#' compute_CC_pairs_grouped
#' \code{compute_CC_pairs_grouped} computes CC pairs (considering cell groups instead of individual cell types) from tpm,
#' using the null model for CC interaction computed on TCGA data.
#' @export
#' @param lrpairs Ligand-leceptor pairs weights matrix
#' @param cancertype string character
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{score}{cell-cell interaction scores matrix with rows=samples and columns=cells}
#' \item{pval}{corresponding p-values for each cell-cell pair, comparing the score with
#' the null hypothesis}
#' }
# Compute CC pairs grouped from transcriptomics data.
compute_CC_pairs_grouped <- function(lrpairs, cancertype){
# remove ligand receptor pairs that are always NA
na_lrpairs <- apply(lrpairs, 2, function(x){all(is.na(x))})
lrpairs <- lrpairs[, na_lrpairs == FALSE]
# binarize the data: set a threshold to 10 TPM, only pairs where both ligand and receptor have
# TPM > 10 are kept
lrpairs_binary <- ifelse(lrpairs > log2(10+1), 1, 0)
# sum(LR.pairs.binary)/(ncol(LR.pairs.binary)*nrow(LR.pairs.binary))*100 #percentage of
# keep only the LR.pairs for which I have (non-zero) frequencies in the TCGA
lrpairs_binary <- lrpairs_binary[, colnames(lrpairs_binary) %in% names(lr_frequency)]
# cancer type specific network
intercell_network <- intercell_network_cancer_spec[[cancertype]]
# compute the CC score for each patient
celltypes <- unique(c(as.character(intercell_network$cell1), as.character(intercell_network$cell2)))
CC.pairs.score <- do.call(cbind, lapply(celltypes, function(celltype1){
do.call(cbind, lapply(celltypes, function(celltype2){
compute_CCpair_score(celltype1, celltype2, intercell_network,
lrpairs_binary, lr_frequency, compute_log=TRUE)
metadata.CC.pairs <- do.call(rbind, lapply(celltypes, function(celltype1){
do.call(rbind, lapply(celltypes, function(celltype2){
data.frame(CCpair = gsub(" ", "", paste(celltype1, celltype2, sep="_")),
celltype1 = celltype1, celltype2 = celltype2)
colnames(CC.pairs.score) <- metadata.CC.pairs$CCpair
# CC.pairs.pval <- do.call(cbind, lapply(colnames(CC.pairs.score), function(CC.pair){
# sapply(CC.pairs.score[, CC.pair], function(x){
# compute_CCpair_pval(x, CC.pairs.score.random_grouped[, CC.pair])
# })
# }))
# colnames(CC.pairs.pval) <- colnames(CC.pairs.score)
CC.pair <- list(score = as.data.frame(CC.pairs.score))
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