#' Polarise a VCF File setting the (supplied) Ancestral Allele as REF
#' This function reads a VCF file, reorders the REF and ALT alleles based on the ancestral allele
#' specified in the INFO field (ID=AA) (the AA INFO field must be present in the vcf), adjusts the REF, ALT and genotype (GT) fields accordingly, and writes
#' the modified VCF to a new file.
#' @param input_vcf Path to the input VCF file.
#' @param output_vcf Path to the output VCF file. If not provided, defaults to "output.vcf.gz".
#' @param compress Optional boolean indicating whether to compress the output file. If not provided, it will automatically detect based on the input file.
#' @return The function writes the modified VCF file to the specified output path and returns
#' a modified vcfR object to the environment
#' @examples
#' polarise_ancestral_vcf("input.vcf")
#' @importFrom vcfR read.vcfR extract.gt extract.info write.vcf
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#' @importFrom R.utils gunzip
#' @export
polarise_ancestral_vcf <- function(input_vcf, output_vcf = "output.vcf.gz", compress = NULL) {
# helper function to check if input file is gzipped
is_gzipped <- function(file) {
con <- file(file, "rb")
magic_number <- readBin(con, "raw", n = 2)
return(identical(magic_number, as.raw(c(0x1f, 0x8b))))
# set compress based on whether the input file is compressed if compress=NULL
if (is.null(compress)) {
compress <- is_gzipped(input_vcf)
# read vcf file
vcf <- read.vcfR(input_vcf)
# check if AA INFO field containing ancestral allele information exists
if (!any(grepl("AA=", vcf@fix[,"INFO"]))) {
stop("The AA INFO field does not exist. Cannot polarise vcf file.")
# extract GT and AA elements
vcf_GT <- extract.gt(vcf, element = "GT")
vcf_info <- extract.info(vcf, element = "AA")
# determine which FORMAT elements are present
format_elements <- strsplit(vcf@gt[1, "FORMAT"], ":")[[1]]
format_data <- lapply(format_elements, function(element) {
extract.gt(vcf, element = element)
names(format_data) <- format_elements
# helper function to swap REF and ALT alleles and adjust GT values
swap_alleles <- function(ref, alt, gt) {
new_ref <- alt
new_alt <- ref
# handle missing genotypes
if (is.na(gt)) {
return(list(new_ref, new_alt, gt))
# swap alleles in GT field
new_gt <- switch(gt,
"0/1" = "1/0",
"1/0" = "0/1",
"0/0" = "1/1",
"1/1" = "0/0",
"0|1" = "1|0",
"1|0" = "0|1",
"0|0" = "1|1",
"1|1" = "0|0",
return(list(new_ref, new_alt, new_gt))
# iterate over each variant and adjust REF, ALT, and GT
for (i in 1:nrow(vcf@fix)) {
aa <- vcf_info[i]
if (!is.na(aa) && aa != vcf@fix[i, "REF"]) {
result <- swap_alleles(vcf@fix[i, "REF"], vcf@fix[i, "ALT"], vcf_GT[i, 1])
vcf@fix[i, "REF"] <- result[[1]]
vcf@fix[i, "ALT"] <- result[[2]]
vcf_GT[i, 1] <- result[[3]]
# update vcf object with new genotypes
for (j in 1:ncol(vcf_GT)) {
for (i in 1:nrow(vcf_GT)) {
if (!is.na(vcf_info[i]) && vcf_info[i] != vcf@fix[i, "REF"]) {
gt_field <- vcf_GT[i, j]
result <- swap_alleles(vcf@fix[i, "REF"], vcf@fix[i, "ALT"], gt_field)
vcf_GT[i, j] <- result[[3]]
# reassemble FORMAT fields
new_format_data <- matrix(nrow = nrow(vcf_GT), ncol = ncol(vcf_GT))
for (i in 1:nrow(vcf_GT)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(vcf_GT)) {
gt <- ifelse(!is.na(vcf_GT[i, j]), vcf_GT[i, j], "./.")
other_fields <- sapply(format_elements[-1], function(element) {
ifelse(!is.na(format_data[[element]][i, j]), format_data[[element]][i, j], ".")
new_format_data[i, j] <- paste(c(gt, other_fields), collapse = ":")
# get sample names
sample_names <- colnames(vcf@gt)[-1] # exclude FORMAT column
# generate new genotype matrix
new_vcf_gt <- cbind(FORMAT = vcf@gt[, "FORMAT"], new_format_data)
colnames(new_vcf_gt) <- c("FORMAT", sample_names)
# update vcf@gt
vcf@gt <- new_vcf_gt
# update vcf@meta to add note that melfuR::polarise_ancestral_vcf was used
vcf@meta <- c(vcf@meta,
"##melfuR::polarise_ancestral_vcf, reorder REF, ALT and GT fields based on REF=ancestral allele as recorded in INFO=ID=AA")
format_meta <- sapply(format_elements, function(element) {
"GT" = "##FORMAT=<ID=GT,Number=1,Type=String,Description=\"Polarised Genotype\">",
"DP" = "##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Read Depth\">",
"GL" = "##FORMAT=<ID=GL,Number=G,Type=Float,Description=\"Genotype Likelihoods\">",
"PL" = "##FORMAT=<ID=PL,Number=G,Type=Integer,Description=\"Phred-scaled Likelihoods\">",
"GP" = "##FORMAT=<ID=GP,Number=G,Type=Float,Description=\"Genotype Posterior Probabilities\">",
paste("##FORMAT=<ID=", element, ",Number=.,Type=.,Description=\".\">", sep = "")
vcf@meta <- c(vcf@meta, format_meta)
# ensure output file has .gz extension if compress is TRUE even if supplied output file name does not end with .gz
temp_output_vcf <- output_vcf
if (compress && !grepl("\\.gz$", output_vcf)) {
temp_output_vcf <- paste0(output_vcf, ".gz")
} else if (!compress && grepl("\\.gz$", output_vcf)) {
temp_output_vcf <- output_vcf
} else if (!compress && !grepl("\\.gz$", output_vcf)) {
temp_output_vcf <- paste0(output_vcf, ".gz")
# write modified vcf to a new file
write.vcf(vcf, file = temp_output_vcf)
# unzip the file if compression not wanted
if (!compress) {
decompressed_file <- sub("\\.gz$", "", temp_output_vcf)
R.utils::gunzip(temp_output_vcf, destname = decompressed_file, overwrite = TRUE)
output_vcf <- decompressed_file
# return modified vcfR object to the environment, object name = output filename without suffix
output_name <- paste0(sub("\\.vcf(\\.gz)?$", "", basename(output_vcf)), "_vcf")
assign(output_name, vcf, envir = .GlobalEnv)
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