
#' Download backfill data from the delphi api 
#' and save to data folder.
#' Note: We may want to do this periodically to make sure we are up to date

download_backfill_data <- function(){
  library(plyr) # for rbind.fill
  # Fetch data
  all_obs <- lapply(c("nat", paste0("hhs", 1:10)),
                    function(region_val) {
                             function(lag_val) {
                               obs_one_lag <- Epidata$fluview(
                                 regions = list(region_val),
                                 epiweeks = list(Epidata$range(199740, 201815)),
                                 lag = list(lag_val))
                                      function(x) {
                                        x[sapply(x, function(comp) is.null(comp))] <- NA
                                      }) %>%
                             }) %>%
                    }) %>%
          file = "data/flu_data_with_backfill.rds")

investigate_backfill <- function(){
  backfill_data <- readRDS("data/flu_data_with_backfill.rds")
  backfill_data <- backfill_data[backfill_data$region=="nat",]
  backfill_data$release_date <- as.Date(backfill_data$release_date)
  backfill_data <- backfill_data[order(backfill_data$epiweek),]
  fully_observed_data <-backfill_data %>% group_by(region,epiweek) %>% summarize(wili = last(wili) )
  partially_observed_data <-backfill_data %>% group_by(release_date,region,epiweek) %>% summarize(wili = last(wili) )
  years<- seq(2003,2005,by=1)
  delta_trajectories <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(years)*35,ncol=35)
  row_iter <-1 
  for (j in 1:(length(years)-1)){
    plot_epi_week <- as.numeric(paste(years[j+1],"19",sep=""))
    partially_observed_week_dates <- seq(as.Date(paste(years[j],"-12-01",sep="")),as.Date(paste(years[j+1],"-6-01",sep="")),by=7)
    fully_observed_wili <- fully_observed_data[fully_observed_data$epiweek<=plot_epi_week & fully_observed_data$epiweek >= as.numeric(paste(years[j],"40",sep="")),]$wili
    for(i  in 1:length(partially_observed_week_dates)){
      partially_observed_week <- partially_observed_week_dates[i]
      tmp <- partially_observed_data[partially_observed_data$epiweek >= as.numeric(paste(years[j],"40",sep="")) & partially_observed_data$epiweek<=plot_epi_week & partially_observed_data$release_date <= partially_observed_week,]
      tmp <- tmp  %>% group_by(region,epiweek) %>% summarize(wili = wili[which.max(release_date)])
      p<- ggplot(tmp,aes(x=1:nrow(tmp),y=wili-fully_observed_wili[1:length(tmp$wili)]),col='red') + ylab("Difference from truth and currently reported wILI") + xlab(paste("Time from",years[j],"40")) + geom_line() + ylim(-1.5,1.5) + xlim(1,35)+ ggtitle(years[j]) +theme_bw() 
      #p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept=7,alpha=.4,linetype="dotted",col="red")
      #ggsave(paste(years[j],"-",i,".pdf",sep=""),p,scale = 1.5)
      tmp_trajectory <- tmp$wili-fully_observed_wili[1:length(tmp$wili)]
      while (length(tmp_trajectory) <35){
        tmp_trajectory <- c(tmp_trajectory,NA)
      delta_trajectories[row_iter,] <-tmp_trajectory
      row_iter <- row_iter +1

#' Create non-parametric matrix of backfill with dimensions
#'  n_seasons x n_weeks x n_lags

create_e_matrix <- function(){
  ggplot(weekILI[weekILI$epiweek < 200352,],aes(x=lag,y=wili,col=factor(epiweek))) + geom_line() + xlab("Lag in Season Week")
  backfill_data <- readRDS("data/flu_data_with_backfill.rds")
#' Download and preprocess the latest CDC flu data, both national and regional
#' @param latest_year year through which data should be downloaded, defaults to current year
#' @return data frame with latest flu data, preprocessed
#' @export
download_and_preprocess_flu_data <- function(latest_year = as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))) {  
  regionflu <- ilinet(region="hhs", years= 1997:latest_year)
  regionflu$region <- as.character(regionflu$region)
  usflu <- ilinet(region="national", years= 1997:latest_year)
  flu_data <- bind_rows(regionflu, usflu)
  flu_data <- transmute(flu_data,
                        region_type = region_type,
                        region = as.factor(region),
                        year = year,
                        week = week,
                        time = as.POSIXct(MMWRweek2Date(year, week)),
                        weighted_ili = weighted_ili)
  ## set zeroes to NAs
  flu_data[which(flu_data$weighted_ili==0),"weighted_ili"] <- NA
  ## Add time_index column: the number of days since some origin date
  ## (1970-1-1 in this case).  The origin is arbitrary.
  flu_data$time_index <- as.integer(lubridate::date(flu_data$time) -  ymd("1970-01-01"))
  ## Season column: for example, weeks of 2010 up through and including week 30
  ## get season 2009/2010; weeks after week 30 get season 2010/2011
  ## Official CDC flu season for the purposes of prediction runs from week 40 of
  ## one year to week 20 of the next; the season start week we define here is the
  ## mid-point of the "off-season"
  flu_data$season <- ifelse(
    flu_data$week <= 30,
    paste0(flu_data$year - 1, "/", flu_data$year),
    paste0(flu_data$year, "/", flu_data$year + 1)
  ## Season week column: week number within season
  ## weeks after week 30 get season_week = week - 30
  ## weeks before week 30 get season_week = week + (number of weeks in previous year) - 30
  ## This computation relies on the start_date function in package MMWRweek,
  ## which is not exported from that package's namespace!!!
  flu_data$season_week <- ifelse(
    flu_data$week <= 30,
    flu_data$week + MMWRweek(MMWRweek:::start_date(flu_data$year) - 1)$MMWRweek - 30,
    flu_data$week - 30
  flu_data <- as.data.frame(flu_data)

#' Download and preprocess the latest CDC flu data, state-level
#' @param latest_year year through which data should be downloaded, defaults to current year
#' @return data frame with latest state-level flu data, preprocessed
#' @export
download_and_preprocess_state_flu_data <- function(latest_year = as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))) {
  flu_data_raw <- ilinet(region="state", years=1997:latest_year)
  flu_data <- mutate(flu_data_raw, time = as.POSIXct(MMWRweek2Date(year, week)))
  ## set rows with denominator zeroes to NAs
  flu_data[which(flu_data$total_patients==0),"weighted_ili"] <- NA
  ## Add time_index column: the number of days since some origin date
  ## (1970-1-1 in this case).  The origin is arbitrary.
  flu_data$time_index <- as.integer(lubridate::date(flu_data$time) -  ymd("1970-01-01"))
  ## Season column: for example, weeks of 2010 up through and including week 30
  ## get season 2009/2010; weeks after week 30 get season 2010/2011
  ## Official CDC flu season for the purposes of prediction runs from week 40 of
  ## one year to week 20 of the next; the season start week we define here is the
  ## mid-point of the "off-season"
  flu_data$season <- ifelse(
    flu_data$week <= 30,
    paste0(flu_data$year - 1, "/", flu_data$year),
    paste0(flu_data$year, "/", flu_data$year + 1)
  ## Season week column: week number within season
  ## weeks after week 30 get season_week = week - 30
  ## weeks before week 30 get season_week = week + (number of weeks in previous year) - 30
  ## This computation relies on the start_date function in package MMWRweek,
  ## which is not exported from that package's namespace!!!
  flu_data$season_week <- ifelse(
    flu_data$week <= 30,
    flu_data$week + MMWRweek(MMWRweek:::start_date(flu_data$year) - 1)$MMWRweek - 30,
    flu_data$week - 30
  state_flu <- as.data.frame(flu_data)

#' Download and preprocess the latest CDC hospitalization data 
#' @param latest_year year through which data should be downloaded, defaults to current year
#' @return data frame with latest hospitalization data, preprocessed
#' @export
download_and_preprocess_hosp_data <- function(latest_year = as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))) {
  flu_data_raw_hosp <-cdcfluview::hospitalizations(years=2009:latest_year)
  flu_data_raw_hosp$week <- flu_data_raw_hosp$year_wk_num
  flu_data <- mutate(flu_data_raw_hosp, time = as.POSIXct(MMWRweek2Date(year, week)))
  ## set rows with denominator zeroes to NAs
  #flu_data[which(flu_data$total_patients==0),"weighted_ili"] <- NA
  ## Add time_index column: the number of days since some origin date
  ## (1970-1-1 in this case).  The origin is arbitrary.
  flu_data$time_index <- as.integer(lubridate::date(flu_data$time) -  ymd("1970-01-01"))
  ## Season column: for example, weeks of 2010 up through and including week 30
  ## get season 2009/2010; weeks after week 30 get season 2010/2011
  ## Official CDC flu season for the purposes of prediction runs from week 40 of
  ## one year to week 20 of the next; the season start week we define here is the
  ## mid-point of the "off-season"
  flu_data$season <- ifelse(
    flu_data$week <= 30,
    paste0(flu_data$year - 1, "/", flu_data$year),
    paste0(flu_data$year, "/", flu_data$year + 1)
  ## Season week column: week number within season
  ## weeks after week 30 get season_week = week - 30
  ## weeks before week 30 get season_week = week + (number of weeks in previous year) - 30
  ## This computation relies on the start_date function in package MMWRweek,
  ## which is not exported from that package's namespace!!!
  flu_data$season_week <- ifelse(
    flu_data$week <= 30,
    flu_data$week + MMWRweek(MMWRweek:::start_date(flu_data$year) - 1)$MMWRweek - 30,
    flu_data$week - 30
  hosp_flu <- as.data.frame(flu_data)

#' Utility function to compute onset week based on a trajectory of incidence values
#' @param incidence_trajectory a numeric vector with incidence for each time
#'   point in a season
#' @param baseline the threshold that incidence must cross to count as an onset
#' @param onset_length number of consecutive time points that incidence must
#'   exceed the baseline threshold in order to count as the season onset
#' @param first_season_week number of weeks in year corresponding to the first
#'   week in the season.  For example, our code takes this value to be 31:
#'   a new influenza season starts on the 31st week of each year.
#' @param weeks_in_first_season_year How many MMWR weeks are in the first year
#'   of the season?  For example, in the 2000/2001 season, the first year is
#'   2000.  There were 52 MMWR weeks in 2000.
#' @return the smallest index i such that every entry of
#'   incidence_trajectory[seq(from = i, length = onset_length)]
#'   is >= baseline, if such an index exists.
#'   Otherwise, the character vector "none"
#' @export
get_onset_week <- function(incidence_trajectory,
                           first_season_week = 31,
                           weeks_in_first_season_year) {
  exceeded_threshold <- sapply(
    seq_len(length(incidence_trajectory) - onset_length),
    function(start_ind) {
      above_baseline <- incidence_trajectory[seq(from = start_ind, length = onset_length)] >= baseline
      length(above_baseline)>0 &&
        all(above_baseline) &&
  if(any(exceeded_threshold, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    season_week <- min(which(exceeded_threshold))
  } else {

#' Convert season week to year week
#' @param season_week vector of indices of weeks in season
#' @param first_season_week number of week in year corresponding to the first
#'   week in the season.  For example, our code takes this value to be 31:
#'   a new influenza season starts on the 31st week of each year.
#' @param weeks_in_first_season_year How many MMWR weeks are in the first year
#'   of the season?  For example, in the 2000/2001 season, the first year is
#'   2000.  There were 52 MMWR weeks in 2000.
#' @return vector of the same length as season_week with the week of the year
#'   that each observation falls on
#' @export
season_week_to_year_week <- function(
  first_season_week = 31,
  weeks_in_first_season_year) {
  year_week <- season_week
  ## For competition first bin is week 40
  year_week[season_week < 10] <- 40
  year_week[season_week >= 10] <- season_week + first_season_week - 1
  year_week[year_week > weeks_in_first_season_year] <-
    year_week[year_week > weeks_in_first_season_year] -

#' Convert year week to season week
#' @param year_week vector of indices of weeks in year
#' @param year either a single (four digit) year or a vector of years with the
#'   same length as year_week
#' @return vector of the same length as year_week with the week of the season
#'   that each observation falls on
#' @export
year_week_to_season_week <- function(
  year) {
  season_week <- ifelse(
    year_week <= 30,
    year_week + MMWRweek::MMWRweek(MMWRweek:::start_date(year) - 1)$MMWRweek - 30,
    year_week - 30

#' Compute season onset, peak week, and peak incidence
#' @param data a data frame containing at minimum columns named season,
#'   season_week and a column with some sort of incidence measure
#' @param season the season to look at
#' @param first_CDC_season_week the first week of the season to use for
#'   calculating onset and peak
#' @param last_CDC_season_week the last week of the season to use for
#'   calculating onset and peak
#' @param onset_baseline numeric baseline value for determining season onset
#' @param incidence_var a character string naming the variable in the data
#'   argument containing a measure of incidence, or an integer index
#' @param incidence_bins a data frame with variables lower and upper defining
#'   lower and upper endpoints to use in binning incidence
#' @param incidence_bin_names a character vector with a name for each incidence
#'   bin
#' @return a list with four entries:
#'   1) observed_onset_week, either an integer between first_CDC_season_week
#'     and last_CDC_season_week (inclusive), or "none"
#'   2) observed_peak_week, an integer between first_CDC_season_week and
#'     last_CDC_season_week (inclusive)
#'   3) observed_peak_inc, a numeric with the maximum value of the specified
#'     incidence measure between first_CDC_season_week and last_CDC_season_week
#'   4) observed_peak_inc_bin, character name of incidence bin for peak incidence
#' @export
get_observed_seasonal_quantities <- function(
  first_CDC_season_week = 10,
  last_CDC_season_week = 42,
) {
  first_season_ind <- min(which(data$season == season))
  last_season_ind <- max(which(data$season == season))
  obs_inc_in_season_leading_trailing_nas <-
    data[seq(from = first_season_ind, to = last_season_ind),
  ## pad so that we start at season week 1
  if(data$season_week[first_season_ind] != 1) {
    obs_inc_in_season_leading_trailing_nas <- c(
      rep(NA, data$season_week[first_season_ind] - 1),
  ## set values before first analysis time season week or after last
  ## analysis time season week to NA
  ## these are outside of the bounds of the season the CDC wants to look at
    seq_len(first_CDC_season_week - 1)] <- NA
  if(length(obs_inc_in_season_leading_trailing_nas) >
     last_CDC_season_week) {
      seq(from = last_CDC_season_week + 1,
          to = length(obs_inc_in_season_leading_trailing_nas))] <- NA
  observed_peak_inc <- max(
    na.rm = TRUE)
  observed_peak_inc_bin <- get_inc_bin(observed_peak_inc, return_character = TRUE)
  ## peak week timing is based on rounded values
  round_to_.1 <- function(inc_val) {
    if(is.na(inc_val)) {
    } else {
      floor_val <- floor(inc_val * 10) / 10
      if(inc_val >= floor_val + 0.05) {
        return(floor_val + 0.1)
      } else {
  rounded_observed_peak_inc <- round_to_.1(observed_peak_inc)
  rounded_obs_inc_in_season <- sapply(obs_inc_in_season_leading_trailing_nas,
  observed_peak_week <-
    which(rounded_obs_inc_in_season == as.numeric(rounded_observed_peak_inc))
  weeks_in_first_season_year <- get_num_MMWR_weeks_in_first_season_year(season)
  observed_onset_week <- get_onset_week(
    incidence_trajectory = rounded_obs_inc_in_season,
    #    incidence_trajectory = obs_inc_in_season_leading_trailing_nas, # used in stable method
    baseline = onset_baseline,
    onset_length = 3L,
    first_season_week = 31,
    weeks_in_first_season_year = weeks_in_first_season_year
  return(list(observed_onset_week = observed_onset_week,
              observed_peak_week = observed_peak_week,
              observed_peak_inc = observed_peak_inc,
              observed_peak_inc_bin = observed_peak_inc_bin

#' Compute season onset, peak week, and peak incidence
#' @param data a data frame containing at minimum columns named season,
#'   season_week and a column with some sort of incidence measure
#' @param season the season to look at
#' @param incidence_var a character string naming the variable in the data
#'   argument containing a measure of incidence, or an integer index
#' @return a list with four entries:
#'   1) observed_onset_week, either an integer between first_CDC_season_week
#'     and last_CDC_season_week (inclusive), or "none"
#'   2) observed_peak_week, an integer between first_CDC_season_week and
#'     last_CDC_season_week (inclusive)
#'   3) observed_peak_inc, a numeric with the maximum value of the specified
#'     incidence measure between first_CDC_season_week and last_CDC_season_week
#'   4) observed_peak_inc_bin, character name of incidence bin for peak incidence
#' @export
get_official_observed_seasonal_quantities <- function(
) {
  first_season_ind <- min(which(data$season == season))
  last_season_ind <- max(which(data$season == season))
  results <- FluSight::create_truth(fluview = FALSE,
                                    year = substr(season, 1, 4),
                                    weekILI = data,
                                    challenge = "ilinet")
  return(list(observed_onset_week = observed_onset_week,
              observed_peak_week = observed_peak_week,
              observed_peak_inc = observed_peak_inc,
              observed_peak_inc_bin = observed_peak_inc_bin

#' Calculate "log scores" for the purpose of the competition -- log[sum_i(p_i)] where p_i is the model's
#' probability of bin i and i runs over some bins adjacent to the bin where the observed quantity was.
#' @param bin_log_probs named numeric vector with log probability of each bin;
#'   names identify the bins
#' @param observed_bin character vector with name(s) of the observed bin(s)
#'   (Note that peak can occur in multiple bins)
#' @param prediction_target
#' @return log score for the given observation
#' @export
compute_competition_log_score <- function(bin_log_probs,
                                          prediction_target) {
  ## validate probabilities sum to 1 and if not, force them to, with warning
  if(sum(exp(bin_log_probs)) != 1) {
    warning(paste(prediction_target, "probabilities do not sum to 1. automatically adjusting."))
    bin_probs <- exp(bin_log_probs)
    bin_log_probs <- log(bin_probs/sum(bin_probs))
  ## validate bin names match expected for prediction_target and
  ## observed_bin has appropriate length
  if(identical(prediction_target, "onset_week")) {
    expected_bin_names_52 <- c(as.character(10:42), "none")
    expected_bin_names_53 <- c(as.character(10:43), "none")
    if(!identical(length(observed_bin), 1L) || !identical(typeof(observed_bin), "character")) {
      stop("For prediction target onset_week, observed_bin must be a character vector of length 1")
    if(identical(sort(expected_bin_names_52), sort(names(bin_log_probs)))) {
      expected_bin_names <- expected_bin_names_52
    } else if(identical(sort(expected_bin_names_53), sort(names(bin_log_probs)))) {
      expected_bin_names <- expected_bin_names_53
    } else {
      stop("invalid names for the vector bin_log_probs")
  } else if(identical(prediction_target, "peak_week")) {
    expected_bin_names_52 <- as.character(10:42)
    expected_bin_names_53 <- as.character(10:43)
    if(length(observed_bin) == 0 || !identical(typeof(observed_bin), "character")) {
      stop("For prediction target onset_week, observed_bin must be a character vector of length > 0")
    if(identical(sort(expected_bin_names_52), sort(names(bin_log_probs)))) {
      expected_bin_names <- expected_bin_names_52
    } else if(identical(sort(expected_bin_names_53), sort(names(bin_log_probs)))) {
      expected_bin_names <- expected_bin_names_53
    } else {
      stop("invalid names for the vector bin_log_probs")
  } else if(prediction_target %in% c("peak_inc", paste0("ph", 1:4, "_inc"))) {
    expected_bin_names <- as.character(seq(from = 0, to = 13, by = 0.1))
    if(!identical(length(observed_bin), 1L) || !identical(typeof(observed_bin), "character")) {
      stop("For given prediction target, observed_bin must be a character vector of length 1")
    if(!identical(sort(expected_bin_names), sort(names(bin_log_probs)))) {
      stop("invalid names for the vector bin_log_probs")
  } else {
    stop("Invalid value for prediction_target: must be 'onset_week', ")
  ## validate observed_bin is one of the expected_bin_names
  if(!(all(observed_bin %in% expected_bin_names))) {
      "observed_bin must be one of (",
      paste(expected_bin_names, collapes = ", "),
  ## get bins to sum over
  obs_bin_inds <- sapply(observed_bin, function(bin_name) {
    which(expected_bin_names == bin_name)
  if(identical(prediction_target, "onset_week")) {
    if(identical(observed_bin, "none")) {
      bins_to_sum <- obs_bin_inds
    } else {
      bins_to_sum <- obs_bin_inds + seq(from = -1, to = 1, by = 1)
      bins_to_sum <- bins_to_sum[
        bins_to_sum >= 1 & bins_to_sum <= length(expected_bin_names) - 1]
  } else if(identical(prediction_target, "peak_week")) {
    bins_to_sum <- unique(as.vector(sapply(obs_bin_inds, function(bin_ind) {
      bin_ind + seq(from = -1, to = 1, by = 1)
    bins_to_sum <- bins_to_sum[
      bins_to_sum >= 1 & bins_to_sum <= length(expected_bin_names)]
  } else if(prediction_target %in% c("peak_inc", paste0("ph", 1:4, "_inc"))) {
    bins_to_sum <- obs_bin_inds + seq(from = -5, to = 5)
    bins_to_sum <- bins_to_sum[
      bins_to_sum >= 1 & bins_to_sum <= length(expected_bin_names)]
  ## Do summation
  ## Futz around with bin names because order of expected bin names may not
  ## match order of bin_log_probs
  bin_names_to_sum <- expected_bin_names[bins_to_sum]
  log_prob <- logspace_sum(bin_log_probs[bin_names_to_sum])
  ## They truncate at -10
  log_prob <- max(-10, log_prob)
  ## return

#' Get the onset baseline for a combination of region and season
#' @param region a string, either "National", "Region k", or "Regionk" where
#'   k in {1, ..., 10}
#' @param season a string, in the format "2015/2016"
#' @return baseline value for determining season onset
#' @export
get_onset_baseline <- function(region, season = "2015/2016") {
  ## pick baseline
  ## assumes region is either "National" or "Region k" format
  reg_string <- ifelse(region=="National", "National", gsub(" ", "", region))
  idx <- which(flu_onset_baselines$region==reg_string &
  reg_baseline <- flu_onset_baselines[idx, "baseline"]

#' Helper function to standardize creation of empty prediction dataset
#' @param data the data to be used
#' @param model_name the name of the model
#' @param incidence_bin_names character vector of names for incidence bins
#' @param first_analysis_time_season_week the first week during each season in
#'   which we will form a prediction
#' @param last_analysis_time_season_week the last week during each season in
#'   which we will form a prediction
#' @return the prediction_df filled with NAs
#' @export
make_predictions_dataframe <- function(data,
                                       first_analysis_time_season_week = 10,
                                       last_analysis_time_season_week = 41) {
  ## allocate more than enough space up front,
  ## delete extra later
  na_vec <- rep(NA,
                (last_analysis_time_season_week - first_analysis_time_season_week + 1)
  onset_week_bins <- c(as.character(10:42), "none")
  peak_week_bins <- as.character(10:42)
  predictions_df <- cbind(
      model = model_name,
      analysis_time_season = na_vec,
      analysis_time_season_week = na_vec,
      prediction_week_ph_1 = na_vec,
      prediction_week_ph_2 = na_vec,
      prediction_week_ph_3 = na_vec,
      prediction_week_ph_4 = na_vec,
      onset_log_score = na_vec,
      peak_week_log_score = na_vec,
      peak_inc_log_score = na_vec,
      ph_1_inc_log_score = na_vec,
      ph_2_inc_log_score = na_vec,
      ph_3_inc_log_score = na_vec,
      ph_4_inc_log_score = na_vec,
      onset_competition_log_score = na_vec,
      peak_week_competition_log_score = na_vec,
      peak_inc_competition_log_score = na_vec,
      ph_1_inc_competition_log_score = na_vec,
      ph_2_inc_competition_log_score = na_vec,
      ph_3_inc_competition_log_score = na_vec,
      ph_4_inc_competition_log_score = na_vec,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE), # don't want model to be a factor with 1 level
    as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(na_vec), ncol = length(onset_week_bins))) %>%
      `colnames<-`(paste0("onset_bin_", onset_week_bins, "_log_prob")),
    as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(na_vec), ncol = length(peak_week_bins))) %>%
      `colnames<-`(paste0("peak_week_bin_", peak_week_bins, "_log_prob")),
    as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(na_vec), ncol = length(incidence_bin_names))) %>%
      `colnames<-`(paste0("peak_inc_bin_", incidence_bin_names, "_log_prob")),
    as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(na_vec), ncol = length(incidence_bin_names))) %>%
      `colnames<-`(paste0("ph_1_inc_bin_", incidence_bin_names, "_log_prob")),
    as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(na_vec), ncol = length(incidence_bin_names))) %>%
      `colnames<-`(paste0("ph_2_inc_bin_", incidence_bin_names, "_log_prob")),
    as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(na_vec), ncol = length(incidence_bin_names))) %>%
      `colnames<-`(paste0("ph_3_inc_bin_", incidence_bin_names, "_log_prob")),
    as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(na_vec), ncol = length(incidence_bin_names))) %>%
      `colnames<-`(paste0("ph_4_inc_bin_", incidence_bin_names, "_log_prob"))

#' Get log scores and full predictive distributions for each prediction target
#' for a given season using a predictive method that works by simulating
#' trajectories of incidence in each remaining week of the season.  Results are
#' stored in a data frame, saved in a .rds file with a name like
#' "model_name-region-season-loso-predictions.rds"
#' Results have columns indicating the analysis time season and season week,
#' model name, log scores for each prediction target, the "log score" used
#' in the competition (adding probabilities from adjacent bins) for each
#' prediction target, as well as the log of the probability assigned to each
#' bin.
#' @param all_seasons_left_out character vector of seasons that were in the
#'   training period, in the format "2000/2001"
#' @param analysis_time_season character vector of length 1 specifying the
#'   season to obtain predictions for, in the format "2000/2001"
#' @param first_analysis_time_season_week integer specifying the first week of
#'   the season in which to make predictions, using all data up to and
#'   including that week to make predictions for each following week in the
#'   season
#' @param last_analysis_time_season_week integer specifying the last week of
#'   the season in which to make predictions, using all data up to and including
#'   that week to make predictions for each following week in the season
#' @param region string specifying the region to use, in the format "X" or
#'   "Region k" where k in {1, ..., 10}
#' @param prediction_target_var string specifying the name of the variable in
#'   data for which we want to make predictions
#' @param incidence_bins a data frame with variables lower and upper defining
#'   lower and upper endpoints to use in binning incidence
#' @param incidence_bin_names a character vector with a name for each incidence
#'   bin
#' @param n_trajectory_sims integer number of trajectories to simulate
#' @param simulate_trajectories_function a function to call to simulate
#'   incidence trajectories.  It will be called with the following arguments:
#'     * n_sims = number of trajectories to simulate
#'     * max_prediction_horizon = number of following weeks to simulate
#'     * data = all available data to use in doing simulation, up to and
#'         including the analysis time
#'     * region = region
#'     * analysis_time_season = analysis_time_season
#'     * analysis_time_season_week = week of the season at which we are making
#'         the predictions
#'     * params = simulate_trajectories_params; additional user-provided
#'         parameters
#' @param simulate_trajectories_params optional additional parameters to pass
#'   to simulate_trajectories_function
#' @param model_name name of model, stored in the results data frame
#' @param prediction_save_path path to directory where results will be saved
#' @return none
#' @export
get_log_scores_via_trajectory_simulation <- function(
  first_analysis_time_season_week = 10, # == week 40 of year
  last_analysis_time_season_week = 41, # analysis for 33-week season, consistent with flu competition -- at week 41, we do prediction for a horizon of one week ahead
) {
  ## Load data.  The only reason to do this here is to know what the dimensions
  ## of the results data frame should be.
  data <- read.csv("data-raw/allflu-cleaned.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  data$time <- as.POSIXct(data$time)
  ## subset data to be only the region of interest
  data <- data[data$region == region,]
  ## data frame to describe predictions
  ## allocate more than enough space up front,
  ## delete extra later
  predictions_df <- make_predictions_dataframe(
    data = data,
    model_name = model_name,
    incidence_bin_names = incidence_bin_names,
    first_analysis_time_season_week = 10,
    last_analysis_time_season_week = 41)
  results_save_row <- 1L
  weeks_in_first_season_year <-
  ## make predictions for each prediction target in the left-out season
  ## for each possible "last observed" week, starting with the last week of the previous season
  ## get observed quantities related to overall season, for computing log scores
  observed_seasonal_quantities <- get_observed_seasonal_quantities(
    data = data,
    season = analysis_time_season,
    first_CDC_season_week = first_analysis_time_season_week,
    last_CDC_season_week = last_analysis_time_season_week + 1,
    onset_baseline =
      get_onset_baseline(region = region, season = analysis_time_season),
    incidence_var = prediction_target_var,
    incidence_bins = incidence_bins,
    incidence_bin_names = incidence_bin_names
  last_analysis_time_season_week_in_data <- max(data$season_week[data$season == analysis_time_season])
  for(analysis_time_season_week in seq(from = first_analysis_time_season_week, to = min(last_analysis_time_season_week, last_analysis_time_season_week_in_data - 1))) {
    cat(paste0("analysis season week = ", analysis_time_season_week, "\n"))
    analysis_time_ind <- which(data$season == analysis_time_season &
                                 data$season_week == analysis_time_season_week)
    ## keep track of if we made any predictions with this combination of season and week
    made_predictions <- FALSE
    ## simulate n_trajectory_sims trajectories
    max_prediction_horizon <- max(4L,
                                  last_analysis_time_season_week + 1 - analysis_time_season_week)
    trajectory_samples <- simulate_trajectories_function(
      n_sims = n_trajectory_sims,
      max_prediction_horizon = max_prediction_horizon,
      data = data[seq_len(analysis_time_ind), , drop = FALSE],
      region = region,
      analysis_time_season = analysis_time_season,
      analysis_time_season_week = analysis_time_season_week,
      params = simulate_trajectories_params
    ## Round to nearest 0.1 -- they do this in competition
    ## I'm not using R's round() function because I want
    ## 0.05 -> 0.1
    ## (...?  We should see how they round?  Maybe this never comes up?
    ## I have a feeling I'm fretting over a probability 0 event.)
    trajectory_samples <- apply(
      c(1, 2),
      function(inc_val) {
        if(is.na(inc_val)) {
        } else {
          floor_val <- floor(inc_val * 10) / 10
          if(inc_val >= floor_val + 0.05) {
            return(floor_val + 0.1)
          } else {
    ## get indices in trajectory samples with NA values that affect
    ## estimation of seasonal quantities
    sample_inds_with_na <- apply(
                         seq_len(last_analysis_time_season_week + 1 - analysis_time_season_week),
                         drop = FALSE],
      function(x) any(is.na(x)))
    ## Predictions for things about the whole season
    if(!all(sample_inds_with_na)) {
      made_predictions <- TRUE
      ## subset to sampled trajectories that are usable/do not have NAs
      subset_trajectory_samples <- trajectory_samples[!sample_inds_with_na, ]
      ## Augment trajectory samples with previous observed incidence values
      ## This is where we should be adding in something to account for backfill.
      first_season_obs_ind <- min(which(data$season == analysis_time_season))
      subset_trajectory_samples <- cbind(
          rep(data[seq(from = first_season_obs_ind, to = analysis_time_ind), prediction_target_var], 
              each = nrow(subset_trajectory_samples)),
          nrow = nrow(subset_trajectory_samples)
      ## If first observation for the season was not at season week 1,
      ## augment with leading NAs
      first_season_obs_week <- data$season_week[first_season_obs_ind]
      if(first_season_obs_week != 1) {
        subset_trajectory_samples <- cbind(
          matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(subset_trajectory_samples), ncol = first_season_obs_week - 1),
      ## values before the first analysis time week are NA so that
      ## onset and peak calculations only look at data within the CDC's definition
      ## of the flu season for purposes of the competition
                                seq(from = 1, to = first_analysis_time_season_week - 1)] <- NA
      ## Convert to binned values
      if (age != "65+ yr"){
        binned_subset_trajectory_samples <-
                      return_character = FALSE)
        binned_subset_trajectory_samples <-
                      return_character = FALSE)
      ## Get onset week for each simulated trajectory
      onset_week_by_sim_ind <-
        apply(binned_subset_trajectory_samples, 1, function(trajectory) {
            incidence_trajectory = trajectory,
            baseline =
              get_onset_baseline(region = region, season = analysis_time_season),
            onset_length = 3L,
            first_season_week = 31,
            weeks_in_first_season_year = weeks_in_first_season_year
      ## Get peak incidence for each simulated trajectory
      peak_inc_bin_by_sim_ind <-
        apply(binned_subset_trajectory_samples, 1, function(trajectory) {
          max(trajectory, na.rm = TRUE)
      ## get peak week by sim ind
      ## note that some sim inds may have more than 1 peak week...
      peak_weeks_by_sim_ind <- unlist(lapply(
        function(sim_ind) {
          bin_val <- peak_inc_bin_by_sim_ind[sim_ind]
          peak_season_weeks <- which(
            binned_subset_trajectory_samples[sim_ind, ] == bin_val)
      ## Get log scores
      onset_week_bins <- c(as.character(10:42), "none")
      onset_bin_log_probs <- log(sapply(
        function(bin_name) {
          sum(onset_week_by_sim_ind == bin_name)
      onset_bin_log_probs <- onset_bin_log_probs - logspace_sum(onset_bin_log_probs)
      predictions_df[results_save_row, paste0("onset_bin_", onset_week_bins, "_log_prob")] <-
      predictions_df[results_save_row, "onset_log_score"] <-
      predictions_df[results_save_row, "onset_competition_log_score"] <-
      peak_week_bins <- as.character(10:42)
      peak_week_bin_log_probs <- log(sapply(
        function(bin_name) {
          sum(peak_weeks_by_sim_ind == bin_name)
      peak_week_bin_log_probs <- peak_week_bin_log_probs - logspace_sum(peak_week_bin_log_probs)
      names(peak_week_bin_log_probs) <- as.character(peak_week_bins)
      predictions_df[results_save_row, paste0("peak_week_bin_", peak_week_bins, "_log_prob")] <-
      predictions_df[results_save_row, "peak_week_log_score"] <-
      predictions_df[results_save_row, "peak_week_competition_log_score"] <-
      peak_inc_bin_log_probs <- log(sapply(
        function(bin_name) {
          sum(peak_inc_bin_by_sim_ind == as.numeric(bin_name))
      peak_inc_bin_log_probs <- peak_inc_bin_log_probs - logspace_sum(peak_inc_bin_log_probs)
      predictions_df[results_save_row, paste0("peak_inc_bin_", incidence_bin_names, "_log_prob")] <-
      predictions_df[results_save_row, "peak_inc_log_score"] <-
      predictions_df[results_save_row, "peak_inc_competition_log_score"] <-
    ## Predictions for incidence in an individual week at prediction horizon ph = 1, ..., 4
    for(ph in 1:4) {
      sample_inds_with_na <- is.na(trajectory_samples[, ph])
      ## get observed value/bin
      observed_ph_inc <-
        data[analysis_time_ind + ph, prediction_target_var]
      observed_ph_inc_bin <- get_inc_bin(observed_ph_inc, return_character = TRUE)
      if(!all(sample_inds_with_na) && !is.na(observed_ph_inc)) {
        made_predictions <- TRUE
        ## get sampled incidence values at prediction horizon that are usable/not NAs
        ph_inc_by_sim_ind <- trajectory_samples[!sample_inds_with_na, ph]
        ph_inc_bin_by_sim_ind <- get_inc_bin(ph_inc_by_sim_ind, return_character = TRUE)
        ## get log score
        ph_inc_bin_log_probs <- log(sapply(
          function(bin_name) {
            sum(ph_inc_bin_by_sim_ind == bin_name)
          })) -
        predictions_df[results_save_row, paste0("ph_", ph, "_inc_bin_", incidence_bin_names, "_log_prob")] <-
        predictions_df[results_save_row, paste0("ph_", ph, "_inc_log_score")] <-
                       paste0("ph_", ph, "_inc_competition_log_score")] <-
                                        paste0("ph", ph, "_inc"))
    } # ph loop
    if(made_predictions) {
      predictions_df[results_save_row, "analysis_time_season"] <- analysis_time_season
      predictions_df[results_save_row, "analysis_time_season_week"] <- analysis_time_season_week
      predictions_df[results_save_row, "prediction_week_ph_1"] <- analysis_time_season_week + 1
      predictions_df[results_save_row, "prediction_week_ph_2"] <- analysis_time_season_week + 2
      predictions_df[results_save_row, "prediction_week_ph_3"] <- analysis_time_season_week + 3
      predictions_df[results_save_row, "prediction_week_ph_4"] <- analysis_time_season_week + 4
      results_save_row <- results_save_row + 1
  } # analysis_time_season_week
  ## if there are extra rows in the predictions_df, delete them
  if(results_save_row <= nrow(predictions_df)) {
    predictions_df <- predictions_df[
      -seq(from = results_save_row, to = nrow(predictions_df)),
      drop = FALSE
  region_str <- ifelse(identical(region, "X"), "National", gsub(" ", "", region))
  season_str <- gsub("/", "-", analysis_time_season)
          file = paste0(prediction_save_path,
                        model_name, "-", region_str, "-", season_str, "-loso-predictions.rds"))

#' Get log scores and full predictive distributions for each prediction target
#' for a given season using a predictive method that works by simulating
#' trajectories of incidence in each remaining week of the season.  Results are
#' stored in a data frame, saved in a .rds file with a name like
#' "model_name-region-season-loso-predictions.rds"
#' Results have columns indicating the analysis time season and season week,
#' model name, log scores for each prediction target, the "log score" used
#' in the competition (adding probabilities from adjacent bins) for each
#' prediction target, as well as the log of the probability assigned to each
#' bin.
#' @param data data frame with observed disease data available to use for predictions
#' @param analysis_time_season character vector of length 1 specifying the
#'   season to obtain predictions for, in the format "2000/2001"
#' @param first_analysis_time_season_week integer specifying the first week of
#'   the season in which to make predictions, using all data up to and
#'   including that week to make predictions for each following week in the
#'   season
#' @param last_analysis_time_season_week integer specifying the last week of
#'   the season in which to make predictions, using all data up to and including
#'   that week to make predictions for each following week in the season
#' @param prediction_target_var string specifying the name of the variable in
#'   data for which we want to make predictions
#' @param incidence_bins a data frame with variables lower and upper defining
#'   lower and upper endpoints to use in binning incidence
#' @param incidence_bin_names a character vector with a name for each incidence
#'   bin
#' @param n_trajectory_sims integer number of trajectories to simulate
#' @param simulate_trajectories_function a function to call to simulate
#'   incidence trajectories.  It will be called with the following arguments:
#'     * n_sims = number of trajectories to simulate
#'     * max_prediction_horizon = number of following weeks to simulate
#'     * data = all available data to use in doing simulation, up to and
#'         including the analysis time
#'     * region = region
#'     * analysis_time_season = analysis_time_season
#'     * analysis_time_season_week = week of the season at which we are making
#'         the predictions
#'     * params = simulate_trajectories_params; additional user-provided
#'         parameters
#' @param simulate_trajectories_params optional additional parameters to pass
#'   to simulate_trajectories_function
#' @param all_regions a character vector with all of the regions over which to make forecasts,
#'   defaults to HHS region names
#' @return data frame with contents suitable for writing out as a csv file in
#'   the CDC's standardized format
#' @export
get_submission_via_trajectory_simulation <- function(
  first_analysis_time_season_week = 10, # == week 40 of year
  last_analysis_time_season_week = 41, # analysis for 33-week season, consistent with flu competition -- at week 41, we do prediction for a horizon of one week ahead
  all_regions=c( paste0("Region ", 1:10),"National"),
  regional_switch) {
  if (!regional_switch=="Hosp"){
      rbind.fill(lapply(all_regions, function(region) {
          data = data,
          analysis_time_season = analysis_time_season,
          first_analysis_time_season_week = first_analysis_time_season_week,
          last_analysis_time_season_week = last_analysis_time_season_week,
          region = region,
          prediction_target_var = prediction_target_var,
          incidence_bins = incidence_bins,
          incidence_bin_names = incidence_bin_names,
          n_trajectory_sims = n_trajectory_sims,
          simulate_trajectories_function = simulate_trajectories_function,
          simulate_trajectories_params = simulate_trajectories_params,
  else {
      rbind.fill(lapply(simulate_trajectories_params$age_groups, function(age) {
          data = data,
          analysis_time_season = analysis_time_season,
          first_analysis_time_season_week = first_analysis_time_season_week,
          last_analysis_time_season_week = last_analysis_time_season_week,
          region = "Entire Network",
          prediction_target_var = prediction_target_var,
          incidence_bins = incidence_bins,
          incidence_bin_names = incidence_bin_names,
          n_trajectory_sims = n_trajectory_sims,
          simulate_trajectories_function = simulate_trajectories_function,
          simulate_trajectories_params = simulate_trajectories_params,

#' Get log scores and full predictive distributions for each prediction target
#' for a given season using a predictive method that works by simulating
#' trajectories of incidence in each remaining week of the season.  Results are
#' stored in a data frame, saved in a .rds file with a name like
#' "model_name-region-season-loso-predictions.rds"
#' Results have columns indicating the analysis time season and season week,
#' model name, log scores for each prediction target, the "log score" used
#' in the competition (adding probabilities from adjacent bins) for each
#' prediction target, as well as the log of the probability assigned to each
#' bin.
#' @param data data frame with observed disease data available to use for predictions
#' @param analysis_time_season character vector of length 1 specifying the
#'   season to obtain predictions for, in the format "2000/2001"
#' @param first_analysis_time_season_week integer specifying the first week of
#'   the season in which to make predictions, using all data up to and
#'   including that week to make predictions for each following week in the
#'   season
#' @param last_analysis_time_season_week integer specifying the last week of
#'   the season in which to make predictions, using all data up to and including
#'   that week to make predictions for each following week in the season
#' @param region string with name of region to make predictions for
#' @param prediction_target_var string specifying the name of the variable in
#'   data for which we want to make predictions
#' @param incidence_bins a data frame with variables lower and upper defining
#'   lower and upper endpoints to use in binning incidence
#' @param incidence_bin_names a character vector with a name for each incidence
#'   bin
#' @param n_trajectory_sims integer number of trajectories to simulate
#' @param simulate_trajectories_function a function to call to simulate
#'   incidence trajectories.  It will be called with the following arguments:
#'     * n_sims = number of trajectories to simulate
#'     * max_prediction_horizon = number of following weeks to simulate
#'     * data = all available data to use in doing simulation, up to and
#'         including the analysis time
#'     * region = region
#'     * analysis_time_season = analysis_time_season
#'     * analysis_time_season_week = week of the season at which we are making
#'         the predictions
#'     * params = simulate_trajectories_params; additional user-provided
#'         parameters
#' @param simulate_trajectories_params optional additional parameters to pass
#'   to simulate_trajectories_function
#' @param regional logical whether to make predictions for HHS regions (TRUE),
#'   or states (FALSE)
#' @return data frame with contents suitable for writing out as a csv file in
#'   the CDC's standardized format, but for just one region
#' @export
get_submission_one_region_via_trajectory_simulation <- function(
  analysis_time_season = "2016/2017",
  first_analysis_time_season_week = 10, # == week 40 of year
  last_analysis_time_season_week = 41, # analysis for 33-week season, consistent with flu competition -- at week 41, we do prediction for a horizon of one week ahead
  age) {
  weeks_in_first_season_year <-
  if(regional_switch == "Country"){
    age <- NA
    ## find region ID for CDC submission
    region_str <- ifelse(identical(region, "National"),
                         "US National",
                         gsub("Region ", "HHS Region ", region))
    ## load region-specific submission file template
    if(identical(as.integer(weeks_in_first_season_year), 52L)) {
      region_results <- read.csv(file.path(
    } else {
      region_results <- read.csv(file.path(
  } else if (regional_switch == "Hosp") {
    ## load region-specific submission file template
    if (age != "65+ yr"){
      region_results <- read.csv(file.path(
      region_results <- read.csv(file.path(
  else if (regional_switch == "State") {
    age <- NA
    ## find state ID for CDC submission
    region_str <- region
    ## load region-specific submission file template
    region_results <- read.csv(file.path(
  if (regional_switch !="Hosp"){
    region_results$Location <- region_str
  } else {
    region_results$Location <- age
  ## subset data to be only the region-specific data
  data <- data[data$region == region,]
  analysis_time_season_week <- data$season_week[nrow(data)]
  analysis_time_ind <- nrow(data)
  max_prediction_horizon <- max(4L,
                                last_analysis_time_season_week + 1 - analysis_time_season_week)
  first_season_obs_ind <- min(which(data$season == analysis_time_season))
    trajectory_samples <- simulate_trajectories_function(
      n_sims = n_trajectory_sims,
      max_prediction_horizon = max_prediction_horizon,
      data = data[seq_len(analysis_time_ind), , drop = FALSE],
      region = region,
      analysis_time_season = analysis_time_season,
      analysis_time_season_week = analysis_time_season_week,
      params = simulate_trajectories_params,
  ## simulate n_trajectory_sims trajectories
  ## Round to nearest 0.1 -- they do this in competition
  ## I'm not using R's round() function because I want
  ## 0.05 -> 0.1
  ## (...?  We should see how they round?  Maybe this never comes up?
  ## I have a feeling I'm fretting over a probability 0 event.)
  trajectory_samples <- apply(
    c(1, 2),
    function(inc_val) {
      if(is.na(inc_val)) {
      } else {
        floor_val <- floor(inc_val * 10) / 10
        if(inc_val >= floor_val + 0.05) {
          return(floor_val + 0.1)
        } else {
  ## get indices in trajectory samples with NA values that affect
  ## estimation of seasonal quantities
  sample_inds_with_na <- apply(
                       seq_len(last_analysis_time_season_week + 1 - analysis_time_season_week),
                       drop = FALSE],
    function(x) any(is.na(x)))
  ## Predictions for things about the whole season
  if(all(sample_inds_with_na)) {
    stop("Error: NAs in all simulated trajectories, unable to predict seasonal quantities")
  } else if(region != "Entire Network") {
    ## subset to sampled trajectories that are usable/do not have NAs
    subset_trajectory_samples <- trajectory_samples[!sample_inds_with_na, ]
    ## Augment trajectory samples with previous observed incidence values
    ## This is where we should be adding in some boostrapping to account
    ## for backfill.
    # e <- read.csv("data/e")
    # current_season <- substr(analysis_time_season,1,4)
    # current_week <- last_analysis_time_season_week+1-analysis_time_season_week
    #lag <- analysis_time_season_week
    # then something like 
    #e[e$lag ==lag  & e$week==current_week,prediction_target_var]
    # to get a random sample from previous seasons with the same 
    # week and lag value
    subset_trajectory_samples <- cbind(
        rep(data[seq(from = first_season_obs_ind, to = analysis_time_ind), prediction_target_var], each = nrow(subset_trajectory_samples)),
        nrow = nrow(subset_trajectory_samples)
    ## If first observation for the season was not at season week 1,
    ## augment with leading NAs
    first_season_obs_week <- data$season_week[first_season_obs_ind]
    if(first_season_obs_week != 1) {
      subset_trajectory_samples <- cbind(
        matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(subset_trajectory_samples), ncol = first_season_obs_week - 1),
    ## values before the first analysis time week are NA so that
    ## onset and peak calculations only look at data within the CDC's definition
    ## of the flu season for purposes of the competition
                              seq(from = 1, to = first_analysis_time_season_week - 1)] <- NA
    ## Convert to binned values
    if (regional_switch == "Hosp"){
      binned_subset_trajectory_samples <-
                    return_character = FALSE)
      binned_subset_trajectory_samples <- get_inc_bin(subset_trajectory_samples,max=13,
                                                      return_character = FALSE)
    ## Onset is defined relative to a baseline and is only available for regions 
    if(regional_switch == "Country"){
      ## Get onset week for each simulated trajectory
      onset_week_by_sim_ind <-
        apply(binned_subset_trajectory_samples, 1, function(trajectory) {
            incidence_trajectory = trajectory,
            baseline =
              get_onset_baseline(region = region, season = analysis_time_season),
            onset_length = 3L,
            first_season_week = 31,
            weeks_in_first_season_year = weeks_in_first_season_year
    ## Get peak incidence for each simulated trajectory
    peak_inc_bin_by_sim_ind <-
      apply(binned_subset_trajectory_samples, 1, function(trajectory) {
        max(trajectory, na.rm = TRUE)
    ## get peak week by sim ind
    ## note that some sim inds may have more than 1 peak week...
    peak_weeks_by_sim_ind <- unlist(lapply(
      function(sim_ind) {
        bin_val <- peak_inc_bin_by_sim_ind[sim_ind]
        peak_season_weeks <- which(
          binned_subset_trajectory_samples[sim_ind, ] == bin_val)
    ## Get bin probabilities and add to region template
    if(regional_switch == "Country") {
      onset_week_bins <- c(as.character(seq(from = 10, to = weeks_in_first_season_year - 10, by = 1)), "none")
      onset_bin_log_probs <- log(sapply(
        function(bin_name) {
          sum(onset_week_by_sim_ind == bin_name)
        })) -
      onset_bin_log_probs <- onset_bin_log_probs - logspace_sum(onset_bin_log_probs)
        region_results$Target == "Season onset" & region_results$Type == "Bin",
        "Value"] <- exp(onset_bin_log_probs)
      if(onset_bin_log_probs[length(onset_bin_log_probs)] >= 0.5) {
          region_results$Target == "Season onset" & region_results$Type == "Point",
          "Value"] <- NA
      } else {
          region_results$Target == "Season onset" & region_results$Type == "Point",
          "Value"] <- season_week_to_year_week(
            floor(median(as.numeric(onset_week_by_sim_ind), na.rm = TRUE)),
            first_season_week = 31,
            weeks_in_first_season_year = weeks_in_first_season_year)
    peak_week_bins <- seq(from = 10, to = weeks_in_first_season_year - 10, by = 1)
    peak_week_bin_log_probs <- log(sapply(
      function(bin_name) {
        sum(peak_weeks_by_sim_ind == bin_name)
      })) -
    peak_week_bin_log_probs <- peak_week_bin_log_probs - logspace_sum(peak_week_bin_log_probs)
    names(peak_week_bin_log_probs) <- as.character(peak_week_bins)
      region_results$Target == "Season peak week" & region_results$Type == "Bin",
      "Value"] <- exp(peak_week_bin_log_probs)
      region_results$Target == "Season peak week" & region_results$Type == "Point",
      "Value"] <- season_week_to_year_week(
        first_season_week = 31,
        weeks_in_first_season_year = weeks_in_first_season_year)
    peak_inc_bin_log_probs <- log(sapply(
      function(bin_name) {
        sum(peak_inc_bin_by_sim_ind == as.numeric(bin_name))
      })) -
    peak_inc_bin_log_probs <- peak_inc_bin_log_probs - logspace_sum(peak_inc_bin_log_probs)
      region_results$Target == "Season peak percentage" & region_results$Type == "Bin",
      "Value"] <- exp(peak_inc_bin_log_probs)
      region_results$Target == "Season peak percentage" & region_results$Type == "Point",
      "Value"] <- median(peak_inc_bin_by_sim_ind)
  ## Predictions for incidence in an individual week at prediction horizon ph = 1, ..., 4
  for(ph in 1:4) {
    sample_inds_with_na <- is.na(trajectory_samples[, ph])
    ## get sampled incidence values at prediction horizon that are usable/not NAs
    ph_inc_by_sim_ind <- trajectory_samples[!sample_inds_with_na, ph]
    ph_inc_bin_by_sim_ind <- get_inc_bin(ph_inc_by_sim_ind, return_character = TRUE)
    ## get bin probabilities and store in regional template
    ph_inc_bin_log_probs <- log(sapply(
      function(bin_name) {
        sum(ph_inc_bin_by_sim_ind == bin_name)
      })) -
    ph_inc_bin_log_probs <- ph_inc_bin_log_probs - logspace_sum(ph_inc_bin_log_probs)
      region_results$Target == paste0(ph, " wk ahead") & region_results$Type == "Bin",
      "Value"] <- exp(ph_inc_bin_log_probs)
      region_results$Target == paste0(ph, " wk ahead") & region_results$Type == "Point",
      "Value"] <- median(ph_inc_by_sim_ind)
  } # ph loop

#' return integer that's either 52 or 53: number of MMWR weeks in the given year
#' @param year year in the format "2014" -- can be character or numeric
#' @details requires non-exported function start_date from MMWRweek package
#' @export
get_num_MMWR_weeks_in_year <- function(year) {
  year <- as.numeric(year)
  return(MMWRweek::MMWRweek(MMWRweek:::start_date(year + 1) - 1)$MMWRweek)

#' return integer that's either 52 or 53: number of weeks in the first year of
#' a given season.
#' @param season season in the format "2014/2015"
#' @details requires MMWRweek package
#' @export
get_num_MMWR_weeks_in_first_season_year <- function(season) {
  return(get_num_MMWR_weeks_in_year(substr(season, 1, 4)))

#' return the bin name for a given incidence
#' @param inc numeric incidence level
#' @param return_character logical: if true, return type is character (bin name)
#'   if false, return type is numeric representation of bin
#' @return vector giving the bin name of the input incidence.
#' @details assumes max inc bin is 13 and bins are 0.1 in size.
#' @export
get_inc_bin <- function(inc,max=13,
                        return_character = TRUE) {
  inc <- round(inc, 1)
  bin_numeric <- ifelse(inc < max,
                        floor(inc*10)/10, ## floors to 1st decimal place
  if(return_character) {
  } else {

#' Calcluation of median value from binned probability distribution
#' @param probs vector of named probabilities
#' @return a numeric value
#' @export
calc_median_from_binned_probs <- function(probs) {
  ## could do something more intelligent for "none" bin in onset - currently assuming it is all ordered
  cumprob <- cumsum(probs)
  median_idx <- min(which(cumprob>=0.5))

#' Make plots of prediction submissions for flu contest: so far, seasonal targets only
#' @param preds_save_file path to a file with predictions in csv submission format
#' @param plots_save_file path to a pdf file where plots should go
#' @param data data observed so far this season
#' @export
make_predictions_plots <- function(
) {
  predictions <- read.csv(preds_save_file)
  regional <- data$region_type[1] =="HHS Regions"
  if(regional) {
    preds_region_map <- data.frame(
      internal_region = c("National", paste0("Region ", 1:10)),
      preds_region = c("US National", paste0("HHS Region ", 1:10))
  } else {
    preds_region_map <- data.frame(
      internal_region = unique(predictions$Location),
      preds_region = unique(predictions$Location)
  current_season <- tail(data$season, 1)
  current_year <- tail(data$year, 1)
  for(region in unique(data$region)) {
    preds_region <- preds_region_map$preds_region[preds_region_map$internal_region == region]
    ## Observed incidence
    p_obs <- ggplot(data[data$region == region & data$season == current_season, ]) +
      expand_limits(x = c(0, 42), y = c(0, 13)) +
      geom_line(aes(x = season_week, y = weighted_ili)) +
      ggtitle("Observed incidence") +
      p_obs <- p_obs + 
        geom_hline(yintercept = get_onset_baseline(region, season = current_season), colour = "red")
    ## Onset
    if(regional) {
      reduced_preds <- predictions[predictions$Location == preds_region & predictions$Target == "Season onset" & predictions$Type == "Bin", ] %>%
          season_week = year_week_to_season_week(as.numeric(as.character(Bin_start_incl)), current_year)
      point_pred <- predictions[predictions$Location == preds_region & predictions$Target == "Season onset" & predictions$Type == "Point", , drop = FALSE] %>%
          season_week = year_week_to_season_week(Value, current_year)
      p_onset <- ggplot(reduced_preds) +
        geom_line(aes(x = season_week, y = Value)) +
        geom_vline(xintercept = point_pred$season_week, colour = "red") +
        expand_limits(x = c(0, 42)) +
        ylab("predicted probability of onset") +
        ggtitle("Onset") +
    ## Peak Timing
    reduced_preds <- predictions[predictions$Location == preds_region & predictions$Target == "Season peak week" & predictions$Type == "Bin", ] %>%
        season_week = year_week_to_season_week(as.numeric(as.character(Bin_start_incl)), current_year)
    point_pred <- predictions[predictions$Location == preds_region & predictions$Target == "Season peak week" & predictions$Type == "Point", , drop = FALSE] %>%
        season_week = year_week_to_season_week(Value, current_year)
    p_peak_timing <- ggplot(reduced_preds) +
      geom_line(aes(x = season_week, y = Value)) +
      geom_vline(xintercept = point_pred$season_week, colour = "red") +
      expand_limits(x = c(0, 42)) +
      ylab("predicted probability of peak") +
      ggtitle("Peak timing") +
    ## Peak Incidence
    reduced_preds <- predictions[predictions$Location == preds_region & predictions$Target == "Season peak percentage" & predictions$Type == "Bin", ] %>%
      mutate(inc_bin = as.numeric(as.character(Bin_start_incl)))
    point_pred <- predictions[predictions$Location == preds_region & predictions$Target == "Season peak percentage" & predictions$Type == "Point", , drop = FALSE] %>%
      mutate(inc_bin = Value)
    p_peak_inc <- ggplot(reduced_preds) +
      geom_line(aes(x = inc_bin, y = Value)) +
      geom_vline(xintercept = point_pred$inc_bin, colour = "red", data) +
      expand_limits(x = c(0, 13)) +
      ylab("predicted probability of peak incidence") +
      coord_flip() +
      ggtitle("Peak incidence") +
    pushViewport(viewport(layout =
                            grid.layout(nrow = 4,# ifelse(regional, 4, 3), ## adjustment for onset
                                        ncol = 2,
                                        heights = unit(c(2, 1, 1, 1), c("lines", "null", "null", "null")))))
              gp = gpar(fontsize = 20),
              vp = viewport(layout.pos.col = 1:2, layout.pos.row = 1))
      print(p_onset, vp = viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = 2))
    print(p_obs, vp = viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = 3))
    print(p_peak_timing, vp = viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = 4))
    print(p_peak_inc, vp = viewport(layout.pos.col = 2, layout.pos.row = 3))
    recent_obs <- data[data$region == region & data$season == current_season, "weighted_ili"]
    recent_obs <- tail(recent_obs, 1)
    p_1wk <- my_plot_weekahead(res, region = preds_region, wk = 1, ilimax=13, years = 2018:2019) + ggtitle(paste(preds_region, ": 1 wk ahead")) + ylim(0,1) + geom_vline(xintercept = recent_obs)
    p_2wk <- my_plot_weekahead(res, region = preds_region, wk = 2, ilimax=13, years = 2018:2019) + ylim(0,1) + geom_vline(xintercept = recent_obs)
    p_3wk <- my_plot_weekahead(res, region = preds_region, wk = 3, ilimax=13, years = 2018:2019) + ylim(0,1) + geom_vline(xintercept = recent_obs)
    p_4wk <- my_plot_weekahead(res, region = preds_region, wk = 4, ilimax=13, years = 2018:2019) + ylim(0,1) + geom_vline(xintercept = recent_obs)
    grid.arrange(p_1wk, p_2wk, p_3wk, p_4wk, ncol=1)

#' Get the initial rng substream for an rstream object.  Should be called by all
#' prediction methods before doing any random number generation.
#' This function DOES NOT set RNG to use rstream with the returned object.
#' Because of strange behavior in the rstream package, this function can be
#' called only once in a given R session.
#' @param seed integer seed for rng; the default was randomly generated
#' @return object of class "rstream.mrg32k3a".  The object has been packed via
#'   rstream.packed.
#' @export
get_initial_rng_substream <- function(
  seed = 9029979) {
  rngstream <- new("rstream.mrg32k3a", seed = sample(1:100000, 6, rep = FALSE))
  ## pack rngstream object and return (invisibly) in case methods want to use
  rstream.packed(rngstream) <- TRUE

#' Get the rng substream for an rstream object corresponding to the combination
#' of prediction method, region, and season left out.  Should be called by all
#' prediction methods before doing any random number generation.
#' Importantly, by default this function has the side effect of setting RNG to
#' use rstream with the returned object.  This behavior is determined by the
#' set_rng argument.  This means the caller doesn't have to worry about doing
#' anything unless (a) it wants to use more than 1 substream or (b) it is going
#' to parallelize or do any RNG in a different R session.  Because of strange
#' behavior in the rstream package, this function can be called at most once
#' without the rngstream argument in a given R session.
#' @param rngstream (optional) object of class "rstream.mrg32k3a" which will be
#'   advanced from its current state.
#' @param seed integer seed for rng; the default was randomly generated
#' @param method character string specifying prediction method
#'   currently one of "sarima", "kcde", or "kde"
#' @param year character string specifying year, format "1998"
#' @param week character string specifying epidemic week, in format "02"
#' @param set_rng boolean should rng be set to use rstream with the returned
#'   rngstream object?
#' @return invisible object of class "rstream.mrg32k3a", but advanced to the
#' first substream reserved for the given combination of prediction method,
#' region, and season.  The object has been packed via rstream.packed.
#' @export
get_rng_substream <- function(
  seed = 9029979,
  set_rng = TRUE) {
  ## Create a data frame with combinations of method, year and week,
  ## number of substreams used for each such combination.
  ## We can add more methods later without causing any problems by appending
  ## new method names to the END of the "method" vector below.
  ## Adding new years or weeks must be done by adding a new set of rows
  ## to the bottom of the substreams_used data frame (e.g. via bind_rows).
  year_week_combos <- expand.grid(
    year = as.character(2010:2017),
    week = sprintf("%02d", c(1:20, 40:52)),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  ) %>%
    mutate(epiweek = as.integer(paste0(year, week))) %>%
    filter(epiweek >= 201040 &
             epiweek <= 201720) %>%
      data.frame(year = "2014",
                 week = "53",
                 epiweek = 201453,
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    ) %>%
  substreams_used <- expand.grid(
    epiweek = year_week_combos$epiweek,
    method = c("sarima_seasonal_difference_TRUE",
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  substreams_used$num_substreams <- 1
  ## if any future method uses more than 1 substream, set that here
  ## substream index for the specified method, region, and season
  ind <- which(
    substreams_used$epiweek == paste0(year, week) &
      substreams_used$method == method)
  if(!identical(length(ind), 1L)) {
    stop("Invalid year, week, and/or method.")
  ## Create Rstream object and advance past all substreams used by previous
  ## methods/regions/seasons
  if(missing(rngstream)) {
    rngstream <- new("rstream.mrg32k3a", seed = sample(1:100000, 6, rep = FALSE))
  } else {
    rstream.packed(rngstream) <- FALSE
  advance_count <- sum(substreams_used$num_substreams[seq_len(ind - 1)])
  for(i in seq_len(advance_count)) {
  ## set to use rstream package for RNG with rngstream object
  if(set_rng) {
  ## pack rngstream object and return (invisibly) in case methods want to use
  rstream.packed(rngstream) <- TRUE

## interface to R's C API for logspace arithmetic

#' Calculate log(exp(logx) - exp(logy)) in a somewhat numerically stable way.
#' @param logx, logy log-scale numeric values to subtract
#' @return log(exp(logx) - exp(logy)), but more numerically stable
#' @export
logspace_sub <- function(logx, logy) {
               PACKAGE = "cdcFlu20182019"))

#' Calculate log(exp(logx) + exp(logy)) in a somewhat numerically stable way.
#' @param logx, logy log-scale numeric values to add
#' @return log(exp(logx) + exp(logy)), but more numerically stable
#' @export
logspace_add <- function(logx, logy) {
               PACKAGE = "cdcFlu20182019"))

#' Calculate log(sum(exp(logx))) in a somewhat numerically stable way.
#' @param logx log-scale numeric vector of values to sum
#' @return log(sum(exp(logx))), but more numerically stable
#' @export
logspace_sum <- function(logx) {
  dim(logx) <- c(1, length(logx))

#' Calculate logspace summation of matrix rows in a somewhat numerically stable
#' way.
#' @param logX log-scale numeric matrix of values to sum.
#' @return log(apply(exp(logX), 1, sum)), but more numerically stable
#' @export
logspace_sum_matrix_rows <- function(logX) {
               PACKAGE = "cdcFlu20182019"))

#' Calculate logspace difference of matrix rows in a somewhat numerically stable
#' way.
#' @param logX log-scale numeric matrix of values to subtract.  logX must have
#'   exactly 2 columns.
#' @return log(exp(logX)[, 1] - exp(logX)[, 2]), but more numerically stable
#' @export
logspace_sub_matrix_rows <- function(logX) {
  if(!is.matrix(logX) || !identical(ncol(logX), 2L))
    stop("logX must be a matrix with 2 columns")
               PACKAGE = "cdcFlu20182019"))
reichlab/2018-2019-cdc-flu-contest documentation built on May 24, 2019, 7:36 a.m.