
Defines functions build_screen.replace_zeros build_screen.remove_columns build_screen.load_plates build_screen.layout build_screen

Documented in build_screen

#' @title build screen object
#' @description
#' Read screen log and layout, and collate all data into a single object.
#' This is the first stage of the analysis. Restrictions on log/layout files are discussed here.
#' The function tries to cope with some cases and also runs checks on data completion.
#' There are many communications that the function will normally print; these can be silenced.
#' The final object is returned invisibly as printing it all would be counterproductive.
#' @details
#' The function first checks the data files present in the data directory against
#' the plates logged in the screen log.
#' Data file names must begin with the full plate names as given in the screen log.
#' Suffixes are allowed but must be separated by \code{_}. They will be discarded.
#' Unexpected and missing plates are reported.
#' Once the plate list has been compiled, the layout file is loaded and all present
#' data files that correspond to logged plates are read and wrapped into a single data frame.
#' The plate number and screen log data are used to obtain dates of the plates'
#' preparation, plating, and imaging.
#' There is quite a lot of printed communication the function does, hence the \code{verbose} argument.
#' @param logfile path to screen log file; see \code{Log file}
#' @param layout path to layout file that describes well types; see \code{Layout file}
#' @param datadir path to directory where data files are stored
#' @param rem.col columns to remove, given either as character vector or as vector of numeric indices;
#'                input 0 to remove last column;
#' @param zero.to.NA logical flag whether to convert all 0 values to NAs
#' @param wells name of column that stores well numbers; will be renamed to "wells"
#' @param verbose logical flag whether to print all communications
#' @return an invisible \code{data.frame}
#' @section Log file:
#' The screen log this must be a tab delimited file and contain columns:
#' \code{plateno}, \code{plated}, \code{imaged}. Any number of other columns is acceptable.
#' The plate number must be contained verbatim within the corresponding result file name.
#' Any suffixes following an underscore will be dropped.
#' @section Layout file:
#' The layout file must be a tab delimited file and contain columns:
#' (numeric) \code{well} and \code{well.type} or \code{well_type}.
#' Other columns may be necessary if there are multiple layouts,
#' e.g. for different plating days or different plate types.
#' Maintain a \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide_and_narrow_data}{narrow data format}.
#' The file should also specify a well's coordinates on a plate, either as
#' \code{position}, e.g. "E02", or \code{row} and \code{column}.
#' By default ScanR sorts and numbers wells by row,
#' in contrast to the default filling of matrices in R.
#' Thus, \code{\link{normalize}} sorts the data frame by column and row before
#' running the median polish and if these columns are absent it throws an error.
#' @section Dropping columns:
#' Columns are removed upon request. This option exists for two reasons.
#' First, ScanR always adds an empty column at the end called "X". Second, the
#' second column in every exported file,
#' called "Description", contains the names of groups of wells.
#' Since we only ever export data by well and not by group,
#' this may cause problems if not all wells are scanned.
#' Also we load layout and annotation separately, the column is redundant anyway.
#' @section Dependencies:
#' Data files are loaded with \code{read.delim}.
#' Dates are handled with \code{lubridate}.
#' A number of internal functions are used.
#' @export

build_screen <- function(logfile, layout, datadir = './data/', rem.col,
                         zero.to.NA = FALSE, wells = 'Index', verbose = TRUE) {
  # check arguments
  if (!file.exists(logfile)) stop('logfile not found')
  if (!file.exists(layout)) stop('layout file not found')
  if (!dir.exists(datadir)) stop('data directory not found')
  if (!missing(rem.col)) {
    if (!is.numeric(rem.col) & !is.character(rem.col)) {
      stop ('"rem.col" must be either a numeric or a character vector')

  # load log and layout and compare logged vs filed plates
  if (verbose) cat('tallying plates... \n')
  screenlog <- utils::read.delim(logfile, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  plates.logged <- screenlog[, 1]
  if (length(plates.logged) == 0) stop('no plates logged(?); check screen log file')
  data.files <- list.files(path = datadir)
  # plates.filed <- structure(tools::file_path_sans_ext(data.files), names = data.files)
  # TODO
  plates.filed <- structure(sub("_.*|\\.txt", "", data.files), names = data.files)
  if (length(plates.filed) == 0) stop('no result files')
  # load a random file to test "wells" argument
  test.file <- utils::read.delim(sample(list.files(datadir, full.names = TRUE), 1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (!is.element(wells, names(test.file))) stop('column "', wells, '" not found; check "wells" argument')
  if (verbose) {
    cat(length(plates.filed), 'result files found: \n')

  # check for missing/excess result files
  if (verbose && !setequal(plates.logged, plates.filed)) {
    cat('\ndetected result files do not match the screen log\n')
    plates.missing <- setdiff(plates.logged, plates.filed)
    plates.excess <- setdiff(plates.filed, plates.logged)
    cat(length(plates.missing), 'result files missing: \n')
    cat(length(plates.excess), 'excess result files: \n')

  # load layout
  if (verbose) cat('loading layout(s)... \n')
  lay <- build_screen.layout(layout)

  # build screen as data frame
  if (verbose) cat('building screen... \n')
  plates <- names(plates.filed[plates.filed %in% plates.logged])
  if (length(plates) == 0) stop('no result files to collate')
  prescr <- lapply(plates, build_screen.load_plates, datadir)
  if (verbose) cat('collating', length(plates), 'plates', '\n')
  scr <- do.call(rbind, prescr)

  # removing columns if desired
  if (!missing(rem.col)) {
    if (verbose) cat('removing columns... \n')
    scr <- build_screen.remove_columns(scr, rem.col)

  # read and reformat additional information
  names(scr)[match(wells, names(scr))] <- 'well'
  # scr$plateno <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(scr$filename)
  scr$plateno <- sub("_.*|\\.txt", "", scr$filename)
  scr <- merge(screenlog, scr, by = 'plateno', all.x = FALSE, all.y = TRUE)
  scr[c('plate', 'prepared', 'screen', 'replica')] <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(scr$plateno, split = "\\."))
  scr$plate_type <- substring(scr$replica, 1, 1)
  scr$number <- substring(scr$replica, 2)
  scr$plate <- as.numeric(gsub('[A-Z]', '', scr$plate))
  scr <- plate.type.converter(scr)
  scr$replica <- paste(scr$replica, scr$number, sep = "")
  scr <- merge(lay, scr, all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
  scr[c('plated', 'prepared', 'imaged')] <- lapply(scr[c('plated', 'prepared', 'imaged')], lubridate::ymd)
  # clean up
  scr[c('filename', 'plateno', 'number')] <- NULL

  # change zeros to NAs if required
  if (zero.to.NA) {
    if (verbose) cat('replacing zeros... \n')
    scr <- build_screen.replace_zeros(scr, verbose)

  # reorder by plate number, replica number and well number
  if (verbose) cat('reordering... \n')
  column.wishlist <- c('plate', 'well', 'position', 'row', 'column',
                       'screen', 'replica', 'plate_type', 'well_type',
                       'prepared', 'plated', 'imaged')
  column.order <- c(column.wishlist, setdiff(names(scr), column.wishlist))
  scr <- scr[order(scr$plate, scr$replica, scr$plated, scr$imaged, scr$column, scr$row), column.order]

  if (verbose) cat('\nready! \n')

### internal functions

# load layout file and check format
build_screen.layout <- function(layout) {
  if (!file.exists(layout)) stop('from build_screen: layout file not found')
  lay <- utils::read.delim(file = layout, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # check adjust format of the layout file
  if (!is.numeric(lay$well)) stop('from build_screen: column "well" in layout file must be numeric')
  # check column names for position specification
  lay.colnames <- names(lay)
  if (!all(is.element(c('row', 'column'), lay.colnames))) {
    if (!is.element('position', lay.colnames)) {
      warning('from build_screen:
              it seems well position (row and column) is not defined in the layout file
              this may cause problems down the line')
    } else {
      lay$row <- substring(lay$position, 1, 1)
      lay$column <- substring(lay$position, 2)
  # if there is a column called "date" but not one called "plated", it will be renamed to such
  if (is.element('date', lay.colnames) & !is.element('plated', lay.colnames)) {
    names(lay)[names(lay) == 'date'] <- 'plated'
    message("column \"date\" renamed to \"plated\"")

# load a file, add file name to the resulting data frame and return
build_screen.load_plates <- function(x, datadir) {
  filename <- paste0(datadir, '/', x)
  plate.loaded <- utils::read.delim(filename, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  plate.loaded$filename <- x

# remove columns
build_screen.remove_columns <- function(x, rem.col) {
  cols <- colnames(x)
  if (is.factor(rem.col)) rem.col <- as.character(rem.col)
  if (is.character(rem.col)) {
    # columns to remove that are indeed present
    rem.present <- rem.col[is.element(rem.col, cols)]
    # columns to remove that are absent
    rem.absent <- rem.col[!is.element(rem.col, cols)]
    # throw message if some requests absent
    if (length(rem.absent) > 0) {
      message('from build_screen: the following columns were not found: ',
              paste(rem.absent, collapse = ', '))
    # remove column by setting them to NULL
    if (length(rem.present) > 0) {
      x[rem.present] <- NULL
  } else if (is.numeric(rem.col)) {
    # convert 0 to number of penultimate column
    if (0 %in% rem.col) rem.col[rem.col == 0] <- length(cols) - 1
    x[rem.col] <- NULL

# change zeros to NAs
build_screen.replace_zeros <- function(x, verbose) {
  na.count.before <- sum(is.na(x))
  zero.count <- sum(x == 0, na.rm = TRUE)
  x[x == 0] <- NA
  na.count.after <- sum(is.na(x))
  if (verbose) {
    cat(' ', na.count.before, 'NAs identified \n')
    cat(' ', zero.count, 'zeros found and replaced in total \n')
    cat(' ', na.count.after, 'NAs now present \n')
olobiolo/siscreenr documentation built on Nov. 26, 2021, 3:08 p.m.