
Defines functions read.vois read.contours.dicom write.contours read.contours add.colours.contours sanitize.contours volume.contours get.contours.gate.plan get.contours.plankit.plan get.contours.list get.contours add.vois create.vois.from.logical.array create.vois is.in.voi get.subset.vois get.voi.logical get.vois get.voiindex

Documented in add.colours.contours add.vois create.vois create.vois.from.logical.array get.contours get.subset.vois get.voiindex get.voi.logical get.vois is.in.voi read.contours read.contours.dicom read.vois sanitize.contours volume.contours write.contours

# VOIS -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Get the VOI index
#' Get the VOI index from the contours file
#' @param voi the VOI name.
#' @param contours a contours object (data frame).
#' @param file.contours the contours file.
#' @return the VOI index
#' @family VOIs
#' @export
get.voiindex <- function(voi, file.contours=NULL, contours=NULL)
  if(!is.null(contours)) {
    v <- unique(contours$id[contours$contour==voi])
    if(length(v)==0) {stop('selected voi not present in contours.')} else {return(v)}
  else if(!is.null(file.contours)) {
    # header
    file.con <- file(file.contours, "rb") # read binary
    myline <- readLines(file.con, n=1)
    myline.splitted <- unlist(strsplit(myline[1], ' +'))
    Nc <- as.numeric(myline.splitted[1])
    con.names <- myline.splitted[2:length(myline.splitted)]
    # splitta tessuto+modello
    con <- tis <- con.names
    Nc <- length(con.names)
    con.name <- strsplit(con.names, '_', fixed=TRUE)
    for (i in 1:Nc) {
      con[i] <- unlist(con.name[i])[1]
      tis[i] <- unlist(con.name[i])[2]
    v <- which(con==voi)

#' Get VOIs from plan
#' Get the VOIs (\code{vois} object) from a \code{plan} object.
#' The \code{vois} object is similar (but different) to the values object.
#' @param plan The \code{plan} object or a list of plan objects.
#' @param input Return the input vois (if exists).
#' @return the \code{vois} object (or a list of vois objects); The vois object is a list consisting of
#' \item{values}{3D "character" array (logical strings such as "10010110")}
#' \item{vois}{vector of VOI names}
#' \item{x}{vector of x coordinates}
#' \item{y}{vector of y coordinates}
#' \item{z}{vector of z coordinates}
#' \item{Nx}{number of voxels along x}
#' \item{Ny}{number of voxels along y}
#' \item{Nz}{number of voxels along z}
#' \item{Nv}{number of VOIs}
#' \item{file}{reference file}
#' @family VOIs
#' @export
get.vois <- function(plan, input=FALSE)
  # lista di piani
  if(class(plan)=='list') {
    vois <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(plan)) {
      vois[[i]] <- get.vois(plan[[i]])
  # singolo piano
  else if(!is.null(plan[['vois']])) {
  } else {
    if(input) {vois.file <- plan[['inputVoisFile']]}
    else {vois.file <- plan[['outputVoisFile']]}
    if(is.null(vois.file)) {
      stop('vois object not present')
    } else {

#' Evaluate VOI logical matrix
#' Evaluate a boolean 3D array representing the volumetric occupancy of a specific VOI.
#' @param vois the \code{vois} object
#' @param voi the name of the VOI
#' @param Nv number of values (optional). This is used to produce a 4D array to account to variable multiplicity in the voxels (to be used directly with values objects with multiple variables)
#' @return boolean array representing the volumetric occupancy of a specific VOI.
#' @family VOIs
#' @export
get.voi.logical <- function(vois, voi, Nv=NULL) {
  # indice VOI
  #if(is.null(voi)) {cat('No VOI...\n'); return(0)}
  v <- which(vois$vois==voi)
  if(is.null(Nv)) {
    return(array(substr(vois$values, v, v)=='1', dim=c(vois$Nx, vois$Ny, vois$Nz)))
  } else {
    return(array(rep(substr(vois$values, v, v)=='1', each=Nv), dim=c(Nv, vois$Nx, vois$Ny, vois$Nz)))

#' Get a subset of a  \code{vois} object.
#' @param values the \code{vois} object
#' @param xlim,ylim,zlim The ranges of the subset coordinates.
#' @family VOIs
#' @export
get.subset.vois <- function(vois, xlim=c(-Inf,Inf), ylim=c(-Inf,Inf), zlim=c(-Inf,Inf))
  # estrai range
  xlim[1] <- max(min(vois$x), xlim[1]); xlim[2] <- min(max(vois$x), xlim[2])
  ylim[1] <- max(min(vois$y), ylim[1]); ylim[2] <- min(max(vois$y), ylim[2])
  zlim[1] <- max(min(vois$z), zlim[1]); zlim[2] <- min(max(vois$z), zlim[2])
  ix.min <- max(which(vois$x<xlim[1]), 1); ix.max <- min(which(vois$x>xlim[2]), vois$Nx); # print(c(ix.min,ix.max))
  iy.min <- max(which(vois$y<ylim[1]), 1); iy.max <- min(which(vois$y>ylim[2]), vois$Ny)
  iz.min <- max(which(vois$z<zlim[1]), 1); iz.max <- min(which(vois$z>zlim[2]), vois$Nz)
  x <- vois$x[ix.min:ix.max]
  y <- vois$x[iy.min:iy.max]
  z <- vois$z[iz.min:iz.max]

  array.v <- vois$values[ix.min:ix.max,iy.min:iy.max,iz.min:iz.max]
  return(list(values = array.v, vois = vois$vois, x=x, y=y, z=z, Nx=length(x), Ny=length(y), Nz=length(z)))

#' Check if point(s) is(are) inside a VOI
#' @param x,y,z coordinate(s) of the point(s).
#' @param contours Contours object.
#' @param voi The VOI name.
#' @return A logical vector.
#' @family VOIs
#' @export
is.in.voi <- function(x, y, z, contours, voi, progressbar=FALSE)
  # seleziona voi ed identifica z
  zs.all <- sort(unique(contours$z)); dz <- mean(diff(zs.all)); zlim <- range(zs.all) + c(-dz,dz)/2
  contours <- subset(contours, contour==voi)
  if(nrow(contours)==0) {stop('voi ', voi, ' not present in contours')}
  zs <- sort(unique(contours$z))
  xlim <- range(contours$x)
  ylim <- range(contours$y)
  # rimuove punti out-of-box
  index.in <- (x>xlim[1]) & (x<xlim[2]) & (y>ylim[1]) & (y<ylim[2]) & (z>zlim[1]) & (z<zlim[2])
  x.in <- x[index.in]
  y.in <- y[index.in]
  z.in <- z[index.in]

  Np <- length(x.in)
  if(Np==0) return(rep(FALSE, length(x)))
  #print(xlim); print(ylim); print(zlim)
  message('evaluating ', Np, ' points of ', length(x), '...')
  inside <- rep(FALSE, Np)
  if(progressbar) {pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = Np, style = 3)}
  for(ip in 1:Np) {
    if(progressbar) {setTxtProgressBar(pb, ip)}
    # check out-of-box
    #if((x[ip]<xlim[1]) | (x[ip]>xlim[2]) | (y[ip]<ylim[1]) | (y[ip]>ylim[2]) | (z[ip]>zlim[2]) | (z[ip]<zlim[1])) {next}
    # check su z
    zp <- zs.all[ abs(z.in[ip]-zs.all) ==  min(abs(z.in[ip]-zs.all)) ]
    if( sum((zp %in% zs))==0 ) {next}
    # check su x,y
    zp <- zp[zp %in% zs][1]
    contours.z <- subset(contours, z==zp)
    x1 <- contours.z$x; x2 <- c(contours.z$x[2:(length(contours.z$x))], contours.z$x[1]) # segmenti
    y1 <- contours.z$y; y2 <- c(contours.z$y[2:(length(contours.z$y))], contours.z$y[1])
    # elimina segmenti verticali
    index.x.ok <- x1 != x2
    x1 <- x1[index.x.ok]
    x2 <- x2[index.x.ok]
    y1 <- y1[index.x.ok]
    y2 <- y2[index.x.ok]
    # identifica y0 sui segmenti
    y0 <- (y2-y1)*(x1-x.in[ip])/(x1-x2) + y1
    intersezioni <- (y.in[ip]<=y0) &
      ( (x.in[ip]>=x1 & x.in[ip]<=x2) | (x.in[ip]<=x1 & x.in[ip]>=x2))
    if( (sum(intersezioni) %% 2)>0 ) {inside[ip] <- TRUE}
    #if( sum(intersezioni)>1 ) {    print(intersezioni);stop()}
  if(progressbar) {close(pb)}
  inside.all <- rep(FALSE, length(x))
  inside.all[index.in] <- inside

#' Create a VOIS object from a contours object
#' @param contours The contours object.
#' @param x,y,z The coordinates of the x,y,z axes for the VOIS 3D grid.
#' @param vois Vois names vector. Optionally it is possible to specificy a specific set of vois to use.
#' @return a VOIS object.
#' @family VOIs
#' @export
create.vois <- function(contours, x, y, z, vois=NULL) {

  if(is.null(vois)) {vois <- unique(contours$contour)}
  else {vois <- vois[which(vois %in% unique(contours$contour))]}
  xyz <- expand.grid(list(x=x, y=y, z=z))
  Nv <- length(vois)
  for(iv in 1:Nv) {
    message('creating vois for ', vois[iv], ' ...')
    voi.logical <- is.in.voi(x = xyz$x, y = xyz$y, z = xyz$z, contours = contours, voi = vois[iv], progressbar = TRUE)
    voi.logical.char <- rep('0', nrow(xyz))
    voi.logical.char[voi.logical] <- '1'
    if(iv==1) {
      vois.logical.char.all <- voi.logical.char
    } else {
      vois.logical.char.all <- paste0(vois.logical.char.all, voi.logical.char)
  # dimensioni giuste
  dim(vois.logical.char.all) <- c(length(x), length(y), length(z))
  return(list(values=vois.logical.char.all, vois=vois, x=x, y=y, z=z, Nx=length(x), Ny=length(y), Nz=length(z)))

#' Create a VOIS object from a logical array
#' @param logical.array The logical array (TRUE -> the voi is present in the voxel.
#' @param x,y,z The coordinates of the x,y,z axes for the VOIS 3D grid.
#' @param voi the VOI name.
#' @return a VOIS object.
#' @family VOIs
#' @export
create.vois.from.logical.array <- function(logical.array, x, y, z, voi) {
  xyz <- expand.grid(list(x=x, y=y, z=z))
  message('creating vois for ', voi, ' ...')
  vois.logical.char <- rep('0', nrow(xyz))
  vois.logical.char[logical.array] <- '1'
  # dimensioni giuste
  dim(vois.logical.char) <- c(length(x), length(y), length(z))
  return(list(values=vois.logical.char, vois=voi, x=x, y=y, z=z, Nx=length(x), Ny=length(y), Nz=length(z)))

#' Combine 2 existing VOIS object into one
#' @param vois,vois.new the VOIS objects to be combined.
#' @return a VOIS object.
#' @family VOIs
#' @export
add.vois <- function(vois, vois.new)
  if(!any(vois$x==vois.new$x) | !any(vois$y==vois.new$y) | !any(vois$z==vois.new$z)) {
    stop('vois dimensions not congruent.')
  if(any(vois$vois == vois.new$vois)) {
    stop('Some vois already present.')
  vois.logical.char <- vois$values
  vois.logical.char.new <- vois.new$values
  vois.logical.char.all <- paste0(vois.logical.char, vois.logical.char.new)
  dim(vois.logical.char) <- c(length(vois$x), length(vois$y), length(vois$z))
  return(list(values=vois.logical.char.all, vois=c(vois$vois, vois.new$vois), x=vois$x, y=vois$y, z=vois$z, Nx=vois$Nx, Ny=vois$Ny, Nz=vois$Nz))

# CONTOURS ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Get contours from plan
#' Get the contours dataframe from the \code{plan} object.
#' @param plan the \code{plan} object. It can be a list of plans.
#' @return A \code{contours} dataframe (or a list of dataframes) consisting of:
#' \item{id}{index of the contours}
#' \item{polygon}{index of the polygon}
#' \item{slice}{index of the slice}
#' \item{x,y,z}{x,y,z coordinates}
#' \item{contour}{contour (VOI) name}
#' \item{tissue}{tissue+biological model name}
#' \item{type}{contour type (target, OAR, etc.)}
#' @family Contours
#' @export
get.contours <- function(plan) UseMethod('get.contours')

#' @family Contours
#' @export
get.contours.list <- function(plans) {
  contours <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(plans)) {
    contours[[i]] <- get.contours(plans[[i]])

#' @family Contours
#' @export
get.contours.plankit.plan <- function(plan) {
  # prende direttamente data.frame contours se presente in plan
  if(!is.null(plan[['contours']])) return(plan[['contours']])
  # recupera informazioni da plan
  file.CT <- plan$ctFile
  file.contours <- plan$contoursFile
  targets <- plan$fields$targetVOIIndex
  return(read.contours(file.contours = file.contours, file.CT = file.CT))

get.contours.gate.plan <- function(plan) {
  if(is.null(plan$contours)) {
    message('Contours not present in Gate plan')

#' Evaluate volume from contours
#' Evaluate the volume defined by its contours.
#' @param contours the contours dataframe
#' @param voi the voi(s). If it is not specified, the volume of all VOIs is evaluated (optional)
#' @export
#' @importFrom splancs areapl
#' @family Contours
volume.contours <- function(contours, voi=NULL)
  # rimuovi eventuali NA
  contours <- subset(contours, !is.na(z))
  # selezione vois
  if(is.null(voi)) {voi <- unique(contours$contour)}
  N.voi <- length(voi)
  for(i in 1:N.voi) {
    cont.voi <- subset(contours, contour==voi[i])
    zs <- unique(cont.voi$z)
    dzs <- diff(points2intervals(zs))
    volume <- 0
    for(j in 1:length(zs)) {
      cont.voi.zs <- subset(cont.voi, z==zs[j])
      x <- cont.voi.zs$x
      y <- cont.voi.zs$y
      pol <- cbind(x,y)
      volume <- volume + areapl(pol)
    volume.df.tmp <-  data.frame(contour=voi[i], volume=volume)
    if(i==1) {
      volume.df <- volume.df.tmp
    } else {
      volume.df <- rbind(volume.df, volume.df.tmp)

#' Correct consistency of contours
#' Check and correct the consistency of a contours object (such as not uniform and/or ordered polygon numbering, negative index, etc.)
#' @param contours the contours dataframe
#' @export
#' @family Contours
sanitize.contours <- function(contours) {
  # uniformizza id
  ids <- sort(unique(contours$id))
  contours$id <- sapply(contours$id, function(v) which(v==ids)-1)
  # ordina
  contours <- contours[with(contours, order(id)), ]
  # ciclo sui voi
  for(iid in 1:length(ids)) {
    contour.name <- unique(contours$contour[contours$id==(iid-1)])
    message('sanitizing contour: ', contour.name)
    contours.voi <- subset(contours, contour==contour.name)
    # uniformizza poligoni
    polygons <- sort(unique(contours.voi$polygon))
    contours.voi$polygon <- sapply(contours.voi$polygon, function(v) which(v==polygons)-1)
    if(iid==1) {cc <- contours.voi} else {cc <- rbind(cc, contours.voi)}
  # check corrispondenza z <-> slice rispetto alla CT (DA FARE!)

#' Add color definitions to contours
#' Colours will be added using the "raimbow" colour selection and will be stored in a new "display.colour" column of the dataframe.
#' @param contours the contours dataframe.
#' @return contours dataframe with colour definition for each contour.
#' @export
#' @family Contours
add.colours.contours <- function(contours)
  contorni <- as.character(unique(contours$contour))
  colori <- rainbow(length(contorni))
  names(colori) <- contorni
  contours$display.color <- colori[as.character(contours$contour)]


# R/W CONTOURS -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Read contours from file
#' Read the contours from a "*.contours" file format (PlanKIT format) and return a \code{contours} dataframe.
#' @param file.contours the name of the contours file
#' @param file.CT the name of the CT file. The CT file (in PlanKIT format) is needed to properly reconstruc the 3D coordinates of the contours (alternatively to CT and z.CT)
#' @param CT the CT object (alternatively to file.CT and z.CT)
#' @param z.CT a vector for the z coordinates of the slices of the reference CT (alternatively to file.CT and CT)
#' @return A \code{contours} dataframe consisting of:
#' \item{id}{index of the contours}
#' \item{polygon}{index of the polygon}
#' \item{slice}{index of the slice}
#' \item{x,y,z}{x,y,z coordinates}
#' \item{contour}{contour (VOI) name}
#' \item{tissue}{tissue+biological model name}
#' \item{type}{contour type (target, OAR, etc.)}
#' @family R/W Contours
#' @export
read.contours <- function(file.contours, file.CT=NULL, CT=NULL, z.CT=NULL) {
  z <- NULL
  if(!is.null(z.CT)) {
    message('using z from z.CT...')
    z <- z.CT
  } else if(!is.null(CT)) {
    message('using z from CT...')
    z <- CT$z
  } else if(!is.null(file.CT)){
    message('using z from ', file.CT, '...')
    # leggi header CT
    cat('reading contours: ', file.contours, ', ', file.CT, '\n', sep='')
    # apri connessione
    file.3d <- file(file.CT, "rb") # read binary
    # leggi l'header
    cat('reading header CT...\n')
    myline <- readLines(file.3d, n=8) # legge le prime 8 linee, ogni linea e' un elemento del vettore
    # parsing dell'header
    # splitta la stringa in sottostringhe delimitate da uno o piu' spazi (regexpr: " +")
    myline.splitted <- unlist(strsplit(myline[1], ' +'))
    Nx <- as.numeric(myline.splitted[1])
    myline.splitted <- unlist(strsplit(myline[2], ' +'))
    x <- as.numeric(myline.splitted)
    myline.splitted <- unlist(strsplit(myline[3], ' +'))
    Ny <- as.numeric(myline.splitted[1])
    myline.splitted <- unlist(strsplit(myline[4], ' +'))
    y <- as.numeric(myline.splitted)
    myline.splitted <- unlist(strsplit(myline[5], ' +'))
    Nz <- as.numeric(myline.splitted[1])
    myline.splitted <- unlist(strsplit(myline[6], ' +'))
    z <- as.numeric(myline.splitted)
    myline.splitted <- unlist(strsplit(myline[7], ' +'))
    Nv <- as.numeric(myline.splitted[1])
    values <- myline.splitted[2:length(myline.splitted)]
    Ntot <- Nx * Ny * Nz * Nv
    cat('number of voxels:', Nv, 'x', Nx, 'x', Ny, 'x', Nz, '=', Ntot, '\n')
    cat('variables:', values, '\n')
    # trasforma intervalli in coordinate puntuali
    x <- (x[1:Nx] + x[2:(Nx+1)])/2
    y <- (y[1:Ny] + y[2:(Ny+1)])/2
    z <- (z[1:Nz] + z[2:(Nz+1)])/2
  if(is.null(z)) {stop('No z coordinates for contours')}
  # legge contorni
  cat('reading contours...\n')
  # header
  file.con <- file(file.contours, "rb") # read binary
  myline <- readLines(file.con, n=1)
  myline.splitted <- unlist(strsplit(myline[1], ' +'))
  Nc <- as.numeric(myline.splitted[1])
  con.names <- myline.splitted[2:length(myline.splitted)]
  # body
  contours.ct <- read.table(file.contours, skip=1)
  names(contours.ct) <- c('id', 'polygon', 'slice', 'x', 'y')
  # check per inconsistenze nella tabella
  i.wrong <- which(contours.ct$slice <0) # indici di punti "strani"
  Nwrong <- length(i.wrong)
  if(Nwrong>0) {
    warning('warning: unusual data in contours file... removing them.')
    contours.ct <- contours.ct[-i.wrong,]
  contours.ct$z <- (sapply(contours.ct$slice, function(v) z[v+1]))
  contours.ct$contour <- factor(sapply(contours.ct$id, function(v) con.names[v+1]), levels=con.names)
  # identifica tessuto+modello
  con.names <- levels(contours.ct$contour)
  con <- tis <- con.names
  Nc <- length(con.names)
  con.name <- strsplit(con.names, '_', fixed=TRUE)
  for (i in 1:Nc) {
    con[i] <- unlist(con.name[i])[1]
    tis[i] <- unlist(con.name[i])[2]
  levels(contours.ct$contour) <- con
  contours.ct$tissue <- contours.ct$contour
  levels(contours.ct$tissue) <- tis
  # identifica target
  contours.ct$type <- 'VOI/OAR'
  contours.ct$type[substr(contours.ct$contour,1,3) %in% 'PTV'] <- 'PTV'
  contours.ct$type <- contours.ct$type
  # trasforma fattori in strings
  contours.ct$contour <- as.character(contours.ct$contour)
  contours.ct$tissue <- as.character(contours.ct$tissue)

#' Save contours
#' Save the \code{contours} dataframe in a file with PlanKIT format ("*.contours")
#' @param contours the \code{contours} dataframe
#' @param name the name of the file (the contours will be saved in \code{<name>.contours})
#' @family R/W Contours
#' @export
write.contours <- function(contours, name)
  numberOfvois <- length(unique(contours$id))
  vois <- unique(paste(contours$contour, contours$tissue, sep='_'))
  con <- file(paste(name, '.contours', sep=''), "w") # open for writing in text mode
  writeLines(paste(numberOfvois, " "), con=con, sep='')
  writeLines(paste(vois, collapse=' '), con=con, sep='')
  writeLines('\n', con=con, sep='')
  write.table(contours[c('id', 'polygon', 'slice', 'x', 'y')],
              file=paste0(name, '.contours'),
              col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE)
  message('contours saved in file ', paste0(name, '.contours'))

#' Read contours from DICOM file
#' Read the contours from a DICOM file and return a \code{contours} data frame. The CT data is also mandatory
#' to identify the slice for each contour polygon. The CT data can be specified with one of the following:
#' folder.CT.dicom, CT or z.CT. z.CT has precendence to CT that has precendence to folder.CT.dicom.
#' @param file.contours.dicom the name of the contours file
#' @param folder.CT.dicom the name of the DICOM CT folder. The CT is needed to properly identify the slice for each contour polygon.
#' @param CT the CT object (alternative to folder.CT.dicom and z.CT)
#' @param z.CT a vector for the z coordinates of the slices of the reference CT (alternative to folder.CT.dicom and CT)
#' @return A \code{contours} dataframe consisting of:
#' \item{id}{index of the contours}
#' \item{polygon}{index of the polygon}
#' \item{slice}{index of the slice}
#' \item{x,y,z}{x,y,z coordinates}
#' \item{contour}{contour (VOI) name}
#' \item{tissue}{tissue+biological model name}
#' \item{type}{contour type (target, OAR, etc.)}
#' \item{colour}{the hex specification of the colour associated to the contour.}
#' @family R/W Contours
#' @export
read.contours.dicom <- function(file.contours.dicom, folder.CT.dicom=NULL, CT=NULL, z.CT=NULL, tissue='R3PIDEd0.2v0+MKM') {
  # CT data
  x_verspr <- y_versor <- 1
  if(is.null(z.CT)) {
    if(is.null(CT)) {
      CT <- read.3d.dicom(folder.CT.dicom, recursive=FALSE)
    z.CT <- CT$z
  # SS data
  header <- header2list(file = file.contours.dicom)
  message('creating contours data frame...')
  structureSetItems <- names(header[['StructureSetROISequence']])
  RTROIObservationsItems <- names(header[['RTROIObservationsSequence']])
  if (length(structureSetItems) != length(RTROIObservationsItems)) stop('VOI and observations not equal!')
  VOINumber <- VOIName <- VOIInterpretation <- contours <- NULL
  for(i in 1:length(structureSetItems)) {
    structureSetItem <- header[['StructureSetROISequence']][[structureSetItems[i]]]
    VOINumber[i] <- structureSetItem[['ROINumber']]
    VOIName[i] <- structureSetItem[['ROIName']]
    VOIInterpretation[i] = header[['RTROIObservationsSequence']][[RTROIObservationsItems[i]]][['RTROIInterpretedType']]
  ROIContourItems <- names(header[['ROIContourSequence']])
  validContours <- rep(TRUE, length(ROIContourItems))
  for(n in 1:length(ROIContourItems)) {
    ROIContourItem <- header[['ROIContourSequence']][[ROIContourItems[n]]]
    refVOINumber = ROIContourItem[['ReferencedROINumber']]
    voiIndex <- which(VOINumber == refVOINumber)
    if( length(voiIndex) == 0 ) stop('contour index not present among VOI indices')
    contourItems <- names(ROIContourItem[['ContourSequence']]);
    for (p in 1:length(contourItems)) {
      contourItem <- ROIContourItem[['ContourSequence']][[contourItems[p]]]
      if ((contourItem[['ContourGeometricType']] != 'CLOSED_PLANAR') & (contourItem[['ContourGeometricType']] != 'POINT')) stop('Non closed planar contour')
      coordinates <- t(array(contourItem[['ContourData']], dim = c(3,length(contourItem[['ContourData']])/3)))
      z <- unique(coordinates[,3]) # deve essere uno solo in quanto "CLOSED_PLANAR"
      if(length(z)>1) stop(VOIName[voiIndex], ' not planar contour: z = ', z) # ma se il piano non รจ ortogonale a z...
      slice <- which(!(z <= z.CT | z > z.CT))
      if (length(slice) == 0) slice <- NA
      RGB <- ROIContourItem[['ROIDisplayColor']]
      colour <- rgb(RGB[1], RGB[2], RGB[3], maxColorValue = 255)
      contours.tmp <- data.frame(id=voiIndex, polygon=p, slice=slice,
                                 x=coordinates[,1], y=coordinates[,2], z=coordinates[,3],
                                 contour=VOIName[voiIndex], tissue=tissue, type=VOIInterpretation[voiIndex],
      contours <- rbind(contours, contours.tmp)

# R/W VOIS ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Read VOIs from file
#' Read the VOIS from a file (VOIs *.3d PlanKIT format) and return a \code{vois} object.
#' @param file.name the file name
#' @param x.min,x.max,y.min,y.max,z.min,z.max load only the volume inside the specified ranges (optinal)
#' @return The \code{vois} object
#' @family R/W VOIs
#' @export
read.vois <- function(file.name,
                            x.min=-Inf, x.max=+Inf,
                            y.min=-Inf, y.max=+Inf,
                            z.min=-Inf, z.max=+Inf)
  cat('Reading vois:', file.name, '\n')
  # apri connsessione
  file.3d <- file(file.name, "rb") # read binary
  # leggi l'header
  cat('Reading header...\n')
  myline <- readLines(file.3d, n=8) # legge le prime 8 linee, ogni linea e' un elemento del vettore
  # parsing dell'header
  # splitta la stringa in sottostringhe delimitate da uno o piu' spazi (regexpr: " +")
  myline.splitted <- unlist(strsplit(myline[1], ' +'))
  Nx <- as.numeric(myline.splitted[1])
  myline.splitted <- unlist(strsplit(myline[2], ' +'))
  x <- as.numeric(myline.splitted)
  myline.splitted <- unlist(strsplit(myline[3], ' +'))
  Ny <- as.numeric(myline.splitted[1])
  myline.splitted <- unlist(strsplit(myline[4], ' +'))
  y <- as.numeric(myline.splitted)
  myline.splitted <- unlist(strsplit(myline[5], ' +'))
  Nz <- as.numeric(myline.splitted[1])
  myline.splitted <- unlist(strsplit(myline[6], ' +'))
  z <- as.numeric(myline.splitted)
  myline.splitted <- unlist(strsplit(myline[7], ' +'))
  Nv <- as.numeric(myline.splitted[1])
  voi.names <- myline.splitted[2:length(myline.splitted)]
  Ntot <- Nx * Ny * Nz * Nv
  cat('Number of voxels:', Nv, 'x', Nx, 'x', Ny, 'x', Nz, '=', Ntot, '\n')
  cat('VOIs:', voi.names, '\n')
  # trasforma intervalli in coordinate puntuali
  x <- (x[1:Nx] + x[2:(Nx+1)])/2
  y <- (y[1:Ny] + y[2:(Ny+1)])/2
  z <- (z[1:Nz] + z[2:(Nz+1)])/2
  # crea e legge array
  cat('Reading VOIs data...\n')
  vois.3d <- array(readLines(file.3d), dim=c(Nx, Ny, Nz))
  # rimuove gli spazi
  vois.3d <- gsub(' ', '', vois.3d)
  # chiude file
  # selezione sottovolume
  cat('Selecting subvolume...\n')
  # trova estremi nelle coordinate disponibili
  xx.min <- min(x[x>=x.min])
  yy.min <- min(y[y>=y.min])
  zz.min <- min(z[z>=z.min])
  xx.max <- max(x[x<=x.max])
  yy.max <- max(y[y<=y.max])
  zz.max <- max(z[z<=z.max])
  i.min <- which(x==xx.min)
  j.min <- which(y==yy.min)
  k.min <- which(z==zz.min)
  i.max <- which(x==xx.max)
  j.max <- which(y==yy.max)
  k.max <- which(z==zz.max)
  cat('subvolume: (', xx.min, ', ', xx.max, ') ',
      '(', yy.min, ', ', yy.max, ') ',
      '(', zz.min, ', ', zz.max, ')\n', sep='')
  cat('indexes: (', i.min, ', ', i.max, ') ',
      '(', j.min, ', ', j.max, ') ',
      '(', k.min, ', ', k.max, ')\n', sep='')
  # seleziona sottoarray
  cat('dimensioni:' ,dim(vois.3d), '\n')
  vois.3d <- vois.3d[i.min:i.max, j.min:j.max, k.min:k.max]
  # trim delle coordinate
  x <- x[x>=xx.min & x<=xx.max]
  y <- y[y>=yy.min & y<=yy.max]
  z <- z[z>=zz.min & z<=zz.max]
  Nx <- length(x)
  Ny <- length(y)
  Nz <- length(z)
  # crea struttura array
  return(list(values=vois.3d, vois=voi.names, x=x, y=y, z=z, Nx=Nx, Ny=Ny, Nz=Nz, Nv=Nv, file=file.name))
planit-group/Rplanit documentation built on Dec. 5, 2022, 11:10 p.m.