# Authors: Adelle Fernando, Nicholas Cooley
# Maintainer: Nicholas Cooley
# Contact: npc19@pitt.edu
# 1: deal with other features - mobile genetic elements, CRISPER arrays, repeat regions?
# 2: Very small genes?
gffToDataFrame <- function(GFF,
AdditionalAttrs = NULL,
AdditionalTypes = NULL,
RawTableOnly = FALSE,
Verbose = FALSE) {
if (Verbose) {
FunStartTime <- Sys.time()
pBar <- txtProgressBar(style = 1L)
if (grepl(pattern = "www.|http:|https:|ftp:|ftps:",
x = GFF)) {
CONN <- gzcon(url(GFF))
InitLines <- readLines(CONN)
close.connection(con = CONN)
} else if (grepl(pattern = ".gz$",
x = GFF)) {
CONN <- gzfile(GFF)
InitLines <- readLines(CONN)
close.connection(con = CONN)
} else if (grepl(pattern = ".gff$",
x = GFF)) {
InitLines <- readLines(GFF)
} else {
stop("File does not have a recognizable extension.")
LinesAsList <- strsplit(InitLines,
split = "\t",
fixed = TRUE)
LinesAsList <- LinesAsList[which(lengths(LinesAsList) == 9L)]
LinesAsList <- do.call(rbind,
RawAttrField <- strsplit(LinesAsList[, 9L],
split = ";",
fixed = TRUE)
LinesAsList <- LinesAsList[, -9L]
# create a DF with the correct raw formats
StandardizedColumns <- as.data.frame(LinesAsList,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
StandardizedColumns[, 4L] <- as.integer(StandardizedColumns[, 4L])
StandardizedColumns[, 5L] <- as.integer(StandardizedColumns[, 5L])
StandardizedColumns[, 7L] <- ifelse(test = StandardizedColumns[, 7L] == "+",
yes = 0L,
no = 1L)
CollectAttr <- c("ID",
if (!is.null(AdditionalAttrs)) {
CollectAttr <- c(CollectAttr,
CollectAttr <- unique(CollectAttr)
# rectangularize attribute fields
ParsedAttrs <- sapply(RawAttrField,
function(y) sapply(CollectAttr,
function(z) if (length(grep(pattern = paste(z,
sep = ""),
x = y)) == 1L) {
gsub(pattern = paste("(",
sep = ""),
replacement = "\\2",
x = y[grepl(pattern = paste(z,
sep = ""),
x = y)])
} else if (length(grep(pattern = paste(z,
sep = ""),
x = y)) == 0L) {
} else if (length(grep(pattern = paste(z,
sep = ""),
x = y)) > 1L) {
gsub(pattern = paste("(",
sep = ""),
replacement = "\\2",
x = y[grepl(pattern = paste(z,
sep = ""),
x = y)][1L])
warning("An attribute field is repeated, only the first is collected.")
ParsedAttrs <- t(ParsedAttrs)
ParsedAttrs <- as.data.frame(ParsedAttrs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(StandardizedColumns) <- c("Contig",
CompleteTable <- cbind(StandardizedColumns,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Contigs <- CompleteTable[!duplicated(CompleteTable$Contig), ]
ContigMaxes <- Contigs$Stop[order(Contigs$Stop,
decreasing = TRUE)]
Contigs <- Contigs[order(Contigs$Stop,
decreasing = TRUE), ]
Contigs <- Contigs$Contig
Index <- sapply(CompleteTable$Contig,
function(x) which(Contigs == x),
simplify = TRUE)
CompleteTable <- cbind(CompleteTable,
"Index" = Index)
CompleteTable <- CompleteTable[order(CompleteTable$Index,
CompleteTable$Start), ]
if (RawTableOnly) {
if (Verbose) {
FunEndTime <- Sys.time()
print(FunEndTime - FunStartTime)
if (Verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb = pBar,
value = 1 / 3)
MatchTypes <- c("gene",
if (!is.null(AdditionalTypes)) {
MatchTypes <- c(MatchTypes,
MatchTypes <- unique(MatchTypes)
MatchTable <- CompleteTable[CompleteTable$Type %in% MatchTypes, ]
MatchTable <- MatchTable[order(MatchTable$Index,
MatchTable$Start), ]
# Match by Parent/ID matching
AllChildrenList <- vector(mode = "list",
length = nrow(MatchTable))
AllCDSChildrenList <- vector(mode = "list",
length = nrow(MatchTable))
for (m1 in seq_len(nrow(MatchTable))) {
ExpandLines <- TRUE
AllParents <- MatchTable$ID[m1]
while (ExpandLines) {
PrevIter <- length(AllParents)
NewParents <- CompleteTable$ID[CompleteTable$Parent %in% AllParents]
NewParents <- NewParents[!is.na(NewParents)]
AllParents <- c(AllParents,
AllParents <- unique(AllParents)
CurrentIter <- length(AllParents)
if (PrevIter == CurrentIter) {
ExpandLines <- FALSE
AllChildren <- CompleteTable[CompleteTable$Parent %in% AllParents, ]
CDSChildren <- AllChildren[AllChildren$Type == "CDS", ]
# while loop will repeat here until all child lines are found
AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]] <- CDSChildren
AllChildrenList[[m1]] <- AllChildren
if (nrow(AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]) >= 1L) {
# Correct for phase:
# This is not what phase is for ...
# AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]][, "Start"] <- mapply(function(x, y) ifelse(test = !is.na(as.integer(x)),
# yes = y + as.integer(x),
# no = y),
# x = AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]][, "Phase"],
# y = AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]][, "Start"])
AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]] <- AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]][order(AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]$Start,
decreasing = FALSE), ]
# remove aberant lines # maybe flip, depending on NCBI response
if (any(AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]$Start >= AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]$Stop)) {
AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]] <- AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]][!(AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]$Start >= AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]$Stop), ]
if (Verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb = pBar,
value = (nrow(MatchTable) + m1) / (nrow(MatchTable) * 3L))
# Generate associated character and logical columns and lists
CodingSelect <- vector(mode = "logical",
length = nrow(MatchTable))
MatchLine <- vector(mode = "list",
length = nrow(MatchTable))
ProductLine <- vector(mode = "character",
length = nrow(MatchTable))
NoteLine <- vector(mode = "character",
length = nrow(MatchTable))
ParseNote <- vector(mode = "list",
length = nrow(MatchTable))
Translation_Table <- rep(NA_character_,
for (m1 in seq_len(nrow(MatchTable))) {
if (nrow(AllChildrenList[[m1]]) == 0L &
nrow(AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]) == 0L) {
# Case 1
# Generate CodingSelect, MatchLine, ProductLine and NoteLine
CodingSelect[m1] <- FALSE
Translation_Table[m1] <- NA_character_
MatchLine[[m1]] <- IRanges(start = MatchTable[m1, "Start"],
end = MatchTable[m1, "Stop"])
if (is.na(MatchTable[m1, "product"])) {
ProductLine[m1] <- ""
} else {
ProductLine[m1] <- MatchTable[m1, "product"]
if (is.na(MatchTable[m1, "Note"])) {
NoteLine[m1] <- ""
} else {
NoteLine[[m1]] <- MatchTable[m1, "Note"]
} else if (nrow(AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]) == 0L &
nrow(AllChildrenList[[m1]]) >= 1L) {
# Case 2
CodingSelect[m1] <- FALSE
Translation_Table[m1] <- NA_character_
CurrentTable <- rbind(MatchTable[m1, ],
# Parse Product Line
if (all(is.na(CurrentTable$product))) {
ProductLine[m1] <- ""
} else if (length(unique(CurrentTable$product[!is.na(CurrentTable$product)])) == 1L) {
ProductLine[m1] <- unique(CurrentTable$product[!is.na(CurrentTable$product)])
} else if (length(unique(CurrentTable$product[!is.na(CurrentTable$product)])) > 1L) {
ProductLine[m1] <- unique(CurrentTable$product[!is.na(CurrentTable$product)])[1L]
ParseNote[[m1]] <- c(NoteLine[[m1]],
paste("Multiple Products exist for Row ",
", taking only the first."))
# Parse Note Line
if (all(is.na(CurrentTable$Note))) {
NoteLine[m1] <- ""
} else if (length(unique(CurrentTable$Note[!is.na(CurrentTable$Note)])) == 1L) {
NoteLine[m1] <- unique(CurrentTable$Note[!is.na(CurrentTable$Note)])
} else if (length(unique(CurrentTable$Note[!is.na(CurrentTable$Note)])) > 1L) {
NoteLine[m1] <- unique(CurrentTable$Note[!is.na(CurrentTable$Note)])[1L]
ParseNote[[m1]] <- c(NoteLine[[m1]],
paste("Multiple Notes exist for Row ",
", taking only the first."))
# split into 2A & 2B & 2C
if (length(unique(CurrentTable$Start)) == 1L &
length(unique(CurrentTable$Stop)) == 1L) {
# 2A no disagreements in bounds!
MatchLine[[m1]] <- IRanges(start = MatchTable[m1, "Start"],
end = MatchTable[m1, "Stop"])
} else if (xor(length(unique(CurrentTable$Start)) > 1L,
length(unique(CurrentTable$Stop)) > 1L)) {
# 2B if only one bound has a deviation, take the most expansive!
MatchLine[[m1]] <- IRanges(start = min(CurrentTable$Start),
end = max(CurrentTable$Stop))
} else if (length(unique(CurrentTable$Start)) > 1L &
length(unique(CurrentTable$Stop)) > 1L) {
# 2C this is an anticipated case with no clear a priori guidance
MatchLine[[m1]] <- IRanges(start = min(CurrentTable$Start),
end = max(CurrentTable$Stop))
ParseNote[[m1]] <- c(ParseNote[[m1]],
"A discrepancy exists in feature bounds here.")
} else if (nrow(AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]) >= 1L) {
# Case 3
CodingSelect[m1] <- TRUE
CurrentTable <- rbind(MatchTable[m1, ],
Translation_Table[m1] <- unique(CurrentTable$transl_table[!is.na(CurrentTable$transl_table)])[1L]
# Parse Product Line
if (all(is.na(CurrentTable$product))) {
ProductLine[m1] <- ""
} else if (length(unique(CurrentTable$product[!is.na(CurrentTable$product)])) == 1L) {
ProductLine[m1] <- unique(CurrentTable$product[!is.na(CurrentTable$product)])
} else if (length(unique(CurrentTable$product[!is.na(CurrentTable$product)])) > 1L) {
ProductLine[m1] <- unique(CurrentTable$product[!is.na(CurrentTable$product)])[1L]
ParseNote[[m1]] <- c(NoteLine[[m1]],
paste("Multiple Products exist for Row ",
", taking only the first."))
# Parse Note Line
if (all(is.na(CurrentTable$Note))) {
NoteLine[m1] <- ""
} else if (length(unique(CurrentTable$Note[!is.na(CurrentTable$Note)])) == 1L) {
NoteLine[m1] <- unique(CurrentTable$Note[!is.na(CurrentTable$Note)])
} else if (length(unique(CurrentTable$Note[!is.na(CurrentTable$Note)])) > 1L) {
NoteLine[m1] <- unique(CurrentTable$Note[!is.na(CurrentTable$Note)])[1L]
ParseNote[[m1]] <- c(NoteLine[[m1]],
paste("Multiple Notes exist for Row ",
", taking only the first."))
# split into 3A, 3B, and 3C
if (length(unique(AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]$Start)) == 1L &
length(unique(AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]$Stop)) == 1L) {
# 3A no disagreements in bounds!
# Take the original gene line?!
# MatchLine[m1] <- paste(MatchTable[m1, "Start"],
# MatchTable[m1, "Stop"],
# sep = "X")
# vs take the CDS lines
MatchLine[[m1]] <- IRanges(start = unique(AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]][, "Start"]),
end = unique(AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]][, "Stop"]))
# case where CDSs are differing by ends?starts?
} else if (length(unique(AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]$Start)) > 1L &
length(unique(AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]$Stop)) > 1L) {
# 3B multiple CDSs
# MatchLine[m1] <- paste(apply(X = AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]][, c("Start", "Stop")],
# MARGIN = 1,
# FUN = function(x) paste(x[1],
# x[2],
# sep = "X")),
# collapse = "Y")
MatchLine[[m1]] <- IRanges(start = AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]$Start,
end = AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]$Stop)
} else if (xor(length(unique(AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]$Start)) > 1L,
length(unique(AllCDSChildrenList[[m1]]$Stop)) > 1L)) {
# only one CDS bound is has multiple positions, take the most expansive CDS bound
# MatchLine[m1] <- paste(min(AllChildrenList[[m1]][, "Start"]),
# max(AllChildrenList[[m1]][, "Stop"]),
# sep = "X")
MatchLine[[m1]] <- IRanges(start = min(AllChildrenList[[m1]][, "Start"]),
end = max(AllChildrenList[[m1]][, "Stop"]))
ParseNote[[m1]] <- c(ParseNote[[m1]],
"A discrepancy exists in CDS Bounds here.")
} # end line reconcilation cases
if (Verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb = pBar,
value = ((nrow(MatchTable) * 2) + m1) / (nrow(MatchTable) * 3L))
MatchTable <- DataFrame(MatchTable,
"Range" = IRangesList(MatchLine),
"Coding" = CodingSelect,
# "AnnotationNote" = NoteLine,
# "ParseNotes" = ParseNote,
# stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
"Translation_Table" = Translation_Table,
"Product" = ProductLine)
MatchTable <- MatchTable[, c("Index",
# "AnnotationNote",
# "gene_biotype",
rownames(MatchTable) <- NULL
# rewrite any ranges where bounds extend over the end of an index
for (m1 in seq_len(nrow(MatchTable))) {
if (any((MatchLine[[m1]]@start + MatchLine[[m1]]@width - 1L) > ContigMaxes[MatchTable$Index[m1]])) {
# at least one bound extends over the end of the index
B_Starts <- MatchLine[[m1]]@start # Bound starts
B_Ends <- MatchLine[[m1]]@start + MatchLine[[m1]]@width - 1L # Bound ends
F_Break <- ContigMaxes[MatchTable$Index[m1]] # FASTA break
# do this with a while loop
RemainingBounds <- TRUE
C_Counts <- 1L
N_Counts <- 1L
N_Starts <- rep(NA_integer_,
length(B_Starts) * 2L)
N_Ends <- rep(NA_integer_,
length(B_Ends) * 2L)
while(RemainingBounds) {
if (F_Break >= B_Ends[C_Counts] &
C_Counts == length(B_Ends)) {
# print("break after, no further evaluations")
# Case 1:
# Break occurs after this bound set
# This bound set is the only remaining set
# add bounds to new vectors
# exit
N_Starts[N_Counts] <- B_Starts[C_Counts]
N_Ends[N_Counts] <- B_Ends[C_Counts]
RemainingBounds <- FALSE
} else if (F_Break < B_Starts[C_Counts] &
C_Counts == length(B_Starts)) {
# print("break prior, no further evaluations")
# Case 2:
# Break occurs before this bound set
# This bound set is the only remaining set
# adjust current bound set
# exit
N_Starts[N_Counts] <- B_Starts[C_Counts] - F_Break
N_Ends[N_Counts] <- B_Ends[C_Counts] - F_Break
RemainingBounds <- FALSE
} else if (F_Break >= B_Starts[C_Counts] &
F_Break < B_Ends[C_Counts] &
C_Counts == length(B_Starts)) {
# print("break interior, no further evaluations")
# Case 3:
# Break occurs inside current bound set
# this is the only remaining bound set
# add set with adjusted current end
# add new set
# exit
N_Starts[N_Counts] <- B_Starts[C_Counts]
N_Ends[N_Counts] <- F_Break
N_Starts[N_Counts + 1L] <- 1L
N_Ends[N_Counts + 1L] <- B_Ends[C_Counts] - F_Break
RemainingBounds <- FALSE
} else if (F_Break >= B_Ends[C_Counts] &
C_Counts < length(B_Ends)) {
# print("break after, further evaluations exist")
# Case 4:
# Break occurs after this bound set
# Bound sets remain to be evaluated
# add current set whole cloth
# update counters
N_Starts[N_Counts] <- B_Starts[C_Counts]
N_Ends[N_Counts] <- B_Ends[C_Counts]
N_Counts <- N_Counts + 1L
C_Counts <- C_Counts + 1L
} else if (F_Break < B_Starts[C_Counts] &
C_Counts < length(B_Starts)) {
# print("break prior, further evaluations exist")
# Case 5:
# Break occurs before this bound set
# Bound sets remain to be evaluated
# Adjust all following bound sets, but not current
# update counters
# remaining sets will be visited in future
B_Starts[(C_Counts + 1L):length(B_Starts)] <- B_Starts[(C_Counts + 1L):length(B_Starts)] - F_Break
B_Ends[(C_Counts + 1L):length(B_Ends)] <- B_Ends[(C_Counts + 1L):length(B_Ends)] - F_Break
N_Starts[N_Counts] <- B_Starts[C_Counts] - F_Break
N_Ends[N_Counts] <- B_Ends[C_Counts] - F_Break
N_Counts <- N_Counts + 1L
C_Counts <- C_Counts + 1L
} else if (F_Break >= B_Starts[C_Counts] &
F_Break < B_Ends[C_Counts]) {
# print("break interior, further evaluations exist")
# Case 6:
# Break occurs inside current bound set
# Bound sets remain to be evaluated
# Adjust following bound sets
# add set with adjusted current end
# add new set
# update following bounds
N_Starts[N_Counts] <- B_Starts[C_Counts]
N_Ends[N_Counts] <- F_Break
N_Starts[N_Counts + 1L] <- 1L
N_Ends[N_Counts + 1L] <- B_Ends[C_Counts] - F_Break # check off by 1!
B_Starts[(C_Counts + 1L):length(B_Starts)] <- B_Starts[(C_Counts + 1L):length(B_Starts)] - F_Break
B_Ends[(C_Counts + 1L):length(B_Ends)] <- B_Ends[(C_Counts + 1L):length(B_Ends)] - F_Break
C_Counts <- C_Counts + 1L
N_Counts <- N_Counts + 2L
} else {
print("an unmet condition exists")
stop("An unmet condition was discovered while adjusting bounds, please contact maintainer!")
} # while loop
N_Starts <- N_Starts[!is.na(N_Starts)]
N_Ends <- N_Ends[!is.na(N_Ends)]
MatchTable$Range[[m1]] <- IRanges(start = N_Starts,
end = N_Ends)
} # conditional to check
} # end loop
if (Verbose) {
FunEndTime <- Sys.time()
print(FunEndTime - FunStartTime)
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