###### Presence/Absence Methods for EvoWeaver #####
# author: Aidan Lakshman
# contact: ahl27@pitt.edu
# TODO: clean up the naming here
#### Implemented Methods: ####
# - Jaccard Distance at tips
# - Hamming Distance
# - Mutual Information at tips
# - Mutual Information of gain/loss events
# - Jaccard Distance, centered w/ conserved clades collapsed
# - Inverse Potts Model
# - Behdenna 2016 gain/loss
# - Pearson correlation of gain/loss (w/ p-value)
# - Distance between gain/loss events
# - Overlap of ancestral state coverage on tree
#### S3 Generic Definitions ####
ExtantJaccard <- function(ew, ...) UseMethod('ExtantJaccard')
Hamming <- function(ew, ...) UseMethod('Hamming')
CorrGL <- function(ew, ...) UseMethod('CorrGL')
GLMI <- function(ew, ...) UseMethod('GLMI')
ProfileDCA <- function(ew, ...) UseMethod('ProfileDCA')
Behdenna <- function(ew, ...) UseMethod('Behdenna')
GLDistance <- function(ew, ...) UseMethod('GLDistance')
PAJaccard <- function(ew, ...) UseMethod("PAJaccard")
PAOverlap <- function(ew, ...) UseMethod("PAOverlap")
PAPV <- function(ew, ...) UseMethod('PAPV')
ExtantJaccard.EvoWeaver <- function(ew, Subset=NULL, Verbose=TRUE,
precalcProfs=NULL, precalcSubset=NULL, ...){
if (!is.null(precalcSubset))
subs <- precalcSubset
subs <- ProcessSubset(ew, Subset)
uvals <- subs$uvals
evalmap <- subs$evalmap
if ( is.null(precalcProfs) ){
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating PA Profiles...\n')
pap <- PAProfiles(ew, uvals, Verbose=Verbose)
} else {
pap <- precalcProfs
l <- length(uvals)
n <- names(ew)
if ( l == 1 ){
mat <- matrix(1, nrow=1, ncol=1)
rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- n
nr <- nrow(pap)
pap[] <- as.integer(pap)
ARGS <- list(nr=nr)
FXN <- function(v1, v2, ARGS, ii, jj) {
return(.Call("calcScoreJaccard", v1, v2, ARGS$nr, PACKAGE="SynExtend"))
pairscores <- BuildSimMatInternal(pap, uvals, evalmap, l, n, FXN, ARGS, Verbose)
Hamming.EvoWeaver <- function(ew, Subset=NULL, Verbose=TRUE,
precalcProfs=NULL, precalcSubset=NULL, ...){
if (!is.null(precalcSubset))
subs <- precalcSubset
subs <- ProcessSubset(ew, Subset)
uvals <- subs$uvals
evalmap <- subs$evalmap
if ( is.null(precalcProfs) ){
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating PA Profiles...\n')
pap <- PAProfiles(ew, Verbose=Verbose)
} else {
pap <- precalcProfs
l <- length(uvals)
n <- names(ew)
if ( l == 1 ){
mat <- simMat(1, nelem=1)
rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- n
nr <- nrow(pap)
pairscores <- rep(NA_real_, l*(l-1)/2)
#nc <- ncol(pap)
pap[] <- as.integer(pap)
ARGS <- list(nr=nr)
FXN <- function(v1, v2, ARGS, ii, jj) {
return(.Call("calcScoreHamming", v1, v2, ARGS$nr, 1, PACKAGE="SynExtend"))
pairscores <- BuildSimMatInternal(pap, uvals, evalmap, l, n, FXN, ARGS, Verbose)
PAJaccard.EvoWeaver <- function(ew, Subset=NULL, Verbose=TRUE,
precalcProfs=NULL, precalcSubset=NULL,
CombinePVal=TRUE, ...){
if (!is.null(precalcSubset))
subs <- precalcSubset
subs <- ProcessSubset(ew, Subset)
uvals <- subs$uvals
evalmap <- subs$evalmap
if (is.null(MySpeciesTree)){
stopifnot("Method 'GLDistance' requires a species tree"=attr(ew, 'useMT'))
if (Verbose) cat('Calculating Species Tree...\n')
MySpeciesTree <- findSpeciesTree(ew, Verbose)
if ( is.null(precalcProfs) ){
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating PA Profiles...\n')
pap <- PAProfiles(ew, uvals, Verbose=Verbose, speciesList=labels(MySpeciesTree), ...)
} else {
pap <- precalcProfs
l <- length(uvals)
n <- names(ew)
if ( l == 1 ){
v <- ifelse(CombinePVal, 1, 1+1i)
mat <- simMat(v, nelem=1)
rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- n
# Initialize Dendrogram in C
y <- .Call("initCDend", MySpeciesTree, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
numnodes <- .Call("getTreeNodesCount", y, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
glvs <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=numnodes, ncol=l)
rn <- rownames(pap)
# Calculate Gain/Loss Vectors
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating ancestral states:\n')
if (Verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=ncol(pap), style=3)
for (i in seq_len(l)){
v <- rn[pap[,i]]
if (length(v) == 0){
glv <- rep(0L, numnodes)
} else {
glv <- .Call("calcGainLoss", y, v, FALSE, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
glvs[,i] <- glv
if (Verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if(Verbose) cat("\n")
ARGS <- list(numnodes=numnodes, y=y)
FXN <- function(v1, v2, ARGS, ii, jj) {
if(all(v1[1]==v1) || all(v2[1]==v2)){
# catch case where standard deviation is 0
# (all elements of vector the same)
return(ifelse(CombinePVal, 0, 0+0i))
y <- ARGS$y
# 00 = 1, 01 = 2, 10 = 3, 11 = 4
# 0 reserved for "ignore me"
v1 <- 2L*v1 + v2 + 1L
v1 <- .Call("cladeCollapsePA", y, v1)
jpd <- tabulate(v1, nbins=4L)
## now jpd is: 00 01 10 11
#pval <- 1-fisher.test(jpd, alternative='two.sided')$p.value
#jpd <- jpd / sum(jpd)
# now do we use Jaccard, or MI?
# Jaccard does have a nice p-value we could use
# see Chung et al. 2019
# note indices are reversed relative to paper
m <- sum(jpd)
jaccard_index <- ifelse(sum(jpd[2:4]) == 0, 0, jpd[4] / sum(jpd[2:4]))
p_i <- sum(jpd[3:4]) / m
p_j <- sum(jpd[c(2,4)]) / m
q1 <- p_i * p_j
q2 <- p_i + p_j - 2*p_i*p_j
expected_jaccard <- ifelse(q2+q1 == 0, 0, q1 / (q2+q1))
centered_jaccard <- jaccard_index - expected_jaccard
# Bootstrap p-value calculation
# note that this is better than asymptotics,
# which are anti-conservative estimators
NUM_BOOTSTRAP <- min(m*5L, 1000L)
bootstrap_replicates <- numeric(NUM_BOOTSTRAP)
for(iter in seq_along(bootstrap_replicates)){
s <- (rbinom(m, 1, p_i) * 2) + (rbinom(m, 1, p_j) + 1L)
s <- tabulate(s, nbins=4)
jv <- s[4] / sum(s[2:4])
if(is.nan(jv) || is.na(jv)) jv <- 0
bootstrap_replicates[iter] <- jv - expected_jaccard
p_value_left <- sum(bootstrap_replicates >= centered_jaccard) / NUM_BOOTSTRAP
p_value_right <- sum(bootstrap_replicates <= centered_jaccard) / NUM_BOOTSTRAP
p_value <- 2*min(p_value_left, p_value_right)
weighting <- 1-sqrt(p_value)
# the centered jaccard is bounded on [-1/3,2/3] due to how it's calculated
if(centered_jaccard < 0) centered_jaccard <- centered_jaccard * 3
else centered_jaccard <- centered_jaccard * 3/2
# clip to [-1,1] just in case
if(centered_jaccard > 1) centered_jaccard <- 1
if(centered_jaccard < -1) centered_jaccard <- -1
return(ifelse(CombinePVal, weighting * centered_jaccard,
complex(real=centered_jaccard, imaginary=weighting)))
pairscores <- BuildSimMatInternal(glvs, uvals, evalmap, l, n, FXN, ARGS, Verbose, CombinePVal)
Diag(pairscores) <- ifelse(CombinePVal, 1, 1+1i)
PAOverlap.EvoWeaver <- function(ew, Subset=NULL, Verbose=TRUE,
precalcProfs=NULL, precalcSubset=NULL,
CombinePVal=TRUE, ...){
N_PERM <- 200L
if (!is.null(precalcSubset))
subs <- precalcSubset
subs <- ProcessSubset(ew, Subset)
uvals <- subs$uvals
evalmap <- subs$evalmap
if (is.null(MySpeciesTree)){
stopifnot("Method 'PAOverlap' requires a species tree"=attr(ew, 'useMT'))
if (Verbose) cat('Calculating Species Tree...\n')
MySpeciesTree <- findSpeciesTree(ew, Verbose)
if ( is.null(precalcProfs) ){
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating PA Profiles...\n')
pap <- PAProfiles(ew, uvals, Verbose=Verbose, speciesList=labels(MySpeciesTree), ...)
} else {
pap <- precalcProfs
l <- length(uvals)
n <- names(ew)
if ( l == 1 ){
v <- ifelse(CombinePVal, 1, 1+1i)
mat <- simMat(v, nelem=1)
rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- n
# Initialize Dendrogram in C
y <- .Call("initCDend", MySpeciesTree, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
numnodes <- .Call("getTreeNodesCount", y, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
rn <- rownames(pap)
glvs <- a_states <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=numnodes, ncol=l)
# Calculate Gain/Loss Vectors
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating gain/loss vectors:\n')
if (Verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=ncol(pap), style=3)
for (i in seq_len(l)){
v <- rn[pap[,i]]
if (length(v) == 0){
glv <- a_state <- rep(0L, numnodes)
} else {
glv <- .Call("calcGainLoss", y, v, TRUE, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
a_state <- .Call("calcGainLoss", y, v, FALSE, PACKAGE='SynExtend')
glvs[,i] <- glv
a_states[,i] <- a_state
if (Verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
glvs <- rbind(glvs, a_states)
if(Verbose) cat("\n")
all_lengths <- .Call("calcAllTreeLengths", y, PACKAGE='SynExtend')
ARGS <- list(numnodes=numnodes, all_lens=all_lengths,
total_len=sum(all_lengths), n_perm=N_PERM)
FXN <- function(v1, v2, ARGS, ii, jj) {
nn <- ARGS$numnodes
pa1 <- v1[seq_len(nn)+nn]
pa2 <- v2[seq_len(nn)+nn]
if(sum(pa1) * sum(pa2) == 0) return(ifelse(CombinePVal, 0, 0+0i))
glv1 <- v1[seq_len(nn)]
glv2 <- v2[seq_len(nn)]
total_len <- ARGS$total_len
lens <- ARGS$all_lens
n_perm <- ARGS$n_perm
# ignore length 0 edges unless there's an event on one
pos_real <- which(lens > 0 | (lens==0 & abs(glv1)+abs(glv2) != 0))
pa1 <- pa1[pos_real]
pa2 <- pa2[pos_real]
glv1 <- glv1[pos_real]
glv2 <- glv2[pos_real]
lens <- lens[pos_real]
numnodes <- length(pa1)
# scoring
time_len1 <- sum((pa1 - (0.5*abs(glv1))) * lens)
time_len2 <- sum((pa2 - (0.5*abs(glv2))) * lens)
denom <- time_len1 + time_len2
if(denom == 0) denom <- Inf
#weighting <- c(time_len1 / total_len, time_len2 / total_len)
#weighting <- ifelse(any(weighting==0), 0, 2 / sum(1/sqrt(weighting)))
pos_inter <- which(pa1*pa2==1 & glv1*glv2 != -1)
# subsetting here means we won't have simultaneous G/L or L/G, only G/G and L/L
inter_lens <- lens[pos_inter]
p <- abs(glv1[pos_inter]) + abs(glv2[pos_inter])!=0
inter_lens[p] <- inter_lens[p] * 0.5
inter_lens <- 2*sum(inter_lens) / denom
score <- inter_lens - (time_len1 * time_len2) / (total_len*total_len)
## commented lines change it from permutation testing to bootstrapping
#probs_pa <- c(sum(pa1) / nn, sum(pa2)/nn)
#probs_glv1 <- tabulate(glv1+2L, nbins=3) / nn
#probs_glv2 <- tabulate(glv2+2L, nbins=3) / nn
replicates <- numeric(n_perm)
for(iter in seq_len(n_perm)){
pa1 <- .C("shuffleRInt", pa1, numnodes, PACKAGE="SynExtend")[[1]]
pa2 <- .C("shuffleRInt", pa2, numnodes, PACKAGE="SynExtend")[[1]]
glv1 <- .C("shuffleRInt", glv1, numnodes, PACKAGE="SynExtend")[[1]]
glv2 <- .C("shuffleRInt", glv2, numnodes, PACKAGE="SynExtend")[[1]]
# pa1 <- rbinom(nn, 1, probs_pa[1])
# pa2 <- rbinom(nn, 1, probs_pa[2])
# glv1 <- sample(c(-1:1), nn, replace=TRUE, probs_glv1)
# glv2 <- sample(c(-1:1), nn, replace=TRUE, probs_glv2)
time_len1 <- sum((pa1 - (0.5*abs(glv1))) * lens)
time_len2 <- sum((pa2 - (0.5*abs(glv2))) * lens)
denom <- time_len1 + time_len2
if(denom == 0) denom <- Inf
pos_inter <- which((pa1-0.5*glv1) == (pa2-0.5*glv2) & pa1*pa2==1)
inter_lens <- lens[pos_inter]
p <- abs(glv1[pos_inter]) + abs(glv2[pos_inter])!=0
inter_lens[p] <- inter_lens[p] * 0.5
inter_lens <- 2*sum(inter_lens) / denom
replicates[iter] <- abs(inter_lens - (time_len1 * time_len2) / (total_len*total_len))
p_lv <- sum(replicates <= score) / n_perm
p_rv <- sum(replicates >= score) / n_perm
p_v <- 2*min(c(p_lv, p_rv))
if(p_v > 1) p_v <- 1
p_v <- sqrt(1-p_v)
return(ifelse(CombinePVal, p_v*score, complex(real=score, imaginary=p_v)))
pairscores <- BuildSimMatInternal(glvs, uvals, evalmap, l, n, FXN, ARGS, Verbose, CombinePVal)
Diag(pairscores) <- ifelse(CombinePVal, 1, 1+1i)
CorrGL.EvoWeaver <- function(ew, Subset=NULL, Verbose=TRUE,
precalcProfs=NULL, precalcSubset=NULL,
CombinePVal=TRUE, ...){
if (!is.null(precalcSubset))
subs <- precalcSubset
subs <- ProcessSubset(ew, Subset)
uvals <- subs$uvals
evalmap <- subs$evalmap
if (is.null(MySpeciesTree)){
stopifnot("Method 'GLDistance' requires a species tree"=attr(ew, 'useMT'))
if (Verbose) cat('Calculating Species Tree...\n')
MySpeciesTree <- findSpeciesTree(ew, Verbose)
if ( is.null(precalcProfs) ){
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating PA Profiles...\n')
pap <- PAProfiles(ew, uvals, Verbose=Verbose, speciesList=labels(MySpeciesTree), ...)
} else {
pap <- precalcProfs
l <- length(uvals)
n <- names(ew)
if ( l == 1 ){
v <- ifelse(CombinePVal, 1, 1+1i)
mat <- simMat(v, nelem=1)
rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- n
# Initialize Dendrogram in C
y <- .Call("initCDend", MySpeciesTree, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
numnodes <- .Call("getTreeNodesCount", y, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
rn <- rownames(pap)
glvs <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=numnodes, ncol=l)
# Calculate Gain/Loss Vectors
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating gain/loss vectors:\n')
if (Verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=ncol(pap), style=3)
for (i in seq_len(l)){
v <- rn[pap[,i]]
if (length(v) == 0){
glv <- rep(0L, numnodes)
} else {
glv <- .Call("calcGainLoss", y, v, TRUE, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
glvs[,i] <- glv
if (Verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if(Verbose) cat("\n")
ARGS <- list(numnodes=numnodes)
FXN <- function(v1, v2, ARGS, ii, jj) {
if(all(v1[1]==v1) || all(v2[1]==v2)){
# catch case where standard deviation is 0
# (all elements of vector the same)
return(ifelse(CombinePVal, 0, 0+0i))
val <- cor(v1, v2)
#pval <- 1 - pt(val, ARGS$numnodes - 2, lower.tail=FALSE)
pval <- 1-fisher.test(v1, v2, simulate.p.value=TRUE)$p.value
return(ifelse(CombinePVal, pval*val, complex(real=val, imaginary=pval)))
pairscores <- BuildSimMatInternal(glvs, uvals, evalmap, l, n, FXN, ARGS, Verbose, CombinePVal)
Diag(pairscores) <- ifelse(CombinePVal, 1, 1+1i)
MutualInformationPA.EvoWeaver <- function(ew, Subset=NULL, Verbose=TRUE,
precalcProfs=NULL, precalcSubset=NULL,
switchval=0L, ...){
if (!is.null(precalcSubset))
subs <- precalcSubset
subs <- ProcessSubset(ew, Subset)
uvals <- subs$uvals
evalmap <- subs$evalmap
if ( is.null(precalcProfs) ){
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating PA Profiles...\n')
pap <- PAProfiles(ew, uvals, Verbose=Verbose)
} else {
pap <- precalcProfs
l <- length(uvals)
n <- names(ew)
if ( l == 1 ){
mat <- matrix(1, nrow=1, ncol=1)
rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- n
FXN <- function(v1, v2, ARGS, ii, jj){
score <- 0
v1l <- length(v1)
if(v1l == 0) return(0)
tt <- sum(v1 & v2) / v1l
tf <- sum(v1 & !v2) / v1l
ft <- sum(!v1 & v2) / v1l
ff <- sum(!v1 & !v2) / v1l
jpd <- c(tt, tf, ft, ff)
tv1 <- sum(v1) / v1l
tv2 <- sum(v2) / v1l
fv1 <- 1 - tv1
fv2 <- 1 - tv2
mpdv1 <- c(tv1, tv1, fv1, fv1)
mpdv2 <- c(tv2, fv2, tv2, fv2)
mult <- c(1,-1,-1,1)
for ( k in seq_along(jpd) ){
val <- jpd[k] * log(jpd[k] / (mpdv1[k] * mpdv2[k]), base=2) * mult[k]
score <- score + ifelse(is.nan(val), 0, val)
pv <- ifelse(all(v1==v1[1]) || all(v2==v2[1]), 1, fisher.test(v1,v2)$p.value)
# APC Correction, removing for now
# CORRECTION <- function(ps){
# apccorr <- mean(ps, na.rm=TRUE)
# ps <- ps - apccorr
# ps <- abs(ps)
# # Normalize
# denom <- max(ps, na.rm=TRUE)
# ps <- ps / ifelse(denom==0, 1, denom)
# }
pairscores <- BuildSimMatInternal(pap, uvals, evalmap, l, n,
FXN, NULL, Verbose)
Diag(pairscores) <- 1
#pairscores <- pairscores #because distance
GLMI.EvoWeaver <- function(ew, Subset=NULL, Verbose=TRUE,
precalcProfs=NULL, precalcSubset=NULL,
CombinePVal=TRUE, ...){
if (!is.null(precalcSubset))
subs <- precalcSubset
subs <- ProcessSubset(ew, Subset)
uvals <- subs$uvals
evalmap <- subs$evalmap
if (is.null(MySpeciesTree)){
stopifnot("Method 'GLMI' requires a species tree"=attr(ew, 'useMT'))
if (Verbose) cat('Calculating Species Tree...\n')
MySpeciesTree <- findSpeciesTree(ew, Verbose)
if ( is.null(precalcProfs) ){
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating PA Profiles...\n')
pap <- PAProfiles(ew, uvals, Verbose=Verbose)
} else {
pap <- precalcProfs
l <- length(uvals)
n <- names(ew)
if ( l == 1 ){
v <- ifelse(CombinePVal, 1, 1+1i)
mat <- simMat(v, nelem=1)
rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- n
y <- .Call("initCDend", MySpeciesTree, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
numnodes <- .Call("getTreeNodesCount", y, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
rn <- rownames(pap)
glvs <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=numnodes, ncol=l)
# Calculate Gain/Loss Vectors
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating gain/loss vectors:\n')
if (Verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=ncol(pap), style=3)
for (i in seq_len(l)){
v <- rn[pap[,i]]
if (length(v) == 0){
glv <- rep(0L, numnodes)
} else {
glv <- .Call("calcGainLoss", y, v, TRUE, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
glvs[,i] <- glv
if (Verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if(Verbose) cat("\n")
FXN <- function(v1, v2, ARGS, ii, jj){
# subset just to where events actually occur
p <- abs(v1) + abs(v2) != 0
v1 <- v1[p]
v2 <- v2[p]
v1p <- v2p <- rep(0, length(v1))
v1p[v1==v2] <- 1
v2p[v1==v2] <- 1
v1p[v1==1 & v2==-1] <- 1
v2p[v2==1 & v1==-1] <- 1
v1 <- v1p
v2 <- v2p
if(all(v1==v1[1]) || all(v2==v2[1])) return(0)
score <- 0
v1l <- length(v1)
if(v1l == 0) return(ifelse(CombinePVal, 0, 0+0i))
tt <- sum(v1 & v2) / v1l
tf <- sum(v1 & !v2) / v1l
ft <- sum(!v1 & v2) / v1l
ff <- sum(!v1 & !v2) / v1l
jpd <- c(tt, tf, ft, ff)
tv1 <- sum(v1) / v1l
tv2 <- sum(v2) / v1l
fv1 <- 1 - tv1
fv2 <- 1 - tv2
mpdv1 <- c(tv1, tv1, fv1, fv1)
mpdv2 <- c(tv2, fv2, tv2, fv2)
# +1 for same event, -1 for opposite, 0 for event + no change
mult <- c(1,-1,-1,0)
for ( k in seq_along(jpd) ){
val <- jpd[k] * log(jpd[k] / (mpdv1[k] * mpdv2[k]), base=2) * mult[k]
score <- score + ifelse(is.nan(val), 0, val)
pv <- 1-fisher.test(v1,v2)$p.value
return(ifelse(CombinePVal, score*pv, complex(real=score, imaginary=pv)))
# APC Correction, removing for now
# CORRECTION <- function(ps){
# apccorr <- mean(ps, na.rm=TRUE)
# ps <- ps - apccorr
# ps <- abs(ps)
# # Normalize
# denom <- max(ps, na.rm=TRUE)
# ps <- ps / ifelse(denom==0, 1, denom)
# }
pairscores <- BuildSimMatInternal(glvs, uvals, evalmap, l, n,
FXN, NULL, Verbose, CombinePVal)
Diag(pairscores) <- ifelse(CombinePVal, 1, 1+1i)
#pairscores <- pairscores #because distance
ProfileDCA.EvoWeaver <- function(ew, Subset=NULL, Verbose=TRUE, Processors=1L,
precalcProfs=NULL, precalcSubset=NULL, useAbs=TRUE, ...){
if (!is.null(precalcSubset))
subs <- precalcSubset
subs <- ProcessSubset(ew, Subset)
uvals <- subs$uvals
if ( is.null(precalcProfs) ){
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating PA Profiles...\n')
pap <- PAProfiles(ew, uvals, Verbose=Verbose)
} else {
pap <- precalcProfs
l <- ncol(pap)
n <- colnames(pap)
if ( l == 1 ){
mat <- matrix(1, nrow=1, ncol=1)
rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- n
pairscores <- DCA_logRISE(pap, Verbose=Verbose, Processors=Processors, ...)
rownames(pairscores) <- colnames(pairscores) <- n
pairscores <- as.simMat(pairscores)
if (useAbs) pairscores <- abs(pairscores)
if (max(pairscores) != 0)
pairscores <- pairscores / max(abs(pairscores))
Behdenna.EvoWeaver <- function(ew, Subset=NULL, Verbose=TRUE,
MySpeciesTree=NULL, useSubtree=FALSE,
precalcProfs=NULL, precalcSubset=NULL, ...){
if (!is.null(precalcSubset))
subs <- precalcSubset
subs <- ProcessSubset(ew, Subset)
uvals <- subs$uvals
evalmap <- subs$evalmap
if (is.null(MySpeciesTree)){
stopifnot("Method 'Behdenna' requires a species tree"=attr(ew, 'useMT'))
if (Verbose) cat('Calculating Species Tree...\n')
MySpeciesTree <- findSpeciesTree(ew, Verbose)
if ( is.null(precalcProfs) ){
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating PA Profiles...\n')
pap <- PAProfiles(ew, uvals, Verbose=Verbose, speciesList=labels(MySpeciesTree))
} else {
pap <- precalcProfs
l <- length(uvals)
stopifnot(nrow(pap) > 1)
fd <- FastDend(MySpeciesTree)
v1 <- abs(generateGainLossVec(fd, pap[,1], moveEventsUpward=useACCTRAN))
glmat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(v1), ncol=ncol(pap))
glmat[,1] <- v1
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating gain/loss vectors:\n')
if (Verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=ncol(pap), style=3)
for ( i in 2:ncol(pap) ){
glmat[,i] <- abs(generateGainLossVec(fd, pap[,i], moveEventsUpward=useACCTRAN))
if (Verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if (Verbose) cat('\n')
vals <- calc_SId_mat(fd, IdOnly=!useSubtree)
if (useSubtree)
M <- vals$S
M <- vals$Id
Cmat <- vals$Cmat
bl <- vals$blengths
glmat <- abs(glmat)
ARGS <- list(M=M, Cmat=Cmat, bl=bl)
FXN <- function(v1, v2, ARGS, ii, jj){
n1 <- sum(v1)
n2 <- sum(v2)
score <- 0
if ( n1*n2 != 0 ){
score <- t(v1) %*% ARGS$M %*% v2
exp_mean <- n2 * (t(v1) %*% ARGS$M %*% ARGS$bl)
exp_var <- n2*t(v1) %*% ARGS$M %*% ARGS$Cmat %*% t(M) %*% v1
score <- (score - exp_mean) / sqrt(abs(exp_var))
if (!rawZScores){
CORRECTION <- function(ps){
ps <- abs(ps)
ps <- ps / ifelse(max(ps,na.rm=TRUE) != 0,
max(ps, na.rm=TRUE), 1)
pairscores <- BuildSimMatInternal(glmat, uvals, evalmap, l, names(ew),
FXN, ARGS, Verbose,
Diag(pairscores) <- ifelse(rawZScores, 1, 0)
GLDistance.EvoWeaver <- function(ew, Subset=NULL,
Verbose=TRUE, MySpeciesTree=NULL,
precalcProfs=NULL, precalcSubset=NULL,
CombinePVal=TRUE, ...){
if (!is.null(precalcSubset))
subs <- precalcSubset
subs <- ProcessSubset(ew, Subset)
uvals <- subs$uvals
evalmap <- subs$evalmap
CombinePVal <- CombinePVal && BOOTSTRAP_NUM > 0
if (is.null(MySpeciesTree)){
stopifnot("Method 'GLDistance' requires a species tree"=attr(ew, 'useMT'))
if (Verbose) cat('Calculating Species Tree...\n')
MySpeciesTree <- findSpeciesTree(ew, Verbose)
if ( is.null(precalcProfs) ){
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating PA Profiles...\n')
pap <- PAProfiles(ew, uvals, Verbose=Verbose, speciesList=labels(MySpeciesTree), ...)
} else {
pap <- precalcProfs
l <- length(uvals)
stopifnot(nrow(pap) > 1)
pa_counts <- colSums(pap)
# Initialize Dendrogram in C
y <- .Call("initCDend", MySpeciesTree, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
numnodes <- .Call("getTreeNodesCount", y, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
rn <- rownames(pap)
glvs <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=numnodes, ncol=l)
allnonzero <- logical(l)
# Calculate Gain/Loss Vectors
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating gain/loss vectors:\n')
if (Verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=ncol(pap), style=3)
for (i in seq_len(l)){
v <- rn[pap[,i]]
if (length(v) == 0){
glv <- rep(0L, numnodes)
allnonzero[i] <- TRUE
} else {
glv <- .Call("calcGainLoss", y, v, TRUE, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
glvs[,i] <- glv
if (Verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if(Verbose) cat("\n")
lenglv <- nrow(glvs)
ARGS <- list(allnonzero=allnonzero, y=y, bsn=BOOTSTRAP_NUM, l=lenglv)
FXN <- function(v1, v2, ARGS, ii, jj){
allnonzero <- ARGS$allnonzero
#labs <- ARGS$labs
#n1 <- ARGS$counts[ii]
#n2 <- ARGS$counts[jj]
if (allnonzero[ii] || allnonzero[jj]){
return(ifelse(CombinePVal, 0, 0+0i))
} else {
#res1 <- .Call("calcScoreGL", ARGS$y, v1, v2, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
#res2 <- .Call("calcScoreGL", ARGS$y, v2, v1, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
res1 <- .Call("calcScoreGL", ARGS$y, v1, v2, PACKAGE="SynExtend") / sum(abs(v1))
res2 <- .Call("calcScoreGL", ARGS$y, v2, v1, PACKAGE="SynExtend") / sum(abs(v2))
res <- res1 + res2
if (is.na(res) || is.infinite(res) || res==0) return(ifelse(CombinePVal, 0, 0+0i))
num_bs <- ARGS$bsn
if(num_bs > 0){
v1 <- as.integer(v1)
v2 <- as.integer(v2)
l <- as.integer(ARGS$l)
replicates <- rep(NA_real_, num_bs)
#ss <- seq_along(labs)
#ssl <- length(ss)
for(i in seq_len(num_bs)){
v1tmp <- .C("shuffleRInt", v1, l, PACKAGE="SynExtend")[[1]]
#pa1 <- labs[v1tmp]
v2tmp <- .C("shuffleRInt", v2, l, PACKAGE="SynExtend")[[1]]
#pa2 <- labs[v2tmp]
#v1tmp <- .Call("calcGainLoss", y, pa1, TRUE, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
#v2tmp <- .Call("calcGainLoss", y, pa2, TRUE, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
replicates[i] <- .Call("calcScoreGL", ARGS$y, v1tmp, v2tmp, PACKAGE="SynExtend") / sum(abs(v1tmp)) +
.Call("calcScoreGL", ARGS$y, v2tmp, v1tmp, PACKAGE="SynExtend") / sum(abs(v2tmp))
# pair up gain/loss and loss/gain
#replicates <- replicates / normer
#res <- res / normer
# doing abs instead so we get a 1-sided pv
# also fixes cases where all values are equal
pv <- sum(abs(res) > abs(replicates)) / num_bs
# left.pv <- sum(res <= replicates) / num_bs
# pv <- 2 * min(right.pv, left.pv)
# pv <- sum(replicates < res) / num_bs
# if(pv > 0.5){
# pv <- 2*(1-pv)
# } else {
# pv <- 2*pv
# }
res <- res / 2
res <- ifelse(CombinePVal, pv*res, complex(real=res, imaginary=pv))
} else {
normer <- mean(sum(abs(v1)), sum(abs(v2)))
normer <- sum(abs(v1), abs(v2))
normer <- ifelse(normer==0, 1, normer)
res <- 2*res / normer
pairscores <- BuildSimMatInternal(glvs, uvals, evalmap, l, names(ew),
FXN, ARGS, Verbose, CombinePVal)
Diag(pairscores) <- ifelse(CombinePVal, 1, 1+1i)
PAPV.EvoWeaver <- function(ew, Subset=NULL, Verbose=TRUE,
precalcProfs=NULL, precalcSubset=NULL, ...){
if (!is.null(precalcSubset))
subs <- precalcSubset
subs <- ProcessSubset(ew, Subset)
uvals <- subs$uvals
evalmap <- subs$evalmap
if ( is.null(precalcProfs) ){
if (Verbose) cat(' Calculating PA Profiles...\n')
pap <- PAProfiles(ew, uvals, Verbose=Verbose)
} else {
pap <- precalcProfs
l <- length(uvals)
n <- names(ew)
if ( l == 1 ){
mat <- matrix(1, nrow=1, ncol=1)
rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- n
nr <- nrow(pap)
pap[] <- as.integer(pap)
ARGS <- list(nr=nr)
FXN <- function(v1, v2, ARGS, ii, jj) {
if(all(v1==v1[1]) || all(v2==v2[1])) return(0)
return(1-fisher.test(v1, v2, simulate.p.value=TRUE)$p.value)
pairscores <- BuildSimMatInternal(pap, uvals, evalmap, l, n, FXN, ARGS, Verbose)
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