
Defines functions `exportTargetToGFF`

# exprotTargetToGFF.R -- turn a target set of species into a single GFF file

`exportTargetToGFF` <- function( target=getCurrentTarget()$TargetID,
				outfile=paste( target, "gff", sep=".")) {

	# load the wanted target
	prevTarget <- curTarget <- getCurrentTarget()$TargetID
	prevSpecies <- getCurrentSpecies()
	if ( curTarget != target) curTarget <- setCurrentTarget( target)
	curSpeciesSet <- getCurrentTargetSpecies()

	# open the new file for writing, and put out the GFF header
	con <- file( outfile, open="wt")
	writeLines( "##gff-version 3", con=con)

	# put out each chromosome as a region pragma
	for ( s in curSpeciesSet) {
		smap <- getCurrentSeqMap()
		txt <- paste( "##sequence-region", smap$SEQ_ID, 1, smap$LENGTH, sep="\t")
		writeLines( txt, con=con)

	# local functions
	write.Gene.Line <- function( seqid, pos, end, strand, attribs) {
		txt <- paste( seqid, ".", "gene", pos, end, ".", strand, ".", attribs, sep="\t")
		writeLines( txt, con=con)

	write.mRNA.Line <- function( seqid, gid, pos, end, nam, strand, prod) {
		mRNAid <- paste( gid, "mRNA", sep=".")
		attribs <- paste( "ID=", mRNAid, ";Parent=", gid, ";Name=", nam, 
					";Note=\"", prod, "\"", sep="")
		txt <- paste( seqid, ".", "mRNA", pos, end, ".", strand,
				".", attribs, sep="\t")
		writeLines( txt, con=con)

	write.Exon.Lines <- function( seqid, gid, emap, cdsmap) {
		Nexons <- nrow( emap)
		mRNAid <- paste( gid, "mRNA", sep=".")
		exonid <- paste( gid, "exon", 1:Nexons, sep=".")
		attribs <- paste( "ID=", exonid, ";Parent=", mRNAid, sep="")
		myStrand <- emap$STRAND[1]
		if ( Nexons > 1) {
			if (myStrand == "+") {
				ord <- order( emap$POSITION, decreasing=FALSE)
			} else {
				ord <- order( emap$END, decreasing=TRUE)
			if ( any( ord != 1:Nexons)) emap <- emap[ ord, ]
		pos <- as.integer( emap$POSITION)
		end <- as.integer( emap$END)
		txt <- paste( seqid, ".", "exon", pos, end, ".", emap$STRAND, ".", attribs, sep="\t")
		writeLines( txt, con=con)
		# calc the phasing for CDS
		Ncds <- nrow( cdsmap)
		cdsid <- paste( gid, "cds", 1:Ncds, sep=".")
		nbp <- end - pos + 1
		myPhase <- rep.int( 0, Ncds)
		if ( Ncds > 1) {
			cumbp <- cumsum( nbp)
			isMod1 <- which( cumbp[1:(Ncds-1)] %% 3 == 1)
			myPhase[ isMod1 + 1] <- 2
			isMod2 <- which( cumbp[1:(Ncds-1)] %% 3 == 2)
			myPhase[ isMod2 + 1] <- 1
		attribs <- paste( "ID=", cdsid, ";Parent=", mRNAid, sep="")
		txt <- paste( seqid, ".", "CDS", pos, end, ".", cdsmap$STRAND, myPhase, attribs, sep="\t")
		writeLines( txt, con=con)

	# now visit every gene
	for ( s in curSpeciesSet) {
		smap <- getCurrentSeqMap()
		geneMap <- getCurrentGeneMap()
		exonMap <- getCurrentExonMap()
		cdsMap <- getCurrentCdsMap()
		for ( seqid in smap$SEQ_ID) {
			gmap <- subset.data.frame( geneMap, SEQ_ID == seqid & REAL_G == TRUE)
			if ( nrow( gmap) < 1) next
			emap <- subset.data.frame( exonMap, SEQ_ID == seqid)
			cmap <- subset.data.frame( cdsMap, SEQ_ID == seqid)
			ord <- order( gmap$POSITION)
			gmap <- gmap[ ord, ]
			cat( "\n", s, seqid, "\n")
			allGenes <- gmap$GENE_ID
			allNames <- gmap$NAME
			allPos <- as.integer( gmap$POSITION)
			allEnd <- as.integer( gmap$END)
			allStrands <- gmap$STRAND
			allProds <- gsub( ";", "", gmap$PRODUCT)
			allAttribs <- paste( "ID=", allGenes, ";", "Name=", allNames, sep="")
			for ( i in 1:nrow(gmap)) {
				thisG <- allGenes[i]
				write.Gene.Line( seqid, allPos[i], allEnd[i], allStrands[i], allAttribs[i])
				eemap <- subset.data.frame( emap, GENE_ID == thisG)
				ccmap <- subset.data.frame( cmap, GENE_ID == thisG)
				if ( nrow( eemap)) {
					write.mRNA.Line( seqid, thisG, allPos[i], allEnd[i], allNames[i], 
							allStrands[i], allProds[i])
					write.Exon.Lines( seqid, thisG, eemap, ccmap)
				if ( i %% 10 == 0) cat( "\r", i, thisG)
	cat( "\nDone.\n")
	close( con)

	setCurrentTarget( prevTarget)
	setCurrentSpecies( prevSpecies)
robertdouglasmorrison/DuffyTools documentation built on April 16, 2024, 6:31 a.m.