
Defines functions Phase.plots

Documented in Phase.plots

#' Plots of fishing and spawning biomass status
#' The function Phase.plots provides plots of fishing status versus spawning biomass status.
#' @param x an R list with output from the assessment models.
#' @param DataName string used in plot titles.  Defaults to argument \code{x}.
#' @param draft modifies plots for use in a report.  When \code{FALSE} main titles
#' are omitted.
#' @param graphics.type a vector of graphics file types to which graphics are saved.
#' When \code{NULL}, no plots are saved.
#' @param use.color plots are made in grayscale when \code{FALSE}.
#' @param start.drop Number of years at the start of the data to be omitted from
#' plots, as when a model includes an initialization period.
#' @param end.drop Number of years at the end of data to be omitted from
#' plots, as when a model includes a projection period.
#' @param year.pos An integer (= 1, 2, 3, or 4) defining the position of text relative to points.
#' The text indicates first and last years in the time series. A value of year.pos=0
#' turns off the text feature.
#' @param from.zero When \code{TRUE}, the Y-axis of each plot
#' starts at zero.
#' @param legend.pos A text string compatible with the \code{legend} function of \code{R}.
#' Defines the position of the legend (ex. "bottomright", "bottom", etc.). The default
#' NULL places text on the plot itself.
#' @param Xaxis.F When \code{TRUE}, F is plotted as the X axis, otherwise, B.
#' @param F.series Character string specifying the name of the F metric to be plotted
#' @param B.series Character string specifying the name of the B (or SSB) metric to be plotted
#' @param F.B.references a list of two character-sting names, the first specifying the
#' fishing reference point and the second the biomass reference point. Insert
#' a value of NULL if reference points are not desired for plotting.
#' @return Graphics
#' @author M Prager
#' @author E Williams
#' @author K Shertzer
#' @author R Cheshire
#' @author K Purcell
#' @examples \donttest{
#' Phase.plots(gag)
#' }
#' @export
Phase.plots <-
function(x, DataName = deparse(substitute(x)), draft = TRUE,
    graphics.type = NULL, use.color = TRUE, start.drop = 0, end.drop = 0,
    year.pos=1, from.zero = TRUE, legend.pos = NULL, Xaxis.F = TRUE,
    F.series = "F.full", B.series = "SSB", F.B.references = list("Fmsy","msst"))
  if (! ("t.series" %in% names(x)))
  {  Errmsg = (paste("Component ", deparse(substitute(x)), "$t.series not found.",
                     sep = ""))
     warning(Errmsg, immediate. = TRUE)
  if (! ("parms" %in% names(x)))
  {   Errstring = (paste("Component ", deparse(substitute(x)), "$parms not found.",
                         sep = ""))
      warning(Errstring, immediate. = TRUE)

  # Find column labeled 'year':
  yrcol <- grep("year",names(x$t.series))
  if (length(yrcol) != 1)
  {  warning("No year column found in x$t.series", immediate. = TRUE)
  # Find column labeled F.series:
  if (!(F.series %in% names(x$t.series)))
  { Errmsg=paste("No ",F.series, " column found in x$t.series", sep="")
    warning(Errmsg, immediate. = TRUE)
  if (!(B.series %in% names(x$t.series)))
  { Errmsg=paste("No ",B.series, " column found in x$t.series", sep="")
    warning(Errmsg, immediate. = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(F.B.references))
  { if (!is.null(F.B.references[[1]]) && !(F.B.references[[1]] %in% names(x$parms)))
      Errmsg=paste(F.B.references[[1]], " not found in x$parms", sep="")
      warning(Errmsg, immediate. = TRUE)
    } else {
      hrefstring <- F.B.references[[1]]
      hrefindex <- which(names(x$parms) == F.B.references[[1]])
      Fref <- unlist(x$parms[hrefindex])

    if (!is.null(F.B.references[[2]]) && !(F.B.references[[2]] %in% names(x$parms)))
      Errmsg=paste(F.B.references[[2]], " not found in x$parms", sep="")
      warning(Errmsg, immediate. = TRUE)
    } else {
      hrefstring <- F.B.references[[2]]
      hrefindex <- which(names(x$parms) == F.B.references[[2]])
      Bref <- unlist(x$parms[hrefindex])

  } else {
  if ((nrow(x$t.series)-end.drop)<=(start.drop + 1))
  { Errmsg=paste("Time series requires at least one datum. Check arguments start.drop and end.drop.", sep="")
    warning(Errmsg, immediate. = TRUE)

  ### Make local copies of data:
  yrndx <- (start.drop + 1):(nrow(x$t.series)-end.drop)
  F.B.dat <- x$t.series[yrndx, c(Fcol,Bcol), drop = FALSE]
  remove.na = !(is.na(F.B.dat[,1])|is.na(F.B.dat[,2]))
  year <- x$t.series$year[yrndx]
  F.B.dat <- x$t.series[yrndx, c(Fcol,Bcol), drop = FALSE]

  # Get colors for graphical objects:
  plot.options = FGGetOptions()
  if (use.color) parlist <- plot.options$color
  else parlist <- plot.options$bw
  clr.points <- parlist$clr.line

  ### Setup graphics directory:
    if (! is.null(graphics.type))
    {   write.graphs <- TRUE
        GraphicsDirName <- paste(DataName, "-figs/phase", sep="")
    } else {
       write.graphs <- FALSE
    ### Set graphics parameters, constants, data structures:
    savepar <- FGSetPar(draft)
    if (Xaxis.F) {
      # Plot F v B
          PlotTitle <- ifelse(draft, paste("F v B      Data:", DataName), "")
          if (!is.null(Bref)) {ylim <- range(F.B.dat[,2], Bref)
          } else {ylim <- range(F.B.dat[,2])}
          if (from.zero) ylim <- range(ylim, 0)
          lab.y <- B.series
          if (!is.null(Fref)) {xlim <- range(F.B.dat[,1], Fref, 0)
          } else {xlim <- range(F.B.dat[,1],0)}
          FGTimePlot(F.B.dat[,1], F.B.dat[,2], lab.x = "F", lab.y = lab.y,
                     use.color = use.color, xlim=xlim,
                     ylim = ylim, main = PlotTitle, FGtype = "circles",
                     href = NULL, hrefnames = NULL )
          if (!is.null(Fref)) {abline(v=Fref, lwd=2, lty=2, col="gray55")}
          if (!is.null(Bref)) {abline(h=Bref, lwd=2, lty=2, col="gray55")}
          points(F.B.dat[,1], F.B.dat[,2], col = clr.points)
          lines(F.B.dat[,1], F.B.dat[,2], col = clr.points, lty=1)
          points(F.B.dat[length(year),1], F.B.dat[length(year),2], col = clr.points, pch=16)

          if (!is.null(Bref))
            {ifelse(F.B.references[2]=="msst", Blabel<-"MSST", Blabel<-F.B.references[2])}

            if (is.null(legend.pos)) {
              if (!is.null(Fref))
                ifelse(xlim[2]==Fref, tpos<-2, tpos<-4)
                text(Fref, ylim[1],labels=F.B.references[1], pos=tpos, cex=0.85, offset=0.35, col="gray55")
              if (!is.null(Bref))
                ifelse(ylim[2]==Bref, tpos<-1, tpos<-3)
                ifelse(nchar(Blabel)<6, x.shift<-0.01, x.shift<-0.08)
                text(xlim[1]+x.shift,Bref,labels=Blabel, pos=tpos, cex=0.85, offset=0.35, col="gray55")
            } else {
              if (!is.null(F.B.references)) {
                ifelse (is.null(Fref), Fstring<-"", Fstring<-paste("F reference: ",F.B.references[1],sep=""))
                ifelse (is.null(Bref), Bstring<-"", Bstring<-paste("B reference: ", Blabel, sep=""))
                if (Fstring=="") {legend.text<-Bstring
                } else if (Bstring=="") {legend.text<-Fstring
                } else {legend.text=c(Fstring,Bstring)}
                legend(legend.pos, legend=legend.text,bg="white", text.col="gray55")
          if (year.pos>0){
              text (x=F.B.dat[1,1], y=F.B.dat[1,2],
                    labels=year[1], pos=year.pos, cex=0.85, offset=0.35)
              text (x=F.B.dat[length(year),1], y=F.B.dat[length(year),2],
                    labels=year[length(year)], pos=year.pos, cex=0.85, offset=0.35)

          if (write.graphs) FGSavePlot(GraphicsDirName, DataName,
              GraphName = "phase.FvB", graphics.type)

    # Plot Relative F v B
      if (!is.null(Fref) && !is.null(Bref))
          PlotTitle <- ifelse(draft, paste("Relative F v B      Data:", DataName), "")
          ylim <- range(F.B.dat[,2]/Bref, 1)
          if (from.zero) ylim <- range(ylim, 0)
          lab.y <- paste(B.series, " / ", Blabel, sep="")
          xlim <- range(F.B.dat[,1]/Fref, 1, 0)
          lab.x <- paste("F / ", F.B.references[1], sep="")
          FGTimePlot(F.B.dat[,1]/Fref, F.B.dat[,2]/Bref, lab.x = lab.x, lab.y = lab.y,
                     use.color = use.color, xlim=xlim,
                     ylim = ylim, main = PlotTitle, FGtype = "circles",
                     href = NULL, hrefnames = NULL )
          abline(v=1, lwd=2, lty=2, col="gray55")
          abline(h=1, lwd=2, lty=2, col="gray55")
          points(F.B.dat[,1]/Fref, F.B.dat[,2]/Bref, col = clr.points)
          lines(F.B.dat[,1]/Fref, F.B.dat[,2]/Bref, col = clr.points, lty=1)
          points(F.B.dat[length(year),1]/Fref, F.B.dat[length(year),2]/Bref, col = clr.points, pch=16)

          if (year.pos>0){
            text (x=F.B.dat[1,1]/Fref, y=F.B.dat[1,2]/Bref,
                  labels=year[1], pos=year.pos, cex=0.85, offset=0.35)
            text (x=F.B.dat[length(year),1]/Fref, y=F.B.dat[length(year),2]/Bref,
                  labels=year[length(year)], pos=year.pos, cex=0.85, offset=0.35)

          if (write.graphs) FGSavePlot(GraphicsDirName, DataName,
                                       GraphName = "phase.FvB.rel", graphics.type)
    } # End Xaxis.F

  if (!Xaxis.F) {
    # Plot B v F
    PlotTitle <- ifelse(draft, paste("B v F      Data:", DataName), "")
    if (!is.null(Fref)) {ylim <- range(F.B.dat[,1], Fref)
    } else {ylim <- range(F.B.dat[,1])}
    if (from.zero) ylim <- range(ylim, 0)
    lab.x <- B.series
    if (!is.null(Bref)) {xlim <- range(F.B.dat[,2], Bref, 0)
    } else {xlim <- range(F.B.dat[,2],0)}
    FGTimePlot(F.B.dat[,2], F.B.dat[,1], lab.x = lab.x, lab.y = "F",
               use.color = use.color, xlim=xlim,
               ylim = ylim, main = PlotTitle, FGtype = "circles",
               href = NULL, hrefnames = NULL )
    if (!is.null(Fref)) {abline(h=Fref, lwd=2, lty=2, col="gray55")}
    if (!is.null(Bref)) {abline(v=Bref, lwd=2, lty=2, col="gray55")}
    points(F.B.dat[,2], F.B.dat[,1], col = clr.points)
    lines(F.B.dat[,2], F.B.dat[,1], col = clr.points, lty=1)
    points(F.B.dat[length(year),2], F.B.dat[length(year),1], col = clr.points, pch=16)

    if (!is.null(Bref))
    {ifelse(F.B.references[2]=="msst", Blabel<-"MSST", Blabel<-F.B.references[2])}

    if (is.null(legend.pos)) {
      if (!is.null(Bref))
        ifelse(xlim[2]==Bref, tpos<-2, tpos<-4)
        text(Bref, ylim[1],labels=Blabel, pos=tpos, cex=0.85, offset=0.35, col="gray55")
      if (!is.null(Fref))
        ifelse(ylim[2]==Fref, tpos<-1, tpos<-3)
        ifelse(nchar(F.B.references[1])<6, x.shift<-0.01, x.shift<-0.08)
        text(xlim[1]+x.shift,Fref,labels=F.B.references[1], pos=tpos, cex=0.85, offset=0.35, col="gray55")
    } else {
      if (!is.null(F.B.references)) {
        ifelse (is.null(Fref), Fstring<-"", Fstring<-paste("F reference: ",F.B.references[1],sep=""))
        ifelse (is.null(Bref), Bstring<-"", Bstring<-paste("B reference: ", Blabel, sep=""))
        if (Fstring=="") {legend.text<-Bstring
        } else if (Bstring=="") {legend.text<-Fstring
        } else {legend.text=c(Fstring,Bstring)}
        legend(legend.pos, legend=legend.text,bg="white", text.col="gray55")
    if (year.pos>0){
      text (x=F.B.dat[1,2], y=F.B.dat[1,1],
            labels=year[1], pos=year.pos, cex=0.85, offset=0.35)
      text (x=F.B.dat[length(year),2], y=F.B.dat[length(year),1],
            labels=year[length(year)], pos=year.pos, cex=0.85, offset=0.35)

    if (write.graphs) FGSavePlot(GraphicsDirName, DataName,
                                 GraphName = "phase.BvF", graphics.type)

    # Plot Relative F v B
    if (!is.null(Fref) && !is.null(Bref))
      PlotTitle <- ifelse(draft, paste("Relative B v F      Data:", DataName), "")
      ylim <- range(F.B.dat[,1]/Fref, 1)
      if (from.zero) ylim <- range(ylim, 0)
      lab.y <- paste("F / ", F.B.references[1], sep="")
      xlim <- range(F.B.dat[,2]/Bref, 1, 0)
      lab.x <- paste(B.series," / ", Blabel, sep="")
      FGTimePlot(F.B.dat[,2]/Bref, F.B.dat[,1]/Fref, lab.x = lab.x, lab.y = lab.y,
                 use.color = use.color, xlim=xlim,
                 ylim = ylim, main = PlotTitle, FGtype = "circles",
                 href = NULL, hrefnames = NULL )
      abline(v=1, lwd=2, lty=2, col="gray55")
      abline(h=1, lwd=2, lty=2, col="gray55")
      points(F.B.dat[,2]/Bref, F.B.dat[,1]/Fref, col = clr.points)
      lines(F.B.dat[,2]/Bref, F.B.dat[,1]/Fref, col = clr.points, lty=1)
      points(F.B.dat[length(year),2]/Bref, F.B.dat[length(year),1]/Fref, col = clr.points, pch=16)

      if (year.pos>0){
        text (x=F.B.dat[1,2]/Bref, y=F.B.dat[1,1]/Fref,
              labels=year[1], pos=year.pos, cex=0.85, offset=0.35)
        text (x=F.B.dat[length(year),2]/Bref, y=F.B.dat[length(year),1]/Fref,
              labels=year[length(year)], pos=year.pos, cex=0.85, offset=0.35)

      if (write.graphs) FGSavePlot(GraphicsDirName, DataName,
                                   GraphName = "phase.BvF.rel", graphics.type)
  } # End Xaxis.F

   par(savepar)    # reset graphics device
} # End of function definition
rcheshire/FishGraph documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 11:27 a.m.