
Defines functions plot_power diff_dir wald get_summary_df powerAnalysis_internal

  representation(call="call", data="unmarkedFrame", M="numeric",
                 J="numeric", T="numeric", coefs="list", estimates="list",
                 alpha="numeric", nulls="list")

setGeneric("powerAnalysis", function(object, ...){

# unmarkedFrame method
# TODO: random effects handling
# TODO: parallel processing
setMethod("powerAnalysis", "unmarkedFrame",
          function(object, model = NULL, effects = NULL, alpha = 0.05,
                   nsim = 100, parallel = FALSE, nulls = NULL, ...){

  test_data <- y_to_zeros(object)
  test_fit <- get_fit(test_data, model, ...)
  effects <- check_coefs(effects, test_fit, name = "effects")

  data_sims <- simulate(object, nsim = nsim, model = model, coefs = effects,
                        quiet = TRUE, ...)

  powerAnalysis_internal(object, model, data_sims, effects, alpha, 
                         parallel, nulls, ...)

# list of unmarkedFrames (pre-simulated) method
setMethod("powerAnalysis", "list",
          function(object, model = NULL, effects = NULL, alpha = 0.05,
                   nsim = length(object), parallel = FALSE, nulls = NULL, ...){
  data1 <- object[[1]]
  stopifnot(inherits(data1, "unmarkedFrame"))
  stopifnot(all(sapply(object, function(x) identical(class(data1), class(x)))))
  stopifnot(nsim <= length(object))
  object <- object[1:nsim]

  test_data <- y_to_zeros(data1)
  fit <- get_fit(test_data, model, ...)
  effects <- check_coefs(effects, fit, name = "effects")

  powerAnalysis_internal(data1, model, object, effects, alpha, 
                         parallel, nulls, ...)

powerAnalysis_internal <- function(object, model, data_sims, 
                                   effects, alpha, parallel, nulls, ...){
  fun <- get_fitting_function(object, model)
  test_fit <- get_fit(data_sims[[1]], model, ...)
  modname <- test_fit@fitType

    nulls <- effects
    nulls <- lapply(nulls, function(x){
                      x[] <- 0
  } else {
    nulls <- check_coefs(nulls, test_fit, name = "nulls")

  cl <- NULL
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel::detectCores()-1)
    parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(unmarked))
  sum_dfs <- pbapply::pblapply(data_sims, function(x){
              fit <- fun(..., data = x)
          }, cl=cl)
  sum_dfs <- lapply(sum_dfs, get_summary_df, effects=effects, nulls=nulls)

  sites <- numSites(object)
  primaryPeriods <- ifelse(methods::.hasSlot(object, "numPrimary"),
                           object@numPrimary, 1)
  occasions <- ncol(object@y) / primaryPeriods

  new("unmarkedPower", call=call(modname), data=object, 
      M=sites, J=occasions, T=primaryPeriods, 
      coefs=effects, estimates=sum_dfs, alpha=alpha, nulls=nulls)

get_summary_df <- function(fit, effects, nulls){
  n_est <- length(fit@estimates@estimates)
  est_names <- names(fit@estimates@estimates)
  all_est <- lapply(1:n_est, function(i){
    utils::capture.output(out <- summary(fit@estimates@estimates[[i]]))
    out <- out[,1:2]
    out <- cbind(submodel=est_names[i], param=rownames(out), out)
    rownames(out) <- NULL
  all_est <- do.call(rbind, all_est)

  # Remove random effects from output list
  effects <- check_coefs(effects, fit, quiet=TRUE)
  rvars <- sapply(names(fit), function(x){
                       bars <- lme4::findbars(get_formula(fit, x))

  for (i in names(effects)){
    ef <- effects[[i]]
    keep <- which(!names(ef) %in% rvars[[i]])
    effects[[i]] <- ef[keep]
    nulls[[i]] <- nulls[[i]][keep]

  all_est$Effect <- unlist(effects[est_names])
  all_est$Null <- unlist(nulls[est_names])

  for (i in 1:nrow(all_est)){
    # wald and diff_dir in utils.R
    all_est$P[i] <- wald(all_est$Estimate[i], all_est$SE[i], all_est$Null[i])
    all_est$Direct[i] <- diff_dir(all_est$Estimate[i], all_est$Effect[i],

wald <- function(est, se, null_hyp=NULL){
  if(is.null(null_hyp) || is.na(null_hyp)) null_hyp <- 0
  Z <- (est-null_hyp)/se
  2*pnorm(abs(Z), lower.tail = FALSE)

diff_dir <- function(est, hyp, null_hyp=NULL){
  if(is.null(null_hyp) || is.na(null_hyp)) null_hyp <- 0
  dif <- est - null_hyp
  dif_hyp <- hyp - null_hyp
  dif * dif_hyp > 0

setMethod("summary", "unmarkedPower", 
          function(object, alpha, showIntercepts=FALSE, ...){

  out <- object@estimates[[1]][,c(1,2,5,6)]
  names(out)[1:2] <- c("Submodel", "Parameter")

    alpha <- object@alpha
  stopifnot(alpha >= 0 & alpha <= 1)

  for (i in 1:nrow(out)){
    pcrit <- sapply(object@estimates, function(x) x$P[i]) < alpha
    direct <- sapply(object@estimates, function(x) x$Direct[i])
    ests <- sapply(object@estimates, function(x) x$Estimate[i])

    out$Power[i] <- mean(pcrit & direct, na.rm=TRUE)
    out$`Type S`[i] <- sum(pcrit & !direct, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(pcrit, na.rm=TRUE)
    out$`Type M`[i] <- NA

    # Calculate Type M
    # Adjust for null != 0
    diff_null <- out$Effect[i] - out$Null[i]
    # Don't calculate if effect size is 0
    if(diff_null != 0){
      diffs <- ests - out$Null[i]
      out$`Type M`[i] <- mean(abs(diffs[pcrit]), na.rm=TRUE) / abs(diff_null) 

    no_int <- !grepl("(Intercept)",out$Parameter, fixed=TRUE)
    multi_interact <- grepl("\\[.*:.*\\]", out$Parameter)
    keep <- no_int | multi_interact
    if(sum(keep) > 0) out <- out[keep,,drop=FALSE]


setMethod("show", "unmarkedPower", function(object){
  cat("Model:", deparse(object@call[[1]]))
  cat("\nSites:", object@M)
  cat("\nPrimary Periods:", object@T)
  cat("\nOccasions:", object@J)
  cat("\nalpha:", object@alpha)

  cat("Power Statistics:\n")
  sumtab <- summary(object)
  sumtab$Power <- round(sumtab$Power, 3)
  sumtab$`Type M` <- round(sumtab$`Type M`, 3)
  sumtab$`Type S` <- round(sumtab$`Type S`, 3)

  if(all(sumtab$Null == 0)){
    sumtab$Null <- NULL

  print(sumtab, row.names=FALSE)

setMethod("plot", c(x="unmarkedPower", y="missing"),
          function(x, y, alpha, showIntercepts = FALSE, ...){
  if(missing(alpha)) alpha <- x@alpha
  stopifnot(alpha >= 0 & alpha <= 1)
  pars <- x@estimates[[1]]$param
  inds <- 1:length(pars)
    no_int <- !grepl("(Intercept)", pars, fixed=TRUE)
    multi_interact <- grepl("\\[.*:.*\\]", pars)
    keep <- no_int | multi_interact
    if(sum(keep) > 0) inds <- which(keep)
    #inds <- which(pars != "(Intercept)")
  if(length(inds) > 1){
    old_ask <- devAskNewPage()
  sapply(inds, function(i) plot_power(x, i, alpha=alpha, ...))
  if(length(inds) > 1) devAskNewPage(old_ask)

plot_power <- function(object, ind, alpha, ...){

  submod <- object@estimates[[1]]$submodel[ind]
  param <- object@estimates[[1]]$param[ind]
  parname <- paste(submod, param, sep=" / ")
  effect <- object@estimates[[1]]$Effect[ind]

  ests <- sapply(object@estimates, function(x) x$Estimate[ind])
  pval <- sapply(object@estimates, function(x) x$P[ind])
  direct <- sapply(object@estimates, function(x) x$Direct[ind])
    alpha <- object@alpha
  stopifnot(alpha >= 0 & alpha <= 1)

  idx <- 1:length(ests)
  plot(idx, ests, pch=19, col="gray",
       xlab="Simulation", ylab="Estimated effect size", main=parname, ...)
  points(idx[pval < alpha & direct], ests[pval < alpha & direct], pch=19, col='red')
  points(idx[pval < alpha & !direct], ests[pval < alpha & !direct], pch=19, col='blue')
  abline(h = effect, lty=2, lwd=1.3)

  sig_direct <- ests[pval < alpha & direct]
  if(length(sig_direct > 0)){
    abline(h = mean(sig_direct), lty=2, lwd=1.3, col='red')

  graphics::legend('bottomright', pch=19, col=c("gray", "red", "blue"), 
         legend=c("Non-significant", "Significant", "Sig & wrong sign"))
  graphics::legend('bottomleft', lty=2, col=c("black", "red"),
         legend=c("True effect size", "Avg significant effect"))

# unmarkedPowerlist stuff------------------------------------------------------

setClass("unmarkedPowerList", representation(powerAnalyses="list"))

setGeneric("unmarkedPowerList", function(object, ...){

setMethod("unmarkedPowerList", "unmarkedPower", function(object, ...){

  all_objs <- c(object, list(...))
  stopifnot(all(sapply(all_objs, inherits, "unmarkedPower")))
  stopifnot(all(sapply(all_objs, function(x) x@alpha) == object@alpha))
  new("unmarkedPowerList", powerAnalyses = all_objs)

setMethod("summary", "unmarkedPowerList", function(object, showIntercepts=FALSE, ...){
  out <- lapply(object@powerAnalyses, function(x){
    stats <- summary(x, showIntercepts=showIntercepts)
    cbind(M=x@M, T=x@T, J=x@J, stats)
  out <- do.call(rbind, out)
  ord <- order(out$M, out$T, out$J)
  out <- out[ord,,drop=FALSE]
  out$M <- factor(out$M)
  out$T <- factor(out$T)
  out$J <- factor(out$J)
  rownames(out) <- NULL

setMethod("show", "unmarkedPowerList", function(object){
  cat("Model:", deparse(object@powerAnalyses[[1]]@call[[1]]), "\n")
  Ms <- sort(sapply(object@powerAnalyses, function(x) x@M))
  cat("Number of sites (M):          ", paste(Ms, collapse=", "), "\n")
  Ts <- sort(sapply(object@powerAnalyses, function(x) x@T))
  cat("Number of primary periods (T):", paste(Ts, collapse=", "), "\n")
  Js <- sort(sapply(object@powerAnalyses, function(x) x@J))
  cat("Number of occasions (J):      ", paste(Js, collapse=", "), "\n")
  cat("alpha:                        ", paste(object@powerAnalyses[[1]]@alpha, "\n"))

setMethod("plot", "unmarkedPowerList", function(x, power=NULL, param=NULL, ...){
  dat <- summary(x, showIntercepts=TRUE)
  if(is.null(param)) param <- dat$Parameter[dat$Parameter != "(Intercept)"][1]
  dat <- dat[dat$Parameter==param,,drop=FALSE]
  ylim <- range(dat$Power, na.rm=T)
  if(!is.null(power)) ylim[2] <- max(power, ylim[2])
  xlim <- range(as.numeric(as.character(dat$M)), na.rm=T)
  cols <- palette.colors(length(levels(dat$J)), palette="Dark 2")
  old_par <- graphics::par()[c("mfrow","mar")]
  nT <- length(levels(dat$T))
  mar <- old_par$mar
  if(nT == 1) mar <- c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1)
  graphics::par(mfrow=c(length(levels(dat$T)),1), mar=mar)
  for (i in levels(dat$T)){
    plot_title <- ""
    if(nT > 1) plot_title <- paste0("T = ", i)
    tsub <- dat[dat$T==i,,drop=FALSE]
    Jlev <- levels(tsub$J)
    jsub <- tsub[tsub$J==Jlev[1],,drop=FALSE]
    plot(as.numeric(as.character(jsub$M)), jsub$Power, type="o",
        col=cols[1], ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, xlab="Sites",
        ylab="Power", pch=19, main=plot_title)
    if(!is.null(power)) abline(h=power, lty=2)
    for (j in 2:length(Jlev)){
      jsub <- tsub[tsub$J==Jlev[j],,drop=FALSE]
      graphics::lines(as.numeric(as.character(jsub$M)), jsub$Power, type="o",
            col=cols[j], pch=19)
    graphics::legend('bottomright', lwd=1, pch=19, col=cols, legend=Jlev, title="Observations")
rbchan/unmarked documentation built on July 10, 2024, 7:07 p.m.