
Defines functions SSplotPars

Documented in SSplotPars

#' Plot distributions of priors, posteriors, and estimates.
#' Make multi-figure plots of prior, posterior, and estimated asymptotic
#' parameter distributions. MCMC not required to make function work.
#' @template replist
#' @template plotdir
#' @param xlab Label on horizontal axis.
#' @param ylab Label on vertical axis.
#' @param showmle Show MLE estimate and asymptotic variance estimate with blue
#' lines?
#' @param showprior Show prior distribution as black line?
#' @param showpost Show posterior distribution as bar graph if MCMC results
#' are available in `replist`?
#' @param showinit Show initial value as red triangle?
#' @param showdev Include devs in the plot?
#' @param add Add to existing plot?
#' @param showlegend Show the legend?
#' @param fitrange Fit range tightly around MLE & posterior distributions,
#' instead of full parameter range?
#' @param xaxs Parameter input for x-axis. See `?par` for more info.
#' @param xlim Optional x-axis limits to be applied to all plots.
#' Otherwise, limits are based on the model results.
#' @param ylim Optional y-axis limits to be applied to all plots.
#' Otherwise, limits are based on the model results.
#' @template verbose
#' @param debug Provide additional messages to help with debugging when the
#' function fails.
#' @param nrows How many rows in multi-figure plot.
#' @param ncols How many columns in multi-figure plot.
#' @param ltyvec Vector of line types used for lines showing MLE and prior
#' distributions and the median of the posterior distribution.
#' @param colvec Vector of colors used for lines and polygons showing MLE,
#' initial value, prior, posterior, and median of the posterior.
#' @template plot
#' @template print
#' @template pwidth
#' @template pheight
#' @template punits
#' @template ptsize
#' @template res
#' @param strings Subset parameters included in the plot using substring from
#' parameter names (i.e. "SR" will get "SR_LN(R0)" and "SR_steep" if they are both
#' estimated quantities in this model).
#' @param exact Should strings input match parameter names exactly?  Otherwise
#' substrings are allowed.
#' @param newheaders Optional vector of headers for each panel to replace the
#' parameter names.
#' @author Ian G. Taylor, Cole C. Monnahan
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # read model results
#' model <- SS_output(dir = "c:/SS/Simple/")
#' # make default plots where parameter distribution plots will appear
#' # in the "pars" tab
#' SS_plots(model)
#' # create just the "pars" tab with control of the inputs that are
#' # passed to SSplotPars
#' SS_plots(model,
#'   plot = 25, showmle = TRUE, showpost = TRUE,
#'   showprior = TRUE, showinit = TRUE, showdev = FALSE, fitrange = FALSE
#' )
#' # call SSplotPars directly
#' SSplotPars(replist = model)
#' # Create plot in custom location. Note that strings can be partial match.
#' # File name will be "parameter_distributions.png"
#' # or "parameter_distributions_pageX.png" when they don't all fit on one page
#' SSplotPars(
#'   replist = model, strings = c("steep", "R0"),
#'   nrows = 2, ncols = 1, plot = FALSE, print = TRUE,
#'   plotdir = file.path(model[["inputs"]][["dir"]], "distribution_plots")
#' )
#' }
SSplotPars <-
  function(replist, plotdir = NULL,
           xlab = "Parameter value", ylab = "Density",
           showmle = TRUE, showpost = TRUE, showprior = TRUE, showinit = TRUE,
           showdev = FALSE,
           # priorinit = TRUE, priorfinal = TRUE,
           showlegend = TRUE, fitrange = FALSE, xaxs = "i",
           xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, verbose = TRUE, debug = FALSE,
           nrows = 4, ncols = 2,
           ltyvec = c(1, 1, 3, 4),
           colvec = c("blue", "red", "black", "gray60", rgb(0, 0, 0, .5)),
           add = FALSE, plot = TRUE, print = FALSE,
           pwidth = 6.5, pheight = 6.5, punits = "in", ptsize = 10, res = 300,
           strings = NULL, exact = FALSE,
           newheaders = NULL) {
    # define subfunction
    GetPrior <- function(Ptype, Pmin, Pmax, Pr, Psd, Pval) {
      # function to calculate prior values is direct translation of code in SS
      Prior_Like <- NULL

      if (is.na(Ptype)) {
        warning("problem with prior type interpretation. Ptype:", Ptype)

      Pconst <- 0.0001
      # no prior
      if (Ptype %in% c("No_prior", "")) {
        Prior_Like <- rep(0., length(Pval))

      # normal
      if (Ptype == "Normal") {
        Prior_Like <- 0.5 * ((Pval - Pr) / Psd)^2

      # symmetric beta    value of Psd must be >0.0
      if (Ptype == "Sym_Beta") {
        mu <- -(Psd * (log((Pmax + Pmin) * 0.5 - Pmin))) - (Psd * (log(0.5)))
        Prior_Like <- -(mu + (Psd * (log(Pval - Pmin + Pconst))) +
          (Psd * (log(1. - ((Pval - Pmin - Pconst) / (Pmax - Pmin))))))

      # CASAL's Beta;  check to be sure that Aprior and Bprior are OK before running SS2!
      if (Ptype == "Full_Beta") {
        mu <- (Pr - Pmin) / (Pmax - Pmin) # CASAL's v
        tau <- (Pr - Pmin) * (Pmax - Pr) / (Psd^2) - 1.0
        Bprior <- tau * mu
        Aprior <- tau * (1 - mu) # CASAL's m and n
        if (Bprior <= 1.0 | Aprior <= 1.0) {
          warning("bad Beta prior")
        Prior_Like <- (1.0 - Bprior) * log(Pconst + Pval - Pmin) +
          (1.0 - Aprior) * log(Pconst + Pmax - Pval) -
          (1.0 - Bprior) * log(Pconst + Pr - Pmin) -
          (1.0 - Aprior) * log(Pconst + Pmax - Pr)

      # lognormal
      if (Ptype == "Log_Norm") {
        Prior_Like <- 0.5 * ((log(Pval) - Pr) / Psd)^2

      # lognormal with bias correction (from Larry Jacobson)
      if (Ptype == "Log_Norm_w/biasadj") {
        if (Pmin > 0.0) {
          Prior_Like <- 0.5 * ((log(Pval) - Pr + 0.5 * Psd^2) / Psd)^2
        } else {
          warning("cannot do prior in log space for parm with min <=0.0")

      # gamma  (from Larry Jacobson)
      if (Ptype == "Gamma") {
        scale <- (Psd^2) / Pr #  gamma parameters by method of moments
        shape <- Pr / scale
        Prior_Like <- -1 * (-shape * log(scale) - lgamma(shape) +
          (shape - 1.0) * log(Pval) - Pval / scale)

      # F parameters get listed as different type but have no prior
      if (Ptype == "F") {
        Prior_Like <- rep(0., length(Pval))
      if (is.null(Prior_Like)) {
          "Problem calculating prior. The prior type doesn't match ",
          "any of the options in the SSplotPars function.\n",
          "Ptype: ", Ptype
    } # end GetPrior function

    # table to store information on each plot
    plotinfo <- NULL

    # check input
    if (!"parameters" %in% names(replist)) {
      stop("'replist' input needs to be a list created by the SS_output function")
    if (is.null(plotdir)) {
      plotdir <- replist[["inputs"]][["dir"]]
    if (print & add) {
      stop("Inputs 'print' and 'add' can't both be TRUE")
    if (print & plot) {
        "Inputs 'print' and 'plot' can't both be TRUE\n",
        "changing to 'plot = FALSE'"

    parameters <- replist[["parameters"]]

    # subset for only active parameters
    allnames <- parameters[["Label"]][!is.na(parameters[["Active_Cnt"]])]

    ## get list of subset names if vector "strings" is supplied
    if (!is.null(strings)) {
      goodnames <- NULL
      if (exact) {
        goodnames <- allnames[allnames %in% strings]
      } else {
        for (i in seq_along(strings)) {
          goodnames <- c(
            grep(strings[i], allnames, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
      goodnames <- unique(goodnames)
      if (verbose) {
        message("Active parameters matching input vector 'strings':")
      if (length(goodnames) == 0) {
        warning("No active parameters match input vector 'strings'.")
    } else {
      goodnames <- allnames
      if (length(goodnames) == 0) {
        warning("No active parameters.")

    # skip implementation error parameters
    skip <- grep("Impl_err_", goodnames)
    if (length(skip) > 0) {
      goodnames <- goodnames[-skip]
      message("Skipping 'Impl_err_' parameters which don't have bounds reported")
    # skip F_fleet parameters
    skip <- grep("F_fleet_", goodnames)
    if (length(skip) > 0) {
      goodnames <- goodnames[-skip]
      message("Skipping 'F_fleet_' parameters which aren't yet supported by this function")

    if (!showdev) {
      # remove deviations from the list of parameter labels to plot
      # exclude parameters that represent recdevs or other deviations
      devnames <- c(
        "RecrDev", "InitAge", "ForeRecr",
        "DEVadd", "DEVmult", "DEVrwalk", "DEV_MR_rwalk", "ARDEV"
      # look for rows in table of parameters that have label indicating deviation
      devrows <- NULL
      for (iname in seq_along(devnames)) {
        devrows <- unique(c(devrows, grep(
      # if there are devs in the list, remove them
      if (length(devrows) > 0) {
        goodnames <- goodnames[-devrows]
        if (verbose) {
            "Excluding ", length(devrows),
            " deviation parameters because input 'showdev' = FALSE"
        if (length(goodnames) == 0) {
          message("no parameters to plot")
    } else {
      # warn if any of these are present
      if (length(grep("rwalk", x = goodnames)) > 0 |
        length(grep("DEVadd", x = goodnames)) > 0 |
        length(grep("DEVmult", x = goodnames)) > 0 |
        length(grep("ARDEV", x = goodnames)) > 0) {
          "Parameter deviates are not fully implemented in this function.\n",
          "Prior and bounds unavailable so these are skipped and\n",
          "fitrange is set to TRUE for those parameters."

    # get vector of standard deviations and test for NA or 0 values
    stds <- parameters[["Parm_StDev"]][parameters[["Label"]] %in% goodnames]
    if (showmle & (all(is.na(stds)) || min(stds, na.rm = TRUE) <= 0)) {
        "Some parameters have std. dev. values in Report.sso equal to 0.\n",
        "  Asymptotic uncertainty estimates will not be shown.\n",
        "  Try re-running the model with the Hessian but no MCMC."

    # number of parameters
    npars <- length(goodnames)
    if (is.null(strings) & verbose) {
      messagetext <- paste0(
        "Plotting distributions for ", npars,
        " estimated parameters."
      if (!showdev) {
        messagetext <- gsub(
          pattern = ".",
          replacement = " (deviations not included).",
          x = messagetext, fixed = TRUE
    # number of pages, each with nrows x ncols parameters
    npages <- ceiling(npars / (nrows * ncols))


    plotPars.fn <- function() {
      # function to make the actual plot
      if (!add) {
          type = "n", xlim = xlim2, ylim = ylim2, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = "i",
          xlab = "", ylab = "", main = header, cex.main = 1, axes = FALSE
      # axis(2) # don't generally show y-axis values because it's just distracting

      # add stuff to plot
      colval <- colvec[4]
      # posterior with median
      if (showpost & goodpost) {
        plot(posthist, add = TRUE, freq = FALSE, col = colval, border = colval)
        abline(v = postmedian, col = colvec[5], lwd = 2, lty = ltyvec[3])
      # prior
      if (!isdev & showprior) {
        lines(x, prior, lwd = 2, lty = ltyvec[2])
      # MLE
      if (showmle) {
        # full normal distribution if uncertainty is present
        if (!is.na(parsd) && parsd > 0) {
          lines(x, mle, col = colvec[1], lwd = 1, lty = ltyvec[1])
          lines(rep(finalval, 2), c(0, dnorm(finalval, finalval, parsd) * mlescale),
            col = colvec[1], lty = ltyvec[1]
        } else {
          # just point estimate otherwise
          abline(v = finalval, col = colvec[1], lty = ltyvec[1])
      # marker for initial value
      if (showinit) {
        par(xpd = NA) # stop clipping
        points(initval, -0.02 * ymax, col = colvec[2], pch = 17, cex = 1.2)
        par(xpd = FALSE) # restore original value
      ##     if(printlike) mtext(side=3,line=0.2,cex=.8,adj=0,paste("prob@init =",round(priorinit,3)))
      ##     if(printlike) mtext(side=3,line=0.2,cex=.8,adj=1,paste("prob@final =",round(priorfinal,3)))

      # add margin text and legend
      if (max(par("mfg")[1:2]) == 1) { # first panel on page
        mtext(xlab, side = 1, line = 0.5, outer = TRUE)
        mtext(ylab, side = 2, line = 0.5, outer = TRUE)
        if (showlegend) {
          showvec <- c(showprior, showmle, showpost, showpost, showinit)
            cex = 1.2, bty = "n", pch = c(NA, NA, 15, NA, 17)[showvec],
            lty = c(ltyvec[2], ltyvec[1], NA, ltyvec[3], NA)[showvec], lwd = c(2, 1, NA, 2, NA)[showvec],
            col = c(colvec[3], colvec[1], colvec[4], colvec[5], colvec[2])[showvec],
            pt.cex = c(1, 1, 2, 1, 1)[showvec],
            legend = c(
              "prior", "max. likelihood", "posterior",
              "posterior median", "initial value"
        } # end legend
      } # end first panel stuff
    } # end function wrapping up plotting

    if (debug) {
      message("Making plots of parameters:")

    if (plot & !add) {
      par(mfcol = c(nrows, ncols), mar = c(2, 1, 2, 1), oma = c(2, 2, 0, 0))

    # loop over parameters to make individual pots
    for (ipar in 1:npars) {
      # which page of plots
      ipage <- floor(1 + (ipar - 1) / (nrows * ncols - 1))
      # grab name and full parameter line
      parname <- goodnames[ipar]

      if (debug) {
        message("    ", parname)
      parline <- parameters[parameters[["Label"]] == parname, ]

      # grab values associated with this parameter
      initval <- parline[["Init"]]
      finalval <- parline[["Value"]]
      parsd <- parline[["Parm_StDev"]]

      Pmin <- parline[["Min"]]
      Pmax <- parline[["Max"]]
      Ptype <- parline[["Pr_type"]]
      Psd <- parline[["Pr_SD"]]
      Pr <- parline[["Prior"]]

      if (is.na(Ptype) || Ptype == "dev") {
        Ptype <- "Normal"
        Pr <- 0

      # add bounds and sigma for recdevs
      if (any(sapply(
        X = c("RecrDev", "InitAge", "ForeRecr"),
        FUN = grepl,
      ))) {
        Psd <- parameters[["Value"]][parameters[["Label"]] == "SR_sigmaR"]

      ## Devations on parameters (either random-walk, additive, or multiplicative,
      ## or the new semi-parametric selectivity devs)
      ## are a special case (as opposed to rec devs)
      ## For now the prior gets skipped because the sigma wasn't reported by SS 3.24
      ## In SS version 3.30, the sigma is available as a parameter,
      ## so just needs to be matched up with the deviations
      ## also note that the "dev" column in parameters can be used here instead
      isdev <- FALSE
      if (length(grep("DEVrwalk", x = parname)) > 0 |
        length(grep("DEVadd", x = parname)) > 0 |
        length(grep("DEVmult", x = parname)) > 0 |
        length(grep("ARDEV", x = parname)) > 0) {
        initval <- 0
        isdev <- TRUE

      # make empty holders for future information
      ymax <- 0 # upper y-limit in plot
      xmin <- NULL # lower x-limit in plot
      xmax <- NULL # upper x-limit in plot

      ## get prior if not a dev (which don't yet have prior/penalty configured)
      if (!isdev) {
        x <- seq(Pmin, Pmax, length = 5000) # x vector for subsequent calcs
        negL_prior <- GetPrior(Ptype = Ptype, Pmin = Pmin, Pmax = Pmax, Pr = Pr, Psd = Psd, Pval = x)
        prior <- exp(-1 * negL_prior)
        # make robust to cases where the prior is undefined for any reason
        if (length(prior) == 0) {
          prior <- rep(NA, length(x))
      } else {
        x <- finalval + seq(-4 * parsd, 4 * parsd, length = 5000)
      #### note from Ian (12/21/2018): I have no memory of why the prior likelihood
      #### text was added and then commented out. I'm not sure it would add value
      #### to the plot, so will leave it commented out
      ### prior likelihood at initial and final values
      ## priorinit <- exp(-1*GetPrior(Ptype=Ptype,Pmin=Pmin,Pmax=Pmax,Pr=Pr,Psd=Psd,Pval=initval))
      ## priorfinal <- exp(-1*GetPrior(Ptype=Ptype,Pmin=Pmin,Pmax=Pmax,Pr=Pr,Psd=Psd,Pval=finalval))
      if (!isdev & showprior) {
        prior <- prior / (sum(prior) * mean(diff(x)))
        ymax <- max(ymax, max(prior), na.rm = TRUE) # update ymax

      # get normal distribution associated with ADMB's estimate
      # of the parameter's asymptotic std. dev.
      if (showmle) {
        if (!is.na(parsd) && parsd > 0) {
          mle <- dnorm(x, finalval, parsd)
          mlescale <- 1 / (sum(mle) * mean(diff(x)))
          mle <- mle * mlescale
          ymax <- max(ymax, max(mle), na.rm = TRUE) # update ymax
          # update x range
          xmin <- qnorm(0.001, finalval, parsd)
          xmax <- qnorm(0.999, finalval, parsd)
        } else {
          xmin <- xmax <- finalval

      # get mcmc results from replist created by SS_output
      mcmc <- replist[["mcmc"]]
      if (showpost && is.null(mcmc)) {
        message("$mcmc not found in input 'replist', changing input to 'showpost=FALSE'")
        showpost <- FALSE
      if (showpost && length(mcmc) < 20) {
        message("mcmc output has fewer than 20 rows, changing input to 'showpost=FALSE'")
        showpost <- FALSE

      goodpost <- FALSE
      if (showpost) {
        # modify parname to remove parentheses as done by read.table
        postparname <- parname
        if (substring(parname, 1, 1) == "_") {
          postparname <- paste0("X", postparname)

        # figure out which column of the mcmc output
        jpar <- (1:ncol(mcmc))[names(mcmc) == postparname]
        if (length(jpar) == 1) {
          post <- mcmc[, jpar]
          xmin <- min(xmin, quantile(post, 0.001)) # update x range
          xmax <- max(xmax, quantile(post, 0.999)) # update x range
          goodpost <- TRUE
        } else {
          warning("parameter '", postparname, "', not found in posteriors.")

      # get x-range
      if (is.null(xlim)) {
        if (fitrange & ((!is.na(parsd) && parsd != 0) | showpost)) {
          # if rescaling limits,
          ## # make sure initial value is inside limits
          ## if(showinit){
          ##   ## xmin or xmax may be NA if its a rdevwalk parameter
          ##   xmin <- min(initval,xmin, na.rm=TRUE)
          ##   xmax <- max(initval,xmax, na.rm=TRUE)
          ## }
          # keep range inside parameter limits
          xmin <- max(Pmin, xmin, na.rm = TRUE)
          xmax <- min(Pmax, xmax, na.rm = TRUE)
        } else {
          ## or use parameter limits, unless case of rdevwalk which as none
          ## then revert back to those calculated above
          if (!isdev) xmin <- Pmin
          if (!isdev) xmax <- Pmax
        xlim2 <- c(xmin, xmax)
      } else {
        xlim2 <- xlim

      # get histogram for posterior based on x-range
      if (showpost & goodpost) {
        jpar <- (1:ncol(mcmc))[names(mcmc) == postparname]
        post <- mcmc[, jpar]
        breakvec <- seq(xmin, xmax, length = 50)
        if (min(breakvec) > min(post)) breakvec <- c(min(post), breakvec)
        if (max(breakvec) < max(post)) breakvec <- c(breakvec, max(post))
        posthist <- hist(post, plot = FALSE, breaks = breakvec)
        postmedian <- median(post)
        ymax <- max(ymax, max(posthist[["density"]]), na.rm = FALSE) # update ymax

      # make plot
      if (is.null(newheaders)) {
        header <- parname
      } else {
        header <- newheaders[ipar]
      if (is.null(ylim)) {
        ylim2 <- c(0, 1.1 * ymax)
      } else {
        ylim2 <- ylim

      # create new page of plots (and new png file) when the remainder after
      # division by the number of plots per page is 1
      if (print & ipar %% (nrows * ncols) == 1) {
        # caption for HTML view of PNG files
        caption <- "Parameter distribution plots"
        pagetext <- ""
        if (npages > 1) {
          pagetext <- paste("_page", ipage, sep = "")
          caption <- paste(caption, " (plot ", ipage, " of ", npages, ").", sep = "")
        # add more to caption if it's the first plot in the set
        if (ipar == 1) {
          if (!showdev) {
            caption <- paste(
              "<br>Deviation parameters are not included."
          if (length(grep("F_fleet_", allnames)) > 0) {
            caption <- paste(
              "<br>F parameters are not included."
          if (fitrange) {
            caption <- paste(
              "<br>Plotting range is scaled to fit parameter estimates.",
              "Use fitrange = FALSE to use parameter bounds instead."
          } else {
            caption <- paste(
              "<br>Plotting range is equal to input limits on parameters.",
              "Use fitrange = TRUE to scale the range to the estimates."
        # define filename
        file <- paste0("parameter_distributions", pagetext, ".png", sep = "")
        # start png file and add to plotinfo
        plotinfo <- save_png(
          plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
          pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
          caption = caption

        # change margins and number of panels
        par(mfcol = c(nrows, ncols), mar = c(2, 1, 2, 1), oma = c(2, 2, 0, 0))
      } # end creation of new page of plots

      # make plot for this parameter
      if (print | plot) {

      # close device if png and the final panel in the page or final parameter
      if (print && (ipar %% (nrows * ncols) == 0 | ipar == npars)) {
    } # end loop over parameters

    if (!is.null(plotinfo)) {
      plotinfo[["category"]] <- "Pars"
r4ss/r4ss documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:42 a.m.