
#With 1000 location area
# # define 100 fishing locations

# for(ss in 1:length(seeds)){
#   ctl$seed <- ss

# ##Specify number of initial fish
#   #Increase number of locations
#   twenty_locs <- pick_sites(ctl = ctl, nbest = 100)

#   #List with increasing number of locations
#   tl_list <- vector('list', length = 100)
#   for(tt in 1:100){
#     tl_list[[tt]] <- twenty_locs[1:tt, ]
#   }

# ##Specify number of initial fish
#   seeds_out[[ss]] <- change_two(thing1 = tl_list, name1 = 'location',
#     thing2 = seq(10000, 20000, by = 10000), name2 = 'nfish1', ctl = ctl,
#     ncores = 6, par_func = "change_two")[[3]]
# }

# run_time <- Sys.time() - start_time

# names(seeds_out) <- as.character(seeds)
# s_out <- ldply(seeds_out)
# names(s_out)[1] <- 'seed'

# #Index locations based on number of certain character
# one <- ldply(strsplit(s_out$location, split = ' x'))
# s_out$location <- as.numeric(sapply(one$V1, FUN = function(yy) str_count(yy, '1')))

# s_out$dep <- s_out$nfish_total / max(s_out$nfish_total)

# # png(width = 10.6, height = 6.86, units = 'in', res = 200, 
# #   file = 'figs/inc_locations.png')
# s_out %>% filter(spp == 'spp1' & year == 1) %>% ggplot(aes(x = dep,
#   y = cpue)) + geom_point(alpha = 2/10) + facet_wrap(~ location)
# dev.off()

# #--------------------------------------------
# #Only good and bad sites...
# nbests <- 1:20
# gb_sites <- lapply(nbests, FUN = function(x){
#   pick_sites(ctl = ctl, nbest = x, nbad = 20 - x)
# })

# two_sites <- gb_sites[1:2]

# #Try running this for multiple replicates
# reps <- run_replicates(niters = 5, thing1 = seq(1000, 2000, by = 1000), name1 = 'nfish1',
#   thing2 = two_sites, name2 = 'location', ncores = 2, add_index = TRUE, ctl = ctl)

# gb_test <- change_two(thing1 = seq(1000, 50000, by = 2000), name1 = 'nfish1',
#                     thing2 = gb_sites, name2 = 'location', ncores = 6, add_index = TRUE,
#                     ctl = ctl)

# focus <- gb_test[[3]] %>% filter(spp == 'spp1' & year == 1)
# focus$dep <- focus$nfish_total / max(focus$nfish_total)

# #round depletion leve
# focus$rd_dep <- round(focus$dep, digits = 2)

# ggplot(focus, aes(x = dep, y = cpue, group = index, colour = index)) + 
#   geom_point() + facet_wrap(~ index)

# #Look at this as a boxplot for rounded depletion levels
# ggplot(focus) + geom_boxplot(aes(factor(rd_dep), cpue))

# #--------------------------------------------
# # Test many iterations of each gb_sites

# #--------------------------------------------
# #Run 50 iterations of one location and number of fish
# temp_loc <- gb_sites[[20]]
# seeds <- 1:50

# gb_iters <- change_two(thing1 = seq(1000, 50000, by = 1000), name1 = 'nfish1',
#   thing2 = seeds, name2 = "seed", ncores = 6, ctl = ctl)
# focus <- gb_iters[[3]] %>% filter(spp == 'spp1' & year == 1)
# focus$dep <- focus$nfish_total / max(focus$nfish_total)
# focus$rd_dep <- round(focus$dep, digits = 2)

# ggplot(focus, aes(x = dep, y = cpue, group = index, colour = index)) + geom_point()

# ggplot(focus) + geom_violin(aes(factor(rd_dep), cpue))

# seq(1000, 50000, by = 2000)

# #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #Fish once for specific number of fish, loop over number of initial fish
# ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'uniform', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .05,
#         nfish1 = 20000, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = .01, prob2 = .05, nyear = 2, scope = 0, seed = 4,
#         location = def_locs, numrow = 10, numcol = 10)  

# dd <- change_two(thing1 = seq(.01, .05, by = .01), thing2 = seq(1000, 50000, by = 1000),
#   name1 = 'prob1', name2 = 'nfish1', ncores = 2, ctl = ctl)

# focus <- dd[[3]] %>% filter(spp == 'spp1' & year == 1 & cpue <= 0.9)
# focus$dep <- focus$nfish_total / max(focus$nfish_total)

# #standardize the nfish_total
# focus %>% ggplot(aes(x = dep, y = cpue, group = prob1, colour = prob1)) + 
#   geom_point(aes(size = nfish_total)) + geom_line()

# #-------------------------------------
# #Two Species
# conduct_survey(ctl)

# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #Add in hotspot feature

# ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'hs', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .05,
#       nfish1 = 20000, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = .01, prob2 = .05, nyear = 15, scope = 0, seed = 4,
#       location = def_locs, numrow = 10, numcol = 10, hs_loc = data.frame(x = c(3, 4), 
#         y = c(5, 5)), hs_scope = 1, delta = 2)  
# dd <- conduct_survey(ctl = ctl)

# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ##Number of hooks/locations vs. number of total fish
# #Does patchiness affect the relationship?

# #----------------------------------------
# #Run1
# #For one species, uniformly distributed fish
#   #no mortality

# #Define Locations to fish in
# set.seed(3)
# locs <- expand.grid(1:10, 1:10)
# locs$vessel <- 1
# names(locs)[1:2] <- c('x', 'y')
# locs <- locs[, c('vessel', 'x', 'y')]  
# samps <- base::sample(1:100, 20)

# locs <- locs[samps, ]  

# locs_list <- vector('list', length = nrow(locs))
# for(ii in 1:nrow(locs)){
#   locs_list[[ii]] <- locs[1:ii, ]
# }

# ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'uniform', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .5,
#       nfish1 = 20000, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = .02, prob2 = .05, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
#       location = def_locs, numrow = 10, numcol = 10)  

# #2000 fish per cell, you shouldn't fish it down really
# nlocs_onespp_out <- run_scenario(ctl_in = ctl, loop_over = locs_list, ncores = 6,
#   to_change = 'location', add_index = TRUE)
# #Plot 
# png(width = 13, height = 8, res = 100, file = 'figs/run1_200.png', units = 'in')
# nlocs_onespp_out[[3]] %>% filter(spp == 'spp1') %>% ggplot() + 
#   geom_line(aes(x = nfish_total, y = cpue)) + 
#   geom_point(aes(x = nfish_total, y = cpue, size = prop_of_unfished)) + 
#   facet_wrap(~ index) + ylim(c(0, 1))
# dev.off()

# #Now with two species
# #Cpue goes up as you fish one spp down
# ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'uniform', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .5,
#       nfish1 = 5000, nfish2 = 30000, prob1 = .01, prob2 = .01, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
#       location = def_locs, numrow = 10, numcol = 10, comp_coeff = .7)  

# #2000 fish per cell, you shouldn't fish it down really
# nlocs_twospp_out <- run_scenario(ctl_in = ctl, loop_over = locs_list, ncores = 6,
#   to_change = 'location', add_index = TRUE)
# #Plot 
# png(width = 13, height = 8, res = 100, file = 'figs/run1_twospp_fishdown.png', units = 'in')
# nlocs_twospp_out[[3]] %>% ggplot() + 
#   geom_line(aes(x = nfish_total, y = cpue, colour = spp)) + 
#   geom_point(aes(x = nfish_total, y = cpue, colour = spp)) + 
#   facet_wrap(~ index) + ylim(c(0, 1))
# dev.off()

# #Both species at relatively even levels, slight competition
# ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'uniform', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .5,
#       nfish1 = 30000, nfish2 = 30000, prob1 = .02, prob2 = .05, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
#       location = def_locs, numrow = 10, numcol = 10, comp_coeff = .7)  

# #2000 fish per cell, you shouldn't fish it down really
# nlocs_twospp_out <- run_scenario(ctl_in = ctl, loop_over = locs_list, ncores = 6,
#   to_change = 'location', add_index = TRUE)
# #Plot 
# png(width = 13, height = 8, res = 100, file = 'figs/run1_twospp_even.png', units = 'in')
# nlocs_twospp_out[[3]] %>% ggplot() + 
#   geom_line(aes(x = nfish_total, y = cpue, colour = spp)) + 
#   geom_point(aes(x = nfish_total, y = cpue, colour = spp)) + 
#   facet_wrap(~ index) + ylim(c(0, 1))
# dev.off()

# #Straight line
# nlocs_onespp_out[[3]] %>% filter(spp == 'spp1') %>% ggplot() + 
#   geom_line(aes(x = prop_of_unfished, y = cpue))  + 
#   facet_wrap(~ index)

# #Doesn't matter if 1000 fish are in each place, 
# #Doesn't matter if 500 fish in each site
# #200 fish start to see declines
# #If 100 fish in each site, pattern is like connect the dots going down

# #----------------------------------------
# #Run2
# #Repeat plot above, but with patchy fish distribution

# #Effect of patch distribution and number of fishing locations
# #Keep number of fish per cell standardized
# perc <- seq(0.1, 1, by = .1)
# perc_outs <- vector('list', length = length(perc))

# # Come up with way to visualize overlap

# #Check initial population
# ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .5,
#       nfish1 = 20000, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = .02, prob2 = .05, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 10,
#       location = def_locs, numrow = 10, numcol = 10, percent = perc[3])  
# initialize_population(ctl = ctl, nfish = 10000)

# for(pp in 1:length(perc)){
#   print(pp)  
#   ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .5,
#       nfish1 = 20000, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = .02, prob2 = .05, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 10,
#       location = def_locs, numrow = 10, numcol = 10, percent = perc[pp])  
#   perc_outs[[pp]] <- run_scenario(ctl_in = ctl, loop_over = locs_list, ncores = 6,
#     to_change = 'location', add_index = TRUE)  
# }

# po_plots <- lapply(perc_outs, FUN = function(xx) xx[[3]])
# names(po_plots) <- as.character(perc)
# po_plots <- ldply(po_plots)
# names(po_plots)[1] <- 'perc_dist'

# #Fish in more locations with different distributions of fish
# png(width = 12, height = 7.5, units = 'in', res = 100, file = 'figs/run2.png')
# po_plots %>% filter(spp == 'spp1') %>% ggplot(aes(x = nfish_total, y = cpue)) + 
#   geom_line(aes(group = index, colour = index)) +
#   geom_point(aes(group = index, colour = index)) + facet_wrap(~ perc_dist)
# dev.off()

# #----------------------------------------
# #Run3
# #What percentage of best spots do you fish in?

# #####Do this but loop over nfish 1 and look at the effect of sampling a larger
# #and larger proportion of the total population
# ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .5,
#       nfish1 = 80000, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = .02, prob2 = .05, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 10,
#       location = def_locs, numrow = 10, numcol = 10, percent = .5)  

# initialize_population(ctl = ctl, nfish = ctl$nfish1)

# sum(melt(initialize_population(ctl = ctl, nfish = ctl$nfish1))$value != 0)

# props <- seq(.1, 1, .1)
# locs_props <- lapply(props, FUN = function(yy){
#                 out <- sample_good_locs(ctl = ctl, prop_good = yy, ngoods = 30, 
#                   which_spp = 'spp1')
#               })

# locs_props_outs <- run_scenario(ctl_in = ctl, loop_over = locs_props, 
#     ncores = 6, to_change = 'location', add_index = TRUE)[[3]]

# locs_props_outs %>% filter(spp == 'spp1') %>% ggplot() + 
#   geom_line(aes(x = nfish_total, y = cpue)) + 
#   geom_point(aes(x = nfish_total, y = cpue)) + 
#    ylim(c(0, 1)) + facet_wrap(~ index)

# locs_props_outs %>% filter(spp == 'spp1') %>% ggplot() + 
#   geom_line(aes(x = prop_of_pop, y = cpue)) + facet_wrap(~ index)

# locs_props_outs %>% filter(index == 1 & spp == 'spp1')

# #Sampling large part of population, get pretty consistent results

# #15 spots
# #5 spots in high areas, 5 next to some cells, 5 far from anything
# #10 next to some cells, 5 far from anything
# #10 in high areas, 5 next to something
# #15 in places with fish

# locs_good_bad <- vector('list', length = 4)

# #Look at everything to find it
# initialize_population(ctl = ctl, nfish = ctl$nfish1)

# #Function to calculate the proportions of sampling locations that are good and bad
# sample_good_locs(ctl = ctl, prop_good = .5, ngoods = 15)

# find_gb <- melt(initialize_population(ctl = ctl, nfish = ctl$nfish1))

# five_bad <- as.data.frame(rbind(c(4, 2), c(1, 9), c(5, 5), c(1, 10), c(8, 9)))
# names(five_bad) <- c('Var1', 'Var2')

# these_zero <- which(diff(find_gb$value) == 0)
# next_to <- which(diff(find_gb$value) != 0) - 1

# set.seed(3)
# five_next <- find_gb[sample(these_zero[these_zero %in% next_to], 5), c("Var1", 'Var2')]
# ten_next <- find_gb[sample(these_zero[these_zero %in% next_to], 10, replace = FALSE), c('Var1', 'Var2')]

# five_good <- find_gb[sample(which(find_gb$value != 0), 5), c("Var1", "Var2")]
# ten_good <- find_gb[sample(which(find_gb$value != 0), 10), c("Var1", "Var2")]
# fifteen_good <- find_gb[sample(which(find_gb$value != 0), 15), c("Var1", "Var2")]

# locs_good_bad[[1]] <- rbind(five_good, five_next, five_bad)
# locs_good_bad[[2]] <- rbind(ten_next, five_bad)
# locs_good_bad[[3]] <- rbind(ten_good, five_next)
# locs_good_bad[[4]] <- fifteen_good

# #Check for duplicates
# sum(duplicated(locs_good_bad[[1]]))

# locs_good_bad <- lapply(locs_good_bad, FUN = function(x){
#   x$vessel <- rep(1, nrow(x))
#   names(x)[1:2] <- c('x', 'y')
#   x <- x[, c('vessel', 'x', 'y')]
#   return(x)  
# })

# #Run the scenario
# ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .5,
#       nfish1 = 10000, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = .02, prob2 = .05, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 10,
#       location = def_locs, numrow = 10, numcol = 10, percent = .5)  

# good_bad <- run_scenario(ctl_in = ctl, loop_over = locs_good_bad, ncores = 6,
#     to_change = 'location', add_index = TRUE)[[3]]

# #Plots
# good_bad %>% filter(spp == 'spp1') %>% ggplot() + 
#   geom_line(aes(x = nfish_total, y = cpue)) + 
#   geom_point(aes(x = nfish_total, y = cpue, size = prop_of_unfished)) + 
#   facet_wrap(~ index)

# #Straight line
# good_bad %>% filter(spp == 'spp1') %>% ggplot() + 
#   geom_line(aes(x = prop_of_unfished, y = cpue, colour = index))

# good_bad %>% filter(spp == 'spp1') %>% group_by(index) %>%
#    summarize(mean(prop_of_pop, na.rm = TRUE))

# #Pull relevant stuff for plots
# perc_outs_plot <- lapply(perc_outs, FUN = function(x) x[[3]])
# names(perc_outs_plot) <- as.character(perc)

# perc_outs_plot <- ldply(perc_outs_plot)
# names(perc_outs_plot)[1] <- "perc_distributed"

# #Plot as number of fish
# perc_outs_plot %>% filter(spp == 'spp1') %>% ggplot() + 
#   geom_line(aes(x = nfish_total, y = cpue, colour = perc_distributed)) +
#   geom_point(aes(x = nfish_total, y = cpue, colour = perc_distributed)) +
#   facet_wrap(~ index)

# #Plot as proportion of unfished population
# perc_outs_plot %>% filter(spp == 'spp1') %>% ggplot() + 
#   geom_line(aes(x = prop_of_pop, y = cpue, colour = perc_distributed)) +
#   geom_point(aes(x = prop_of_pop, y = cpue, colour = perc_distributed)) +
#   facet_wrap(~ index)

# #----------------------------------------
# #Fishing in the best areas? Fishing next to best areas? Fishing in shitty areas?
# #Repeat plot above, but with patchy fish distribution


# #----------------------------------
# ###Increasing number of fishing locations, uniform distribution, one species

# ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'uniform', mortality = .1, move_out_prob = .5,
#   nfish1 = 10000, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = .01, prob2 = 0, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
#   location = def_locs)  

# nlocs_out_u <- run_scenario(ctl_in = ctl, loop_over = locs_list, ncores = 6,
#   to_change = 'location', add_index = TRUE)

# #Plot these
# nlocs_out_u[[3]] %>% filter(variable == 'cpue1') %>% ggplot() + 
#   geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, colour = location, group = location)) + 
#   geom_point(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, colour = location, group = location))

# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ##Competition effects 

# #For one cell
# one_loc <- data.frame(vessel = 1, x = 1, y = 1)
# ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .5,
#       nfish1 = 500, nfish2 = 1000, prob1 = .05, prob2 = .05, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
#       location = one_loc, numrow = 1, numcol = 1, comp_coeff = .7)  

# comp_effects <- run_scenario(ncores = 6, loop_over = seq(500, 1500, by = 100),
#   ctl_in = ctl, to_change = 'nfish1', add_index = FALSE)

# png(width = 12, height = 8.4, units = 'in', res = 100, 
#   file = 'fig1_effects_of_competition.png')
# ggplot(comp_effects$for_plot) + geom_line(aes(x = year, y = value, group = variable, 
#   colour = variable)) + geom_point(aes(x = year, y = value, group = variable,
#   colour = variable, size = nfish)) + facet_wrap(~ nfish1)
# dev.off()

# #----------------------------------------
# #For multiple fishing locations, fish in default locations
# ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .5,
#       nfish1 = 50000, nfish2 = 100000, prob1 = .05, prob2 = .05, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
#       location = def_locs, numrow = 10, numcol = 10, comp_coeff = .7)  

# comp_effects_locs <- run_scenario(ncores = 6, loop_over = seq(50000, 150000, by = 10000),
#   ctl_in = ctl, to_change = 'nfish1', add_index = FALSE)

# # png(width = 12, height = 8.4, units = 'in', res = 100, 
# #   file = 'fig1_effects_of_competition_multlocs.png')

# ggplot(comp_effects_locs$for_plot) + geom_line(aes(x = year, y = cpue, group = variable, 
#   colour = variable)) + geom_point(aes(x = year, y = cpue, group = variable,
#   colour = variable, size = nfish)) + facet_wrap(~ nfish1)

# # dev.off()

# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #Loop over probabilities and number of fish
# #Find critical numbers of fish for each individual cell

# one_loc <- data.frame(vessel = 1, x = 1, y = 1)

# probs <- seq(.01, .1, by = .01)
# prob_fish_plot <- vector('list', length = length(probs))

# for(jj in 1:length(probs)){
#   ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .5,
#       nfish1 = 10, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = probs[jj], prob2 = 0, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
#       location = one_loc, numrow = 1, numcol = 1)  
#   temp <- one_loc_test1 <- run_scenario(ncores = 6, loop_over = seq(100, 1500, by = 100),
#             ctl_in = ctl, to_change = 'nfish1', add_index = FALSE)
#   prob_fish_plot[[jj]] <- temp[[3]]
#   prob_fish_plot[[jj]]$prob <- probs[jj]
# }

# prob_fish_plot <- ldply(prob_fish_plot)
# prob_fish_plot$prob <- as.character(prob_fish_plot$prob)

# #Plot results
# #Facet by number of fish
# prob_fish_plot %>% filter(variable == 'cpue1') %>% ggplot() + 
#   geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, group = prob, colour = prob), size = 1) + facet_wrap(~ nfish1)

# #How many years does it take to deplete the population?
# prob_fish_plot <- prob_fish_plot %>% filter(variable == 'cpue1') 

# prob_fish_plot %>% filter(cpue <= 0.2) %>% 
#   ggplot(aes(x = year, y = cpue, group = nfish1, colour = nfish1)) + 
#   geom_line() + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~ prob)

# #Probs of 0.01 to 0.05 will give a little bit of spread where you don't always catch
# #everything
#   #How do some values go up?
#   # prob_fish_plot %>% filter(nfish1 == 800 & prob == 0.1)

# #-------------------------------------
# #Zoom in on effects with smaller numbers of fish
# prob_smallfish_plot <- vector('list', length = length(probs))

# for(jj in 1:length(probs)){
#   ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .5,
#       nfish1 = 10, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = probs[jj], prob2 = 0, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
#       location = one_loc, numrow = 1, numcol = 1)  
#   temp <- run_scenario(ncores = 6, loop_over = seq(100, 500, by = 25),
#             ctl_in = ctl, to_change = 'nfish1', add_index = FALSE)
#   prob_smallfish_plot[[jj]] <- temp[[3]]
#   prob_smallfish_plot[[jj]]$prob <- probs[jj]
# }

# prob_smallfish_plot <- ldply(prob_smallfish_plot)
# prob_smallfish_plot$prob <- as.character(prob_smallfish_plot$prob)

# #Plot results
# prob_smallfish_plot %>% filter(variable == 'cpue1') %>% ggplot() + 
#   geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, group = prob, colour = prob), size = 1) + 
#   facet_wrap(~ nfish1) + geom_point(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, group = prob, colour = prob))

# #Goal is to find number of fish per cell that won't lead to hyperdepletion

# #1000 fish per cell might be chill?

# #For these cases, how many years does it take to deplete the population? 

# #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #At what probabilities will you catch everything?  
# #aka how much hook attraction can you get?
# #This is still in one location also

# ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .5,
#     nfish1 = 200, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = probs[jj], prob2 = 0, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
#     location = one_loc, numrow = 1, numcol = 1)  

# temp <- run_scenario(ncores = 6, loop_over = seq(.05, 1, by = .05),
#           ctl_in = ctl, to_change = 'prob1', add_index = FALSE)

# #Is there a difference between probabilities? probably not really
# xx <- temp$for_plot %>% filter(variable == 'cpue1')
# xx %>% filter(prob1 == 0.2)

# #Look at all the plots
# temp$for_plot %>% filter(variable == 'cpue1') %>% 
#   ggplot(aes(x = year, y = cpue)) + 
#   geom_line() + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~ prob1)

# #Once probs get over like 0.1, hook attraction is the same

# #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #Two species, one location
# #Try with different probabilities

# #fish1 numbers low, prob1 high
# #fish2 numbers vary, prob2 high

# # fish2s <- seq(100, 1500, by = 100)
# fish2s <- seq(100, 1500, by = 100)

# ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .5,
#       nfish1 = 10000, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = .05, prob2 = .01, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
#       location = one_loc, numrow = 1, numcol = 1, comp_coeff = .9)  
# fish2_out <- run_scenario(ncores = 6, loop_over = fish2s, ctl_in = ctl, to_change = 'nfish2',
#   add_index = FALSE)
# ggplot(fish2_out$for_plot) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish_tot, y = value, group = variable,
#   colour = variable)) + facet_wrap(~ nfish2)

# #Can't get a ton of spread by modifying prob1 and prob2 or numbers of fish
# #Try getting a difference
# #comp_coeff is competition coefficient
# n1start <- 100
# n2start <- 100
# comp_coeff <- .9 #Favor species 1...

# sample_exp1(nfish1 = n1start, nfish2 = n2start, prob1 = .05, prob2 = .05, 
#   comp_coeff = .9)

# sample_exp1 <- function(nfish1, nfish2, prob1, prob2, comp_coeff){
#   #------------------------------------------------
#   #Define probabilities based on number of fish

#   #Might need to adjust the shape of this curve
#   #Can adjust these to account for behavior of certain species
#   p1 <- 1 - exp(-nfish1 * prob1) #use prob 1 to define probability of catching fish 1
#   p2 <- 1 - exp(-nfish2 *  prob2) #use prob2 to define probability of catching fish 2

#   #Probability of catching a fish
#   hook_prob <- 1 - ((1 - p1) * (1 - p2))

#   fish <- rbinom(n = 1, size = 1,  prob = hook_prob)  
#   #------------------------------------------------
#   # Which fish was caught?
#   #initially declare both as 0
#   fish1 <- 0
#   fish2 <- 0

#   #If a fish was caught determine if it was fish1 or fish2
#   if(fish == 1 & is.na(comp_coeff)){
#     p1a <- p1 / (p1 + p2)  
#     fish1 <- rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = p1a)
#   }
#   if(fish == 1 & is.na(comp_coeff) == FALSE){
#     # p1a <- p1 / (p1 + p2)  
#     fish1 <- rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = comp_coeff)
#   }

#   if(fish1 == 0 & fish == 1){    
#     fish2 <- 1
#   } 
#   #Return values as data frame
#   return(data.frame(fish1 = fish1, fish2 = fish2))
# }

# #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #1000 of species 1 with p = 0.02
# #500 of species2 with p = 0.05

# ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'uniform', mortality = .1, move_out_prob = .5,
#   nfish1 = 100000, nfish2 = 100000, prob1 = .02, prob2 = 0.05, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
#   location = def_locs)  

# two_spp <- run_scenario(ctl_in = ctl, loop_over = locs_list, ncores = 6,
#   to_change = 'location', add_index = TRUE)

# ggplot(two_spp[[3]]) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, colour = location, group = location)) + 
#   geom_point(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, colour = location, group = location)) + facet_wrap(~ variable)

# #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #Debugging place

# #add in recruitment
# ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .5,
#       nfish1 = 80000, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = .02, prob2 = .05, nyear = 15, scope = 0, seed = 10,
#       location = locs_props[[1]][1, ], numrow = 10, numcol = 10, percent = .5, 
#       rec_years = 1:15,
#       rec_rate = .1)  
# outs <- conduct_survey(ctl = ctl)

####Plot 2

#What effect does fish passing through certain parts is
#Write this as a for loop
  y_vals <- 1:10
  y_outs <- vector('list', length = length(y_vals))
  #Run this thing in for loop
  for(yy in y_vals){
    locs <- expand.grid(1:10, 1:10)
    locs$vessel <- 1
    names(locs)[1:2] <- c('x', 'y')
    locs <- locs[, c('vessel', 'x', 'y')]
    locs %>% filter(y == yy & x %in% c(1, 5, 7, 9)) -> locs
    ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'uniform', mortality = .1, move_out_prob = .5,
    nfish1 = 10000, nfish2 = 10000, prob1 = .01, prob2 = .99, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
    location = locs, movement_function = move_fish_left)  
    out <- conduct_survey(ctl = ctl)
    inp <- format_plot_input(out = out)
    y_outs[[yy]] <- inp

  names(y_outs) <- as.character(y_vals)
  y_outs <- ldply(y_outs)
  names(y_outs)[1] <- 'y_value'

  for_plot <- y_outs %>% group_by(y_value, year, variable) %>% summarize(cpue = mean(value),
    nfish = unique(nfish)) %>% as.data.frame
  for_plot$y_value <- as.numeric(for_plot$y_value)

  png(width = 7, height = 7, units = 'in', res = 200, file = 'figs/plot2_fish_move_left_uniform.png')
  ggplot(for_plot) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, group = y_value, colour = y_value), 
    size = 1) + facet_wrap(~ variable) + theme_bw()

####Plot 3

#Look at effect of nfish and probabilities
  nfish1s <- seq(1000, 10000, by = 1000)

#Uniform Distribution
  nfish1s_outs <- vector('list', length = 10)

  for(nnn in 1:length(nfish1s)){
    #Only do fish 1 with .5 and .5 probabilities
    ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'uniform', mortality = .1, move_out_prob = .5,
      nfish1 = nfish1s[nnn], nfish2 = 10000, prob1 = .5, prob2 = .5, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
      location = def_locs, movement_function = move_fish_left)  
    out <- conduct_survey(ctl = ctl)
    inp <- format_plot_input(out = out)  
    nfish1s_outs[[nnn]] <- inp
  names(nfish1s_outs) <- as.character(nfish1s)
  nfish1s_outs <- ldply(nfish1s_outs)
  names(nfish1s_outs)[1] <- 'nfish1'

  for_plot <- nfish1s_outs %>% group_by(nfish1, year, variable) %>% summarize(cpue = mean(value),
    nfish = unique(nfish)) %>% as.data.frame

  for_plot$nfish1 <- as.numeric(for_plot$nfish1)
  png(width = 11.5, height = 9.29, units = 'in', res = 200, file = 'figs/plot3_nfish1_uniform.png')
  ggplot(for_plot) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, group = variable, colour = variable), 
    size = 1) + facet_wrap(~ nfish1) + theme_bw()

#Patchy Distribution
  nfish1s_outs <- vector('list', length = 10)

  for(nnn in 1:length(nfish1s)){
    #Only do fish 1 with .5 and .5 probabilities
    ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = .1, move_out_prob = .5,
      nfish1 = nfish1s[nnn], nfish2 = 10000, prob1 = .5, prob2 = .5, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
      location = def_locs, movement_function = move_fish_left)  
    out <- conduct_survey(ctl = ctl)
    inp <- format_plot_input(out = out)  
    nfish1s_outs[[nnn]] <- inp
  names(nfish1s_outs) <- as.character(nfish1s)
  nfish1s_outs <- ldply(nfish1s_outs)
  names(nfish1s_outs)[1] <- 'nfish1'

  for_plot <- nfish1s_outs %>% group_by(nfish1, year, variable) %>% summarize(cpue = mean(value),
    nfish = unique(nfish)) %>% as.data.frame
  for_plot$nfish1 <- as.numeric(for_plot$nfish1)
  png(width = 11.5, height = 9.29, units = 'in', res = 200, file = 'figs/plot3_nfish1_patchy.png')
  ggplot(for_plot) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, group = variable, colour = variable), 
    size = 1) + facet_wrap(~ nfish1) + theme_bw()

#What effect does fish movement left
#Write this as a for loop
  y_vals <- 1:10
  y_outs <- vector('list', length = length(y_vals))
  #Run this thing in for loop
  for(yy in y_vals){
    locs <- expand.grid(1:10, 1:10)
    locs$vessel <- 1
    names(locs)[1:2] <- c('x', 'y')
    locs <- locs[, c('vessel', 'x', 'y')]
    locs %>% filter(y == yy & x %in% c(1, 5, 7, 9)) -> locs
    ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'uniform', mortality = .1, move_out_prob = .5,
      nfish1 = 10000, nfish2 = 10000, prob1 = .01, prob2 = .99, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
      location = locs, movement_function = move_fish_left)  
    out <- conduct_survey(ctl = ctl)
    inp <- format_plot_input(out = out)
    y_outs[[yy]] <- inp

  names(y_outs) <- as.character(y_vals)
  y_outs <- ldply(y_outs)
  names(y_outs)[1] <- 'y_value'


  for_plot <- y_outs %>% group_by(y_value, year, variable) %>% summarize(cpue = mean(value),
    nfish = unique(nfish)) %>% as.data.frame
  for_plot$y_value <- as.numeric(for_plot$y_value)

  png(width = 7, height = 7, units = 'in', res = 200, file = 'figs/fish_move_left.png')
  ggplot(for_plot) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, group = y_value, colour = y_value), 
    size = 1) + facet_wrap(~ variable) + theme_bw()
####Plot 4

#Test Aggressive fish for one species,
#Both species should have the same response

#Uniform Distribution
  p1s <- seq(.1, 1, by = .1)
  p_outs <- vector('list', length = length(p1s))
  #Figure out the location configurations, use default locations
  for(pp in 1:length(p1s)){
    ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'uniform', mortality = .1, move_out_prob = .5,
      nfish1 = 10000, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = p1s[pp], prob2 = 0, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
      location = def_locs, movement_function = move_fish_none)  
    out <- conduct_survey(ctl = ctl)
    inp <- format_plot_input(out = out)
    p_outs[[pp]] <- inp

  names(p_outs) <- as.character(p1s)
  p_outs <- ldply(p_outs)
  names(p_outs)[1] <- 'probs'

  p_plot_10000 <- p_outs %>% group_by(probs, year, variable) %>% summarize(cpue = mean(value),
    nfish = unique(nfish)) %>% as.data.frame
  p_plot_10000$probs <- as.numeric(p_plot_10000$probs)

  # png(width = 7, height = 7, units = 'in', res = 200, 
  #   file = 'figs/plot4_10000fish_uniform.png')
  p_plot_10000 %>% filter(variable == 'cpue1') %>% ggplot() + 
    geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, group = probs, colour = probs), 
    size = 1.5) + facet_wrap(~ variable) + theme_bw() +
    xlim(0, 1000)
  # dev.off()

#Patchy Distribution
  p1s <- seq(.1, 1, by = .1)
  p_outs <- vector('list', length = length(p1s))
  #Figure out the location configurations, use default locations
  for(pp in 1:length(p1s)){
    ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = .1, move_out_prob = .5,
      nfish1 = 10000, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = p1s[pp], prob2 = 0, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
      location = def_locs, movement_function = move_fish_none)  
    out <- conduct_survey(ctl = ctl)
    inp <- format_plot_input(out = out)
    p_outs[[pp]] <- inp

  names(p_outs) <- as.character(p1s)
  p_outs <- ldply(p_outs)
  names(p_outs)[1] <- 'probs'

  p_plot_10000 <- p_outs %>% group_by(probs, year, variable) %>% summarize(cpue = mean(value),
    nfish = unique(nfish)) %>% as.data.frame
  p_plot_10000$probs <- as.numeric(p_plot_10000$probs)

  png(width = 7, height = 7, units = 'in', res = 200, 
    file = 'figs/plot4_10000fish_patchy.png')
  p_plot_10000 %>% filter(variable == 'cpue1') %>% ggplot() + 
    geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, group = probs, colour = probs), 
    size = 1.5) + facet_wrap(~ variable) + theme_bw()

#These are for 5000 fish initially, 50 in each cell
  p1s <- seq(.1, 1, by = .1)
  p_outs <- vector('list', length = length(p1s))
  #Figure out the location configurations, use default locations
  for(pp in 1:length(p1s)){
    ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'uniform', mortality = .1, move_out_prob = .5,
      nfish1 = 5000, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = p1s[pp], prob2 = 0, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
      location = def_locs, movement_function = move_fish_none)  
    out <- conduct_survey(ctl = ctl)
    inp <- format_plot_input(out = out)
    p_outs[[pp]] <- inp

  names(p_outs) <- as.character(p1s)
  p_outs <- ldply(p_outs)
  names(p_outs)[1] <- 'probs'

  p_plot_5000 <- p_outs %>% group_by(probs, year, variable) %>% summarize(cpue = mean(value),
    nfish = unique(nfish)) %>% as.data.frame
  p_plot_5000$probs <- as.numeric(p_plot_5000$probs)

  png(width = 7, height = 7, units = 'in', res = 200, 
    file = 'figs/plot4_5000fish_uniform.png')
  ggplot(p_plot_5000) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, group = probs, colour = probs), 
    size = 1.5) + facet_wrap(~ variable) + theme_bw()

  p1s <- seq(.1, 1, by = .1)
  p_outs <- vector('list', length = length(p1s))
  #Figure out the location configurations, use default locations
  for(pp in 1:length(p1s)){
    ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = .1, move_out_prob = .5,
      nfish1 = 5000, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = p1s[pp], prob2 = 0, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
      location = def_locs, movement_function = move_fish_none)  
    out <- conduct_survey(ctl = ctl)
    inp <- format_plot_input(out = out)
    p_outs[[pp]] <- inp

  names(p_outs) <- as.character(p1s)
  p_outs <- ldply(p_outs)
  names(p_outs)[1] <- 'probs'

  p_plot_5000 <- p_outs %>% group_by(probs, year, variable) %>% summarize(cpue = mean(value),
    nfish = unique(nfish)) %>% as.data.frame
  p_plot_5000$probs <- as.numeric(p_plot_5000$probs)

  png(width = 7, height = 7, units = 'in', res = 200, 
    file = 'figs/plot4_5000fish_patchy.png')
  ggplot(p_plot_5000) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, group = probs, colour = probs), 
    size = 1.5) + facet_wrap(~ variable) + theme_bw()

#These are for 1000 fish initially, 10 in each cell
  p1s <- seq(.1, 1, by = .1)
  p_outs <- vector('list', length = length(p1s))
  #Figure out the location configurations, use default locations
  for(pp in 1:length(p1s)){
    ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'uniform', mortality = .1, move_out_prob = .5,
      nfish1 = 1000, nfish2 = 0, prob1 = p1s[pp], prob2 = 0, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
      location = def_locs, movement_function = move_fish_none)  
    out <- conduct_survey(ctl = ctl)
    inp <- format_plot_input(out = out)
    p_outs[[pp]] <- inp

  names(p_outs) <- as.character(p1s)
  p_outs <- ldply(p_outs)
  names(p_outs)[1] <- 'probs'

  p_plot_1000 <- p_outs %>% group_by(probs, year, variable) %>% summarize(cpue = mean(value),
    nfish = unique(nfish)) %>% as.data.frame
  p_plot_1000$probs <- as.numeric(p_plot_1000$probs)

  # ggplot(p_plot_1000) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, group = probs, colour = probs), 
  #   size = 1.5) + facet_wrap(~ variable) + theme_bw() + ylim(c(0, 1))

p_plot_10000$start_fish <- 10000
p_plot_5000$start_fish <- 5000
p_plot_1000$start_fish <- 1000

nfish_results <- rbind(p_plot_10000, p_plot_5000, p_plot_1000)
nfish_results %>% filter(variable == 'cpue1')

cpue1 <- nfish_results %>% filter(variable == 'cpue1')

ggplot(cpue1) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, group = probs, colour = probs),
  size = 1) + facet_wrap(~ start_fish)

#Plot 5
###Patchily distributed Fish
#Say there are 15 really good sites,
#Fish in the 10 best sites?
#5 best sites
#1 bet site

ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = .1, move_out_prob = .5,
      nfish1 = 5000, nfish2 = 10000, prob1 = .3, prob2 = .9, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
      location = def_locs, movement_function = move_fish_none)  

#Identify best fishing locations
best <- initialize_population(ctl = ctl, nfish = 5000)
best <- melt(best)
best1 <- (best[best$value != 0, ])

best1 <- best1[c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19,
  21, 23, 25, 27, 29), c('Var1', 'Var2')]

fifteen_best <- data.frame(vessel = 1, x = best1$Var1, y = best1$Var2)
ten_best <- fifteen_best[sample(1:15, 10), ]
five_best <- fifteen_best[sample(1:15, 5), ]

bests <- list(fifteen_best, ten_best, five_best)
bests_outs <- vector('list', length = 3)

#Loop over bests
for(bb in 1:length(bests)){
    ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = .1, move_out_prob = .5,
        nfish1 = 5000, nfish2 = 10000, prob1 = .3, prob2 = .9, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
        location = bests[[bb]], movement_function = move_fish_none)  
  out <- conduct_survey(ctl = ctl)
  inp <- format_plot_input(out = out)
  bests_outs[[bb]] <- inp

names(bests_outs) <- c('15', '10', '5')
bests_outs1 <- ldply(bests_outs)
names(bests_outs1)[1] <- 'nsites'

bo <- bests_outs1 %>% group_by(nsites, year, variable) %>% summarize(cpue = mean(value),
    nfish = unique(nfish)) %>% as.data.frame

png(width = 7, height = 7, units = 'in', res = 200, 
  file = 'figs/plot5_nsites.png')
ggplot(bo) + geom
s_line(aes(x = nfish, y = cpue, group = nsites, colour = nsites),
  size = 1) + facet_wrap(~ variable)

#Visualize the initial conditions?


#Number of fish,

#Patchy Distribution

#See what happens with decreasing population trend

#Run this to see the effect of sample size
#Turn fishing off by passing an empty locs
locs <- data.frame(vessel = 1, x = 0, y = 0)

ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'uniform', mortality = 0, move_out_prob = .5,
  nfish1 = 10000, nfish2 = 10000, prob1 = .01, prob2 = .99, nyear = 15, scope = 1, seed = 4,
  location = locs, movement_function = move_fish_left)

out <- conduct_survey(ctl = ctl) 
plot_average_cpue(out = out )

#Come up with functions to plot the data

out$samples$fish1samp + out$samples$fish2samp

#Things to test:
#If scope is 0 (no movement), there should be pretty quick local depletion
# I don't think the two species probabilities are strong enough
# Also, still catching too many fish, this might be related to the movement though
#Need to implement tracking by drop also maybe

#Test this with two fish species
ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = .9, nfish1 = 10000, nfish2 = 1000)
conduct_survey(ctl = ctl)

ctl <- make_ctl(distribute = 'patchy', mortality = matrix(rep(c(.1, .2), 100), nrow = 10, ncol = 10, byrow = TRUE))

#distance from port, rec fishing impacts
#incorporated in pop dy 

#when to hit saturation point, when on slope
#Depths of hook, can be informed by actual survey data
#bocaccio agression,
  #number of bocaccio vs other species caught on 
  #each line

#Strong local depletion effect over 15 years and 10000 fish uniformly distributed

#Add in two species

#Need to break fish_population into smaller functions
  #Modular approach will help with effect of order on processes
#Maybe with competition coefficient in ctl 
#sampling will have to occur for both species simultaneously

#Evaluate effect of number of fishing locations with uniform distribution
#Random Sampling Locations
rand_locs <- get_rand_locs()
# rand_locs <- rand_locs[1:10]

res <- lapply(rand_locs, FUN = function(x) run_sim(nhooks = 15, seed = 200, nfish = 10000,
  nyear = 15, distribute = 'uniform', percent = .5, cpue_method = '75hooks', location = x))
names(res) <- 1:length(rand_locs)
for_plot <- ldply(lapply(res, FUN = function(x) return(x$cpue)))
for_plot[, 1] <- as.numeric(for_plot[, 1])

# for_plot[, 1] <- as.factor(for_plot[, 1])
# levels(for_plot[, 1]) <- 1:20

png(width = 7, height = 7, units = 'in', res = 200, file = 'figs/random_fishing.png')
ggplot(for_plot) + geom_point(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue), size = 2) + theme_bw() + 
  scale_color_hue(h = c(0, 1)) + facet_wrap(~ .id) + ggtitle("Random fishing locations")
#Uniform, but with quadrant based location sampling
same_locs <- expand.grid(x = 1:5, y = 1:5)
same_locs <- data.frame(vessel = 1, same_locs)

locs <- vector('list', length = 20)

for(ii in 1:20){
  locs[[ii]] <- same_locs[1:ii, ]

same_res <- lapply(locs, FUN = function(x) run_sim(nhooks = 15, seed = 200, nfish = 10000,
  nyear = 15, distribute = 'uniform', percent = .5, cpue_method = '75hooks', location = x))

names(same_res) <- 1:20
for_plot <- ldply(lapply(same_res, FUN = function(x) return(x$cpue)))
for_plot[, 1] <- as.numeric(for_plot[, 1])

png(width = 7, height = 7, units = 'in', res = 200, file = 'figs/quadrant_fishing.png')
ggplot(for_plot) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue), colour = 'gray') + 
  theme_bw() + geom_point(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue), size = 2) + facet_wrap(~ .id) +
  labs(ggtitle("Fishing in same area"))

#Strong local depletion with only 1000 fish
#A little less with 5000 fish

#Specify Locations to fish in and see effect of number of fish
rand_locs <- get_rand_locs()
rand_locs_df <- rand_locs
names(rand_locs_df) <- 1:20
rand_locs_df <- ldply(rand_locs_df)
rand_locs_df[, 1] <- as.numeric(rand_locs_df[, 1])
ggplot(rand_locs_df) + geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y)) + facet_wrap(~ .id)

loc <- rand_locs[[12]]

nfish <- seq(1000, 30000, by = 1000)
fish_res <- lapply(nfish, FUN = function(x) run_sim(nhooks = 15, seed = 200, nfish = x,
  nyear = 15, distribute = 'uniform', cpue_method = '75hooks', location = loc))
names(fish_res) <- nfish
for_plot <- ldply(lapply(fish_res, FUN = function(x) return(x$cpue)))
for_plot[, 1] <- as.numeric(for_plot[, 1])

png(width = 7, height = 7, units = 'in', res = 200, file = 'figs/nfish_uniform.png')
ggplot(for_plot) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue), colour = 'gray') + 
  theme_bw() + geom_point(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue), size = 2) + facet_wrap(~ .id) +
  ggtitle("Number of fish increasing, uniformly distributed")

#Number of fish when it's patchy, fish only in loc
nfish <- seq(1000, 30000, by = 1000)
patch_res <- lapply(nfish, FUN = function(x) run_sim(nhooks = 15, seed = 200, nfish = x,
  nyear = 15, distribute = 'patchy', percent = .3 , cpue_method = '75hooks', location = loc))
names(patch_res) <- nfish
patch_plot <- ldply(lapply(patch_res, FUN = function(x) return(x$cpue)))
patch_plot[, 1] <- as.numeric(patch_plot[, 1])

png(width = 7, height = 7, units = 'in', res = 200, file = 'figs/nfish_patchy.png')
ggplot(patch_plot) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue), colour = 'gray') + 
  theme_bw() + geom_point(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue), size = 2) + facet_wrap(~ .id) +
  ggtitle("Number of fish increasing, patchily distributed")

#Look at how the patches change

init_patches <- lapply(patch_res, FUN = function(x) return(x$out$fished_areas$year0))


#Look at effect of different probabilities of being attracted to hook
p0s <- seq(.1, 1, .1)

#15,000 fish uniformly distributed
p0_res <- lapply(p0s, FUN = function(x) run_sim(nhooks = 15, seed = 200, nfish = 15000,
  nyear = 15, distribute = 'uniform', cpue_method = '75hooks', location = loc, p0 = x))
names(p0_res) <- p0s
p0_plots <- ldply(lapply(p0_res, FUN = function(x) return(x$cpue)))
p0_plots[, 1] <- as.numeric(p0_plots[, 1])

png(width = 7, height = 7, units = 'in', res = 200, file = 'figs/p0_15000.png')
ggplot(p0_plots) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue, group = .id, colour = .id)) + 
 labs(ggtitle('Vary p0; 15,000 fish '))

#10,000 fish uniformly distributed
p0_res <- lapply(p0s, FUN = function(x) run_sim(nhooks = 15, seed = 200, nfish = 10000,
  nyear = 15, distribute = 'uniform', cpue_method = '75hooks', location = loc, p0 = x))
names(p0_res) <- p0s
p0_plots <- ldply(lapply(p0_res, FUN = function(x) return(x$cpue)))
p0_plots[, 1] <- as.numeric(p0_plots[, 1])

png(width = 7, height = 7, units = 'in', res = 200, file = 'figs/p0_10000.png')
ggplot(p0_plots) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue, group = .id, colour = .id)) + 
  labs(ggtitle("Vary p0; 10,000 fish"))

#5,000 fish uniformly distributed
p0_res <- lapply(p0s, FUN = function(x) run_sim(nhooks = 15, seed = 200, nfish = 5000,
  nyear = 15, distribute = 'uniform', cpue_method = '75hooks', location = loc, p0 = x))
names(p0_res) <- p0s
p0_plots <- ldply(lapply(p0_res, FUN = function(x) return(x$cpue)))
p0_plots[, 1] <- as.numeric(p0_plots[, 1])

png(width = 7, height = 7, units = 'in', res = 200, file = 'figs/p0_5000.png')
ggplot(p0_plots) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue, group = .id, colour = .id)) + 
  labs(ggtitle("Vary p0; 5,000 fish"))

#specify patchy distribution
one_patch <- run_sim(nhooks = 15, seed = 200, nfish = 15000, nyear = 15, distribute = 'patchy', 
  location = loc, percent = .5)
init <- one_patch$out$fished_areas$year0
init <- melt(init)
names(init)[c(1, 2)] <- c('x', 'y')

#Compare fish distributions and fishing site locations

ggplot() + geom_tile(data = init, aes(x = x, y = y, fill = value)) + 
  scale_fill_gradient(low = 'white', high = 'red') + theme_bw() + 
  geom_point(data = loc, aes(x = x, y = y), size = 4)

ggplot(one_patch$cpue) + geom_point(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue), size = 3)

#Are they fishing in the areas with the most fish?

#Number of fish with some patch distribution
#change number of fish
outs <- as.list(seq(1000, 10000, 1000))

nfish_res <- lapply(outs, FUN = function(x) run_sim(nhooks = 15, seed = 200, nfish = x, 
  nyear = 15, distribute = 'patchy', percent = .5, cpue_method = '75hooks'))
names(nfish_res) <- outs

for_plot <- ldply(lapply(nfish_res, FUN = function(x) return(x$cpue)))
ggplot(for_plot) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue, colour = .id))

#Weigh averages by number of fish in each location

#Include all the arguments that go into ctl

#Uniformly distributed fish
p0_vec <- seq(.1, 1, .1)
outs <- vector('list', length = length(p0_vec))

for(dd in 1:length(p0_vec)){
  ctl <- make_ctl(nhooks = 15, seed = 200, nfish = 10000, nyear = 50, distribute = 'uniform', 
    p0 = p0_vec[dd])
  outs[[dd]] <- conduct_survey(ctl)

cpue_avg_list <- lapply(outs, FUN = function(x) calc_cpue(x, ctl = ctl))
names(cpue_avg_list) <- as.character(p0_vec)
cpue_avg <- ldply(cpue_avg_list)
names(cpue_avg)[1] <- 'p0'

png(width = 11, height = 9, units = 'in', res = 150, file = 'figs/p0_vec.png')
ggplot(cpue_avg) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue, colour = p0), size = 1.5) + theme(text = element_text(size = 24)) + 
  labs(x = 'True Number of Fish', y = "CPUE (nfish / nhooks)")

#Fish in the best spots, 
#50% of fish are distributed, fish in all those spots
ctl <- make_ctl(nhooks = 15, seed = 200, nfish = 10000, nyear = 50, distribute = 'patchy', 
  percent = .5)
find_spots <- initialize_population(ctl = ctl)
find_spots <- melt(find_spots) %>% arrange(desc(value))

site_percent <- seq(.1, 1, .1)

outs <- vector('list', length = length(site_percent))

for(dd in 1:length(site_percent)){
  max_row <- site_percent[dd] * nrow(find_spots)
  locs <- data.frame(vessel = rep(1, max_row), x = find_spots[1:max_row, 'Var1'],
    y = find_spots[1:max_row, 'Var2'])
  ctl <- make_ctl(nhooks = 15, seed = 200, nfish = 10000, nyear = 15, distribute = 'patchy',
    percent = .5, location = locs)

  outs[[dd]] <- conduct_survey(ctl)
  # out <- conduct_survey(ctl)
  # site_cpue[[dd]] <- calc_cpue(out, ctl = ctl)

#Check that this is working right
# str(outs[[1]])

#Calculate CPUE it with all average
ctl <- make_ctl(nhooks = 15, seed = 200, nfish = 10000, nyear = 15, distribute = 'patchy',
    percent = .5, location = locs) 
cpue_avg_list <- lapply(outs, FUN = function(x) calc_cpue(x, ctl = ctl))
names(cpue_avg_list) <- as.character(site_percent)
cpue_avg <- ldply(cpue_avg_list)
names(cpue_avg)[1] <- 'percent'

#Calculate CPUE with 75 hooks instead
ctl <- make_ctl(nhooks = 15, seed = 200, nfish = 10000, nyear = 15, distribute = 'patchy',
    percent = .5, location = locs, cpue_method = '75hooks') 
cpue_75_list <- lapply(outs, FUN = function(x) calc_cpue(x, ctl = ctl))
names(cpue_75_list) <- as.character(site_percent)
cpue_75 <- ldply(cpue_75_list)
names(cpue_75)[1] <- 'percent'

#Compare the two in plots
cpue_avg$method <- 'average'
cpue_avg$avg_catch <- NULL
cpue_75$method <- '75hooks'

#Add in my own label
cpue_avg[cpue_avg$percent == 0.1, 'percent'] <- '20%'
cpue_avg[cpue_avg$percent == 0.2, 'percent'] <- '40%'
cpue_avg[cpue_avg$percent == 0.3, 'percent'] <- '60%'
cpue_avg[cpue_avg$percent == 0.4, 'percent'] <- '80%'
cpue_avg[cpue_avg$percent == 0.5, 'percent'] <- '100%'

cpue_avg[cpue_avg$percent == 0.6, 'percent'] <- '50% good, 10% bad'
cpue_avg[cpue_avg$percent == 0.7, 'percent'] <- '50% good, 20% bad'
cpue_avg[cpue_avg$percent == 0.8, 'percent'] <- '50% good, 30% bad'
cpue_avg[cpue_avg$percent == 0.9, 'percent'] <- '50% good, 40% bad'
cpue_avg[cpue_avg$percent == 1.0, 'percent'] <- '50% good, 50% bad'

cpue_avg$percent <- factor(cpue_avg$percent, levels = c('20%', '40%', '60%', '80%', '100%'))

png(width = 9, height = 8, units = 'in', res = 150, file = 'figs/best_sites.png')
cpue_avg[grep('%', cpue_avg$percent), ] %>% ggplot(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue,
  colour = percent)) + geom_line(size = 1.5) + 
  theme(text = element_text(size = 15)) + labs(x = 'True Number of Fish', y = "Average CPUE (nfish / nhooks)")

png(width = 9, height = 8, units = 'in', res = 150, file = 'figs/good_bad_sites.png')
cpue_avg[grep('good', cpue_avg$percent), ] %>% ggplot(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue)) + geom_line(size = 1.5) + 
  theme(text = element_text(size = 15)) + labs(x = 'True Number of Fish', y = "Average CPUE (nfish / nhooks)") + 
  facet_wrap(~ percent)

pdf(width = 12, height = 9, file = "cpue_best_sites.pdf")
cpue_avg %>% filter(percent <= 0.5) %>% ggplot(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue)) + geom_line(size = 1.5) +
  theme_bw() + facet_wrap(~ percent) + theme(text = element_text(size = 15)) + xlab("True Number of Fish") + 
  ylab('Average CPUE (nfish/nhooks)')

pdf(width = 12, height = 9, file = "cpue_all_sites.pdf")
cpue_avg %>% filter(percent > 0.5) %>% ggplot(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue)) + geom_line(size = 1.5) +
  theme_bw() + facet_wrap(~ percent) + theme(text = element_text(size = 15)) + xlab("True Number of Fish") + 
  ylab('Average CPUE (nfish/nhooks)')

pdf(width = 12, height = 9, file = "cpue_example.pdf")
ggplot(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue)) + geom_line(size = 1.5) +
  theme_bw() + facet_wrap(~ percent) + theme(text = element_text(size = 15)) + xlab("True Number of Fish") + 
  ylab('Average CPUE (nfish/nhooks)')

comp_cpue <- rbind(cpue_avg, cpue_75)



names(site_cpue) <- site_percent

site_cpue <- ldply(site_cpue)
names(site_cpue)[1] <- 'percent'

#add column based on percentage of sites samples
site_cpue$group <- 'all'
site_cpue[site_cpue$percent <= 0.5, 'group'] <- 'best'

#Average number of fish in each year / 15 hooks
ggplot(site_cpue) + geom_line(aes(x = nfish, y = avg_cpue, colour = percent), size = 1.5) + theme_bw() + 
  scale_colour_manual(values = gray.colors(n = 10)) + facet_grid(~ group) + 
  theme(text = element_text(size = 15)) + xlab("True Number of Fish") + 
  ylab('Average CPUE (nfish/nhooks)')

#Average number of fish per 75 hooks at each site

location <- 

#work on conducting survey for number of years
ctl <- make_ctl(nhooks = 15, seed = 201, nfish = 10010, nyear = 50, distribute = 'patchy',
  percent = .01)
out <- conduct_survey(ctl)

cpue <- calc_cpue(out, ctl = ctl)
plot(cpue$nfish, cpue$avg_cpue, type = 'l')


#Check Number of fish
ctl <- make_ctl(nhooks = 15, seed = 200, nfish = 10000, nyear = 50)
out <- conduct_survey(ctl)
cpue <- calc_cpue(out, ctl = ctl)

plot(cpue$nfish, cpue$avg_cpue, type = 'l')
#strata size weighted average

plot(annual_catch$nfish, annual_catch$avg_cpue, type = 'l')


sapply(out$fished_areas, FUN = sum)

check1 <- sum(test1$fished_areas$year50) + sum(test1$samples[, 5:9])
check2 <- sum(test1$fished_areas$year0)


plot(sum(abs(hook_probs(nfish = 4, p0 = .4))))

xx <- melt(test1$samples, id.vars = c('year', 'vessel', 'x', 'y'))

xx %>% group_by(year) %>% summarize(avg_fish = mean(value))

test1$samples %>% group_by(year) %>% summarize

#See how p0 affects cpue
p0_vec <- seq(.1, 1, by = 0.1)
cpue_out <- vector('list', length = length(p0_vec))

for(ii in 1:length(p0_vec)){
  temp_ctl <- make_ctl(p0 = p0_vec[ii], nfish = 1000, seed = 500)
  temp_init <- initialize_population(ctl = temp_ctl)

  cpue_out[[ii]] <- fish_population(fish_area = temp_init, ctl = temp_ctl)$samples


names(cpue_out) <- p0_vec
cpue_out <- ldply(cpue_out)

#Things to work on
xx <- make_ctl(p0 = .2)

#Things for initialize population
control <- list(
  #arguments for initializing the fish population in a matrix
  numrow = 10,
  numcol = 10,
  nfish = 10000, #initial number of fish
  distribute = 'uniform', #distribution of fish, could be uniform, or patchy
  maxfish = 10,
  percent = .3, #percentage of area to sample, only necessary if distribute = 'patchy'
  seed = 300,

  #Arguments for function that fishes population
  location = data.frame(vessel = c(1, 1, 2),
                        x = c(3, 3, 8),
                        y = c(3, 5, 8)),
  scope = 2,
  nhooks = 5,
  ndrops = 3, 
  process = 'equal_prob',
  p0 = .4 #probability that fish are attracted to gear

xx <- initialize_population(ctl = control)
fish_population(xx, ctl = control)

conduct_survey(xx, ctl = control)

#Check that conduct_survey works

init <- initialize_population(numrow = 10, numcol = 10, nfish = 10000, distribute = 'uniform',
                                percent = .3, seed = 301)

data.frame(vessel = c(1, 1, 2), x = c(3, 3, 8), y = c(3, 5, 8))

xx <- conduct_survey(fish_area = init, location = data.frame(vessel = c(1, 1, 2), x = c(3, 3, 8), 
  y = c(3, 5, 8)), scope = 1, nhooks = 15, ndrops = 5, process = 'equal_prob')

#Make sure that process is included in conduct_survey example. 

xx <- conduct_survey(fish_area = tt, location_list = list)

##Put in no movement function
## Depends on how much of population we sample
##Recruitment functions?

#Things that might affect cpue relationship
#number of locations sampled
#distribution of fish
#number of fish
#percentage of distributed fish (if patchy distribution)

#NO recruitment and strong local depletion effects with year after year sampling

##Compare the effect of fish movement on fixed location sampling
#Specify 10 locations
location_list1 <- list(c(2, 2), 
                       c(3, 1),
                       c(3, 4),
                       c(3, 7),
                       c(4, 9),
                       c(2, 6),
                       c(7, 1),
                       c(9, 3),
                       c(8, 5),
                       c(8, 7),
                       c(9, 10),
                       c(10, 6)

pdf(width = 13, height = 5.65, 
  file = 'figs/fixed_location_different_movement.pdf')
par(mfcol = c(1, 3), oma = c(2, 2, 0, 0))

#no fish movement and uniform initial distribution
pp1 <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 5000,
                   distribute = 'uniform',
                   seed = 302,
                   nyears = 15, 
                   random_locations = FALSE,
                   location_list = location_list1, 
                   nlocs = 12, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_none', 
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0, print_text = TRUE)

#clockwise fish movement
pp2 <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 5000,
                   distribute = 'uniform',
                   seed = 302,
                   nyears = 15, 
                   random_locations = FALSE,
                   location_list = location_list1, 
                   nlocs = 12, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_cw', move_prob = .7,
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0, print_text = TRUE)

#left fish movement
pp3 <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 5000,
                   distribute = 'uniform',
                   seed = 302,
                   nyears = 15, 
                   random_locations = FALSE,
                   location_list = location_list1, 
                   nlocs = 12, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_left', max_prob = .7, min_prob = 0,
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0, print_text = TRUE)

#random locations and various movement patterns

pdf(width = 13, height = 5.65, 
  file = 'figs/random_location_different_movement.pdf')

par(mfcol = c(1, 3), oma = c(2, 2, 0, 0))

#no fish movement and uniform initial distribution
pp1 <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 5000,
                   distribute = 'uniform',
                   seed = 302,
                   nyears = 15, 
                   random_locations = TRUE,
                   location_list = location_list1, 
                   nlocs = 12, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_none', 
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0, print_text = TRUE)

#clockwise fish movement
pp2 <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 5000,
                   distribute = 'uniform',
                   seed = 302,
                   nyears = 15, 
                   random_locations = TRUE,
                   location_list = location_list1, 
                   nlocs = 12, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_cw', move_prob = .7,
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0, print_text = TRUE)

#left fish movement
pp3 <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 5000,
                   distribute = 'uniform',
                   seed = 302,
                   nyears = 15, 
                   random_locations = TRUE,
                   location_list = location_list1, 
                   nlocs = 12, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_left', max_prob = .7, min_prob = 0,
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0, print_text = TRUE)

#Fixed locations and moving fish
pdf(width = 13, height = 5.65, 
  file = 'figs/fixed_location_clockwise_movement_different_distributions.pdf')
par(mfcol = c(1, 3), oma = c(2, 2, 0, 0))

#no fish movement and uniform initial distribution
pp1 <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 5000,
                   distribute = 'uniform',
                   seed = 302,
                   nyears = 15, 
                   random_locations = FALSE,
                   location_list = location_list1, 
                   nlocs = 12, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_cw', move_prob = .7,
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0, print_text = TRUE)

#clockwise fish movement
pp2 <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 5000,
                   distribute = 'patchy',
                   seed = 302,
                   nyears = 15, 
                   random_locations = FALSE,
                   location_list = location_list1, 
                   nlocs = 12, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_cw', move_prob = .7,
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0, print_text = TRUE)

#left fish movement
pp3 <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 5000,
                   distribute = 'area',
                   area = 'upperright',
                   seed = 302,
                   nyears = 15, 
                   random_locations = FALSE,
                   location_list = location_list1, 
                   nlocs = 12, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_cw', move_prob = .7, 
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0, print_text = TRUE)

#Random locations and moving fish
pdf(width = 13, height = 5.65, 
  file = 'figs/random_location_clockwise_movement_different_distributions.pdf')
par(mfcol = c(1, 3), oma = c(2, 2, 0, 0))

#no fish movement and uniform initial distribution
pp1 <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 5000,
                   distribute = 'uniform',
                   seed = 302,
                   nyears = 15, 
                   random_locations = TRUE,
                   location_list = location_list1, 
                   nlocs = 12, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_cw', move_prob = .7,
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0, print_text = TRUE)

#clockwise fish movement
pp2 <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 5000,
                   distribute = 'patchy',
                   seed = 302,
                   nyears = 15, 
                   random_locations = TRUE,
                   location_list = location_list1, 
                   nlocs = 12, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_cw', move_prob = .7,
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0, print_text = TRUE)

#left fish movement
pp3 <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 5000,
                   distribute = 'area',
                   area = 'upperright',
                   seed = 302,
                   nyears = 15, 
                   random_locations = TRUE,
                   location_list = location_list1, 
                   nlocs = 12, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_cw', move_prob = .7, 
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0, print_text = TRUE)

par(mfcol = c(1, 3))
pp1 <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 1000,
                   distribute = 'uniform',
                   area = 'upperleft', 
                   seed = 302,
                   nyears = 30, 
                   random_locations = TRUE,
                   location_list = list(c(2, 2), c(8, 8)), 
                   nlocs = 10, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_none', 
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0, print_text = TRUE,
                   xlim_s = c(0, 10000))

pp2 <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 5000,
                   distribute = 'uniform',
                   area = 'upperleft', 
                   seed = 302, 
                   nyears = 30, 
                   random_locations = TRUE,
                   location_list = list(c(2, 2), c(8, 8)), 
                   nlocs = 10, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_none', 
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0, 
                   xlim_s = c(0, 10000))

pp3 <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 10000,
                   distribute = 'uniform',
                   area = 'upperleft', 
                   seed = 302, 
                   nyears = 30, 
                   random_locations = TRUE,
                   location_list = list(c(2, 2), c(8, 8)), 
                   nlocs = 10, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_none', 
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0)

#high level wrapper to run and plot
pp <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 5000,
                   distribute = 'area',
                   area = 'upperleft', 
                   seed = 302, 
                   nyears = 15, 
                   random_locations = FALSE,
                   location_list = list(c(2, 2), c(8, 8)), 
                   nlocs = 50, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_none', 
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0)

pp <- run_and_plot(numrow = 10, 
                   numcol = 10, 
                   nfish = 1000,
                   distribute = 'uniform', 
                   seed = 302, 
                   nyears = 15, 
                   random_locations = TRUE,
                   # location_list = list(c(2, 2), c(8, 8)), 
                   nlocs = 10, 
                   move_func = 'move_fish_cw', 
                   move_prob = .8, 
                   nhooks = 15, ndrops = 3, scope = 0)

xx301[[4]] == xx300.2[[4]]

xx300.1$end_nfish == xx300.2$end_nfish
xx301$end_nfish == xx300.2$end_nfish

run_and_plot(numrow = 10, numcol = 10, nfish = 10000,
  distribute = 'uniform', seed = 300, nyears = 15, random_locations = TRUE, 
  nlocs = 10, move_func = 'move_fish_left', max_prob = .2, min_prob = .01)

#develop function to move fish around ontogenetically or 
xx <- survey_over_years(numrow = 10, numcol = 10, nfish = 100000, 
  distribute = 'uniform',
  seed = 300, nyears = 15, location_list, 
  random_locations = TRUE, nlocs = 100, move_func = move_fish_cw, move_prob = .8)

thing <- parse_master_list(xx)

nfish_cpue <- merge(thing$end_nfish %>% group_by(year) %>% summarise(nfish = sum(value)),
      cpue %>% group_by(year) %>% summarise(cpue = mean(value)) %>% as.data.frame,
      by = 'year')

plot(nfish_cpue$nfish, nfish_cpue$cpue, ylim = c(0, 1), pch = 19,
  xaxs = 'i', yaxs = 'i', xlim = c(0, max(pretty(nfish_cpue$nfish))))

ggplot(cpue, aes(x = variable, y = value, colour = year, group = year)) + geom_line() + 
  facet_wrap(~ location) + scale_color_gradientn(colors = gray.colors(length(cpue$year)))

#separate elements from each iteration
#everything a list for now
fish_list <- lapply(xx, FUN = function(x) x$sampled_area)
fish_melt <- melt(fish_list)
names(fish_melt) <- c('row', 'column', 'nfish', 'year')
fish_melt$density <- fish_melt$nfish / 100

ggplot(fish_melt, aes(x = row, y = column)) + geom_raster(aes(fill = density)) + 
  facet_wrap(~ year)



ggplot(fish_list[[1]] aes(x))

cpue_list <- lapply(xx, FUN = function(x) x$cpue)

#extract number of fish in each year
  nfish <- sapply(xx, FUN = function(x) {
  cpue <- sapply(xx, FUN = function(x) {
    mean(unlist(x$cpue[, 2:4]))

plot(nfish, cpue, pch = 19, type = 'o')

to.plot <- lapply(xx, FUN = function(x) x$cpue)
sapply(to.plot, FUN = function(x) mean(unlist(x[, 2:4])))

survey_over_years(nfish = 10000, distribute = 'uniform', seed = 300, nyears = 15,
  random_locations = TRUE, nlocs = 10)

#Look at number of locations

cpues <- explore_nlocs_cpue(numrow = 10, numcol = 10, nfish = 2000, seed = 200, 
  numlocs = 10, distribute = 'patchy',
  percent = .5, scope = 0)

to.plot <- melt(cpues)
names(to.plot)[1] <- 'nlocs'

xx <- sapply(to.plot$location, FUN = function(x) eval(parse(text = x)))

to.plot$x <- as.vector(xx[1, ])
to.plot$y <- as.vector(xx[2, ])

#Look at different numbers of fish
nfish.vec <- seq(100, 10000, by = 100)
avg.cpue <- nfish.vec

for(ii in 1:length(nfish.vec)){
  init <- initialize_population(numrow = 10, numcol = 10, nfish = nfish.vec[ii], distribute = 'uniform',
                                percent = .3, seed = 301)

  temp <- conduct_survey(fish_area = init, location_list = list(c(4, 10),
                                                        c(8, 2),
                                                        c(3, 3)), scope = 1, nhooks = 15, ndrops = 5)
  avg.cpue[ii] <- mean(unlist(temp$cpue))


plot(nfish.vec, avg.cpue, type = 'o', pch = 19, ylim = c(0, 1), xaxs = 'i',
     yaxs = 'i', xlim = c(0, max(nfish.vec)))

png(file = '/Users/peterkuriyama/Desktop/hl_cpue_check.png')
plot(nfish, avg.cpue, type = 'o', pch = 19, yli = c(0, 1), xaxs = 'i',
     yaxs = 'i', xlim = c(0, max(nfish)))

conduct_survey(fish_area = init, location_list = list(c(4, 10),
                                                      c(8, 2),
                                                      c(3, 3)),
               scope = 1, nhooks = 15, ndrops = 5)

# fish.range * move.prob
# #Define movement probabilities
# 1 - (fish.range / nfish.range)

# #Each fish has a probability of catching a hook
# #Probability depends on nuber

# #conusmption by one fish
# check_cons <- function(max.prob = .9, nhooks){
#   zz <- (max.prob * nhooks) / (.6 + nhooks)
#   return(zz)
# }

# tt <- data.frame(hook = 1:75, prob = sapply(1:75,
#   FUN = function(x) check_cons(nhooks = x)))
# tt$prob.many <- 1 - exp(-(tt$prob * 50))

# plot(tt$hook, tt$prob.many, pch = 19, ylim = c(0, 1),
#   main = '70 fish and 1:75 hooks')

# #Highest probability of hook saturation:
#  #Five fish in location and more than five fish in nfish.range
# if(fish.loc >= nhooks & (nfish.range - fish.loc) >= nhooks){
#   hook.prob <- seq(from = max.prob, to = 0, by = -delta.prob)
# }

# #High probability of hook saturation:
# #if more than five fish in location and fewer than nhooks fish surrounding
# if(fish.loc >= nhooks & (nfish.range - fish.loc) < nhooks){
#   hook.prob <- seq(from = max.prob - (2 * delta.prob), to = 0, by = -delta.prob)
# }

# #Medium prob of hook saturation
# #fewer than five fish in specific location, more than five surrounding
# if(fish.loc < nhooks & (nfish.range - fish.loc) >= nhooks){
#  hook.prob <- seq(from = max.prob - (4 * delta.prob), to = 0, by = -delta.prob)
# }

# #Low prob of hook saturation
# #fewer than five in speicifc location, fewer than five surrounding
# if(fish.loc < nhooks & (nfish.range - fish.loc) < nhooks & nfish.range >= nhooks){
#   hook.prob <- seq(from = max.prob - (6 * delta.prob), to = 0, by = -delta.prob)
# }

# #Lowest prob of hook saturation
# #fewer than nhooks fish in entire range
# if(fish.loc < nhooks & (nfish.range - fish.loc) < nhooks & nfish.range < nhooks){
#   hook.prob <- seq(from = max.prob - (8 * delta.prob), to = 0, by = -delta.prob)
# }

# #Subset hook probabilites based on number of hooks
# hook.prob <- hook.prob[1:nhooks]

# #Sample fish
# fish <- rbinom(n = nhooks, size = 1, prob = hook.prob)

# #Subtract sampled fish from number of fish in fish.range matrix
# xx <- melt(fish.range)
# xx[which(xx$value != 0), 'prob'] <- 1 / sum(xx$value != 0) #equal probabilities for now
# # xx$prob <- xx$value / sum(xx$value)

# # use a multinomial sample to find which cells to subtract sampled fish from
# fish.caught <- rmultinom(prob = xx$prob, n = 1, size = sum(fish))
# xx$value <- xx$value - fish.caught

# #update whole matrix
# return(xx)

# #Keep
# # while(sum(fish) > nfish.range){
# #   fish <- rbinom(n = nhooks, size = 1, prob = hook.prob)
# # }

#Move fish cw
# fish_area1 <- initialize_population(distribute = 'area', area = 'upperright', numrow = 10, numcol = 10,
#   nfish = 1000)

# tt <- fish_area1
# ttp <- vector('list', length = 8)
# for(ll in 1:8){
#   temp <- move_fish_cw(fish_area = tt, move_prob = .8)
#   tt <- temp$final
#   ttp[[ll]] <- tt
# }

# ttp <- melt(ttp)

# ggplot(ttp, aes(x = Var1, y = Var2)) + geom_raster(aes(fill = value)) + 
#   theme_bw() + facet_wrap(~ L1)

# ggplot(ttp[1], )

# move_fish_cw(fish_area = fish_area1, move_prob = .8)

# #Update numbers of fish based on catches
# #Record catches
# prob.catch <- fish.loc

# #check this is working
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # check.this <- vector('list', length = 1000000)
# # for(ii in 1:length(check.this)){
# #   check.this[[ii]] <- rbinom(n = nhooks, size = 1, prob = hook.prob)
# # }

# # ct <- ldply(check.this)
# # colSums(ct) / length(check.this)

# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# fishArea, location, prob.max, prob.delta
peterkuriyama/hlsimulator documentation built on May 25, 2019, 1:51 a.m.