
Defines functions simulate_js_openscr simulate_cjs_openscr simulate_scr

Documented in simulate_cjs_openscr simulate_js_openscr simulate_scr

#' Simulate Spatial Capture-Recapture data
#' @param par named vector of D, lambda0, sigma parameters and sd, if movement is desired 
#' @param n_occasions number of occasions to simulate 
#' @param detectors detectors object made using SECR package make.traps 
#' @param mesh mesh object made using SECR make.mask
#' @param ihp relative density at each mesh point for inhomogeneous (so density at point = D*ihp)
#' @param move if TRUE, then activity centres move by Brownian motion and par$sd must be specified
#' @param time time of each occasions (e.g. 1 to 10, or 2002, 2003, 2004)
#' @param seed if supplied, random number generator is given this seed
#' @param print if TRUE then useful output is printed 
#' @return a ScrData object 
#' @export
simulate_scr <- function(par, n_occasions, detectors, mesh, ihp = NULL, move = FALSE, time = NULL, seed = NULL, print = TRUE) {
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  if (is.null(time)) time <- 1:n_occasions
  num.meshpts <- nrow(mesh)
  box <- attr(mesh, "boundingbox")
  D <- par$D
  if (!is.null(ihp)) {
    D <- D * ihp 
    model2D <- "IHP"
  } else {
    model2D <- "poisson"
  D <- D / 100
  # simulate population
  if (print) cat("Simulating population and activity centres.......")
  pop <- sim.popn(D = D, core = mesh, model2D = model2D, Ndist = "poisson", buffertype = "rect")
  if (print) cat("done\n")
  dt <- rep(1, n_occasions - 1)
  if (!is.null(time))  dt <- diff(time)
  # generate capture histories
  lambda0 <- par$lambda0
  sigma <- par$sigma
  # move activity centres 
  nocc <- n_occasions
  nsess <- 1
  popn <- pop 
  trapn <- detectors
  if (move) {
    if (print) cat("Simulating moving activity centres......")
    poplist <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_occasions)
    poplist[[1]] <- pop
    traplist <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_occasions)
    traplist[[1]] <- detectors
    if (is.null(usage(detectors))) usage(detectors) <- matrix(1, nr = nrow(detectors), nc = n_occasions)
    usage(traplist[[1]]) <- matrix(usage(detectors)[,1], nr = nrow(detectors), nc = 1)
    for (k in 2:n_occasions) {
      for (i in 1:nrow(pop)) {
        dist <- pop[i,1] - mesh[,1]
        pr <- dnorm(dist, 0, par$sd * sqrt(dt[k-1]))
        dist2 <- pop[i,2] - mesh[,2]
        pr2 <- dnorm(dist2, 0, par$sd * sqrt(dt[k-1]))
        pr <- pr*pr2 / sum(pr*pr2)
        pop[i,] <- mesh[sample(1:nrow(mesh), size = 1, prob = pr),]    
      poplist[[k]] <- pop
      traplist[[k]] <- detectors 
      usage(traplist[[k]]) <- matrix(usage(detectors)[,k], nr = nrow(detectors), nc = 1)
    popn <- poplist
    trapn <- traplist
    nocc <- 1 
    nsess <- n_occasions
  if (print) cat("Simulating capture histories......")
  if (move) {
    capturehistories <- vector(mode = "list", length = nsess)
    for (k in 1:nsess) {
      capturehistories[[k]] <- sim.capthist(trapn[[k]],  
                                            popn = popn[[k]], 
                                            detectfn = "HHN", 
                                            detectpar = list(lambda0 = lambda0, 
                                                             sigma = sigma), 
                                            noccasions = nocc, 
                                            renumber = FALSE)
    capture_history <- join(capturehistories)
  } else {
    capture_history <- sim.capthist(trapn,  
                                    popn = popn, 
                                    detectfn = "HHN", 
                                    detectpar = list(lambda0 = lambda0, 
                                                     sigma = sigma), 
                                    noccasions = nocc,
                                    nsession = nsess, 
                                    renumber = FALSE)
  if (print) cat("done\n")
  if (print) cat("Creating ScrData object.......")
  simdat <- ScrData$new(capture_history, mesh, time)
  if (print) cat("done\n")

#' Simulate SCR open population Cormack-Jolly-Seber survey
#' @param par true parameters, named list of lambda0, sigma, phi
#' @param N number of individuals 
#' @param n_occasions total number of occasions in survey 
#' @param detectors secr trap object
#' @param mesh secr mesh object
#' @param move if TRUE then activity centres move and true_par$sd must be specified
#' @param time vector with time units between occasions 
#' @param primary index of primary periods that each occasion belongs to (default is 1 primary period)
#' @param seed seed to set before simulating 
#' @param print if TRUE then useful output is printed 
#' @return ScrData object 
#' @export
simulate_cjs_openscr <- function(par, N, n_occasions, detectors, mesh,  move = FALSE, time = NULL, primary = NULL, seed = NULL, print = TRUE) {
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  if (is.null(time)) {
    if (is.null(primary)) {
      time <- 1:n_occasions
    } else {
      time <- 1:max(primary)
  num_meshpts <- nrow(mesh)
  phi <- par$phi
  if (length(phi) == 1) phi <- rep(phi, n_occasions - 1)
  # simulate population
  area <- nrow(mesh) * attr(mesh, "area")
  D <- 1.5 * N / area
  pop <- matrix(1, nr = 1, nc = 1)
  if (print) cat("Simulating activity centres.......")
  while (nrow(pop) < N) pop <- sim.popn(D = D, core = mesh, Ndist = "fixed", buffertype = "convex")
  pop <- pop[1:N,]
  covariates(pop) <- covariates(pop)[1:N,]
  if (print) cat("done\n")
  life <- matrix(0, nr = nrow(pop), ncol = n_occasions) 
  life[, 1] <- 1
  diffprim <- diff(primary)
  if (all(diffprim == 0)) {
    diffprim <- rep(1, n_occasions - 1)
  } else {
    diffprim <- diff(primary)
  for (k in 2:n_occasions) {
    if(diffprim[k - 1] > 0.5) {
      life[,k] <- rbinom(N, 1, phi[k - 1]) * life[, k - 1]
    } else {
      life[,k] <- life[,k-1]
  dt <- rep(1, n_occasions - 1)
  if (!is.null(time))  dt <- diff(time)
  lambda0 <- par$lambda0
  sigma <- par$sigma
  nocc <- n_occasions
  nsess <- 1
  popn <- pop 
  trapn <- detectors
  if (move) {
    if (print) cat("Simulating moving activity centres......")
    poplist <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_occasions)
    poplist[[1]] <- pop
    traplist <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_occasions)
    traplist[[1]] <- detectors
    if (is.null(usage(detectors))) usage(detectors) <- matrix(1, nr = nrow(detectors), nc = n_occasions)
    usage(traplist[[1]]) <- matrix(usage(detectors)[,1], nr = nrow(detectors), nc = 1)
    for (k in 2:n_occasions) {
      for (i in 1:nrow(pop)) {
        dist <- pop[i,1] - mesh[,1]
        pr <- dnorm(dist, 0, par$sd * sqrt(dt[k-1]))
        dist2 <- pop[i,2] - mesh[,2]
        pr2 <- dnorm(dist2, 0, par$sd * sqrt(dt[k-1]))
        pr <- pr*pr2 / sum(pr*pr2)
        pop[i,] <- mesh[sample(1:nrow(mesh), size = 1, prob = pr),]    
      poplist[[k]] <- pop
      traplist[[k]] <- detectors 
      usage(traplist[[k]]) <- matrix(usage(detectors)[,k], nr = nrow(detectors), nc = 1)
    popn <- poplist
    trapn <- traplist
    nocc <- 1 
    nsess <- n_occasions
    if (print) cat("done\n")
  if (print) cat("Simulating capture histories......")
  if (move) {
    capturehistories <- vector(mode = "list", length = nsess)
    for (k in 1:nsess) {
      capturehistories[[k]] <- sim.capthist(trapn[[k]],  
                                            popn = popn[[k]], 
                                            detectfn = "HHN", 
                                            detectpar = list(lambda0 = lambda0, 
                                                             sigma = sigma), 
                                            noccasions = nocc, 
                                            renumber = FALSE)
    capture_history <- join(capturehistories)
  } else {
    capture_history <- sim.capthist(trapn,  
                                    popn = popn, 
                                    detectfn = "HHN", 
                                    detectpar = list(lambda0 = lambda0, 
                                                     sigma = sigma), 
                                    noccasions = nocc,
                                    nsession = nsess, 
                                    renumber = FALSE)
  if (print) cat("done\n")
  # thin capture history by survival
  if (print) cat("Simulating life histories.......")
  n <- dim(capture_history)[1]
  ids <- as.numeric(rownames(capture_history))
  life <- life[ids,]
  seen <- rep(TRUE, n)
  full_cap <- capture_history 
  for (i in seq(n)) {
    life[i, 1:n_occasions] <- cumprod(life[i, 1:n_occasions])
    capture_history[i, ,] <- diag(life[i,]) %*% capture_history[i, ,]
    if (sum(capture_history[i, ,]) == 0) seen[i] <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(attr(capture_history, "detectedXY"))) { 
    xy <- attr(capture_history, "detectedXY")
    inc <- rep(FALSE, nrow(xy))
    r <- 1 
    for (i in 1:length(full_cap)) {
      if (capture_history[i] > 0) inc[seq(r, r + capture_history[i] - 1)] <- TRUE
      r <- r + full_cap[i]
    xy <- xy[inc,]
    attributes(capture_history)$detectedXY <- xy 
  capture_history <- subset(capture_history, subset = (1:n)[seen])
  A <- nrow(mesh) * attr(mesh, "area")
  if (print) cat("done\n")
  if (print) cat("Creating ScrData object........")
  simdat <- ScrData$new(capture_history, mesh, time, primary = primary) 
  if (print) cat("done\n")

#' Simulate SCR open population Jolly-Seber survey 
#' @param par true parameters, named list of lambda0, sigma, phi, beta
#' @param n_occasions total number of occasions in survey 
#' @param detectors secr trap object
#' @param mesh secr mesh object
#' @param ihp relative density at each mesh point for inhomogeneous (so density at point = D*ihp)
#' @param move if TRUE, activity centres move and par$sd must be specified 
#' @param time vector with time units between occasions 
#' @param primary index of which primary each occasion is allocated to 
#' @param seed seed to set before simulating 
#' @param print if TRUE, useful output is printed 
#' @return ScrData object 
#' @export
simulate_js_openscr <- function(par, n_occasions, detectors, mesh, ihp = NULL, move = FALSE, time = NULL, primary = NULL, seed = NULL, print = TRUE) {
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  if (is.null(time)) {
    if (is.null(primary)) {
      time <- 1:n_occasions
    } else {
      time <- 1:max(primary)
  num_meshpts <- nrow(mesh)
  D <- par$D
  if (!is.null(ihp)) {
    D <- D * ihp 
    model2D <- "IHP"
  } else {
    model2D <- "poisson"
  D <- D / 100
  phi <- par$phi
  if (length(phi) == 1) phi <- rep(phi, n_occasions - 1)
  beta <- par$beta
  if (length(beta) == 1) beta <- c(beta, rep((1 - beta) / (n_occasions - 1), n_occasions - 1))
  # simulate population
  if (print) cat("Simulating population and activity centres.......")
  pop <- sim.popn(D = D, core = mesh, model2D = model2D, Ndist = "poisson", buffertype = "rect")
  if (print) cat("done\n")
  birth_time <- sample(1:n_occasions, size = nrow(pop), prob = beta, replace = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(primary)) {
    birth_time <- primary[birth_time]
    birth_time <- match(birth_time, primary)
  dt <- diff(time)
  phi <- phi^dt
  life <- matrix(0, nr = nrow(pop), ncol = n_occasions) 
  life[birth_time == 1, 1] <- 1
  diffprim <- diff(primary)
  if (all(diffprim == 0)) {
    diffprim <- rep(1, n_occasions - 1)
  } else {
    diffprim <- diff(primary)
  for (k in 2:n_occasions) {
    if (diffprim[k - 1] > 0.5) {
      life[birth_time < k,k] <- rbinom(sum(birth_time < k), 1, phi[k - 1]) 
    } else {
      life[birth_time < k,k] <- life[birth_time < k, k - 1]
    life[birth_time == k, k] <- 1
  lambda0 <- par$lambda0
  sigma <- par$sigma
  nocc <- n_occasions
  nsess <- 1
  popn <- pop 
  trapn <- detectors
  if (move) {
    if (print) cat("Simulating moving activity centres......")
    poplist <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_occasions)
    poplist[[1]] <- pop
    traplist <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_occasions)
    traplist[[1]] <- detectors
    if (is.null(usage(detectors))) usage(detectors) <- matrix(1, nr = nrow(detectors), nc = n_occasions)
    usage(traplist[[1]]) <- matrix(usage(detectors)[,1], nr = nrow(detectors), nc = 1)
    for (k in 2:n_occasions) {
      for (i in 1:nrow(pop)) {
        dist <- pop[i,1] - mesh[,1]
        pr <- dnorm(dist, 0, par$sd * sqrt(dt[k-1]))
        dist2 <- pop[i,2] - mesh[,2]
        pr2 <- dnorm(dist2, 0, par$sd * sqrt(dt[k-1]))
        pr <- pr*pr2 / sum(pr*pr2)
        pop[i,] <- mesh[sample(1:nrow(mesh), size = 1, prob = pr),]    
      poplist[[k]] <- pop
      traplist[[k]] <- detectors 
      usage(traplist[[k]]) <- matrix(usage(detectors)[,k], nr = nrow(detectors), nc = 1)
    popn <- poplist
    trapn <- traplist
    nocc <- 1 
    nsess <- n_occasions
    if (print) cat("done\n")
  if (print) cat("Simulating capture histories......")
  if (move) {
    capturehistories <- vector(mode = "list", length = nsess)
    for (k in 1:nsess) {
      capturehistories[[k]] <- sim.capthist(trapn[[k]],  
                                            popn = popn[[k]], 
                                            detectfn = "HHN", 
                                            detectpar = list(lambda0 = lambda0, 
                                                             sigma = sigma), 
                                            noccasions = nocc, 
                                            renumber = FALSE)
    capture_history <- join(capturehistories)
  } else {
    capture_history <- sim.capthist(trapn,  
                                    popn = popn, 
                                    detectfn = "HHN", 
                                    detectpar = list(lambda0 = lambda0, 
                                                     sigma = sigma), 
                                    noccasions = nocc,
                                    nsession = nsess, 
                                    renumber = FALSE)
  if (print) cat("done\n")
  # thin capture history by survival
  if (print) cat("Simulating life histories.......")
  n <- dim(capture_history)[1]
  ids <- as.numeric(rownames(capture_history))
  life <- life[ids,]
  birth_time <- birth_time[ids]
  seen <- rep(TRUE, n)
  for (i in seq(n)) {
    life[i, birth_time[i]:n_occasions] <- cumprod(life[i, birth_time[i]:n_occasions])
    capture_history[i, ,] <- diag(life[i,]) %*% capture_history[i, ,]
    if (sum(capture_history[i, ,]) == 0) seen[i] <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(attr(capture_history, "detectedXY"))) { 
    xy <- attr(capture_history, "detectedXY")
    inc <- rep(FALSE, nrow(xy))
    r <- 1 
    for (i in 1:length(full_cap)) {
      if (capture_history[i] > 0) inc[seq(r, r + capture_history[i] - 1)] <- TRUE
      r <- r + full_cap[i]
    xy <- xy[inc,]
    attributes(capture_history)$detectedXY <- xy 
  capture_history <- subset(capture_history, (1:n)[seen])
  A <- nrow(mesh) * attr(mesh, "area")
  if (print) cat("done\n")
  if (print) cat("Creating ScrData object......")
  simdat <- ScrData$new(capture_history, mesh, time, primary = primary) 
  if (print) cat("done\n")
r-glennie/openpopscr documentation built on Oct. 9, 2021, 9:01 p.m.