
Defines functions hardconstrain objectiveMS1Function .adjustBreaks

Documented in hardconstrain objectiveMS1Function

.adjustBreaks <- function(breaks, digits){
  breaks[1] <- breaks[1] - 1/(10^digits)
  breaks[length(breaks)] <- breaks[length(breaks)] + 1/(10^digits)
  round(breaks, digits = digits)

#' MS masses
#' A dataset containing approx 150000 MS1 precursor masses

#' compute the deviation from optimum: equal number of MS1 per bin
#' @param splits the new window boundaries
#' @param data the data
#' @return list with score1 - manhattan distance, score2 - euclidean distance, counts - observed counts, optimumN - optimum counts
objectiveMS1Function <- function(splits, data){
  counts <- graphics::hist(data, breaks=splits, plot=FALSE)$counts
  optimumN <- length(data)/(length(splits)-1)
  counts <- counts / sqrt(sum((counts)^2))
  optimumN <- optimumN /sqrt(sum(optimumN^2))
  score2 <- sqrt(sum((counts - optimumN)^2))/length(counts)
  score1 <- sum(abs(counts/max(abs(counts)) - optimumN/max(abs(optimumN))))/length(counts)
  return(list(score1=score1,score2 = score2, counts=counts, optimumN=(optimumN)))

#' tests hard constraints
#' @param splits the proposed splits
#' @param minwindow min window size
#' @param maxwindow max window size
#' @export
hardconstrain <- function(splits, minwindow = 5, maxwindow=50){
  return(sum(difsp >= minwindow) == length(difsp) & sum(difsp <= maxwindow) == length(difsp))
#' Compute dynamic swath windows
#' @field masses MS1 masses
#' @field breaks the breaks
#' @field nbins number of bins
#' @field digits mass accuracy in result
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @include readjustWindow.R
#' @export Cdsw
#' @exportClass Cdsw
#' @examples
#' library(cdsw)
#' cdsw <- Cdsw(masses)
#' cdsw$sampling_breaks(maxwindow=100,plot=TRUE)
#' cdsw$plot()
#' cdsw$asTable()
#' cdsw$breaks
Cdsw <- setRefClass("Cdsw",
                    fields = list( masses = "numeric",
                                   breaks = "numeric",
                                   nbins = "numeric",
                                   digits = "numeric")
                    ,methods = list(
                      initialize = function(masses, nbins = 25, digits = 1){
                        .self$masses = masses
                        .self$nbins = nbins
                        .self$digits = digits
                      constant_breaks = function(digits = 2){
                        minmass <- round(min(.self$masses) - 1/10^digits, digits=2)
                        maxmass <- round(max(.self$masses) + 1/10^digits, digits=2)
                        .self$breaks <- round(seq(minmass, maxmass, length.out = nbins + 1),digits=digits)
                      ,quantile_breaks = function(digits=2){
                        "same number of MS1 in each window but might violate hard constraints"
                        qqs <- quantile(.self$masses, seq(0, 1, length = nbins + 1))
                        .self$breaks <- .adjustBreaks(qqs, digits = digits)
                      sampling_breaks = function(maxwindow=150,
                                                 minwindow = 5,
                                                 digits= 2,
                                                 plot = FALSE
                        "starts with quantile breaks but mixes with uniform data to satisfy had constraints"
                        nrbreaks <- nbins+1
                        qqs <- quantile(masses,probs = seq(0,1,by=1/(nbins)))
                        unif <- seq(min(masses),max(masses),length=(nrbreaks))

                          graphics::plot(qqs, 1:nrbreaks, type="b" )
                          graphics::legend("topleft", legend = c(paste("maxwindow = ", maxwindow),
                                                       paste("nbins = ", nrbreaks) ))
                          # equidistant spaced bins
                          graphics::lines(unif, 1:nrbreaks,col=2,type="b")


                        if(!hardconstrain(unif, minwindow = minwindow, maxwindow)){
                          warning("there is no way to generate bins given this number of bins " , nbins, "and minwindow size :",  minwindow, " , maxwindow size ", maxwindow, "\n")

                        mixeddata <- masses

                        while(!hardconstrain(qqs,minwindow, maxwindow)){
                          uniformdata <- runif(round(length(masses)/20), min=min(masses), max=max(masses))
                          mixeddata <- c(mixeddata,uniformdata)
                          qqs <- quantile(mixeddata,probs = seq(0,1,by=1/(nbins)))
                            graphics::lines(qqs, 1:nrbreaks,type="b", col="#00DD00AA")
                        .self$breaks <- .adjustBreaks(qqs, digits = digits)

                      plot = function(){
                        tmp <-graphics::hist(x=.self$masses,breaks=.self$breaks,plot=FALSE)
                        names(tmp$counts) <- round(tmp$mids,digits=2)
                      asTable = function(overlap = 1){
                        "make windows"
                        q <- .self$breaks
                        n <- length(q)-1
                        idx <- 1:n
                        from <- q[idx] - overlap * 0.5
                        to <- q[idx + 1] + overlap * 0.5
                        width <-  (to - from)
                        mid <- from + width*0.5

                        tmp <-data.frame(from, to, mid, width)
                        counts <- vector("integer")
                        for(i in 1:nrow(tmp)){
                          counts[i] <- sum(.self$masses > tmp$from[i] & .self$masses <tmp$to[i])
                        tmp$counts <- counts
                      show = function(){
                        "get a table with windows start and end"
                      error = function(){
                        "show error"
                        objectiveMS1Function(.self$breaks, .self$masses)
                      optimizeWindows = function(digits=1, maxbin = 15, plot=FALSE, overlap=0.){
                        "optimizes the windows"
                        data.frame(readjustWindows(asTable(overlap=overlap) ,masses, digits=digits, maxbin = maxbin, plot=plot))
                      showCycle = function(overlap=1){
                        "shows the generated DIA cycle"
                        tmp <- .self$asTable(overlap=overlap)
                        graphics::plot(c(1,nrow(tmp)+1), c(min(tmp$from), max(tmp$to)), type = "n", xlab = "window #", ylab = "mz", main = "DIA Cycle")
                        rect(1:nrow(tmp), tmp$from, 1:nrow(tmp) + 1, tmp$to)
protViz/cdsw documentation built on May 19, 2020, 1:03 a.m.