
Defines functions plot_nocontrast plot_rdiff plot_pdiff plot_mdiff_base plot_mdiff

Documented in plot_mdiff plot_pdiff plot_rdiff

#' Plots for comparing continuous outcome variables between conditions
#' @description
#' `plot_mdiff` helps visualize comparisons of a continuous outcome
#' variable between conditions.  It can plot raw data (if available) for each
#' condition, the mean or median (raw data only) for each condition, and
#' it emphasizes a 1-df comparison among conditions, plotting the estimated
#' difference and its confidence interval with a difference axis.
#' You can pass esci-estimate objects generated
#' by [esci::estimate_mdiff_one()], [esci::estimate_mdiff_two()],
#' [esci::estimate_mdiff_paired()], [esci::estimate_mdiff_ind_contrast()],
#' [esci::estimate_mdiff_2x2_between()], and [esci::estimate_mdiff_2x2_mixed()].
#' This function returns a ggplot2 object.
#' @inherit plot_describe details
#' @param estimate An esci-estimate object generated by an estimate_mdiff_
#' function
#' @param effect_size Optional; one of 'mean' or 'median' to determine the
#' measure of central tendency plotted.  Note that median is only available if
#' the estimate was generated from raw data.  Defaults to 'mean'
#' @param data_layout Optional; one of 'random', 'swarm', or 'none' to determine
#' how raw data (if available) will be displayed.  Defaults to 'random'
#' @param data_spread Optional numeric determining width raw data will use
#' in each condition.  Defaults to 0.15 (relative to 1 unit per condition)
#' @param error_layout Optional; one of 'halfeye', 'eye', 'gradient' or 'none'
#' to determine how expected error distribution will be displayed for each
#' estimated parameter.  Defaults to 'halfeye'.  Currently does not apply
#' if 'median' is selected as effect size, in which case a simple error bar
#' will be used
#' @param error_scale Optional numeric determining width of the expected error
#' distribution.  Defaults to 0.3
#' @param error_nudge Optional numeric determining degree to which measures
#' of central tendency will be shifted to the right of the raw data; defaults
#' to 0.4
#' @param error_normalize Optional; one of 'groups', 'all', or 'panels' to
#' determine how width of the expected error distributions will be normalized.
#' Defaults to 'groups'.  See documentation in ggdist
#' @param difference_axis_units Optional; one of 'raw' or 'sd' to determine
#' if markings on the difference axis will be in raw-score units or in
#' standard-deviation units.  For 'sd' the standard deviation of the mean
#' difference is used, and this is true even if 'median' is selected as the
#' effect size
#' @param difference_axis_breaks Optional numeric > 1 of suggested number of breaks
#' for the difference axis.  Defaults to 5
#' @param difference_axis_space Optional numeric > 0 to indicate spacing to the
#' difference axis.  Defaults to 1
#' @param simple_contrast_labels Optional logical to determine if contrasts are
#' given simple labels ('Reference', 'Comparison', 'Difference') or more
#' descriptive labels based on the contrast specified.
#' @param ylim Optional 2-item vector specifying y-axis limits.  Defaults to
#' c(NA NA); Use NA to specify auto-limit.
#' @param ybreaks Optional numeric > 2 for suggested number of y-axis breaks;
#' defaults to 5
#' @param rope Optional 2-item vector with item 2 >= item 1.  Use to specify a range
#' of values to use to visualize a hypothesis test.  If both values are the
#' same, a point-null hypothesis test will be visualized.  If item2 > item1
#' an interval-null hypothesis test will be visualized.  Defaults to c(NA, NA),
#' which is to not visualize a hypothesis test
#' @param rope_units Optional; one of 'raw' or 'sd' to indicate units of the rope
#' passed. Defaults to 'raw'
#' @param ggtheme Optional ggplot2 theme object to specify the visual style of the
#' plot.  Defaults to [ggplot2::theme_classic()]
#' @inherit plot_describe return
#' @inherit estimate_mdiff_two examples
#' @export
plot_mdiff <- function(
  effect_size = c("mean", "median"),
  data_layout = c("random", "swarm", "none"),
  data_spread = 0.15,
  error_layout = c("halfeye", "eye", "gradient", "none"),
  error_scale = 0.3,
  error_nudge = 0.4,
  error_normalize = c("groups", "all", "panels"),
  difference_axis_units = c("raw", "sd"),
  difference_axis_breaks = 5,
  difference_axis_space = 1,
  simple_contrast_labels = TRUE,
  ylim = c(NA, NA),
  ybreaks = 5,
  rope = c(NA, NA),
  rope_units = c("raw", "sd"),
  ggtheme = NULL
) {

  # Input checks ---------------------------------------------------------------
  warnings <- NULL

  esci_assert_type(estimate, "is.estimate")
  effect_size <- match.arg(effect_size)
  rope_units <- match.arg(rope_units)
  if (effect_size == "median" & is.null(estimate$es_median_difference) & !is.null(estimate$properties$contrast)) {
    stop("effect_size parameter is 'median' but no median-based effect size available to plot")
  data_layout <- match.arg(data_layout)
  error_layout <- match.arg(error_layout)
  error_normalize <- match.arg(error_normalize)
  difference_axis_units <- match.arg(difference_axis_units)
  if (is.null(data_spread) | !is.numeric(data_spread) | data_spread < 0) {
    warnings <- c(
        "data_spread = {data_spread} but this is invalid; replaced with 0.25"
    data_spread <- 0.25
  if (is.null(error_scale) | !is.numeric(error_scale) | error_scale < 0) {
    warnings <- c(
        "error_scale = {error_scale} but this is invalid; replaced with 0.3"
    error_scale = 0.3
  if (is.null(error_nudge) | !is.numeric(error_nudge) | error_nudge < 0) {
    warnings <- c(
        "error_nudge = {error_nudge} but this is invalid; replaced with 0.25"
    error_nudge <- 0.25
  if (is.null(difference_axis_breaks) | !is.numeric(difference_axis_breaks) | difference_axis_breaks < 1) {
    warnings <- c(
        "difference_axis_breaks = {difference_axis_breaks} but this is invalid; replaced with 5"
    difference_axis_breaks = 5
  if(is.null(ggtheme)) { ggtheme <- ggplot2::theme_classic()}

  # Data prep --------------------------------------
  # Initialization
  no_contrast <- is.null(estimate$es_mean_difference)
  conf_level <- estimate$properties$conf_level
  contrast <- estimate$properties$contrast
  reference_groups <- names(contrast[which(contrast < 0)])
  comparison_groups <- names(contrast[which(contrast > 0)])
  plot_raw <- !is.null(estimate$raw_data) & data_layout != "none"
  # simple_contrast <- (length(reference_groups) == 1) & (length(comparison_groups) == 1)
  simple_contrast <- (length(contrast) == 2)
  plot_paired <- !is.null(estimate$es_r)
  plot_mixed <- !is.null(estimate$raw_data$paired)
  plot_interaction <- all(estimate$properties$contrast == c(1, -1, -1, 1))
  difference_es_name <- if (difference_axis_units == "sd")
    if (effect_size == "mean")

  if (plot_interaction & difference_axis_units != "sd") {
    difference_es_name <- paste(
      sep = ""
    #difference_es_name <- "Difference~of~Differences"

  if (length(rope) > 1) {

    if (!is.na(rope[[1]]) & !is.na(rope[[2]])) {
      if (rope[[1]] != rope[[2]]) {
        if (rope_units == "sd") {
          sd <- estimate$es_smd[[1, "denominator"]]
          rope <- rope * sd


  # Raw data
  if (plot_raw) {
    rdata <- estimate$raw_data
  } else {
    rdata <- NULL

  if (no_contrast) {
        estimate = estimate,
        effect_size = effect_size,
        data_layout = data_layout,
        data_spread = data_spread,
        error_layout = error_layout,
        error_scale = error_scale,
        error_nudge = error_nudge,
        error_normalize = error_normalize,
        difference_axis_space = difference_axis_space,
        ylim = ylim,
        ybreaks = ybreaks,
        ggtheme = ggtheme

  # Group data
  if (effect_size == "mean") {
    gdata <- estimate$es_mean_difference
  } else {
    gdata <- estimate$es_median_difference
    gdata$df <- NA
    # gdata$ta_LL <- NULL
    # gdata$ta_UL <- NULL
  gdata$y_value <- gdata$effect_size
  gdata$x_label <- gdata$effect

  if (simple_contrast) {
    if (simple_contrast_labels) {
      gdata$x_label[[3]] <- "Difference"
  } else {
    if (simple_contrast_labels) {
      gdata$x_label <- c( "Comparison", "Reference", "Difference")
    } else {
      gdata$x_label <- gdata$effect
      gdata$x_label <- gsub(" - ", "\n-\n", gdata$x_label)
      gdata$x_label <- gsub(" and ", "\nand\n", gdata$x_label)

  # If complex contrast, add overview data
  if (!simple_contrast) {
    overview <- data.frame(
      type = "Unused",
      outcome_variable_name = estimate$overview$outcome_variable_name,
      grouping_variable_name = estimate$overview$grouping_variable_name,
      effect = estimate$overview$grouping_variable_level,
      effect_size = if (effect_size == "mean") estimate$overview$mean else estimate$overview$median,
      LL = if (effect_size == "mean") estimate$overview$mean_LL else estimate$overview$median_LL,
      UL = if (effect_size == "mean") estimate$overview$mean_UL else estimate$overview$median_UL,
      ta_LL = NA,
      ta_UL = NA,
      SE = if (effect_size == "mean") estimate$overview$mean_SE else estimate$overview$median_SE,
      df = estimate$overview$df,
      x_label = estimate$overview$grouping_variable_level,
      y_value = if (effect_size == "mean") estimate$overview$mean else estimate$overview$median

  } else {
    overview <- NULL

  myplot <- plot_mdiff_base(
    gdata = gdata,
    conf_level = conf_level,
    contrast = contrast,
    plot_paired = plot_paired,
    plot_mixed = plot_mixed,
    plot_interaction = plot_interaction,
    rdata = rdata,
    overview = overview,
    effect_size = effect_size,
    data_layout = data_layout,
    data_spread = data_spread,
    error_layout = error_layout,
    error_scale = error_scale,
    error_nudge = error_nudge,
    error_normalize = error_normalize,
    difference_axis_units = difference_axis_units,
    difference_axis_breaks = difference_axis_breaks,
    difference_axis_normalizer = estimate$es_smd$denominator[[1]],
    difference_es_name = difference_es_name,
    ylim = ylim,
    ybreaks = ybreaks,
    daxis_space = difference_axis_space,
    rope = rope,
    ggtheme = ggtheme

  # Customize plot -------------------------------
  # Default aesthetics
  myplot <- esci_plot_mdiff_aesthetics(
    use_ggdist = (effect_size == "mean"),
    plot_paired = plot_paired

  # Labels -----------------------------
  vnames <- if (plot_paired)
    paste(estimate$overview$outcome_variable_name, collapse = " and ", sep = "")
  esize <- paste(toupper(substr(effect_size, 1, 1)), substr(effect_size, 2, nchar(effect_size)), sep = "")
  ylab <- glue::glue("{vnames}\n{if (plot_raw) 'Data, ' else ''}{esize} and {conf_level*100}% Confidence Interval")
  xlab <- estimate$es_mean_difference$grouping_variable_name[[1]]

  myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::xlab(xlab) + ggplot2::ylab(ylab)

  myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::theme(
    axis.text.y = ggtext::element_markdown(),
    axis.title.y = ggtext::element_markdown(),
    axis.text.x = ggtext::element_markdown(),
    axis.title.x = ggtext::element_markdown()

  # Attach warnings and return    -------------------
  myplot$warnings <- c(myplot$warnings, warnings)



plot_mdiff_base <- function(
  plot_mixed = FALSE,
  plot_interaction = FALSE,
  rdata = NULL,
  overview = NULL,
  effect_size = c("mean", "median", "r", "P"),
  data_layout = c("random", "swarm", "none"),
  data_spread = 0.25,
  error_layout = c("halfeye", "eye", "gradient", "none"),
  error_scale = 0.3,
  error_nudge = 0.35,
  error_normalize = c("groups", "all", "panels"),
  difference_axis_units = c("raw", "sd"),
  difference_axis_breaks = 5,
  difference_axis_normalizer = 1,
  difference_es_name = "Difference",
  ylim = c(NA, NA),
  ybreaks = 5,
  daxis_space = 1,
  rope = c(NA, NA),
  ggtheme = NULL
) {

  # Input checks ---------------------------------------------------------------
  warnings <- NULL
  difference_axis_units <- match.arg(difference_axis_units)
  if (length(rope) == 1) rope[[2]] = rope[[1]]
  x_value <- ta_LL <- ta_UL <- xend <- y_value <- yend <- type <- m2.x <- y <- m2.y <- paired <- y_end <- NULL

    # Data prep --------------------------------------
  # Initialization
  reference_groups <- names(contrast[which(contrast < 0)])
  comparison_groups <- names(contrast[which(contrast > 0)])
  simple_contrast <- is.null(overview)
  one_group <- is.na(gdata$SE[[2]])
  plot_raw <- !is.null(rdata)
  nudge <- if (plot_raw) error_nudge/2 else 0
  pooled_sd <- difference_axis_normalizer

  plot_main_effect_A <- all(contrast == c(-1/2, -1/2, 1/2, 1/2))
  plot_main_effect_B <- all(contrast == c(-1/2, 1/2, -1/2, 1/2))

  # Group data --------------------------------
  # Add comparison values to difference row
  comparison_es <- gdata[[1, "y_value"]]
  reference_es <- gdata[[2, "y_value"]]
  difference_LL <- gdata[[3, "LL"]]
  difference_UL <- gdata[[3, "UL"]]

  if (plot_interaction) {
    reference_es <- gdata[2, "y_value"] + overview[3, "y_value"]
    gdata[3, c("y_value", "LL", "UL")] <- gdata[3, c("y_value", "LL", "UL")]  + reference_es
  } else {
    gdata[3, c("y_value", "LL", "UL")] <- gdata[3, c("y_value", "LL", "UL")]  + reference_es
    # Reorder comparison data
    gdata <- gdata[c(2, 1, 3), ]

  gdata$effect_type <- NULL
  gdata$effects_complex <- NULL
  gdata$p <- NULL
  gdata$t <- NULL

  # Handle comparisons to a specified reference value
  if (one_group) {
    gdata[is.na(gdata$df), "df"] <- 1
    gdata[is.na(gdata$SE), "SE"] <- .Machine$double.xmin
  if (sum(is.na(gdata$SE)) > 0) {
    gdata[is.na(gdata$SE), ]$SE <- .Machine$double.xmin
  if (sum(is.na(gdata$df)) > 0) {
    gdata[is.na(gdata$df), ]$df <- 1
  if (nrow(gdata[gdata$SE <= 0, ]) > 0) {
    gdata[gdata$SE <= 0, ]$SE <- .Machine$double.xmin
  if (!is.null(overview[is.na(overview$df), ])) {
    overview[is.na(overview$df), "df"] <- 1
  if (!is.null(overview[overview$df < 1, ])) {
    overview[overview$df < 1, "df"] <- 1

  # If complex contrast, add overview data -----------------

  if (!simple_contrast) {
    overview$type <- "Unused"
    overview[overview$effect %in% reference_groups, ]$type <- "Reference"
    overview[overview$effect %in% comparison_groups, ]$type <- "Comparison"
    orows <- nrow(overview)
    overview$x_value <- seq(from = 1, to = orows, by = 1)
    overview$nudge <- nudge
    if (plot_interaction | plot_main_effect_B | plot_main_effect_A) {
      overview$x_value <- c(1, 2, 3.5, 4.5)
    if (plot_mixed) {
      overview$x_value <- c(1, 2, 4, 5)
      overview$nudge <- c(nudge*-2, nudge, nudge*-2, nudge)

    rlines <- overview[overview$type == "Reference", c("y_value", "x_value", "nudge", "type")]
    clines <- overview[overview$type == "Comparison", c("y_value", "x_value", "nudge", "type") ]

    if (plot_interaction) {
      gdata$x_value <- orows + 2.5
    } else {
      gdata$x_value <- seq(from = orows + 2, to = orows + 4, by = 1)
      if (plot_main_effect_B | plot_main_effect_A | plot_mixed) { gdata$x_value <- gdata$x_value + 1}
    gdata$nudge <- 0

    ref_x <- gdata$x_value[[1]] + gdata$nudge[[1]]
    comp_x <- gdata$x_value[[2]] + gdata$nudge[[2]]
    rlines$xend <- ref_x
    clines$xend <- comp_x
    rlines$yend <- rlines$y_value
    clines$yend <- clines$y_value

    if (nrow(clines) > 1) {
      clines$xend <- clines$xend - 0.5
      clines <- rbind(
          y_value = c(min(clines$yend), gdata$y_value[[2]]),
          x_value = c(comp_x - 0.5, comp_x - 0.5),
          nudge = c(0, 0),
          type = "Comparison",
          xend = c(comp_x - 0.5, comp_x),
          yend = c(max(clines$yend), gdata$y_value[[2]])
    if (nrow(rlines) > 1) {
      rlines$xend <- rlines$xend - 0.5
      rlines <- rbind(
          y_value = c(min(rlines$yend), gdata$y_value[[1]]),
          x_value = c(ref_x - 0.5, ref_x - 0.5),
          nudge = c(0, 0),
          type = "Reference",
          xend = c(ref_x - 0.5, ref_x),
          yend = c(max(rlines$yend), gdata$y_value[[1]])
    rlines$type <- paste(rlines$type, "_summary", sep = "")
    clines$type <- paste(clines$type, "_summary", sep = "")

    if (plot_interaction) {
      gdata <- gdata[3, ]
      overview$type <- "Unused"

    gdata <- rbind(
    x_end <- 4 + orows
    if (plot_main_effect_B | plot_main_effect_A | plot_mixed) x_end <- x_end + 1
  } else {
    gdata$x_value <- c(1, 2, 3)
    if (plot_paired) {
      gdata$nudge <- c(nudge* -2, nudge, nudge)
    } else {
      gdata$nudge <- c(nudge, nudge, 0)

  # Update types for aesthetic control
  gdata$type <- paste(gdata$type, "_summary", sep = "")

  # Prep raw data ------------------
  if (plot_raw) {
    if (plot_paired) {
        rdata <- data.frame(
          grouping_variable = c(
            rep(gdata$effect[[1]], nrow(rdata)),
            rep(gdata$effect[[2]], nrow(rdata)),
            rep(gdata$effect[[3]], nrow(rdata))
          outcome_variable = c(
            rdata$comparison_measure - rdata$reference_measure + reference_es
       rdata$type <- "Difference"

    # Types
    if (!plot_paired) rdata$type <- "Unused"
    if (!one_group) {
      rdata[rdata$grouping_variable %in% reference_groups, ]$type <- "Reference"
    rdata[rdata$grouping_variable %in% comparison_groups, ]$type <- "Comparison"

    if (plot_interaction) {
      rdata$type <- "Unused"

    rdata$type <- paste(rdata$type, "_raw", sep = "")

    # x_value
    if (simple_contrast) {
      rdata$x_value <- gdata[match(rdata$grouping_variable, gdata$effect), "x_value"]
    } else {
      rdata$x_value <- overview[match(rdata$grouping_variable, overview$effect), "x_value"]

    rdata$y_value <- rdata$outcome_variable


  # Initialize Null
  plot_null <- FALSE
  interval_null <- FALSE
  null_symbol <- sapply(
    r = "rho",
    rdiff = "rho[diff]",
    mean = "mu[diff]",
    median = "eta[diff]",
    P = "Pi[diff]",
    Proportion = "Pi[diff]"

  if (plot_interaction) {
    null_symbol <- switch(
      mean = "mu[diffdiff]",
      median = "eta[diffdiff]"

  if (length(rope) == 1) rope[[2]] = rope[[1]]

  if (!is.na(rope[[1]])) {
    plot_null <- TRUE
    null_label <- paste(
      "H[0]: ",
      " == ",
      sep = ""

  if (!is.na(rope[[1]]) & !is.na(rope[[2]])) {
    if (rope[[1]] != rope[[2]]) {
      plot_null <- TRUE
      interval_null <- TRUE
      null_label <- glue::glue(
        "{rope[[1]]}*' < '*{null_symbol}*' < '*{rope[[2]]}"

  # Difference axis ------------------------------------
  daxis_x <- max(gdata$x_value) + daxis_space
  if (plot_null) daxis_x <- daxis_x + 0.5

  if ( (difference_UL + reference_es) > reference_es) {
    rawEnd <- difference_UL
    saxisEnd <- ceiling(difference_UL/pooled_sd)
    if (saxisEnd < 1) saxisEnd = 1
  } else {
    rawEnd <- 0
    saxisEnd <- 0

  if (!is.na(rope[[2]])) {
      if (rope[[2]] > rawEnd) {
          rawEnd <- rope[[2]]
          saxisEnd <- ceiling(difference_UL/pooled_sd)
          if (saxisEnd < 1) saxisEnd = 1

  if ( (difference_LL + reference_es) < reference_es) {
    rawStart <- difference_LL
    saxisStart <- floor(difference_LL/pooled_sd)
    if (saxisStart > -1) saxisStart <- -1
  } else {
    rawStart <- 0
    saxisStart <- 0

  if (!is.na(rope[[1]])) {
    if (rope[[1]] < rawStart) {
      rawStart <- rope[[1]]
      saxisStart <- floor(difference_LL/pooled_sd)
      if (saxisStart > -1) saxisStart <- -1

  if (plot_raw) {
    rdata_max <- max(rdata$outcome_variable, na.rm = TRUE)
    rdata_min <- min(rdata$outcome_variable, na.rm = TRUE)
    rdata_range <- rdata_max - rdata_min
    axis_range <- rawEnd - rawStart
    if (axis_range / rdata_range < .3) {
      ref_percent <- (reference_es -  rdata_min) / rdata_range
      rangeEnd <- reference_es + (0.15 * (1-ref_percent) * rdata_range)
      rangeStart <- reference_es - (0.15 * (ref_percent) * rdata_range)

      if (rangeEnd > rawEnd) rawEnd <- rangeEnd
      if (rangeStart < rawStart) rawStart <- rangeStart

      saxisEnd <- ceiling(difference_UL/pooled_sd)
      if (saxisEnd < 1) saxisEnd = 1
      saxisStart <- floor(difference_LL/pooled_sd)
      if (saxisStart > -1) saxisStart = -1
    #Adjust floating axis points for cases where small % of raw data range

  if (difference_axis_units == "raw") {
    saxisBreaks <- pretty(c(rawStart,rawEnd), n = difference_axis_breaks)
    if(! 0 %in% saxisBreaks) {
      saxisBreaks <- sort(c(0, saxisBreaks))
    slabels <- esci_scaleFUN(saxisBreaks)
  } else {
    saxisBreaks <- pretty(c(saxisStart,saxisEnd), n = difference_axis_breaks)
    slabels <- esci_scaleFUN(saxisBreaks)
    saxisBreaks <- saxisBreaks * pooled_sd

  saxisStart <- reference_es + (saxisBreaks[1])
  saxisEnd <- reference_es + (saxisBreaks[length(saxisBreaks)])

  daxis_name <- difference_es_name
  # epart <-
  daxis_name <- gsub("<sub>", "[", daxis_name)
  daxis_name <- gsub("</sub>", "]", daxis_name)
  daxis_name <- gsub("<i>", "italic(", daxis_name)
  daxis_name <- gsub("</i>", ")", daxis_name)
  daxis_name <- parse(text = daxis_name)

  # Initialize htests

  # Build plot ------------------------------------
  # Base plot
  myplot <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggtheme

  # 90% CI
  if (interval_null) {
    alpha <- 1 - conf_level
    conf_level <- c(
      1 - (alpha*2),

    myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::geom_segment(
      data = gdata[gdata$type == "Difference_summary", ],
        x = x_value + nudge,
        xend = x_value + nudge,
        y = ta_LL + reference_es,
        yend = ta_UL + reference_es
      colour = "black",
      size = 2

    myplot <- esci_plot_layers(myplot, "ta_CI")

  if (!simple_contrast) {

    if (!plot_interaction) {
      myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::geom_segment(
        data = rbind(rlines, clines),
          x = x_value + nudge,
          xend = xend,
          y = y_value,
          yend = yend,
          color = type
        linetype = "solid"



  # Group data
  error_glue <-esci_plot_group_data(effect_size)
  error_call <- esci_plot_error_layouts(error_layout)
  error_expression <- parse(text = glue::glue(error_glue))
  myplot <- try(eval(error_expression))

  # Reference lines
  if (!plot_interaction) {
    myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::geom_segment(
      data = utils::tail(gdata, 3),
        x = x_value + nudge,
        xend = daxis_x,
        y = y_value,
        yend = y_value,
      linetype = "dotted"

  # Raw data
  if (plot_raw) {
    raw_expression <- esci_plot_raw_data(myplot, data_layout, data_spread)
    myplot <- try(eval(raw_expression))

    if (plot_paired) {
      p <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(myplot)
      last_layer <- length(p$data)
      m1 <- p$data[[last_layer]][1:(nrow(rdata)/3), ]
      m2 <- p$data[[last_layer]][((nrow(rdata)/3)+1):(nrow(rdata)*2/3), ]
      m2 <- p$data[[last_layer]][((nrow(rdata)*2/3)+1):(nrow(rdata)), ]
      colnames(m2) <- paste("m2.", colnames(m2), sep = "")
      line_data <- cbind(m1, m2)

      myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::geom_segment(
        data = line_data,
          x = x,
          xend = m2.x,
          y = y,
          yend = m2.y
        color = "gray",
        alpha = 0.5

      temp <- myplot$layers[[last_layer]]
      myplot$layers[[last_layer]] <- myplot$layers[[last_layer+1]]
      myplot$layers[[last_layer+1]] <- temp

      #myplot <- try(eval(raw_expression))

    if (plot_mixed) {
      rrows <- nrow(rdata)
      mrows <- rrows/2
      mdata <- rdata[1:mrows, ]
      nextrow <- mrows+1
      mdata$x_end <- rdata[nextrow:rrows, "x_value"]
      myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::geom_segment(
        data = mdata,
          x = x_value,
          xend = x_end,
          y = y_value,
          yend = paired
        color = "gray",
        alpha = 0.5


  # paired measure lines
  if (plot_paired) {
    myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::geom_segment(
      data = NULL,
        x = gdata$x_value[[1]] + gdata$nudge[[1]],
        xend = gdata$x_value[[2]] + gdata$nudge[[2]],
        y = gdata$y_value[[1]],
        yend = gdata$y_value[[2]]
      linetype = "solid",
      colour = "black"

  if (plot_mixed) {
    myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::geom_segment(
      data = NULL,
        x = gdata$x_value[[1]] + gdata$nudge[[1]],
        xend = gdata$x_value[[2]] + gdata$nudge[[2]],
        y = gdata$y_value[[1]],
        yend = gdata$y_value[[2]]
      linetype = "solid",
      colour = if (plot_interaction) "gray65" else "black"
    myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::geom_segment(
      data = NULL,
        x = gdata$x_value[[3]] + gdata$nudge[[3]],
        xend = gdata$x_value[[4]] + gdata$nudge[[4]],
        y = gdata$y_value[[3]],
        yend = gdata$y_value[[4]]
      linetype = "solid",
      colour = if (plot_interaction) "gray65" else "black"

  if (plot_interaction) {
    dots <- overview[c(2, 4), ]
    dots$type <- c("Reference_summary", "Comparison_summary")
    dots$y_end <- overview[c(1, 3), "y_value"]
    ref_middle <- (sum(gdata[1:2, "x_value"])+sum(gdata[1:2, "nudge"]))/2
    comp_middle <- (sum(gdata[3:4, "x_value"])+sum(gdata[3:4, "nudge"]))/2
    dots$x_value <- c(ref_middle, comp_middle)

    myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::geom_segment(
      data = dots,
        x = x_value,
        xend = x_value,
        y = y_value,
        yend = y_end,
        colour = type,
        alpha = type,
        linetype = type,
      size = 1,
      linewidth = 3
    myplot <- esci_plot_layers(myplot, "simple_effect_lines")

    myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::geom_point(
      data = dots,
        x = x_value,
        y = y_value,
        colour = type,
        alpha = type,
      size = 4,
      fill = "white",
      shape = 23
    myplot <- esci_plot_layers(myplot, "simple_effect_points")


  if (plot_interaction) {
    intlines <- overview[c(1, 2, 4), c("x_value", "nudge", "y_value")]
    intlines[4, ] <- intlines[3, ]
    intlines$x_value <- c(ref_middle, ref_middle, comp_middle, comp_middle)
    intlines[4, "y_value"] <- reference_es
    intlines$x_end <- c(
    intlines$y_end <- c(
      overview[3, "y_value"],
      overview[4, "y_value"],
    myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::geom_segment(
      data = intlines,
        x = x_value,
        xend = x_end,
        y = y_value,
        yend = y_end
      linetype = "dotted"

  # Plot null
  rope <- rope + reference_es

  if (plot_null & !interval_null) {
    myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::geom_segment(
        y = rope[[1]],
        yend = rope[[1]],
        x = max(gdata$x_value) - .2,
        xend = daxis_x
      colour = "red",
      size = 1,
      linetype = "solid"
    myplot <- esci_plot_layers(myplot, "null_line")

    myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::annotate(
      geom = "text",
      label = null_label,
      y = rope[[1]],
      x = daxis_x - .05,
      vjust = 0,
      hjust = "inward",
      parse = TRUE

  if (plot_null & interval_null) {
    myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::geom_segment(
        y = rope[[2]] - ((rope[[2]] - rope[[1]])/2),
        yend = rope[[2]] - ((rope[[2]] - rope[[1]])/2),
        x = max(gdata$x_value) - .2,
        xend = daxis_x
      colour = "red",
      size = 1,
      linetype = "solid"
    myplot <- esci_plot_layers(myplot, "null_line")

    myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::geom_rect(
        ymin = rope[[1]],
        ymax = rope[[2]],
        xmin = max(gdata$x_value) - .2,
        xmax = daxis_x
      alpha = 0.12,
      fill = "red"
    myplot <- esci_plot_layers(myplot, "null_interval")


  # Floating axis
  myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::geom_segment(color="black",
                                                        y=max(c(saxisStart, ylim[1]), na.rm = TRUE),
                                                        yend=min(c(saxisEnd, ylim[2]), na.rm = TRUE)

  # Now define the y-axis
  p <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(myplot)
  lowest <- min(c(gdata$y_value, gdata$LL, ylim[[1]], saxisStart, saxisEnd, rope), na.rm = TRUE)
  highest <- max(c(gdata$y_value, gdata$UL, ylim[[2]], saxisEnd, saxisStart, rope), na.rm = TRUE)
  for (x in 1:length(p$data)) {
    lowest <- min(c(lowest, p$data[[x]]$y), na.rm = TRUE)
    highest <- max(c(highest, p$data[[x]]$y), na.rm = TRUE)
  if (is.na(ylim[[1]])) {
      mean = {ylim[[1]] <- lowest - (abs(lowest)*.15)},
      median = {ylim[[1]] <- lowest - (abs(lowest) *.15)},
      rdiff = {ylim[[1]] <- min(c(-1.05, saxisBreaks+reference_es))},
      P = {ylim[[1]] <- min(c(-.05, saxisBreaks+reference_es))}
  if (is.na(ylim[[2]])) {
      mean = {ylim[[2]] <- highest + (abs(highest)*.1)},
      median = {ylim[[2]] <- highest + (abs(highest) * .1)},
      rdiff = {ylim[[2]] <- max(c(1.05, saxisBreaks+reference_es))},
      P = {ylim[[2]] <- max(c(1.05, saxisBreaks+reference_es))}
  lowest <- min(c(lowest, ylim))
  highest <- max(c(highest, ylim))

  myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(
    limits = ylim,
    n.breaks = ybreaks,
    sec.axis = ggplot2::sec_axis(
      name = daxis_name,
      trans = ~.-reference_es,
      breaks = saxisBreaks,
      labels = slabels

  if (inherits(try(ggplot_build(myplot)), "try-error"))
    myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(
      limits = ylim,
      n.breaks = ybreaks

  # Set x axis labels
  mybreaks <- gdata$x_value + gdata$nudge
  if (plot_paired) mybreaks[[1]] <- mybreaks[[1]] + nudge

  myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(
    breaks = mybreaks,
    labels = gdata$x_label

  # No legend and difference axis placement

  label_placement <- (highest-((saxisStart + saxisEnd)/2)) / (highest - lowest)

  myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::theme(
    legend.position = "none",
    axis.line.y.right = ggplot2::element_blank(),
    axis.title.y.right = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = label_placement)

  # And finally, adjust coordinates
  # Set boundaries
  xmin <- min(gdata$x_value)
  xdeduct <- if (plot_paired | plot_mixed) 2*nudge else nudge
  xmin <- xmin - xdeduct - 0.5

  myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::coord_cartesian(
    xlim = c(
    ylim = ylim,
    expand = FALSE

  # Attach warnings and return    -------------------
  myplot$warnings <- warnings


#' Plots for comparing categorical outcome variables between conditions
#' @description
#' `plot_pdiff` helps visualize comparisons of a categorical outcome
#' variable between conditions.  It plots proportions of cases for each
#' level of grouping variable and emphasizes a 1-df comparison among
#' conditions, plotting the estimated difference and its confidence interval
#' with a difference axis.  You can pass esci-estimate objects generated
#' by [esci::estimate_pdiff_one()], [esci::estimate_pdiff_two()],
#' [esci::estimate_pdiff_paired()], [esci::estimate_pdiff_ind_contrast()]
#' This function returns a ggplot2 object.
#' @inherit plot_describe details
#' @param estimate An esci-estimate object generated by an estimate_pdiff_
#' function
#' @param error_layout Optional; one of 'halfeye', 'eye', 'gradient' or 'none'
#' to determine how expected error distribution will be displayed for each
#' estimated parameter.  Defaults to 'halfeye'.  Currently does not apply
#' if 'median' is selected as effect size, in which case a simple error bar
#' will be used
#' @param error_scale Optional numeric determining width of the expected error
#' distribution.  Defaults to 0.3
#' @param error_normalize Optional; one of 'groups', 'all', or 'panels' to
#' determine how width of the expected error distributions will be normalized.
#' Defaults to 'groups'.  See documentation in ggdist
#' @param difference_axis_breaks Optional numeric > 1 of suggested number of breaks
#' for the difference axis.  Defaults to 5
#' @param difference_axis_space Optional numeric > 0 to indicate spacing to the
#' difference axis.  Defaults to 1
#' @param simple_contrast_labels Optional logical to determine if contrasts are
#' given simple labels ('Reference', 'Comparison', 'Difference') or more
#' descriptive labels based on the contrast specified.
#' @param ylim Optional 2-item vector specifying y-axis limits.  Defaults to
#' c(NA NA); Use NA to specify auto-limit.
#' @param ybreaks Optional numeric > 2 for suggested number of y-axis breaks;
#' defaults to 5
#' @param rope Optional 2-item vector with item 2 >= item 1.  Use to specify a range
#' of values to use to visualize a hypothesis test.  If both values are the
#' same, a point-null hypothesis test will be visualized.  If item2 > item1
#' an interval-null hypothesis test will be visualized.  Defaults to c(NA, NA),
#' which is to not visualize a hypothesis test
#' @param ggtheme Optional ggplot2 theme object to specify the visual style of the
#' plot.  Defaults to [ggplot2::theme_classic()]
#' @inherit plot_describe return
#' @inherit estimate_pdiff_two examples
#' @export
plot_pdiff <- function(
  error_layout = c("halfeye", "eye", "gradient", "none"),
  error_scale = 0.3,
  error_normalize = c("groups", "all", "panels"),
  difference_axis_breaks = 5,
  difference_axis_space = 1,
  simple_contrast_labels = TRUE,
  ylim = c(NA, NA),
  ybreaks = 5,
  rope = c(NA, NA),
  ggtheme = NULL
) {

  # Input checks ---------------------------------------------------------------
  warnings <- NULL

  esci_assert_type(estimate, "is.estimate")
  error_layout <- match.arg(error_layout)
  error_normalize <- match.arg(error_normalize)
  if (is.null(error_scale) | !is.numeric(error_scale) | error_scale < 0) {
    warnings <- c(
        "error_scale = {error_scale} but this is invalid; replaced with 0.3"
    error_scale = 0.3
  if(is.null(ggtheme)) { ggtheme <- ggplot2::theme_classic()}

  # Data prep --------------------------------------
  # Initialization
  conf_level <- estimate$properties$conf_level
  contrast <- estimate$properties$contrast
  reference_groups <- names(contrast[which(contrast < 0)])
  comparison_groups <- names(contrast[which(contrast > 0)])
  simple_contrast <- (length(reference_groups) == 1) & (length(comparison_groups) == 1)
  plot_paired <- is.null(estimate$es_proportion_difference$grouping_variable_name[[1]])
  rdata <- NULL
  effect_size <- "P"
  difference_es_name <- "<i>Proportion</i><sub>diff</sub>"

  gdata <- estimate$es_proportion_difference
  outcome_var <- estimate$overview$outcome_variable_name[[1]]
  clevel <- estimate$es_proportion_difference$case_label[[1]]

  gdata$y_value <- gdata$effect_size
  gdata$x_label <- gsub(paste(" P_", clevel, sep = ""), "", gdata$effect)

  if (simple_contrast) {
    if (simple_contrast_labels) {
      gdata$x_label[[3]] <- "Difference"
  } else {
    if (simple_contrast_labels) {
      gdata$x_label <- c("Reference", "Comparison", "Difference")
    } else {
      gdata$x_label <- gdata$effect
      gdata$x_label <- gsub(" - ", "\n-\n", gdata$x_label)
      gdata$x_label <- gsub(" and ", "\nand\n", gdata$x_label)

  # If complex contrast, add overview data
  if (!simple_contrast) {
    overview <- estimate$overview[estimate$overview$outcome_variable_level == clevel, ]
    overview <- data.frame(
      type = "Unused",
      outcome_variable_name = overview$outcome_variable_name,
      grouping_variable_name = overview$grouping_variable_name,
      effect = overview$grouping_variable_level,
      effect_size = overview$P,
      LL = overview$P_LL,
      UL = overview$P_UL,
      SE = overview$P_SE,
      x_label = overview$grouping_variable_level,
      y_value = overview$P
  } else {
    overview <- NULL

  myplot <- plot_mdiff_base(
    gdata = gdata,
    conf_level = conf_level,
    contrast = contrast,
    plot_paired = plot_paired,
    rdata = rdata,
    overview = overview,
    effect_size = effect_size,
    difference_es_name = difference_es_name,
    error_layout = error_layout,
    error_scale = error_scale,
    error_nudge = 0,
    error_normalize = error_normalize,
    difference_axis_breaks = difference_axis_breaks,
    daxis_space = difference_axis_space,
    ylim = ylim,
    ybreaks = ybreaks,
    rope = rope,
    ggtheme = ggtheme

  # Customize plot -------------------------------
  # Default aesthetics
  myplot <- esci_plot_mdiff_aesthetics(
    use_ggdist = FALSE,
    plot_paired = plot_paired

  # Labels -----------------------------
  clevel <- paste(
    gsub("P_", "*P*<sub>", clevel),
    sep = ""

  if (plot_paired) {
    vname <- " "
    xlab <- NULL
    ylab <- glue::glue("{clevel} and {conf_level*100}% Confidence Interval")
    myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::ylab(ylab) + ggplot2::xlab(NULL)
  } else {
    vname <- outcome_var
    xlab <- estimate$es_proportion_difference$grouping_variable_name[[1]]
    ylab <- glue::glue("{vname}: {clevel} and {conf_level*100}% Confidence Interval")

    myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::xlab(xlab) + ggplot2::ylab(ylab)

  myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::theme(
    axis.text.y = ggtext::element_markdown(),
    axis.title.y = ggtext::element_markdown(),
    axis.text.x = ggtext::element_markdown(),
    axis.title.x = ggtext::element_markdown()

  # Attach warnings and return    -------------------
  myplot$warnings <- c(myplot$warnings, warnings)



#' Plots for comparing Pearson *r* values between conditions
#' @description
#' `plot_rdiff` helps visualize comparisons of Pearson's r
#' estimates between conditions.  It plots the Pearson's r value for each
#' level of a grouping variable and emphasizes a 1-df comparison among
#' conditions, plotting the estimated difference and its confidence interval
#' with a difference axis.  You can pass esci-estimate objects generated
#' by [esci::estimate_rdiff_two()].  This function returns a ggplot2 object.
#' @inherit plot_describe details
#' @param estimate An esci-estimate object generated by an estimate_pdiff_
#' function
#' @param error_layout Optional; one of 'halfeye', 'eye', 'gradient' or 'none'
#' to determine how expected error distribution will be displayed for each
#' estimated parameter.  Defaults to 'halfeye'.  Currently does not apply
#' if 'median' is selected as effect size, in which case a simple error bar
#' will be used
#' @param error_scale Optional numeric determining width of the expected error
#' distribution.  Defaults to 0.3
#' @param error_normalize Optional; one of 'groups', 'all', or 'panels' to
#' determine how width of the expected error distributions will be normalized.
#' Defaults to 'groups'.  See documentation in ggdist
#' @param difference_axis_breaks Optional numeric > 1 of suggested number of breaks
#' for the difference axis.  Defaults to 5
#' @param simple_contrast_labels Optional logical to determine if contrasts are
#' given simple labels ('Reference', 'Comparison', 'Difference') or more
#' descriptive labels based on the contrast specified.
#' @param ylim Optional 2-item vector specifying y-axis limits.  Defaults to
#' c(NA NA); Use NA to specify auto-limit.
#' @param ybreaks Optional numeric > 2 for suggested number of y-axis breaks;
#' defaults to 5
#' @param rope Optional 2-item vector with item 2 >= item 1.  Use to specify a range
#' of values to use to visualize a hypothesis test.  If both values are the
#' same, a point-null hypothesis test will be visualized.  If item2 > item1
#' an interval-null hypothesis test will be visualized.  Defaults to c(NA, NA),
#' which is to not visualize a hypothesis test
#' @param ggtheme Optional ggplot2 theme object to specify the visual style of the
#' plot.  Defaults to [ggplot2::theme_classic()]
#' @inherit plot_describe return
#' @inherit estimate_rdiff_two examples
#' @export
plot_rdiff <- function(
  error_layout = c("halfeye", "eye", "gradient", "none"),
  error_scale = 0.3,
  error_normalize = c("groups", "all", "panels"),
  difference_axis_breaks = 5,
  simple_contrast_labels = TRUE,
  ylim = c(NA, NA),
  ybreaks = 5,
  rope = c(NA, NA),
  ggtheme = NULL
) {

  # Input checks ---------------------------------------------------------------
  warnings <- NULL

  esci_assert_type(estimate, "is.estimate")
  error_layout <- match.arg(error_layout)
  error_normalize <- match.arg(error_normalize)
  if (is.null(error_scale) | !is.numeric(error_scale) | error_scale < 0) {
    warnings <- c(
        "error_scale = {error_scale} but this is invalid; replaced with 0.3"
    error_scale = 0.3
  if(is.null(ggtheme)) { ggtheme <- ggplot2::theme_classic()}

  # Data prep --------------------------------------
  # Initialization
  conf_level <- estimate$properties$conf_level
  contrast <- c(1, -1)
  names(contrast) <- estimate$es_r[1:2, "effect"]
  reference_groups <- names(contrast[which(contrast < 0)])
  comparison_groups <- names(contrast[which(contrast > 0)])
  simple_contrast <- (length(reference_groups) == 1) & (length(comparison_groups) == 1)
  plot_paired <- FALSE
  rdata <- NULL
  effect_size <- "rdiff"
  difference_es_name <- "<i>r</i><sub>diff</sub>"

  gdata <- estimate$es_r_difference
  if (is.null(gdata)) gdata <- estimate$es_r
  gdata$y_value <- gdata$effect_size
  gdata$x_label <- gdata$effect

  if (simple_contrast) {
    if (simple_contrast_labels) {
      gdata$x_label[[3]] <- "Difference"
  } else {
    if (simple_contrast_labels) {
      gdata$x_label <- c("Reference", "Comparison", "Difference")
    } else {
      gdata$x_label <- gdata$effect
      gdata$x_label <- gsub(" - ", "\n-\n", gdata$x_label)
      gdata$x_label <- gsub(" and ", "\nand\n", gdata$x_label)

  # If complex contrast, add overview data
  if (!simple_contrast) {
      # tbd in case this is ever impplemented
  } else {
    overview <- NULL

  myplot <- plot_mdiff_base(
    gdata = gdata,
    conf_level = conf_level,
    contrast = contrast,
    plot_paired = plot_paired,
    rdata = rdata,
    overview = overview,
    effect_size = effect_size,
    difference_es_name = difference_es_name,
    error_layout = error_layout,
    error_scale = error_scale,
    error_nudge = 0,
    error_normalize = error_normalize,
    difference_axis_units = "raw",
    difference_axis_breaks = difference_axis_breaks,
    ylim = ylim,
    ybreaks = ybreaks,
    rope = rope,
    ggtheme = ggtheme

  # Customize plot -------------------------------
  # Default aesthetics
  myplot <- esci_plot_mdiff_aesthetics(
    use_ggdist = FALSE,
    plot_paired = plot_paired

  # Labels -----------------------------
  vname <- paste(estimate$es_r$x_variable_name[[1]], estimate$es_r$y_variable_name[[1]], sep = " and ")
  ylab <- glue::glue("Correlation between {vname}<br> *r* and {conf_level*100}% Confidence Interval")
  xlab <- estimate$es_r$grouping_variable[[1]]

  myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::xlab(xlab) + ggplot2::ylab(ylab)

  myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::theme(
    axis.text.y = ggtext::element_markdown(),
    axis.title.y = ggtext::element_markdown(),
    axis.text.x = ggtext::element_markdown(),
    axis.title.x = ggtext::element_markdown()

  # Attach warnings and return    -------------------
  myplot$warnings <- c(myplot$warnings, warnings)



plot_nocontrast <- function(
    effect_size = c("mean", "median"),
    data_layout = c("random", "swarm", "none"),
    data_spread = 0.15,
    error_layout = c("halfeye", "eye", "gradient", "none"),
    error_scale = 0.3,
    error_nudge = 0.4,
    error_normalize = c("groups", "all", "panels"),
    difference_axis_space = 1,
    ylim = c(NA, NA),
    ybreaks = 5,
    ggtheme = NULL
) {

  # Initialization
  conf_level <- estimate$properties$conf_level
  plot_raw <- !is.null(estimate$raw_data) & data_layout != "none"
  plot_paired <- !is.null(estimate$es_r)
  nudge <- if (plot_raw) error_nudge/2 else 0

  # Overview
  overview <- data.frame(
    type = "Unused",
    outcome_variable_name = estimate$overview$outcome_variable_name,
    grouping_variable_name = estimate$overview$grouping_variable_name,
    effect = estimate$overview$grouping_variable_level,
    effect_size = if (effect_size == "mean") estimate$overview$mean else estimate$overview$median,
    LL = if (effect_size == "mean") estimate$overview$mean_LL else estimate$overview$median_LL,
    UL = if (effect_size == "mean") estimate$overview$mean_UL else estimate$overview$median_UL,
    SE = if (effect_size == "mean") estimate$overview$mean_SE else estimate$overview$median_SE,
    df = estimate$overview$df,
    x_label = estimate$overview$grouping_variable_level,
    y_value = if (effect_size == "mean") estimate$overview$mean else estimate$overview$median

  overview$type <- "Unused"
  orows <- nrow(overview)
  overview$x_value <- seq(from = 1, to = orows, by = 1)
  overview$nudge <- nudge

  if (!is.null(overview[is.na(overview$df), ])) {
    overview[is.na(overview$df), "df"] <- 1
  if (!is.null(overview[overview$df < 1, ])) {
    overview[overview$df < 1, "df"] <- 1

  gdata <- overview
  gdata$type <- paste(gdata$type, "_summary", sep = "")

  # Raw data
  if (plot_raw) {
    rdata <- estimate$raw_data
    rdata$type <- "Unused_raw"
    rdata$x_value <- overview[match(rdata$grouping_variable, overview$effect), "x_value"]
    rdata$y_value <- rdata$outcome_variable
  } else {
    rdata <- NULL

  # Base plot
  myplot <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggtheme

  error_glue <-esci_plot_group_data(effect_size)
  error_call <- esci_plot_error_layouts(error_layout)
  error_expression <- parse(text = glue::glue(error_glue))
  myplot <- try(eval(error_expression))

  if (plot_raw) {
    raw_expression <- esci_plot_raw_data(myplot, data_layout, data_spread)
    myplot <- try(eval(raw_expression))

  myplot <- esci_plot_mdiff_aesthetics(
    use_ggdist = (effect_size == "mean"),
    plot_paired = plot_paired

  # Labels -----------------------------
  # Set x axis labels
  mybreaks <- gdata$x_value + gdata$nudge
  if (plot_paired) mybreaks[[1]] <- mybreaks[[1]] + nudge

  myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(
    breaks = mybreaks,
    labels = gdata$x_label

  vnames <- if (plot_paired)
    paste(estimate$overview$outcome_variable_name, collapse = " and ", sep = "")
  esize <- paste(toupper(substr(effect_size, 1, 1)), substr(effect_size, 2, nchar(effect_size)), sep = "")
  ylab <- glue::glue("{vnames}\n{if (plot_raw) 'Data, ' else ''}{esize} and {conf_level*100}% Confidence Interval")
  xlab <- estimate$es_mean_difference$grouping_variable_name[[1]]

  # And finally, adjust coordinates
  # Set boundaries
  xmin <- min(gdata$x_value)
  xdeduct <- if (plot_paired) 2*nudge else nudge
  xmin <- xmin - xdeduct - 0.25
  daxis_x <- max(gdata$x_value) + difference_axis_space
  bonus <- 3
  if (nrow(overview) == 2) bonus <- 1

  myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::coord_cartesian(
    xlim = c(

  if (is.na(ylim[[1]])) {
    ylim[[1]] <- min(ggplot2::layer_scales(myplot)$y$range$range)

  if (is.na(ylim[[2]])) {
    ylim[[2]] <- max(ggplot2::layer_scales(myplot)$y$range$range)

  myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(
    limits = ylim,
    n.breaks = ybreaks

  myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::xlab(xlab) + ggplot2::ylab(ylab)


rcalinjageman/esci documentation built on March 29, 2024, 7:30 p.m.