#' Parse events from alternative splicing annotation
#' @param folder Character: path to folder
#' @param types Character: type of events to retrieve (depends on the program of
#' origin; see details)
#' @param genome Character: genome of interest (for instance, \code{hg19};
#' depends on the program of origin)
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
#' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill
#' @details Type of parsable events:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Alternative 3' splice site
#' \item Alternative 5' splice site
#' \item Alternative first exon
#' \item Alternative last exon
#' \item Skipped exon (may include skipped micro-exons)
#' \item Mutually exclusive exon
#' \item Retained intron
#' \item Tandem UTR
#' }
#' @family functions to prepare alternative splicing annotations
#' @return Retrieve data frame with events based on a given alternative splicing
#' annotation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load sample files
#' folder <- "extdata/eventsAnnotSample/miso_annotation"
#' misoOutput <- system.file(folder, package="psichomics")
#' miso <- parseMisoAnnotation(misoOutput)
parseMisoAnnotation <- function(
types=c("SE", "AFE", "ALE", "MXE", "A5SS", "A3SS", "RI", "TandemUTR"),
genome="hg19") {
display("Retrieving MISO annotation...")
typesFile <- file.path(folder, paste0(types, ".", genome, ".gff3"))
annot <- lapply(typesFile, read.delim, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
comment.char="#", header=FALSE)
## TODO: ALE events are baldy formatted, they have two consecutive gene
## lines... remove them for now
annot[[3]] <- annot[[3]][-c(49507, 49508), ]
display("Parsing MISO annotation...")
events <- lapply(annot, parseMisoEvent)
events <- rbind.fill(events)
class(events) <- c("ASevents", class(events))
#' Get rows of a data frame between two row indexes
#' @details For a given iteration i, returns data from \code{firstRow[i]} to
#' \code{lastRow[i]}
#' @param i Integer: current iteration
#' @param data Data.frame: contains the data of interest
#' @param firstRow Vector of integers: First row index of interest; value must
#' be less than the respective last row index and less than the number of rows
#' in the data frame
#' @param lastRow Vector of integers: Last row index of interest; value must be
#' higher than the respective first row index and less than the number of rows
#' in the data frame
#' @return Data frame subset from two row indexes (returns NA if the first row
#' index is NA)
#' @keywords internal
getDataRows <- function(i, data, firstRow, lastRow) {
first <- firstRow[i]
last <- lastRow[i]
if (is.na(first)) {
# if there is no first position, there is no item match
} else if (is.na(last)) {
# if there's no last position, use the last row of the data frame
last <- nrow(data)
seq <- seq(first, last)
return(data[seq, seq(8)])
#' Match MISO's splicing event IDs with the IDs present in the alternative
#' splicing annotation file and get events in a data frame
#' @details For faster execution times, provide a vector of event IDs.
#' For more information about MISO, see \url{http://miso.readthedocs.org}.
#' @param eventID Character: alternative event IDs
#' @param annotation Data.frame: alternative event annotation file
#' @param IDcolumn Integer: index of the column with the event ID's in the
#' alternative event annotation file
#' @note If possible, it's recommend to use smaller subsets of the alternative
#' events' annotation instead of all data for faster runs. For example, when
#' trying to match only skipped exons event IDs, only use the annotation of
#' skipped exons instead of using a mega annotation with all event types.
#' @importFrom fastmatch fmatch
#' @return Data frame of the matching events (or \code{NA} when nothing matches)
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' eventID <- c("114785@uc001sok.1@uc001soj.1", "114784@uc001bxm.1@uc001bxn.1")
#' # the annotation is one of the GFF3 files needed to run MISO
#' gff3 <- system.file("extdata", "miso_AS_annot_example.gff3",
#' package="psichomics")
#' annotation <- read.delim(gff3, header=FALSE, comment.char="#")
#' IDcolumn <- 9
#' psichomics:::parseMisoEventID(eventID, annotation, IDcolumn)
parseMisoEventID <- function(eventID, annotation, IDcolumn) {
# Get first row from annotation matching a given splicing event ID
index <- fmatch(paste0("ID=", eventID,
";Name=", eventID,
";gid=", eventID),
# Get every index of splicing events present in the annotation
events <- which(annotation[["V3"]] == "gene")
# Get the index of the next gene
nextIndex <- events[fmatch(index, events) + 1]
# Get the rows relative to each event
rows <- lapply(seq(length(index)), getDataRows, annotation, index,
nextIndex - 1)
#' Filters the events with valid elements according to the given validator
#' @inheritParams parseMisoEvent
#' @param validator Character: valid elements for each event
#' @param areMultipleExonsValid Boolean: consider runs of exons as valid when
#' comparing with the validator? Default is \code{FALSE} (see details)
#' @details \code{areMultipleExonsValid} allows to consider runs of exons (i.e.
#' sequences where \code{exon} occurs consecutively) as valid when comparing
#' based on the \code{validator}. For example, if \code{validator = c("gene",
#' "mRNA", "exon")} and \code{areMultipleExonsValid = FALSE}, the event
#' \code{c("gene", "mRNA", "exon", "exon")} is not valid as it has one
#' additional exon. If \code{areMultipleExonsValid = TRUE}, the same event would
#' be valid.
#' @return Data.frame with valid events
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#' chr1 SE gene 17233 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE dkfd 00000 30000 . - .
#' chr1 SE mRNA 17233 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 17233 17368 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 17526 17742 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 17915 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE mRNA 17233 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 17233 17368 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 17915 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE gene 17233 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE mRNA 17233 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 17233 17368 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 17606 17742 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 17915 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE mRNA 17233 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 17233 17368 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 17915 18061 . - .
#' ")
#' validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", rep("exon", 3), "mRNA", rep("exon", 2))
#' psichomics:::getValidEvents(event, validator)
getValidEvents <- function(event, validator, areMultipleExonsValid = FALSE) {
elem <- event[[3]]
# If run length is valid, consider runs of equal elements as one element
if (areMultipleExonsValid)
# TODO(NunoA): rle should only consider exons (there are problems when
# finding two consecutive "gene" or "mRNA")
elem <- rle(as.character(elem))$values
# Get starting position of each event
index <- which(elem == "gene")
# Get starting position of the next event
nextIndex <- length(elem) + 1
if (length(index) > 1)
nextIndex <- c(index[2:length(index)], nextIndex)
# Get the elements composing each event as elements of a list
diff <- nextIndex - index
groups <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(diff), function(i, diff)
rep.int(i, times = diff[i]), diff))
splitElems <- split(elem, groups)
# Check if those elements are valid
valid <- vapply(splitElems, function(e)
identical(as.character(e), validator), logical(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
if (sum(!valid) == 0) {
# If all events are valid, return all events
} else if (sum(valid) > 0) {
# If there are invalid events, return only valid events
if (areMultipleExonsValid) {
# If run length is valid, consider runs of equal elements as one
# Get starting position of each event
index <- which(event[[3]] == "gene")
# Get starting position of the next event
nextIndex <- nrow(event) + 1
if (length(index) > 1)
nextIndex <- c(index[2:length(index)], nextIndex)
invalidIndex <- unlist(
function(i) index[!valid][i]:(nextIndex[!valid][i]-1)
return(event[-invalidIndex, ])
#' Parse an alternative splicing event from MISO
#' @details More information about MISO available at
#' \url{http://miso.readthedocs.org}
#' @param event Data.frame containing only one event with at least 7 columns as
#' retrieved from the alternative splicing annotation files from MISO (GFF3
#' files)
#' @return List with event attributes and junction positions for the exons
#' (depends on the events)
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # example of alternative splicing event: skipped exon (SE)
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#' chr1 SE gene 16854 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE mRNA 16854 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 16854 17055 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 17233 17742 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 17915 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE mRNA 16854 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 16854 17955 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 17915 18061 . - .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoEvent(event)
parseMisoEvent <- function(event) {
eventType <- as.character(event[1, 2])
parseEvent <- switch(eventType,
"SE" = parseMisoSE,
"MXE" = parseMisoMXE,
"RI" = parseMisoRI,
"A5SS" = parseMisoA5SS,
"A3SS" = parseMisoA3SS,
"AFE" = parseMisoAFE,
"ALE" = parseMisoALE,
"TandemUTR" = parseMisoTandemUTR)
parsed <- parseEvent(event)
#' Parse junctions of an event from MISO according to event type
#' @inheritParams getValidEvents
#' @param eventType Character: event type (see details for available events)
#' @param coord Character: coordinate positions to fill
#' @param plusIndex Integer: index of the coordinates for a plus strand event
#' @param minusIndex Integer: index of the coordinates for a minus strand event
#' @details The following event types are available to be parsed:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\bold{SE} (exon skipping)}
#' \item{\bold{MXE} (mutually exclusive exon)}
#' \item{\bold{RI} (retained intron)}
#' \item{\bold{A5SS} (alternative 5' splice site)}
#' \item{\bold{A3SS} (alternative 3' splice site)}
#' \item{\bold{AFE} (alternative first exon)}
#' \item{\bold{ALE} (alternative last exon)}
#' \item{\bold{Tandem UTR}}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{parseMisoEvent}()}
#' @return List of parsed junctions
#' @keywords internal
parseMisoGeneric <- function(event, validator, eventType, coord, plusIndex,
minusIndex) {
# Filter out events that aren't valid
event <- getValidEvents(event, validator)
# If there are valid events
if (!is.null(event)) {
# Get first index, chromosome, strand and ID of valids events
index <- which(event[[3]] == "gene")
chr <- as.character(event[index, 1])
strand <- as.character(event[index, 7])
id <- NULL
if (ncol(event) >= 9)
id <- parseMisoId(event[index, 9])
# Creates a data frame of parsed junctions filled with NAs
parsed <- createJunctionsTemplate(length(index),
program = "MISO",
event.type = eventType,
chromosome = chr,
strand = strand,
id = id)
plus <- strand == "+"
# Plus strand
iplus <- index[plus]
plusIndex <- sort(rep(iplus, length(plusIndex))) + rep(plusIndex,
if (nrow(event[plus, ]) > 0) {
parsed[plus, coord] <- matrix(unlist(
c(t(event[plusIndex, 4:5]))), ncol = length(coord),
byrow = TRUE)
# Minus strand
minus <- !plus
iminus <- index[minus]
minusIndex <- sort(rep(iminus, length(minusIndex))) + rep(minusIndex, length(iminus))
if (nrow(event[minus, ]) > 0) {
parsed[minus, rev(coord)] <- matrix(unlist(
c(t(event[minusIndex, 4:5]))), ncol=length(coord), byrow=TRUE)
#' Parse MISO's alternative splicing event identifier
#' @param id Character: MISO alternative splicing event identifier
#' @return Character with the parsed ID
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' id <- paste0(
#' "ID=ENSMUSG00000026150.chr1:82723803:82723911:+@chr1:82724642:82724813:",
#' "+@chr1:82725791:82726011:+.B;Parent=ENSMUSG00000026150.chr1:82723803:",
#' "82723911:+@chr1:82724642:82724813:+@chr1:82725791:82726011:+")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoId(id)
parseMisoId <- function(id) {
id <- as.character(id)
semicolon <- gregexpr(";", id, fixed = TRUE)
semicolon <- vapply(semicolon, "[[", 1, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
id <- substr(id, 4, semicolon - 1)
#' @rdname parseMisoGeneric
#' @examples
#' # skipped exon event (SE)
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#' chr1 SE gene 16854 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE mRNA 16854 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 16854 17055 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 17233 17742 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 17915 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE mRNA 16854 18061 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 16854 17955 . - .
#' chr1 SE exon 17915 18061 . - .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoSE(event)
parseMisoSE <- function(event) {
validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", rep("exon", 3), "mRNA", rep("exon", 2))
coord <- c("C1.start", "C1.end",
"A1.start", "A1.end",
"C2.start", "C2.end")
plusIndex <- 2:4
minusIndex <- 2:4
parsed <- parseMisoGeneric(event, validator, eventType="SE", coord,
plusIndex, minusIndex)
#' @rdname parseMisoGeneric
#' @examples
#' # mutually exclusive exon (MXE) event
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#' chr1 MXE gene 764383 788090 . + .
#' chr1 MXE mRNA 764383 788090 . + .
#' chr1 MXE exon 764383 764484 . + .
#' chr1 MXE exon 776580 776753 . + .
#' chr1 MXE exon 787307 788090 . + .
#' chr1 MXE mRNA 764383 788090 . + .
#' chr1 MXE exon 764383 764484 . + .
#' chr1 MXE exon 783034 783186 . + .
#' chr1 MXE exon 787307 788090 . + .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoMXE(event)
parseMisoMXE <- function(event) {
validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", rep("exon", 3), "mRNA", rep("exon", 3))
coord <- c("C1.start", "C1.end",
"A1.start", "A1.end",
"A2.start", "A2.end",
"C2.start", "C2.end")
plusIndex <- c(2:3, 7, 4)
minusIndex <- c(2, 7, 3:4)
parsed <- parseMisoGeneric(event, validator, eventType="MXE", coord,
plusIndex, minusIndex)
#' @rdname parseMisoGeneric
#' @param strand Character: positive-sense (\code{+}) or negative-sense \code{-}
#' strand
#' @examples
#' # retained intron (RI) event
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#' chr1 RI gene 17233 17742 . - .
#' chr1 RI mRNA 17233 17742 . - .
#' chr1 RI exon 17233 17742 . - .
#' chr1 RI mRNA 17233 17742 . - .
#' chr1 RI exon 17233 17364 . - .
#' chr1 RI exon 17601 17742 . - .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoRI(event)
parseMisoRI <- function(event, strand) {
validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", "exon", "mRNA", rep("exon", 2))
coord <- c("C1.start", "C1.end",
"C2.start", "C2.end")
plusIndex <- 4:5
minusIndex <- 4:5
parsed <- parseMisoGeneric(event, validator, eventType="RI", coord,
plusIndex, minusIndex)
#' @rdname parseMisoGeneric
#' @examples
#' # alternative 5' splice site (A5SS) event
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#' chr1 A5SS gene 17233 17742 . - .
#' chr1 A5SS mRNA 17233 17742 . - .
#' chr1 A5SS exon 17233 17368 . - .
#' chr1 A5SS exon 17526 17742 . - .
#' chr1 A5SS mRNA 17233 17742 . - .
#' chr1 A5SS exon 17233 17368 . - .
#' chr1 A5SS exon 17606 17742 . - .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoA5SS(event)
parseMisoA5SS <- function(event) {
validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", rep("exon", 2), "mRNA", rep("exon", 2))
coord <- c("A2.start", "A2.end",
"A1.start", "A1.end",
"C2.start", "C2.end")
plusIndex <- c(5, 2, 3)
minusIndex <- c(2, 3, 6)
parsed <- parseMisoGeneric(event, validator, eventType="A5SS", coord,
plusIndex, minusIndex)
#' @rdname parseMisoGeneric
#' @examples
#' # alternative 3' splice site (A3SS) event
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#' chr1 A3SS gene 15796 16765 . - .
#' chr1 A3SS mRNA 15796 16765 . - .
#' chr1 A3SS exon 15796 15947 . - .
#' chr1 A3SS exon 16607 16765 . - .
#' chr1 A3SS mRNA 15796 16765 . - .
#' chr1 A3SS exon 15796 15942 . - .
#' chr1 A3SS exon 16607 16765 . - .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoA3SS(event)
parseMisoA3SS <- function(event, plusIndex, minusIndex) {
validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", rep("exon", 2), "mRNA", rep("exon", 2))
coord <- c("C1.start", "C1.end",
"A1.start", "A1.end",
"A2.start", "A2.end")
plusIndex <- c(2, 3, 6)
minusIndex <- c(5, 2, 3)
parsed <- parseMisoGeneric(event, validator, eventType="A3SS", coord,
plusIndex, minusIndex)
#' @rdname parseMisoGeneric
#' @examples
#' # Tandem UTR event
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#' chr19 TandemUTR gene 10663759 10664625 . - .
#' chr19 TandemUTR mRNA 10663759 10664625 . - .
#' chr19 TandemUTR exon 10663759 10664625 . - .
#' chr19 TandemUTR mRNA 10664223 10664625 . - .
#' chr19 TandemUTR exon 10664223 10664625 . - .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoTandemUTR(event)
parseMisoTandemUTR <- function(event, minusIndex) {
validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", "exon", "mRNA", rep("exon", 1))
coord <- c("A2.start", "A2.end",
"A1.start", "A1.end")
plusIndex <- c(2, 4)
minusIndex <- c(4, 2)
parsed <- parseMisoGeneric(event, validator, eventType="TandemUTR", coord,
plusIndex, minusIndex)
#' @rdname parseMisoGeneric
#' @examples
#' # alternative first exon (AFE) event
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#' chr12 AFE gene 57916659 57920171 . + .
#' chr12 AFE mRNA 57919131 57920171 . + .
#' chr12 AFE exon 57919131 57920171 . + .
#' chr12 AFE mRNA 57916659 57918199 . + .
#' chr12 AFE exon 57916659 57916794 . + .
#' chr12 AFE exon 57917812 57917875 . + .
#' chr12 AFE exon 57918063 57918199 . + .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoAFE(event)
parseMisoAFE <- function(event) {
# Filter out events that aren't valid
validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", "exon", "mRNA", "exon")
event <- getValidEvents(event, validator, areMultipleExonsValid = TRUE)
eventType <- "AFE"
# If there are valid events
if (!is.null(event)) {
# Get the first index, chromosome and strand of valids events
index <- which(event[[3]] == "gene")
nextIndex <- nrow(event) + 1
if (length(index) > 1)
nextIndex <- c(index[2:length(index)], nextIndex)
chr <- as.character(event[index, 1])
strand <- as.character(event[index, 7])
id <- NULL
if (ncol(event) >= 9)
id <- parseMisoId(event[index, 9])
# Get mRNAs index
mRNA <- which(event[[3]] == "mRNA")
splitting <- split(mRNA, c(TRUE, FALSE))
mRNA1 <- splitting$`TRUE`
mRNA2 <- splitting$`FALSE`
# Creates a data frame of parsed junctions filled with NAs
parsed <- createJunctionsTemplate(length(index),
program = "MISO",
event.type = eventType,
chromosome = chr,
strand = strand,
id = id)
plus <- strand == "+"
# Plus strand
if (nrow(event[plus, ]) > 0) {
parsed[plus, ][c("A1.start",
"A1.end")] <- event[mRNA2-1, 4:5][plus, ]
parsed[plus, ][c("A2.start",
"A2.end")] <- event[nextIndex-1, 4:5][plus, ]
# Minus strand
minus <- !plus
if (nrow(event[minus, ]) > 0) {
parsed[minus, ][c("A1.start",
"A1.end")] <- event[mRNA1+1, 5:4][minus, ]
parsed[minus, ][c("A2.start",
"A2.end")] <- event[mRNA2+1, 5:4][minus, ]
# # Remove mRNAs from different chromosomes and mark event
# len <- nrow(event)
# event <- removeWrongRNA(event)
# if (len < nrow(event))
# parsed[["comment"]] <- "wrong mRNAs"
# # Get a list of each mRNA and respective exons
# mRNA <- listRNA(event)
# # Remove mRNAs with the same exons and mark event
# len <- length(mRNA)
# mRNA <- removeDuplicatedRNA(mRNA)
# if (len < length(mRNA))
# parsed[["comment"]] <- "duplicated mRNAs"
# if (length(mRNA) != 2) {
# # Don't parse events with more than two mRNAs or only one mRNA
# } else if (strand == "+") {
# mRNA1 <- mRNA[[1]]
# exon1 <- mRNA1[nrow(mRNA1), 4:5]
# mRNA2 <- mRNA[[2]]
# exon2 <- mRNA2[nrow(mRNA2), 4:5]
# # Check if the most downstream exons are equal in both mRNAs
# if (all(exon1 == exon2)) {
# # Save positions of shared (constitutive) exon and alternative
# # first exons
# parsed[c("C1.start", "C1.end")] <- mRNA1[nrow(mRNA2) - 1, 4:5]
# parsed[c("A1.start", "A1.end")] <- mRNA1[nrow(mRNA2) - 1, 4:5]
# parsed[c("C2.start", "C2.end")] <- exon1
# } else {
# # Save the positions of the downstream exons
# parsed[c("C1.start", "C1.end")] <- exon1
# parsed[c("A1.start", "A1.end")] <- exon2
# }
# } else if (strand == "-") {
# mRNA1 <- mRNA[[1]]
# exon1 <- mRNA1[2, 5:4]
# mRNA2 <- mRNA[[2]]
# exon2 <- mRNA2[2, 5:4]
# # Check if the most downstream exons are equal in both mRNAs
# if (all(exon1 == exon2)) {
# # Save positions of shared (constitutive) exon and alternative
# # first exons
# parsed[c("C1.start", "C1.end")] <- mRNA1[3, 5:4]
# parsed[c("A1.start", "A1.end")] <- mRNA2[3, 5:4]
# parsed[c("C2.start", "C2.end")] <- exon1
# } else {
# # Save the positions of the downstream exons
# parsed[c("C1.start", "C1.end")] <- exon1
# parsed[c("A1.start", "A1.end")] <- exon2
# }
# }
# return(parsed)
#' @rdname parseMisoGeneric
#' @examples
#' # alternative last exon (ALE) event
#' event <- read.table(text = "
#' chr6 ALE gene 30620579 30822593 . + .
#' chr6 ALE mRNA 30822190 30822593 . + .
#' chr6 ALE exon 30822190 30822593 . + .
#' chr6 ALE mRNA 30620579 30620982 . + .
#' chr6 ALE exon 30620579 30620982 . + .")
#' psichomics:::parseMisoALE(event)
parseMisoALE <- function(event) {
# Filter out events that aren't valid
validator <- c("gene", "mRNA", "exon", "mRNA", "exon")
event <- getValidEvents(event, validator, areMultipleExonsValid = TRUE)
eventType <- "ALE"
# If there are valid events
if (!is.null(event)) {
# Get the first index, chromosome and strand of valids events
index <- which(event[[3]] == "gene")
nextIndex <- nrow(event) + 1
if (length(index) > 1)
nextIndex <- c(index[2:length(index)], nextIndex)
chr <- as.character(event[index, 1])
strand <- as.character(event[index, 7])
id <- NULL
if (ncol(event) >= 9)
id <- parseMisoId(event[index, 9])
# Get mRNAs index
mRNA <- which(event[[3]] == "mRNA")
splitting <- split(mRNA, c(TRUE, FALSE))
mRNA1 <- splitting$`TRUE`
mRNA2 <- splitting$`FALSE`
# Creates a data frame of parsed junctions filled with NAs
parsed <- createJunctionsTemplate(length(index),
program = "MISO",
event.type = eventType,
chromosome = chr,
strand = strand,
id = id)
plus <- strand == "+"
# Plus strand
if (nrow(event[plus, ]) > 0) {
parsed[plus, ][c("A1.start",
"A1.end")] <- event[mRNA1 + 1, 4:5][plus, ]
parsed[plus, ][c("A2.start",
"A2.end")] <- event[mRNA2 + 1, 4:5][plus, ]
# Minus strand
minus <- !plus
if (nrow(event[minus, ]) > 0) {
parsed[minus, ][c("A1.start",
"A1.end")] <- event[mRNA2 - 1, 5:4][minus, ]
parsed[minus, ][c("A2.start",
"A2.end")] <- event[nextIndex - 1, 5:4][minus, ]
# len <- nrow(event)
# if (len < 5) {
# # A GFF3 valid event needs at least 5 lines to be described
# } else {
# event <- removeWrongRNA(event)
# if (len < nrow(event))
# parsed[["comment"]] <- "wrong mRNAs"
# # Get a list of each mRNA and respective exons
# mRNA <- listRNA(event)
# # Remove mRNAs with the same exons and mark event
# len <- length(mRNA)
# mRNA <- removeDuplicatedRNA(mRNA)
# if (len < length(mRNA))
# parsed[["comment"]] <- "duplicated mRNAs"
# if (length(mRNA) != 2) {
# # Don't parse events with more than two mRNAs or only one mRNA
# # parsed[["comment"]] <- "unrecognized event"
# } else if (strand == "+") {
# mRNA1 <- mRNA[[1]]
# exon1 <- mRNA1[2, 4:5]
# mRNA2 <- mRNA[[2]]
# exon2 <- mRNA2[2, 4:5]
# # Check if the most downstream exons are equal in both mRNAs
# if (all(exon1 == exon2)) {
# parsed[c("C1.start", "C1.end")] <- exon1
# parsed[c("A1.start", "A1.end")] <- mRNA1[3, 4:5]
# parsed[c("C2.start", "C2.end")] <- mRNA2[3, 4:5]
# } else {
# parsed[c("A1.start", "A1.end")] <- exon1
# parsed[c("C2.start", "C2.end")] <- exon2
# }
# } else if (strand == "-") {
# mRNA1 <- mRNA[[1]]
# exon1 <- mRNA1[nrow(mRNA1), 5:4]
# mRNA2 <- mRNA[[2]]
# exon2 <- mRNA2[nrow(mRNA2), 5:4]
# # Check if the most downstream exons are equal in both mRNAs
# if (all(exon1 == exon2)) {
# parsed[c("C1.start", "C1.end")] <- exon1
# parsed[c("A1.start", "A1.end")] <- mRNA1[nrow(mRNA2) - 1, 5:4]
# parsed[c("C2.start", "C2.end")] <- mRNA2[nrow(mRNA2) - 1, 5:4]
# } else {
# parsed[c("A1.start", "A1.end")] <- exon1
# parsed[c("C2.start", "C2.end")] <- exon2
# }
# }
# }
# return(parsed)
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