#' Histogram smoothing with Laplacian-P-splines
#' @description
#' This function provides a smooth density estimate to a histogram using
#' Laplacian-P-splines. The B-spline basis is computed on the midpoints of
#' the histogram bins. The default number of (cubic) B-splines is 30 and
#' a third-order penalty is specified. The negative binomial distribution is
#' used to model the number of observations falling in each bin.
#' @usage histosmooth(x, xl = min(x), xr = max(x), K = 30)
#' @param x A vector of real numbers from which the histogram will be constructed.
#' @param xl The left bound for the domain of \code{x} which also coincides
#' with the left bound of the domain of the B-spline basis. The default is
#' taken to be the minimum of \code{x}.
#' @param xr The right bound for the domain of \code{x} which also coincides
#' with the right bound of the domain of the B-spline basis. The default is
#' taken to be the maximum of \code{x}.
#' @param K Number of B-splines in the basis.
#' @return A list containing the left (\code{xl})
#' and right (\code{xr}) bounds of the domain of the estimated density, the
#' binwidth and a function to be evaluated between \code{xl} and \code{xr}.
#' @author Oswaldo Gressani \email{oswaldo_gressani@hotmail.fr}
#' @references Gressani, O. and Lambert, P. (2018). Fast Bayesian inference
#' using Laplace approximations in a flexible promotion time cure model based
#' on P-splines. \emph{Computational Statistical & Data Analysis} \strong{124}:
#' 151-167.
#' @references Gressani, O., Wallinga, J., Althaus, C. L., Hens, N. and Faes, C.
#' (2022). EpiLPS: A fast and flexible Bayesian tool for estimation of the
#' time-varying reproduction number. \emph{Plos Computational Biology},
#' \strong{18}(10): e1010618.
#' @examples
#' # Old Faithful geyser application
#' data(eruptions)
#' x <- eruptions
#' ffit <- histosmooth(x, xl = 1, xr = 6)
#' tt <- seq(ffit$xl, ffit$xr, length = 500)
#' dtt <- tt[2] - tt[1]
#' graphics::hist(x, breaks = seq(ffit$xl, ffit$xr, by = ffit$binwidth),
#' freq = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 0.8), main = "Old Faithful Geyser",
#' xlab = "Eruption time (minutes)")
#' densfit <- sapply(tt, ffit$fdens)
#' densfit <- densfit / (sum(densfit * dtt))
#' graphics::lines(tt, densfit, col = "red", lwd = 2)
#' @export
histosmooth <- function(x, xl = min(x), xr = max(x), K = 30){
# Compute histogram and define B-spline basis
kerndens <- stats::density(x)
binwidth <- kerndens$bw
n <- length(x)
histo <- graphics::hist(x, breaks = seq(xl, xr, by = binwidth), plot = FALSE)
xmid <- histo$mids
y <- histo$counts
B <- Rcpp_KercubicBspline(xmid, lower = xl, upper = xr, K = K)
# Penalty matrix specification (order 3)
D <- diag(K)
penorder <- 3
for(k in 1:penorder){D <- diff(D)}
P <- t(D) %*% D # Penalty matrix of dimension c(K,K)
P <- P + diag(1e-06, K) # Perturbation to ensure P is full rank
# Prior specification
priorspec <- Rmodelpriors()
a_delta <- priorspec$a_delta
b_delta <- priorspec$b_delta
phi <- priorspec$phi
a_rho <- priorspec$a_rho
b_rho <- priorspec$b_rho
logphyper <- function(x) {
w <- x[1] # w = log(rho)
v <- x[2] # v = log(lambda)
# Laplace approximation
LL <- Rcpp_KerLaplace(theta0 = rep(1.5,K), exp(w), exp(v), K,
KerPtheta(Dobs = y, BB = B, Pen = P)$Dlogptheta,
KerPtheta(Dobs = y, BB = B, Pen = P)$D2logptheta)
thetastar <- as.numeric(LL$Lapmode)
logdetSigstar <- Re(LL$logdetSigma)
equal <- (-1) * (0.5 * logdetSigstar + 0.5 * (K + phi) * v + a_rho * w -
(0.5 * phi + a_delta) * log(0.5 * phi * exp(v) + b_delta) +
KerLikelihood(Dobs = y, BB = B)$loglik(thetastar, exp(w)) -
0.5 * exp(v) * sum((thetastar * P) %*% thetastar) -
b_rho * exp(w))
Dlogphyper <- function(x, thetavec){
w <- x[1] # w = log(rho)
v <- x[2] # v = log(lambda)
# Laplace approximation
LL <- Rcpp_KerLaplace(theta0 = thetavec, exp(w), exp(v), K,
KerPtheta(Dobs = y, BB = B, Pen = P)$Dlogptheta,
KerPtheta(Dobs = y, BB = B, Pen = P)$D2logptheta)
thetastar <- as.numeric(LL$Lapmode)
Btheta <- as.numeric(B%*%thetastar)
Dloglik_w <- sum(exp(w) * (digamma(y + exp(w)) - digamma(exp(w)) +
(1 + w) - (log(exp(Btheta) + exp(w)) +
(1 / (1 + exp(Btheta - w))))) -
y * (1 / (1 + exp(Btheta - w))))
grad_w <- 0.5 * Re(LL$dSigw) + a_rho - b_rho * exp(w) + Dloglik_w
grad_v <- 0.5 * Re(LL$dSigv) + 0.5 * (K + phi) - ((0.5 * phi + a_delta) /
(0.5 * phi * exp(v) + b_delta)) *
(0.5 * phi * exp(v)) - 0.5 * exp(v) * sum((thetastar * P) %*% thetastar)
return(list(grad=c(grad_w, grad_v), thetastar = thetastar))
optimhyper <- stats::optim(c(1, 5), fn = logphyper)
hypermap <- optimhyper$par
optimconverged <- (optimhyper$convergence == 0)
disphat <- exp(hypermap[1])
lambhat <- exp(hypermap[2])
Lap_approx <- Rcpp_KerLaplace(theta0 = rep(1.5,K), disphat, lambhat, K,
KerPtheta(Dobs = y, BB = B, Pen = P)$Dlogptheta,
KerPtheta(Dobs = y, BB = B, Pen = P)$D2logptheta)
thetahat <- as.numeric(Lap_approx$Lapmode)
fdens <- function(t){
if(t < xl | t > xr){
fhat <- 0
} else{
Bt <- Rcpp_KercubicBspline(t, lower = xl, upper = xr, K = K)
fhat <- as.numeric((1 / (n * binwidth)) * exp(Bt %*% thetahat))
# Computation of BIC via effective dimension
I <- (-1) * KerLikelihood(Dobs = y, BB = B)$D2loglik(thetahat, rho = disphat)
ED <- sum(diag(solve(I + lambhat * P) %*% I))
BIC <- (-2) * KerLikelihood(Dobs = y, BB = B)$loglik(thetahat,
rho = disphat) + ED * log(n)
outlist <- list(xl = xl, xr = xr, binwidth = binwidth, fdens = fdens,
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