
Defines functions fpDrawNormalCI fpDrawDiamondCI fpDrawCircleCI fpDrawPointCI fpDrawSummaryCI prFpGetConfintFnList prFpGetGraphTicksAndClips prFpPrintXaxis prFpPrintLabels prFpGetLegendGrobs prFpXrange prFpGetLabels prFpFetchRowLabel prFpValidateLabelList

Documented in fpDrawCircleCI fpDrawDiamondCI fpDrawNormalCI fpDrawPointCI fpDrawSummaryCI prFpFetchRowLabel prFpGetConfintFnList prFpGetGraphTicksAndClips prFpGetLabels prFpGetLegendGrobs prFpPrintLabels prFpPrintXaxis prFpValidateLabelList prFpXrange

#' Draw standard confidence intervals
#' A function that is used to draw the different
#' confidence intervals for the non-summary lines.
#' Use the \code{fpDrawNormalCI} function as a
#' template if you want to make your own funky line + marker.
#' @param lower_limit The lower limit of the confidence line.
#'  A native numeric variable that can actually be
#'  outside the boundaries. If you want to see if it
#'  is outside then convert it to 'npc' and see if the
#'  value ends up more than 1 or less than 0. Here's how
#'  you do the conversion:
#'  \code{convertX(unit(upper_limit, "native"), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)}
#'  and the \code{\link[grid]{convertX}} together with \code{\link[grid]{unit}}
#'  is needed to get the right values while you need to provide the valueOnly
#'  as you cannot compare a unit object.
#' @param estimate The estimate indicating the placement
#'  of the actual box. Note, this can also be outside bounds
#'  and is provided in a numeric format the same way as the
#'  \code{lower_limit}.
#' @param upper_limit The upper limit of the confidence line. See
#'  lower_limit for details.
#' @param size The actual size of the box/diamond/marker.
#'  This provided in the 'snpc' format to generate a perfect
#'  marker. Although you can provide it alternative units as well,
#'  this is useful for the legends to work nicely.
#' @param y.offset If you have multiple lines they need an offset in
#'  the y-direction.
#' @param clr.line The color of the line.
#' @param clr.marker The color of the estimate marker
#' @param lwd Line width
#' @param ... Allows additional parameters for sibling functions
#' @return \code{void} The function outputs the line using grid compatible
#'  functions and does not return anything.
#' @example inst/examples/forestplot2_alt_ci_example.R
#' @rdname fpDrawCI
#' @export
#' @family forestplot functions
fpDrawNormalCI <- function(lower_limit,
                           y.offset = 0.5,
                           clr.line, clr.marker,
                           ...) {
  # Draw the lines if the lower limit is
  # actually below the upper limit
  if (lower_limit < upper_limit){
    # If the limit is outside the 0-1 range in npc-units
    # then that part is outside the box and it should
    # be clipped (this function adds an arrow to the end
    # of the line)
    clipupper <-
      convertX(unit(upper_limit, "native"),
               valueOnly = TRUE) > 1
    cliplower <-
      convertX(unit(lower_limit, "native"),
               valueOnly = TRUE) < 0

    if (clipupper || cliplower) {
      # A version where arrows are added to the part outside
      # the limits of the graph
      ends <- "both"
      lims <- unit(c(0, 1), c("npc", "npc"))
      if (!clipupper) {
        ends <- "first"
        lims <- unit(c(0, upper_limit), c("npc", "native"))
      if (!cliplower) {
        ends <- "last"
        lims <- unit(c(lower_limit, 1), c("native", "npc"))
      grid.lines(x = lims,
                 y = y.offset,
                 arrow = arrow(ends = ends,
                               length = unit(0.05, "inches")),
                 gp = gpar(col = clr.line, lwd=lwd))
    } else {
      # Don't draw the line if it's no line to draw
      grid.lines(x = unit(c(lower_limit, upper_limit), "native"), y = y.offset,
                 gp = gpar(col = clr.line, lwd=lwd))

  # If the box is outside the plot the it shouldn't be plotted
  box <- convertX(unit(estimate, "native"), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)
  skipbox <- box < 0 || box > 1

  # Lastly draw the box if it is still there
  if (!skipbox){
    # Convert size into 'snpc'
      size <- unit(size, "snpc")

    # Draw the actual box
    grid.rect(x = unit(estimate, "native"),
              y = y.offset,
              width = size,
              height = size,
              gp = gpar(fill = clr.marker,
                        col = clr.marker))

#' @rdname fpDrawCI
#' @export
fpDrawDiamondCI <- function(lower_limit,
                            y.offset = 0.5,
                            clr.line, clr.marker,
                            ...) {

  # Don't draw the line if it's no line to draw
  if (lower_limit < upper_limit){
    # If the limit is outside the 0-1 range in npc-units
    # then that part is outside the box and it should
    # be clipped (this function adds an arrow to the end
    # of the line)
    clipupper <-
      convertX(unit(upper_limit, "native"),
               valueOnly = TRUE) > 1
    cliplower <-
      convertX(unit(lower_limit, "native"),
               valueOnly = TRUE) < 0

    # A version where arrows are added to the part outside
    # the limits of the graph
    if (clipupper || cliplower) {
      ends <- "both"
      lims <- unit(c(0, 1), c("npc", "npc"))
      if (!clipupper) {
        ends <- "first"
        lims <- unit(c(0, upper_limit), c("npc", "native"))
      if (!cliplower) {
        ends <- "last"
        lims <- unit(c(lower_limit, 1), c("native", "npc"))
      grid.lines(x = lims,
                 y = y.offset,
                 arrow = arrow(ends = ends,
                               length = unit(0.05, "inches")),
                 gp = gpar(col = clr.line, lwd=lwd))
    } else {
      grid.lines(x = unit(c(lower_limit, upper_limit), "native"), y = y.offset,
                 gp = gpar(col = clr.line, lwd=lwd))


  # If the box is outside the plot the it shouldn't be plotted
  box <- convertX(unit(estimate, "native"), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)
  skipbox <- box < 0 || box > 1

  if (!skipbox){
    # Convert size if needed
    default.size.unit = "snpc"
      size <- convertUnit(size, unitTo="mm", valueOnly=TRUE)
      default.size.unit = "mm"

    grid.polygon(x = unit(estimate, "native") +
                   unit(c(-size/2, 0, +size/2, 0), default.size.unit),
                 y = unit(y.offset, "npc") +
                   unit(c(0, size/2, 0, -size/2), default.size.unit),
                 gp = gpar(fill = clr.marker,
                           col = clr.marker))


#' @rdname fpDrawCI
#' @export
fpDrawCircleCI <- function(lower_limit,
                           y.offset = 0.5,
                           clr.line, clr.marker,
                           ...) {
  # Don't draw the line if it's no line to draw
  if (lower_limit != upper_limit){
    # If the limit is outside the 0-1 range in npc-units
    # then that part is outside the box and it should
    # be clipped (this function adds an arrow to the end
    # of the line)
    clipupper <-
      convertX(unit(upper_limit, "native"),
               valueOnly = TRUE) > 1
    cliplower <-
      convertX(unit(lower_limit, "native"),
               valueOnly = TRUE) < 0

    # A version where arrows are added to the part outside
    # the limits of the graph
    if (clipupper || cliplower) {
      ends <- "both"
      lims <- unit(c(0, 1), c("npc", "npc"))
      if (!clipupper) {
        ends <- "first"
        lims <- unit(c(0, upper_limit), c("npc", "native"))
      if (!cliplower) {
        ends <- "last"
        lims <- unit(c(lower_limit, 1), c("native", "npc"))
      grid.lines(x = lims,
                 y = y.offset,
                 arrow = arrow(ends = ends,
                               length = unit(0.05, "inches")),
                 gp = gpar(col = clr.line, lwd=lwd))
    } else {
      grid.lines(x = unit(c(lower_limit, upper_limit), "native"), y = y.offset,
                 gp = gpar(col = clr.line, lwd=lwd))

  # If the box is outside the plot the it shouldn't be plotted
  box <- convertX(unit(estimate, "native"), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)
  skipbox <- box < 0 || box > 1

  if (!skipbox){
    # Convert size into 'mm' and switch to radius
      size <- convertUnit(size, unitTo="mm", valueOnly=TRUE)
      size <- unit(size/2, "mm")
      size <- unit(size/2, "snpc")

    grid.circle(x = unit(estimate, "native"),
                y = unit(y.offset, "npc"),
                r = size,
                gp = gpar(fill = clr.marker,
                          col = clr.marker))

#' @rdname fpDrawCI
#' @param pch Type of point see \code{\link[grid]{grid.points}} for details
#' @export
fpDrawPointCI <- function(lower_limit,
                          y.offset = 0.5,
                          clr.line, clr.marker,
                          pch = 1,
                          ...) {
  # Don't draw the line if it's no line to draw
  if (lower_limit < upper_limit){
    # If the limit is outside the 0-1 range in npc-units
    # then that part is outside the box and it should
    # be clipped (this function adds an arrow to the end
    # of the line)
    clipupper <-
      convertX(unit(upper_limit, "native"),
               valueOnly = TRUE) > 1
    cliplower <-
      convertX(unit(lower_limit, "native"),
               valueOnly = TRUE) < 0

    # A version where arrows are added to the part outside
    # the limits of the graph
    if (clipupper || cliplower) {
      ends <- "both"
      lims <- unit(c(0, 1), c("npc", "npc"))
      if (!clipupper) {
        ends <- "first"
        lims <- unit(c(0, upper_limit), c("npc", "native"))
      if (!cliplower) {
        ends <- "last"
        lims <- unit(c(lower_limit, 1), c("native", "npc"))
      grid.lines(x = lims,
                 y = y.offset,
                 arrow = arrow(ends = ends,
                               length = unit(0.05, "inches")),
                 gp = gpar(col = clr.line, lwd=lwd))
    } else {
      grid.lines(x = unit(c(lower_limit, upper_limit), "native"), y = y.offset,
                 gp = gpar(col = clr.line, lwd=lwd))

  # If the box is outside the plot the it shouldn't be plotted
  box <- convertX(unit(estimate, "native"), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)
  skipbox <- box < 0 || box > 1

  if (!skipbox){
    # Convert size into 'snpc' if not given
      size <- unit(size, "snpc")

    grid.points(x = unit(estimate, "native"),
                y = unit(y.offset, "npc"),
                size = size,
                pch = pch,
                gp = gpar(fill = clr.marker,
                          col = clr.marker))


#' @rdname fpDrawCI
#' @param col The color of the summary diamond.
#' @export
fpDrawSummaryCI <- function(lower_limit, estimate, upper_limit,
                            size, col, y.offset = 0.5, ...) {
  # Convert size into 'npc' value only if
  # it is provided as a unit() object
  size <- ifelse(is.unit(size),
      convertUnit(size, unitTo="npc", valueOnly=TRUE),
  grid.polygon(x = unit(c(lower_limit, estimate, upper_limit, estimate), "native"),
               y = unit(y.offset +
                          c(0, 0.5 * size, 0, -0.5 * size), "npc"),
               gp = gpar(fill = col,
                         col = col))

#' A function for the color elements used in the forestplot2()
#' This function encapsulates all the colors that are used in the
#' \code{\link{forestplot2}} function. As there are plenty of color
#' options this function gathers them all in one place.
#' If you have several values per row in a forestplot you can set
#' a color to a vector where the first value represents the first
#' line/box, second the second line/box etc. The vectors are only
#' valid for the \code{box} & \code{lines} options.
#' This function is a copy of the \code{\link[rmeta]{meta.colors}}
#' function in the \pkg{rmeta} package.
#' @param all.elements A color for all the elements. If set to NULL then
#'  it's set to the par("fg") color
#' @param box The color of the box indicating the estimate
#' @param lines The color of the confidence lines
#' @param summary The color of the summary
#' @param zero The color of the zero line
#' @param text The color of the text
#' @param axes The color of the x-axis at the bottom
#' @return list A list with the elements:
#' \item{box}{the color of the box/marker}
#' \item{lines}{the color of the lines}
#' \item{summary}{the color of the summary}
#' \item{zero}{the color of the zero vertical line}
#' \item{text}{the color of the text}
#' \item{axes}{the color of the axes}
#' @author Max Gordon, Thomas Lumley
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @export
#' @family forestplot functions
fpColors <- function (all.elements,
                      box        = "black",
                      lines      = "gray",
                      summary    = "black",
                      zero       = "lightgray",
                      text       = "black",
                      axes       = "black")
  if (missing(all.elements)) {
    # Make sure the color lengths match
    # if nott then add a slightly lighter/darker shade
    if (length(box) > length(lines)){
      nl <- length(lines)
      for (n in (nl+1):length(box))
        lines <- append(lines,
                        colorRampPalette(c(box[n], par("bg")))(10)[2])
    }else if (length(box) < length(lines)){
      nl <- length(box)
      for (n in (nl+1):length(lines))
        box <- append(box,
                        colorRampPalette(c(lines[n], par("fg")))(10)[2])

    if (length(summary) < length(box))
      summary <- rep(summary, length.out = length(box))
    return(list(box = box, lines = lines, summary = summary,
                zero = zero, text = text, axes = axes))

  if (is.null(all.elements))
    all.elements <- par("fg")

  return(list(box = all.elements,
              lines = all.elements,
              summary = all.elements,
              zero = all.elements,
              text = all.elements,
              axes = all.elements))

#' Get a function list
#' This function helps the \code{\link{forestplot2}}
#' to deal with multiple drawing functions for the
#' confidence intervals.
#' @param fn The function list/matrix. If a list it
#'  should be in the format [[row]][[col]], the function
#'  tries to handle this but in cases where the columns
#'  and rows are the same it will not know what is a column
#'  and what is a row.
#' @param no_rows Number of rows
#' @param no_cols Number of columns
#' @return \code{list} The function returns a list that has
#' the format [[row]][[col]] where each element contains the
#' function that you need to call using the \code{\link[base]{as.call}}
#' and \code{\link[base]{eval}} functions: \code{eval(as.call(list(fn[[row]][[col]], arg_1=1, arg_2=2)))}
#' @keywords internal
prFpGetConfintFnList <- function(fn, no_rows, no_cols){
  # Return a list that has
  # a two dim structure of [[row]][[col]]
  # if you have a matrix provided but if you
  # have only a vector with only 1 column then you
  # get the [[row]] by default
  # If the fn is a character or a matrix then
  ret <- list()
  if (is.function(fn)){
    if (no_cols == 1){
      for (i in 1:no_rows){
        ret[[i]] <- fn
      for (i in 1:no_rows){
        ret[[i]] <- list()
        for (ii in 1:no_cols){
          ret[[i]][[ii]] <- fn
  }else if (typeof(fn) == "character"){
    if (is.matrix(fn)){
      if (ncol(fn) != no_cols)
        stop("Your columns do not add upp for your",
             " confidence interval funcitons, ",
             ncol(fn), " != ", no_cols)
      if (nrow(fn) != no_rows)
        stop("Your rows do not add upp for your",
             " confidence interval funcitons, ",
             nrow(fn), " != ", no_rows)

    }else if (length(fn) %in% c(1, no_rows)){
      fn <- matrix(fn, nrow=no_rows, ncol=no_cols)
    }else if (length(fn) == no_cols){
      fn <- matrix(fn, nrow=no_rows, ncol=no_cols, byrow=TRUE)
      stop("You have not provided the expected",
           " number of funciton names: ",
           length(fn), " is not 1, ", no_cols, ", or ", no_rows)


    # Convert into function format
    for (i in 1:no_rows){
      if (no_cols == 1){
        ret[[i]] <- get(fn[i, 1])
        ret[[i]] <- list()
        for (ii in 1:no_cols){
          ## Go by row for the fn
          ret[[i]][[ii]] <- get(fn[i, ii])

  }else if (is.list(fn)){
    if (no_cols == 1){
      # Actually correct if the lengths add up
      if (length(fn) != no_rows)
        stop("You do not have the same number of ",
             "confidence interval functions as you have ",
             "number of rows: ", length(fn), "!=", no_rows,
             " You should provide the same number.")
      ret <- fn
      # Populate a new fn list
      if (length(fn) == no_rows){
        # One dim-list provided
        # now generate a two-dim list
        if (!is.list(fn[[1]])){
          for (i in 1:no_rows){
            ret[[i]] <- list()
            for (ii in 1:no_cols){
              ## Go by row for the fn
              ret[[i]][[ii]] <- fn[[i]]
          # Verify that the list structure
          # is provided as a valid matrix
          # with the correct size
          n <- sapply(fn, length)
          if (any(n != no_cols)){
            stop("You need to provide a 'square' list (of dim. n x m)",
                 " of the same dimension as the number of lines",
                 " in order for this function to work. Currently your",
                 " confidence interval function has the format",
                 " ", no_rows , " x ", paste(n, collapse="/"),
                 " where you want all of the second argument to be",
                 " equal to ", no_cols)

          ret <- fn
      }else if (length(fn) == no_cols){
        # One dim-list provided
        # now generate a two-dim list
        if (!is.list(fn[[1]])){
          for (i in 1:no_rows){
            ret[[i]] <- list()
            for (ii in 1:no_cols){
              ## Go by row for the fn
              ret[[i]][[ii]] <- fn[[ii]]
          # Verify that the list structure
          # is provided as a matrix
          n <- sapply(fn, length)
          if (any(n != no_rows)){
            stop("You need to provide a 'square' list (of dim. n x m)",
                 " of the same dimension as the number of lines",
                 " in order for this function to work. Currently your",
                 " confidence interval function has the format",
                 " ", no_rows , " x ", paste(n, collapse="/"),
                 " where you want all of the second argument to be",
                 " equal to ", no_cols)

          # Change to the [[row]][[col]] format
          for (i in 1:no_rows){
            ret[[i]] <- list()
            for (ii in 1:no_cols){
              ## Go by row for the fn
              ret[[i]][[ii]] <- fn[[ii]][[i]]
        stop("The number of provided confidence intervals",
             " functions, ", length(fn), ", ",
             " does not seem to match up with either",
             " number of rows, ", no_rows,
             " or number of cols, ", no_cols)
    stop("You have provided something else than",
         " a function, list or function name: ",


#' A helper function to forestplot2
#' Gets the x-label and zero-bar details
#' @param x_range The range that the values from the different confidence
#'  interval span
#' @param nc Number of columns
#' @param mean The original means, either matrix or vector
#' @return \code{list} Returns a list with axis_vp, axisGrob, labGrob, zero and clip
#' @inheritParams forestplot2
#' @keywords internal
prFpGetGraphTicksAndClips <- function(xticks,

  # Active rows are all excluding the top ones with NA in the mean value
  if (is.matrix(mean)){
    for (from in 1:nrow(mean))
      if (!all(is.na(mean[from, ])))
    to <- nrow(mean)
    for (from in 1:length(mean))
      if (!is.na(mean[from]))
    to <- length(mean)

  if (xlog) {
    clip[clip < 0] <- 0
    clip <- log(clip)
    zero <- log(zero)

    if (is.null(xticks)) {
      ticks <- getTicks(exp(x_range),

      # Add the endpoint ticks to the tick list if
      # it's not already there
      if (is.infinite(clip[1]) == FALSE &&
            min(ticks, na.rm = TRUE) < clip[1])
        ticks <- unique(c(exp(clip[1]), ticks))

      if (is.infinite(clip[2]) == FALSE &&
            max(ticks, na.rm = TRUE) > clip[2])
        ticks <- unique(c(ticks, exp(clip[2])))

      # Update the range so that it includes the ticks
      if (min(x_range) > log(min(ticks)))
        x_range[which.min(x_range)] <- log(min(ticks))
      if (max(x_range) < max(ticks))
        x_range[which.max(x_range)] <- log(max(ticks))

    } else {
      ticks <- xticks

    axis_vp <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 2 * nc + 1,
                        layout.pos.row = from:to,
                        xscale         = x_range,
                        name           = "axis")

    # Draw the x-axis if there are any ticks
    if (length(ticks)) {

      # Decide on the number of digits, if below zero then there should
      # be by default one more digit
      ticklabels <- ifelse(ticks < 1 | abs(floor(ticks*10)-ticks*10) > 0,
                           format(ticks, digits = 2, nsmall = 2),
                           format(ticks, digits = 1, nsmall = 1))
      ticks <- log(ticks)
      ticks <- NULL
      ticklabels <- FALSE

  } else {
    if (is.null(xticks)){
      ticks <- getTicks(x_range,

      # Add the endpoint ticks to the tick list if
      # it's not already there
      if (is.infinite(clip[1]) == FALSE &&
            min(ticks, na.rm = TRUE) < clip[1])
        ticks <- unique(c(clip[1], ticks))

      if (is.infinite(clip[2]) == FALSE &&
            max(ticks, na.rm = TRUE) > clip[2])
        ticks <- unique(c(ticks, clip[2]))

      ticklabels <- TRUE

      # Update the range so that it includes the ticks
      if (min(x_range) > min(ticks))
        x_range[which.min(x_range)] <- min(ticks)
      if (max(x_range) < max(ticks))
        x_range[which.max(x_range)] <- max(ticks)

    } else{
      ticks <- xticks
      ticklabels <- TRUE

    axis_vp <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 2 * nc + 1,
                        layout.pos.row = from:to,
                        xscale         = x_range,
                        name           = "axis")


  if (length(ticks) != 1 || ticks != 0){
    dg <- xaxisGrob(at    = ticks,
                    label = ticklabels,
                    gp    = gpar(cex = cex.axis,
                                 col = col$axes,
    dg <- FALSE

  if (length(xlab) == 1 && nchar(xlab) > 0){
    # Write the label for the x-axis
    labGrob <- textGrob(xlab,
                        gp = gpar(col = col$axes, cex=cex))

    labGrob <- FALSE

  return(list(axis_vp = axis_vp,
              axisGrob = dg,
              labGrob = labGrob,
              zero = zero,
              clip = clip,
              x_range = x_range))

#' Plots the x-axis for forestplot2
#' A helper function to the \code{\link{forestplot2}}
#' function.
#' @param axisList The list from \code{\link{prFpGetGraphTicksAndClips}}
#' @return void
#' @inheritParams forestplot2
#' @keywords internal
prFpPrintXaxis <- function(axisList,
  # Now plot the axis inkluding the horizontal bar

  # Plot the vertical "zero" axis
  grid.lines(x  = unit(axisList$zero, "native"),
             y  = 0:1,
             gp = gpar(col = col$zero, lwd=lwd.zero))

  lab_y <- unit(0, "mm")
  lab_grob_height <- unit(-2, "mm")
  # Omit the axis if specified as 0
  if (is.grob(axisList$axisGrob)){
    # Plot the actual x-axis
    lab_grob_height <- grobHeight(axisList$axisGrob)
    lab_y <- lab_y - lab_grob_height

  if (is.grob(axisList$labGrob)){
    # Add some padding between text and ticks proportional to the ticks height
    padding <-
      unit(convertY(lab_grob_height, "lines", valueOnly=TRUE)*0.1,

    # The text is strangely messy
    # and needs its own viewport
                          y=lab_y - padding, just="top"))

#' Plots the labels
#' This is a helper function to the \code{\link{forestplot2}}
#' function.
#' @param labels A list to the labels
#' @param nc Number of columns
#' @param nr Number of rows
#' @return \code{void}
#' @keywords internal
prFpPrintLabels <- function(labels, nc, nr){
  # Output the labels
  # The column
  for (j in 1:nc) {
    # The row
    for (i in 1:nr) {
      if (!is.null(labels[[j]][[i]])) {
        # The column position is 2 * j - 1 due to the column gap
        vp <- viewport(layout.pos.row = i,
                       layout.pos.col = 2 * j - 1,
                       name           = sprintf("Label_vp_%d_%d", i, 2*j-1))

#' Gets the forestplot legend grobs
#' @return \code{list} A "Legend" class that derives from a
#'  list with all the different legends. The list also contains
#'  attributes such as height, width, max_height,
#'  max_width, line_height_and_spacing. The title of the
#'  legend is saved inside \code{attr("title")}
#' @inheritParams forestplot2
#' @keywords internal
prFpGetLegendGrobs <- function(legend, legend.cex, legend.title=NULL){
  lGrobs <- list()
  max_width <- 0
  max_height <- 0
  for (n in 1:length(legend)){
    lGrobs[[n]] <- textGrob(legend[n], x=0, just="left",

    gw <- convertUnit(grobWidth(lGrobs[[n]]), "mm", valueOnly=TRUE)
    gh <- convertUnit(grobHeight(lGrobs[[n]]), "mm", valueOnly=TRUE)
    if (gw > max_width)
      max_width <- gw
    if (gh > max_height)
      max_height <- gh

    attr(lGrobs[[n]], "width") <- unit(gw, "mm")
    attr(lGrobs[[n]], "height") <- unit(gh, "mm")
  attr(lGrobs, "max_height") <- unit(max_height, "mm")
  attr(lGrobs, "max_width") <- unit(max_width, "mm")
  attr(lGrobs, "line_height_and_spacing") <- unit.c(attr(lGrobs, "max_height"),
      unit(.5, "lines"))

  # Do title stuff if present
  if (is.character(legend.title)){
    title <- textGrob(legend.title, x=0, just="left",
        gp=gpar(fontface = "bold",
        cex = legend.cex*1.1))
    attr(lGrobs, "title") <- title

    attr(lGrobs, "titleHeight") <- grobHeight(title)
    attr(lGrobs, "titleWidth") <- grobHeight(title)
    if (convertUnit(attr(lGrobs, "titleWidth"), unitTo="npc", valueOnly=TRUE) >
      convertUnit(attr(lGrobs, "max_width"), unitTo="npc", valueOnly=TRUE))
      attr(lGrobs, "max_width") <- attr(lGrobs, "titleWidth")
  class(lGrobs) <- c("Legend", class(lGrobs))

#' Draw the forestplot legend
#' Takes the grobs and outputs the legend
#' inside the current viewport.
#' @param lGrobs A list with all the grobs, see \code{\link{prFpGetLegendGrobs}}
#' @param legend.pos Specifies if the legend is horizontal or not. Can either
#'  be a list or a string.
#' @param col The colors of the legends.
#' @param colgap The gap between the box and the text
#' @param legendMarkerFn The function for drawing the marker
#' @param ... Passed to the legend \code{legendMarkerFn}
#' @return \code{void}
#' @inheritParams forestplot2
#' @keywords internal
prFpDrawLegend <- function (lGrobs, legend.pos,
                            ...) {
  if (!inherits(lGrobs, "Legend"))
    stop("The lGrobs object should be created by the internal Gmisc:::prFpGetLegendGrobs and be of class 'Legend'.")

  # Draw the rounded rectangle at first
  # if there is a gpar specified.
  if (length(legend.gp) > 0){
    grid.roundrect(gp = legend.gp, r=legend.r)
    inner_vp <- viewport(width=unit(1, "npc") - legend.padding - legend.padding,
      height=unit(1, "npc") - legend.padding - legend.padding)
  legend_width <- 0
  legend_height <- 0
  if (!is.list(legend.pos) && legend.pos == "top" ||
    is.list(legend.pos) && "align" %in% names(legend.pos) && legend.pos[["align"]] == "horizontal"){
    orientation <- "horizontal"
    orientation <- "vertical"

  boxSize <- attr(lGrobs, "max_height")

  drawBox <- function(vp, i, col, lGrobs){

    call_list <-
           size=attr(lGrobs, "max_height"),
           y.offset = .5,
           clr.marker = col$box[i],
           clr.line = col$lines[i],
           ... = ...)

    # Do the actual drawing of the object


  if (orientation == "horizontal"){
    # Output the horizontal boxes and texts
    widths <- NULL
    for (n in 1:length(lGrobs)){
      if (length(widths) == 0)
        widths <- unit.c(boxSize, colgap, attr(lGrobs[[n]], "width"))
        widths <- unit.c(widths, colgap, boxSize, colgap, attr(lGrobs[[n]], "width"))
    heights <- attr(lGrobs, "max_height")
    # Add title height if any
    if (!is.null(attr(lGrobs, "title"))) heights <- unit.c(attr(lGrobs, "titleHeight"),
          attr(lGrobs, "line_height_and_spacing")[2],

    l_layout <- grid.layout(nrow=length(heights),
                            heights = heights,
    lvp <- viewport(layout = l_layout,
                    name = "legend_details")
    row <- 1
    # Output title
    if (!is.null(attr(lGrobs, "title"))){
      vp <- viewport(layout.pos.row = 1)
      pushViewport(viewport(width=attr(lGrobs, "titleWidth")))
      grid.draw(attr(lGrobs, "title"))
      row <- 3
    for (i in 1:length(lGrobs)){
      offset <- 4*(i-1)
      vp <- viewport(layout.pos.row = row,
                     layout.pos.col = 1 + offset,
                     xscale=c(0, 1))
      drawBox(vp, i, col, lGrobs)
      vp <- viewport(layout.pos.row = row,
                     layout.pos.col = 3 + offset)

    # Output the vertical boxes and texts
    widths <- unit.c(boxSize, colgap, attr(lGrobs, "max_width"))

    # Remove bottom line
    heights <- attr(lGrobs, "line_height_and_spacing")[rep(1:2, length.out=length(lGrobs)*2-1)]
    #heights <- unit(convertUnit(heights, unitTo="npc", valueOnly=TRUE)/sum(convertUnit(heights, unitTo="npc", valueOnly=TRUE), "npc")
    # Add title height if any
    if (!is.null(attr(lGrobs, "title"))) heights <- unit.c(attr(lGrobs, "titleHeight"),
        attr(lGrobs, "line_height_and_spacing")[2],

    l_layout <- grid.layout(ncol=length(widths),

    lvp <- viewport(layout = l_layout, just="left", x=0,
    row_start <- 1
    # Output title
    if (!is.null(attr(lGrobs, "title"))){
      vp <- viewport(layout.pos.row = 1)
      grid.draw(attr(lGrobs, "title"))
      row_start <- 3

    for (i in 1:length(lGrobs)){
      vp <- viewport(layout.pos.row = row_start + (i-1)*2,
                     layout.pos.col = 1,
      drawBox(vp, i, col, lGrobs)

      vp <- viewport(layout.pos.row = row_start + (i-1)*2,
                     layout.pos.col = 3)

  if (length(legend.gp) > 0){

#' Gets the x-axis range
#' If the borders are smaller than the upper/lower limits
#' then clip the graph. The line will have arrows indicating
#' that it continues beyond the graph The zero bar has to
#' be on the chart though!
#' @return \code{vector} Contains a min and max value
#' @inheritParams forestplot2
#' @keywords internal
prFpXrange <- function(upper, lower, clip, zero, xticks, xlog){
  top <- min(max(upper, na.rm = TRUE), clip[2])
  bottom <- max(min(lower, na.rm = TRUE), clip[1])
  # Although perhops not entirely intuitive
  # I've decided that the function should
  # extend the range to include the clip
  # endpoints unless there are prespecified
  # ticks indicating that the end-points aren't
  # included in the x-axis
  if (is.null(xticks)){
    ret <- c(

    ret <- c(
            c(zero, bottom, xticks)
            c(zero, top, xticks)

  if (xlog){

#' Gets the forestplot labels
#' A function that gets all the labels
#' @param label_type The type of text labels
#' @param align Alignment, should be equal to \code{length(nc}
#' @param nc Number of columns
#' @param nr Number of rows
#' @return \code{list} A list with \code{length(nc)} where each element contains
#'  a list of \code{length(nr)} elements with attributes width/height for each
#'  element and max_width/max_height for the total
#' @inheritParams forestplot2
#' @keywords internal
prFpGetLabels <- function(label_type, labeltext, align,
                          nc, nr,
                          fontfamily.summary, fontfamily.labelrow,
                          col, cex){
  labels <- vector("list", nc)

  max_height <- NULL
  max_width <- NULL
  # Walk through the labeltext
  # Creates a list matrix with
  # The column part
  for (j in 1:nc) {
    labels[[j]] <- vector("list", nr)

    # The row part
    for (i in 1:nr) {
      txt_out <- prFpFetchRowLabel(label_type, labeltext, i, j)
      # If it's a call created by bquote or similar it
      # needs evaluating
      if (is.call(txt_out))
        txt_out <- eval(txt_out)

      if (is.expression(txt_out) || is.character(txt_out) || is.numeric(txt_out)){
        x <- switch(align[j], l = 0, r = 1, c = 0.5)

        just <- switch(align[j],
          l = "left",
          r = "right",
          c = "center")

        # Bold the text if this is a summary
        if (is.summary[i]){
          if (is.expression(txt_out)){
            x <- 0.5
            x <- switch(align[j], l = 0, r = 1, c = 0.5)

          # Create a textGrob for the summary
          labels[[j]][[i]] <- textGrob(txt_out, x = x,
            just = just,
            gp = gpar(fontface = "bold",
              cex = cex*1.1,
              col = rep(col$text, length = nr)[i]))
          # Create a textGrob with the current row-cell for the label
          labels[[j]][[i]] <- textGrob(txt_out, x = x,
            just = just,
            gp = gpar(fontface = "plain",
              cex = cex,
              col = rep(col$text, length = nr)[i]))

        attr(labels[[j]][[i]], "height") <- grobHeight(labels[[j]][[i]])
        attr(labels[[j]][[i]], "width") <- grobWidth(labels[[j]][[i]])
        if (is.null(max_height)){
          max_height <- attr(labels[[j]][[i]], "height")
          max_width <- attr(labels[[j]][[i]], "width")
          max_height <- max(max_height, attr(labels[[j]][[i]], "height"))
          max_width <- max(max_width, attr(labels[[j]][[i]], "width"))
  attr(labels, "max_height") <- max_height
  attr(labels, "max_width") <- max_width
  attr(labels, "cex") <- ifelse(any(is.summary), cex*1.1, cex)

#' Get the label
#' A function used for fetching the text or
#' expression from the supplied labeltext.
#' @param label_type The type of label
#' @param i The row
#' @param j The column
#' @return An expression or a text
#' @inheritParams forestplot2
#' @keywords internal
prFpFetchRowLabel <- function(label_type, labeltext, i, j){
  if (label_type=="expression"){
    # Haven't figured out it this is possible with
    # a multilevel expression
    row_column_text <- labeltext[[i]]
  else if(label_type=="list"){
    # I get annoying warnings with this
    #if (!is.expression(labeltext[[j]][[i]]) && is.na(labeltext[[j]][[i]]))
    #    return(FALSE)
    row_column_text <- labeltext[[j]][[i]]
    if (is.na(labeltext[i, j]))
    row_column_text <- labeltext[i, j]

#' Get the main foresplot
#' The layout makes space for a legend if needed
#' @param labels The labels
#' @param nr Number of rows
#' @param legend_layout A legend layout object if applicable
#' @return \code{viewport} Returns the viewport needed
#' @inheritParams forestplot2
#' @keywords internal
prFpGetLayoutVP <- function (lineheight, labels, nr, legend_layout = NULL) {
  if (!is.unit(lineheight)){
    if (lineheight == "auto"){
      lvp_height <- unit(1, "npc")
    }else if (lineheight == "lines"){
      lvp_height <- unit(nr*attr(labels, "cex")*1.5, "lines")
      stop("The lineheight option '", lineheight, "'is yet not implemented")
    lvp_height <- unit(convertY(lineheight,

  # If there is a legend on top then the size should be adjusted
  if (!is.null(legend_layout) &&
        legend_layout$nrow == 3 &&
        convertY(lvp_height, "npc", valueOnly=TRUE) < 1){
    lvp_height <- sum(lvp_height, legend_layout$heights[1:2])

  lvp <- viewport(height=lvp_height,
                  layout = legend_layout,
                  name = ifelse(is.null(legend_layout), "main", "main_and_legend"))
  return (lvp)

#' Validate the forestplot label list
#' Checks that all list elements have equal
#' length, i.e. there is a m x n relation
#' @param labelList The list of labels
#' @return \code{boolean} TRUE or FALSE
#' @keywords internal
prFpValidateLabelList <- function(labelList){
  l = length(labelList[[1]])
  if (length(labelList) == 1)

  for(i in 2:length(labelList)){
    # All elements should have the same length
    if (l != length(labelList[[i]]))


#' Finds the widest grob in the current list of grobs
#' @param grob.list A list of grobs
#' @param return_unit A valid \code{\link[grid]{unit}} specifier
#' @return \code{grid::unit} Returns the width \code{\link[grid]{unit}}
#'  for the widest grob
#' @keywords internal
prFpFindWidestGrob <- function (grob.list, return_unit="mm"){
  len <- c()
  for (i in seq(along.with=grob.list)){
    if (is.object(grob.list[[i]])){
      # There is a tendency of underestemating grob size
      # when there are expressions
      grob_width <- convertWidth(grobWidth(grob.list[[i]]), return_unit, valueOnly=TRUE)
      len <- append(len, grob_width)
      len <- append(len, 0)

  return(unit(max(len), return_unit))

#' Converts legend position to a standard position
#' Used for the forestplot legend box.
#' @return \code{list} Returns the \code{legend.pos} list with
#'  the correct x/y/adjust values
#' @inheritParams forestplot2
#' @keywords internal
prFpGetLegendBoxPosition <- function (legend.pos) {
  valid_txt_pos <- c("bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right", "center")
  if (!all(c("x", "y") %in% names(legend.pos)) &&
        !(("x" %in% legend.pos &&
             any(legend.pos[["x"]] == valid_txt_pos)) ||
            any(legend.pos[[1]] == valid_txt_pos)))
    stop("If you want to specify the legend position in a certain corner",
         " within the main plot then you need to have list names x and y specified,",
         " or you should have the first list element to be '", paste(valid_txt_pos, collapse="'/'"), "',",
         " if you don't specify the first element then it can be the 'x' element")

  # Convert to the x & y format to make things easier
  if (!all(c("x", "y") %in% names(legend.pos))){
    if ("x" %in% names(legend.pos))
      txt_pos <- legend.pos[["x"]]
      txt_pos <- legend.pos[[1]]

    # The inset offsets the position
    if (!"inset" %in% names(legend.pos)){
      legend.pos[["inset"]] <- unit(0, "npc")
    }else if (!is.unit(legend.pos[["inset"]])){
      if (legend.pos[["inset"]] > 1 || legend.pos[["inset"]] < 0)
        stop("If you have not specified the unit of the legend.pos inset then it should be between 0 and 1")
      legend.pos[["inset"]] <- unit(legend.pos[["inset"]], "npc")
      if (convertUnit(legend.pos[["inset"]], unitTo="npc", valueOnly=TRUE) > 1)
        stop("You have provided a value outside the possible range ('npc' bigger than 1)")

    if (txt_pos == "bottomright"){
      legend.pos[["x"]] <- unit(1, "npc") - legend.pos[["inset"]]
      legend.pos[["y"]] <- unit(0, "npc") + legend.pos[["inset"]]
      legend.pos[["just"]] <- c("right", "bottom")
    }else if(txt_pos == "bottom"){
      legend.pos[["x"]] <- unit(0.5, "npc")
      legend.pos[["y"]] <- unit(0, "npc") + legend.pos[["inset"]]
      legend.pos[["just"]] <- c("center", "bottom")
    }else if (txt_pos == "bottomleft"){
      legend.pos[["x"]] <- unit(0, "npc") + legend.pos[["inset"]]
      legend.pos[["y"]] <- unit(0, "npc") + legend.pos[["inset"]]
      legend.pos[["just"]] <- c("left", "bottom")
    }else if (txt_pos == "left"){
      legend.pos[["x"]] <- unit(0, "npc") + legend.pos[["inset"]]
      legend.pos[["y"]] <- unit(.5, "npc")
      legend.pos[["just"]] <- c("left", "center")
    }else if (txt_pos == "topleft"){
      legend.pos[["x"]] <- unit(0, "npc") + legend.pos[["inset"]]
      legend.pos[["y"]] <- unit(1, "npc") - legend.pos[["inset"]]
      legend.pos[["just"]] <- c("left", "top")
    }else if (txt_pos == "top"){
      legend.pos[["x"]] <- unit(0.5, "npc")
      legend.pos[["y"]] <- unit(1, "npc") - legend.pos[["inset"]]
      legend.pos[["just"]] <- c("center", "top")
    }else if (txt_pos == "topright"){
      legend.pos[["x"]] <- unit(1, "npc") - legend.pos[["inset"]]
      legend.pos[["y"]] <- unit(1, "npc") - legend.pos[["inset"]]
      legend.pos[["just"]] <- c("right", "top")
    }else if (txt_pos == "right"){
      legend.pos[["x"]] <- unit(1, "npc") - legend.pos[["inset"]]
      legend.pos[["y"]] <- unit(.5, "npc")
      legend.pos[["just"]] <- c("right", "center")
    }else if (txt_pos == "center" || txt_pos == "centre"){
      legend.pos[["x"]] <- unit(.5, "npc")
      legend.pos[["y"]] <- unit(.5, "npc")
      legend.pos[["just"]] <- c("center", "center")
      stop("Position '", legend.pos[["x"]], "'not yet implemented")
  }else if(!"just" %in% names(legend.pos)){
    legend.pos[["just"]] <- c("center", "center")
  return (legend.pos)

#' Prepares the legend marker function
#' @param legendMarkerFn The unknown parameter
#' @param col_no The number of columns
#' @param confintNormalFn The original confintNormalFn input
#' @return \code{list}
#' @keywords internal
prFpPrepareLegendMarker <- function (legendMarkerFn, col_no, confintNormalFn) {
  if (is.function(legendMarkerFn)){
    legendMarkerFn <- lapply(1:col_no, function(x) legendMarkerFn)
  }else if (is.character(legendMarkerFn)){
    if (length(legendMarkerFn) == 1){
      legendMarkerFn <- rep(legendMarkerFn, times=col_no)
    }else if (length(legendMarkerFn) != col_no){
      stop("The number of legend markers, ", length(legendMarkerFn),
           ", should be the same as the number of columns for the mean, ", col_no)

    tmp <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(legendMarkerFn)){
      tmp[[i]] <- get(legendMarkerFn[i])

    legendMarkerFn <- tmp
  }else if(is.list(legendMarkerFn) &&
             length(legendMarkerFn) != col_no){
    stop("The number of legend markers, ", length(legendMarkerFn),
         ", should be the same as the number of columns for the mean, ", col_no)
  }else if(is.list(legendMarkerFn) &&
             !all(sapply(legendMarkerFn, function(x) is.function(x)))){
    stop("If you provide a list for legendMarkerFn then each element should be a function")
  }else if(is.null(legendMarkerFn)){
    if (length(confintNormalFn) == col_no){
      legendMarkerFn <-
        prFpGetConfintFnList(fn = confintNormalFn,
                             no_rows = NROW(mean),
                             no_cols = col_no)[[1]]
      # Not sure what to do if the number don't match the number of legends
      # and it ain't 1
      if (length(confintNormalFn) != 1)
        confintNormalFn <- fpDrawNormalCI

      legendMarkerFn <- lapply(1:col_no, function(x) confintNormalFn)
raredd/Gmisc0 documentation built on May 27, 2019, 2:02 a.m.