
Defines functions pf.summary

Documented in pf.summary

#' Summary of pf object for a given node or factor number
#' @export
#' @param PF PhyloFactor object
#' @param taxonomy Taxonomy, first column is OTU ids in tree, second column is greengenes taxonomic string
#' @param factor Factor number to summarize.
#' @param minimum.level Integer. Lowest taxonomic level (high: kingdom, low: subspecies) to used to summarize species.
#' @return summary object. List containing $group and $complement info, each containing summary.group output for that group -  $IDs, $otuData and $PF.prediction
#' @examples
#' data("FTmicrobiome")
#' OTUTable <- FTmicrobiome$OTUTable        #OTU table
#' Taxonomy <- FTmicrobiome$taxonomy        #taxonomy
#' tree <- FTmicrobiome$tree                #tree
#' X <- FTmicrobiome$X                      
#' #independent variable - factor indicating if sample is from feces or tongue
#' rm('FTmicrobiome')
#' # remove rare taxa
#' ix <- which(rowSums(OTUTable==0)<30)
#' OTUTable <- OTUTable[ix,]
#' OTUs <- rownames(OTUTable)
#' tree <- drop.tip(tree,which(!(tree$tip.label %in% OTUs)))
#' par(mfrow=c(1,1))
#' clr <- function(A) apply(A,MARGIN=2,FUN=function(a) log(a)-mean(log(a)))
#' OTUTable[OTUTable==0]=0.65
#' pf.heatmap(tree=tree,Data=clr(OTUTable))
#' PF <- PhyloFactor(OTUTable,tree,X,nfactors=2,ncores=2,choice='var')
#' FactorSummary <- pf.summary(PF,Taxonomy,factor=1)
#' str(FactorSummary)
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' plot(FactorSummary$ilr,ylab='ILR coordinate',main='ILR coordinate of factor',
#'       xlab='sample no.',pch=16)
#' lines(FactorSummary$fitted.values,lwd=2,col='blue')
#' legend(x=1,y=-5,list('data','prediction'),pch=c(16,NA),lty=c(NA,1),
#'         col=c('black','blue'),lwd=c(NA,2))
#' plot(FactorSummary$MeanRatio,ylab='ILR coordinate',main='Mean Ratio of Grp1/Grp2',
#'        xlab='sample no.',pch=16)
#' lines(FactorSummary$fittedMeanRatio,lwd=2,col='blue')
#' legend(x=1,y=-5,list('data','prediction'),pch=c(16,NA),lty=c(NA,1),
#'         col=c('black','blue'),lwd=c(NA,2))
pf.summary <- function(PF,taxonomy,factor=NULL,minimum.level=Inf){
  #summarizes the IDs of taxa for a given node identified as important by PhyloFactor. If subtree==T, will also plot a subtree showing the taxa
  if (is.null(factor)){stop('need to input a factor')}
  summary.group <- function(PF,tree,taxonomy,factor,grp){
    #summarizes the OTUids, taxonomic details, data and predictions for an input group of taxa up to a factor level factor.
    output <- NULL
    otuIDs <- rownames(PF$Data)[grp]    

    TaxaIDs <- OTUtoTaxa(otuIDs,taxonomy,common.name = F,uniques = F,minimum.level)
    output$IDs <- data.frame(otuIDs,TaxaIDs)
    output$otuData <- PF$Data[grp, ,drop=F]
    output$is.monophyletic <- ape::is.monophyletic(tree,grp)
    if (!is.null(PF$models)){
      output$PF.prediction <- pf.predict(PF,factors=1:factor)[grp, ,drop=F]
      colnames(output$PF.prediction) <- colnames(PF$Data)
      rownames(output$PF.prediction) <- rownames(PF$Data[grp, ,drop=F])
  grp1 <- PF$groups[[factor]][[1]]
  grp2 <- PF$groups[[factor]][[2]]

  output <- NULL
  output$group1 <- summary.group(PF,PF$tree,taxonomy,factor = factor,grp1)
  output$group2 <- summary.group(PF,PF$tree,taxonomy,factor = factor,grp2)

  output$TaxaSplit <- TaxaSplit(output)
  if (!is.null(PF$models)){
    output$model <- PF$models[[factor]]
    output$ilr <- PF$models[[factor]]$y
    output$fitted.values <- PF$models[[factor]]$fitted.values
    r <- length(grp1)
    s <- length(grp2)
    output$MeanRatio <- exp(output$ilr/(sqrt(r*s/(r+s))))
    output$fittedMeanRatio <- exp(output$fitted.values/(sqrt(r*s/(r+s))))
  class(output) <- 'PF summary'

reptalex/phylofactor documentation built on Feb. 28, 2024, 3:19 p.m.