
Defines functions mr.raps.publish mr.raps plot.mr.raps print.mr.raps mr.raps.shrinkage posterior.mean fit.mixture.model

Documented in fit.mixture.model mr.raps mr.raps.publish mr.raps.shrinkage plot.mr.raps posterior.mean print.mr.raps

#' Fit a Gaussian mixture deconvolution model
#' @param z A vector of z-scores.
#' @param n Number of mixture components.
#' @param ntry Number of random initializations.
#' @param force.mu.zero Should the means be forced to zero?
#' @param diagnostics Logical indicator for showing diagnostic plots.
#' @return A list of \code{p} (mixture proportion), \code{mu} (mean), \code{sigma} (standard deviation).
#' @details This function assumes that \eqn{z} is distributed as \eqn{N(\gamma, 1)} and \eqn{\gamma} follows a Gaussian mixture model. It fits this deconvolution model by maximum likelihood and outputs the estimated mixture distribution.
#' @examples
#' z <- c(sqrt(2) * rnorm(900), sqrt(17) * rnorm(100))
#' ## So the correct sigma = (1, 4) and p = (0.9, 0.1)
#' fit.mixture.model(z)
#' @export
fit.mixture.model <- function(z, n = 2, ntry = 20, force.mu.zero = TRUE, diagnostics = FALSE) {

    loglike <- function(param, z) {
        n <- length(param) / 3
        p <- param[1:n]
        p <- p / sum(p)
        mu <- param[n + 1:n]
        sigma <- param[2*n + 1:n]

        l <- matrix(0, length(z), length(p))
        for (i in 1:length(p)) {
            l[, i] <- p[i] * dnorm(z, mu[i], sqrt(sigma[i]^2 + 1))
        - sum(log(rowSums(l)))

    get.random.init <- function(n = 2) {
        p <- rgamma(n, 1)
        p <- p / sum(p)
        mu <- rnorm(n)
        sigma <- c(0.1, rexp(n - 1) * 2)
        c(p, mu, sigma)

    if (force.mu.zero) {
        mu.lower <- -1e-8
        mu.upper <- 1e-8
    } else {
        mu.lower <- -Inf
        mu.upper <- Inf
    res <- list()
    for (try in 1:ntry) {
        try(res[[try]] <- optim(get.random.init(n),
                                function(param) loglike(param, z),
                                method = "L-BFGS-B",
                                lower = c(rep(0.01, n), rep(mu.lower, n), rep(0.01, n)),
                                upper = c(rep(0.99, n), rep(mu.upper, n), rep(Inf, n))),
            silent = TRUE)
    i <- which.min(sapply(1:length(res), function(i) {tmp <- res[[i]]$value; if (is.null(tmp)) {Inf} else {tmp}}))
    if (length(i) == 0) {
        stop("Failed to initialize, increase ntry")
    res <- res[[i]]

    param <- res$par
    p <- param[1:n]
    p <- p / sum(p)
    mu <- param[n + 1:n]
    mu[abs(mu) < 1e-6] <- 0
    sigma <- param[2*n + 1:n]

    if (diagnostics) {

        print("Estimated mixture model:")
        print(paste0("p = ", signif(p, 3), ", ",
                     "mu = ", signif(mu, 3), ", ",
                     "sigma = ", signif(sigma, 3)))

        print("Generating diagnostic plots...")

        t <- seq(-10, 10, 0.1)
        fitted.cdf <- sapply(1:n, function(i) p[i] * pnorm(t, mu[i], sqrt(sigma[i]^2 + 1)))
        fitted.cdf <- rowSums(fitted.cdf)
        emp.cdf <- sapply(t, function(t) mean(z < t))

        par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
        plot(t, fitted.cdf, col = "red")
        lines(t, emp.cdf)
        plot(fitted.cdf, emp.cdf)

    list(p = p, mu = mu, sigma = sigma)

#' Compute the posterior mean under spike-and-slab Gaussian prior
#' @param z a vector of z-scores
#' @param sigma a vector of standard deviations of \code{z} (if \code{sigma} is a single number, it is expanded to a vector)
#' @param p prior: mixture proportion
#' @param mu prior: mean
#' @param sigma.prior prior: standard deviation
#' @param deriv compute the posterior mean (\code{deriv = 0}) or its derivative (\code{deriv = 1})
#' @details Similar to \code{fit.mixture.model}, this function assumes that \eqn{z} is distributed as \eqn{N(\gamma, 1)} and \eqn{\gamma} follows a Gaussian mixture model. The function computes the posterior mean \eqn{E[\gamma|z]}.
#' @return a vector
#' @examples
#' require(mr.raps)
#' data(lipid.cad)
#' data <- subset(lipid.cad, lipid == "hdl" & restrict &
#' gwas.selection == "teslovich_2010" &
#' gwas.outcome == "cardiogramplusc4d_1000genome")
#' z <- data$beta.exposure / data$se.exposure
#' prior.param <- fit.mixture.model(z)
#' z.seq <- seq(-5, 5, 0.1)
#' gamma.hat <- posterior.mean(z.seq, 1, prior.param$p, prior.param$mu, prior.param$sigma)
#' gamma.hat.deriv <- posterior.mean(z.seq, 1, prior.param$p,
#' prior.param$mu, prior.param$sigma, deriv = 1)
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' plot(z.seq, gamma.hat, type = "l")
#' plot(z.seq, gamma.hat.deriv, type = "l")
#' @export
posterior.mean <- function(z, sigma, p, mu, sigma.prior, deriv = 0) {
    if (length(z) > 1) {
        if (length(sigma) == 1) {
            sigma <- rep(sigma, length(z))
        stopifnot(length(z) == length(sigma))
        return(sapply(1:length(z), function(k)
            posterior.mean(z[k], sigma[k], p, mu, sigma.prior, deriv)))
    if (length(p) == 1){
        p <- c(p, 1 - p)
    stopifnot(length(p) == length(mu) && length(p) == length(sigma.prior))
    stopifnot(deriv %in% c(0, 1))

    mu.tilde <- (z/sigma^2 + mu/sigma.prior^2) / (1/sigma^2 + 1/sigma.prior^2)
    ## sigma.tilde <- sqrt(1/(1/sigma^2 + 1/sigma.prior^2)) ## not needed
    p.tilde <- p * dnorm(z, mu, sqrt(sigma^2 + sigma.prior^2))

    if (deriv == 0) {
        return(sum(p.tilde * mu.tilde) / sum(p.tilde))
    } else {
        diff.mu.tilde <- (1/sigma^2) / (1/sigma^2 + 1/sigma.prior^2)
        diff.p.tilde <- - p * dnorm(z, mu, sqrt(sigma^2 + sigma.prior^2)) * (z - mu) / (sigma^2 + sigma.prior^2)
        return(sum(diff.p.tilde * mu.tilde + p.tilde * diff.mu.tilde) / sum(p.tilde) - sum(p.tilde * mu.tilde) * sum(diff.p.tilde) / sum(p.tilde)^2)

#' Main function for RAPS (shrinkage weights)
#' @inheritParams mr.raps.mle
#' @param shrinkage If shrinkage (empirical partially Bayes) should be used. Shrinkage does not affect the unbiasedness of the estimating equations and generally will increase the estimation accuracy. If TRUE, \code{prior.param} must be provided.
#' @param prior.param Parameters of the Gaussian spike-and-slab prior
#' @param num.init Number of initializations.
#' @param multiple.root.warning How to handle multiple roots of the estimating equations? When this happens, the results of \code{mr.raps.shrinkage} are less reliable. This parameter can take three values: 0---nothing will be done; 1---a warning is given; 2---an error is given. Default is 1.
#' @details
#' \code{mr.raps.shrinkage} is the main function for RAPS in conjunction with empirical partially Bayes. It is more general than the first generation \code{mr.raps.mle} function and should be preferred in practice. With the option \code{shrinkage = TRUE}, it essentially reduces to \code{mr.raps.mle}. In that case, the main difference is that the standard errors in \code{mr.raps.shrinkage} are computed based on observed information (and also an empirical estimate of the variance of the score function). This is preferred over using the plugged-in Fisher information in \code{mr.raps.mle}. See Efron and Hinkley (1978) referenced below.
#' Because the estimating equations are highly non-linear, it is possible that there are multiple roots. To overcome this issue, we use multiple initializations (controlled by \code{num.init}) around the \code{mr.raps.mle} point estimate. A warning is given if there seems to be another finite root, and no solution is returned if there are two roots close to the initialization. When the program does not find a finite solution, consider increasing the value of \code{num.init}.
#' @references
#' Qingyuan Zhao, Q., Chen, Y., Wang, J., and Small, D. S. (2018). A genome-wide design and an empirical partially Bayes approach to increase the power of Mendelian randomization, with application to the effect of blood lipids on cardiovascular disease. <arXiv:1804.07371>.
#' Efron, B. and Hinkley, D. V. (1978). Assessing the accuracy of the maximum likelihood estimator: Observed versus expected Fisher information. Biometrika, 65(3), 457--483.
#' @examples
#' require(mr.raps)
#' data(lipid.cad)
#' data <- subset(lipid.cad, lipid == "hdl" & restrict &
#' gwas.selection == "teslovich_2010" &
#' gwas.outcome == "cardiogramplusc4d_1000genome")
#' z <- data$beta.exposure / data$se.exposure
#' prior.param <- fit.mixture.model(z)
#' ## Results
#' mr.raps.shrinkage(data$beta.exposure, data$beta.outcome,
#' data$se.exposure, data$se.outcome, TRUE, "huber", shrinkage = FALSE)
#' \donttest{
#' mr.raps.shrinkage(data$beta.exposure, data$beta.outcome,
#' data$se.exposure, data$se.outcome, TRUE, "huber", shrinkage = TRUE,
#' prior.param = prior.param)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom rootSolve multiroot
mr.raps.shrinkage <- function(b_exp, b_out, se_exp, se_out, over.dispersion = FALSE, loss.function = c("l2", "huber", "tukey"), k = switch(loss.function[1], l2 = 2, huber = 1.345, tukey = 4.685), shrinkage = FALSE, prior.param = NULL, diagnostics = FALSE, se.method = c("sandwich", "bootstrap"), num.init = 10, multiple.root.warning = 1) {

    if (sum(b_exp^2 / se_exp^2) < length(b_exp) - sqrt(length(b_exp))) {
        message("WARNING: The average F-statistic is very small and the causal effect may be non-identified.")

    se.method <- match.arg(se.method)
    if (se.method == "bootstrap") {
        B <- 100
        beta.hat <- rep(0, B)
        tau2.hat <- rep(0, B)
        for (b in 1:B) {
            if (b %% 20 == 0) {
                print(paste0("Bootstrap iteration: ", b, "; Total: ", B, "."))
            s <- sample.int(length(b_exp), replace = TRUE)
            res <- mr.raps.shrinkage(b_exp[s], b_out[s], se_exp[s], se_out[s], over.dispersion, loss.function, k, shrinkage, prior.param, diagnostics = FALSE, num.init = 10)
            beta.hat[b] <- res$beta.hat
            tau2.hat[b] <- res$tau2.hat
        return(list(beta.hat = mean(beta.hat, na.rm = TRUE),
                    beta.se = sd(beta.hat, na.rm = TRUE),
                    tau2.hat = mean(tau2.hat, na.rm = TRUE),
                    tau2.se = sd(tau2.hat, na.rm = TRUE)))

    loss.function <- match.arg(loss.function, c("l2", "huber", "tukey"))
    rho <- switch(loss.function,
                  l2 = function(r, ...) rho.l2(r, k, ...),
                  huber = function(r, ...) rho.huber(r, k, ...),
                  tukey = function(r, ...) rho.tukey(r, k, ...))

    delta <- integrate(function(x) x * rho(x, deriv = 1) * dnorm(x), -Inf, Inf)$value
    c1 <- integrate(function(x) rho(x, deriv = 1)^2 * dnorm(x), -Inf, Inf)$value
    c2 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * rho(x, deriv = 1)^2 * dnorm(x), -Inf, Inf)$value - delta^2
    c3 <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * rho(x, deriv = 2) * dnorm(x), -Inf, Inf)$value

    get.t <- function(beta, tau2) {
        (b_out - b_exp * beta) / sqrt(tau2 + se_out^2 + se_exp^2 * beta^2)

    get.gamma.hat <- function(beta, tau2, deriv = c("0", "beta", "tau2")) {
        deriv <- match.arg(deriv, c("0", "beta", "tau2"))
        gamma.mle <- (b_exp/ se_exp^2 + beta * b_out/ (se_out^2 + tau2)) / (1 / se_exp^2 + beta^2 / (se_out^2 + tau2))
        gamma.mle[se_exp == 0] <- b_exp
        if (deriv == "0") {
            if (shrinkage) {
                a <- posterior.mean(gamma.mle / se_exp,
                                    sqrt(1 / (1 + beta^2 * se_exp^2 / (se_out^2 + tau2))),
                                    prior.param$p, prior.param$mu, prior.param$sigma)
                gamma.hat <- a * se_exp
            } else {
                gamma.hat <- gamma.mle

        if (deriv == "beta") {
            gamma.mle.deriv <- (b_out/ (se_out^2 + tau2)) / (1 / se_exp^2 + beta^2 / (se_out^2 + tau2))
        } else { ## deriv == "tau2"
            gamma.mle.deriv <- - beta * b_out / (se_out^2 + tau2)^2 / (1 / se_exp^2 + beta^2 / (se_out^2 + tau2))
        if (shrinkage) {
            shrinkage.deriv <- posterior.mean(
                gamma.mle / se_exp,
                sqrt(1 / (1 + beta^2 * se_exp^2 / (se_out^2 + tau2))),
                prior.param$p, prior.param$mu, prior.param$sigma,
                deriv = 1)
            return(gamma.mle.deriv * shrinkage.deriv)
        } else {

    psi <- function(param) {
        if (!over.dispersion) {
            beta <- param[1]
            tau2 <- 0
        } else {
            beta <- param[1]
            tau2 <- param[2]
        t <- get.t(beta, tau2)
        gamma.hat <- get.gamma.hat(beta, tau2)
        v <- beta^2 * se_exp^2 + se_out^2 + tau2
        psi1 <- sum(gamma.hat * rho(t, deriv = 1) / sqrt(v))
        if (over.dispersion) {
            psi2 <- sum((t * rho(t, deriv = 1) - delta) / v)
            return(c(psi1, psi2))
        } else {

    if (!over.dispersion) {
        res1 <- mr.raps.mle(b_exp, b_out, se_exp, se_out, loss.function = "l2")
        res2 <- mr.raps.mle(b_exp, b_out, se_exp, se_out, loss.function = "huber")
        init.param <- c(res1$beta.hat, res2$beta.hat)
        init.param.perturbed <-
            init.param[rep(c(1,2), each = num.init - 1)] +
                c(1 * abs(res1$beta.hat) * rexp(num.init - 1) * sample(c(-1,1), num.init-1, TRUE),
                  1 * abs(res2$beta.hat) * rexp(num.init - 1) * sample(c(-1,1), num.init-1, TRUE))
        init.param <- matrix(c(init.param, init.param.perturbed), ncol = 1)
    } else {
        res1 <- mr.raps.mle(b_exp, b_out, se_exp, se_out, TRUE, "l2", suppress.warning = TRUE)
        res2 <- mr.raps.mle(b_exp, b_out, se_exp, se_out, TRUE, "huber", suppress.warning = TRUE)
        init.param <- matrix(c(res1$beta.hat, res2$beta.hat, res1$tau2.hat, res2$tau2.hat), 2, 2)
        init.param.perturbed <-
            init.param[rep(c(1,2), each = num.init - 1), ] +
                rbind(cbind(1 * abs(res1$beta.hat) * rexp(num.init - 1) * sample(c(-1,1), num.init-1, TRUE),
                            ## 1 * res1$tau2.se * rexp(num.init - 1)
                      cbind(1 * abs(res2$beta.hat) * rexp(num.init - 1) * sample(c(-1,1), num.init-1, TRUE),
                            ## 1 * res2$tau2.se * rexp(num.init - 1)
        init.param <- rbind(init.param, init.param.perturbed)

    res <- list()
    beta <- rep(NA, num.init)
    for (i in 1:num.init) {
        suppressWarnings(res[[i]] <- multiroot(psi, init.param[i, ]))
        if ((over.dispersion) && (!is.na(res[[i]]$root[2])) && (res[[i]]$root[2] > median(se_out) * 10)) {
            beta[i] <- NA
        } else {
            if (is.na(res[[i]]$estim.precis)) {
                beta[i] <- NA
            } else {
                beta[i] <- res[[i]]$root[1]

    beta.init <- mr.raps.mle(b_exp, b_out, se_exp, se_out, over.dispersion, loss.function)$beta.hat
    j <- which.min(abs(beta - beta.init[1]))
    if (length(j) == 0) {
        warning("Cannot find solution with finite over.dispersion. Using tau2 = 0.")
        return(mr.raps.shrinkage(b_exp, b_out, se_exp, se_out, FALSE, loss.function, k, shrinkage, prior.param, diagnostics))
        ## res <- multiroot(function(beta) psi(c(beta, 0))[1], init.param[1])
        ## estimated.param <- c(res$root, 0)

    if (multiple.root.warning > 0) {
        for(i in 1:num.init) {
            if (!is.na(beta[i]) && abs(beta[i] - beta[j]) > 1e-4 && abs(beta[i] - beta.init[1]) < 100 * max(abs(beta[j] - beta.init[1]), abs(beta.init[1]) / 10)) {
                warning(paste("The estimating equations might have another finite root. The closest root is beta =", beta[j], "and the other root is beta =", beta[i], "and the initialization is beta =", beta.init[1]))
            if (multiple.root.warning > 1) {
                if (!is.na(beta[i]) && abs(beta[i] - beta[j]) > 1e-4 && abs(beta[i] - beta.init[1]) < 5 * abs(beta[j] - beta.init[1])) {
                    stop(paste("Found two very close solutions: beta =", beta[j], "and", beta[i]))
                    ## return(list(beta.hat = NA, beta.se = NA, tau2.hat = NA, tau2.se = NA))
    res <- res[[j]]

    if (over.dispersion && res$root[2] < 0) {
        warning("Estimated overdispersion is negative. Using tau2 = 0.")
        return(mr.raps.shrinkage(b_exp, b_out, se_exp, se_out, FALSE, loss.function, k, shrinkage, prior.param, diagnostics))
        ## res <- multiroot(function(beta) psi(c(beta, 0))[1], init.param[1])
        ## estimated.param <- c(res$root, 0)
    } else {
        estimated.param <- res$root

    if (!over.dispersion) {
        beta <- estimated.param[1]
        tau2 <- 0
        t <- get.t(beta, tau2)
        gamma.hat <- get.gamma.hat(beta, tau2)
        v <- beta^2 * se_exp^2 + se_out^2 + tau2
        V1 <- c1 * sum(gamma.hat^2 / v)
        V2 <- sum((get.gamma.hat(beta, tau2, deriv = "beta") * rho(t, deriv = 1) + gamma.hat * delta * (- b_exp) / sqrt(v)) / sqrt(v))
        beta.se <- sqrt(V1 / V2^2)
        tau2.se <- 0
    } else {
        beta <- estimated.param[1]
        tau2 <- estimated.param[2]
        t <- get.t(beta, tau2)
        gamma.hat <- get.gamma.hat(beta, tau2)
        v <- beta^2 * se_exp^2 + se_out^2 + tau2

        V1 <- diag(c(c1 * sum(gamma.hat^2 / v), c2 * sum(1 / v^2)))
        V2 <- matrix(c(sum((get.gamma.hat(beta, tau2, deriv = "beta") * rho(t, deriv = 1) + gamma.hat * delta * (- b_exp) / sqrt(v)) / sqrt(v)),
                       sum(get.gamma.hat(beta, tau2, "tau2") * rho(t, deriv = 1) / sqrt(v)),
                       (delta + c3) / 2 * sum(1/v^2)), 2, 2)
        V <- solve(V2) %*% V1 %*% t(solve(V2))
        beta.se <- sqrt(V[1, 1])
        tau2.se <- sqrt(V[2, 2])

    t <- get.t(beta, tau2)
    ## par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
    ## qqnorm(t)
    ## abline(0, 1)
    gamma.hat <- get.gamma.hat(beta, tau2)
    v <- 1 / (1 / se_exp^2 + beta^2 / (se_out^2 + tau2))
    gamma.hat.z <- gamma.hat / sqrt(v)
    t <- t * sign(gamma.hat.z)
    gamma.hat.z <- abs(gamma.hat.z)
    out <- list(beta.hat = beta, tau2.hat = tau2, beta.se = beta.se, tau2.se = tau2.se, t = t, gamma.hat.z = gamma.hat.z)
    class(out) <- "mr.raps"

    if (diagnostics) {
        ## Heterogeneity test

        ## Use MLE instead of shrinked gamma.hat usually has more power
        gamma.mle <- abs((b_exp/ se_exp^2 + beta * b_out/ (se_out^2 + tau2)) / (1 / se_exp^2 + beta^2 / (se_out^2 + tau2)))
        gamma.mle[se_exp == 0] <- abs(b_exp)

        weights <- gamma.mle
        std.resids <- out$t
        df <- max(round(length(weights) / 20), 3)
        lm.test <- lm(std.resids ~ bs(weights, df) - 1)
        hetero.pval <- anova(lm.test)[[5]][1]
        out$hetero.pval <- hetero.pval


#' @describeIn mr.raps.shrinkage Print
#' @param x a \code{mr.raps} object
#' @param ... further arguments (not supported)
#' @export
print.mr.raps <- function(x, ...) {

#' @describeIn mr.raps.shrinkage Diagnostic plots
#' @inheritParams print.mr.raps
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2 gridExtra
plot.mr.raps <- function(x, ...) {

    qhnorm <- function(p) {
        - qnorm(p / 2)

    df <- data.frame(t = x$t, w = x$gamma.hat.z)
        ggplot(df) + aes(x = w, y = t, shape) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "loess") + xlab("Absolute weight") + ylab("Standardized residual"),
        ggplot(df) + aes(x = qhnorm(ppoints(length(t)))[order(order(- abs(t)))], y = abs(t)) + geom_point() + geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, linetype = "dashed") + xlab("Theoretical") + ylab("Sample"),
        ncol = 2)

#' Recommended \code{mr.raps} procedure
#' @inheritParams mr.raps.shrinkage
#' @param data A data frame (see Details)
#' @param diagnostics Logical indicator for showing diagnostic plots.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to be passed to \code{mr.raps.shrinkage} (default is \code{shrinkage=FALSE}).
#' @details
#' This function calls \code{mr.raps.shrinkage} with \code{overdispersion = TRUE}, \code{loss.function = "huber"}. The input data frame should contain the following variables:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item beta.exposure
#' \item beta.outcome
#' \item se.exposure
#' \item se.outcome
#' }
#' @seealso mr.raps.shrinkage
#' @import splines
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mr.raps(bmi.sbp)
#' \donttest{
#' require(mr.raps)
#' data(lipid.cad)
#' data <- subset(lipid.cad, lipid == "hdl" & restrict &
#' gwas.selection == "teslovich_2010" &
#' gwas.outcome == "cardiogramplusc4d_1000genome")
#' mr.raps(data)
#' }
mr.raps <- function(data, diagnostics = TRUE, over.dispersion = TRUE, loss.function = "huber", ...) {
    prior.param <- fit.mixture.model(data$beta.exposure / data$se.exposure)
    out <- mr.raps.shrinkage(data$beta.exposure, data$beta.outcome, data$se.exposure, data$se.outcome, over.dispersion, loss.function, prior.param = prior.param, diagnostics = diagnostics, ...)

    if (diagnostics) {
        cat(paste0("Estimated causal effect: ", signif(out$beta.hat, 3), ", standard error: ", signif(out$beta.se, 3), ", p-value: ", signif(pnorm(-abs(out$beta.hat / out$beta.se)) * 2, 3), ".\n"))
        cat(paste0("Estimated overdispersion variance: ", signif(out$tau2.hat, 3), ", standard error: ", signif(out$tau2.se, 3), ", p-value: ", signif(pnorm(-abs(out$tau2.hat / out$tau2.se)) * 2, 3), ".\n"))

        cat(paste0("ANOVA test: are the weights and residuals independent? \n"))
        weights <- out$gamma.hat.z
        std.resids <- out$t
        df <- max(round(length(weights) / 20), 3)
        lm.test <- lm(std.resids ~ bs(weights, knots = quantile(weights, 1:df/(df+1))) - 1)

        ## cat("Showing diagnostic plot ...\n")
        ## plot(out)


#' Generate diagnostic plots for publishing
#' @keywords internal
#' @import ggplot2 splines gridExtra
mr.raps.publish <- function(data, weight.option = c("both", "MLE", "shrinkage"), verbal = 1) {

    ## require(splines)
    ## require(ggplot2)

    weight.option <- match.arg(weight.option)

    prior.param <- fit.mixture.model(data$beta.exposure / data$se.exposure)
    if (weight.option != "shrinkage") {
        out1 <- mr.raps.shrinkage(data$beta.exposure, data$beta.outcome, data$se.exposure, data$se.outcome, TRUE, "huber", shrinkage = FALSE)
        weights <- out1$gamma.hat.z
        std.resids <- out1$t
        df <- max(round(length(weights) / 50), 3)
        lm.test <- lm(std.resids ~ bs(weights, knots = quantile(weights, 1:df/(df+1))) - 1)
        p1 <- anova(lm.test)[[5]][1]
    if (weight.option != "MLE") {
        out2 <- mr.raps.shrinkage(data$beta.exposure, data$beta.outcome, data$se.exposure, data$se.outcome, TRUE, "huber", shrinkage = TRUE, prior.param = prior.param)
        weights <- out2$gamma.hat.z
        std.resids <- out2$t
        df <- max(round(length(weights) / 50), 3)
        lm.test <- lm(std.resids ~ bs(weights, knots = quantile(weights, 1:df/(df+1))) - 1)
        p2 <- anova(lm.test)[[5]][1]

    if (weight.option == "both"){
        df <- data.frame(SNP = rep(data$SNP, 2),
                         t = c(out1$t, out2$t),
                         w = c(out1$gamma.hat.z, out2$gamma.hat.z),
                         pval.selection = rep(data$pval.selection, 2),
                         weight.method = rep(c("MLE", "Shrinkage"), each = nrow(data)))
        df.label <- data.frame(p = c(p1, p2),
                               beta.hat = c(out1$beta.hat, out2$beta.hat),
                               weight.method = rep(c("MLE", "Shrinkage")))
    } else if (weight.option == "MLE") {
        df <- data.frame(SNP = data$SNP,
                         t = out1$t,
                         w = out1$gamma.hat.z,
                         pval.selection = data$pval.selection,
                         weight.method = rep("MLE", each = nrow(data)))
        df.label <- data.frame(p = p1,
                               beta.hat = out1$beta.hat,
                               weight.method = "MLE")
    } else if (weight.option == "shrinkage") {
        df <- data.frame(SNP = data$SNP,
                         t = out2$t,
                         w = out2$gamma.hat.z,
                         pval.selection = data$pval.selection,
                         weight.method = rep("Shrinkage", each = nrow(data)))
        df.label <- data.frame(p = p2,
                               beta.hat = out2$beta.hat,
                               weight.method = "Shrinkage")

    out.plot <- ggplot(df) + aes(x = w, y = t) + geom_point(aes(shape = (pval.selection < 5e-8), color = (pval.selection < 5e-8), size = (pval.selection < 5e-8)), alpha = 0.7)

    if (verbal >= 2) {
        out.plot <- out.plot + geom_text(x = max(df$w) * 0.5, y = max(df$t) * 1, aes(label = paste("Estimated effect:", as.character(signif(beta.hat, 2)))), data = df.label, size = 5)
    if (verbal >= 1) {
        out.plot <- out.plot + geom_text(x = max(df$w) * 0.5, y = max(df$t) * 0.8, aes(label = paste("Heterogeneity p-value:", as.character(signif(p, 2)))), data = df.label, size = 5)
    out.plot <- out.plot + coord_cartesian(ylim = range(df$t) * 1.1) + facet_grid(weight.method ~ .) + geom_smooth(method = "loess", span = 1/3) + xlab("Absolute weight") + ylab("Standardized residual") + scale_shape_discrete(guide = FALSE) + scale_color_discrete(guide = FALSE) + scale_size_discrete(guide = FALSE, range = c(1.5, 2.5)) + theme_bw(base_size = 18)

    qhnorm <- function(p) {
        - qnorm(p / 2)

    qq.plot <- ggplot(df) + aes(x = qhnorm(ppoints(length(t)))[order(order(- abs(t)))], y = abs(t)) + geom_point(aes(shape = (pval.selection < 5e-8), color = (pval.selection < 5e-8), size = (pval.selection < 5e-8))) + geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, linetype = "dashed") + facet_grid(weight.method ~ .) + xlab("Theoretical") + ylab("Sample") + scale_shape_discrete(guide = FALSE) + scale_color_discrete(guide = FALSE) + scale_size_discrete(guide = FALSE, range = c(1.5, 3)) + theme_bw(base_size = 18)

    ## require(gridExtra)
    grid.arrange(out.plot, qq.plot, ncol = 2, widths = c(2, 1))

qingyuanzhao/mr.raps documentation built on June 4, 2022, 3:04 a.m.