
Defines functions resid.radish AIC.radish logLik.radish anova.radish simulate.radish fitted.radish coef.radish print.summary.radish summary.radish print.radish radish

Documented in radish

setRefClass("FunctionCall", fields = list(count = "integer"))

#' Optimize a parameterized conductance surface
#' Uses maximum likelihood to fit a parameterized conductance surface to genetic data,
#' given a function relating spatial data to conductance (a "conductance model")
#' and a function relating resistance distance (covariance) to genetic distance
#' (a "measurement model").
#' @param formula A formula with a matrix of observed genetic distances on the lhs, and covariates used in the creation of \code{data} on the rhs
#' @param data An object of class \code{radish_graph} (see \code{\link{conductance_surface}})
#' @param conductance_model A function of class \code{radish_conductance_model_factory} (see \code{\link{radish_conductance_model_factory}})
#' @param measurement_model A function of class \code{radish_measurement_model} (see \code{\link{radish_measurement_model}})
#' @param nu Number of genetic markers (potentially used by \code{measurement_model})
#' @param theta Starting values for optimization
#' @param leverage Compute influence measures and leverage?
#' @param nonnegative Force regression-like \code{measurement_model} to have nonnegative slope?
#' @param conductance If \code{TRUE}, edge conductance is the sum of cell conductances; otherwise edge conductance is the inverse of the sum of cell resistances (unused; TODO)
#' @param optimizer The optimization algorithm to use: \code{newton} uses the exact Hessian, with computational cost that grows linearly with the number of parameters; while \code{bfgs} uses an approximation with much reduced cost (but slower overall convergence)
#' @param control A list containing options for the optimization routine (see \code{\link{NewtonRaphsonControl}} for list)
#' @param validate Numerical validation of leverage via package \code{numDeriv} (very slow, use for debugging small examples)
#' @details By "parameterized conductance surface", what is meant is a model
#' where the per-vertex conductance (and thus resistance distance) is a function of
#' spatial covariates. The choice of function is referred to in this package as
#' the "conductance model". The inverse problem (and the purpose of this
#' package) is to estimate the parameters of the conductance model, by relating
#' the (unknown, modeled) resistance distance to observed genetic dissimilarity
#' via a probability model (referred to as the "measurement model" throughout
#' this package).
#' For example, a log-linear choice of conductance model is:
#'   \code{vertex_conductance[i] = exp(covariates[i,] \%*\% theta)}
#' where \code{theta} are unknown parameters, \code{covariates} is a design
#' matrix with each row representing a vertex in the graph (cell in the
#' raster). The conductance of a given edge -- an offdiagonal entry in the
#' graph Laplacian -- is:
#'   \code{edge_conductance[i,j] = vertex_conductance[i] + vertex_conductance[j]}
#' if argument \code{conductance = TRUE}, and
#'   \code{edge_conductance[i,j] = 1/(1/vertex_conductance[i] + 1/vertex_conductance[j])}
#' otherwise [TODO NOT IMPLEMENTED; argument \code{conductance} is always TRUE
#' currently].  This differs by a factor of two from CIRCUITSCAPE, where the edge 
#  conductance/resistance is the average of the vertex conductance/resistance.
#' \code{radish} estimates \code{theta} (and thus the conductance) by maximum likelihood; by finding the
#' values of \code{theta} (and associated conductance) that result in
#' resistance distances that are closest to the observed genetic distances,
#' according to some measure of fit (like least squares). The optimization is
#' done via Newton's method (default; requires computation of Hessian) or via the BFGS
#' algorithm (requires gradient only) if argument \code{optimizer = "bfgs"}. 
#' For an explanation of how categorical spatial covariates are handled, see
#' \code{details} of \code{\link{conductance_surface}} and the examples below.
#' The dummy coding of categorical covariates is done by the function passed to
#' \code{conductance_model} (e.g.  \code{radish::loglinear_conductance}).
#' Currently, all of the built-in conductance models in \code{radish} use the
#' default contrast coding (e.g. for a categorical covariate with \code{K}
#' factors, the estimated parameters are the \code{K-1} mean differences
#' against a reference category). The intercept is excluded if it is not
#' identifiable.
#' If the fit is on the boundary (e.g. no spatial genetic structure) or is the
#' null model of isolation-by-distance, the fitted object will not contain
#' influence/leverage/gradient/hessian.
#' @return An object of class \code{radish}, with S3 methods:
#'   TODO:
#' @examples
#' library(raster)
#' data(melip)
#' # scaling spatial covariates helps avoid numeric overflow
#' covariates <- raster::stack(list(altitude = raster::scale(melip.altitude), 
#'                                  forestcover = raster::scale(melip.forestcover)))
#' # create parameterized conductance surface
#' surface <- conductance_surface(covariates, melip.coords, directions = 8)
#' fit_nnls <- radish(melip.Fst ~ altitude * forestcover, data = surface, 
#'                    radish::loglinear_conductance, radish::leastsquares)
#' summary(fit_nnls)
#' # a different "measurement_model" that incorporates dependence
#' # among pairwise measurements
#' fit_mlpe <- radish(melip.Fst ~ altitude * forestcover, data = surface, 
#'                    radish::loglinear_conductance, radish::mlpe)
#' summary(fit_mlpe)
#' # conductance surface with 95% CI
#' fitted_conductance <- conductance(surface, fit_mlpe, quantile = 0.95)
#' # test for an interaction using a likelihood ratio test
#' fit_mlpe_interaction <- radish(melip.Fst ~ forestcover * altitude, data = surface, 
#'                                radish::loglinear_conductance, radish::mlpe)
#' anova(fit_mlpe, fit_mlpe_interaction)
#' # test against null model of IBD using a LRT
#' fit_mlpe_ibd <- radish(melip.Fst ~ 1, data = surface, 
#'                        radish::loglinear_conductance, radish::mlpe)
#' anova(fit_mlpe, fit_mlpe_ibd)
#' # categorical covariates:
#' # rasters of categorical covariates must have an associated RAT, see ?raster::ratify 
#' # and 'details' section of ?conductance_surface
#' forestcover_class <- cut(raster::values(melip.forestcover), breaks = c(0, 1/3, 1/6, 1)) 
#' melip.forestcover_cat <- 
#'   raster::ratify(raster::setValues(melip.forestcover, as.numeric(forestcover_class)))
#' RAT <- levels(melip.forestcover_cat)[[1]]
#' RAT$VALUE <- levels(forestcover_class) #explicitly define level names
#' levels(melip.forestcover_cat) <- RAT
#' covariates_cat <- raster::stack(list(forestcover = melip.forestcover_cat,
#'                                      altitude = melip.altitude)) 
#' surface_cat <- conductance_surface(covariates_cat, melip.coords, directions = 8)
#' fit_mlpe_cat <- radish(melip.Fst ~ forestcover + altitude, surface_cat, 
#'                        radish::loglinear_conductance, radish::mlpe)
#' summary(fit_mlpe_cat)
#' @export

radish <- function(formula, 
                   conductance_model = radish::loglinear_conductance, 
                   measurement_model = radish::mlpe, 
                   nu = NULL, 
                   theta = NULL,
                   leverage = TRUE, 
                   nonnegative = TRUE, 
                   conductance = TRUE, 
                   optimizer = c("newton", "bfgs"), 
                   control = NewtonRaphsonControl(verbose = TRUE, ctol = 1e-6, ftol = 1e-6), 
                   validate = FALSE)
  stopifnot(class(formula) == "formula")
  stopifnot(class(data) == "radish_graph")
  stopifnot(class(conductance_model) == "radish_conductance_model_factory")
  stopifnot(class(measurement_model) == "radish_measurement_model")

  # get response, remove lhs from formula
  terms    <- terms(formula)
  vars     <- as.character(attr(terms, "variables"))[-1]
  response <- attr(terms, "response")
  S        <- if(response) get(vars[attr(terms, "response")], parent.frame())
              else stop("'formula' must have genetic distance matrix on lhs")
  is_ibd   <- length(vars) == 1
  formula  <- if (!is_ibd) reformulate(attr(terms, "term.labels"))
              else formula(~1)

  # "conductance_model" (a factory) is then responsible for parsing formula,
  # constructing design matrix, and returning actual "conductance_model"
  conductance_model <- conductance_model(formula, data$x) #TODO: is_ibd here and have factory modify accordingly

  # initialize theta
  default <- attr(conductance_model, "default")
  if (is.null(theta))
    theta <- default
    stopifnot(length(theta) == length(default))
  names(theta) <- names(default)

  optimizer <- match.arg(optimizer)
  fcalls    <- new("FunctionCall", count = 0L)
  optfn     <- function(par, gradient, hessian)
    fcalls$count <- fcalls$count + 1L
    radish_algorithm(f = conductance_model, 
                     g = measurement_model, 
                     s = data,
                     S = S, 
                     nu = nu, 
                     theta = c(par), 
                     gradient = gradient, 
                     hessian = hessian, 
                     partial = FALSE, 
                     nonnegative = nonnegative)

  if (!is_ibd)
    if (optimizer == "newton")
      problem <- BoxConstrainedNewton(theta, 
                                      control = control)
    else if (optimizer == "bfgs")
      problem <- BoxConstrainedBFGS(theta, 
                                    control = control)
    iters <- problem$iters
    theta <- c(problem$par)
    names(theta) <- names(default)
    iters <- 0L
    theta <- c(0) #TODO: this will not necessarily equate to IBD, see above

  fit <- radish_algorithm(f = conductance_model, g = measurement_model, 
                          s = data, S = S, nu = nu, theta = theta,
                          gradient = TRUE, hessian = TRUE, partial = leverage,
                          nonnegative = nonnegative)

  fit$response <- S

  if (fit$boundary)
    warning("Optimum for subproblem is on boundary (e.g. no spatial genetic structure): cannot optimize theta.\nTry different starting values.")
  no_coef <- fit$boundary || is_ibd 

  # calculate leverage for genetic distance and spatial covariates
  leverage <- leverage && !no_coef
  if (leverage)
    ihess      <- MASS::ginv(fit$hessian) 
    leverage_S <- -matrix(fit$partial_S, length(S), length(theta)) %*% ihess
    leverage_S[upper.tri(S),] <- 0
    leverage_S <- array(leverage_S, dim = c(nrow(S), ncol(S), length(theta)))
    leverage_X <- array(NA, dim = dim(fit$partial_X))
    for (k in 1:length(theta))
      leverage_X[,,k] <- -fit$partial_X[,,k] %*% ihess

  # numerical validation of derivatives
  validate <- validate && !no_coef
  if (validate)
    #TODO update with new API
    silence <- function(control) { control$verbose = FALSE; control }

    num_leverage_S <- 
                                 radish_main(f = f,
                                             g = g, 
                                             s = s,
                                             S = S, 
                                             theta = theta,
                                             nonnegative = nonnegative,
                                             control = silence(control))$theta, 
                                 S, method = "simple")), 
            dim = dim(leverage_S))

    num_leverage_X <- array(NA, dim = dim(leverage_X))
    for (k in 1:length(theta))
      num_leverage_X[,,k] <- 
        t(numDeriv::jacobian(function(z) {
                               x[,k] <- z 
                               radish_main(f = f,
                                           g = g, 
                                           s = s,
                                           S = S, 
                                           theta = theta,
                                           nonnegative = nonnegative,
                                           control = silence(control))$theta }, 
                             x[,k], method = "simple"))

  out <- list(call           = match.call(),
              formula        = formula,
              dim            = c("vertices" = nrow(data$x),
                                 "focal"    = nrow(S),
                                 "edge"     = ncol(data$adj)),
              cost           = c("newton_steps"   = iters,
                                 "function_calls" = fcalls$count + 1),
              submodels      = list("f" = conductance_model,
                                    "g" = measurement_model),
              fit            = fit,
              loglik         = -fit$objective,
              df             = (!no_coef)*length(theta) + length(fit$phi),
              aic            = 2*fit$objective + 2*(!no_coef)*length(theta) + 2*length(fit$phi),
              mle            = list("theta"    = if(no_coef) NULL else theta,
                                    "gradient" = if(no_coef) NULL else -fit$gradient,
                                    "hessian"  = if(no_coef) NULL else -fit$hessian),
              leverage       = list("S" = if(!leverage) NULL else leverage_S,
                                    "X" = if(!leverage) NULL else leverage_X,
                                    "validate" = if(!validate || !leverage) NULL 
                                                 else list("S" = num_leverage_S,
                                                           "X" = num_leverage_X))
  class(out) <- "radish"

print.radish <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)
  cat("Conductance surface estimated by maximum likelihood\n")
  cat("Call:   ", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep = "")
  if (!x$fit$boundary && !is.null(x$mle$theta))
    print.default(format(x$mle$theta, digits = digits), print.gap = 2L, quote = FALSE)
    cat("No coefficients\n")
  cat("Loglikelihood:", x$loglik, paste0("(", x$df), "degrees freedom)   AIC:", x$aic, "\n")

summary.radish <- function(x, ...)
  tol <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) #for checking singularity

  no_coef <- x$fit$boundary || is.null(x$mle$theta)
  if (!no_coef)
    ztable <- matrix(0, length(x$mle$theta), 4)
    colnames(ztable)      <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
    rownames(ztable)      <- names(x$mle$theta)
    ztable[,"Estimate"]   <- x$mle$theta
    ztable[,"Std. Error"] <- sqrt(diag(solve(x$fit$hessian)))
    ztable[,"z value"]    <- ztable[,"Estimate"]/ztable[,"Std. Error"]
    ztable[,"Pr(>|z|)"]   <- pmin(2*(1 - pnorm(abs(ztable[,"z value"]))), 1)

    ehess <- eigen(x$fit$hessian)

    if (any(ehess$values < 0))
      warning("Hessian matrix has negative eigenvalues: possibly a saddle point")
    if (any(abs(ehess$values) < tol * max(abs(ehess$values))))
      warning("Hessian matrix is singular or nearly singular: model is probably non-identifiable")

    vcov <- ehess$vectors %*% diag(1/ehess$values, nrow = nrow(x$fit$hessian)) %*% t(ehess$vectors)
    vcor <- cov2cor(vcov)
    rownames(vcor) <- colnames(vcor) <- 
      rownames(vcov) <- colnames(vcov) <- 

  out <- list(boundary      = x$fit$boundary,
              phi           = x$fit$phi[,1],
              ztable        = if (no_coef) NULL else ztable,
              vcor          = if (no_coef) NULL else vcor,
              vcov          = if (no_coef) NULL else vcov,
              gradnorm      = if (no_coef) NA else sqrt(sum(x$mle$gradient^2)),
              loglik        = x$loglik,
              df            = x$df,
              aic           = x$aic,
              fcalls        = x$cost["function_calls"],
              iters         = x$cost["newton_steps"],
              call          = x$call,
              dim           = x$dim
  class(out) <- "summary.radish"

print.summary.radish <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...)
  cat("Conductance surface with", x$dim["vertices"], "vertices", 
      paste0("(", x$dim["focal"]), "focal) estimated by maximum likelihood\n")
  cat("Call:   ", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep = "")
  cat("Loglikelihood:", x$loglik, paste0("(", x$df), "degrees freedom)\nAIC:", x$aic, "\n\n")
  cat("Number of function calls:", x$fcalls, "\n")
  cat("Number of Newton-Raphson steps:", x$iters, "\n")
  cat("Norm of gradient at MLE:", x$gradnorm, "\n\n")
  if (length(x$phi))
    cat("Nuisance parameters:\n")
    print.default(format(x$phi, digits = digits), print.gap = 2L, quote = FALSE)
  if (!x$boundary && !is.null(x$ztable))
    printCoefmat(x$ztable, digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars, na.print = "NA", ...)
    if (nrow(x$ztable) > 1)
      cat("Correlation of Coefficients:\n")
  else if (x$boundary)
    cat("Model fit is on boundary (e.g. no genetic structure), no meaningful coefficients\n")
    cat("No coefficients\n")

coef.radish <- function(x)
  if (!is.null(x$mle$theta))

fitted.radish <- function(x, type = c("response", "distance", "covariance"), ...)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (type == "response")
  else if (type == "distance")
  else if (type == "covariance")

simulate.radish <- function(x, nsim = 1, method = c("permutation", "parametric"), ...)
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (method == "parametric")
    stop("Parametric simulation not yet supported")
  else if (method == "permutation") 
    resid  <- resid(x)
    sims   <- array(NA, c(nrow(resid), ncol(resid), nsim))
    for (i in 1:nsim)
      ind <- sample(1:nrow(resid))
      sims[,,i] <- fit + resid[ind,ind]
  if (nsim == 1) sims[,,1] else sims

anova.radish <- function(object, alternative)
  stopifnot(class(object) == "radish" && class(alternative) == "radish")
  stopifnot(!object$fit$boundary && !alternative$fit$boundary)

  if (object$df >= alternative$df)
    full <- object
    reduced <- alternative
    full <- alternative
    reduced <- object

  form_reduced <- paste("Null:", paste(reduced$formula, collapse = " "))
  form_full    <- paste("Alt:", paste(full$formula, collapse = " "))

  Chisq <- 2 * (full$loglik - reduced$loglik)
  Df    <- full$df - reduced$df
  P     <- pchisq(Chisq, Df, lower = FALSE)
  Ll    <- c(reduced$loglik, full$loglik)
  Np    <- c(reduced$df, full$df)

  out <- cbind("logLik" = Ll, 
               "Df" = Np, 
               "ChiSq" = c(NA, Chisq), 
               "Df(ChiSq)" = c(NA, Df), 
               "Pr(>Chi)" = c(NA, P))
  rownames(out) <- c("Null", "Alt")

  attr(out, "heading") <- c("Likelihood ratio test",
                           form_reduced, form_full)
  class(out) <- "anova"

logLik.radish <- function(obj, ...)
  val <- obj$loglik
  attr(val, "df") <- obj$df
  class(val) <- "logLik"

AIC.radish <- function(obj, ...)

resid.radish <- function(obj, ...)
  fit   <- fitted(x)
  x$fit$response - fit
nspope/radish documentation built on July 12, 2020, 11:50 a.m.