## https://shenbaba.weebly.com/blog/how-to-use-the-pac-measure-in-consensus-clustering
## https://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.5075.8480
#' @export
get_optimal_cluster_count <- function(
x, # Matrix, usu. "pmm" object from 'get_expression_subset()'
channels = TRUE, # Vector of column names if not TRUE
max_k = 28,
seed = 666,
ConsensusClusterPlus... = list()
x <- x[, channels, drop = FALSE]
ConsensusClusterPlusArgs <- list(
d = as.matrix(x),
maxK = max_k, # Max limit for 'clusterAlg = "hc"' is 28
reps = 100,
pItem = 0.8,
pFeature = 1,
clusterAlg = "hc", distance = "pearson",
# clusterAlg = "km", distance = "euclidean",
title = "consensus-clusters",
innerLinkage = "complete",
seed = seed,
plot = NULL
ConsensusClusterPlusArgs <-
utils::modifyList(ConsensusClusterPlusArgs, ConsensusClusterPlus..., keep.null = TRUE)
ccp_res <- tryCatch({
do.call(ConsensusClusterPlus::ConsensusClusterPlus, ConsensusClusterPlusArgs)
}, error = function(e) { message("\nError: ", e$message); flush.console(); return (NULL) })
if (is.null(ccp_res))
return (NA_real_)
## PAC (proportion of ambiguous clustering) implementation
Kvec <- 2:max_k
x1 <- 0.1; x2 <- 0.9 # Threshold defining intermediate sub-interval
PAC <- rep(NA, length(Kvec))
names(PAC) <- paste0("K = ", Kvec) # 2:max_k
for (i in Kvec) {
M <- ccp_res[[i]]$consensusMatrix
Fn <- stats::ecdf(M[lower.tri(M)])
PAC[i - 1] <- Fn(x2) - Fn(x1)
## Optimal K value
optK <- Kvec[which.min(PAC)]
## Heavily borrowed from 'cytofkit:::FlowSOM_integrate2cytofkit()'
#' @export
simple_FlowSOM <- function(
flow_seed = NULL,
xdata <- as.matrix(xdata)
cat("Building SOM..."); utils::flush.console()
ord <- tryCatch({
map <- FlowSOM::SOM(xdata, silent = TRUE, ...)
cat(". Done.", fill = TRUE)
cat("Metaclustering to", k, "clusters..."); utils::flush.console()
metaClusters <- suppressMessages(FlowSOM::metaClustering_consensus(map$codes,
k = k, seed = flow_seed))
cat(". Done.", fill = TRUE)
cluster <- metaClusters[map$mapping[, 1]]
}, error = function(e) { message("\nError: ", e$message); flush.console(); return (NULL) })
if (is.null(ord)) {
cluster <- NULL
} else {
if (length(ord) != NROW(xdata)) {
message("\nError: FlowSOM failed.")
return (NULL)
cluster <- ord
return (cluster)
#' @export
make_clusters <- function(
x, # Matrix, usu. "pmm" object from 'get_expression_subset()'
method = c(
channels = TRUE, # Vector of column names if not TRUE
seed = 666,
## cytofkit
cytof_cluster... = list(), Rphenograph_k = 50,
## FlowSOM
FlowSOM_k = 40, estimate_cluster_count = TRUE,
## X-shift
VorteX_path = system.file("java/VorteX.jar", package = "flowpipe"),
num_nearest_neighbors = 40,
Xshift_command = "java -Xmx64G -cp \"%s\" standalone.Xshift -NUM_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS=%d",
importConfig... = list(),
tol = 1e-5
## This is necessary for using 'keystone::cordon()', because 1-arg version of 'match.arg()' fails -- TODO
method <- match.arg(method, formals(make_clusters)$method %>% eval)
x <- x[, channels, drop = FALSE]
cluster_id <- switch(method,
`FlowSOM` = (function() {
### Do FlowSOM clustering
if (estimate_cluster_count) {
opt_k <- get_optimal_cluster_count(x)
## 'get_optimal_cluster_count()' tends to fail for small data sets, so use minimum 'FlowSOM_k'
if (is.na(opt_k) || opt_k < FlowSOM_k)
FlowSOM_k <- max(opt_k, 3, na.rm = TRUE)
simple_FlowSOM(xdata = x, k = FlowSOM_k, flow_seed = seed)
`Xshift` = (function() {
### Do X-shift clustering
## For details v. file "X-shift_standalone_README.txt"
## X-shift default arguments
importConfigArgs <- list(
CLUSTERING_COLUMNS = paste(seq(NCOL(x)), collapse = ","),
QUANTILE = 0.95,
importConfigArgs <- utils::modifyList(importConfigArgs, importConfig..., keep.null = TRUE)
## N.B. Change this to a package file in directory "extdata" when the time comes:
ic <- readLines(system.file("templates/importConfig.txt", package = "flowpipe"))
ic <<- stringr::str_replace_all(ic, paste0("%", a, "%"), importConfigArgs[[a]] %>%
## Set up a temporary workspace
d <- tempdir(check = TRUE) %>% normalizePath(winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
p <- tempfile(tmpdir = d, fileext = ".fcs") %>% normalizePath(winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
## N.B. "Output is written into an automatically created subdir within the current directory named 'out'."
o <- paste(d, "out", sep = "/")
## Create temporary files
p1 <- flowCore::write.FCS(flowCore::flowFrame(as.matrix(x)), p)
writeLines(ic, paste(d, "importConfig.txt", sep = "/"))
writeLines(normalizePath(p1, mustWork = FALSE), paste(d, "fcsFileList.txt", sep = "/"))
XshiftCommand <- sprintf(Xshift_command, normalizePath(VorteX_path, mustWork = FALSE),
currentWorkingDir <- getwd()
#if (!dir.exists(o)) dir.create(o, recursive = TRUE) # Make sure output directory exists
XshiftOutput <- system(XshiftCommand, intern = TRUE)
## On clustering failure, return single cluster
#if (!file.exists(paste(o, basename(p1), sep = "/"))) browser()
if (is.null(attr(XshiftOutput, "status"))) {
xx <- flowCore::read.FCS(paste(o, basename(p1), sep = "/"))
## Are the original & X-shift expression matrices the same except for some tolerance?
if (!(dplyr::near(flowCore::exprs(xx)[, seq(NCOL(xx) - 1)], x, tol = tol) %>% all))
warning("Input & X-Shift expression matrices don't match within tolerance")
cluster_id <- flowCore::exprs(xx)[, "cluster_id"]
## This can be plotted;
## Examples here: rstudio-pubs-static.s3.amazonaws.com/362044_903076131972463e8fdfcc00885fc9a6.html
cluster_graph <- igraph::read.graph(paste(o, "mst.gml", sep = "/"), format = c("gml"))
} else { # Clustering failed
cluster_id <- rep(0, NROW(x))
return (structure(cluster_id, cluster_graph = cluster_graph, XshiftOutput = XshiftOutput))
(function() {
## N.B. This list is for 'cytofkit2::cytof_cluster()', which provides additional clustering methods:
cytof_clusterArgs <- list(
xdata = x,
method = method,
Rphenograph_k = Rphenograph_k
## N.B. This list is for 'Rphenograph::Rphenograph()', with only the one method:
# cytof_clusterArgs <- list(
# data = x,
# k = Rphenograph_k
# )
cytof_clusterArgs <- utils::modifyList(cytof_clusterArgs, cytof_cluster..., keep.null = TRUE)
do.call(cytofkit2::cytof_cluster, cytof_clusterArgs)
# do.call(Rphenograph::Rphenograph, cytof_clusterArgs)
}, error = function(e) { message("\nError: ", e$message); flush.console(); return (NULL) })
## Also see:
# clusters_pg <- cytofkit2::cytof_cluster(xdata = e[, channels, drop = FALSE], method = "Rphenograph")
## N.B. Might need to remove duplicate rows beforehand!
#' @export
make_metaclusters <- function(
x, # "pmm" object from 'get_expression_subset()'
channels = TRUE, # Vector of column names if not TRUE
make_clusters... = list(),
# make_clusters... = list( # Some useful defaults
# Rphenograph_k = 50,
# FlowSOM_k = 40, estimate_cluster_count = FALSE,
# num_nearest_neighbors = 30
# ),
make_metaclusters... = list(), # Passed to 'make_clusters()' for metaclustering step
centroid_fun = median
make_clustersArgs <- list(
channels = channels
l <- x %>% as.data.frame %>%
dplyr::group_by(id) %>%
.f = ~ (function(x, y)
## Also see 'rlist::list.append()'
mica <- utils::modifyList(c(make_clustersArgs, list(x = x %>% data.matrix)), make_clusters...,
keep.null = TRUE)
if (memoise::is.memoised(make_clusters))
cluster_ids <- do.call(environment(make_clusters)$`_f`, mica)
cluster_ids <- do.call(make_clusters, mica)
## If 'make_clusters()' fails, assign all events to single cluster
if (is.null(cluster_ids))
cluster_ids <- rep(1, NROW(x))
cluster_ids %>% table(dnn = "sample " %_% y) %>% print; utils::flush.console()
structure(cluster_ids, sample_id = dplyr::pull(y, id))
})(.x, .y), .keep = TRUE)
centroids <- x %>% as.data.frame %>%
dplyr::select(all_of(c("id", channels %>% as.vector))) %>%
dplyr::rename(sample_id = id) %>%
dplyr::mutate(cluster_id = unlist(l)) %>%
dplyr::relocate(cluster_id, .after = sample_id) %>%
dplyr::group_by(sample_id, cluster_id) %>%
.f = ~ (function(x, y)
d <- x %>% dplyr::select(-c("sample_id", "cluster_id"))
## Find centroid for each group
dplyr::summarize(d, across(everything(), ~ centroid_fun(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))
})(.x, .y), .keep = TRUE)
make_metaclustersArgs <- make_clustersArgs
mica <- utils::modifyList(c(make_metaclustersArgs,
list(x = centroids %>% data.matrix)), make_metaclusters..., keep.null = TRUE)
if (memoise::is.memoised(make_clusters))
centroid_cluster_id <- do.call(environment(make_clusters)$`_f`, mica)
centroid_cluster_id <- do.call(make_clusters, mica)
centroid_cluster_id %>% table(dnn = "metaclusters") %>% print
## Match metaclusters back to individual events
centroids_clustered <- centroids %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::mutate(centroid_cluster_id = centroid_cluster_id) %>%
dplyr::relocate(centroid_cluster_id, .after = cluster_id)
centroid_cluster_df <- sapply(l,
function(a) keystone::dataframe(sample_id = attr(a, "sample_id"), cluster_id = a),
simplify = FALSE) %>%
purrr::reduce(dplyr::bind_rows) %>%
dplyr::left_join(centroids_clustered %>% dplyr::select(sample_id, cluster_id, centroid_cluster_id),
by = c("sample_id", "cluster_id"))
event_metacluster_id <- centroid_cluster_df$centroid_cluster_id
if (is.na(event_metacluster_id) %>% any)
warning("Some events are incorrectly unmatched to centroid clusters")
event_metacluster_id %>%
table(useNA = "always", dnn = "event metaclusters") %>% print
## [11 Jan 2023] Make single relevant return value to move away from 'keystone::cordon()'.
structure(event_metacluster_id, cluster_centroids = centroids_clustered)
#' @export
summary.pmm <- function(
x, # "pmm" object from 'get_expression_subset()'
n = NULL, # Cluster numbers: NULL or TRUE for all, FALSE for every event
which_cluster_set = 1, # If 'attr(x, "cluster_id")' is matrix, pick a column by name or number
channels = colnames(x),
merged_labels = list(
`-/d` = c("-", "d"),
`+/++` = c("+", "++"),
`d/+` = c("d", "+"),
all = c("-", "d", "+", "++")
overall_label_threshold = Inf,
label_threshold = 0.90,
collapse = ";", expression_level_sep = ",",
element_names = TRUE,
as_list = TRUE
if (is_invalid(cluster_set)) {
clusterId <- attr(x, "cluster_id")
cluster_set <- NULL
} else {
clusterId <- cluster_set
byEvent <- FALSE
if (is.logical(n)) {
if (!n) {
byEvent <- TRUE
n <- NULL
if (is.null(clusterId)) {
clusterId <- sprintf("%d", seq(NROW(x)))
stop("PMM object 'x' has no 'cluster_id' attribute")
if (is.matrix(clusterId))
clusterId <- clusterId[, which_cluster_set] %>% drop
if (is.null(n)) {
n <- clusterId %>% unique # But don't sort, because character-numbers don't stay in numeric order
if (!byEvent)
n <- n %>% sort
pmm <- attr(x, "plus_minus_matrix")[, channels, drop = FALSE]
if (!is.null(overall_label_threshold)) {
# comp <- (plyr::aaply(pmm, 2, table)/NROW(pmm)) %>%
# as.data.frame %>% tibble::rownames_to_column()
comp <- sapply(pmm, table, simplify = FALSE) %>% purrr::compact() %>%
{ structure(dplyr::bind_rows(.) %>% as.data.frame, row.names = names(.)) } %>%
data.matrix %>% `/`(NROW(pmm)) %>%
as.data.frame %>% tibble::rownames_to_column()
comp <<- comp %@>% dplyr::rowwise() %@>% dplyr::mutate(
!!a := sum(!!!rlang::syms(merged_labels[[a]]))
comp <- comp %>% `rownames<-`(NULL) %>% tibble::column_to_rownames() %>% data.matrix
overall_channels <- (comp > overall_label_threshold) %>% apply(1, any) %>% `!`
channels <- names(overall_channels)[overall_channels]
if (any(!overall_channels))
warning(sprintf("The following channels are overrepresented in all cells: %s",
paste(names(overall_channels)[!overall_channels], collapse = " ")))
## Here, 'comp' should look something like this:
# - d + ++ -/d +/++
# IL-23_p19 0.8236050 0.10851854 0.05529584 0.012580632 0.9321235 0.06787647
# CD69 0.8493953 0.07843002 0.04751813 0.024656565 0.9278253 0.07217470
# TGFb 0.8752095 0.08020844 0.02647643 0.018105611 0.9554180 0.04458204
# IL-17A 0.8639330 0.07175749 0.04820795 0.016101551 0.9356905 0.06430950
# IL-10 0.8733086 0.07338119 0.04515121 0.008158991 0.9466898 0.05331020
# CCR7 0.8402868 0.09671154 0.04927721 0.013724493 0.9369983 0.06300171
# [...]
## The non-'merged_labels' columns should add to 1, i.e. '(rowSums(comp[, 1:4]) == 1) %>% all' is TRUE.
## The 'merged_labels' columns should add to their component non-merged columns, e.g. "-/d" = "-" + "d".
## 'comp' summarizes the phenotypic composition of all clusters at once as the proportion of each label count
## relative to all the events.
if (byEvent) {
e <- x[, channels, drop = FALSE]
pmm <- attr(e, "plus_minus_matrix")
mpmm <- as.matrix(pmm)
merges <- sapply(names(merged_labels),
mpmm %in% merged_labels[[a]] %>% `dim<-`(dim(mpmm)) %>%
`is.na<-`(. == FALSE) %>% `[<-`(., ., a)
}, simplify = FALSE)
allLabels <- c(list(as.list(t(mpmm))), sapply(merges, function(a) as.list(t(a))
%>% `[<-`(is.na(.), list(NULL)), simplify = FALSE))
r <- purrr::pmap(allLabels,
function(...) { as.vector(c(...)) }) %>%
`names<-`(rep(colnames(pmm), length.out = length(.))) %>%
if (!as_list) {
r <- sapply(r,
function(l) { sapply(names(l), function(a) a %_% paste(l[[a]], collapse = expression_level_sep)) %>%
paste(collapse = collapse) }, simplify = FALSE)
} else {
r <- sapply(n, # This doesn't appear to benefit if 'keystone::psapply()' is dropped in here -- it's worse, in fact!
e <- x[clusterId %in% i, channels, drop = FALSE]
pmm <- attr(e, "plus_minus_matrix")
l <- sapply(colnames(pmm),
comp <- (table(pmm[, a])/NROW(pmm)) %>%
data.matrix %>% t %>% as.data.frame %>%
`rownames<-`(a) %>% tibble::rownames_to_column()
comp <<- comp %@>% dplyr::rowwise() %@>% dplyr::mutate(
!!a := sum(!!!rlang::syms(merged_labels[[a]]))
comp <- comp %>% keystone::dataframe() %>% tibble::column_to_rownames() %>%
## 'comp' should look something like this:
# - d + ++ -/d +/++
# IL-23_p19 0.9394749 0.03492733 0.0209564 0.00464135 0.9744023 0.02559775
## The names of all columns meeting 'label_threshold' (see below) are returned.
rr <- NULL # Default for channels that meet *none* of the label thresholds
if (any(comp >= label_threshold)) {
rr <- colnames(comp)[comp >= label_threshold]
}, simplify = FALSE) %>%
purrr::compact() # Remove any channels that meet *none* of the label thresholds
if (as_list)
sapply(names(l), function(a) a %_% paste(l[[a]], collapse = expression_level_sep)) %>%
paste(collapse = collapse)
}, simplify = ifelse(as_list, FALSE, TRUE))
if (!byEvent) {
if (is.logical(element_names)) {
if (element_names)
names(r) <- as.character(n)
} else if (is.character(element_names)) {
names(r) <- element_names
## If 'as_list = TRUE', 'r' is a list the length of the unique cluster names in the current cluster set,
## w/ elements named after the clusters; each element is a sub-list named after the channels/columns of 'x',
## whose elements contain all the phenotype names (e.g. "-", "+", "+/++", &c) meeting
## the proportion threshold for that channel & cluster. If no phenotype meets the threshold, "" is returned.
## If 'as_list = FALSE', 'r' is a list the length of the unique cluster names in the current cluster set,
## each of whose elements is a single string displaying a full set of channel phenotypes separated
## according to 'collapse' & 'expression_level_sep'.
structure(r, comp = comp) %>% keystone::add_class("summaryPmm")
## usage:
# summary(e[, -1], label_threshold = 0.90, as_list = TRUE)
#' @export
search <- function(x, ...)
#' @export
search.default <- function(x, ...)
search(x, ...)
## Search plus-minus matrix of "pmm" expression object for channel phenotypes given in 'query', e.g.
## r <- search(e[, analysis_channels], query = c("cd45+/++", "cd3-/d"), summary... = list(which_cluster_set = 1, label_threshold = 0.55))
## Return Value: A vector of names of clusters whose 'query' channels all meet/exceed their 'label_threshold's,
## i.e. each cluster returned is a hit for all the 'query' phenotypes.
#' @export
search.pmm <- function(
x, # "pmm" object from 'get_expression_subset()'
query, # Vector of search terms based on channel names
summary... = list(), # Additional arguments to 'summary.pmm()' or a "summaryPmm" object
return_type = c("character", "logical", "grid")
return_type <- match.arg(return_type)
if (inherits(summary..., "summaryPmm")) {
sm <- summary...
} else {
summaryArgs <- list(
x = x,
as_list = TRUE
summaryArgs <- utils::modifyList(summaryArgs, summary..., keep.null = TRUE)
sm <- do.call(summary, summaryArgs)
comp <- attr(sm, "comp")
## Enumerate all possible event states as a named logical vector
template <- expand.grid(rownames(comp), colnames(comp), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
plyr::alply(1, function(a) { unlist(a, use.names = FALSE) %>%
paste(collapse = "") }) %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE) %>%
{ structure(rep(FALSE, length(.)), .Names = .) }
## Multiple OR-conditional gates lead to multiple queries that need testing;
## find all possible combinations and OR them to test for a hit.
baseQuery <- stringr::str_split(query, "\\s*\\|\\|\\s*") ## Split query elements by "||"
allQueries <- expand.grid(baseQuery, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
plyr::alply(1, unlist, use.names = FALSE)
mm <- lapply(allQueries,
## 'adist()' fails here sometimes:
# sapply(a,
# function(b) { adist(b, names(template), fixed = TRUE) %>% which.min }, simplify = TRUE) %>%
# { names(template)[.] }
r <- stringr::str_subset(names(template), stringr::regex(sprintf("^(%s)$",
paste(rex::escape(a), collapse = "|")), ignore_case = TRUE))
if (length(r) != length(a))
warning("Some phenotypes may be misspecified in cell subsets list", immediate. = TRUE)
tests <- lapply(mm,
test <- template
test[a] <- TRUE
if (return_type == "grid") {
r <- sapply(sm,
function(a) {
event <- template
event[unlist(lapply(names(a), function(b) paste0(b, a[[b]])))] <- TRUE
}, simplify = TRUE)
return (structure(t(r), gates = mm, query = query))
r <- lapply(sm,
event <- template
event[unlist(lapply(names(a), function(b) paste0(b, a[[b]])))] <- TRUE
## Does this event/cluster include the same phenotypes as the query?
Reduce(`||`, sapply(tests, function(b) sum(b & event) == sum(b)))
}) %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE)
if (is_invalid(r))
return (NULL)
if (return_type == "character")
return (which(r) %>% as.character)
## usage:
# r <- search(e[, analysis_channels], c("cd45+/++", "cd3-/d"), summary... = list(overall_label_threshold = Inf, label_threshold = 0.90))
#' @export
search_orig.pmm <- function(
x, # "pmm" object from 'get_expression_subset()'
query, # Vector of search terms based on channel names
query_re = "^(%s)$", # RegEx template for search
summary... = list(), # Additional arguments to 'summary.pmm()'
ids_only = TRUE
summaryArgs <- list(
x = x,
as_list = TRUE
summaryArgs <- utils::modifyList(summaryArgs, summary..., keep.null = TRUE)
sm <- do.call(summary, summaryArgs)
r <- sapply(sm,
test <- sapply(names(a),
if (all(a[[b]] == "")) return (NULL); paste0(b, a[[b]])
}, simplify = FALSE) %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE)
## This produces a list whose elements have >1-length vectors for each either-or query:
baseQuery <- stringr::str_split(query, stringr::fixed("||", TRUE))
re <- sapply(baseQuery,
stringr::regex(sprintf(query_re, paste(rex::escape(b %>% unlist), collapse = "|")),
ignore_case = TRUE)
}, simplify = FALSE)
d <- sapply(re, function(b) stringr::str_subset(test, b), simplify = FALSE)
## Were all the query terms found?
if (length(sapply(d, table, simplify = FALSE) %>% purrr::compact()) == length(baseQuery))
## If yes, return all those query terms that were found
{ return (d %>% unlist) }
}, simplify = FALSE) %>% purrr::compact()
if (is_invalid(r))
return (NULL)
if (ids_only)
return (names(r))
## usage:
# r <- search(e[, analysis_channels], c("cd45+/++", "cd3-/d"), summary... = list(overall_label_threshold = Inf, label_threshold = 0.90))
#' @export
merge_clusters <- function(
x, # "pmm" object from 'get_expression_subset()'
clusters, # Named list of cell subsets
which_cluster_set = 1, # Column no. or name; NULL or FALSE to set off by-event search
search... = list(),
verbose = TRUE,
leftover_clusters = NULL,
make_gating_poster = FALSE, # Logical, or character path to directory for individual plots
visualize_channels... = list(),
devices = flowpipe:::graphics_devices,
#save_plot_fun = grDevices::pdf, save_plot... = list(compress = FALSE)
save_plot_fun = grDevices::cairo_pdf, save_plot... = list(onefile = TRUE)
if (missing(cluster_set)) {
clusterId <- attr(x, "cluster_id")
cluster_set <- NULL
} else {
clusterId <- cluster_set
origClusterId <- clusterId
byEvent <- FALSE
if (is.null(which_cluster_set) || (is.logical(which_cluster_set) && !which_cluster_set)) {
## N.B. The "event" clusters must be run though 'sprintf()' to prevent exponentiation > 399999.
#attr(x, "cluster_id") <- sprintf("%d", seq(NROW(x)))
clusterId <- cluster_set <- sprintf("%d", seq(NROW(x)))
which_cluster_set <- 1
byEvent <- TRUE
} else if (is.logical(which_cluster_set) && which_cluster_set) {
which_cluster_set <- 1
searchArgs <- list(
x = x,
summary... = list(cluster_set = cluster_set, which_cluster_set = which_cluster_set)
if (!missing(channels))
searchArgs$summary...$channels <- channels
searchArgs <- utils::modifyList(searchArgs, search..., keep.null = TRUE)
if (byEvent)
searchArgs$summary... <- utils::modifyList(searchArgs$summary..., list(n = FALSE), keep.null = TRUE)
label_thresholds <- structure(
rep(formals(summary.pmm)$label_threshold, length(clusters)),
.Names = names(clusters)
if (!missing(label_threshold)) {
if (is_invalid(names(label_threshold)))
names(label_threshold) <- rep("", length(label_threshold))
namedThresholds <- label_threshold[names(label_threshold) != ""]
if (!is_invalid(namedThresholds))
label_thresholds <-
replace(label_thresholds, names(namedThresholds), namedThresholds)
unnamedThresholds <- label_threshold[names(label_threshold) == ""]
if (!is_invalid(unnamedThresholds)) {
indices <- names(label_thresholds) %nin% names(namedThresholds)
label_thresholds[indices] <-
rep(unnamedThresholds, length.out = length(label_thresholds[indices]))
### Create plots to visually follow a sequence of predefined gates
gating_poster_dir <- NULL
if (is.character(make_gating_poster)) {
gating_poster_dir <- make_gating_poster
make_gating_poster <- TRUE
if (!dir.exists(gating_poster_dir))
dir.create(gating_poster_dir, recursive = TRUE)
tictoc::tic("Search clusters")
cc <- NULL
if (make_gating_poster && byEvent) {
## This probably doesn't dispatch on 'summary' alone because of the name/position of the 1st argument
sm <- do.call(summary.pmm, utils::modifyList(searchArgs$summary...,
list(x = x), keep.null = TRUE))
## Prepare data set to proceed through & plot predefined gating sequences
## N.B. For size considerations, I might want to plot inside 'sapply()' & return NULL
cc_grid <- keystone::psapply(names(clusters),
searchArgs$query <- clusters[[a]]
searchArgs$summary...$label_threshold <- label_thresholds[a]
searchArgs$return_type <- "grid"
searchArgs$summary... <- sm
if (verbose) {
cat(sprintf("Querying for '%s' clusters at event level...", a))
r <- do.call(search, searchArgs)
if (verbose) {
cat(". Done.", fill = TRUE); utils::flush.console()
}, simplify = FALSE)
## Ordering the colnames by decreasing length will prevent e.g. a match between
## "CD4" & "CD45" before the regex search has gotten to "CD45".
re <- stringr::regex(stringr::str_flatten(rex::escape(colnames(x)[colnames(x)
%>% nchar %>% order(decreasing = TRUE)]), "|"))
`cc+grobs` <- keystone::psapply(seq_along(cc_grid), # So 'a' can be used for numbering plots
chunks <- sapply(attr(cc_grid[[a]], "gates"), function(b) keystone::chunk(b, 2), simplify = FALSE)
## The first "chunk" will have the same no. of elements as all the others:
tests <- sapply(seq_along(chunks[[1]]),
function(b) sapply(chunks, function(g) g[[b]], simplify = FALSE) %>%
unique, simplify = FALSE)
query <- attr(cc_grid[[a]], "query")
query_chunks <- keystone::chunk(query, 2)
cat(sprintf("%s:", names(cc_grid)[a]), fill = TRUE); print(query); utils::flush.console()
gated_events <- rep(TRUE, NROW(cc_grid[[a]]))
flit <- sapply(seq_along(tests), # So 'b' can be used for numbering plots
## 'NCOL(.)' handles the case where the test matrix has only one column:
r <- Reduce(`|`, sapply(tests[[b]], function(g) { cc_grid[[a]][, g, drop = FALSE] %>% { `&`(.[, 1], .[, NCOL(.)]) } },
simplify = FALSE), accumulate = TRUE)
## For each list element, create a biaxial plot
grobs <- mapply(function(k, l)
plot_channels <- stringr::str_match_all(paste(k, collapse = " "), re)[[1]] %>% drop %>% unique
## N.B. Uncomment 'event_mask' just below to plot only events selected by the previous gate:
visualize_channelsArgs <- list(
x = x,
channels = list(gated_events & r[[l]]),
event_mask = gated_events,
extract_gating_channels = function(...) plot_channels,
points... = list(col = scales::alpha("red", 0.5)),
plot_end_callback = function(...) { # A function will carry its environment along w/ itself
graphics::title(main = sprintf("Gate: %s", paste(query_chunks[[b]], collapse = " & ")), cex.main = 0.9, ...)
if (l > 1) graphics::mtext("(OR'd with previous gate)", cex = 0.9)
graphics::mtext(sprintf("Events: %d/%d", sum(gated_events & r[[l]]), sum(gated_events)),
side = 1, line = -1, cex = 0.8)
visualize_channelsArgs <-
utils::modifyList(visualize_channelsArgs, visualize_channels..., keep.null = TRUE)
grobs <- list()
if (!is.null(gating_poster_dir)) {
# plyr::l_ply(seq_along(devices),
# function(d)
# {
# ext <- devices[[d]]$ext; devices[[d]]$ext <- NULL
# ## Reduce resolution for 'png()' etc. to a manageable value:
# if ("res" %in% names(formals(eval(parse(text = names(devices)[d]))))) devices[[d]]$res <- 150
# do.call(eval(parse(text = names(devices)[d])),
# modifyList(devices[[d]],
# list(
# width = 5, height = 5,
# file = sprintf("%s/%03d-%03d%s_gate-%s",
# gating_poster_dir, a, b, letters[l], paste(plot_channels, collapse = "&")) %_% paste0(".", ext)
# )
# )
# )
# dev.control(displaylist = "enable")
# do.call(visualize_channels, visualize_channelsArgs)
# if (d == length(devices)) {
# grobs <<- append(grobs, list(grDevices::recordPlot()))
# }
# dev.off()
# })
gatePlotPath <- tempfile()
grDevices::png(file = gatePlotPath, bg = "transparent")
dev.control(displaylist = "enable")
do.call(visualize_channels, visualize_channelsArgs)
gatePlot <- grDevices::recordPlot()
grobs <- append(grobs, list(gatePlot))
} else {
do.call(visualize_channels, visualize_channelsArgs)
}, tests[[b]], seq_along(r), USE.NAMES = TRUE, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
gated_events <<- gated_events & r[[length(r)]]
print(table(gated_events)); utils::flush.console()
}, simplify = FALSE)
list(gated_events = gated_events, grobs = flit %>% purrr::flatten())
}, simplify = FALSE)
grobs <- NULL
if (!is.null(gating_poster_dir)) {
grobs <- sapply(`cc+grobs`, function(a) a$grobs, simplify = FALSE) %>% `names<-`(names(cc_grid))
## Keep list of grobs for e.g. single plots, different image types:
saveRDS(object = grobs, file = paste(data_dir, "gated-clusters-poster.rds", sep = "/"))
cc <- sapply(`cc+grobs`, function(a) a$gated_events, simplify = FALSE) %>%
sapply(function(a) { as.vector(a) %>% which %>% as.character }, simplify = FALSE) %>% `names<-`(names(cc_grid))
## Finally, create full gating poster
if (!is.null(grobs)) {
max_gates <- sapply(grobs, length) %>% max
grobs <- sapply(grobs, `length<-`, value = max_gates, simplify = FALSE)
save_plotArgs <- list(
width = min(5.0 * max_gates + 1, 200), # 200 in. is PDF maximum
height = min(5.0 * length(grobs) + 1, 200), # 200 in. is PDF maximum
#file = paste(gating_poster_dir, "gated-clusters-poster.pdf", sep = "/")
filename = paste(gating_poster_dir, "gated-clusters-poster.pdf", sep = "/") # For 'grDevices::cairo_pdf()'
save_plotArgs <- utils::modifyList(save_plotArgs, save_plot..., keep.null = TRUE)
do.call(save_plot_fun, save_plotArgs)
## Create a blank plot for empty grid cells (but not needed for 'cowplot::plot_grid()')
if (FALSE) {
blankPath <- tempfile()
grDevices::png(file = blankPath, bg = "transparent")
dev.control(displaylist = "enable")
blank <- grDevices::recordPlot()
## This creates a list of "recordedplot" objects:
#plotlist = sapply(grobs %>% purrr::flatten(), function(a) if (is.null(a)) list(blank) else a),
plotlist = sapply(grobs %>% purrr::flatten(), function(a) if (is.null(a)) list(NULL) else a),
ncol = max_gates,
hjust = 0, label_x = 0.01,
labels = rep("", max_gates * length(grobs)) %>%
`[<-`(seq(from = 1, by = max_gates, length.out = length(grobs)), names(grobs)),
#label_colour = "darkgreen",
label_size = 16
) %>% print
## Convert PDF to PNG
pdf = save_plotArgs$file,
format = "png",
dpi = 100,
filenames = sprintf("%s.png", tools::file_path_sans_ext(save_plotArgs$file))
if (is.null(cc)) {
cc <- keystone::psapply(names(clusters),
searchArgs$query <- clusters[[a]]
searchArgs$summary...$label_threshold <- label_thresholds[a]
if (verbose) {
if (!byEvent)
cat(sprintf("Querying for '%s' clusters at %0.2f threshold...", a,
cat(sprintf("Querying for '%s' clusters at event level...", a))
if (byEvent)
searchArgs$summary... <- sm
r <- do.call(search, searchArgs)
if (verbose) {
cat(". Done.", fill = TRUE); utils::flush.console()
}, simplify = FALSE)
cc0 <- cc[sapply(cc, is.null)]
if (length(cc0) > 0)
warning(sprintf("Clusters %s were not found", cc0 %>% names %>% sQuote %>% paste(collapse = ", ")))
cc1 <- cc %>% purrr::compact()
#clusterId <- attr(x, "cluster_id")
if (is.matrix(clusterId))
clusterId <- clusterId[, which_cluster_set]
merged_clusters <- list(
new_cluster_id = clusterId,
orig_cluster_id = origClusterId
if (is_invalid(cc1)) { # No new clusters found
if (byEvent)
merged_clusters <- list(new_cluster_id = origClusterId, orig_cluster_id = origClusterId)
return (merged_clusters)
## Create 'replace()' arguments
replaceArgss <- sapply(names(cc1),
list = clusterId %in% cc1[[a]],
value = a
}, simplify = FALSE)
newClusterId <- sapply(replaceArgss,
r <- replace(merged_clusters$new_cluster_id, a$list %>% which, a$value) %>%
replace((!a$list) %>% which, NA_character_)
}, simplify = TRUE)
## Now collapse all the mutually exclusive columns together
newMergedClusterId <- merge_mutually_exclusive_cols(newClusterId) %>%
cbind(orig = merged_clusters$orig_cluster_id, .)
## N.B. If 'merged_clusters$orig_cluster_id' is already a matrix, the name "orig" is unused.
merged_clusters$new_cluster_id <- newMergedClusterId
merge_mutually_exclusive_cols <- function(
..., # Combination of matrices/vectors having the same no. rows/length
collapse = "|"
d0 <- cbind(...); d <- rlang::duplicate(d0, shallow = FALSE)
if (NCOL(d) < 3)
return (d)
repeat {
merge_comb <- utils::combn(seq(NCOL(d)), 2, simplify = FALSE)
didMerge <- FALSE; startNcol <- NCOL(d)
for (a in merge_comb) {
colsAreMutuallyExclusive <-
apply(d[, a], 1, function(b) (!is.na(b)) %>% sum, simplify = TRUE) %>% `==`(2) %>% any %>% `!`
if (colsAreMutuallyExclusive) {
## Merge them into single column
temp <- d[, a[1]] %>% `[<-`(!is.na(d[, a[2]]), d[, a[2]][!is.na(d[, a[2]])])
d[, a[1]] <- temp
## Name of new column becomes a combination of both starting columns
newColname <- paste(colnames(d[, a]), collapse = collapse)
colnames(d)[a[1]] <- newColname
d <- d[, -a[2], drop = TRUE]
## Don't ever finish right after a merge; check for mergeable columns at least once more.
didMerge <- TRUE
## Finish if no. cols are at minimum or are unchanged, & no merge just happened
if ((NCOL(d) < 3 || NCOL(d) == startNcol) && !didMerge)
#merge_mutually_exclusive_cols(orig = cluster_id, new_cluster)
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