Man pages for reptalex/phylofactor

amalgamateAmalgamation contrast function
BalanceContrastProject data matrix onto balance contrast (if data are...
binsOutputs bins from a partition matrix, V, or from a list of...
cloClosure function
crossVmapmaps groups from old to new communities for phylofactor...
extractEdgesFunction by Dom J. Bennett from MoreTreeTools. Function...
findInterruptionsFinds interrupting edges along chain of edges
find.unsplit.GrpsFinds unsplit groups in a signed partition matrix, V
findWinnerInternal PhyloRegression function for finding the winning...
FTmicrobiomeFecal Tongue Microbiome Dataset
GAMinternal generalized additive model method for 'PhyloFactor'...
getAssignedGroupsinternal function for parallelized phylofactor
getFactoredEdgesReturns edges from a phylofactor
getFactoredEdgesPARParallelized version of getFactoredEdges
getLabelledGrpInternal phylofactor function - get labelled Group from...
getNewGroupsInternal phylofactor function - get new grouplist...
getObjectiveobjective function for 'gpf'
getPhyloGroupsGet list of groups defined by phylogeny
getSignalReplicate objective from phylofactor object
getStatsGrabs P value, F statistic and difference between null and...
gMeanComputes geometric mean using logarithms
gpfGeneralized phylofactorization
HGTplotVisualize results form simHGT
ilrInvFunction to take inverse of ilr transform
ilrvecInternal function for computing an ilr balancing element...
listTaxaLists all unique taxonomic names in a Taxonomy at a given...
mAggregationmarginally stable aggregation of binomial data matrix to phyloframe
OTUtoTaxaInput OTUs and outputs their taxonomic detail, optinally...
pf.BINprojectionProjects phylofactored data onto bins defined by the factors...
pf.crossValidateMapFunction for mapping phylogenetic factors in a phylofactor...
pf.flowGenerates flow of phylofactor object
pf.getPhyloGroupsGets Groups considered at a given factor level
pf.groupsTospeciesConverts integer-indexed groups to species-labelled groups in...
pf.heatmapHeatmap for phylofactor data
pf.ILRprojectionProjects Data onto basis defined by phylofactor object
pf.nullsimNull Simulation of phylofactor object
pf.plotLabel and visualize phylofactors
pf.predictPredicts based on phylofactorization
pf.resumeResume phylofactorization for a phylofactor object
pf.summarySummary of pf object for a given node or factor number
pf.taxasummarizes taxonomic composition at given factor
pf.tidyConcise summarization of phylofactor summary
pf.treeggtree-based plotting of phylofactor bins or factors
pglmInternal wrapper for 'glm' for phylofactor
PhyCAPerforms Phylogenetic Principal Components Analysis
phyca.tidyclean description of phca object
phylobinget bin number for species
PhyloFactorRegression-based phylofactorization
phyloFclusterProduces cluster object with necessary libraries to perform...
phyloFrameTacks "phylo" variable onto data frame for 'gpf' input data frame for gpf to matrix for faster...
PhyloRegressionPhyloFactor internal function to prep, find and summarize the...
predict.phylofactorpredict newdata with phylofactor object. Only works for...
print.phylofactorPrints phylofactor class objects
print.phylofactor.summaryPrints phylofactor.summary objects
pvDevianceobtains deviance for partitioning variables - default...
simHGTSimulates brownian motion with HGT between random clades via...
summary.phylofactorSummarize phylofactor objects
TaxaSplitDescribes the taxa split at a particular factor summarized by...
taxaTreemake tree from vector of standardized taxonomies
twoSampleFactorPhylofactorization of vector data using two-sample tests
uniqueTaxaFind shortest unique prefix in two taxonomic lists x and y
updateBinListUpdates Bin list given a split group
updateTreeListinternal Phylofactor function - splits the tree corresponding...
VARComputes variance for 'PhyloFactor' method='max.var'
whichBinSplitInternal function - id which bin in binList split
reptalex/phylofactor documentation built on Feb. 28, 2024, 3:19 p.m.