Man pages for pcahan1/singleCellNet
cell identity from single cell RNA-Seq data

avgGeneCatAverage Category Gene Expressions
cn_barplot_grnSing_basebarplot this specific GRN
cn_classAssessAssess classifiers based on validation data
cn_clPerfdetermine performance of classification at given threshold
cn_computeAUCPRcompute AUPCR
cn_correctZmatmake Inf and -Inf values sensible
cn_evalrun cn_clPerf across thresholds
cn_findSensAtreturn the sens at given FPR
cn_rectAreacompute area of rect given by
compareGenePairsCompile genePairs comparison matrix
csRenameOrthenable cross-species comparison
downSampleWweighted subtraction from mapped reades
extractSCEextract sampTab and expDat sce object into regular S3 objects
extractSeuratextract sampTab and expDat seurat object into regular S3...
findAvgLabelMake training label
findBestPairsfinds the best pairs to use
findClassyGenesFind Classifier-Worthy Gene Candidates
GEP_makeMeanrow average (or median) based on groups
getClassGenesFind Classy Genes
getSpecGenesget the genes specific to each diffexp in a list of them
gnrAllfind genes higher in a cluster compared to all other cells
gnrBPfind best pairs
harmonizeharmonize data sets
hm_enrheatmap of the enrichment result
hm_gpa_selheatmap genes and groups
load10xLoads 10x data mtx
makeGeneCompareTabMake Gene Comparison Table
mclust_Matrun Mclust on an expression matrix
mergeLoad10xLoads 10x data mtx
pair_transformmakes complete gene-to-gene comparison
pca_to_tsnemake tsne from pca
plot_class_PRsPlot results of sc_classAssess
plotDBscanplot tsne results
plotGeneComparisonGene expression plotting
plotGPApcaplot gpa res
probTranstransform mclust class res to expression prob estimates
ptGetTopFind the best gene pairs for training
query_transformmakes complete gene-to-gene comparison
randomizerandomize data matrix
reorderCellsByGrpre-order cells for plotting
rf_classPredictclassify samples
sc_AccuAssess classifiers based on validation data
sc_classAssessassess the classifiers performance based on validation data
sc_classThresholddetermine performance of classification at given class...
sc_filterCellsfind cells that pass criteria
sc_filterGenesfind genes that pass criteria
sc_findEnrfinds genes higher in one group vs others
sc_hmClassheatmap of the classification result
sc_makeClassifierMake Classifier
scn_extract_SN_DFreturns a DF of: sample_id, description, ctt, subnet_name,...
scn_make_tValsEstimate gene expression dist in CTs
scn_netScoresGRN status
scn_normalizeScoresNormalize grn status as compared to training data
scn_predictPredict query using broad class classifier
scn_rawScorecomputes the raw score for a gene as xmax-abs(zscore).
scn_scoreGRN status
scn_trainGRNFigure out normalization factors for GRNs, and norm training...
sc_trans_rnaseqweighted subtraction from mapped reades and log applied to...
skylineClassSkyline waterfall
tsneMultsimpplot tsne and genes
utils_loadObjectloads an R object when you don't know the name
utils_myDateprint date
utils_myDist1-PCC distance
utils_strip_fnamereduces full path to filename
utils_stripwhitestrip whitespace from a string
weighted_downweighted subtraction from mapped reades, applied to all
pcahan1/singleCellNet documentation built on April 9, 2021, 8:49 a.m.