betabin <-
function(data, start = c(.5,.5),
method = c("duotrio", "tetrad", "threeAFC", "twoAFC",
"triangle", "hexad", "twofive", "twofiveF"),
vcov = TRUE, corrected = TRUE, gradTol = 1e-4, ...)
m <- = FALSE)
call <-
m$method <- NULL
m[[1]] <-"list")
m <- eval.parent(m)
doFit <- TRUE # A little trick:
if("doFit" %in% names(m$...)) doFit <- (m$...)$doFit
if($data)) m$data <- as.matrix(m$data)
stop("'data' is not a matrix or data.frame")
if(NCOL(m$data) != 2 || NROW(m$data) < 3)
stop("'data' should have 2 columns and > 3 rows")
method <- match.arg(method)
pGuess <- getPguess(method)
name <- c("mu", "gamma")
if(any(start < 1e-3) || any(start > 1- 1e-3))
stop("start has to be in the open interval (0, 1)")
bbRho <- bbEnvir(parent.frame(), X=as.matrix(m$data),
corrected = corrected, pGuess = pGuess,
start = start)
if(!doFit) return(bbRho)
## optimize log-likelihood:
fit <- optim(getParBB(bbRho), fn = function(par) setParBB(bbRho, par),
method = "L-BFGS-B", hessian = FALSE,
lower = bbRho$lbounds, upper = bbRho$ubounds,
control = list(parscale = c(.01, .01)))
## test for adequate convergence:
if(all(fit$par > bbRho$lbounds) && all(fit$par < bbRho$ubounds)) {
grad <- grad(function(par) setParBB(bbRho, par), fit$par)
if(max(abs(grad)) > gradTol)
warning(sprintf("Optimizer terminated with max|gradient|: %e",
max(abs(grad))), call. = FALSE) }
warning("Parameters at boundary occurred", call. = FALSE)
## collect results:
coef <- fit$par
names(coef) <- name
res <- list(coefficients = coef,
convergence = fit$convergence,
message = fit$message, counts = fit$counts,
call =, data = m$data,
method = method, corrected = corrected)
## make likelihood ratio tests:
res$logLik <- -fit$value + bbRho$Factor
res$logLikNull <-
sum(dbinom(bbRho$x, bbRho$n, prob = pGuess, log = TRUE))
res$logLikMu <-
with(bbRho, sum(dbinom(x, n, prob = sum(x)/sum(n),
log = TRUE)))
## compute variance-covariance matrix of the parameters:
if(vcov) {
res$vcov <- matrix(NA, 2, 2)
names(res$vcov) <- list(name, name)
if(all(fit$par > bbRho$lbounds) && all(fit$par < bbRho$ubounds))
res$vcov <-
solve(hessian(function(par) setParBB(bbRho, par), coef))
class(res) <- c("betabin")
bbEnvir <- function(parent, X, corrected, pGuess, start)
### Constructs an environment, rho for the computation of
### beta-binomial and chance-corrected beta-binomial models.
### arg: parent: parent environment
### X: data matrix with at least 2 col and 4 rows
### corrected: boolean, fit the chance-corrected model?
### pGuess: the guessing probability; used for the
### chance-corrected model
### start: starting values; two element vector.
rho <- new.env(parent = parent)
rho$corrected <- corrected
rho$X <- X
rho$n <- X[,2]
rho$x <- X[,1]
rho$N <- nrow(X)
rho$start <- rho$par <- start
rho$lbounds <- c(1e-6, 1e-6)
if(corrected) rho$lbounds <- c(1e-6, 1e-3)
rho$ubounds <- c(1 - 1e-6, 1 - 1e-6)
rho$nllAux <- function(x, a, b)
log(sum(choose(x[1], 0:x[1]) * (1 - pGuess)^(0:x[1]) *
pGuess^(-(0:x[1])) *
beta(a + 0:x[1], b + x[2] - x[1])))
## The term choose(x[1], 0:x[1]) does not have to be computed
## every time.
rho$Factor <- sum(lchoose(rho$n, rho$x))
rho$Factor <- rho$Factor +
sum((rho$n-rho$x) * log(1-pGuess)) + sum(rho$x * log(pGuess))
getParBB <- function(rho) rho$par
setParBB <- function(rho, par)
### Set parameters of the model and return the negative log-likelihood
### at those parameters.
rho$par <- par
with(rho, {
a <- par[1] * (1 - par[2]) / par[2]
b <- (1 - par[2]) * (1 - par[1]) / par[2] ## }
N * lbeta(a, b) - sum(apply(X, 1, nllAux, a=a, b=b))
N * lbeta(a, b) - sum(lbeta(a + x, b - x + n))
print.betabin <-
function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ... )
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call), "\n\n", sep = "")
if (length(coef(x))) {
print.default(format(coef(x), digits = digits), = 2,
quote = FALSE)
else cat("No coefficients\n")
summary.betabin <-
function(object, level = 0.95, ...)
stop("summary needs vcov in object")
## Construct output table:
table <- array(NA, dim = c(5, 4))
rownames(table) <- c("mu", "gamma", "pc", "pd", "d-prime")
colnames(table) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "Lower", "Upper")
table[1:2,1] <- coef(object)
mu <- table[1,1]
table[1:2,2] <- se <- sqrt(diag(object$vcov))
object$level <- level
a <- (1 - level)/2
ci <- coef(object) + se %o% qnorm(c(a, 1 - a))
ci[ci < 0] <- 0
ci[ci > 1] <- 1
table[1:2, 3:4] <- ci
muCI <- table[1, 3:4]
## Transform estimate to pc, pd and d-prime scales:
if(! {
if(object$corrected) obj <- rescale(pd = mu, method = object$method)
else obj <- rescale(pc = mu, method = object$method)
table[3:5,1] <- unlist(coef(obj))
## Transform std.err:
if(all(!, se[1])))) {
obj <- rescale(pd = mu, std.err = se[1], method = object$method)
obj <- rescale(pc = mu, std.err = se[1], method = object$method)
table[3:5,2] <- unlist(obj$std.err)
## Transform Wald CI on mu-scale to pc, pd and d-prime scales:
if(all(! {
intervals <- rescale(pd = muCI, method = object$method)
intervals <- rescale(pc = muCI, method = object$method)
table[3:5,3] <- unlist(coef(intervals)[1,])
table[3:5,4] <- unlist(coef(intervals)[2,])
object$LR.OD <- 2 * with(object, logLik - logLikMu)
object$p.value.OD <-
pchisq(object$LR.OD, df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
object$LR.null <- 2 * with(object, logLik - logLikNull)
object$p.value.null <-
pchisq(object$LR.null, df = 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
object$coefficients <- table
class(object) <- "summary.betabin"
print.summary.betabin <-
function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
cat(paste("\nChance-corrected beta-binomial model for the ", x$method,
" protocol\nwith ", round(100 * x$level, 3),
" percent confidence intervals\n\n", sep = ""))
cat(paste("\nBeta-binomial model for the ", x$method,
" protocol\nwith ", round(100 * x$level, 3),
" percent confidence intervals\n\n", sep = ""))
printCoefmat(x$coefficients, tst.ind=integer(0), cs.ind=1:4,
digits=digits, P.values=FALSE, has.Pvalue=FALSE, ...)
cat("\nlog-likelihood: ", round(x$logLik, digits), "\n")
cat("LR-test of over-dispersion, G^2:", round(x$LR.OD, digits),
"df:", 1, "p-value:", format.pval(x$p.value.OD, digits=digits),
cat("LR-test of association, G^2:", round(x$LR.null, digits), "df:",
2, "p-value:", format.pval(x$p.value.null, digits=digits), "\n")
vcov.betabin <- function(object, ...) {
logLik.betabin <- function(object, ...) {
val <- object$logLik
names(val) <- NULL
attr(val, "nobs") <- sum(object$data[,2])
attr(val, "df") <- 2
class(val) <- "logLik"
## Potential functions:
## profile.betabin <- function() {
## }
## plot.profile.betabin <- function() {
## }
## confint.betabin <- function() {
## }
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