$rank
    # Initial model
    if (missing(qtl)) {
        gscan <- scanoneShape(cross, chr = chr, pheno.col = pheno.col, 
                              addcovar = covar, test = test, formula = fm.red)
        qtl <- summary(gscan)
    } else if (class(qtl)[1] != "summary.scanone") {
        if (all(c("chr", "pos", "lod")%in%names(qtl))) {
            qtl <- data.frame(qtl$chr, qtl$pos, qtl$lod)
            names(qtl) <- c("chr", "pos", "lod")
        } else {
            stop("qtl object must have chr, pos as variables")
    # 0. remove unnessecary lodcolumn and do some checkings on the adequation between
    # additive.only arg and the type of lod scores we want do the selection on
    if (additive.only & "bc" %in% class(cross))
        additive.only <- FALSE 
    if (ncol(qtl) > 3) {
        qtl <- qtl[, c(1,2, 3 + additive.only), drop = FALSE]
        # so either full model if add.only is FALSE or lod.add if TRUE
    colnames(qtl)[3] <- "lod"
    # 1. Select the position with largest LOD score from a single-QTL genome scan
    qtl <- qtl[which.max(qtl$lod), , drop = FALSE]
    n.qtls <- 1
    curplod <- qtl$lod - penalties * n.qtls
    curbestplod <- curplod
    curbest <- qtl
    if (keeptrace) {
        temp <- list(chr = qtl$chr, pos = qtl$pos)
        #attr(temp, "formula") <- deparseQTLformula(formula)
        attr(temp, "pLOD") <- curplod
        class(temp) <- c("compactqtl", "list")
        temp <- list(temp)
        names(temp) <- 0
        thetrace <- c("0", temp)
    # 2. Forward model search
    iter <- 0
    cat("Forward selection\n")
    while (n.qtls < max.qtl){
        iter <- iter + 1
        back.qtl <- as.matrix(getGeno(cross, Q = qtl, add.only = additive.only))
        n.qtls <- n.qtls + 1
        if (verbose) 
            cat("add qtl:", iter + 1, "\n")
        # 2.1 penalized genome scan
        # mvGenomScan update automatically fm.red + back.qtl if back.qtl is not null
        # but the LOD is not the one of the qtl model vs null (covar only) 
        pLod <- mvGenomScan(cross, pheno, mod.red = fm.red, covar = covar,
                            back.qtl = back.qtl, test = test, chr = chr, 
                            updateRedFormula = FALSE)
        # Penalization of Broman and Sen 2009, p.251
        pLod[, 3 + additive.only] <- pLod[, 3 + additive.only] - penalties * n.qtls
        # Set to pLod to NA for markers closely linked to QTLs already in the model 
        for (q in 1:(n.qtls-1)) {
            pLod[as.character(pLod$chr) == as.character(qtl$chr[q]) & 
                     abs(pLod$pos - qtl$pos[q]) <= disthresh, 3 + additive.only] <- NA
        # Get R/qtl max over genome (handle NA)
        tmp <- max(pLod, lodcolumn = 1 + additive.only)[c(1:2, 3 + additive.only)]
        colnames(tmp)[3] <- "lod" #ensure colnames consistency after refining positions for rbind()
        # if empty, means no position higher than 0
        # penalty drops LOD scores need updating max.qtl to n.qtls - 1
        if(nrow(tmp) == 0) {
            cat("\n !!!!!!\n
                All pLOD negatives, max.qtl updated to ", n.qtls - 1,
                "\n !!!!!!\n")
            max.qtl <- n.qtls - 1
            n.qtls <- n.qtls - 1
        qtl <- rbind(qtl, tmp) 
        curplod <- tmp$lod 
        if (verbose) {
            cat("new qtl:\n")
            cat("pLOD = ", curplod, "\n")
        # 2.2 Reorder and refine qtl positions
        # Re-order qtls
        qtl <- qtl[order(match(qtl$chr, chr), qtl$pos), ]
        if (refine.locations) {
            if (verbose) cat("--- Refining positions\n")   
            # 2.2.1 refining qtl positions
            rqtls <- refine.qtl(qtl, cross = cross, fm.red = fm.red, pheno = pheno, 
                                covar = covar, chr = NULL, 
                                max.iter = 10, add.only = additive.only, verbose = FALSE)
            if (any(rqtls$pos != qtl$pos)) { # updated positions
                if (verbose) cat(" ---  Moved a bit\n")
                qtl <- data.frame(rqtls$chr, rqtls$pos, rqtls$lod) #row.names=rqtls$name
                colnames(qtl) <- c("chr", "pos", "lod")
                if(verbose) {
                    cat(" --- New positions\n")
                # Updating the penalized LOD score of the model
                geno <- as.matrix(getGeno(cross, Q = qtl, add.only = additive.only))
                tmp.form <- as.formula(paste(paste(deparse(fm.red), collapse = ""), "+ qtl"))
                tmp <- lm.shape.test(geno, pheno = pheno, covar = covar, fm.full = tmp.form,
                                     SSCPerr.red = SSCPerr.red, mod.red.rank = mod.red$rank, 
                                     rank.E = rank.S, test = test)
                curplod <- tmp - penalties * n.qtls
                if (verbose) cat("new pLOD = ", curplod, "\n")
            if (verbose) cat("--- Refining done\n")
        attr(qtl, "pLOD") <- curplod
        if(curplod > curbestplod) {
                cat("** new best ** (pLOD increased by ", 
                    round(curplod - curbestplod, 4), ")\n", sep = "") 
            curbestplod <- curplod
            curbest <- qtl
        if (keeptrace) {
            temp <- list(chr = qtl$chr, pos = qtl$pos)
            #attr(temp, "formula") <- deparseQTLformula(formula)
            attr(temp, "pLOD") <- curplod
            class(temp) <- c("compactqtl", "list")
            temp <- list(temp)
            names(temp) <- iter
            thetrace <- c(thetrace, temp)
        if(n.qtls >= max.qtl) break
    # 3. Backward model search
    cat("Backward elimination\n")
    while (n.qtls > 1){
        iter <- iter + 1
        if (verbose) cat("remove qtl:",n.qtls,"\n")
        n.qtls <- n.qtls - 1
        tmp <- leave1qtl(cross, qtls = qtl, pheno = pheno, covar = covar, 
                         formula.red = fm.red, mod.red.rank = mod.red$rank, 
                         SSCPerr.red = SSCPerr.red, add.only = additive.only, test = test) 
        # look for best model (the one where the removed qtl has minimal effect)
        tmp$lod <- tmp$lod - penalties * n.qtls
        dropQ <- which.max(tmp$lod) 
        curplod <- max(tmp$lod)
        qtl <- qtl[-dropQ, ] 
        # 3.1 Refining qtl positions
        # Re-order qtl (should not make any difference; they should be already ordered) 
        qtl <- qtl[order(match(qtl$chr, chr), qtl$pos), ]
        if(verbose) {
            cat("-- QTL model\n")
            cat("pLOD = ", curplod, "\n")
        if (refine.locations & n.qtls > 1) {
            if (verbose) cat("--- Refining positions\n")
            rqtls <- refine.qtl(qtl, cross = cross, fm.red = fm.red, 
                                pheno = pheno, covar = covar, chr = NULL, max.iter = 10)
            if (any(rqtls$pos != qtl$pos)) { # updated positions
                if (verbose) cat(" ---  Moved a bit\n")
                qtl <- data.frame(rqtls$chr, rqtls$pos, rqtls$lod)
                colnames(qtl) <- c("chr", "pos", "lod")
                if(verbose) {
                    cat(" --- New positions\n")
                # Updating the penalized LOD score of the model
                geno <- as.matrix(getGeno(cross, Q = qtl, add.only = additive.only))
                tmp.form <- as.formula(paste(paste(deparse(fm.red), collapse =""),"+ qtl"))
                tmp <- lm.shape.test(geno, pheno = pheno, covar = covar, fm.full = tmp.form,
                                     SSCPerr.red = SSCPerr.red, mod.red.rank = mod.red$rank, 
                                     rank.E = rank.S, test = test)
                curplod <- tmp - penalties * n.qtls
        attr(qtl, "pLOD") <- curplod
        if(curplod > curbestplod) {
                cat("** new best ** (pLOD increased by ", round(curplod - curbestplod, 4),
                    ")\n", sep="")
            curbestplod <- curplod
            curbest <- qtl
        if (keeptrace) {
            temp <- list(chr = qtl$chr, pos = qtl$pos)
            #attr(temp, "formula") <- deparseQTLformula(formula)
            attr(temp, "pLOD") <- curplod
            class(temp) <- c("compactqtl", "list")
            temp <- list(temp)
            names(temp) <- iter
            thetrace <- c(thetrace, temp)
    # 4. drop1qtl the current best model to make sure lod column is SS II partial lod
    qq <- drop1qtl(cross, qtls = curbest, formula.red = fm.red, pheno = pheno, 
                   covar = covar, threshold=0, add.only = additive.only, test = test) 
    curbest$lod <- qq$partial.logp
    rownames(curbest) <- find.pseudomarker(cross, curbest$chr, curbest$pos, where="prob")
    class(curbest) <- c("summary.stepwiseqtl", "data.frame")

    # 5. Refining positions
    # If so then output is a qtl object instead of a summary
    if (refine.locations) { 
        curbest <- lodprofile.qtl(curbest, cross = cross, fm.red = fm.red, pheno = pheno,
                                  covar = covar, chr = NULL, add.only = additive.only,
                                  test = test)
        if (!keeplodprofile){
            # return only summary
            curbest <- data.frame(chr=curbest$chr,pos=curbest$pos, lod=curbest$lod, row.names = curbest$name)
            class(curbest) <- c("summary.stepwiseqtl","data.frame")
            attr(curbest, which="pLOD") <- curbestplod
        attr(curbest, "trace") <- thetrace
    if (verbose) {
        cat(" -- final best QTL model\n")
leave1qtl <- function(cross, qtls, pheno, covar, formula.red, mod.red.rank, 
                      SSCPerr.red, add.only = FALSE, test = "Pillai", verbose = FALSE) {
    # Test a model with one-QTL out versus the null model
    n.qtl <- nrow(qtls)
    n.ind <- nrow(pheno)
    fm.red <- paste(deparse(formula.red[-2]), collapse = "")
    #get genotypes for all qtls
    geno <- getGeno(cross, Q = qtls, add.only = add.only)
    #fit the full model
    gen <- colnames(geno)
    tmp.dat <- cbind(covar, geno)
    #fit the full minus 1 QTL 
    lod <- rep(0, n.qtl)
    for (q in 1:n.qtl){
        idx <- grep(paste("q", q, ".", sep = ""), gen, fixed=TRUE)
        fm.new <- paste(fm.red, paste(gen[-idx], collapse = "+"), sep="+")
        tmp.x <- model.matrix(as.formula(fm.new), data = tmp.dat)
        mod.full <- .Call(C_CdqrlsShapeQTL, x = tmp.x, y = pheno, tol = 1e-07, chk = FALSE)
        dfeff <- mod.full$rank - mod.red.rank
        dferr <- n.ind - mod.full$rank	
        SSCPerr.full <- crossprod(mod.full$residuals)
        rank.E <- qr(SSCPerr.full)$rank
        #partial F-test: Full model vs Reduced model
        SSCPfull <- SSCPerr.red - SSCPerr.full
        if (pmatch(test,"Pillai", nomatch=0)) 
            lod[q] <- Pillai.test(SSCPfull,SSCPerr.full,dfeff,dferr,rank.E)
        if (pmatch(test,"Lik.ratio", nomatch=0)) 
            lod[q] <- LikelihoodRatio.test(SSCPerr.full,SSCPerr.red,dfeff,dferr,rank.E)
        if (pmatch(test,"Hotelling.Lawley", nomatch=0)) 
            lod[q] <- Hotelling.test(SSCPfull,SSCPerr.full,dfeff,dferr,rank.E)
        if (pmatch(test,"GoodallF", nomatch=0)) 
            lod[q] <- goodallF.test(diag(SSCPerr.full), diag(SSCPerr.red), dferr, 
                                    n.ind - mod.red.rank, rank.E)
    qtls <- data.frame(qtls$chr, qtls$pos, lod)
    colnames(qtls) <- c("chr", "pos", "lod") 

drop1qtl <- function(cross, qtls, formula.red, pheno, covar, threshold, 
                     add.only=FALSE, test="Pillai", verbose=FALSE) {
    cl.qtl <- class(qtls)
    n.qtl <- nrow(qtls)
    if (n.qtl < 2) {
        warning("Less than 2 QTLs in your model! no drop require")
        partial.logp <- qtls$lod
        names(partial.logp) <- rownames(qtls)
    } else {
        n.ind <- nrow(pheno)
        fm.red <- paste(deparse(formula.red[-2]), collapse = "")
        # get genotypes for all qtls
        geno <- getGeno(cross, Q = qtls, add.only = add.only)
        # fit the full model
        gen <- colnames(geno)
        form <- as.formula(paste(fm.red, paste(gen, collapse = "+"), sep="+"))
        x <- model.matrix(form, data = cbind(covar,geno))
        mod.full <- .Call(C_CdqrlsShapeQTL, x = x, y = pheno, tol = 1e-07, chk = FALSE)
        SSCPerr.full <- crossprod(mod.full$residuals)
        rank.E <- qr(SSCPerr.full)$rank
        # fit the full minus 1 QTL to get SSII p-value
        partial.logp <- rep(0, n.qtl)
        for (q in 1:n.qtl){
            idx <- grep(paste("q",q,".",sep=""), gen, fixed=TRUE)
            tmp.x <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste(fm.red, paste(gen[-idx], collapse="+"), sep="+")), data=cbind(covar,geno))
            mod.red <- .Call(C_CdqrlsShapeQTL, x = tmp.x, y = pheno, tol = 1e-07, chk = FALSE)
            dfeff <- mod.full$rank - mod.red$rank
            dferr <- n.ind - mod.full$rank	
            SSCPerr.red <- crossprod(mod.red$residuals)	
        #partial F-test: Full model vs Reduced model
            SSCPfull <- SSCPerr.red - SSCPerr.full
            if (pmatch(test,"Pillai",nomatch=0)) 
                partial.logp[q] <- Pillai.test(SSCPfull,SSCPerr.full,dfeff,dferr,rank.E)
            if (pmatch(test,"Lik.ratio",nomatch=0)) 
                partial.logp[q] <- LikelihoodRatio.test(SSCPerr.full,SSCPerr.red,dfeff,dferr,rank.E)
            if (pmatch(test,"Hotelling.Lawley",nomatch=0)) 
                partial.logp[q] <- Hotelling.test(SSCPfull,SSCPerr.full,dfeff,dferr,rank.E)
            if (pmatch(test,"GoodallF",nomatch=0)) 
                partial.logp[q] <- goodallF.test(diag(SSCPerr.full), diag(SSCPerr.red), dferr, 
                                                 n.ind - mod.red$rank, rank.E)
    names(partial.logp) <- rownames(qtls)
    if (any(partial.logp < threshold)) {
        if (verbose) {
            print("removed qtl")
            print(qtls[partial.logp < threshold, ])
        qtls <- qtls[partial.logp > threshold, ]
        cat("some qtls have been drop!\n updating...\n")
        qtls <- drop1qtl(cross, qtls = qtls, formula.red = formula.red, 
                         pheno = pheno, covar = covar,threshold = threshold, 
                         add.only = add.only, test = test)
    } else qtls <- cbind(qtls, partial.logp)
    class(qtls) <- c("summary.drop1qtl","data.frame")

lodprofile.qtl<- function (qtls, cross, fm.red, pheno, covar, chr = NULL, add.only = FALSE,
                           test = "Pillai", verbose = FALSE) 
        rownames(qtls) <- qtls$name
        qtls <- qtls[,c("chr","pos","lod")] #suppress name and n.gen to match summary.scanone
    else if(!any(class(qtls)%in%"summary.scanone")) 
        stop("qtls must be either summary.scanone object or summary.stepwiseqtl object")
    fm.red <- as.formula(paste("pheno", paste(deparse(fm.red[-2]), collapse = "")))
    mod.red <- lm(fm.red, data = covar)
    if (!is.null(chr)) {
        if (length(chr) > 1) {
            chr <- chr[1]
            cat("Analysis of chr", chr, "only\n")
        back.qtl <- qtls[qtls$chr != chr, ]
        qtls <- qtls[qtls$chr == chr, ]
        if (!length(back.qtl)) 
        if (!length(qtls)) 
            stop("no qtl for this chromosome")
        back.geno <- getGeno(cross, Q = back.qtl, add.only = add.only)
        covar <- cbind(covar, back.geno)
        # Update the formula of the reduced model
        fm.red <- as.formula(paste(paste(deparse(fm.red), collapse = ""), 
                                   paste(names(back.geno), collapse = "+"), sep = "+"))
    n.qtls <- nrow(qtls)
    lastOut <- NULL
    newpos <- qtls 
    if (n.qtls == 1)  {
        tmp.cross <- subset(cross, chr = qtls$chr)
        tmp <- mvGenomScan(tmp.cross, pheno = pheno, mod.red = fm.red, 
                           covar = covar, back.qtl = NULL, test = test)
        if (ncol(tmp) > 3) 
            tmp <- tmp[, 1:3]
        tmp[is.na(tmp[, 3]), 3] <- 0
        lastOut[[1]] <- tmp
        newpos[1, ] <- max(tmp)
    } else {    
        for (q in 1:n.qtls) {
            geno <- as.matrix(getGeno(cross, Q = qtls[-q, ], add.only = add.only))
            tmp.cross <- subset(cross, chr = qtls[q, "chr"])
            tmp <- mvGenomScan(tmp.cross, pheno = pheno, mod.red = fm.red, 
                           covar = covar, back.qtl = geno, test = test)
            if (ncol(tmp) > 3) 
                tmp <- tmp[, c(1,2, add.only + 3)]
            tmp[is.na(tmp[, 3]), 3] <- 0
            lastOut[[q]] <- tmp
            newpos[q, ] <- max(tmp)
            newpos[q, "chr"] <- qtls[q, "chr"] #in case of being overriden
    qtls <- newpos
    qtls.name <- find.pseudomarker(cross, qtls$chr, qtls$pos, where = "prob")
    QTL <- makeqtl(cross, qtls$chr, qtls$pos, qtls.name, what = "prob")
    QTL$lod <- qtls$lod
    names(lastOut) <- QTL$name
    attr(QTL, "lodprofile") <- lastOut
refine.qtl <- function(qtls, cross, fm.red, pheno, covar, 
                       chr = NULL, 
                       max.iter = 10, 
                       add.only = FALSE,
                       verbose = FALSE, 
                       test = "Pillai") {
    fm.red <- as.formula(paste("pheno", paste(deparse(fm.red[-2]), collapse = "")))
    mod.red <- lm(fm.red, data = covar)
    # In the process, we don't update mod.red because it corresponds initially to pheno ~ covar 
    # and the prg if back.qtl update it to pheno ~ covar + back.qtl
    run.model <- TRUE
    iter <- 0
    if (!is.null(chr)) {
        if (length(chr) > 1) {
            chr <- chr[1]
            cat("Analysis of chr", chr, "only\n")
        back.qtl <- qtls[qtls$chr != chr,]
        qtls <- qtls[qtls$chr == chr, ]
        if (!length(back.qtl)) break
        if (!length(qtls)) stop("no qtl for this chromosome")
        back.geno <- getGeno(cross, Q = back.qtl, add.only = add.only)
        covar <- cbind(covar, back.geno)
        # Update the formula of the reduced model
        fm.red <- as.formula(paste(paste(deparse(fm.red), collapse = ""), 
                                   paste(names(back.geno), collapse = "+"), sep = "+"))
    qtls.name <- find.pseudomarker(cross, chr = qtls$chr, pos = qtls$pos, where="prob") 
    QTL <- makeqtl(cross, chr = qtls$chr, pos = qtls$pos, qtl.name = qtls.name, what="prob")
    n.qtls <- QTL$n.qtl
    if (is.null(chr) & n.qtls == 1) {
        warning("Only one qtl without background qtl: No refining done")
    map <- attr(QTL, "map")
    if (is.null(map)) 
        stop("Input qtl object should contain the genetic map.")
    mind <- min(sapply(map, function(a) {
        if (is.matrix(a)) a <- a[1, ]
    if (mind <= 0) mind <- 1e-06
    target.qtl <- NULL
    while (run.model){
        iter <- iter + 1
        old.qtls <- qtls
        # Randomly pick a qtl. But make sure the 1st was not the first before
        o <- sample(n.qtls)
            while(o[1] == target.qtl[1]) o <- sample(n.qtls)
        target.qtl <- o
        outStep <- NULL
        if(verbose) cat("------ scan ...")
        for (q in 1:n.qtls) {
            geno <- as.matrix(getGeno(cross, Q = qtls[-target.qtl[q], ], add.only))
            tmp.cross <- subset(cross, chr = qtls[target.qtl[q], 'chr'])
            tmp <- mvGenomScan(tmp.cross, pheno, mod.red = fm.red, covar = covar,
                               back.qtl = geno, test = test)
            # selection on full or additive model depending on add.only arg
            if (ncol(tmp) > 3) { 
                tmp <- tmp[, c(1,2, 3 + add.only), drop = FALSE]
            tmp[is.na(tmp[, 3]), 3] <- 0
            mx.tmp <- max(tmp) #get R/qtl max over the chromosome
            if (verbose) {
                print("back qtl")
                print(qtls[, 1:3])
                print("new qtl")
            qtls[target.qtl[q], ] <- mx.tmp
            qtls[target.qtl[q], 'chr'] <- as.character(mx.tmp$chr) #this is because of chr is a factor
            outStep[[q]] <- tmp
        if(verbose) cat(" done\n")
        #check if positions have changed.
        if (max(abs(old.qtls[target.qtl, 'pos']-qtls[target.qtl, 'pos'])) < mind){
            converged <- TRUE
        if (iter>=max.iter) break
    idx <- order(as.numeric(qtls$chr) * max(qtls$pos) + qtls$pos)
    qtls <- qtls[idx, ]
    lastOut <- NULL
    newpos <- qtls
    for (q in 1:n.qtls){
        geno <- as.matrix(getGeno(cross, qtls[-q, ], add.only))
        tmp.cross <- subset(cross, chr = qtls[q, 'chr'])
        tmp <- mvGenomScan(tmp.cross, pheno, mod.red = fm.red, covar = covar,
                           back.qtl = geno, test = test)
        if (ncol(tmp) > 3) { 
            tmp <- tmp[, c(1,2, 3 + add.only), drop = FALSE]
        tmp[is.na(tmp[, 3]), 3] <- 0
        lastOut[[q]] <- tmp
        mx.tmp <- max(tmp)
        qtls[q, ] <- mx.tmp
        qtls[q, 'chr'] <- as.character(mx.tmp$chr) #!! because chr factor
    qtls.name <- find.pseudomarker(cross, chr = qtls$chr, pos = qtls$pos, where = "prob")	
    QTL <- makeqtl(cross, chr = qtls$chr, pos = qtls$pos, qtl.name = qtls.name, what = "prob")
    # add the current partial lod scores
    QTL$lod <- qtls$lod
    # add the partial lod score profiles
    names(lastOut) <- QTL$name
    attr(QTL, "lodprofile") <- lastOut 
nnavarro/shapeQTL documentation built on April 30, 2021, 12:10 p.m.