
Defines functions ComputeMleIndices

Documented in ComputeMleIndices

#' Compute MLE index of abundance
#' @param Data The data to be fit
#' @param Model The model object (as a list)
#' @param FileName The name of the file/directory
#' @param Folder Optional argument for named folder to store results (in current working directory)
#' @param Weights Defaults to "StrataAreas", other option is "Equal"
#' @param StrataTable Table of strata, required
#' @param Run Defaults to \code{TRUE}. Only run if there's no random effects and the distribution is either Gamma and Lognormal
#' @return Returns a list of output, by year and by Strata:Year
#' @import R2jags
#' @import stats
#' @import utils
#' @export
ComputeMleIndices <- function(Data, Model, FileName, Folder = NA,
                              Weights = "StrataAreas", StrataTable, Run = TRUE) {

  # Make folder
  if (is.na(Folder)) Folder <- paste(getwd(), "/", sep = "")

  # Attach stuff -- listed by search()
  attach(Model$BUGSoutput$sims.list, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
  # attach(Data)
  modelStructure <- Model$modelStructure
  Dist <- Model$likelihood

  # Estimate marginal means
  Mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(levels(year)), ncol = length(levels(strata)))
  DataNew <- data.frame(year = levels(year)[as.vector(row(Mat))], strata = levels(strata)[as.vector(col(Mat))])
  DataNew <- data.frame(DataNew, logeffort = rep(log(1), nrow(DataNew)), vesselYear = rep(999, nrow(DataNew)), ones.vec = rep(log(1), nrow(DataNew))) # I need to include ones.vec as zero for some reason

  # Only run if there's no random effects and the distribution is either Gamma and Lognormal
  if ((modelStructure$VesselYear.zeroTows %in% c("zero", "fixed")) & (modelStructure$VesselYear.positiveTows %in% c("zero", "fixed")) & (modelStructure$StrataYear.zeroTows %in% c("zero", "fixed")) & (modelStructure$StrataYear.positiveTows %in% c("zero", "fixed")) & (Dist == "gamma" | Dist == "lognormal") & Run == TRUE) {
    # Default formulae
    FormulaPres <- " ~ 0 + factor(year)"
    if (nlevels(strata) > 1) FormulaPres <- paste(FormulaPres, " + factor(strata)", sep = "")
    FormulaPos <- " ~ 0 + factor(year)"
    if (nlevels(strata) > 1) FormulaPos <- paste(FormulaPos, " + factor(strata)", sep = "")

    # Modified formulae
    if (modelStructure$StrataYear.zeroTows == "fixed" & nlevels(strata) > 1) {
      FormulaPres <- paste(FormulaPres, " + factor(strata):factor(year)", sep = "")
    # if(modelStructure$VesselYear.zeroTows=="fixed"){FormulaPres = paste(FormulaPres," + factor(vesselYear)",sep="")}
    # if(modelStructure$Catchability.zeroTows=="linear"){FormulaPres = paste(FormulaPres," + logeffort",sep="")}
    #  if(modelStructure$Catchability.zeroTows=="quadratic"){FormulaPres = paste(FormulaPres," + logeffort + logeffort2",sep="")}
    if (modelStructure$StrataYear.positiveTows == "fixed" & nlevels(strata) > 1) {
      FormulaPos <- paste(FormulaPos, " + factor(strata):factor(year)", sep = "")
    # if(modelStructure$VesselYear.positiveTows=="fixed"){FormulaPos = paste(FormulaPos," + factor(vesselYear)",sep="")}
    # if(modelStructure$Catchability.positiveTows=="linear"){FormulaPos = paste(FormulaPos," + logeffort",sep="")}
    #  if(modelStructure$Catchability.positiveTows=="quadratic"){FormulaPos = paste(FormulaPos," + logeffort + logeffort2",sep="")}

    #### Presence/absence
    GlmPres <- glm(as.formula(paste("ifelse(Data[,'HAUL_WT_KG']>0,1,0)", FormulaPres)), family = binomial, control = glm.control(epsilon = 1e-8, maxit = 1000, trace = FALSE))
    #### Positive catches
    # OffsetPos = list(ones.vec,logeffort)[[ifelse(modelStructure$Catchability.positiveTows=="one",2,1)]]
    if (Dist == "gamma") GlmPos <- glm(as.formula(paste("HAUL_WT_KG", FormulaPos)), family = Gamma(link = "log"), offset = logeffort, subset = which(Data[, "HAUL_WT_KG"] > 0), control = glm.control(epsilon = 1e-8, maxit = 1000, trace = FALSE))
    if (Dist == "lognormal") GlmPos <- lm(as.formula(paste("log(HAUL_WT_KG)", FormulaPos)), offset = logeffort, subset = which(Data[, "HAUL_WT_KG"] > 0))

    # Calculate strata areas
    Area <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(unique(StrataTable[, "year"])), ncol = length(unique(StrataTable[, "strata"])))
    for (YearI in 1:nrow(Area)) {
      for (StratI in 1:ncol(Area)) {
        AreaI <- which(StrataTable[, "strataYear"] == paste(levels(strata)[StratI], ":", levels(year)[YearI], sep = ""))
        if (Weights == "StrataAreas") Area[YearI, StratI] <- StrataTable[AreaI, "Area_Hectares"]
        if (Weights == "Equal") Area[YearI, StratI] <- 1

    # Predict indices
    IndexPres <- array(predict(GlmPres, newdata = DataNew, type = "response"), dim = dim(Mat))
    IndexPos <- array(predict(GlmPos, newdata = DataNew, type = "response"), dim = dim(Mat))
    if (Dist == "lognormal") IndexPos <- exp(IndexPos + summary(GlmPos)$sigma^2 / 2) # Bias correction
    Index <- Area * IndexPres * IndexPos
  } else {
    Area <- IndexPres <- IndexPos <- Index <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(unique(StrataTable[, "year"])), ncol = length(unique(StrataTable[, "strata"])))

  # EJ's code
  # DglmData = data.frame(Catch=Data[,'HAUL_WT_KG']/Data[,'effort'], Year=Data[,'year'])
  # Dglm = dglm(DglmData, dist="gamma", J=TRUE)      # J=TRUE calculates jacknife estimates of CV

  # Return results
  Results1 <- data.frame(year = levels(year)[as.vector(row(Mat))], strata = levels(strata)[as.vector(col(Mat))], Index = as.vector(Index), Pres = as.vector(IndexPres), Pos = as.vector(IndexPos))
  Results2 <- data.frame(year = levels(year), Index = rowSums(Index), Pres = rowSums(IndexPres), Pos = rowSums(IndexPos))

  # Write and print output
  write.csv(Results1, file = paste(Folder, "/", FileName, "ResultsByYearAndStrata_MLE.csv", sep = ""))
  write.csv(Results2, file = paste(Folder, "/", FileName, "ResultsByYear_MLE.csv", sep = ""))

  # Detach stuff -- listed by search()
  # detach(Data)

  return(list(byYearAndStrata = Results1, byYear = Results2))
nwfsc-assess/nwfscDeltaGLM documentation built on July 8, 2023, 4:49 a.m.