
Defines functions tcs_detect_decomp tcs_ssm

Documented in tcs_detect_decomp tcs_ssm

#' State space model
#' Creates a state space model in list form
#' yt = Ht * Bt + e_t
#' Bt = Ft * B_{t-1} + u_t
#' @param par Vector of named parameter values, includes the harmonics
#' @param yt Univariate time series of data values
#' @param freq Frequency of the data (1 (yearly), 4 (quarterly), 12 (montly), 52 (weekly), 365 (daily))
#' @param decomp Decomposition model ("tend-cycle-seasonal", "trend-seasonal", "trend-cycle", "trend-noise")
#' @param trend_spec Trend specification (NULL, "rw", "rwd", "2rw"). The default is NULL which will choose the best of all specifications based on the maximum likielhood. 
#' "rw" is the random walk trend. "rwd" is the random walk with random walk drift trend. "2rw" is a 2nd order random walk trend.
#' @param init Initial state values for the Kalman filter
#' @param model a tcs_decomp_estim model object
#' @return List of space space matrices
#' @examples
#' tcs_ssm(par, y, freq, decomp, trend_spec, init)
#' @author Alex Hubbard (hubbard.alex@gmail.com)
#' @export
tcs_ssm = function(par = NULL, yt = NULL, freq = NULL, decomp = NULL, 
                   trend_spec = NULL, init = NULL, model = NULL){
    par = unlist(model$table[, grepl("coef_", colnames(model$table)), with = F])
    names(par) = gsub("coef_", "", names(par))
    yt = model$data
    freq = model$table$freq
    trend_spec = model$table$model
    decomp = model$table$decomp
    full_seas_freq = model$table$full_seas_freq
  yt = matrix(yt, nrow = 1)
  #Define the standard deviation of the observation equation
  if(decomp == "trend-noise") {
    sig_e = ifelse(trend_spec == "rw", sd(diff(t(yt))), 
                   ifelse(trend_spec %in% c("rwd", "2rw"), sd(diff(diff(t(yt))))))
  }else if(decomp %in% c("trend-cycle", "trend-seasonal", "trend-cycle-seasonal", "trend-seasonal-cycle")) {
    sig_e = par["sig_e"]
  }else {
    stop("decomp must be one of 'trend-noise', 'trend-cycle', 'trend-seasonal', 'trend-cycle-seasonal', or 'trend-seasonal-cycle'.")
  #Define the transition and observation equation matrices based on the trend specification
  if(trend_spec %in% c("rw", "stationary_1")){
    #T_t = T_{t-1} + e_t, e_t ~ N(0, sig_t^2)
    #Transition matrix
    Fm = matrix(c(1), nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
    colnames(Fm) = "Tt1"
    rownames(Fm) = "Tt0"
    #Observation matrix
    Hm = matrix(c(1), nrow = 1)
    colnames(Hm) = rownames(Fm)
    if(trend_spec == "stationary_1"){
      Fm["Tt0", "Tt1"] = par["ar1"]
  }else if(trend_spec %in% c("rwd")){
    #T_t = M_{t-1} + T_{t-1} + e_t, e_t ~ N(0, sig_t^2)
    #M_t = M_{t-1} + n_t, n_t ~ N(0, sig_m^2)
    #Transition matrix
    Fm = rbind(c(1, 1), c(0, 1))
    colnames(Fm) = c("Tt1", "Mt1")
    rownames(Fm) = c("Tt0", "Mt0")
    #Observation matrix
    Hm = matrix(c(1, 0), nrow = 1)
    colnames(Hm) = rownames(Fm)
  }else if(trend_spec %in% c("2rw" | "stationary_2")){
    #T_t = 2T_{t-1} - T_{t-2} + e_t, e_t ~ N(0, sig_t^2)
    #Transition matrix
    Fm = rbind(c(2, -1), c(1, 0))
    colnames(Fm) = c("Tt1", "Tt2")
    rownames(Fm) = c("Tt0", "Tt1")
    #Observation matrix
    Hm = matrix(c(1, 0), nrow = 1)
    colnames(Hm) = rownames(Fm)
    if(trend_spec == "stationary_2"){
      Fm["Tt0", c("Tt1", "Tt2")] = par[c("ar1", "ar2")]
  #Get the parameters on exogenous data
  if(any(grepl("beta_", names(par)))){
    beta = matrix(par[grepl("beta_", names(par))], nrow = 1, ncol = length(par[grepl("beta_", names(par))]))
    colnames(beta) = gsub("beta_\\.", "", names(par[grepl("beta_", names(par))]))
    beta = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
  #Define the transition error covariance matrix
  Qm = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Fm), ncol = ncol(Fm))
  colnames(Qm) = rownames(Qm) = rownames(Fm)
  Qm[rownames(Qm) == "Tt0", colnames(Qm) == "Tt0"] = par["sig_t"]^2
  Qm[rownames(Qm) == "Mt0", colnames(Qm) == "Mt0"] = par["sig_m"]^2
  #Define the cycle component
  if(grepl("cycle", decomp)) {
    rho = 1/(1 + exp(-par["rho"])) #Constrain rho (the dampening factor) to be between 0 and 1
    lambda = pi/(1 + exp(-par["lambda"])) #Constrain lambda (the period) to between 0 and pi
    colnames = colnames(Fm)
    rownames = rownames(Fm)
    Cm = rbind(c(rho * cos(lambda), rho * sin(lambda)), c(-rho * sin(lambda), rho * cos(lambda)))
    Fm = as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(Fm, Cm))
    colnames(Fm) = c(colnames, "Ct1", "Ct2")
    rownames(Fm) = c(rownames, "Ct0", "Ct1")
    Hm = cbind(Hm, matrix(c(1, 0), nrow = 1))
    colnames(Hm) = rownames(Fm)
    Qm = as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(Qm, diag(2)*par["sig_c"]^2))
    colnames(Qm) = rownames(Qm) = rownames(Fm)
  #Define the seasonal component
  if(grepl("seasonal", decomp)) {
    jiter = as.numeric(unique(gsub("[[:alpha:]]|[[:punct:]]", "", names(par)[grepl("sig_s", names(par))])))
    for(j in jiter) {
      colnames = colnames(Fm)
      rownames = rownames(Fm)
      Sm = rbind(c(cos(2 * pi * j/freq), sin(2 * pi * j/freq)), 
                 c(-sin(2 * pi * j/freq), cos(2 * pi * j/freq)))
      Fm = as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(Fm, Sm))
      colnames(Fm) = c(colnames, paste0("Stl", j), paste0("Stls", j))
      rownames(Fm) = c(rownames, paste0("St", j), paste0("Sts", j))
    Hm = cbind(Hm, matrix(rep(c(1, 0), length(jiter)), nrow = 1))
    colnames(Hm) = rownames(Fm)
    Qm = as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(Qm, diag(unlist(lapply(jiter, function(j){rep(par[paste0("sig_s", j)], 2)})))))
    colnames(Qm) = rownames(Qm) = rownames(Fm)
  #Transition equation intercept matrix
  Dm = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Fm))
  #Observaton equation intercept matrix
  Am = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
  #Observation equation error covariance matrix
  Rm = matrix(sig_e^2, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
  #Initial guess for unobserved vector
  if(is.null(init)) {
    B0 = c(rep(mean(c(range(yt[1:ifelse(freq == 1, round(length(y)/4), freq)], na.rm = T)), na.rm = T), length(rownames(Fm)[grepl("Tt", rownames(Fm))])), 
           rep(0, length(rownames(Fm)[grepl("Mt", rownames(Fm))])), 
           rep(0, length(rownames(Fm)[grepl("Ct", rownames(Fm))])), 
           rep(0, length(rownames(Fm)[grepl("St", rownames(Fm))])))
    B0 = init[["B0"]]
  names(B0) = c(rownames(Fm)[grepl("Tt", rownames(Fm))], 
                rownames(Fm)[grepl("Mt", rownames(Fm))], 
                rownames(Fm)[grepl("Ct", rownames(Fm))], 
                rownames(Fm)[grepl("St", rownames(Fm))])
  #Initial guess for variance of the unobserved vector
  if(is.null(init)) {
    P0 = diag(100, nrow = nrow(Fm), ncol = nrow(Fm))
    rownames(P0) = colnames(P0) = rownames(Fm)
    P0 = init[["P0"]]
  return(list(B0 = B0, P0 = P0, At = Am, Dt = Dm, Ht = Hm, Ft = Fm, Rt = Rm, Qt = Qm, beta = beta))

#' Detect cycle and seasonality from the data
#' @param y Univariate time series of data values. May also be a 2 column data frame containing a date column.
#' @param freq Seasonality of the data (1, 4, 12, 52, 365)
#' @return List giving the decomposition and wavelet
#' @param method Method for wavelet analysis comparison ("white.nose", "shuffle", "Fourier.rand", "AR", "ARIMA"). Default is "ARIMA".
#' @param n.sim Number of simulations for wavelet analysis. Default is 100
#' @export
tcs_detect_decomp = function(y, freq, level = 0.01, method = "ARIMA", n.sim = 100){
  #Set the baseline decomposition
  decomp = "trend"
  #Test for seasonality and long-term cycle
  capture.output(wave <- WaveletComp::analyze.wavelet(data.frame(y), method = "ARIMA", n.sim = n.sim, verbose = F))
  wave = data.table::data.table(period = wave$Period, power = wave$Power.avg, pval = wave$Power.avg.pval)
  wave[, "period" := round(period)]
  wave = wave[, .(power = mean(power, na.rm = T), pval = mean(pval, na.rm = T)), by = "period"]
  wave[, "slope" := (shift(power, type = "lead", n = 1) - shift(power, type = "lag"))/(shift(period, type = "lead", n = 1) - shift(period, type = "lag", n = 1))]
  periods = wave[pval <= level, ][(shift(power, type = "lag", n = 1) <= power & shift(power, type = "lead", n = 1) <= power) & 
                                    (shift(sign(slope), type = "lag", n = 1) == 1 & shift(sign(slope), type = "lead", n = 1) == -1), ]$period
  if(freq == 365.25){
    temp = wave[pval <= level, ]
    temp[, "weekly" := abs(period - 7)]
    temp[, "monthly" := abs(period - 30)]
    temp[, "yearly" := abs(period - 365)]
    periods = unique(c(periods, temp[weekly <= 2, ][weekly == min(weekly), ]$period, 
      temp[monthly <= 7, ][weekly == min(monthly), ]$period, 
      temp[yearly <= 30, ][yearly == min(yearly), ]$period))
    wave[, "Significant Frequencies" := ifelse(period %in% periods, T, F), ]
    periods[abs(periods - 365) <= 30 & which.min(abs(periods - 365))] = 365
    periods[abs(periods - 30) <= 7 & which.min(abs(periods - 30))] = 30
    periods[abs(periods - 7) <= 2 & which.min(abs(periods - 365))] = 7
  }else if(freq == 365.25/7){
    temp = wave[pval <= level, ]
    temp[, "monthly" := abs(period - 4)]
    temp[, "yearly" := abs(period - 52)]
    periods = unique(periods, c(temp[monthly <= 1, ][weekly == min(monthly), ]$period, 
                                temp[yearly <= 2, ][yearly == min(yearly), ]$period))
    wave[, "Significant Frequencies" := ifelse(period %in% periods, T, F), ]
    periods[abs(periods - 52) <= 2 & which.min(abs(periods - 52))] = 52
    periods[abs(periods - 4) <= 1 & which.min(abs(periods - 4))] = 4
  }else if(freq == 12){
    temp = wave[pval <= level, ]
    temp[, "yearly" := abs(period - 12)]
    periods = unique(periods, c(temp[yearly <= 2, ][yearly == min(yearly), ]$period))
    wave[, "Significant Frequencies" := ifelse(period %in% periods, T, F), ]
    periods[abs(periods - 12) <= 2 & which.min(abs(periods - 12))] = 12
  }else if(freq == 4){
    temp = wave[pval <= level, ]
    temp[, "yearly" := abs(period - 4)]
    periods = unique(periods, c(temp[yearly <= 1, ][yearly == min(yearly), ]$period))
    wave[, "Significant Frequencies" := ifelse(period %in% periods, T, F), ]
    periods[abs(periods - 4) <= 1 & which.min(abs(periods - 4))] = 4
  }else if(freq == 1){
    temp = wave[pval <= level, ]
    temp[, "yearly" := abs(period - 1)]
    periods = unique(periods, c(temp[yearly <= 1, ][yearly == min(yearly), ]$period))
    wave[, "Significant Frequencies" := ifelse(period %in% periods, T, F), ]
    periods[abs(periods - 1) <= 1 & which.min(abs(periods - 1))] = 1
  if(length(periods) > 0){
    #Check for seasonality
    if(freq > 1){
      if(any(abs(periods - freq) < freq/2) | suppressWarnings(seastests::wo(ts(y, frequency = freq))$stat == T)){
        decomp = paste0(decomp, "-seasonal")
    #Check for longer term cycle
    if(any(periods > freq * 3)){
      decomp = paste0(decomp, "-cycle")
  #If no seasonality or cycle detected, include noise component only
  if(decomp == "trend"){
    decomp = "trend-noise"
  #Select the best trend specification
  #Check for upward trend from the naive seasonal model
  stl = stats::stl(ts(y, frequency = freq), s.window = "periodic", s.degree = 2, l.degree = 1, t.degree = 1)
  lm.data = data.table::data.table(y = stl$time.series[, "trend"], t = 1:length(y))
  lm = lm(y ~ t, lm.data)
  #Find the number of differences to make it stationary
  ndiffs = forecast::ndiffs(stl$time.series[, "trend"], 
                            type = ifelse(summary(lm)$coefficients["t", "Pr(>|t|)"] <= level, "trend", "level"), 
                            test = "adf", alpha = level, max.d = 2)
  if(ndiffs == 2){
    trend_spec = "rwd"
  }else if(ndiffs %in% c(0, 1)){
    #Approximate stationary series using 
    trend_spec = "rw"
  }else if(ndiffs == 0){
    arima = capture.output(summary(forecast::auto.arima(stl$time.series[, "trend"], d = 0, max.p = 2)))
    ar = as.numeric(strsplit(gsub("ARIMA|\\(|\\)| ", "", arima[which(unlist(gregexpr("ARIMA", arima)) == 1)]), ",")[[1]][1])
    trend_spec = paste0("stationary_", min(1, ar))
    trend_spec = NULL
  return(list(wave = wave, decomp = decomp, periods = periods, trend_spec = trend_spec))

#' Detect frequency and dates from the data
#' @param y Univariate time series of data values. May also be a 2 column data frame containing a date column.
#' @param freq Initial setting for the frequency detection
#' @return List giving the dates and frequency of the data
#' @export
tcs_detect_freq = function(y, freq = NULL){
    if(ifelse(is.null(ncol(y)), F, ncol(y) > 1)){
      stop("Data must be a univariate time series.")
    dates = time(y)
    freq = frequency(y)
    y = data.table::as.data.table(y)
    datecol = unlist(y[, lapply(.SD, class), .SDcols = colnames(y)])
    datecol = names(datecol[datecol %in% c("Date", "yearmon")])
    if(class(y[, c(datecol), with = F][[1]]) == "yearmon"){
      y[, c(datecol) := as.Date(eval(parse(text = datecol)))]
      is.yearmon = T
      is.yearmon = F
    if(length(datecol) == 1) {
      datediffs = unique(diff(unlist(y[, c(datecol), with = F])))
      freq = datediffs[which.max(tabulate(match(diff(y[, c(datecol), with = F][[1]]), datediffs)))]
      freq = c(365.25, 365.25/7, 12, 4, 1)[which.min(abs(freq -  c(1, 7, 365.25/12, 365.25/4, 365)))]
      dates = y[, c(datecol), with = F][[1]]
      if(is.yearmon == T){
        dates = as.yearmon(dates)
      y = unlist(y[, colnames(y)[colnames(y) != datecol], with = F])
      rm(datediffs, datecol)
    }else if(length(datecol) > 1){
      stop("Too many date columns. Include only 1 date column or set the frequency manually.")
    }else if(length(datecol) == 0 & is.null(freq)){
      stop("No date column detected. Include a date column or set the frequency.")
      dates = 1:length(y)
  return(list(data = y, dates = dates, freq = freq))

#' Build the date sequence as a Date type
#' @param y an object created from tcs_detect_freq
#' @author Alex Hubbard (hubbard.alex@gmail.com)
#' @export
tcs_build_dates = function(y){
  dates = tryCatch(as.Date(y$dates), 
                   error = function(err){
                     `%fun%` = lubridate::`%m+%`
                     diff = mean(unique(diff(y$dates)))
                     years = as.numeric(floor(y$dates))
                     parts = as.numeric(y$dates - years)
                     if(y$freq == 1){
                       as.Date(paste0(years, "-01-01")) %fun% years(ceiling((parts/diff)))
                     }else if(y$freq == 4){
                       as.Date(paste0(years, "-01-01")) %fun% months(ceiling((parts/diff))*3)
                     }else if(y$freq == 12){
                       as.Date(paste0(years, "-01-01")) %fun% months(ceiling((parts/diff)))
                     }else if(y$freq == 52){
                       as.Date(paste0(years, "-01-01")) %fun% weeks(ceiling((parts/diff)))
                     }else if(y$freq == 365){
                       as.Date(paste0(years, "-01-01")) %fun% dates(ceiling((parts/diff)))

#' Trend cycle seasonal decomposition using the Kalman filter.
#' Estimates a structural time series model using the Kalman filter and maximum likelihood.
#' The seasonal and cycle components are assumed to be of a trigonometric form.
#' The function checks three trend specifications to decompose a univariate time series
#' into trend, cycle, and/or seasonal components plus noise. The function automatically
#' detects the frequency and checks for a seasonal and cycle component if the user does not specify
#' the frequency or decomposition model. This can be turned off by setting freq or specifying decomp.
#' State space model for decomposition follows
#' Yt = T_t + C_t + S_t + BX_t + e_t, e_t ~ N(0, sig_e^2)
#' Y is the data
#' T is the trend component
#' C is the cycle component
#' S is the seasonal component
#' X is the exogenous data with parameter vector B
#' e is the observation error
#' @param y Univariate time series of data values. May also be a 2 column data frame containing a date column.
#' @param exo Matrix of exogenous variables. Can be used to specify regression effects or other seasonal effects like holidays, etc.
#' @param freq Frequency of the data (1 (yearly), 4 (quarterly), 12 (monthly), 52 (weekly), 365 (daily)), default is NULL and will be automatically detected
#' @param harmonics The seasonal harmonics to include, default is NULL which results in unique(1:floor(seasons/2))
#' @param decomp Decomposition model ("tend-cycle-seasonal", "trend-seasonal", "trend-cycle", "trend-noise")
#' @param trend_spec Trend specification ("rw", "rwd", "2rw"). The default is NULL which will choose the best of all specifications based on the maximum likielhood. 
#' "rw" is the random walk trend. "rwd" is the random walk with random walk drift trend. "2rw" is a 2nd order random walk trend.
#' @param multiplicative If data should be logged to create a multiplicative model
#' @param optim_methods Vector of 1 to 3 optimization methods in order of preference ("NR", "BFGS", "CG", "BHHH", or "SANN")
#' @param det_obs Set the observation equation error variance to 0 (deterministic observation equation)
#' @param det_trend Set the trend error variance to 0 (deterministic trend)
#' @param det_seas Set the seasonality error variances to 0 (deterministic seasonality)
#' @param det_cycle Set thecycle error variance to 0 (deterministic cycle)
#' @param det_drift Set the drift error variance to 0 (deterministic drift)
#' @param maxit Maximum number of iterations for the optimization
#' @param par Initial parameters, defalut is NULL
#' @param wavelet.method Method for wavelet analysis comparison ("white.nose", "shuffle", "Fourier.rand", "AR", "ARIMA"). Default is "ARIMA".
#' @param wavelet.sim Number of simulations for wavelet analysis. Default is 100
#' @return List of estimation values including coefficients, convergence code, datea frequency, decomposition used, and trend specification selected.
#' @examples
#' tcs_decomp_estim(y = DT[, c("date", "y")])
#' If multiplicative = T, then the data is logged and the original model becomes multiplicative (Y_t = T_t * C_t * S_t * BX_t * e_t)
#' If trend is "rw", the trend model is T_t = T_{t-1} + e_t, e_t ~ N(0, sig_t^2)
#' If trend is "rwd", the trend model is T_t = M_{t-1} + T_{t-1} + e_t, e_t ~ N(0, sig_t^2) with 
#'      M_t = M_{t-1} + n_t, n_t ~ N(0, sig_m^2) where
#' If trend is "2rw", the trend model is T_t = 2T_{t-1} - T_{t-2} + e_t, e_t ~ N(0, sig_t^2)
#' If det_obs = T then sig_e is set to 0 
#' If det_trend = T then the variacne of the trend (sig_t) is set to 0 and is referred to as a smooth trend
#' If det_drift = T then the variance of the drift (sig_m) is set to 0 and is refereed to as a deterministic drift
#' If det_seas = T then the variance all seasonality frequencies j (sig_s) are set to 0 and is referred to as deterministic seasonality
#' If det_cycle = T then the variance of the cyclce (sig_c) is set to 0 and is refreed to as a deterministic cycle
#' @author Alex Hubbard (hubbard.alex@gmail.com)
#' @export
tcs_decomp_estim = function(y, exo = NULL, freq = NULL, decomp = NULL, trend_spec = NULL,
                             multiplicative = NULL, par = NULL, harmonics = NULL, 
                             det_obs = F, det_trend = F, det_seas = F, det_cycle = F, det_drift = F,
                             wavelet.method = "ARIMA", wavelet.sim = 100, level = 0.01, 
                             optim_methods = c("BFGS", "NM", "CG", "SANN"), maxit = 10000, verbose = F){
  if(level < 0.01 | level > 0.1){
    stop("level must be between 0.01 and 0.1.")
  if(any(!optim_methods %in% c("NR", "BFGS", "BHHH", "SANN", "CG", "NM")) | length(optim_methods) < 1){
    stop("optim_methods must be a vector containing 'NR', 'BFGS', 'BHHH', 'SANN', 'CG', and/or 'NM'")
    stop("maxit must be numeric and greater than 0.")
  }else if(maxit <= 0){
    stop("maxit must be numeric and greater than 0.")
  #Get the frequency of the data
  y = tcs_detect_freq(y, freq)
  dates = tcs_build_dates(y)
  freq = y$freq
  y = y$data
  #Remove leading and trailing NAs
  range = which(!is.na(y))
  y = unname(y[range[1]:range[length(range)]])
  dates = dates[range[1]:range[length(range)]]
    exo = exo[range[1]:range[length(range)], ]
  #Log data if multiplicative is T
    lm.data = data.table::data.table(y = y, t = 1:length(y))
    lm = lm(y ~ t, data = lm.data)
    if(all(y > 1) & summary(lm)$coefficients["t", "Pr(>|t|)"] <= level){
      multiplicative = T
      multiplicative = F
  if(multiplicative == T){
    if(!all(y > 1)){
      warning("A multiplicative model was specified but the data is not all positive and > 1. Reverting to linear model.")
      multiplicative = F
      y = log(y)
  mean = mean(y, na.rm = T)
  sd = sd(y, na.rm = T)
  y = (y - mean)/sd
  #Set the decomposition
  if(is.null(decomp) | is.null(trend_spec)){
    message("Detecting the appropriate decomposition...")
    decomp = tcs_detect_decomp(y, freq, level, wavelet.method, wavelet.sim)
    wave = decomp$wave
    periods = decomp$periods
    trend_spec = decomp$trend_spec
    decomp = decomp$decomp
    wave = NULL
    periods = NULL
  #Get seasonal harmonics
  if(grepl("seasonal", decomp)){
        #Define the harmonics
        harmonics = sort(unique(c(1:floor(12/2), #yearly
                                  (1:floor(30/2))*12, #monthly, 
                                  (1:floor(7/2))*52 #weekly
        harmonics = c()
        if(1 %in% floor(freq/periods)){
          harmonics = unique(c(harmonics, (1:floor(12/2))))
        if(12 %in% floor(freq/periods)){
          harmonics = unique(c(harmonics, (1:floor(30/2))*12))
        if(52 %in% floor(freq/periods)){
          harmonics = unique(c(harmonics, (1:floor(7/2))*52))
      harmonics = harmonics[round(freq/harmonics) > 0 & harmonics < freq]
  #Use naive seasonal model as the prior
  stl = stats::stl(ts(y, frequency = freq), s.window = "periodic", s.degree = 2, l.degree = 1, t.degree = 1)
  #Set up the initial values
    if(trend_spec %in% c("rw", "2rw")){
      if(grepl("cycle", decomp)){
          period = mean(wave[`Significant Frequencies` == T, ][2:.N]$period)
          period = 5*freq
        par = c(sig_t = sd(diff(stl$time.series[, "trend"]))/2, 
                lambda = log((2 * pi/(period))/(pi - 2 * pi/(period))), rho = log((0.5)/(1 - 0.5)), 
                sig_c = sd(diff(stl$time.series[, "trend"]))/2)
        par = c(sig_t = sd(diff(stl$time.series[, "trend"])))
    }else if(trend_spec == "rwd"){
      if(grepl("cycle", decomp)){
          period = mean(wave[`Significant Frequencies` == T, ][2:.N]$period)
          period = 5*freq
        par = c(sig_t = sd(diff(stl$time.series[, "trend"]))/3, 
                sig_m = sd(diff(stl$time.series[, "trend"]))/3, 
                lambda = log((2 * pi/(period))/(pi - 2 * pi/(period))), rho = log((0.5)/(1 - 0.5)), 
                sig_c = sd(diff(stl$time.series[, "trend"]))/3)
        par = c(sig_t = sd(diff(stl$time.series[, "trend"]))/2, 
                sig_m = sd(diff(stl$time.series[, "trend"]))/2)
    }else if(trend_spec == "stationary_1"){
      par = c(par, ar1 = 0.75)
    }else if(trend_spec == "stationary_2"){
      par = c(par, ar1 = 1.25, ar2 = -0.5)
    if(grepl("seasonal", decomp)){
      par = c(par, sig_s = unname(rep(sd(diff(stl$time.series[, "seasonal"]))/length(harmonics), length(harmonics))))
      names(par)[grepl("sig_s", names(par))] = paste0("sig_s", harmonics)
    par = c(par, sig_e = sd(stl$time.series[, "remainder"]))
  #Set any fixed parameters
  fixed = NULL
  if(det_obs == T){
    par["sig_e"] = 0
    fixed = c(fixed, "sig_e")
  if(det_trend == T){
    par["sig_t"] = 0
    fixed = c(fixed, "sig_t")
  if(det_seas == T){
    par[grepl("sig_s", names(par))] = 0
    fixed = c(fixed, names(par)[grepl("sig_s", names(par))])
  if(det_cycle == T){
    par["sig_c"] = 0
    fixed = c(fixed, "sig_c")
  if(det_drift == T){
    par["sig_m"] = 0
    fixed = c(fixed, "sig_m")
    X = t(matrix(0, nrow = length(y), ncol = 1))
    rownames(X) = "X"
    par = c(par, beta_X = 0)
    fixed = c(fixed, "beta_X")
    X = t(exo)
    par = c(par, beta_ = coef(lm(y ~ . - 1, data = data.frame(cbind(y, exo)))))
  #Define the objective function
  objective = function(par, na_locs, freq, decomp, trend_spec, init = NULL){
    yt = matrix(get("y"), nrow = 1)
    sp = tcs_ssm(par = par, yt = yt, freq = freq, decomp = decomp, trend_spec = trend_spec, init = init)
    ans = kalman_filter(B0 = matrix(sp$B0, ncol = 1), P0 = sp$P0, Dt = sp$Dt, At = sp$At, Ft = sp$Ft, Ht = sp$Ht, Qt = sp$Qt, Rt = sp$Rt, 
                        yt = yt, X = X, beta = sp$beta)
    if(!is.null(na_locs)) {
      fc = sp$Ht %*% ans$B_tt
      yt[, na_locs] = fc[, na_locs]
      ans = kalman_filter(matrix(sp$B0, ncol = 1), P0 = sp$P0, Dt = sp$Dt, At = sp$At, Ft = sp$Ft, Ht = sp$Ht, Qt = sp$Qt, Rt = sp$Rt, 
                          yt = yt, X = X, beta = sp$beta)
      assign("y", c(yt), .GlobalEnv)
  #Find anhy na values
    na_locs = which(is.na(y))
    na_locs = NULL
  #Estimate the model
  message("Estimating the model...")
  for(o in optim_methods){
    out = tryCatch(maxLik::maxLik(logLik = objective, 
                                  start = par, method = o, fixed = fixed, 
                                  finalHessian = F, hess = NULL, control = list(printLevel = ifelse(verbose == T, 2, 0), iterlim = maxit), init = NULL, na_locs = na_locs, 
                                  freq = freq, decomp = decomp, trend_spec = trend_spec), 
                   error = function(err){NULL})
    stop("Estimation failed.")
  #Retreive the model output
  fit = data.table::data.table(model = trend_spec, freq = freq, harmonics = paste(harmonics, collapse = ", "), 
                               decomp = decomp, multiplicative = multiplicative, convergence = out$code, loglik = out$maximum,
                               matrix(coef(out), nrow = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, paste0("coef_", names(coef(out))))))
    fit[, `:=`(colnames(fit)[grepl("beta_", colnames(fit))], NULL)]
  fit = list(table = fit, data = y*sd + mean, dates = dates)
  if(multiplicative == T){
    fit$data = exp(fit$data)
    fit[["wavelet"]] = wave
    fit[["wavelet"]] = NA
    fit[["exo"]] = NA
    fit[["exo"]] = exo

#' Kalman Filter
#' Kalman filter an estimated model from tcs_decomp_estim object
#' @param y Univariate time series of data values. May also be a 2 column data frame containing a date column.
#' @param model Structural time series model estimated using tcs_decomp_estim.
#' @param plot Logial, whether to plot the output or not.
#' @return List of data tables containing the filtered and smoothed series.
#' @examples
#' tcs_decomp_filter(y = DT[, c("date", "y")], model = model)
#' @author Alex Hubbard (hubbard.alex@gmail.com)
#' @export
tcs_decomp_filter = function(model, y = NULL, exo = NULL, plot = F){
  #Get the dates and frequency of the data
    dates = model$dates
    freq = model$table$freq
    y = model$data
    X = t(as.matrix(model$exo))
      X = t(matrix(0, nrow = length(y), ncol = 1))
      rownames(X) = "X"
    y = tcs_detect_freq(y, model$freq)
    dates = tcs_build_dates(y)
    freq = y$freq
    y = y$data
      X = t(matrix(0, nrow = length(y), ncol = 1))
      rownames(X) = "X"
  #Remove leading and trailing NAs
  range = which(!is.na(y))
  y = unname(y[range[1]:range[length(range)]])
  dates = dates[range[1]:range[length(range)]]
  #Apply multiplicative model
  if(model$table$multiplicative == T){
    y = log(y)
  y_mean = mean(y, na.rm = T)
  y_sd = sd(y, na.rm = T)
  y = (y - y_mean)/y_sd
  #Find any missing values
    na_locs = which(is.na(y))
    na_locs = NULL
  #Get model specifications
  if(freq != model$table$freq){
    warning("Frequency of data does not match that of the model. Using model frequency instead of the detected data frequency.")
    freq = model$table$freq
  decomp = model$table$decomp
  trend_spec = model$table$model
  harmonics = as.numeric(strsplit(model$table$harmonics, ", ")[[1]])
  #Get the coefficients
  cs = unlist(model$table[, grepl("coef_", colnames(model$table)), with = F])
  cs = cs[!is.na(cs)]
  names(cs) = gsub("coef_", "", names(cs))
  #Filter the data
  message("Filtering the data...")
  sp = tcs_ssm(par = cs, yt = y, freq = freq, decomp = decomp, trend_spec = trend_spec)
  init = kalman_filter(B0 = matrix(sp$B0, ncol = 1), P0 = sp$P0, Dt = sp$Dt, At = sp$At, Ft = sp$Ft, Ht = sp$Ht, Qt = sp$Qt, Rt = sp$Rt, 
                       yt = matrix(y, nrow = 1), X = X, beta = sp$beta)
  init = kalman_smoother(B_tl = init$B_tl, B_tt = init$B_tt, P_tl = init$P_tl, P_tt = init$P_tt, Ft = sp$Ft)
  init = list(B0 = init[["B_tt"]][, 1], P0 = init[["P_tt"]][, , 1])
  sp = tcs_ssm(par = cs, yt = y, freq = freq, decomp = decomp, trend_spec = trend_spec, init = init)
  ans = kalman_filter(B0 = matrix(sp$B0, ncol = 1), P0 = sp$P0, Dt = sp$Dt, At = sp$At, Ft = sp$Ft, Ht = sp$Ht, Qt = sp$Qt, Rt = sp$Rt, 
                      yt = matrix(y, nrow = 1), X = X, beta = sp$beta)
    fc = sp$Ht %*% ans$B_tt
    y[na_locs] = fc[, na_locs]
    ans = kalman_filter(B0 = matrix(sp$B0, ncol = 1), P0 = sp$P0, Dt = sp$Dt, At = sp$At, Ft = sp$Ft, Ht = sp$Ht, Qt = sp$Qt, Rt = sp$Rt, yt = matrix(y, nrow = 1))
  rownames(ans$B_tt) = rownames(sp$Ft)
  smooth = kalman_smoother(B_tl = ans$B_tl, B_tt = ans$B_tt, P_tl = ans$P_tl, P_tt = ans$P_tt, Ft = sp$Ft)[["B_tt"]]
  rownames(smooth) = rownames(ans$B_tt)
  #Retrieve the model output
  iter = c("filter", "smooth")
  cl = parallel::makeCluster(min(c(parallel::detectCores(), length(iter))))
  invisible(snow::clusterCall(cl, function(x) .libPaths(x), .libPaths()))
  `%fun%` = foreach::`%dopar%`
  preret = foreach::foreach(i = iter, .packages = c("data.table")) %fun% {
    if(i == "filter"){
      B_tt = ans$B_tt
    }else if(i == "smooth"){
      B_tt = smooth
    #Get the unobserved series
    series = data.table::data.table(t(B_tt))
    series.l = copy(series)
    series.l[, `:=`(colnames(series.l), lapply(.SD, shift, type = "lag", n = 1)), .SDcols = colnames(series.l)]
    #Get the model errors
    errors = t(as.matrix(series)) - sp$Ft %*% t(as.matrix(series.l))
    #Get the trend and its errors
    trend = c(sp$Ht[grepl("Tt|Mt", colnames(sp$Ht))] %*% B_tt[which(grepl("Tt|Mt", rownames(B_tt))), ])
    trend_error = c(sp$Ht[grepl("Tt|Mt", colnames(sp$Ht))] %*% errors[grepl("Tt|Mt", rownames(errors)), ])
    #Get the cycle and its errors
    if(any(grepl("Ct", rownames(errors)))){
      cycle = c(sp$Ht[grepl("Ct", colnames(sp$Ht))] %*% B_tt[grepl("Ct", rownames(B_tt)), ])
      cycle_error = c(sp$Ht[grepl("Ct", colnames(sp$Ht))] %*% errors[grepl("Ct", rownames(errors)), ])
      cycle = rep(0, nrow(series))
      cycle_error = rep(0, ncol(errors))
    #Get the seasonality and its errors
    if(any(grepl("St", rownames(errors)))){
      seasonal = c(sp$Ht[grepl("St", colnames(sp$Ht))] %*% B_tt[grepl("St", rownames(B_tt)), ])
      seasonal_error = c(sp$Ht[grepl("St", colnames(sp$Ht))] %*% errors[grepl("St", rownames(errors)), ])
      #Define special harmonics
      weekly_harmonics = paste0("St", c((1:floor(7/2))*52))
      monthly_harmonics = paste0("St", c((1:floor(30/2))*12))
      monthly_harmonics = monthly_harmonics[!monthly_harmonics %in% weekly_harmonics]
      yearly_harmonics = paste0("St", c(1:floor(12/2)))
      yearly_harmonics = yearly_harmonics[!yearly_harmonics %in% c(weekly_harmonics, monthly_harmonics)]
      other_harmonics = paste0("St", harmonics)[!paste0("St", harmonics) %in% c(weekly_harmonics, monthly_harmonics, yearly_harmonics)]
      #Calcualte grouped seasonalities
      weekly_seas = rowSums(t(matrix(B_tt[rownames(B_tt) %in% weekly_harmonics, ], 
                        nrow = length(which(rownames(B_tt) %in% weekly_harmonics)), 
                        ncol = ncol(B_tt), 
                        dimnames = list(rownames(B_tt)[rownames(B_tt) %in% weekly_harmonics], NULL))))
      monthly_seas = rowSums(t(matrix(B_tt[rownames(B_tt) %in% monthly_harmonics, ], 
                                     nrow = length(which(rownames(B_tt) %in% monthly_harmonics)), 
                                     ncol = ncol(B_tt), 
                                     dimnames = list(rownames(B_tt)[rownames(B_tt) %in% monthly_harmonics], NULL))))
      yearly_seas = rowSums(t(matrix(B_tt[rownames(B_tt) %in% yearly_harmonics, ], 
                                      nrow = length(which(rownames(B_tt) %in% yearly_harmonics)), 
                                      ncol = ncol(B_tt), 
                                      dimnames = list(rownames(B_tt)[rownames(B_tt) %in% yearly_harmonics], NULL))))
      other_seas = rowSums(t(matrix(B_tt[rownames(B_tt) %in% other_harmonics, ], 
                                    nrow = length(which(rownames(B_tt) %in% other_harmonics)), 
                                    ncol = ncol(B_tt), 
                                    dimnames = list(rownames(B_tt)[rownames(B_tt) %in% other_harmonics], NULL))))
      seasonal = cbind(seasonal, yearly_seas, monthly_seas, weekly_seas, other_seas)
      rm(weekly_seas, monthly_seas, yearly_seas, other_seas)
      #Calculate grouped seasonal errors
      weekly_seas_error = rowSums(t(matrix(errors[rownames(errors) %in% weekly_harmonics, ], 
                                     nrow = length(which(rownames(errors) %in% weekly_harmonics)), 
                                     ncol = ncol(errors), 
                                     dimnames = list(rownames(errors)[rownames(errors) %in% weekly_harmonics], NULL))))
      monthly_seas_error = rowSums(t(matrix(errors[rownames(errors) %in% monthly_harmonics, ], 
                                      nrow = length(which(rownames(errors) %in% monthly_harmonics)), 
                                      ncol = ncol(errors), 
                                      dimnames = list(rownames(errors)[rownames(errors) %in% monthly_harmonics], NULL))))
      yearly_seas_error = rowSums(t(matrix(errors[rownames(errors) %in% yearly_harmonics, ], 
                                     nrow = length(which(rownames(errors) %in% yearly_harmonics)), 
                                     ncol = ncol(errors), 
                                     dimnames = list(rownames(errors)[rownames(errors) %in% yearly_harmonics], NULL))))
      other_seas_error = rowSums(t(matrix(errors[rownames(errors) %in% other_harmonics, ], 
                                    nrow = length(which(rownames(errors) %in% other_harmonics)), 
                                    ncol = ncol(errors), 
                                    dimnames = list(rownames(errors)[rownames(errors) %in% other_harmonics], NULL))))
      seasonal_error = cbind(seasonal_error, yearly_seas_error, monthly_seas_error, weekly_seas_error, other_seas_error)
      seasonal = rep(0, nrow(series))
      seasonal_error = rep(0, ncol(errors))
    #Get the observation and total errors
    observation_error = y - c(sp$Ht %*% t(as.matrix(series)))
    total_error = trend_error + cycle_error + seasonal_error[, "seasonal_error"] + observation_error
    #Combine the filtered series
    toret = data.table::data.table(y = y, trend = trend, cycle = cycle, seasonal = seasonal,
                                   trend_error = trend_error, cycle_error = cycle_error, 
                                   seasonal_error = seasonal_error, 
                                   observation_error = observation_error, total_error = total_error)
    colnames(toret)[grepl("seasonal\\.", colnames(toret))] = gsub("seasonal\\.", "", colnames(toret)[grepl("seasonal\\.", colnames(toret))])
    colnames(toret)[grepl("seasonal_error\\.", colnames(toret))] = gsub("seasonal_error\\.", "", colnames(toret)[grepl("seasonal_error\\.", colnames(toret))])
    rm(trend, cycle, seasonal, trend_error, cycle_error, seasonal_error, observation_error, total_error)
    #Filter out the errors 
    toret[, `:=`("trend_adj_noise", trend - trend_error)]
    toret[, `:=`("cycle_adj_noise", cycle - cycle_error)]
    toret[, `:=`("seasonal_adj_noise", seasonal - seasonal_error)]
    for(j in colnames(toret)[grepl("_seas", colnames(toret)) & !grepl("_error", colnames(toret))]){
      toret[, `:=` (paste0(j, "_adj_noise"), eval(parse(text = j)) - eval(parse(text = paste0(j, "_error"))))]
    #Calculate adusted series
    toret[, `:=`("seasonal_adjusted", y - seasonal)]
    toret[, `:=`("cycle_adjusted", y - cycle)]
    toret[, `:=`("seasonal_cycle_adjusted", y - seasonal - cycle)]
    #Calculate adusted series
    toret[, `:=`("seasonal_noise_adjusted", y - seasonal - total_error)]
    toret[, `:=`("cycle_noise_adjusted",  y - cycle - total_error)]
    toret[, `:=`("seasonal_cycle_noise_adjusted", y - cycle - seasonal - total_error)]
    toret[, `:=`("noise_adjusted", y - total_error)]
    if(!is.null(exo) | !all(is.na(model$exo))){
      XB = do.call("cbind", lapply(names(cs)[grepl("beta_", names(cs))], function(x){
        cs[x]*X[gsub("beta_\\.", "", x), ]
      colnames(XB) = rownames(X)
      toret = cbind(toret, XB)
  names(preret) = iter
  #Combine the filtered and smoothed series
  final = rbind(data.table(method = "filter", date = dates, preret[["filter"]]), 
                data.table(method = "smooth", date = dates, preret[["smooth"]]), 
                use.names = T, fill = T)[, "date" := as.Date(date)]

  cols = colnames(final)[colnames(final) %in% c("y", "trend", "trend_adj_noise", "seasonal_adjusted", "cycle_adjusted", "seasonal_cycle_adjusted", 
                                                "seasonal_adj_noise", "cycle_adj_noise", "seasonal_cycle_noise_adjusted", "noise_adjusted")]
  final[, c(cols) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x*y_sd + y_mean}), .SDcols = c(cols), by = "method"]
  cols = colnames(final)[colnames(final) %in% c("seasonal", "seasonal_pred", "cycle", "cycle_adj_noise", "seasonal_cycle",
                                                colnames(final)[grepl("_seas|_seas_err|_seas_adj_noise", colnames(final))],
           "trend_error", "cycle_error", "seasonal_error", "observation_error", "total_error", rownames(X))]
  final[,  c(cols) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x*y_sd}), .SDcols = c(cols), by = "method"]
  if(model$table$multiplicative == T){
    final[, c(colnames(final)[!colnames(final) %in% c("method", "date")]) := lapply(.SD, exp),
          .SDcols = c(colnames(final)[!colnames(final) %in% c("method", "date")])]
  if(plot == T) {
    for(i in c("filter", "smooth")){
      g1 = ggplot2::ggplot(data.table::melt(final[method == i, ], id.vars = "date", measure.vars = c("y", "trend"))) + 
        ggplot2::ggtitle("Actual vs Trend") +
        ggplot2::scale_x_date(name = "Date") +
        ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = "Value") +
        ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = date, y = value, group = variable, color = variable)) + ggplot2::theme_minimal() + 
        ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = NULL)) + 
        ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom")
      title = c(ifelse(grepl("cycle", decomp), "Cycle", ""), ifelse(grepl("seasonal", decomp), "Seasonal", ""), "Observation Error")
      title = title[title != ""]
      g2 = ggplot2::ggplot(data.table::melt(final[method == i, ], id.vars = "date", measure.vars = c("cycle", "seasonal", "observation_error"))) + 
        ggplot2::ggtitle(paste(title, collapse = ", ")) + 
        ggplot2::scale_x_date(name = "Date") +
        ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = "Value") +
        ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = date, y = value, group = variable, color = variable)) + 
        ggplot2::theme_minimal() + ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = NULL)) + 
        ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom")
        g3 = ggplot2::ggplot(model[["wavelet"]]) + 
          ggplot2::ggtitle("Wavelet Power") + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(name = "Period") + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = "Power") + 
          ggplot2::geom_col(ggplot2::aes(x = period, y = power, fill = `Significant Frequencies`, color = `Significant Frequencies`), 
                            position = "dodge", width = 0.75) + 
          ggplot2::theme_minimal() + ggplot2::guides(color = F) + 
          ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom")
        gridExtra::grid.arrange(g1, g2, g3, layout_matrix = rbind(c(1, 2), c(3, 3)), top = grid::textGrob(i, gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 20, font = 3)))
        gridExtra::grid.arrange(g1, g2, nrow = 1, top = grid::textGrob(i, gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 20, font = 3)))

#Call these to build the package
#git config remote.origin.url git@github.com:opendoor-labs/TCSDecomp.git
opendoor-labs/TCSDecomp documentation built on April 21, 2020, 3:15 a.m.