### Exported functions:
dprime_compare <-
function(correct, total, protocol, conf.level=0.95,
statistic = c("likelihood", "Pearson", "Wald.p", "Wald.d"),
estim = c("ML", "weighted.avg"))
### Test the hypothesis of any-diff among d-primes
## Match arguments:
stat <- match.arg(statistic)
estim <- match.arg(estim)
stopifnot(is.numeric(conf.level) && length(conf.level) == 1 &&
0 < conf.level && conf.level < 1)
## get data:
.data <- dprime_table(correct, total, protocol)
## get dExp, se(dExp), ci
dExp.list <- dprime_estim(data=.data, estim=estim)
res1 <- dprime_testStat(data=.data, res=dExp.list,
conf.level=conf.level, dprime0=0,
## get test statistic:
res2 <- dprime_compareStat(data=.data, dExp=dExp.list$dExp,
## Return
res <- c(res2, list(data=.data, coefficients=coef(res1),
conf.int=res1$conf.int, estim=estim,
class(res) <- "dprime_compare"
dprime_test <-
function(correct, total, protocol, conf.level = 0.95,
dprime0 = 0,
statistic = c("likelihood", "Wald"),
alternative = c("difference", "similarity", "two.sided",
"less", "greater"),
estim = c("ML", "weighted.avg"))
### Estimate dExp with std.err, CI, and
### Test H_0: common.dp == dprime0
## Match arg:
stat <- match.arg(statistic)
alt <- match.arg(alternative)
estim <- match.arg(estim)
### Test arg:
stopifnot(is.numeric(conf.level) && length(conf.level) == 1 &&
0 < conf.level && conf.level < 1)
stopifnot(is.numeric(dprime0) && length(dprime0) == 1 &&
dprime0 >= 0)
z <- 1
if(isTRUE(all.equal(dprime0, 0)) &&
!alt %in% c("difference", "greater"))
stop("'alternative' has to be 'difference'/'greater' if 'dprime0' is 0")
if(alt == "difference") alt <- "greater"
if(alt == "similarity") alt <- "less"
## get dp.table
.data <- dprime_table(correct, total, protocol)
## get dExp, se(dExp), ci
dExp.list <- dprime_estim(data=.data, estim=estim)
## get test statistic
res <-
dprime_testStat(data=.data, res=dExp.list, conf.level=conf.level,
dprime0=dprime0, statistic=stat)
res <- c(res, dExp.list, list(data=.data, alternative=alt))
## get p-value:
res$p.value <- normalPvalue(res$stat.value, alternative=alt)
## Return
class(res) <- "dprime_test"
posthoc <- function(x, ...) {
posthoc.dprime_compare <-
function(x, alpha = .05,
test = c("pairwise", "common", "base", "zero"),
base = 1,
alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
statistic = c("likelihood", "Wald"), # "score", "exact"
padj.method = c("holm", "bonferroni", "none"), ...)
## Match arguments:
stat <- match.arg(statistic)
alt <- match.arg(alternative)
p.meth <- match.arg(padj.method[1], p.adjust.methods)
## Test arguments:
stopifnot(round(base) == base)
base <- as.integer(round(base))
## 'test' may be numeric or character:
dprime0 <- 0 ## default value
if(is.character(test)) {
test <- match.arg(test)
} else if(is.numeric(test)) {
dprime0 <- test
test <- "value"
stopifnot(length(dprime0) == 1 && dprime0 >= 0)
} else stop("'test' has to be numeric or character")
N <- NROW(x$data)
if(test == "base") dprime0 <- x$data[base, "dhat"]
## Get posthoc coef-table and test statistics:
fit <- getPosthoc(data=x$data, base=base, dprime0=dprime0,
type=test, statistic=stat)
## Get p-values:
coef <- fit$coef.table
pval <- normalPvalue(fit$statistic, alternative=alt)
coef[["p-value"]] <- p.adjust(pval, method=p.meth)
## Return:
res <- c(x, list(posthoc=coef, test=test, ## alternative=alt,
padj.method=p.meth, base=base,
res$alternative <- alt
## Add letter displays to return list:
if(test == "pairwise" && alt == "two.sided") {
signifs <- setNames(coef[["p-value"]] < alpha, rownames(coef))
## multcomp:::insert_absorb changed since version 1.2-12 (now 1.2-17)
## ia.res <- multcomp:::insert_absorb(signifs, decreasing=TRUE)
ia.res <- insert_absorb(signifs, decreasing=TRUE)
letterOrder <- order(as.numeric(substring(names(ia.res$Letters), 6)))
res$Letters <- ia.res$Letters[letterOrder]
### FIXME: Add "protocol" to Letter display?
if(!test %in% c("pairwise", "common"))
res$dprime0 <- dprime0
class(res) <- c(paste0("posthoc.", class(x)), class(x))
posthoc.dprime_test <- posthoc.dprime_compare
### Auxiliary functions:
dprime_table <-
function(correct, total, protocol, restrict.above.guess = TRUE)
### Return a data.frame with columns:
### correct, total, protocol, pHat, se.pHat, dprime, se.dprime
### restrict.above.guess: if pHat < pGuess then phat := pGuess
## Test arguments:
## Testing argument-mode:
stopifnot(is.numeric(correct) && is.numeric(total))
stopifnot(all(is.finite(c(correct, total))))
protocol <- as.character(protocol)
stop("'protocol' should be a factor or a character vector")
restrict.above.guess <- restrict.above.guess[1]
## Testing argument conformity:
stopifnot(all(correct == round(correct)))
correct <- as.integer(round(correct))
stopifnot(all(total == round(total)))
total <- as.integer(round(total))
stopifnot(length(correct) == length(total))
stopifnot(length(correct) == length(protocol))
stopifnot(length(correct) >= 1)
stopifnot(all(correct <= total) && all(correct >= 0) &&
all(total > 0))
protValid <- c("triangle", "duotrio", "threeAFC", "twoAFC", "tetrad")
stopifnot(all(protocol %in% protValid))
## Extract data:
.data <- data.frame("correct"=correct, "total"=total,
"protocol"=protocol, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rownames(.data) <- paste("group", 1:NROW(.data), sep="")
x <- correct
n <- total
## Compute pHat and se.pHat:
pHat <- correct/total
if(restrict.above.guess) {
pG <- ifelse(protocol %in% c("duotrio", "twoAFC"), 1/2, 1/3)
## if pHat < pGuess then phat := pGuess:
OK <- pHat > pG
pHat[!OK] <- pG[!OK]
.data$pHat <- pHat
.data$se.pHat <- se.pHat <- sqrt(pHat * (1 - pHat) / total)
## Compute d-primes and se(d-primes):
.data$dprime <- sapply(1:NROW(.data), function(i)
psyinv(pHat[i], protocol[i]))
se.dprime <- sapply(1:NROW(.data), function(i) {
se.pHat[i] / psyderiv(.data$dprime[i], protocol[i]) })
se.dprime[!is.finite(se.dprime)] <- NA
.data$se.dprime <- se.dprime
## Return:
dprime_estim <-
function(data, estim = c("ML", "weighted.avg"))
### Estimate dExp and se.dExp
## Match arguments:
estim <- match.arg(estim)
## Return list:
res <- list(estim=estim)
## Estimate common d-prime and std.err:
if(estim == "ML") {
fit <- nlminb(start=1, objective=dprime_nll, df=data, lower=0)
res$dExp <- fit$par
res$se.dExp <- ## se(dExp) not available if dExp <~ 1e-4
if(fit$par < 1e-4) NA
as.vector(sqrt(1/hessian(func=dprime_nll, x=fit$par, df=data)))
res$nll.dExp <- fit$objective
if(estim == "weighted.avg") {
dprime <- data$dprime
se.dprime <- data$se.dprime
if(!all(is.finite(c(dprime, se.dprime))))
stop("Boundary cases occured: use 'estim = ML' instead")
w <- se.dprime^2
w.prime <- w / sum(w)
res$dExp <- sum(dprime / w) / sum(1 / w)
## sum(w.prime * dprime)
res$se.dExp <- sqrt(sum(w.prime^2 * w))
## Return
dprime_nll <- function(dp, df) {
## nll under the null hypothesis of a single common d-prime, dp.
meth <- as.character(df[, 3])
nll.i <- sapply(1:nrow(df), function(i) {
- dbinom(x=df[i, 1], size=df[i, 2],
prob=psyfun(dp, method=meth[i]), log=TRUE) } )
dprime_testStat <-
function(data, res, conf.level=0.95, dprime0=0,
statistic = c("likelihood", "Wald")) ## "score",
### Test statistic and CI for test of common d-prime = dprime0.
### res: a list with dExp, se.dExp and optionally nll.dExp
## Match arg:
stat <- match.arg(statistic)
dExp <- res$dExp
se.dExp <- res$se.dExp
## Get test statistics and conf.int:
if(stat == "likelihood") {
## message(paste("likelihood CI not yet implemented;",
## "reporting Wald interval instead"))
nll.0 <- dprime_nll(dprime0, data)
if(is.null(nll.dExp <- res$nll.dExp))
nll.dExp <- dprime_nll(dExp, data)
LR <- 2 * (nll.0 - nll.dExp)
## signed likelihood root statistic:
statis <- sign(dExp - dprime0) * sqrt(abs(LR))
if(stat == "Wald") {
if(!all(is.finite(c(dExp, se.dExp))))
stop("Boundary cases occured: use 'statistic = likelihood' instead",
statis <- (dExp - dprime0) / se.dExp
## Compute Wald CI:
a <- (1 - conf.level)/2
ci <- dExp + c(1, -1) * qnorm(a) * se.dExp
ci <- delimit(ci, 0, Inf)
.coef <- data.frame(dExp, se.dExp, ci[1], ci[2])
colnames(.coef) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "Lower", "Upper")
rownames(.coef) <- "d-prime"
## Return:
list(coefficients=.coef, stat.value=statis, conf.int=ci,
statistic=stat, dprime0=dprime0, conf.level=conf.level,
dprime_compareStat <-
function(data, dExp,
statistic = c("likelihood", "Pearson", "Wald.p", "Wald.d"))
### Get test statistics for the any.diff hypotheses
### data: data.frame with
### correct, total, protocol, pHat, se.pHat, dprime, se.dprime
### dExp: value of the common d.prime
stat <- match.arg(statistic)
x <- data$correct
n <- data$total
O <- c(x, n-x)
prot <- as.character(data$protocol)
if(stat == "likelihood") {
pExp <- sapply(prot, function(x) psyfun(dExp, method = x))
E <- n * c(pExp, 1 - pExp)
X <- 2 * sum(O * log(O/E))
## Alternative computation of LR statistic that only works if the
## estimation method is also likelihood:
## nll.alt <- sum(apply(mat, 1, function(x) {
## - dbinom(x=x[1], size=x[2], prob=x[3], log=TRUE) }))
## X <- -2 * (nll.alt - dprime_nll(dExp, df=data))
if(stat == "Pearson") {
pExp <- sapply(prot, function(x) psyfun(dExp, method = x))
E <- n * c(pExp, 1 - pExp)
X <- sum( (O - E)^2 / E)
if(stat == "Wald.p") {
pExp <- sapply(prot, function(x) psyfun(dExp, method = x))
X <- sum( (data$pHat - pExp)^2/(data$pHat * (1 - data$pHat) / n))
if(stat == "Wald.d") {
dprime <- data$dprime
se.dprime <- data$se.dprime
if(!all(is.finite(c(dprime, se.dprime))))
stop("Boundary cases occured: use 'likelihood' or 'Pearson' instead")
X <- sum( ((dprime - dExp)/se.dprime)^2 )
df <- NROW(data) - 1
pval <-
if(df >= 1) pchisq(X, df=NROW(data)-1, lower.tail=FALSE)
else NA
## Return:
list(stat.value=X, df=df, p.value=pval, statistic=stat)
getPosthoc <-
function(data, base = 1, dprime0 = 0, #K = NULL,
type = c("pairwise", "common", "base", "zero", "value"),
statistic = c("likelihood", "Wald"), ...)
### coef.table: data.frame with columns:
### 1: d-prime, 2: se(d-prime), 3: protocol
### data: data.frame with columns:
### 1: successes, 2: total, 3: protocol
### dprime0: value of d-prime under the null hypothesis
### K: matrix defining Tukey (pairwise) or Dunnett's (base) contrasts
### Result: a list with 2 components:
### - statistic: vector of test statistics
### - coef.table: data.frame with d-prime, se(d-prime), optionally
### CI, p-value
## Match arguments:
type <- match.arg(type)
stat <- match.arg(statistic)
N <- NROW(data)
nll.alt0 <- sapply(1:N, function(i)
dprime_nll(data$dprime[i], df=data[i, 1:3]))
## Compute coefficient table and test statistics:
if(type %in% c("pairwise", "base")) {
K <- switch(EXPR = type,
"pairwise" = contrMat(setNames(1:N, rownames(data)),
"base" = contrMat(setNames(1:N, rownames(data)),
type="Dunnett", base=base))
coef <- data.frame("Estimate" = K %*% data[, "dprime"])
coef$"Std. Error" <- sqrt(abs(K) %*% data[, "se.dprime"]^2)
## Should we have CI here?
if(stat == "likelihood") {
## list of pairwise group indicators:
select.list <- lapply(1:nrow(K), function(i) which(K[i, ] != 0))
## Compute the null-likelihood:
nll.0 <- sapply(select.list, function(sel) {
nlminb(start=1, objective=dprime_nll, df=data[sel, ],
lower=0)$objective })
## Compute the likelihood under the alternative:
nll.alt <- sapply(select.list, function(sel) sum(nll.alt0[sel]))
## likelihood root statistics:
LR <- -2 * (nll.alt - nll.0)
statis <- sign(K %*% data[, "dprime"]) * sqrt(abs(LR))
else ## statistic == "Wald":
statis <- coef[, "Estimate"] / coef[, "Std. Error"]
} ## end type %in% c("pairwise", "base")
else { ## common, zero, <numerical value>
coef <- data[, c("dprime", "se.dprime")]
colnames(coef) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error")
### NOTE: This is needed since discrim does not allow dprime0:
pd0 <- sapply(1:N, function(i) {
meth <- data$protocol[i]
pg <- ifelse(meth %in% c("duotrio", "twoAFC"), .5, 1/3)
pc <- psyfun(dprime0, method=meth)
pc2pd(pc, pg)
discrim.list <- lapply(1:N, function(i) {
discrim(data[i, 1], data[i, 2], method=data[i, 3], pd0=pd0[i],
statistic=stat) })
coef$"Lower" <- sapply(discrim.list, function(dl) coef(dl)[3, 3] )
coef$"Upper" <- sapply(discrim.list, function(dl) coef(dl)[3, 4] )
## Get test statistic:
if(type == "common") {
## Fit null model:
fit2 <- nlminb(start=1, objective=dprime_nll, df=data, lower=0)
## Likelihood under the null:
nll.0c <- fit2$objective
## Likelihood under the alternative:
alt <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(data)), function(sel) {
nlminb(start=1, objective=dprime_nll, df=data[-sel, ],
lower=0)$objective })
nll.altc <- alt + nll.alt0
## likelihood root statistics and p-values:
LR <- -2 * (nll.altc - nll.0c)
statis <- sign(data[, "dprime"] - dprime0) * sqrt(abs(LR))
else ## type == "zero" or <numerical value>
statis <- sapply(discrim.list, "[[", "stat.value")
## Return:
list(statistic=statis, coef.table=coef)
### Print methods:
print.dprime_compare <-
function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
cat("\n\tTest of multiple d-primes:\n\n")
Estim <- if(x$estim == "ML") "Maximum likelihood" else
"Weighted average"
cat(paste("Estimation method: ",
Estim, "\n", sep=""))
cat(paste(format(x$conf.level, digits=2), "% ",
"two-sided confidence interval method: ",
x$conf.method, "\n", sep=""))
cat("\nEstimate of common d-prime:\n")
print(x$coefficients, quote = FALSE, digits = digits, ...)
cat("\nSignificance test:\n")
cat(" Null hypothesis: All d-primes are equal\n")
cat(" Alternative: At least 2 d-primes are different\n")
stat.chr <- if(x$statistic == "likelihood")
"Likelihood Ratio" else x$statistic
cat(paste(" Chi-square statistic (", stat.chr,") = ",
format(x$stat.value, digits=digits), ", df = ", x$df,
"\n p-value = ", format.pval(x$p.value), "\n", sep=""))
## Return:
print.dprime_test <-
function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
## Print initial messages:
cat("\n\tTest of common d-prime:\n\n")
Estim <- if(x$estim == "ML") "Maximum likelihood" else
"Weighted average"
cat(paste("Estimation method: ",
Estim, "\n", sep=""))
cat(paste(format(x$conf.level, digits=2), "% ",
"two-sided confidence interval method: ",
x$conf.method, "\n", sep=""))
## Print estimate:
cat("\nEstimate of common d-prime:\n")
print(x$coefficients, quote = FALSE, digits = digits, ...)
## Print siginificance test:
cat("\nSignificance test:\n")
stat.chr <- if(x$statistic == "likelihood")
"Likelihood root" else "Wald"
alt.chr <- switch(x$alternative,
"two.sided" = "different from",
"greater" = "greater than",
"less" = "less than",
"similarity" = "less than",
"difference" = "greater than")
cat(paste(" ", stat.chr, " statistic = ",
format(x$stat.value, digits=digits),
", p-value: ", format.pval(x$p.value, digits=digits),
"\n", sep=""))
cat(paste(" Alternative hypothesis: d-prime is", alt.chr,
format(x$dprime0, digits=digits), "\n"))
## Return:
print.posthoc.dprime_compare <-
function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
cat("\n\tPost-hoc comparison of d-primes:\n\n")
if(x$test == "pairwise")
cat("Pairwise d-prime differences:\n")
else if(x$test == "base")
cat(paste("Differences to group ", x$base, ":\n", sep=""))
cat("Group-wise d-primes:\n")
ph.mat <- x$posthoc
ph.mat["p-value"] <- format.pval(ph.mat$"p-value", digits=digits)
print(ph.mat, quote = FALSE, digits = digits, ...)
if(x$padj.method == "none")
cat("p-values are not adjusted for multiplicity\n")
cat(paste("p-values are adjusted with ", x$padj.method,
"'s method\n", sep=""))
## cat("p-values pertain to the alternative hypotheses:\n")
cat("Alternative hypotheses:\n")
alt.mess <- switch(x$alternative,
"two.sided" = "different from",
"greater" = "greater than",
"less" = "less than")
if(x$test == "pairwise")
cat(paste(" pairwise differences are", alt.mess, "zero\n"))
if(x$test == "common")
cat(paste(" d-primes are", alt.mess, "common d-prime\n"))
if(x$test == "base")
cat(paste(" d-primes differences are", alt.mess, "zero\n"))
if(x$test %in% c("zero", "value"))
cat(paste(" d-primes are", alt.mess,
format(x$dprime0, digits=digits), "\n"))
### FIXME print message about the confidence interval method?
### FIXME print method about test statistic (Wald, likelihood, ...)?
if(x$test == "pairwise" && !is.null(x$Letters)) {
cat("\nLetter display based on pairwise comparisons:\n ")
## Return:
print.posthoc.dprime_test <- print.posthoc.dprime_compare
### Functions to produce compact letter display adopted from the
### multcomp package version 1.2-12
insert_absorb <- function( x, Letters=c(letters, LETTERS), separator=".", decreasing = decreasing ){
obj_x <- deparse(substitute(x))
namx <- names(x)
namx <- gsub(" ", "", names(x))
if(length(namx) != length(x))
stop("Names required for ", obj_x)
split_names <- strsplit(namx, "-")
stopifnot( sapply(split_names, length) == 2 )
comps <- t(as.matrix(as.data.frame(split_names)))
rownames(comps) <- names(x)
lvls <- unique(as.vector(comps))
n <- length(lvls)
lmat <- array(TRUE, dim=c(n,1), dimnames=list(lvls, NULL) )
if( sum(x) == 0 ){ # no differences
ltrs <- rep(get_letters(1, Letters=Letters, separator=separator), length(lvls) )
names(ltrs) <- lvls
colnames(lmat) <- ltrs[1]
msl <- ltrs
ret <- list(Letters=ltrs, monospacedLetters=msl, LetterMatrix=lmat)
class(ret) <- "multcompLetters"
signifs <- comps[x,,drop=FALSE]
absorb <- function(m){
for(j in 1:(ncol(m)-1)){
for(k in (j+1):ncol(m)){
if( all(m[which(m[,k]),k] & m[which(m[,k]),j]) ){ # column k fully contained in column j
m <- m[,-k, drop=FALSE]
else if( all(m[which(m[,j]),k] & m[which(m[,j]),j]) ){ # column j fully contained in column k
m <- m[,-j, drop=FALSE]
for( i in 1:nrow(signifs) ){ # insert
tmpcomp <- signifs[i,]
wassert <- which(lmat[tmpcomp[1],] & lmat[tmpcomp[2],]) # which columns wrongly assert nonsignificance
tmpcols <- lmat[,wassert,drop=FALSE]
tmpcols[tmpcomp[2],] <- FALSE
lmat[tmpcomp[1],wassert] <- FALSE
lmat <- cbind(lmat, tmpcols)
colnames(lmat) <- get_letters( ncol(lmat), Letters=Letters,
if(ncol(lmat) > 1){ # absorb columns if possible
lmat <- absorb(lmat)
colnames(lmat) <- get_letters( ncol(lmat), Letters=Letters,
separator=separator )
lmat <- lmat[,order(apply(lmat, 2, sum))]
lmat <- sweepLetters(lmat) # 1st
lmat <- lmat[,names(sort(apply(lmat,2, function(x) return(min(which(x))))))] # reorder columns
colnames(lmat) <- get_letters( ncol(lmat), Letters=Letters,
lmat <- lmat[,order(apply(lmat, 2, sum))] # 2nd sweep
lmat <- sweepLetters(lmat)
lmat <- lmat[,names(sort(apply(lmat,2, function(x) return(min(which(x)))),
decreasing = decreasing))] # reorder columns
colnames(lmat) <- get_letters( ncol(lmat), Letters=Letters,
ltrs <- apply(lmat,1,function(x) return(paste(names(x)[which(x)], sep="", collapse="") ) )
msl <- matrix(ncol=ncol(lmat), nrow=nrow(lmat)) # prepare monospaced letters
for( i in 1:nrow(lmat) ){
msl[i,which(lmat[i,])] <- colnames(lmat)[which(lmat[i,])]
absent <- which(!lmat[i,])
if( length(absent) < 2 ){
if( length(absent) == 0 )
msl[i,absent] <- paste( rep(" ", nchar(colnames(lmat)[absent])), collapse="" )
msl[i,absent] <- unlist( lapply( sapply( nchar(colnames(lmat)[absent]),
function(x) return(rep( " ",x)) ),
paste, collapse="") )
msl <- apply(msl, 1, paste, collapse="")
names(msl) <- rownames(lmat)
ret <- list( Letters=ltrs, monospacedLetters=msl, LetterMatrix=lmat,
aLetters = Letters, aseparator = separator )
class(ret) <- "multcompLetters"
# All redundant letters are swept out without altering the information within a LetterMatrix.
# mat ... a LetterMatrix as produced by function insert_absorb()
# start.col ... either a single integer specifying the column to start with or a vector
# of max. length equal to ncol(mat) specifying the column order to be used.
# Letters ... a set of user defined letters { default is Letters=c(letters, LETTERS) }
# separator ... a separating character used to produce a sufficiently large set of
# characters for a compact letter display (default is separator=".") in case
# the number of letters required exceeds the number of letters available
sweepLetters <- function(mat, start.col=1, Letters=c(letters, LETTERS), separator="."){
stopifnot( all(start.col %in% 1:ncol(mat)) )
locked <- matrix(rep(0,ncol(mat)*nrow(mat)), ncol=ncol(mat)) # 1 indicates that another letter dependes on this entry
cols <- 1:ncol(mat)
cols <- cols[c( start.col, cols[-start.col] )]
if( any(is.na(cols) ) )
cols <- cols[-which(is.na(cols))]
for( i in cols){
tmp <- matrix(rep(0,ncol(mat)*nrow(mat)), ncol=ncol(mat))
tmp[which(mat[,i]),] <- mat[which(mat[,i]),] # get items of those rows which are TRUE in col "i"
one <- which(tmp[,i]==1)
if( all(apply(tmp[,-i,drop=FALSE], 1, function(x) return( any(x==1) ))) ){ # there is at least one row "l" where mat[l,i] is the only item which is TRUE i.e. no item can be removed in this column
for( j in one ){ # over all 1's
if( locked[j,i] == 1 ){ # item is locked
chck <- 0
lck <- list()
for( k in one ){
if( j==k ){
else{ # pair j-k
rows <- tmp[c(j,k),]
dbl <- rows[1,] & rows[2,]
hit <- which(dbl)
hit <- hit[-which(hit==i)]
dbl <- rows[1,-i,drop=FALSE] & rows[2,-i,drop=FALSE]
if( any(dbl) ){
chck <- chck + 1
lck[[chck]] <- list(c(j,hit[length(hit)]), c(k,hit[length(hit)])) # record items which have to be locked, use last column if multiple hits
if( (chck == (length(one)-1)) && chck != 0 ){ # item is redundant
for( k in 1:length(lck) ){ # lock items
locked[ lck[[k]][[1]][1], lck[[k]][[1]][2] ] <- 1
locked[ lck[[k]][[2]][1], lck[[k]][[2]][2] ] <- 1
mat[j,i] <- FALSE # delete redundant entry
if(all(mat[,i]==FALSE)){ # delete column where each entry is FALSE and restart
mat <- mat[,-i,drop=FALSE]
colnames(mat) <- get_letters( ncol(mat), Letters=Letters, separator=separator)
return(sweepLetters(mat, Letters=Letters, separator=separator))
onlyF <- apply(mat, 2, function(x) return(all(!x)))
if( any(onlyF) ){ # There are columns with just FALSE entries
mat <- mat[,-which(onlyF),drop=FALSE]
colnames(mat) <- get_letters( ncol(mat), Letters=Letters, separator=separator)
return( mat )
# Create a set of letters for a letter display. If "n" exceeds the number of letters
# specified in "Letters", they are recycled with one or more separating character(s)
# preceding each recycled letter.
# e.g. get_letters(10, Letters=letters[1:4]) produces: "a" "b" "c" "d" ".a" ".b" ".c" ".d" "..a" "..b"
# n ... number of letters
# Letters ... the set of characters to be used
# separator ... a character to be used as separator e.g.
# n=5, Letters=c("a","b") => "a", "b", ".a", ".b", "..a"
get_letters <- function( n, Letters=c(letters, LETTERS), separator="." ){
n.complete <- floor(n / length(Letters)) # number of complete sets of Letters
n.partial <- n %% length(Letters) # number of additional Letters
lett <- character()
if( n.complete > 0 ){
for( i in 1:n.complete ){
lett <- c(lett, paste(separ, Letters, sep="") )
separ <- paste( separ, separator, sep="" )
if(n.partial > 0 )
lett <- c(lett, paste(separ, Letters[1:n.partial], sep="") )
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.