###### Distance Matrix Methods for EvoWeaver #####
# author: Aidan Lakshman
# contact: ahl27@pitt.edu
#### Implemented Methods: ####
# - RPMirrorTree
# - RPContextTree
# - TreeDistance
# -> RF, RF w/ pvalue, Jaccard RF, Cluster Info RF
# -> Nye Similarity
# -> Kuhner-Felsenstein
#### S3 Generic Definitions ####
RPMirrorTree <- function(ew, ...) UseMethod('RPMirrorTree')
RPContextTree <- function(ew, ...) UseMethod('RPContextTree')
TreeDistance <- function(ew, ...) UseMethod('TreeDistance')
RPMirrorTree.EvoWeaver <- function(ew, MTCorrection=c(),
Subset=NULL, Verbose=TRUE,
precalcProfs=NULL, precalcSubset=NULL,
CombinePVal=TRUE, ...){
if (!is.null(precalcSubset))
subs <- precalcSubset
subs <- ProcessSubset(ew, Subset)
uvals <- subs$uvals
evalmap <- subs$evalmap
pl <- length(uvals)
DIM_LENGTH <- min(80L, length(attr(ew, "allOrgs")))
alllabs <- lapply(uvals, \(x) labels(ew[[x]]))
MTCorrection <- tolower(MTCorrection)
useSpecCorr <- FALSE
if ('speciestree' %in% MTCorrection){
if ( is.null(MySpeciesTree) || !is(MySpeciesTree, 'dendrogram')){
MySpeciesTree <- findSpeciesTree(ew, Verbose)
stopifnot('Missing MySpeciesTree'=!is.null(MySpeciesTree))
stopifnot('MySpeciesTree must be a dendrogram'=is(MySpeciesTree, 'dendrogram'))
useSpecCorr <- TRUE
if (is.null(precalcProfs)){
if (Verbose) cat('Pre-processing distance matrices...\n')
spl <- NULL
if (!is.null(MySpeciesTree)){
spl <- labels(MySpeciesTree)
DIM_LENGTH <- min(80L, length(spl))
#CPs <- CophProfiles(ew, uvals, Verbose=Verbose, speciesList=spl)
CPs <- RandCophProfiles(ew, uvals, Verbose=Verbose,
speciesList=spl, outdim=as.integer(DIM_LENGTH),
mySpeciesTree=MySpeciesTree, ...)
} else {
CPs <- precalcProfs
l <- ncol(CPs)
if ( l == 1 ){
v <- ifelse(CombinePVal, 1, 1+1i)
mat <- simMat(v, nelem=1)
rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- uvals
if (Verbose) cat('Normalizing profiles...\n')
means <- colMeans(CPs, na.rm=TRUE)
vars <- apply(CPs, MARGIN=2, var, na.rm=TRUE)
if (Verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=ncol(CPs), style=3)
for ( i in seq_len(ncol(CPs)) ){
CPs[,i] <- (CPs[,i] - means[i]) / (ifelse(vars[i]!=0, sqrt(vars), 1))
if (Verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if(Verbose) cat('\n')
if ('satoaverage' %in% MTCorrection){
means <- rowMeans(CPs, na.rm = TRUE)
if (Verbose) cat('Calculating Sato projection vectors...\n')
# Big profiles lead to space issues that crash R
if (Verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=ncol(CPs), style=3)
proj_op <- diag(nrow=nrow(CPs)) - (means %*% t(means))
for ( i in seq_len(ncol(CPs)) ){
CPs[,i] <- c(CPs[,i] %*% proj_op)
if ( Verbose ) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if (Verbose) cat('\n')
useOverlap <- ('paoverlap' %in% MTCorrection)
pairscores <- rep(ifelse(CombinePVal, NA_real_, NA_complex_), pl*(pl-1) / 2)
ctr <- 0
endOfRow <- 0
if (Verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=(pl*(pl-1) / 2), style=3)
for ( i in seq_len(pl-1) ){
endOfRow <- endOfRow + (pl-i)
uval1 <- uvals[i]
v1 <- CPs[,i]
l1 <- alllabs[[i]]
sd1 <- sd(v1, na.rm=TRUE)
# Should only be NA if there's only one entry
if (is.na(sd1) || sd1 == 0){
pairscores[(ctr+1):endOfRow] <- ifelse(CombinePVal, 0, 0+0i)
ctr <- endOfRow
if (Verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, ctr)
} else {
for ( j in (i+1):pl ){
uval2 <- uvals[j]
accessor <- as.character(min(uval1, uval2))
entry <- max(uval1, uval2)
if (is.null(evalmap) || entry %in% evalmap[[accessor]]){
v2 <- CPs[,j]
l2 <- alllabs[[j]]
sd2 <- sd(v2, na.rm=TRUE)
if (is.na(sd2) || sd2 == 0)
val <- ifelse(CombinePVal, 0, 0+0i)
val <- suppressWarnings(cor(v1, v2,
num_branch <- length(v1)
pval <- 1 - exp(pt(val, num_branch-2, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE))
overlap <- 1L
overlap <- length(intersect(l1,l2)) / length(unique(c(l1,l2)))
val <- ifelse(CombinePVal, val*pval*overlap, complex(real=val*overlap, imaginary=pval))
if(is.na(val)) val <- ifelse(CombinePVal, 0, 0+0i)
pairscores[ctr+1] <- val
ctr <- ctr + 1
if (Verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, ctr)
if (Verbose) cat('\n')
pairscores <- as.simMat(pairscores, NAMES=names(ew)[uvals], DIAG=FALSE)
Diag(pairscores) <- ifelse(CombinePVal, 1, 1+1i)
RPContextTree.EvoWeaver <- function(ew, Subset=NULL, Verbose=TRUE, precalcProfs=NULL,
MySpeciesTree=NULL, CombinePVal=TRUE, ...){
if ( is.null(MySpeciesTree) || !is(MySpeciesTree, 'dendrogram')){
MySpeciesTree <- findSpeciesTree(ew, Verbose)
#MTCorrection <- c('speciestree', 'normalize', 'partialcorrelation')
MTCorrection <- c('speciestree', 'paoverlap')
return(RPMirrorTree(ew, MTCorrection=MTCorrection,
TreeDistance.EvoWeaver <- function(ew, Subset=NULL, Verbose=TRUE,
TreeMethods="RF", JRFk=4, ...){
if (!is.null(precalcSubset))
subs <- precalcSubset
subs <- ProcessSubset(ew, Subset)
uvals <- subs$uvals
evalmap <- subs$evalmap
if(!is.numeric(JRFk)) stop("JRFk value must be numeric")
if(is.integer(JRFk)) JRFk <- as.numeric(JRFk)
useColoc <- attr(ew, "useColoc")
l <- length(uvals)
n <- names(ew)
if ( l == 1 ){
mat <- matrix(1, nrow=1, ncol=1)
rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- n
bmn <- c("CI", "RF", "JRF", "Nye", "KF", "RFPVal")
if ('all' %in% TreeMethods){
bitmask <- rep(TRUE, length(bmn))
} else {
bitmask <- rep(FALSE, length(bmn))
bitmask <- vapply(bmn, \(x) x %in% TreeMethods, logical(1))
data('CIDist_NullDist', package="SynExtend", envir=environment())
bmn <- bmn[bitmask]
pairscoresList <- vector('list', length=length(bmn))
for(i in seq_along(bmn))
pairscoresList[[i]] <- rep(NA_real_, l*(l-1)/2)
names(pairscoresList) <- bmn
ctr <- 0
pArray <- vector('list', length=l)
labelsArray <- vector('list', length=l)
for ( i in seq_len(l) ){
tree <- ew[[uvals[i]]]
if (useColoc){
tree <- rapply(tree, \(x){
if (!is.null(attr(x, 'leaf'))){
attr(x, 'label') <- gsub("([^_]*)_.*", '\\1', attr(x, 'label'))
}, how='replace')
labs <- labels(tree)
ptr <- .Call("initCDend", tree, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
pArray[[i]] <- ptr
labelsArray[[i]] <- labs
on.exit(vapply(seq_len(l), \(x){
ptr <- pArray[[x]]
}, integer(1)))
if (Verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=(l*(l-1) / 2), style=3)
for ( i in seq_len(l-1) ){
p1 <- pArray[[i]]
uval1 <- uvals[i]
for ( j in (i+1):l ){
p2 <- pArray[[j]]
uval2 <- uvals[j]
accessor <- as.character(min(uval1, uval2))
entry <- max(uval1, uval2)
if (is.null(evalmap) || entry %in% evalmap[[accessor]]){
interlabs <- intersect(labelsArray[[i]], labelsArray[[j]])
if (bitmask[1]){
s <- .Call("GRFInfo", p1, p2, interlabs, FALSE, 0, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
normval <- 0.5*(s[2] + s[3])
if (is.na(normval) || normval == 0){
pairscoresList$CI[ctr+1] <- 0
#pairscoresList$GRF[ctr+1] <- ifelse(s[1] == 0, 0, 1)
} else {
s <- (normval - s[1]) / normval
s <- max(s, 0)
pv <- 0
# p-value correction using random trees
leninter <- length(interlabs) - 3
leninter <- min(leninter,197)
rowtocheck <- c(0, CI_DISTANCE_INTERNAL[2:10,leninter], 1)
pvals <- c(0,1,5,10,25,50,25,10,5,1,0)/100
# move score to right side
pvalind <- ifelse(s > 0.5, 1-s, s)
ploc <- which(pvalind < rowtocheck)[1]
if(ploc == 1){
pv <- 0
} else {
pv <- (s - rowtocheck[ploc-1]) / (rowtocheck[ploc] - rowtocheck[ploc-1])
pv <- pv * abs(pvals[ploc] - pvals[ploc-1]) + min(pvals[ploc-1], pvals[ploc])
pv <- pv * 2
pairscoresList$CI[ctr+1] <- (1-s)*(1-pv)
# RF
if (bitmask[2]){
s <- .Call("RFDist", p1, p2, interlabs, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
normval <- s[2] + s[3]
if (is.na(normval) || normval == 0)
pairscoresList$RF[ctr+1] <- 0
#pairscoresList$RF[ctr+1] <- ifelse(s[1] == 0, 0, 1)
s <- s[1] / normval
pairscoresList$RF[ctr+1] <- 1 - s
# p-value calculation
#s <- ppois(length(interlabs) - 3 - 0.5*s[1],
# lambda=1/8, log.p=TRUE, lower.tail=FALSE)
#pairscoresList$RF[ctr+1] <- 1 - exp(s)
if (bitmask[3]){
s <- .Call("GRFInfo", p1, p2, interlabs, TRUE, JRFk, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
normval <- (s[2] + s[3])
if (is.na(normval) || normval == 0)
pairscoresList$JRF[ctr+1] <- 0
#pairscoresList$JRF[ctr+1] <- ifelse(s[1] == 0, 0, 1)
pairscoresList$JRF[ctr+1] <- 1 - (s[1] / normval)
# Nye
if (bitmask[4]){
s <- .Call("GRFInfo", p1, p2, interlabs, TRUE, 1, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
normval <- (s[2] + s[3])
if (is.na(normval) || normval == 0)
pairscoresList$Nye[ctr+1] <- 0
#pairscoresList$Nye[ctr+1] <- ifelse(s[1] == 0, 0, 1)
pairscoresList$Nye[ctr+1] <- 1 - (s[1] / normval)
# KF
if (bitmask[5]){
s <- .Call("KFDist", p1, p2, interlabs, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
normval <- s[2]
if (is.na(normval) || normval == 0)
pairscoresList$KF[ctr+1] <- 0
#pairscoresList$KF[ctr+1] <- ifelse(s[1] == 0, 0, 1)
pairscoresList$KF[ctr+1] <- s[1] / normval
# p-value of RF Dist
if (bitmask[6]){
s <- .Call("RFDist", p1, p2, interlabs, PACKAGE="SynExtend")
normval <- s[2] + s[3]
if (is.na(normval) || normval == 0)
pairscoresList$RFPVal[ctr+1] <- 0
#pairscoresList$RF[ctr+1] <- ifelse(s[1] == 0, 0, 1)
# p-value calculation
s <- ppois(length(interlabs) - 3 - 0.5*s[1],
# This probability is p(trees are unrelated), so have to take 1-p
pairscoresList$RFPVal[ctr+1] <- 1 - exp(s)
ctr <- ctr + 1
if (Verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, ctr)
if (Verbose) cat('\n')
if (bitmask[5]){
pairscoresList$KF <- pairscoresList$KF - min(pairscoresList$KF, na.rm=TRUE)
pairscoresList$KF <- pairscoresList$KF / max(pairscoresList$KF, na.rm=TRUE)
pairscoresList$KF <- 1 - pairscoresList$KF
n <- n[uvals]
for (i in seq_along(pairscoresList)){
pairscoresList[[i]] <- as.simMat(pairscoresList[[i]], NAMES=n, DIAG=FALSE)
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