
#' ---
#' title: "Spatial clustering of richness change in coastal North America"
#' author: "Ryan Batt"
#' date: "2017-02-03"
#' abstract: |
#'        North American coastal regions show long-term changes in species abundance and distribution, and changes in community diversity. What are the spatial patterns underlying these dynamics? Specifically, do changes in biodiversity occur homogenously or randomly across space, or are these proceses spatially patterned?
#' output:
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#+ deleted-pandoc-headers, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE
# #'      pandoc_args: [
# #'      "--chapters"
# #'      ]

#+ setup, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE
# =================
# = Load Packages =
# =================
# #' date: "2016-08-10"
# #' title: "manuscript_results.R"

# Report
# library(xtable)
# library(kfigr) # devtools::install_github("github mkoohafkan/kfigr") # ?
# library(stargazer)
# library(texreg)

# ================
# = Report Setup =
# ================
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options("digits"=3) # rounding output to 4 in kable() (non-regression tables)
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# problem with pdflatex in El Capitan? It might be directories. Check

# render!
# rmarkdown::render(
# 	"~/Documents/School&Work/pinskyPost/spatialDiversity/pkgBuild/manuscript/reportSD.R",
# 	output_format=o_f,
# 	output_dir='~/Documents/School&Work/pinskyPost/spatialDiversity/pkgBuild/manuscript',
# 	clean = TRUE
# )


	fig.path = 'manuscript_report/', 
	fig.lp = if(o_f=="html_document"){"**Figure.**"}else{NULL}

# setwd("~/Documents/School&Work/pinskyPost/spatialDiversity/pkgBuild/manuscript")
# source("../manuscript/fig_tbl_number.R")
# eval(fig_tbl_number())

# ============
# = Richness =
# ============
#' \FloatBarrier  
#' ***  
#' ##Data Setup
#+ dataSetup, echo=TRUE
mapDat <- spatialDiversity::mapDat
ureg <- mapDat[,unique(reg)]
#' \FloatBarrier  
#' ***  
#' #Spatial Clustering of Colonization and Extinction
#' ##Figure 1. Richness map
#+ rich-map, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=3, fig.cap="**Figure 1.** Maps of long-term averages of richness at each site for each region: A) E. Bering Sea, B) Gulf of Alaska, C) Aleutian Islands, D) Scotian Shelf, E) West Coast US, F) Newfoundland, G) Gulf of Mexico, H) Northeast US, I) Southeast US. Richness values were smoothed using a Gaussian kernel smoother. The smoothed richness value is indicated by the color bars in each panel; colors are scaled independently for each region."
ceRate_map(ce="richness", main="Average Richness")
#' ##Figure 2. Total Colonization map
#+ totcol-map, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=3, fig.cap="**Figure 2c.** Maps of total colonizations per site."
ceRate_map(ce="totCol", main="Total Colonizations")
#' ##Figure 3. Total Extinction map
#+ totext-map, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=3, fig.cap="**Figure 3c.** Maps of the total number of regional extinctions involving each site."
ceRate_map(ce="totExt", main="Total Extinctions")
#' Hotspots can be seen in most regions. Newfoundland also has high values around its edge (as opposed to interior), it seems. NEUS and Gmex show very strong hotspots, and other locations tend to be much much lower. Other regions show more of a continuum.  
#' ##Table. Relative intensities of col/ ext in maps
#+ col-ext-intensities, echo=TRUE,  cache=FALSE
sppp <- function(...){spatstat::Smooth(spatstat::ppp(...), hmax=1)}
map_smooth <- function(X, val=c("n_spp_col_weighted","n_spp_ext_weighted","avgRich","uCol","uExt","totCol","totExt")){
	val <- match.arg(val)
	r <- X[,unique(reg)]
	sppp(x=X[,lon], y=X[,lat], marks=X[,get(val)], window=mapOwin[[r]])
rel_col_ext_rate <- mapDat[,j={
	map_smooth_rich <- map_smooth(.SD, "avgRich")
	mark_range_rich <- range(map_smooth_rich, na.rm=TRUE)#*10
	# map_smooth_col <- map_smooth(.SD, "n_spp_col_weighted")
	# mark_range_col <- range(map_smooth_col, na.rm=TRUE)*10
	# map_smooth_ext <- map_smooth(.SD, "n_spp_ext_weighted")
	# mark_range_ext <- range(map_smooth_ext, na.rm=TRUE)*10
	# map_smooth_uCol <- map_smooth(.SD, "uCol")
	# mark_range_uCol <- range(map_smooth_uCol, na.rm=TRUE)*10
	# map_smooth_uExt <- map_smooth(.SD, "uExt")
	# mark_range_uExt <- range(map_smooth_uExt, na.rm=TRUE)*10
	map_smooth_totCol <- map_smooth(.SD, "totCol")
	mark_range_totCol <- range(map_smooth_totCol, na.rm=TRUE)*10
	map_smooth_totExt <- map_smooth(.SD, "totExt")
	mark_range_totExt <- range(map_smooth_totExt, na.rm=TRUE)*10
	ol <- list(
		minval_rich=mark_range_rich[1], maxval_rich=mark_range_rich[2],"/",as.list(rev(mark_range_rich))),
		# minval_col=mark_range_col[1], maxval_col=mark_range_col[2],
		# minval_ext=mark_range_ext[1], maxval_ext=mark_range_ext[2],
		# minval_uCol=mark_range_uCol[1], maxval_uCol=mark_range_uCol[2],
		# minval_uExt=mark_range_uExt[1], maxval_uExt=mark_range_uExt[2],
		minval_totCol=mark_range_totCol[1], maxval_totCol=mark_range_totCol[2],"/",as.list(rev(mark_range_totCol))),
		minval_totExt=mark_range_totExt[1], maxval_totExt=mark_range_totExt[2],"/",as.list(rev(mark_range_totExt)))
	lapply(ol, function(x)if(is.numeric(x)){signif(x,3)}else{x})
},by=c("reg"), .SDcols=names(mapDat)]
#+ col-ext-intensities-table, echo=FALSE
	rbind(rel_col_ext_rate, rel_col_ext_rate[,lapply(.SD, median)][,reg:="MEDIAN"]),
	caption="The colonization and extinction intensity range and max/min ratio, and median among regions. Useful for assessing how big of a difference there is between red and blue for each region."
#' \FloatBarrier  
#' ***  

#' #Neighborhoods and Local Moran's I
#' ##Figure S1. Richness neighborhood
#+ rich-nb, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=3, fig.cap="**Figure S1.** Connectivity and local spatial autocorrelation of richness in each region. Each site is represented by a point. Points connected by a line are neighbors. For each region, neighbors were determined by first calculating the minimum distance required to allow each site to have at least 1 neighbor. Neighbors of a focal point were then defined as the points within this minimum distance from the focal point. Local spatial autocorrelation is local Moran’s I, significant LMI is indicated by a solid point, the color of which indicates the value of the LMI statistic. The outline is the region boundary used for smoothing in Figure 3 (main text), but does not affect calculations of LMI."
#' ##Figure S2. Total Colonization neighborhood
#+ totcol-nb, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=3, fig.cap="**Figure S2.** Connectivity and local spatial autocorrelation of colonization events (each species possibly counted more than once per stratum) in each region."
#' ##Figure S3. Total Extinction neighborhood
#+ totext-nb, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=3, fig.cap="**Figure S3.** Connectivity and local spatial autocorrelation of extinction events (each species possibly counted more than once per stratum) in each region."

#' #Hotspots and Depth
#' ##Figure S4.: Map of Hotspots and Depth
#+ hotspotDepth-map-figure, fig.width=7, fig.height=3, fig.cap="**Figure S4.** Map of the locations of colonization and extinction hotspots for each region: A) E. Bering Sea, B) Gulf of Alaska, C) Aleutian Islands, D) Scotian Shelf, E) West Coast US, F) Newfoundland, G) Gulf of Mexico, H) Northeast US, I) Southeast US. Color indicates depth. Symbols indicate position of sites with clustering and above-average values of colonization (+), extinction (X), or both (diamond). Note that Figs. 1&2 placed symbols for sites with clustering, even if clusters were "coldspots", whereas this figure only indicates the location of hotspots."
#' \FloatBarrier  
#' ***  
#' #Scatterplots involving colonization, richness, extinction
#' ##Figure 4 & Table: Total Colonization vs Total Extinction
#+ tot-colVext, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=7, fig.cap="**Figure Col v Ext** Total numbers of colonizations versus extinctions at each site. Colors and shapes indicate the metrics with significant local spatial autocorrelation at the site: Blue +’s are colonization only, red x’s are extinction only, purple diamonds are both colonization and extinction, and black circles are neither colonization nor extinction. Gray circles were overlaid on sites with significant clustering in local species richness."
par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar=c(2.15,2.15,1.15,0.5), cex=1, mgp=c(1,0.25,0), tcl=-0.15, ps=10)
for(r in 1:length(ureg)){
		sigColInd <- lI_pvalue_totCol<0.05
		sigExtInd <- lI_pvalue_totExt<0.05
		muCol <- mean(totCol)
		muExt <- mean(totExt)
		hotspotIndCol <- sigColInd #& (totCol > muCol)
		hotspotIndExt <- sigExtInd #& (totExt > muExt)
		both <- hotspotIndExt&hotspotIndCol
		neither <- !hotspotIndExt&!hotspotIndCol
		# print(all(hotspotIndCol | hotspotIndExt | both | neither))
		cols <- vector("character", length(hotspotIndCol))
		cols[hotspotIndCol] <- "blue"
		cols[hotspotIndExt] <- "red"
		cols[both] <- "purple"
		cols[neither] <- "black"
		pchs <- vector("integer", length(hotspotIndCol))
		pchs[hotspotIndCol] <- 3
		pchs[hotspotIndExt] <- 4
		pchs[both] <- 5
		pchs[neither] <- 1
		# pchs <- rep(21, length(hotspotIndExt))
		# pchs[!neither] <- 19
		plot(totExt[order(pchs)], totCol[order(pchs)], 
			pch=pchs[order(pchs)], col=cols[order(pchs)], cex=1.2,
			xlab="Extinctions", ylab="Colonizations"
		abline(v=muExt, lty='dashed')
		abline(h=muCol, lty='dashed')
		sigRichInd <- lI_pvalue_rich<0.05
		hotspotIndRich <- sigRichInd
		points(totExt[hotspotIndRich], totCol[hotspotIndRich], col='gray', pch=20, cex=0.7)

#+ col-ext-regression-table
colExt_regs <- list()
ureg <- mapDat[,unique(reg)]
for(r in 1:length(ureg)){
	colExt_regs[[r]] <- summary(lm(totCol~totExt, data=mapDat[reg==ureg[r]]))
names(colExt_regs) <- ureg
mod_sum_funct <- function(x){
colExt_mod_sum <- lapply(colExt_regs, mod_sum_funct)
colExt_mod_sum <- cbind(reg=names(colExt_regs), rbindlist(colExt_mod_sum))
colExt_mod_sum[,c("pAdjusted"):=p.adjust(get("Pr(>|t|)"), method="BH")]
kable(colExt_mod_sum, caption="Table. Statistics for totCol~totExt linear regression.")

#' ##Figure: Richness vs Depth
#+ richVdepth, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=7, fig.cap="**Figure Rich v Depth** Long-term average of per-site species richness vs the depth (m) of the site. Fitted line is a regression of richness ~ depth + depth^2."
for(r in 1:length(ureg)){
		plot(depth, avgRich);

# par(mfrow=c(3,3));mapDat[,j={plot(depth, uCol);mtext(reg,side=3,line=0.5,font=2)},by='reg'] # no relationship between depth and number of species that had a colonization event involving the stratum, nor, as shown by switch uCol to uExt, between depth and extinction
#' ##Figure & Table: Total Colonization vs Richness
#+ colVrich, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=7, fig.cap="**Figure Col v Rich** The total number of regional colonizations that involved a site vs long-term average of the site's richness."
for(r in 1:length(ureg)){
		plot(avgRich, totCol)

#+ colVrich-regression, results="asis"
colRich_regs <- list()
ureg <- mapDat[,unique(reg)]
for(r in 1:length(ureg)){
	colRich_regs[[r]] <- summary(lm(totCol~avgRich, data=mapDat[reg==ureg[r]]))
names(colRich_regs) <- ureg
mod_sum_funct <- function(x){
colRich_mod_sum <- lapply(colRich_regs, mod_sum_funct)
colRich_mod_sum <- cbind(reg=names(colRich_regs), rbindlist(colRich_mod_sum))
colRich_mod_sum[,c("pAdjusted"):=p.adjust(get("Pr(>|t|)"), method="BH")]
kable(colRich_mod_sum, caption="Table. Statistics for totCol~avgRich linear regression.")

#' ##Figure & Table: Total Extinction vs Richness
#+ extVrich, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=7, fig.cap="**Figure Ext v Rich** The total number of regional extinctions that involved a site vs long-term average of the site's richness."
for(r in 1:length(ureg)){
		plot(avgRich, totExt)

#+ extVrich-regression
extRich_regs <- list()
ureg <- mapDat[,unique(reg)]
for(r in 1:length(ureg)){
	extRich_regs[[r]] <- summary(lm(totExt~avgRich, data=mapDat[reg==ureg[r]]))
names(extRich_regs) <- ureg
mod_sum_funct <- function(x){
extRich_mod_sum <- lapply(extRich_regs, mod_sum_funct)
extRich_mod_sum <- cbind(reg=names(extRich_regs), rbindlist(extRich_mod_sum))
extRich_mod_sum[,c("pAdjusted"):=p.adjust(get("Pr(>|t|)"), method="BH")]
kable(extRich_mod_sum, caption="Table. Statistics for totExt~avgRich linear regression.")

# #' ####Figure 10. Unique Colonization vs Unique Extinction
# #+ u-colVext, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=7, fig.cap="**Figure 10.** Numbers of colonizations versus extinctions at each site. Species were only counted once per site (even if that species colonized or went extinct from the region multiple times, each time involving the site). Colors and shapes indicate the metrics with significant local spatial autocorrelation at the site: Blue +’s are colonization only, red x’s are extinction only, purple diamonds are both colonization and extinction, and black circles are neither colonization nor extinction. Gray circles were overlaid on sites with significant clustering in local species richness."
# eval(figure_setup())
# par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar=c(2.15,2.15,1.15,0.5), cex=1, mgp=c(1,0.25,0), tcl=-0.15, ps=10)
# for(r in 1:length(ureg)){
# 	mapDat[reg==ureg[r],j={
# 		sigColInd <- lI_pvalue_uCol<0.05
# 		sigExtInd <- lI_pvalue_uExt<0.05
# 		muCol <- mean(uCol)
# 		muExt <- mean(uExt)
# 		hotspotIndCol <- sigColInd #& (totCol > muCol)
# 		hotspotIndExt <- sigExtInd #& (totExt > muExt)
# 		both <- hotspotIndExt&hotspotIndCol
# 		neither <- !hotspotIndExt&!hotspotIndCol
# 		cols <- vector("character", length(hotspotIndCol))
# 		cols[hotspotIndCol] <- "blue"
# 		cols[hotspotIndExt] <- "red"
# 		cols[both] <- "purple"
# 		cols[neither] <- "black"
# 		pchs <- vector("integer", length(hotspotIndCol))
# 		pchs[hotspotIndCol] <- 3
# 		pchs[hotspotIndExt] <- 4
# 		pchs[both] <- 5
# 		pchs[neither] <- 1
# 		# print(all(hotspotIndCol | hotspotIndExt | both | neither))
# 		# pchs <- rep(21, length(hotspotIndExt))
# 		# pchs[!neither] <- 19
# 		plot(uExt, uCol, col=cols, pch=pchs, cex=1.2)
# 		mtext(pretty_reg[ureg[r]],side=3,line=0.01,font=2)
# 		sigRichInd <- lI_pvalue_rich<0.05
# 		hotspotIndRich <- sigRichInd
# 		points(uExt[hotspotIndRich], uCol[hotspotIndRich], col='gray', pch=20, cex=0.7)
# 	}]
# }

#' \FloatBarrier  
#' ***  
#' #Distance Between Colonization & Extinction Sites
#' Want to analyze the geographic proximity of colonization/ extinction sites on a per-species basis. Hotspots for colonization events might be formed by species that do not go extinct in the extinction hotspots. Seems unlikely, but is possible; especially because the percentage of c/e events in a hotspot is small (relative to total number of events across all sites).

#+ geoDist-calculation
# ========
# = HERE =
# ========
colSppYear <- col_ext_dt[col==1, list(spp, year), by='reg']
extSppYear <- col_ext_dt[ext==1, list(spp, year), by='reg']
subCols <- expression(list(reg, year, spp, stratum, K, Kmax, lon, lat, wtcpue, btemp, depth))
colDat <- data_all2[colSppYear, eval(subCols), on=c('reg','spp','year')]#[colClustSite, on=c("reg", "stratum"), eval(subCols)] #[!]
extDat <- data_all2[extSppYear, eval(subCols), on=c('reg','spp','year')]#[extClustSite, on=c("reg", "stratum"), eval(subCols)]#[!]

# get the from-to (above)
# for each region, pull out all the unique "from" sites, and calculate their distances to all possible "to" sites
# this will give a reference distribution of "from-to" where "from" is a colonization, and "to" is all other sites in the region
col_sites <- unique(from_to[,list(from_lon, from_lat), keyby=c("reg","from_site")], by=c('reg','from_site'))
all_sites <- data_all2[,stratum2ll(unique(stratum)),by='reg']
setnames(all_sites, c("site", "lon", "lat"), c("all_site","all_lon","all_lat"))
col_all_sites <- merge(col_sites, all_sites, by=c('reg'), allow.cartesian=TRUE)
setkey(col_all_sites, reg, from_site, all_site)

tfs <- from_to[,list(reg,from_site,to_site,dist)]
b <- c("reg","from_site")
from_all <- merge(col_all_sites, tfs, by.x=c(b,"all_site"), by.y=c(b,"to_site"), all=TRUE)
from_all[from_site==all_site, dist:=0] # fills in some extra NA's
from_all[,dist:=geoDist(x=data.table(from_lon, from_lat), y=data.table(all_lon, all_lat))]
setnames(from_all, "dist", "nullDist")

# now i need to think about how to calculate the k-s statistic 
# at what level should i do the aggregating? My first reaction is 'i want to analyze the distributions at the event level' 
# which means that i don't want to test if various combinations of the col-ext location pairs are likely or unlikely given the null
# To get a p-value for each event, i could compare the observed c-e distances to the null distances where from_site is the observed colonization site
# To get a p-value for the region, the first step would be to aggregate distances for each event. For the observed distances, I would just take the average `dist` for a given colonization event. For the null distances, I would subset from_all so that from_site matched the colonization site. In this subset, from_all[subIndex,all_site] would be all possible extinction sites. I would take the average of from_all[subIndex, nullDist] (the distances associated with the from_site of interest and all the all_site extinction site candidates)

# nullDists <- structure(vector('list', 9), .Names=c(ur))
# obsDists <- structure(vector('list', 9), .Names=c(ur))
# from_to[,list(reg, obsDist=dist)]
# ft <- from_to[,list(r=reg, fs=from_site)]
# from_all[paste(reg,from_site)%in%ft[,paste(r,fs)]]
# from_all_mu <- from_all[,list(muNullDist=mean(nullDist), n=nrow(.SD)),by=c("reg", "from_site")]
# from_to_mu <- from_to[,list(muObsDist=mean(dist)),by=c("reg", "spp", "from_year", "from_site")] # incorrect b/c still splits events by multiple possible from_site s
# from_to_all_mu <- merge(from_to_mu, from_all_mu, all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE, by=c('reg','from_site'))

#+ geoDist-calcTest
ce_dists <- from_to[,j={
	r <- unique(reg)
	fs <- unique(from_site)
	# ts <- unique(to_site)
	subNull <- from_all[reg==r & from_site%in%fs]
	# subNull <- from_all[reg==r & from_site%in%fs & !all_site%in%ts]
	muDistNull <- subNull[,mean(nullDist)]
	muDistObs <- mean(dist)
	ks_event <- ks.test(x=dist, y=subNull[,nullDist])
	if(length(subNull[,nullDist])>1 & length(dist) >1){
		t_event <- t.test(x=dist, y=subNull[,nullDist])
		t_event <- list(statistic=NA_real_, p.value=NA_real_)
	list(muDistObs=muDistObs, muDistNull=muDistNull, ks_event_stat=ks_event$statistic, ks_event_pval=ks_event$p.value, t_event_stat=t_event$statistic, t_event_pval=t_event$p.value)

#' ##Figure. Densities for Null and Observed C-E Distances
#+ geoDist-calcTest-density-figure, fig.cap="**Figure.** Distribution between colonization sites and all sites (dashed), and between observed sites of colonization and extinction. The idea is to test whether the geographic orientation of extinction sites relative to the preceding colonization sites is radom."
par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar=c(2.5,2.5,1,0.1), mgp=c(1,0.25,0), tcl=-0.25, ps=8, cex=1)
ur <- unique(names(pretty_reg))
for(r in 1:length(ur)){
	ced <- ce_dists[reg==ur[r]]
	ced[, j={
		densObs <- density(muDistObs, from=0)
		densNull <- density(muDistNull, from=0)
		xlim <- range(c(densObs$x, densNull$x))
		ylim <- range(c(densObs$y, densNull$y))
		plot(densNull, main='', xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab="Geographic Distance (km)", lty=2)
		lines(densObs, col='red', lty=1)
		mtext(pretty_reg[ur[r]], side=3, adj=0.05, font=2)
		legend('topright', legend=c("Null", "Observed"), lty=c(2,1), col=c("black","red"), bty='n')

#' ##Figure. Boxplot for C-E t-statistics
#+ geoDist-ttest-boxplot1, fig.cap="**Figure.** T-statistics for ALL TESTS of distances between sites involved in pairs of colonizations and extinctions. Observed distances were compared to a null distribution of distances between observed colonizations and all other sites."
ce_dists[,j={boxplot(t_event_stat~reg, outline=FALSE);abline(h=0);NULL}] # distribution of event-level t-statistics; to compute these statistics, there needed to more than one site for the colonization and/or extinction (so that there were multiple distances to compare)

#+ geoDist-ttest-boxplot2, fig.cap="**Figure.** T-statistics for SIGNIFICANT TESTS of distances between sites involved in pairs of colonizations and extinctions. Observed distances were compared to a null distribution of distances between observed colonizations and all other sites."
ce_dists[p.adjust(t_event_pval, method="BH")<0.05,j={boxplot(t_event_stat~reg, outline=FALSE);abline(h=0);NULL}] # same as above, but only plots the statistics for significant events. The outcome is similar, but generally becomes more extreme. For example, NEUS and Newf no longer have their upper quantile at or above 0, meaning that the extinction and colonization sites were closer together than would be expected by random.

#' ##Table. T-statistics for C-E Distances
#+ geoDist-ttest-table
grandDistTest <- ce_dists[,j={
	tto <- t.test(x=muDistObs, y=muDistNull)
	gmdO <- mean(muDistObs)
	gmdN <- mean(muDistNull)
	delMu <- gmdO-gmdN
	list(grandMuDistObs=gmdO, grandMuDistNull=gmdN, deltaMu=delMu, t_grand_stat=tto$statistic, t_grand_df=tto$parameter, t_grand_pval=tto$p.value)
}, by=c('reg')]
grandDistTest[,t_grand_pval_adj:=p.adjust(t_grand_pval, method="BH")]
kable(grandDistTest, caption="Table. Comparing distances between sites of colonizations and extinctions to distances between colonizations and all sites in the region. Separate t-test for each colonization-extinction pair, and the statistics summarized within a region.")

#' ##Table. Mixed Effects Model for C-E Distances
#+ geoDist-lmer-table
mod_dists <- from_to[,j={
	r <- unique(reg)
	fs <- unique(from_site)
	subNull <- from_all[reg==r & from_site%in%fs]
	muDistNull <- subNull[,mean(nullDist)]
	muDistObs <- mean(dist)
	gd <- c(dist, subNull[,nullDist])
	treat <- c(rep('obs',length(dist)), rep('null', length(subNull[,nullDist])))
	list(dist=gd, treat=treat, event=.GRP)

dist_sumry <- function(X){
	tmd <- lme4::lmer(dist~treat + (treat|event), data=X)
	treat_mu <- lapply(coef(tmd)[[1]], mean)[[2]]
	pval <- car::Anova(tmd)[,"Pr(>Chisq)"]
	data.table(treat=treat_mu, pval=pval)
mds <- mod_dists[,j={dist_sumry(.SD)}, by=c("reg")]
mds[,pval:=p.adjust(pval, method="BH")]
kable(mds, caption="Table. Comparing distances between sites of colonizations and extinctions to distances between colonizations and all sites in the region.")

#' ##Table. Overlap in Site Identity for C-E Pairs
#+ eventOverlap-table
sharedSites <- from_to[,j={
	from_prop <- sum(from_site%in%to_site)/length(from_site)
	to_prop <- sum(to_site%in%from_site)/length(to_site)
	bothSite <- unique(c(from_site, to_site))
	bi_prop <- sum(bothSite%in%from_site & bothSite%in%to_site)/length(bothSite)
	list(from_prop=from_prop, to_prop=to_prop, bi_prop=bi_prop)
sharedSites_summary <- sharedSites[,list(from_prop=mean(from_prop), to_prop=mean(to_prop), bi_prop=mean(bi_prop)), by=c("reg")]

#' \FloatBarrier  
#' ***  
#' #Compare Total and Unique Metrics
#' ##Figure: Total Colonization vs Unique Colonization
#+ totcolVucol, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=7, fig.cap="**Figure 11.** The total number of colonization events at each site vs the number of species that ever had a colonization event involving the site."
for(r in 1:length(ureg)){
		plot(uCol, totCol)
		abline(a=0, b=1)
#' ##Figure: Total Extinction vs Unique Extinction
#+ totextVuext, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=7, fig.cap="**Figure 12.** The total number of extinction events at each site vs the number of species that ever had an extinction event involving the site."
for(r in 1:length(ureg)){
		plot(uExt, totExt)
		abline(a=0, b=1)

#' \FloatBarrier  
#' ***  
#' #Beta Diversity Clustering of Sites w/ Local AC
#' ##Geographic Distance and Beta Diversity Functions
#+ betaD-AC-Cluster-functions
betaDist <- function(Y){
	ade4::dist.binary(Y, method=1)^2

# geoDist <- function(x, y){
# 	if(!is.null(nrow(x))){
# 		x <- as.matrix(x)
# 	}
# 	if(!is.null(nrow(y))){
# 		y <- as.matrix(y)
# 	}
# 	x180 <- x < -180
# 	x[x180] <- x[x180] + 360
# 	y180 <- y < -180
# 	y[y180] <- y[y180] + 360
# 	geosphere::distVincentyEllipsoid(x, y)/1E3
# }

dendroMap <- function(Dat){
	ur <- Dat[,unique(reg)]
	mat <- structure(vector('list', length(ur)), .Names=ur)
	beta <- structure(vector('list', length(ur)), .Names=ur)
	geo <- structure(vector('list', length(ur)), .Names=ur)
	for(r in 1:length(ur)){
		tdt <- Dat[reg==ur[r],list(spp=unique(spp), pres=1),by=c('reg','stratum')]
		tmat <- reshape2::acast(tdt, stratum~spp, value.var='pres')
		tmat[] <- 0
		mat[[ur[r]]] <- tmat
		if(nrow(tmat) > 1){
			bD <- betaDist(tmat)
			hcbd <- hclust(bD); 
			clusts <- cutree(hcbd, h=0.7)
			col_opts <- viridis::viridis(length(unique(clusts)))
			nameCol_key <- data.table(stratum=hcbd$labels, ord=hcbd$order, short=LETTERS[1:nrow(tmat)], clusts=clusts, col=col_opts[clusts])
			strat_names <- nameCol_key[,stratum] #hcbd$labels[hcbd$order] #rownames(tmat)
			strat_names_short <- structure(nameCol_key[,short], .Names=nameCol_key[,stratum])
			clustCol <- nameCol_key[,unique(col)[unique(clusts[ord])]] #nameCol_key[,unique(col)] #viridis::viridis(length(unique(clusts)))
			stratCol <- nameCol_key[,col] #clustCol[clusts]
			names(stratCol) <- nameCol_key[,stratum] #strat_names
			hcbd$labels <- nameCol_key[,short]#[order(hcbd$order)] #strat_names_short[order(hcbd$order)]
				strat_names <- rownames(tmat)
				strat_names_short <- structure(LETTERS[1:nrow(tmat)], .Names=strat_names)
				clustCol <- viridis::viridis(1)
				stratCol <- clustCol
				names(stratCol) <- strat_names

		plot(mapOwin[[ur[r]]], main='')
			ll <- strat2ll(strat_names)
			text(x=(ll$lon), y=(ll$lat), strat_names_short, col=stratCol[strat_names])
			# geo <- geoDist(ll$lon, ll$lat) # geoDist(c(ll$lon[1], ll$lat[1]), c(ll$lon[2], ll$lat[2]))
		if(nrow(tmat) > 1){
			plot(as.dendrogram(hcbd), leaflab='perpendicular')
			if(sum(hcbd$height < 0.7)>1 & sum(hcbd$height > 0.7)>1){
				rect.hclust(hcbd, h=0.7, border=clustCol)
			plot(1,1, type='n', xlab='', ylab='', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', bty='l')

strat2ll <- function(stratum){
	ll_split <- strsplit(stratum, " ")
	Lon <- as.numeric(sapply(ll_split, function(x)x[1]))
	Lat <- as.numeric(sapply(ll_split, function(x)x[2]))
	list(lon=Lon, lat=Lat)

#' ##Data for Col/ Ext Clustering & Local Community Composition
#+ betaD-AC-Cluster-data
#' First get the sites that have significant local spatial AC  
colClustSite <- spatialDiversity::mapDat[lI_pvalue_totCol < 0.05 & totCol>mean(totCol), stratum, by='reg']
extClustSite <- spatialDiversity::mapDat[lI_pvalue_totExt < 0.05 & totExt>mean(totExt), stratum, by='reg']

#' Pull out the years and species for colonizations, extinctions  
colSppYear <- col_ext_dt[col==1, list(spp, year), by='reg']
extSppYear <- col_ext_dt[ext==1, list(spp, year), by='reg']

#' Cross reference the AC sites and the c/e years & spp to subset full data set  
#' Basically, had to use mapDat to get there "where", and had to use col_ext_dt to get the "who" and "when",  then I had to use data_all2 (same as data_all, except subset to first haul within stratum-year) to get wtcpue, btemp, depth, etc.
subCols <- expression(list(reg, year, spp, stratum, K, Kmax, lon, lat, wtcpue, btemp, depth))
colDat <- data_all2[colSppYear, on=c('reg','spp','year')][colClustSite, on=c("reg", "stratum"), eval(subCols)] #[!]
extDat <- data_all2[extSppYear, on=c('reg','spp','year')][extClustSite, on=c("reg", "stratum"), eval(subCols)]#[!]

#' ##Figure: Colonization AC & Beta Diversity Clustering
#+ betaD-AC-Cluster-colFig, fig.cap="**Exploratory Figure.** Sites are labeled with a letter if their rates of EXTINCTION have significant local spatial autocorrelation (AC). In the left-hand panels, their geographic locations are shown. In the right-hand panels are dendrograms that are drawn via hierarchical clustering using beta diversity as the distance metric. Thus, left-hand panels indicate clustering based on spatial AC of EXTINCTION rates, and the right-hand panels indicate clustering based on beta diversity. Color boxes are drawn around dendrograms clusters (though some do not show up, and I'm not entirely sure why)."
par(mfrow=c(9,2), mar=c(1,1,0.25,0.25), cex=1, ps=8)

#' ##Figure: Extinction AC & Beta Diversity Clustering
#+ betaD-AC-Cluster-extFig, fig.cap="**Exploratory Figure.** Sites are labeled with a letter if their rates of COLONIZATION have significant local spatial autocorrelation (AC). In the left-hand panels, their geographic locations are shown. In the right-hand panels are dendrograms that are drawn via hierarchical clustering using beta diversity as the distance metric. Thus, left-hand panels indicate clustering based on spatial AC of COLONIZATION rates, and the right-hand panels indicate clustering based on beta diversity. Color boxes are drawn around dendrograms clusters (though some do not show up, and I'm not entirely sure why)."
par(mfrow=c(9,2), mar=c(1,1,0.25,0.25), cex=1, ps=8)

#' \FloatBarrier  
#' ***  
#' #Additional Exploratory Analyses
#' ##Autocorrelation Test Statistic Summary
#' Sites with significantly autocorrelated sites could hypothetically have either positive or negative coefficiences. Examining the test statistics for for each metric in each region will indicate whether autocorrelation was positive; if it is, significant autocorrelation can intuitively be interpretted as "clustering".  
#' Across all regions and sites, **colonization** LISA statistics ranged from `r mapDat[, range(Ii_totCol)][1]` to `r mapDat[, range(Ii_totCol)][2]`. For sites with p < 0.05, statistics ranged from `r mapDat[lI_pvalue_totCol < 0.05, range(Ii_totCol)][1]` to `r mapDat[lI_pvalue_totCol < 0.05, range(Ii_totCol)][2]`.  
#' Across all regions and sites, **extinction** LISA statistics ranged from `r mapDat[, range(Ii_totExt)][1]` to `r mapDat[, range(Ii_totExt)][2]`. For sites with p < 0.05, statistics ranged from `r mapDat[lI_pvalue_totExt < 0.05, range(Ii_totExt)][1]` to `r mapDat[lI_pvalue_totExt < 0.05, range(Ii_totExt)][2]`.  
#' Across all regions and sites, **richness** LISA statistics ranged from `r mapDat[, range(Ii_rich)][1]` to `r mapDat[, range(Ii_rich)][2]`. For sites with p < 0.05, statistics ranged from `r mapDat[lI_pvalue_rich < 0.05, range(Ii_rich)][1]` to `r mapDat[lI_pvalue_rich < 0.05, range(Ii_rich)][2]`.  

#' ##Table: Number of Sites that are Cold- or Hotspots
#+ tbl-nSitesColExtLSA
nLSA <- mapDat[,j={
	sigRichInd <- lI_pvalue_rich<0.05
	sigColInd <- lI_pvalue_totCol<0.05
	sigExtInd <- lI_pvalue_totExt<0.05
	muCol <- mean(totCol)
	muExt <- mean(totExt)
	hotIndCol <- sigColInd & (totCol > muCol)
	hotIndExt <- sigExtInd & (totExt > muExt)
		nSites = length(unique(stratum)),
		nRichLSA = sum(sigRichInd),
		nRichHot = sum(sigRichInd & (avgRich > mean(avgRich))),
		nRichCold = sum(sigRichInd & (avgRich < mean(avgRich))),
		nColLSA = sum(sigColInd),
		nColHot = sum(hotIndCol),
		nColCold = sum(sigColInd & (totCol < muCol)),
		nExtLSA = sum(sigExtInd),
		nExtHot = sum(hotIndExt),
		nExtExtd = sum(sigExtInd & (totExt < muExt))
kable(nLSA, caption="Number of sites in total, in coldspots, and in hotspots. Cluster definition (coldspot, hotspot) split across richness, colonization, and extinction.")

#+ tbl-percSitesColExtLSA
percLSA <- mapDat[,j={
	sigRichInd <- lI_pvalue_rich<0.05
	sigColInd <- lI_pvalue_totCol<0.05
	sigExtInd <- lI_pvalue_totExt<0.05
	muCol <- mean(totCol)
	muExt <- mean(totExt)
	hotIndCol <- sigColInd & (totCol > muCol)
	hotIndExt <- sigExtInd & (totExt > muExt)
		nSites = length(unique(stratum)),
		nRichLSA = sum(sigRichInd)/length(unique(stratum)),
		nRichHot = sum(sigRichInd & (avgRich > mean(avgRich)))/length(unique(stratum)),
		nRichCold = sum(sigRichInd & (avgRich < mean(avgRich)))/length(unique(stratum)),
		nColLSA = sum(sigColInd)/length(unique(stratum)),
		nColHot = sum(hotIndCol)/length(unique(stratum)),
		nColCold = sum(sigColInd & (totCol < muCol))/length(unique(stratum)),
		nExtLSA = sum(sigExtInd)/length(unique(stratum)),
		nExtHot = sum(hotIndExt)/length(unique(stratum)),
		nExtExtd = sum(sigExtInd & (totExt < muExt))/length(unique(stratum))
kable(percLSA, caption="Percentage of sites in each category (as a fraction of nSites)")

#+ tbl-percSitesColExtLSA-category
percLSAcateg <- mapDat[,j={
	sigRichInd <- lI_pvalue_rich<0.05
	sigColInd <- lI_pvalue_totCol<0.05
	sigExtInd <- lI_pvalue_totExt<0.05
	muCol <- mean(totCol)
	muExt <- mean(totExt)
	hotIndCol <- sigColInd & (totCol > muCol)
	hotIndExt <- sigExtInd & (totExt > muExt)
	nRichLSA <- sum(sigRichInd)
	nColLSA <- sum(sigColInd)
	nExtLSA <- sum(sigExtInd)
		nSites = length(unique(stratum)),
		nRichLSA = nRichLSA,
		nRichHot = sum(sigRichInd & (avgRich > mean(avgRich)))/nRichLSA,
		nRichCold = sum(sigRichInd & (avgRich < mean(avgRich)))/nRichLSA,
		nColLSA = sum(sigColInd),
		nColHot = sum(hotIndCol)/nColLSA,
		nColCold = sum(sigColInd & (totCol < muCol))/nColLSA,
		nExtLSA = sum(sigExtInd),
		nExtHot = sum(hotIndExt)/nExtLSA,
		nExtExtd = sum(sigExtInd & (totExt < muExt))/nExtLSA
kable(percLSAcateg, caption="For each category, what percentage of clusters wre hot vs coldspots? So divide numbers by nRichLSA, nColLSA, nExtLSA.")

#' ##Table: Percentage of C/E Events in Hotspots/ Coldspots
#+ tbl-percentEventsHotCold
percEventsLSA <- mapDat[,j={
	sigRichInd <- lI_pvalue_rich<0.05
	sigColInd <- lI_pvalue_totCol<0.05
	sigExtInd <- lI_pvalue_totExt<0.05
	muCol <- mean(totCol)
	muExt <- mean(totExt)
	nSite <- length(unique(stratum))
	hotIndCol <- sigColInd & (totCol > muCol)
	hotIndExt <- sigExtInd & (totExt > muExt)
	coldIndCol <- sigColInd & (totCol < muCol)
	coldIndExt <- sigExtInd & (totExt < muExt)
		nSites = nSite,
		percColLSA = round((sum(totCol[sigColInd])/sum(totCol))*100, 2),
		percColHot = round((sum(totCol[hotIndCol]) /sum(totCol))*100, 2),
		percColCold = round((sum(totCol[coldIndCol]) /sum(totCol))*100, 2),
		percExtLSA = round((sum(totExt[sigExtInd])/sum(totExt))*100, 2),
		percExtHot = round((sum(totExt[hotIndExt]) /sum(totExt))*100, 2),
		percExtCold = round((sum(totExt[coldIndExt]) /sum(totExt))*100, 2)


#' \FloatBarrier  
#' ***  
#' #Exploring 'Endemism' Patterns
#' One of the hypotheses was that sites with higher richness might have higher local colonizations and extinctions. If the richness at the site is also endemic -- meaning the species occurs at no other sites in the region -- then any local colonization or extinction of that endemic species is also a regional colonization or extinction. Therefore, in addition to knowing whether or not richness is correlated with colonization or extinction, we should also determine whether there is a degree of endemism at any of these sites. Otherwise, the simple proposed mechanism explaining relationships between richness and col/ext does not apply.
#' ##Table of Endemic Species 
#+ endemism-calc, echo=TRUE
#' For each site in a region, how many of that site's occupants tend to occupy other sites at the same time?
endo <- trawlDiversity::data_all[reg!='wcann' & K==1,j={
	totStrat <- length(unique(stratum))
	list(stratum=stratum, totStrat=totStrat)
# print(endo[,sum(totStrat==1),by=c('reg','spp')])

#' Number of species that are only present in 1 site per year per region: `r endo[,max(totStrat),by=c('reg','spp')][,sum(V1==1)]`  
#' A list of the species that appear in only 1 site at a time:  

#' ##Figure: Example 1 of 'Endemic' Species
#' Most of these examples are from the NEUS and GMEX. The one from SA is the Gaftopsail Sea Catfish. It's not super rare at all. In the full data set it was found in multiple strata in the same year, just not necessarily for K==1.  
#' Here's some examples of what I looked at from the NEUS  
sppImg("Syacium papillosum") 
data_all[spp=="Syacium papillosum", plot(lon, lat, col=as.factor(reg))]; map(add=TRUE)
#' This species is only ever found in 1 site at a time in NEUS. According to fish base (, it should be fairly rare north of Capte Hatteras
#' ##Figure: Example 2 of 'Endemic' Species
sppImg("Decapterus punctatus")
data_all[spp=="Decapterus punctatus", plot(lon, lat, col=as.factor(reg))]; map(add=TRUE) 
#' Example of a species that only ever appeared in one site at a time (in a region). However, this strikes me as odd because the species is apparently more widely distributed throughout the NEUS than this map shows, according to fishbase ( It's also a pelagic, so initially I just thought this was a sampling issue.
#' ##Figure. Average number of other sites occupied by a site's denizens
#' Now to examine the question from a site perspective. For each site, we can look at each species in that site, and ask how many other sites also contain that species. It's kinda like spatial beta diversity.  
#' Average number of sites containing this site's occupants
e1 <- endo[,list(avg_totStrat=mean(totStrat)),by=c("reg","year","stratum")] # avg over spp
e2 <- e1[,list(avg_totStrat=mean(avg_totStrat)),by=c("reg","stratum")] # avg over time
par(mfrow=c(3,3), oma=c(0.2,0.2,1,0.2))
merge(mapDat, e2)[,j={hist(avg_totStrat, main=reg[1]);NULL}, by='reg']
mtext("Total Sites Occupied by each Site's Occupants", side=3, line=-0.5, font=2, outer=TRUE)

#' \FloatBarrier  
#' ***  
#' #Info
#+ systemSettings, results='markup'
rBatt/spatialDiversity documentation built on May 6, 2019, 6:02 p.m.