#' Convert a patristic matrix to a `phylo` object.
#' Function `patristic_matrix_to_phylo` is used inside [summarize_datelife_result()].
#' @param patristic_matrix A patristic matrix
#' @param clustering_method A character vector indicating the method to construct
#' the tree. Options are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{nj}{Neighbor-Joining method applied with [ape::nj()].}
#' \item{upgma}{Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean method applied
#' with [phangorn::upgma()].}
#' \item{bionj}{An improved version of the Neighbor-Joining method applied with
#' [ape::bionj()].}
#' \item{triangle}{Triangles method applied with [ape::triangMtd()]}
#' \item{mvr}{Minimum Variance Reduction method applied with [ape::mvr()].}
#' }
#' @details
#' We might add the option to insert a function as `clustering_method` in the future.
#' Before, we had hard-coded the function to try Neighbor-Joining (NJ) first; if it
#' errors, it will try UPGMA.
#' Now, it uses NJ for a "phylo_all" summary, and we are using our own algorithm to
#' get a tree from a summary matrix.
#' @param fix_negative_brlen Boolean indicating whether to fix negative branch
#' lengths in resulting tree or not. Default to `TRUE`.
#' @param variance_matrix A variance matrix from a `datelifeResult` object,
#' usually an output from [datelife_result_variance_matrix()].
#' Only used if `clustering_method = "mvr"`.
#' @inheritParams tree_fix_brlen
#' @return A rooted `phylo` object.
#' @export
patristic_matrix_to_phylo <- function(patristic_matrix,
clustering_method = "nj",
fix_negative_brlen = TRUE,
fixing_method = 0,
ultrametric = TRUE,
variance_matrix = NULL) {
# patristic_matrix <- threebirds_result[[5]]
if (!inherits(patristic_matrix, "matrix") & !inherits(patristic_matrix, "data.frame")) {
message("patristic_matrix argument is not a matrix")
# has to be matrix not data frame:
if (inherits(patristic_matrix, "data.frame")) {
patristic_matrix <- as.matrix(patristic_matrix)
clustering_method <- match.arg(arg = tolower(clustering_method),
choices = c("nj", "upgma", "bionj", "triangle", "mvr"),
several.ok = FALSE)
if (anyNA(patristic_matrix)) {
patristic_matrix <- patristic_matrix[rowSums(is.na(patristic_matrix)) != ncol(patristic_matrix), colSums(is.na(patristic_matrix)) != nrow(patristic_matrix)]
} # Get rid of rows and columns with all NA or NaNs, leaves the ones with some NA or NaNs
if (dim(patristic_matrix)[1] == 2) {
phy <- ape::rtree(n = 2, rooted = TRUE, tip.label = rownames(patristic_matrix), br = 0.5 * patristic_matrix[1, 2])
phy$clustering_method <- "ape::rtree"
phy$citation <- names(patristic_matrix)
phycluster <- cluster_patristicmatrix(patristic_matrix, variance_matrix)
phy <- choose_cluster(phycluster, clustering_method)
if (!inherits(phy, "phylo")) {
message("Clustering patristic matrix to phylo failed.")
phy$citation <- names(patristic_matrix)
phy$negative_brlen <- NA
mess1 <- "Converting from patristic distance matrix to a tree resulted in some negative branch lengths;"
mess2 <- "the largest by magnitude is"
# when original tree IS ultrametric and has negative edges:
if (is.null(phy$edge.length.original) & any(phy$edge.length < 0)) {
warning(paste(mess1, mess2, min(phy$edge.length)))
# when original tree is NOT ultrametric and has negative edges:
if (!is.null(phy$edge.length.original) & any(phy$edge.length.original < 0)) {
warning(paste(mess1, mess2, min(phy$edge.length.original)))
# and when tree was forced ultrametric and there still are neg edges:
if (any(phy$edge.length < 0)) {
warning(paste("After phytools::forcing.ultrametric there still are negative branch lengths;", mess2, min(phy$edge.length)))
if (any(phy$edge.length < 0)) {
phy$negative_brlen <- list(edge_number = which(phy$edge.length < 0))
# phy$edge.length[which(phy$edge.length < 0)] <- 0 #sometimes NJ returns tiny negative branch lengths. https://github.com/phylotastic/datelife/issues/11
if (fix_negative_brlen) {
phy$negative_brlen <- list(edge_number = which(phy$edge.length < 0))
phy <- tree_fix_brlen(tree = phy, fixing_criterion = "negative", fixing_method = fixing_method)
fixing_method_called <- as.list(environment())$fixing_method
phy$negative_brlen <- c(phy$negative_brlen, list(fixing_method = fixing_method_called))
warning(paste0("Negative branch lengths were fixed with tree_fix_brlen, fixing_method = ", fixing_method_called))
# for cases when there are no neg branch lengths to fix (or we don't want them fixed)
# and we still want the final tree to be ultrametric:
if (ultrametric) {
if (is.null(phy$edge.length.original)) {
phy <- force_ultrametric(phy)
phy$tip.label <- gsub(" ", "_", phy$tip.label)
phy$citation <- names(patristic_matrix)
class(phy) <- c(class(phy), "datelifeTree")
#' Force a non-ultrametric `phylo` object to be ultrametric with [phytools::force.ultrametric()].
#' @inheritParams phylo_check
#' @return A `phylo` object.
#' @export
force_ultrametric <- function(phy) {
# TODO: check if there is an edge.length.original already there
# something like how many grepl("edge.length.original") in names(phy) and add an integer after it.
if (!inherits(phy, "phylo")) {
message("phy argument is not a phylo object.")
if (!ape::is.ultrametric(phy)) {
phy$edge.length.original <- phy$edge.length
phy <- phytools::force.ultrametric(tree = phy, method = "extend")
phy$force.ultrametric <- "extend"
#' Cluster a patristic matrix into a tree with various methods.
#' @inheritParams patristic_matrix_to_phylo
#' @return A list of trees obtained with clustering methods detailed in [patristic_matrix_to_phylo()].
#' @details If clustering method fails, `NA` is returned.
#' @export
cluster_patristicmatrix <- function(patristic_matrix, variance_matrix = NULL) {
if (!inherits(patristic_matrix, "matrix") & !inherits(patristic_matrix, "data.frame")) {
message("patristic_matrix argument is not a matrix")
# has to be matrix not data frame:
if (inherits(patristic_matrix, "data.frame")) {
patristic_matrix <- as.matrix(patristic_matrix)
if (dim(patristic_matrix)[1] < 2) {
if (dim(patristic_matrix)[1] == 2) {
message("patristic_matrix has two taxa only, you don't need to cluster.")
} else {
phyclust <- vector(mode = "list", length = 9)
names(phyclust) <- c("nj", "njs", "upgma", "upgma_daisy", "bionj", "bionjs", "triangMtd", "triangMtds", "mvrs")
phyclust$nj <- tryCatch(ape::nj(patristic_matrix), error = function(e) NA)
if (inherits(phyclust$nj, "phylo")) {
phyclust$nj <- tryCatch(phytools::midpoint.root(phyclust$nj),
error = function(e) NA
# if (is.null(phyclust$nj)){ # case when we have missing data (NA) on patristic_matrix and regular nj does not work; e.g. clade thraupidae SDM.results have missing data, and upgma chokes
# njs appears to be the only option for missing data with NJ
# but see Criscuolo and Gascuel. 2008. Fast NJ-like algorithms to deal with incomplete distance matrices. BMC Bioinformatics 9:166
phyclust$njs <- tryCatch(ape::njs(patristic_matrix), error = function(e) NA)
if (inherits(phyclust$njs, "phylo")) {
phyclust$njs <- tryCatch(phytools::midpoint.root(phyclust$njs),
error = function(e) NA
# } else {
# root the tree on the midpoint (only for trees with ape::Ntip(phy) > 2):
# phy <- tryCatch(phangorn::midpoint(phy), error = function(e) NULL)
# using phytools::midpoint.root instead of phangorn::midpoint bc it's less error prone.
# sometimes, nj and njs do not work if patristic matrices come from sdm. why? it was probably the midpoint function from phangorn. Using phytools one now.
# use regular upgma (or implemented with daisy and hclust) when nj or midpoint.root fail
phyclust$upgma <- tryCatch(phangorn::upgma(patristic_matrix), error = function(e) NA)
# if (is.null(phyclust$upgma)){ # case when we have missing data (NA) on patristic_matrix and regular upgma does not work; e.g. clade thraupidae SDM.results have missing data, and upgma chokes
phyclust$upgma_daisy <- tryCatch(
# using daisy to calculate dissimilarity matrix instead of as.dist (which is used in phangorn::upgma) when there are NAs in the matrix; agnes does not work with NAs either.
patristic_matrix <- patristic_matrix * 0.5 # doing this because it's giving ages that are too old, so it must be taking total distance
DD <- cluster::daisy(x = patristic_matrix, metric = "euclidean")
hc <- stats::hclust(DD, method = "average") # original clustering method from phangorn::upgma. Using agnes() instead hclust() to cluster gives the same result.
phy <- ape::as.phylo(hc)
phy <- phylobase::reorder(phy, "postorder")
error = function(e) NA
# }
phyclust$bionj <- tryCatch(ape::bionj(patristic_matrix), error = function(e) NA)
# if (is.null(phyclust$bionj)){ # case when we have missing data (NA) on patristic_matrix and regular nj does not work; e.g. clade thraupidae SDM.results have missing data, and upgma chokes
# njs appears to be the only option for missing data with NJ
# but see Criscuolo and Gascuel. 2008. Fast NJ-like algorithms to deal with incomplete distance matrices. BMC Bioinformatics 9:166
phyclust$bionjs <- tryCatch(ape::bionjs(patristic_matrix), error = function(e) NA)
if (inherits(phyclust$bionjs, "phylo")) {
phyclust$bionjs <- tryCatch(phytools::midpoint.root(phyclust$bionjs),
error = function(e) NA
# } else {
if (inherits(phyclust$bionj, "phylo")) {
phyclust$bionj <- tryCatch(phytools::midpoint.root(phyclust$bionj),
error = function(e) NA
phyclust$triangMtd <- tryCatch(ape::triangMtd(patristic_matrix), error = function(e) NA)
# if (is.null(phyclust$triangMtd)){ # case when we have missing data (NA) on patristic_matrix and regular nj does not work; e.g. clade thraupidae SDM.results have missing data, and upgma chokes
# njs appears to be the only option for missing data with NJ
# but see Criscuolo and Gascuel. 2008. Fast NJ-like algorithms to deal with incomplete distance matrices. BMC Bioinformatics 9:166
phyclust$triangMtds <- tryCatch(ape::triangMtds(patristic_matrix), error = function(e) NA)
if (inherits(phyclust$triangMtds, "phylo")) {
phyclust$triangMtds <- tryCatch(phytools::midpoint.root(phyclust$triangMtds),
error = function(e) NA
# } else {
if (inherits(phyclust$triangMtd, "phylo")) {
phyclust$triangMtd <- tryCatch(phytools::midpoint.root(phyclust$triangMtd),
error = function(e) NA
if (inherits(variance_matrix, "matrix")) {
# not possible to use the version for complete matrices, how to fill a variance matrix with missing values? I tried filling it with 0s and it runs but the output trees are network like...
phyclust$mvrs <- tryCatch(ape::mvrs(patristic_matrix, variance_matrix), error = function(e) NA)
if (inherits(phyclust$mvrs, "phylo")) {
if (any(is.na(phyclust$mvrs$edge.length))) {
phyclust$mvrs <- NA
#' Choose an ultrametric phylo object from [cluster_patristicmatrix()] obtained
#' with a particular clustering method, or the next best tree.
#' If there are no ultrametric trees, it does not force them to be ultrametric.
#' @inheritParams patristic_matrix_to_phylo
#' @param phycluster An output from [cluster_patristicmatrix()]
#' @return A `phylo` object or `NA`.
#' @export
choose_cluster <- function(phycluster, clustering_method = "nj") {
if (!mode(phycluster) %in% "list") {
message("phycluster argument is not a list; check that out.")
# Choose between nj, njs, upgma or upgma_daisy only for now.
# keep <- match(c("nj", "njs", "upgma", "upgma_daisy"), names(phycluster))
# phycluster <- phycluster[keep]
phy_return <- NA
if (length(phycluster) == 0) {
message("phycluster argument is length 0")
if (inherits(phycluster, "phylo")) { # it is a tree of two tips
} else { # it is a list of results from cluster_patristicmatrix
fail <- sapply(phycluster, function(x) !inherits(x, "phylo"))
if (all(fail)) {
message("The patristic matrix could not be transformed into a tree with any of the default methods (NJ, UPGMA)")
phycluster <- phycluster[!fail] # take out the fails or unattempted from cluster_patristicmatrix
if (length(phycluster) == 1) {
phy <- phycluster[[1]]
phy$clustering_method <- names(phycluster)
# if(!ape::is.ultrametric(phy)){
# phy$edge.length.original <- phy$edge.length
# phy <- phytools::force.ultrametric(tree = phy, method = "extend")
# phy$force.ultrametric <- "extend"
# }
} else {
ultram <- sapply(phycluster, ape::is.ultrametric)
ultram2 <- sapply(phycluster, ape::is.ultrametric, 2)
if (length(ultram) == 0 & length(ultram2) == 0) {
message(paste("The patristic matrix could not be transformed into an ultrametric tree with any of the default methods:", toupper(names(phycluster))))
# return(NA)
choice <- grepl(clustering_method, names(phycluster)) # choice can only be one
ff <- which(choice & ultram) # if the chosen method gives an ultrametric tree
if (length(ff) != 0) {
ff <- ff[1]
phy <- phycluster[[ff]]
phy$clustering_method <- names(phycluster)[ff]
ff <- which(!choice & ultram) # if not, take the not chosen but ultrametric
if (length(ff) != 0) {
ff <- ff[1]
phy <- phycluster[[ff]]
phy$clustering_method <- names(phycluster)[ff]
ff <- which(choice & ultram2) # if not, take the chosen one but less ultrametric
if (length(ff) != 0) {
ff <- ff[1]
phy <- phycluster[[ff]]
# phy$edge.length.original <- phy$edge.length
# phy <- phytools::force.ultrametric(tree = phy, method = "extend")
# phy$force.ultrametric <- "extend"
phy$clustering_method <- names(phycluster)[ff]
ff <- which(!choice & ultram2) # if not, take the not chosen one but less ultrametric
if (length(ff) != 1) {
ff <- ff[1]
phy <- phycluster[[ff]]
# phy$edge.length.original <- phy$edge.length
# phy <- phytools::force.ultrametric(tree = phy, method = "extend")
# phy$force.ultrametric <- "extend"
phy$clustering_method <- names(phycluster)[ff]
#' Go from a summary matrix to an ultrametric `phylo` object.
#' @param summ_matrix Any summary patristic distance matrix, such as the ones obtained with [datelife_result_sdm_matrix()] or [datelife_result_median_matrix()].
#' @inheritParams get_taxon_summary
#' @param total_distance Whether the input `summ_matrix` stores total age distance
#' (from tip to tip) or distance from node to tip. Default to `TRUE`,
#' divides the matrix in half, if `FALSE` it will take it as is.
#' @param use A character vector indicating what type of age to use for summary tree.
#' One of the following:
#' \describe{
#' \item{"mean"}{It will use the [mean()] of the node ages in `summ_matrix`.}
#' \item{"median"}{It uses the [stats::median()] age of node ages in `summ_matrix`.}
#' \item{"min"}{It will use the [min()] age from node ages in `summ_matrix`.}
#' \item{"max"}{Choose this if you wanna be conservative; it will use the [max()]
#' age from node ages in `summ_matrix`.}
#' \item{"midpoint"}{It will use the mean of minimum age and maximum age.}
#' }
#' @param target_tree A `phylo` object. Use this in case you want a specific
#' backbone for the output tree.
#' @inheritDotParams summary_matrix_to_phylo_all
#' @return An ultrametric phylo object.
#' @details It can take a regular patristic distance matrix, but there are simpler
#' methods for that implemented in [patristic_matrix_to_phylo()].
#' @export
# #' @examples
# #' summary_matrix_to_phylo(summ_matrix, use = "median")
summary_matrix_to_phylo <- function(summ_matrix,
datelife_query = NULL,
target_tree = NULL,
total_distance = TRUE,
use = "mean",
...) {
# enhance: add other dating methods, besides bladj.
use <- match.arg(use, c("midpoint", "mean", "median", "min", "max"))
all_trees <- summary_matrix_to_phylo_all(summ_matrix = summ_matrix,
datelife_query = datelife_query,
target_tree = target_tree,
total_distance = total_distance)
# add info to return object, and return
if ("min" %in% use) {
new_phy <- all_trees$min
if ("max" %in% use) {
new_phy <- all_trees$max
if ("mean" %in% use) {
new_phy <- all_trees$mean
if ("median" %in% use) {
new_phy <- all_trees$median
if ("midpoint" %in% use) {
new_phy <- all_trees$midpoint
new_phy$calibration_distribution <- attributes(all_trees)$node_age_distributions
if (is.null(new_phy$clustering_method)) {
new_phy$clustering_method <- NULL
if (inherits(target_tree, "phylo")) {
if (!is.null(target_tree$ott_ids) & is.null(new_phy$ott_ids)) {
tt <- match(new_phy$tip.label, target_tree$tip.label)
# match(c("a", "b", "c", "d"), c("c", "d", "a", "a", "a", "b"))
new_phy$ott_ids <- target_tree$ott_ids[tt]
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