searchBeid: Search a BEID

View source: R/searchBeid.R

searchBeidR Documentation

Search a BEID


Search a BEID


searchBeid(x, maxHits = 75, clean_id_search = TRUE, clean_name_search = TRUE)



a character value to search


maximum number of raw hits to return


clean x to avoid error during ID search. Default: TRUE. Set it to false if you're sure of your lucene query.


clean x to avoid error during ID search. Default: TRUE. Set it to false if you're sure of your lucene query.


NULL if there is not any match or a data.frame with the following columns:

  • value: the matching term

  • from: the type of the matched term (e.g. BESymbol, GeneID...)

  • be: the matching biological entity (BE)

  • beid: the BE identifier

  • source: the BEID reference database

  • preferred: TRUE if the BEID is considered as a preferred identifier

  • symbol: BEID canonical symbol

  • name: BEID name

  • entity: technical BE identifier

  • GeneID: Corresponding gene identifier

  • Gene_source: Gene ID database

  • preferred_gene: TRUE if the GeneID is considered as a preferred identifier

  • Gene_symbol: Gene symbol

  • Gene_name: Gene name

  • Gene_entity: technical gene identifier

  • organism: gene organism (scientific name)

  • score: score of the fuzzy search

  • included: is the search term fully included in the value

  • exact: is the value an exact match of the term

patzaw/BED documentation built on Dec. 13, 2024, 4:29 a.m.