
Defines functions summary.MLPE MLPE BLUE ClarkeLL genTestData

#' Simulate data from a fitted corMLPE model
#' @param model fitted model of class 'gls' with corMLPE correlation structure
#' @param n number of simulations
#' @param seed random seed
#' @export
simulate_corMLPE_residuals <- function (model, n = 1, seed = NULL)

  stopifnot(class(model)[1]=="gls" & class(model$modelStruct$corStruct)[1]=="corMLPE")
  stopifnot(n > 0)

  covariate <- getCovariate.corMLPE(model$modelStruct$corStruct)
  rho <- coef.corMLPE(model$modelStruct$corStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)
  out <- matrix(rnorm(covariate$observations*n, 0, sigma(model)), covariate$observations, n)
  .recalc_inverse_cpp(covariate[["labels"]], covariate[["nodes"]],
                        covariate[["adj"]][["vectors"]], covariate[["adj"]][["values"]],
                        out, rho)[]

#' Simulate data from an isolation-by-distance model with MLPE correlation structure
#' @param sets number of distinct sets (e.g. species) containing elements that are compared
#' @param elements vector, number of elements (e.g. populations, individuals) in each set
#' @param intercept intercept of regression line
#' @param slope slope of regression line
#' @param random_effects variance-covariance matrix for random intercepts/slopes per set; ignored if sets==1
#' @param correlation parameter of MLPE correlation structure; between 0 and 0.5
#' @param residual_sd standard deviation of (correlated) errors
#' @param distances optional; list of distance matrices (one for each set), or a single distance matrix if sets==1; if absent, locations are simulated from a 2d uniform distribution
#' @param seed random seed used to simulate data
#' @export
simulate_IBD_corMLPE <- function (sets = 1, 
                                  elements = rep(10, sets), 
                                  intercept = 0, 
                                  slope = 0.5, 
                                  random_effects = diag(2), 
                                  correlation = 0.25, 
                                  residual_sd = 1, 
                                  distances = NULL, 
                                  seed = 1)

  if (sets < 2)
    random_effects <- diag(2)*0
    random_effects <- t(chol(random_effects[1:2,1:2]))

  if (correlation <= 0 | correlation >= 0.5)
    stop ("0 < rho < 0.5")

  mlpe_var  <- correlation * residual_sd^2 
  error_var <- residual_sd^2 - 2*mlpe_var

	y         <- list()
	covariate <- list()
	x         <- list()
	set       <- list()

  rs <- random_effects %*% rbind(rnorm(sets),rnorm(sets))

  sim.dist  <- is.null(distances)
  if (sim.dist)
    distances <- list()
  else if (class(distances)=="dist" & sets==1)
    distances <- list(distances)
  else if (class(distances)!="list")
    stop("Distance matrices must be supplied as a list, for multiple sets")

  for (i in 1:sets)
    if (sim.dist)
      distances[[i]] <- dist(cbind(runif(elements[i]), runif(elements[i])))
		dd     <- as.vector(distances[[i]])
		labels <- combn(1:elements[i], 2)
    mlpes  <- rnorm(elements[i], 0, sqrt(mlpe_var))
    mlpes  <- c(apply(labels, 2, function(x) sum(mlpes[x])))
    raw    <- rnorm(ncol(labels), 0, sqrt(error_var))
    y[[i]] <- dd*(slope + rs[2,i]) + intercept + rs[1,i] + mlpes + raw

		covariate[[i]] <- data.frame(t(labels))
		set[[i]]       <- rep(i, ncol(labels))
		x[[i]]         <- dd

	y         <- unlist(y)
	covariate <- Reduce(rbind, covariate)
	set       <- unlist(set)
	x         <- unlist(x)
	out       <- data.frame(y=y,
  attr(out, "intercept")   <- intercept
	attr(out, "slope")       <- slope
	attr(out, "correlation") <- correlation
	attr(out, "residual_sd") <- residual_sd
	attr(out, "distances")   <- distances
	attr(out, "random_effects") <- random_effects%*%t(random_effects)
  attr(out, "random_effects_values") <- rs
  attr(out, "seed")        <- seed

genTestData <- function(M = 20, lambda = 10, beta = 0.5, rho = 0.25, sigma = 2, tau = 1, omega = 1, seed = 101){
	## function to generate a testing set, to see if model works (NOT to see if model gives biologically meaningful anwsers)
	y <- list()
	covariate <- list()
	distz <- list()
	spm <- list()
	Nm <- rpois(M, lambda)
	eta <- rnorm(M, 0, tau)
	theta <- rnorm(M, 0, omega)
	for(i in 1:M){
		dd0 <- dist(cbind(rnorm(Nm[i]), rnorm(Nm[i])))
		dd <- as.vector(dd0)
		comb <- combn(1:Nm[i], 2)
		P <- diag(ncol(comb))
		for(j in 1:(ncol(comb)-1)){
			for(k in (j+1):ncol(comb)){
				P[j,k] <- P[k,j] <- any(comb[,j] %in% comb[,k]) * rho
		y[[i]] <- MASS::mvrnorm(1, dd*beta + eta[i] + dd*theta[i], sigma*P)
		covariate[[i]] <- data.frame(t(comb))
		spm[[i]] <- rep(i, ncol(comb))
		distz[[i]] <- dd
	y <- unlist(y)
	covariate <- Reduce(rbind, covariate)
	spm <- unlist(spm)
	distz <- unlist(distz)
	out <- data.frame(y=y,pop1=paste(spm,covariate[,1],sep=":"),pop2=paste(spm,covariate[,2],sep=":"),spm=spm,distz=distz,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	attr(out, "beta") <- beta
	attr(out, "rho") <- rho
	attr(out, "theta") <- theta
	attr(out, "eta") <- eta
	attr(out, "sigma") <- sigma
	attr(out, "corMat") <- P
	attr(out, "distMat") <- dd0


### implementation of Clarke's MLPE model, with addition of GLS variance-covariance matrix for BLUE (Clarke used OLS)
ClarkeLL <- function(par, V, A, y){
	## REML formula given in Clarke et al. 2002
	sigma <- par[1]
	rho <- .rMLPEtrans(par[2]) # transform from unconstrained to constrained [-0.5, 0.5] form
	w <- nrow(V)
	V <- V*rho
	diag(V) <- 1
	phi <- solve(t(A) %*% solve(V) %*% A) %*% t(A) %*% solve(V) %*% y
	r <- y - A %*% phi
	ll <- 0.5 * ( log(det(V)) + t(r) %*% solve(V) %*% r * sigma^-1 + log(det( t(A) %*% solve(V) %*% A )) + (w-2)*log(sigma) )

BLUE <- function(Sol, V, y, A, pop1, pop2){
	rho <- .rMLPEtrans(Sol$par[2])
	sigma <- Sol$par[1]
	st <- sigma*rho
	se <- sigma - 2*st
	## redefine variance-covariance matrix
	V_hat <- V * rho
	diag(V_hat) <- 1
	## BLUE
	phi <- solve(t(A) %*% solve(V_hat) %*% A) %*% t(A) %*% solve(V_hat) %*% y
	## variance covariance of blue
	vc.ols <- sigma * solve(t(A) %*% A) %*% t(A) %*% V_hat %*% A %*% solve(t(A) %*% A) ## this appears to be a sandwich estimator
	vc.ml <- solve(t(A) %*% solve(sigma*V_hat) %*% A) ## this is identical to gls results
	## output
	attr(phi, "vcov.ols") <- vc.ols
	attr(phi, "vcov.ml") <- vc.ml
MLPE <- function(y, X, V, pop1, pop2){
	X[,2:ncol(X)] <- apply( as.matrix(X[,2:ncol(X)]), 2, function(x) x - mean(x) )
	A <- X 
	Sol <- optim(c(1, 0), ClarkeLL, V = V, A = A, y = y, hessian = T)
	Est <- BLUE(Sol, V, y, A, pop1, pop2)
	VC <- c(sigma_e = Sol$par[1], rho = .rMLPEtrans(Sol$par[2]), sigma_t = Sol$par[1] * .rMLPEtrans(Sol$par[2]) )
	out <- list(BLUE=Est, VC=VC, Sol=Sol)
	class(out) <- "MLPE"

summary.MLPE <- function(model){
	out <- matrix(nrow = length(model$BLUE), ncol = 3)
	out[,1] <- c(model$BLUE)
	out[,2] <- c(sqrt(diag(attr(model$BLUE, "vcov.ml"))) )
	out[,3] <- c(sqrt(diag(attr(model$BLUE, "vcov.ols"))) )
	colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "GLS.se", "OLS.se")
	rownames(out) <- c("alpha", paste0("beta",1:(length(model$BLUE)-1)) )
	cat("MLPE model fit by REML in", model$Sol$counts[1], "iterations.\nREML value", model$Sol$value, "\n")
	cat("\nVariance components\n")
	cat("\tsigma_e (residual error) :", model$VC[1], "\n\trho (correlation) :", model$VC[2], "\n\tsigma_tau (rho*sigma_e) :", model$VC[3], "\n")
	cat("\nBest Linear Unbiased Estimators\n")
nspope/corMLPE documentation built on April 8, 2022, 3:48 a.m.