
Defines functions load_nc

Documented in load_nc

#' Load Atlantis outputfiles (netcdf)
#' This function loads Atlantis outputfiles (any netcdf file) and
#' converts them to a \code{data.frame}.
#' @template dir
#' @template file_nc
#' @template bps
#' @template fgs
#' @template select_groups
#' @param select_variable A character value spefifying which variable to return.
#'   loaded. Only one variable of the options available (i.e., \code{c(
#'   "N", "Nums", "ResN", "StructN", "Eat", "Growth", "Prodn", "Grazing")
#'   }) can be loaded at a time.
#' @param check_acronyms A logical, specifying if selected groups are active
#'   in the model run. This is used in automated runs.
#'   All groups are passed when plotting is called via batch-file,
#'   (which cannot be changed easily) this will result in errors if some
#'   groups are not active in the model run.
#'   By default this argument is \code{TRUE}.
#' @template bboxes
#' @template verbose
#' @family load functions
#' @return A \code{data.frame} in long format with the following coumn names:
#'   Species, timestep, polygon, agecl, and atoutput (i.e., variable).
#' @keywords gen
#' @author Alexander Keth
#' @examples
#' d <- system.file("extdata", "SETAS_Example", package = "atlantisom")
#' fgs <- load_fgs(d, "Functional_groups.csv")
#' bps <- load_bps(dir = d, "Functional_groups.csv", file_init = "outputs.nc")
#' test <- load_nc(dir = d, file_nc = "outputsCATCH.nc",
#'   fgs = fgs, bps = bps,
#'   select_variable = "Catch",
#'   select_groups = "Pisciv_T_Fish",
#'   check_acronyms = TRUE)
#' str(test)
#' rm(test)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export

load_nc <- function(dir = getwd(), file_nc, bps, fgs, select_groups,
  select_variable =
  c("N", "Nums", "ResN", "StructN", "Eat", "Growth", "Prodn", "Grazing", "Catch"),
  check_acronyms = TRUE, bboxes = c(0), verbose = FALSE) {
  # NOTE: The extraction procedure may look a bit complex...
  # A different approach would be to
  # create a dataframe for each variable (e.g. GroupAge_Nums)
  # and combine all dataframes at the end.
  # This alternative approach requires a lot more storage
  # and the code wouldn't be vectorized.

  # Check input of the nc file
  if (tail(strsplit(file_nc, "\\.")[[1]], 1) != "nc") {
    stop("The argument for file_nc,", file_nc, "does not end in nc")
  if (is.null(dir)) {
    file.nc <- file_nc
  } else {
    file.nc <- file.path(dir, file_nc)

  # Check input of select_variable as only one value is allowed
  select_variable <- match.arg(select_variable, several.ok = FALSE)

  # Check input structure!
  if (check_acronyms) {
    active_groups <- as.vector(subset(fgs, IsTurnedOn == 1)$Name)
    inactive_groups <- select_groups[which(
      !is.element(select_groups, active_groups))]
    if (length(inactive_groups) >= 1) {
      select_groups <- select_groups[!is.element(select_groups, inactive_groups)]
      warning(paste(paste("Some selected groups are not active in the model run.",
        "Check 'IsTurnedOn' in fgs\n"),
        paste(inactive_groups, collapse = "\n")))
    if (all(!is.element(select_groups, active_groups))) {
      stop(paste("None of the species selected are active in the model run.",
        "Check spelling and Check 'IsTurnedOn' in fgs"))

  # Deal with file structures

  # Load ATLANTIS output!
  at_out <- RNetCDF::open.nc(con = file.nc)

  if (select_variable != "N" & all(is.element(select_groups, bps))) {
    stop("The only output for Biomasspools is N.")
  } else{
    print(paste("Read", file.nc, "successfully"))

  # Get info from netcdf file! (Filestructure and all variable names)
  var_names_ncdf <- sapply(seq_len(RNetCDF::file.inq.nc(at_out)$nvars - 1),
    function(x) RNetCDF::var.inq.nc(at_out, x)$name)
  n_timesteps <- RNetCDF::dim.inq.nc(at_out, 0)$length
  n_boxes     <- RNetCDF::dim.inq.nc(at_out, 1)$length
  n_layers    <- RNetCDF::dim.inq.nc(at_out, 2)$length

  # Extract data from the ncdf file
  # Create a vector of all potential variable names
  # Only use names which are available in the ncdf-file as an
  # extraction of missing variables is not possible
  # variable names for Prodn and Garzing use a "" instead of "_"
  # as separator
  # Create vector of available species at the end using search_clean
  # This is needed to create species-names later on
  # WARNING: Only 10 cohorts are supported at the moment!
  # To make the creation of variables as robust as possible
  # we introduce different combinations of groups, variable, and cohort
  # Only combinations present in the ncdf are used later on
  # Loop over select_groups to use the same ordering
  cohorts <- 1:10
  search <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(select_groups)) {
    search[[i]] <- c(
      unlist(lapply(paste0(select_groups[i], cohorts),
                    paste0, select_variable)),           # GroupCohortVariable
      unlist(lapply(paste0(select_groups[i], select_variable),
                    paste0, cohorts)),                   # GroupVariableCohort
      unlist(lapply(paste0(select_groups[i], cohorts),
                    paste, select_variable, sep = "_")), # GroupCohort_Variable
      unlist(lapply(paste(select_groups[i], select_variable, sep = "_"),
                    paste0, cohorts)),                   # Group_VariableCohort
      unlist(lapply(paste(select_groups[i], cohorts, sep = "_"),
                    paste, select_variable, sep = "_")), # Group_Cohort_Variable
      unlist(lapply(paste(select_groups[i], select_variable, sep = "_"),
                    paste, cohorts, sep = "_")),         # Group_Variable_Cohort
      unlist(paste0(select_groups[i], select_variable)),                                                      # GroupVariable
      unlist(paste(select_groups[i], select_variable,
                   sep = "_"))                           # Group_Variable
    search[[i]] <- search[[i]][is.element(search[[i]], var_names_ncdf)]
    search[[i]] <- unique(search[[i]])
  search_clean <- do.call(c, search)
  # If the combination of select_groups and select_variable ends up not being found.
  if (length(search_clean) == 0) return(0)

  at_data <- lapply(search_clean, RNetCDF::var.get.nc, ncfile = at_out)

  # Get final species and number of ageclasses per species
  final_species <- select_groups[sapply(
    lapply(select_groups, grepl, x = search_clean), any)]
  final_agecl <- fgs$NumCohorts[
    sapply(final_species, function(x) which(x == fgs$Name))]

  num_layers <- RNetCDF::var.get.nc(ncfile = at_out, variable = "numlayers")[, 1]
  # add sediment layer!
  num_layers <- num_layers + ifelse(num_layers == 0, 0, 1)

  # Create an array of layerids.
  # Every entry in the array indicates if a layer is present (= 1) or not (= 0).
  # Boxes without layers (= islands) have only 0s as id,
  # used later on to remove data from non-existent layers!
  # By default output should be 0 in those layers.
  # Layers in boundary boxes are set to 0 if bboxes is anything other than NULL!
  # Applying a boolean array to an array results in a vector!
  for (i in seq_along(num_layers)) {
    if (i == 1) layerid <- array(dim = c(n_layers, n_boxes))
    if (num_layers[i] == 0) {
      layerid[, i] <- 0
    } else {
      if (!is.null(bboxes) & is.element((i - 1), bboxes)) {
        layerid[, i] <- 0
      } else {
        layerid[, i] <- c(rep(0, times = n_layers - num_layers[i]),
                          rep(1, times = num_layers[i]))

  # Create vectors for polygons and layers
  # Each vector has the length equal to one time-step
  # All data from islands and non-existent layers is removed
  # Therefore the length of these
  # vectors is equal for each extracted variable
  boxes <- 0:(n_boxes - 1)
  # Remove islands and boundary boxes
  island_ids <- num_layers == 0
  if (!is.null(bboxes)) {
    boundary_ids <- is.element(boxes, bboxes)
    island_ids <- island_ids | boundary_ids
  boxes <- boxes[!island_ids]
  num_layers <- num_layers[!island_ids]

  polygons <- rep(boxes, times = num_layers)
  layers <- sapply(num_layers[num_layers != 0] - 2,
    function(x) c(seq(x, from = 0, by = 1), n_layers - 1))
  if (any(sapply(layers, length) != num_layers[num_layers != 0])) {
    stop("Number of layers incorrect.")
  layers <- do.call(c, layers)
  if (length(polygons) != length(layers)) {
    stop("Number of polygons and layers do not match.")

  # In the following section the data is transformed to a long dataframe
  # I haven't found any solution to vectorize the creation of the dataframe
  # columns (species, age, polygons,...)
  # when data from 2d and 3d arrays
  # (e.g. select_variable = "N" all biomasspools are only present in the
  # sediment layer.) are read in simultaneously.
  # Therefore the current "messy" solution splits the data
  # in 2 subpopulations: 2d-data and 3d-data
  at_data3d <- at_data[which(sapply(at_data, function(x) length(dim(x))) == 3)]
  at_data2d <- at_data[which(sapply(at_data, function(x) length(dim(x))) == 2)]

  int_fs <- final_species
  int_fa <- final_agecl

  if (length(at_data3d) >= 1) {
    # Remove biomasspools if selected variable is "N"!
    if (select_variable == "N") {
      int_fs <- final_species[!is.element(final_species, bps)]
      int_fa <- final_agecl[!is.element(final_species, bps)]
      # Note this only works if age-structured vertebrates have 10 ageclasses
      int_fa[int_fa == 10] <- 1
    for (i in seq_along(at_data3d)) {# for loop over all variables
      if (i == 1) result3d <- list()
      for (j in 1:n_timesteps) {# loop over timesteps
        if (j == 1) values <- array(dim = c(length(layers), n_timesteps))
        values[, j] <- at_data3d[[i]][,, j][layerid == 1]
      result3d[[i]] <- as.vector(values)
    result3d <- data.frame(
      species = unlist(sapply(
        X = mapply(FUN = rep, x = int_fs, each = int_fa, SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
        USE.NAMES = FALSE),
        FUN = rep, each = length(layers) * n_timesteps, simplify = FALSE)),
      agecl = unlist(sapply(
        X = sapply(X = int_fa, FUN = seq, from = 1, by = 1, simplify = FALSE,
        USE.NAMES = FALSE),
        FUN = rep, each = length(layers) * n_timesteps, simplify = FALSE)),
      polygon = unlist(sapply(
        X = n_timesteps * int_fa, FUN = rep, x = polygons, simplify = F,
        USE.NAMES = FALSE)),
      layer = unlist(sapply(
        X = n_timesteps * int_fa, FUN = rep, x = layers, simplify = FALSE,
        USE.NAMES = FALSE)),
      time = unlist(sapply(
        X = int_fa, FUN = rep, x = rep(0:(n_timesteps - 1), each = length(layers)),
        simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)),
      atoutput = do.call(c, result3d),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  if (length(at_data2d) >= 1) {
    # Only select biomasspools if selected variable is "N"!
    if (select_variable == "N") {
      int_fs <- final_species[is.element(final_species, bps)]
      int_fa <- final_agecl[is.element(final_species, bps)]
    # age-structured invert groups are combined in ncdf file!
    if (select_variable == "Grazing") int_fa <- 1
    for (i in seq_along(at_data2d)) {# for loop over all variables!
      if (i == 1) result2d <- list()
      for (j in 1:n_timesteps) {# loop over timesteps
        if (j == 1) values <- array(dim = c(length(boxes), n_timesteps))
        values[, j] <- at_data2d[[i]][, j][boxes + 1]
      result2d[[i]] <- as.vector(values)

    # Order of the data in value column = "atoutput".
    # 1. species  --> rep each with the number of
    #                 ageclasses and n_timesteps * boxes
    # 2. age      --> rep each (1:10 for each species) with n_timesteps * boxes
    # 3. timestep --> rep each timestep (1:n_timesteps)
    #                 with the number of boxes and final_agecl
    #                 (num cohorts per species)
    # 4. polygon  --> rep boxes times n_timesteps * final_agecl
    #                 (num cohorts per species)
    result2d <- data.frame(species = unlist(sapply(
      X = mapply(FUN = rep, x = int_fs, each = int_fa, SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
        USE.NAMES = FALSE),
        FUN = rep, each = length(boxes) * n_timesteps, simplify = FALSE)),
      agecl = unlist(sapply(X = sapply(X = int_fa, FUN = seq, from = 1,
        by = 1, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE),
        FUN = rep, each = length(boxes) * n_timesteps, simplify = FALSE)),
      polygon = unlist(sapply(X = n_timesteps * int_fa,
        FUN = rep, x = boxes, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)),
      time = unlist(sapply(X = int_fa, FUN = rep, x = rep(0:(n_timesteps - 1),
        each = length(boxes)), simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)),
      atoutput = do.call(c, result2d),
      stringsAsFactors = F)
    if (select_variable == "N") result2d$layer <- n_layers - 1

  # Combine dataframes if necessary!
  if (all(sapply(lapply(at_data, dim), length) == 3) & select_variable != "N") {
    result <- result3d
  if (all(sapply(lapply(at_data, dim), length) == 2) & select_variable != "N") {
    result <- result2d
  if (select_variable == "N") {
    if (length(at_data2d) >= 1 & length(at_data3d) == 0) result <- result2d
    if (length(at_data2d) == 0 & length(at_data3d) >= 1) result <- result3d
    if (length(at_data2d) >= 1 & length(at_data3d) >= 1) {
      result <- rbind(result2d, result3d)

  # Remove min_pools if existent (well, there always are min pools... ;)).
  min_pools <- is.element(result$atoutput, c(0, 1e-08, 1e-16))
  if (length(min_pools) > 0) {
    # exclude 1st timestep and sediment layer from calculation
    print_min_pools <- sum(min_pools) -
      length(result[min_pools & result$time == 1, 1]) -
      length(result[min_pools & result$time > 1 & result$layer == 7, 1])
    if (print_min_pools > 0 & verbose) {
      warning(paste0(round(print_min_pools/dim(result)[1] * 100),
        "% of ", select_variable, " are true min-pools (0, 1e-08, 1e-16)"))
    result <- result[!min_pools, ]

  # Remove non-existent layers.
  # WARNING: Biomass is build up (very few) in sediment layer for
  # NON sediment groups (e.g. baleen whales)
  # Therefore, I subset all data from that layer for non biomass groups and
  # groups which cannot penetrate into the sediment!
  # UPDATE: Doesn't work with layers as species are not distributed through
  # the whole water column and do not appear in
  # every polygon.

  # Sum up N for invert cohorts if invert cohorts are present!
  # NOTE: invert cohorts of size 10 are not considered!
  if (select_variable == "N" & any(final_agecl != 10 & final_agecl > 1)) {
    result <- result %>%
      dplyr::group_by(polygon, layer, species, time) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(atoutput = sum(atoutput))

r4atlantis/atlantisom documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 2:59 a.m.