## Copyright 2018 Philip Morris Products, S.A.
## Quai Jeanrenaud 5, 2000 Neuchatel, Switzerland
#' Compute NPA on the given comparisons (contrasts) and network model
#' @param comparisons A list with each slots containing data.frame of genes `nodeLabel`, `foldChange` and `t` statistic
#' @param network_model A R6 class NPAModel object created by load_model function from NPAModel package
#' @param b An integer value. Number of resampling performed
#' @param verbose A logical. If TRUE, progress printed in the console
#' @return A R6 class NPA object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(NPAModels)
#' data(COPD1)
#' #net.apopto <- load_model('Mm', 'CFA', 'Apoptosis')
#' #npa <- compute_npa(COPD1, net.apopto, verbose = TRUE)
compute_npa <- function(comparisons, network_model, b = 500, verbose = FALSE) {
np <- computeNPA(comparisons, network_model$get_data(), b = b, verbose = verbose)
return(NPA$new(np, network_model))
#' Compute NPA scoring for a given dataset and model
#' @param dL A R list object. Contains data.frame for each comparison slots.
#' @param model A R list object. Contains slot model with nodes and edges
#' data.frame
#' @param verbose A logical. Default is \code{TRUE}, messages are displayed in
#' the console
#' @param b An integer value. Number of permutations performed for bootstraping.
#' @importFrom NPAModels getLQ
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @return A R list object containing the scoring metrics of the network
computeNPA <- function(dL, model, verbose=FALSE, b=500) {
alpha <- 0.95
if (!"Qbackbone" %in% names(model)) {
warning(paste0("Models have not been preprocessed, ",
"this induces a much longer runtime ",
"for NPA computation. You can refer to ",
"NPAModels package documentation in order",
"preprocess networks"))
if (verbose) {
message("Preprocessing network model...")
model <- NPAModels::getLQ(model)
Qbackbone <- model$Qbackbone
L3invtL2 <- model$L3invtL2
colnames(L3invtL2) <- toupper(colnames(L3invtL2))
L2 <- model$L2
rownames(L2) <- toupper(rownames(L2))
L3 <- model$L3
if (verbose) {
message("Preparing data...")
length0 <- length(dL)
if (length(dL) == 1) {
dL <- c(dL, dL)
# Make sure gene are exp(*)
dL <- lapply(dL, function(x) {
x$nodeLabel <- paste0("exp(", x$nodeLabel, ")")
# Check each entry ordered the same
nm <- lapply(dL, function(G) { G$nodeLabel })
ok <- sapply(nm, function(n) {
ok <- TRUE
if (length(n) != length(nm[[1]])) {
ok <- FALSE
} else {
ok <- all(n == nm[[1]])
if (!all(ok == TRUE)) {
dL <- lapply(dL, function(X) {
Y <- X[order(X$nodeLabel), ]
Y <- sapply(dL, function(X) X$foldChange)
V <- sapply(dL, function(G) {
# Here s[G$t == 0] <- 0 should be done before s <- G$foldChange/G$t
s <- G$foldChange/G$t
s[G$t == 0] <- 0
return(s) })^2 #Variance
if (length(dL) == 1) {
Y <- matrix(Y, ncol = 1)
V <- matrix(V, ncol = 1)
B <- matrix(B, ncol = 1)
colnames(Y) <- colnames(V) <- names(dL)
rownames(Y) <- rownames(V) <- toupper(dL[[1]]$nodeLabel)
if (max(table(toupper(rownames(Y)))) > 1) {
stop("Some gene symbols are apperaring several times in the data!")
# Keep only gene in model
gene <- colnames(L3invtL2)
Y <- Y[rownames(Y) %in% gene, ]
V <- V[rownames(V) %in% gene, ]
V[is.na(V)] <- 0
# Removee genes in model that have no data
if (length(gene[!gene %in% rownames(Y)]) > 0) {
genetodel <- gene[!gene %in% rownames(Y)] #gene in model but not in data
L2 <- L2[!rownames(L2) %in% genetodel, ]
L3invtL2 <- L3invtL2[, !colnames(L3invtL2) %in% genetodel]
if (!setequal(colnames(L3invtL2), rownames(Y))) {
stop("Gene symbol not matching between FC and L3invtL2")
Y <- Y[match(colnames(L3invtL2), rownames(Y)), ]
V <- V[match(colnames(L3invtL2), rownames(V)), ]
if (!all(rownames(Y) == colnames(L3invtL2))) {
stop("rownames Y and L3invtL2 do not match..")
if (!all(rownames(Y) == rownames(L2))) {
stop("rownames Y and L2 do not match..")
Var.fhat <- vector("list", ncol(Y))
names(Var.fhat) <- colnames(Y)
if (verbose == TRUE) {
message("Computing differential backbone values...")
rg <- -L3invtL2 %*% Y
nodes <- vector("list")
nodes$ci.up <- nodes$ci.down <- NULL
nodes$coefficients <- rg
NetSize <- model$NetSize
if (!all(rownames(Qbackbone) == rownames(rg))) {
stop("Problem with backbone names")
# Computation of scores
if (verbose == TRUE) {
message("Computing amplitudes of perturbation...")
amplitude <- rep(NA, ncol(Y))
names(amplitude) <- colnames(Y)
amplitude <- diag(t(rg) %*% (Qbackbone %*% rg))/NetSize
VarNPA <- 0
var.coef <- NULL
Var.fhat <- vector("list", ncol(Y))
names(Var.fhat) <- colnames(Y)
ciup <- cidown <- VarNPA <- rep(NA, ncol(Y))
# Compute variances
if (verbose == TRUE) {
message("Computing variance...")
for (k in 1:ncol(Y)) {
vs <- t(matrix(rep(sqrt(V[, k]), nrow(L3invtL2)),
byrow = TRUE, ncol = ncol(L3invtL2)))
tmp2 <- vs * t(L3invtL2)
Var.fhat[[k]] <- crossprod(tmp2)
Q0 <- Qbackbone
V0 <- Var.fhat[[k]]
Q0V0 <- Q0 %*% V0
tr.QVQV <- sum(diag(Q0V0 %*% Q0V0))
# t(mu) QVQ mu
mu <- matrix(rg[, k], ncol = 1)
tmp <- t(mu) %*% Q0V0 %*% Q0 %*% mu
VarNPA[k] <- 2 * tr.QVQV + 4 * tmp
var.coef <- sapply(Var.fhat, function(x) diag(x))
nodes$ci.up <- rg + qnorm(1 - (1 - alpha)/2) * sqrt(var.coef)
nodes$ci.down <- rg - qnorm(1 - (1 - alpha)/2) * sqrt(var.coef)
nodes$p.value <- pnorm(abs(rg)/sqrt(var.coef), lower.tail = FALSE)
## Bioconductor does not allow setting seed in the code
## Do it outside of the function call if needed.
# set.seed(2674)
# Downstream reshuffling
if (verbose == TRUE) {
message("Computing downstream reshuffling...")
perm <- function(x) {
sample(x, length(x), replace = FALSE)
permV0 <- lapply(1:b, function(i) {
## Bioconductor does not allow setting seed in the code
## Do it outside of the function call if needed.
# set.seed(i + 241)
return(-L3invtL2 %*% (Y[perm(1:nrow(Y)), ]))
permV0npa <- sapply(permV0, function(X) apply(X, 2, function(x) t(x) %*%
Qbackbone %*% x))/NetSize
permV02 <- permV02npa <- NULL
# Backbone permutations
if (verbose == TRUE) {
message("Computing backbone reshuffling...")
W <- t(L2) %*% Y
permBackbonenpa <- sapply(model$QbL3inv.perm, function(ql) colSums((ql %*%
permBackbone <- NULL
pvDown <- 1 - apply(cbind(amplitude, permV0npa), 1, function(x) length(
x[x < x[1]])/length(x[-1]))
pvBackbone <- 1 - apply(cbind(amplitude, permBackbonenpa), 1,
function(x) length(x[x < x[1]])/length(x[-1]))
test <- list(pv = rbind(downstream = pvDown, backbone = pvBackbone),
downstream = permV0npa, backbone = permBackbonenpa,
nodes.coefficients.perm.down = permV0,
nodes.coefficients.perm.backbone = permBackbone)
c0 <- qnorm(1 - (1 - alpha)/2)
np <- list(coefficients = amplitude, coefficients.var = VarNPA/(NetSize^2),
ci.up = amplitude + c0 * sqrt(VarNPA)/NetSize,
ci.down = amplitude - c0 * sqrt(VarNPA)/NetSize,
nodes.coefficients = rg, nodes.coefficients.ci.up = nodes$ci.up,
nodes.coefficients.ci.down = nodes$ci.down,
nodes.coefficients.pvalue = nodes$p.value,
model = model[which(names(model) %in% c(
"model", "startNodeDown", "g"))], networkSize = NetSize,
signEdges = model$sgn, edges = model$backbone, L3invL2 = L3invtL2,
L3 = L3, L2 = L2, Y = Y, Qbackbone = Qbackbone, test = test,
pvperm = test$pv)
np$max <- getMaxNPA(np)
if (length0 == 1) {
np <- NPAsubset(np, 1)
if (verbose) {
#' Compute MAX of NPA
#' @param np0 A R list containing scoring results
#' @include utils.R
#' @return A list with value and vector slots for NPA maximum computed.
getMaxNPA <- function(np0)
l3inv2 <- solve2(np0$L3)
D <- l3inv2 %*% np0$Qbackbone %*% l3inv2
rownames(D) <- rownames(np0$Qbackbone)
colnames(D) <- colnames(np0$Qbackbone)
D.sub <- D[rownames(D) %in% names(np0$model$startNodeDown),
colnames(D) %in% names(np0$model$startNodeDown)]
D.sub2 <- solve(l3inv2[rownames(D) %in% names(np0$model$startNodeDown),
colnames(D) %in% names(np0$model$startNodeDown)])
D.sub <- D.sub2 %*% D.sub
eg.Dsub <- eigen(D.sub)
maxlambda <- max(eg.Dsub$values)
maxf <- eg.Dsub$vectors[, which.max(eg.Dsub$values)]
all(abs(D.sub %*% maxf - maxlambda * maxf) < 1e-12)
names(maxf) <- rownames(D.sub)
f.extended <- rep(0, nrow(D))
names(f.extended) <- rownames(D)
f.extended[match(names(maxf), names(f.extended))] <- maxf
max.sol.constrained <- l3inv2 %*% f.extended
max.npa <- t(max.sol.constrained) %*% np0$Qbackbone %*% max.sol.constrained
out <- list(value = max.npa, vector = max.sol.constrained)
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