##### -- Function to run BLAST on query sequences ------------------------------
# author: Aidan Lakshman
# contact: ahl27@pitt.edu
BlastSeqs <- function(seqs, BlastDB,
blastType=c('blastn', 'blastp', 'tblastn', 'blastx', 'tblastx'),
extraArgs='', verbose=TRUE){
blastType <- match.arg(blastType)
stopifnot("'seqs' must be XStringSet or path to a .fasta file"=
any(is(seqs, 'DNAStringSet'),
is(seqs, 'AAStringSet'),
is(seqs, 'XStringSet'),
is(seqs, 'character')))
#stopifnot("'BlastDB' file does not exist"=file.exists(BlastDB))
bcheck <- pipe(paste0('which ', blastType))
stopifnot('Requested blast not found. Check if the BLAST commandline tool is installed!'=
length(readLines(bcheck)) > 0)
if (verbose) cat(blastType, 'installation verified...\n\n')
if (!is(seqs, 'character')){
if (is(seqs, 'AAStringSet') && blastType %in% c('blastn', 'blastx', 'tblastx'))
stop("'", blastType, "'expects nucleotide data as input (received AAStringSet!)")
if (is(seqs, 'DNAStringSet') && blastType %in% c('blastp', 'tblastn'))
stop("'", blastType, "' expects protein data as input (received DNAStringSet!)")
if (verbose) cat('Input is XStringSet, creating temporary .fasta file...\n\n')
f <- tempfile()
writeXStringSet(seqs, filepath=f, format='FASTA')
} else {
stopifnot('File does not exist'=file.exists(seqs))
stopifnot(length(readBStringSet(seqs, format='fasta', nrec=1))==1L) #error message never shows but works correctly
if (verbose) cat('Input file located...\n\n')
f <- seqs
query <- paste0(blastType, ' -query ', f, ' -db ', BlastDB, ' -outfmt 6 ', extraArgs)
if (verbose) {
cat('Running query:\n', query, '\n\n', sep='')
t0 <- Sys.time()
blastres <- pipe(query)
blastResults <- tryCatch({
b <- read.table( blastres )
colnames( b ) <- c( "QueryID", "SubjectID", "Perc.Ident",
"Alignment.Length", "Mismatches", "Gap.Openings", "Q.start", "Q.end",
"S.start", "S.end", "E", "Bits" )
if (verbose) {
cat('Success!\nOutput head:\n\n')
print(difftime(Sys.time(), t0))
error= function(e) NULL,
finally= function(){ close(blastres) })
if (!is.null(blastResults)) return(blastResults)
else invisible(blastResults)
MakeBlastDb <- function(seqs, dbtype=c('prot', 'nucl'),
dbname=NULL, dbpath=NULL,
extraArgs='', createDirectory=FALSE,
dbtype <- match.arg(dbtype)
stopifnot("'seqs' must be XStringSet or path to a .fasta file"=
any(is(seqs, 'DNAStringSet'),
is(seqs, 'AAStringSet'),
is(seqs, 'XStringSet'),
is(seqs, 'character')))
bcheck <- pipe('which makeblastdb')
stopifnot('Could not make BLAST database. Check if the BLAST commandline tool is installed!'=
length(readLines(bcheck)) > 0)
if (verbose) cat('BLAST installation verified...\n\n')
dbname <- paste0('blastdb_', paste0(sample(0:9, 10, replace=TRUE), collapse=''))
if (!is(seqs, 'character')){
f <- tempfile()
writeXStringSet(seqs, filepath=f, format='FASTA')
} else {
seqs <- normalizePath(seqs, mustWork=TRUE)
stopifnot('File does not exist'=file.exists(seqs))
stopifnot(length(readBStringSet(seqs, format='fasta', nrec=1))==1) #error message never shows but works correctly
if (verbose) cat('Input file located...\n\n')
f <- seqs
blastdbdir <- tempdir(check=TRUE)
blastdbdir <- dbpath
direxists <- dir.exists(blastdbdir)
if(createDirectory & !direxists){
} else if(!direxists){
stop("Directory dbpath does not exist.",
" Did you mean to set createDirectory=TRUE?")
cmdlineArgs <- paste('-in', f,
'-input_type fasta',
'-dbtype', dbtype,
'-out', file.path(blastdbdir, dbname),
if (verbose) {
cat('Running query:\n', paste('makeblastdb', paste(cmdlineArgs, collapse='')), '\n\n', sep='')
t0 <- Sys.time()
errs <- system2('makeblastdb', args=cmdlineArgs,
stdout=TRUE, wait=TRUE, stderr=TRUE)
if(length(errs) > 0 && any(grepl("ERROR", errs))){
retVal <- c(blastdbdir, dbname)
names(retVal) <- c("Path", "DbName")
if (verbose) {
print(difftime(Sys.time(), t0))
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