#' @title Soil comparison
#' @description This function enables the user to visually compare modelling options. As the soil input is likely to be very influencial for the model's output, this is also a reason to check for potentially confusing results.
#' @description The two main options are comparing the soil data itself, and comparing what the PTFs do with the data at hand.
#' @param df.ids a data frame containing the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ID_custom} - a unique ID-column for assignment that all intermediate products as well as the output will be assigned to
#' \item \code{easting} and \code{northing} - coordinates in UTM EPSG:32632
#' }
#' @param testgebiet at the current stage of development, we're working with test areas that have to be named here as \code{BDS} for Bodensee/07b, or \code{NPS} for National Park Schwarzwald. Eventually, this should be replaced by a BW-wide option. This parameter might be useful if a spatial pre-selection should be included for performance optimization...
#' @param what_to_test sets the main selection, whether soil data or PTF behaviour should be investigated. \cr Must be one of \code{SOILDATA} or \code{PTFs}.
#' @param depth_to_test the depth in which comparisons should be made in m negative downwards from the surface. Default is \code{c(-0.15, -0.30, -0.60)}.
#' @param soiloption_to_test if \code{what_to_test} is \code{SOILDATA}: \cr which datasets should be compared. At least two of \code{STOK}, \code{BZE}, or \code{OWN} if own soil data is available.
#' @param PTF_to_use which PTF should be applied for creating hydraulic information from soil data in \code{soiloption_to_test}. Must be one of \code{HYPRES}, \code{PTFPUH2}, or \code{WESSOLEK}.
#' @param MvG_own_vals if \code{what_to_test} is \code{SOILDATA} and \code{soiloption_to_test} includes \code{OWN}: \cr will MvG parameters be provided (i.e. from lab analyses) or shall the PTF in \code{PTF_to_use} also be applied to the soil data in \code{df.soils}
#' @param bze_buffer whether buffer should be used in extracting points from BZE raster files if \code{NAs} occur in {m}, default is \code{NA}
#' @param PTF_to_test if \code{what_to_test} is \code{PTFs}: \cr which PTFs should be compared. Must be any combination of \code{HYPRES}, \code{PTFPUH2}, or \code{WESSOLEK} and can include \code{OWN_PARMS} if own MvG parameters are given in \code{df.soils}
#' @param soiloption_to_use which soil data should the PTFs in \code{PTF_to_test} be applied to. Must be one of \code{STOK}, \code{BZE}, or \code{OWN} if data is supplied at \code{df.soils}
#' @param limit_MvG should the hydraulic parameters limited to "reasonable" ranges as described in \code{\link{fnc_limit}}. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param df.soils if \code{OWN} is selected in \code{soiloptions_to_test}, or \code{OWN_PARMS} is selected in \code{PTF_to_test}, these information must be provided here as a dataframe that contains the following columns:\cr
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ID_custom} - a unique custom ID matching the ID_custom of df.ids
#' \item \code{mat} - number of soil layer starting with 1 counting upwards
#' \item \code{upper} and \code{lower} - upper and lower boundaries of soil layers in cm
#' \item \code{humus} - thickness of the humuslayer in m
#' }
#' Caution: \cr If PTFs are to be applied here, the columns \code{sand, silt, clay, oc.pct} in %, and \code{bd} in g m-1 must be provided. \cr Else, if \code{PTF_to_test} includes \code{OWN_PARMS}, the following columns must be provided NA-free: \code{ths, thr, alpha, npar, mpar, ksat}, and \code{tort}.
#' @param output_path path to the folder where images shall be printed to
#' @return Returns one image for each ID in df.ids, showing water retention and conductivity curves if \code{PTFs} are investigated. If soil data is compared, soil texture triangle, bd, oc.pct and gravel are also shown.
#' @example inst/examples/fnc_compare_soil_ex.R
#' @export
fnc_compare_soil <- function(df.ids,
testgebiet = "BDS",
what_to_test = "PTF",
depths_to_test = c(-0.15, -0.30, -0.60),
soiloptions_to_test = "STOK",
MvG_own_vals = F,
PTF_to_use = "HYPRES",
PTF_to_test = "HYPRES",
soiloption_to_use = "STOK",
limit_MvG = F,
df.soils = NULL,
bze_buffer = NA,
meta.out = NA){
# add / to path if not given with a / at the end
if(stringr::str_sub(output_path,-1) != "/"){
output_path <- paste0(output_path, "/")
how_to_proceed = 2
if(nrow(df.ids) >= 10){
cat("This function will create one PNG-file in ", output_path, " for each point in df.ids.\n" )
cat("So you expect ", nrow(df.ids), " images to be crated. This might take a while.\n How you wish to proceed? \nPress \"1\" for aborting the process.\nPress \"2\" to continue.")
how_to_proceed <- readline(prompt = "Continue with ")
if(how_to_proceed == 1){
stop("You might want to make a selection of df.ids.")
} else if (how_to_proceed == 2){
if(what_to_test == "SOILDATA"){
# initial tasks ------------------------------------------ ####
# sort dfs according to IDs
df.ids$ID <- 1:nrow(df.ids)
# transformation of ids to GK3 for slope & aspect
xy_gk <- fnc_transf_crs(df = df.ids)
dgm.stack <- raster::stack(list.files(input_paul, pattern = "aspect.sdat|slope.sdat", full.names=T))
df.dgm <- cbind("ID" = df.ids$ID,
as.data.frame(fnc_extract_points_dgm(lay = dgm.stack, xy = xy_gk, buffering = T)))
# create data: ------------------------------------------ ####
if(any(stringr::str_detect(soiloptions_to_test, "STOK"))){
# subset currently still active for faster processing - to be expanded to BW in the future
sf.testgeb <- get(paste0("sf.STOK.", testgebiet))
df.LEIT <- get(paste0("df.LEIT.", testgebiet))
sf.ids <- sf::st_as_sf(df.ids, coords = c("easting", "northing"), crs = 32632) %>%
sf::st_join(sf.testgeb) %>%
sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
dplyr::select(ID, ID_custom, RST_F)
# no forest
RST_noforest <- c(39272, 39273, 0, 39343, 42046)
# swamp
test <- df.LEIT %>% filter(humusform == "Moor")
RST_moor <- unique(test$RST_F)
RST_miss <- c(RST_moor, RST_noforest)
rm(list = c("RST_noforest", "RST_moor", "test"))
IDs_miss <- sf.ids$ID[(is.na(sf.ids$RST_F) | sf.ids$RST_F %in% RST_miss)] # remove non-forest-rst_fs
IDs_complete <- which(!(is.na(sf.ids$RST_F)| sf.ids$RST_F %in% RST_miss)) # IDs good
# all IDs mapped by STOKA
if(length(IDs_miss) == 0){
ls.STOK <- fnc_soil_stok(df = sf.ids,
df.LEIT = get(paste0("df.LEIT.", testgebiet)),
PTF_to_use = PTF_to_use,
dgm = df.dgm)
names(ls.soils) <- df.ids$ID_custom
} else {
cat("IDs ", IDs_miss, " are not mapped by STOKA. Those can't be compared using STOK")
ls.STOK <- vector("list", length = nrow(df.ids))
ls.STOK[IDs_complete] <- fnc_soil_stok(df = sf.ids[!is.na(sf.ids$RST_F),],
df.LEIT = get(paste0("df.LEIT.", testgebiet)),
PTF_to_use = PTF_to_use,
dgm = df.dgm)
ls.STOK[IDs_miss] <- sapply(IDs_miss, function(x) NULL)
names(ls.STOK) <- df.ids$ID_custom
if (any(stringr::str_detect(soiloptions_to_test, "BZE"))) {
df.ids <- df.ids %>%
dplyr::left_join(df.dgm, by = "ID")
xy_proj <- fnc_transf_crs(df = df.ids,
to_crs = "UTM_25832")
ls.BZE <- fnc_soil_bze(df.utm = xy_proj,
df.assign = df.ids,
buffering = (!is.na(bze_buffer)),
buff_width = bze_buffer,
meta.out = meta.out)
if (any(stringr::str_detect(soiloptions_to_test, "OWN"))) {
if(!all(df.ids$ID_custom == unique(df.soils$ID_custom))){
stop("not all ID_custom of df.ids and df.soils are equal")
}else {
ls.soils <- df.soils %>%
dplyr::left_join(df.ids, by = c("ID", "ID_custom")) %>%
dplyr::arrange(ID, mat, -upper) %>%
dplyr::select(ID, ID_custom, everything()) %>%
ls.soils <- lapply(ls.soils, FUN = fnc_depth_disc)
if(!all(c("slope", "aspect") %in% colnames(df.ids))){
ls.soils <- lapply(ls.soils, FUN = dplyr::left_join, y = df.dgm, by = "ID")
ls.soils <- lapply(ls.soils, FUN = dplyr::mutate, upper = upper/-100)
ls.soils <- lapply(ls.soils, FUN = dplyr::mutate, lower = lower/-100)
ls.OWN <- lapply(ls.soils, function(x){cbind(x[,1:3], "nl" = 1:nrow(x), x[4:ncol(x)])})
names(ls.OWN) <- df.ids$ID_custom
# PTF-application: -------------------------------------- ####
if(MvG_own_vals == T){
# check if all necessary columns are there:
if(!all(c("ths", "thr", "alpha", "npar", "mpar", "ksat", "tort") %in% names(df.soils))){
missingcol <- c("ths", "thr", "alpha", "npar", "mpar", "ksat", "tort")[!c("ths", "thr", "alpha", "npar", "mpar", "ksat", "tort") %in% names(df.soils)]
cat(missingcol, "is missing in df.soils for PTF-application of ", PTF_to_use, "\n")
stop("missing columns")
if(any(stringr::str_detect(soiloptions_to_test, "BZE"))){
ls.BZE[as.numeric(which(!unlist(lapply(ls.BZE, is.null))==T))] <- lapply(ls.BZE[as.numeric(which(!unlist(lapply(ls.BZE, is.null))==T))],
FUN = fnc_PTF, PTF_used = PTF_to_use)
if(any(stringr::str_detect(soiloptions_to_test, "STOK"))){
ls.STOK[IDs_complete] <- lapply(ls.STOK[IDs_complete], FUN = fnc_PTF, PTF_used = PTF_to_use)
} else {
if(any(stringr::str_detect(soiloptions_to_test, "OWN"))){
ls.OWN <- lapply(ls.OWN, FUN = fnc_PTF, PTF_used = PTF_to_use)
if(any(stringr::str_detect(soiloptions_to_test, "BZE"))){
ls.BZE[as.numeric(which(!unlist(lapply(ls.BZE, is.null))==T))] <- lapply(ls.BZE[as.numeric(which(!unlist(lapply(ls.BZE, is.null))==T))] ,
FUN = fnc_PTF, PTF_used = PTF_to_use)
if(any(stringr::str_detect(soiloptions_to_test, "STOK"))){
ls.STOK[IDs_complete] <- lapply(ls.STOK[IDs_complete], FUN = fnc_PTF, PTF_used = PTF_to_use)
# MvG-limitation if desired: ----------------------------- ####
if(any(stringr::str_detect(soiloptions_to_test, "OWN"))){
ls.OWN <- lapply(ls.OWN, FUN = fnc_limit)
if(any(stringr::str_detect(soiloptions_to_test, "BZE"))){
ls.BZE[as.numeric(which(!unlist(lapply(ls.BZE, is.null))==T))] <- lapply(ls.BZE[as.numeric(which(!unlist(lapply(ls.BZE, is.null))==T))] ,
FUN = fnc_limit)
if(any(stringr::str_detect(soiloptions_to_test, "STOK"))){
ls.STOK[IDs_complete] <- lapply(ls.STOK[IDs_complete], FUN = fnc_limit)
# ls.soils <- lapply(ls.soils, FUN = fnc_limit)
# plotframe creation ------------------------------------- ####
ls.plotframes <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(df.ids)){
if(length(soiloptions_to_test) == 2){
df.test1 <- get(paste0("ls.", soiloptions_to_test[1]))[[i]]
df.test2 <- get(paste0("ls.", soiloptions_to_test[2]))[[i]]
if(any(sapply(list(df.test1, df.test2), is.null))){
ls.plotframes[[i]] <- cbind(list(df.test1, df.test2)[[which(sapply(list(df.test1, df.test2), is.null) == F)]],
"option" = soiloptions_to_test[which(sapply(list(df.test1, df.test2), is.null) == F)])
ls.plotframes[[i]] <- rbind(cbind(df.test1,
"option" = soiloptions_to_test[1]),
"option" = soiloptions_to_test[2]))
} else if (length(soiloptions_to_test) == 3){
df.test1 <- get(paste0("ls.", soiloptions_to_test[1]))[[i]]
df.test2 <- get(paste0("ls.", soiloptions_to_test[2]))[[i]]
df.test3 <- get(paste0("ls.", soiloptions_to_test[3]))[[i]]
if(any(sapply(list(df.test1, df.test2, df.test3), is.null))){
count <- 0
for( k in which(sapply(list(df.test1, df.test2, df.test3), is.null) == F)){
count <- count + 1
df.1 <- cbind(list(df.test1, df.test2, df.test3)[[k]],
"option" = soiloptions_to_test[k])
if(count == 1){
df.final <- df.1
df.final <- rbind(df.final, df.1)
ls.plotframes[[i]] <- df.final
ls.plotframes[[i]] <- rbind(cbind(df.test1,
"option" = soiloptions_to_test[1]),
"option" = soiloptions_to_test[2]),
"option" = soiloptions_to_test[3]) )
fnc_to_upper <- function(df){
colnames(df) <- toupper(colnames(df))
ls.plotframes <- lapply(ls.plotframes, fnc_filter, depths = depths_to_test)
ls.plotframes <- lapply(ls.plotframes, fnc_to_upper)
# plotting ----------------------------------------------- ####
df.match <- data.frame("OPTION" = c("STOK", "BZE", "OWN"),
"color" = c("red", "blue", "green"))
psi_vals <- 10^(seq(log10(1), log10(100000), length.out = 500))
for(id in 1:nrow(df.ids)){
png(filename = paste0(output_path, df.ids$ID_custom[id], ".png"),
width = 16, height = 9, units = "in", res = 300)
par(mfrow = c(length(depths_to_test), 4),
oma = c(1,1,3,1))
#layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4,4,5,6,7,8,8,9), 2, 5, byrow = TRUE))
for(i in depths_to_test){
df.test <- subset(ls.plotframes[[id]], DEPTH == i)
soiltexture::TT.plot(class.sys = "DE.BK94.TT",
tri.data = df.test,
main = "Soil Texture",
tri.sum.tst = F,
col = as.character(df.match[match(df.test$OPTION, df.match$OPTION), "color"]),
cex = 2,
pch = 19,
new.mar = c(1,5,3,2),
cex.axis = 0.8,
cex.lab = 0.8,
cex.main = 1)
# MvG
par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
thsmax <- max(df.test$THS)+0.1
ksatmax <- max(log10(df.test$KSAT))
plot(log10(psi_vals), fnc_MvG.swc(psi = psi_vals,
alpha = df.test$ALPHA[[1]]/100,
n = df.test$NPAR[[1]],
ThS = df.test$THS[[1]],
ThR = df.test$THR[[1]],
m = df.test$MPAR[[1]]), ylim =c(0,thsmax),
col = as.character(df.match[match(df.test$OPTION[[1]], df.match$OPTION), "color"]),
xlab = "pressure head (pF)", ylab = "soil water content",
main = "Water Retention Curve")
if(nrow(df.test) > 1){
points(log10(psi_vals), fnc_MvG.swc(psi = psi_vals,
alpha = df.test$ALPHA[[2]]/100,
n = df.test$NPAR[[2]],
ThS = df.test$THS[[2]],
ThR = df.test$THR[[2]],
m = df.test$MPAR[[2]]),
col = as.character(df.match[match(df.test$OPTION[[2]], df.match$OPTION), "color"]))
if(nrow(df.test) == 3){
points(log10(psi_vals), fnc_MvG.swc(psi = psi_vals,
alpha = df.test$ALPHA[[3]]/100,
n = df.test$NPAR[[3]],
ThS = df.test$THS[[3]],
ThR = df.test$THR[[3]],
m = df.test$MPAR[[3]]),
col = as.character(df.match[match(df.test$OPTION[[3]], df.match$OPTION), "color"]))
y_pl = log10(SoilHyP::Ku(suc = psi_vals, FUN.shp = "vGM", modality = "uni", suc.negativ = F,
par.shp = list(Ks = df.test$KSAT[[1]],
ths = df.test$THS[[1]],
thr = df.test$THR[[1]],
n = df.test$NPAR[[1]],
alfa = df.test$ALPHA[[1]]/100,
tau = df.test$TORT[[1]])))
plot(x = log10(psi_vals), y = y_pl,
ylim = c(min(y_pl),ksatmax),
col = as.character(df.match[match(df.test$OPTION[[1]], df.match$OPTION), "color"]),
xlab = "pressure head (pF)", ylab = "conductivity [log10 Ku]",
main = "Conductivity Curve")
if(nrow(df.test) > 1){
points(log10(psi_vals), log10(SoilHyP::Ku(suc = psi_vals, FUN.shp = "vGM", modality = "uni", suc.negativ = F,
par.shp = list(Ks = df.test$KSAT[[2]],
ths = df.test$THS[[2]],
thr = df.test$THR[[2]],
n = df.test$NPAR[[2]],
alfa = df.test$ALPHA[[2]]/100,
tau = df.test$TORT[[2]]))),
col = as.character(df.match[match(df.test$OPTION[[2]], df.match$OPTION), "color"]))
if(nrow(df.test) == 3){
points(log10(psi_vals), log10(SoilHyP::Ku(suc = psi_vals, FUN.shp = "vGM", modality = "uni", suc.negativ = F,
par.shp = list(Ks = df.test$KSAT[[3]],
ths = df.test$THS[[3]],
thr = df.test$THR[[3]],
n = df.test$NPAR[[3]],
alfa = df.test$ALPHA[[3]]/100,
tau = df.test$TORT[[3]]))),
col = as.character(df.match[match(df.test$OPTION[[3]], df.match$OPTION), "color"]))
col = "white",
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ann = F,
xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1),
axes = F)
text(0, 0.9, "Other Comparative Values: ", cex = 1.5, font = 2)
text(-0.5, 0.6, paste0("Soil Option |\n\n", paste(df.test$OPTION, collapse = "\n")), cex = 1.2)
text(0, 0.6, paste0("gravel |\n\n", paste(df.test$GRAVEL, collapse = "\n")), cex = 1.2)
text(0.3, 0.6, paste0(" bd |\n\n", paste(df.test$BD, collapse = "\n")), cex = 1.2)
text(0.7, 0.6, paste0(" oc.pct\n\n", paste(df.test$OC.PCT, collapse = "\n")), cex = 1.2)
text(1.2, 0.6, paste0("depth: ", i, " m"), cex = 1.5, srt = -90)
mtext(paste("comparative graphs for ID:", df.ids$ID_custom[id],
"\n ", paste(soiloptions_to_test, collapse = " / "),
" in ", paste(df.match[match(soiloptions_to_test, df.match$OPTION), "color"], collapse = " / ") ),
outer = T)
} else if (what_to_test == "PTFs"){
# initial tasks ------------------------------------------ ####
# sort dfs according to IDs
df.ids$ID <- 1:nrow(df.ids)
# transformation of ids to GK3 for slope & aspect
xy_gk <- fnc_transf_crs(df = df.ids)
dgm.stack <- raster::stack(list.files(input_paul, pattern = "aspect.sdat|slope.sdat", full.names=T))
df.dgm <- cbind("ID" = df.ids$ID,
as.data.frame(fnc_extract_points_dgm(lay = dgm.stack, xy = xy_gk, buffering = T)))
# initialise list
ls.soils <- vector("list", length = nrow(df.ids))
names(ls.soils) <- df.ids$ID_custom
# choice of data origin: -------------------------------- ####
if(soiloption_to_use == "STOK"){
# subset currently still active for faster processing - to be expanded to BW in the future
sf.testgeb <- get(paste0("sf.STOK.", testgebiet))
df.LEIT <- get(paste0("df.LEIT.", testgebiet))
sf.ids <- sf::st_as_sf(df.ids, coords = c("easting", "northing"), crs = 32632) %>%
sf::st_join(sf.testgeb) %>%
sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
dplyr::select(ID, ID_custom, RST_F)
# no forest
RST_noforest <- c(39272, 39273, 0, 39343, 42046)
# swamp
test <- df.LEIT %>% filter(humusform == "Moor")
RST_moor <- unique(test$RST_F)
RST_miss <- c(RST_moor, RST_noforest)
rm(list = c("RST_noforest", "RST_moor", "test"))
IDs_miss <- sf.ids$ID[(is.na(sf.ids$RST_F) | sf.ids$RST_F %in% RST_miss)] # remove non-forest-rst_fs
IDs_complete <- which(!(is.na(sf.ids$RST_F)| sf.ids$RST_F %in% RST_miss)) # IDs good
# all IDs mapped by STOKA
if(length(IDs_miss) == 0){
ls.soils <- fnc_soil_stok(df = sf.ids,
df.LEIT = get(paste0("df.LEIT.", testgebiet)),
PTF_to_use = PTF_to_use,
dgm = df.dgm)
names(ls.soils) <- df.ids$ID_custom
} else {
cat("IDs ", as.character(df.ids[IDs_miss, "ID_custom"]), " are not mapped by STOKA. How do you wish to proceed? \nPress \"1\" for not modelling missing IDs.\nPress \"2\" for using regionalised BZE-Data for missing IDs.")
how_to_proceed <- readline(prompt = "Continue with ")
if(how_to_proceed == "1"){
sf.ids <- sf.ids[complete.cases(sf.ids),] # remove missing IDs
ls.soils <- fnc_soil_stok(df = sf.ids,
df.LEIT = get(paste0("df.LEIT.", testgebiet)),
PTF_to_use = PTF_to_use,
dgm = df.dgm)
names(ls.soils) <- df.ids$ID_custom[IDs_complete]
val_IDs <- df.ids$ID_custom[IDs_complete]
if(how_to_proceed == "2"){
#ls.soils <- list()
ls.soils[IDs_complete] <- fnc_soil_stok(df = sf.ids[IDs_complete,],
df.LEIT = get(paste0("df.LEIT.", testgebiet)),
PTF_to_use = PTF_to_use,
dgm = df.dgm)
df.ids <- df.ids %>%
dplyr::left_join(df.dgm, by = "ID")
xy_gk_miss <- fnc_transf_crs(df = df.ids[IDs_miss,],
to_crs = "UTM_25832")
ls.soils[IDs_miss] <- fnc_soil_bze(df.utm = xy_gk_miss,
df.assign = df.ids[IDs_miss,],
buffering = (!is.na(bze_buffer)),
buff_width = bze_buffer)
ls.soils <- ls.soils[as.numeric(which(!unlist(lapply(ls.soils, is.null))==T))]
names(ls.soils) <- unlist(lapply(ls.soils, function(x) unique(x$ID_custom)))
val_IDs <- names(ls.soils)
} else if (soiloption_to_use == "BZE") {
df.ids <- df.ids %>%
dplyr::left_join(df.dgm, by = "ID")
xy_proj <- fnc_transf_crs(df = df.ids,
to_crs = "UTM_25832")
ls.soils <- fnc_soil_bze(df.utm = xy_proj,
df.assign = df.ids,
buffering = (!is.na(bze_buffer)),
buff_width = bze_buffer,
meta.out = meta.out)
ls.soils <- ls.soils[as.numeric(which(!unlist(lapply(ls.soils, is.null))==T))]
names(ls.soils) <- unlist(lapply(ls.soils, function(x) unique(x$ID_custom)))
val_IDs <- names(ls.soils)
} else if (soiloption_to_use == "OWN") {
if(!all(df.ids$ID_custom == unique(df.soils$ID_custom))){
stop("not all ID_custom of df.ids and df.soils are equal")
} else {
ls.soils <- df.soils %>%
dplyr::left_join(df.ids, by = "ID_custom") %>%
dplyr::arrange(ID, mat, -upper) %>%
dplyr::select(ID, ID_custom, everything()) %>%
ls.soils <- lapply(ls.soils, FUN = fnc_depth_disc)
if(!all(c("slope", "aspect") %in% colnames(df.ids))){
ls.soils <- lapply(ls.soils, FUN = dplyr::left_join, y = df.dgm, by = "ID")
ls.soils <- lapply(ls.soils, FUN = dplyr::mutate, upper = upper/-100)
ls.soils <- lapply(ls.soils, FUN = dplyr::mutate, lower = lower/-100)
ls.soils <- lapply(ls.soils, function(x){cbind(x[,1:3], "nl" = 1:nrow(x), x[4:ncol(x)])})
names(ls.soils) <- df.ids$ID_custom
val_IDs <- df.ids$ID_custom
} else {
stop("Please provide valid soil-option")
# PTF-application: ----------------------------------------- ####
if(any(stringr::str_detect(PTF_to_test, "OWN_PARMS"))){
# check if all necessary columns are there:
if(!all(c("ths", "thr", "alpha", "npar", "mpar", "ksat", "tort") %in% names(df.soils))){
missingcol <- c("ths", "thr", "alpha", "npar", "mpar", "ksat", "tort")[!c("ths", "thr", "alpha", "npar", "mpar", "ksat", "tort") %in% names(df.soils)]
cat(missingcol, "is missing in df.soils for PTF-application of ", PTF_to_use, "\n")
stop("missing columns")
ls.OWN_PARMS <- ls.soils
# drop the MvG columns so they can be created by fnc_PTF
ls.soils <- lapply(ls.soils, function(x) x[!(names(x) %in% c("ths", "thr", "alpha", "npar", "mpar", "ksat", "tort"))])
for (ptf in PTF_to_test[which(PTF_to_test != "OWN_PARMS")]){
assign(paste0("ls.", ptf), lapply(ls.soils, FUN = fnc_PTF, PTF_used = ptf))
} else {
for (ptf in PTF_to_test){
assign(paste0("ls.", ptf), lapply(ls.soils, FUN = fnc_PTF, PTF_used = ptf))
# MvG-limitation if desired: ------------------------------- ####
for(ptf in PTF_to_test){
assign(paste0("ls.", ptf), lapply(get(paste0("ls.", ptf)), FUN = fnc_limit))
# plotframe creation ------------------------------------- ####
for(ptf in PTF_to_test){
assign(paste0("ls.",which(PTF_to_test == ptf)), lapply(get(paste0("ls.", ptf)),cbind, "OPTION"=ptf))
if(length(PTF_to_test) == 2){
ls.plotframes <- lapply(seq_along(ls.1), function(x) rbind(ls.1[[x]], ls.2[[x]]))
}else if(length(PTF_to_test) == 3){
ls.plotframes <- lapply(seq_along(ls.1), function(x) rbind(ls.1[[x]], ls.2[[x]], ls.3[[x]]))
}else if(length(PTF_to_test) == 4){
ls.plotframes <- lapply(seq_along(ls.1), function(x) rbind(ls.1[[x]], ls.2[[x]], ls.3[[x]], ls.4[[x]]))
fnc_to_upper <- function(df){
colnames(df) <- toupper(colnames(df))
ls.plotframes <- lapply(ls.plotframes, fnc_filter, depths = depths_to_test)
ls.plotframes <- lapply(ls.plotframes, fnc_to_upper)
# plotting ----------------------------------------------- ####
df.match <- data.frame("OPTION" = c("HYPRES", "PTFPUH2", "WESSOLEK", "OWN_PARMS"),
"color" = c("red", "blue", "green", "purple"))
psi_vals <- 10^(seq(log10(1), log10(100000), length.out = 500))
for(id in 1:length(ls.soils)){
png(filename = paste0(output_path, val_IDs[id], ".png"),
width = 12, height = 7, units = "in", res = 300)
par(oma = c(1,1,3,1))
layout(matrix(1:(2*length(depths_to_test)), nrow=2, byrow=F))
for(i in depths_to_test){
df.test <- subset(ls.plotframes[[id]], DEPTH == i)
# MvG
thsmax <- max(df.test$THS)+0.1
ksatmax <- max(log10(df.test$KSAT))
plot(log10(psi_vals), fnc_MvG.swc(psi = psi_vals,
alpha = df.test$ALPHA[[1]]/100,
n = df.test$NPAR[[1]],
ThS = df.test$THS[[1]],
ThR = df.test$THR[[1]],
m = df.test$MPAR[[1]]), ylim =c(0,thsmax),
col = as.character(df.match[match(df.test$OPTION[[1]], df.match$OPTION), "color"]),
xlab = "pressure head (pF)", ylab = "soil water content",
main = paste0("depth: ", i, " m"))
if(nrow(df.test) > 1){
points(log10(psi_vals), fnc_MvG.swc(psi = psi_vals,
alpha = df.test$ALPHA[[2]]/100,
n = df.test$NPAR[[2]],
ThS = df.test$THS[[2]],
ThR = df.test$THR[[2]],
m = df.test$MPAR[[2]]),
col = as.character(df.match[match(df.test$OPTION[[2]], df.match$OPTION), "color"]))
if(nrow(df.test) == 3){
points(log10(psi_vals), fnc_MvG.swc(psi = psi_vals,
alpha = df.test$ALPHA[[3]]/100,
n = df.test$NPAR[[3]],
ThS = df.test$THS[[3]],
ThR = df.test$THR[[3]],
m = df.test$MPAR[[3]]),
col = as.character(df.match[match(df.test$OPTION[[3]], df.match$OPTION), "color"]))
if(nrow(df.test) == 4){
points(log10(psi_vals), fnc_MvG.swc(psi = psi_vals,
alpha = df.test$ALPHA[[4]]/100,
n = df.test$NPAR[[4]],
ThS = df.test$THS[[4]],
ThR = df.test$THR[[4]],
m = df.test$MPAR[[4]]),
col = as.character(df.match[match(df.test$OPTION[[4]], df.match$OPTION), "color"]))
y_pl = log10(SoilHyP::Ku(suc = psi_vals, FUN.shp = "vGM", modality = "uni", suc.negativ = F,
par.shp = list(Ks = df.test$KSAT[[1]],
ths = df.test$THS[[1]],
thr = df.test$THR[[1]],
n = df.test$NPAR[[1]],
alfa = df.test$ALPHA[[1]]/100,
tau = df.test$TORT[[1]])))
plot(x = log10(psi_vals), y = y_pl,
ylim = c(min(y_pl),ksatmax),
col = as.character(df.match[match(df.test$OPTION[[1]], df.match$OPTION), "color"]),
xlab = "pressure head (pF)", ylab = "conductivity [log10 Ku]")
if(nrow(df.test) > 1){
points(log10(psi_vals), log10(SoilHyP::Ku(suc = psi_vals, FUN.shp = "vGM", modality = "uni", suc.negativ = F,
par.shp = list(Ks = df.test$KSAT[[2]],
ths = df.test$THS[[2]],
thr = df.test$THR[[2]],
n = df.test$NPAR[[2]],
alfa = df.test$ALPHA[[2]]/100,
tau = df.test$TORT[[2]]))),
col = as.character(df.match[match(df.test$OPTION[[2]], df.match$OPTION), "color"]))
if(nrow(df.test) == 3){
points(log10(psi_vals), log10(SoilHyP::Ku(suc = psi_vals, FUN.shp = "vGM", modality = "uni", suc.negativ = F,
par.shp = list(Ks = df.test$KSAT[[3]],
ths = df.test$THS[[3]],
thr = df.test$THR[[3]],
n = df.test$NPAR[[3]],
alfa = df.test$ALPHA[[3]]/100,
tau = df.test$TORT[[3]]))),
col = as.character(df.match[match(df.test$OPTION[[3]], df.match$OPTION), "color"]))
if(nrow(df.test) == 4){
points(log10(psi_vals), log10(SoilHyP::Ku(suc = psi_vals, FUN.shp = "vGM", modality = "uni", suc.negativ = F,
par.shp = list(Ks = df.test$KSAT[[4]],
ths = df.test$THS[[4]],
thr = df.test$THR[[4]],
n = df.test$NPAR[[4]],
alfa = df.test$ALPHA[[4]]/100,
tau = df.test$TORT[[4]]))),
col = as.character(df.match[match(df.test$OPTION[[4]], df.match$OPTION), "color"]))
mtext(paste("comparative graphs (water retention curve (above) and conductivity curve (below)) for ID: ", val_IDs[id],
"\n ", paste(PTF_to_test, collapse = " / "),
" in ", paste(df.match[match(PTF_to_test, df.match$OPTION), "color"], collapse = " / ") ),
outer = T)
} else {
stop("Please provide valid what_to_test option.")
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