
Defines functions findInsertions getCntTable emptyResult cntTableStat

Documented in findInsertions

#' findInsertions
#' Identify highly likely insertion-sites in an tagMeppr-object.
#' @author Robin H. van der Weide, \email{r.vd.weide@nki.nl}
#' @param exp The tagMeppr-object of a sample: first run \code{\link{align}}.
#' @param ref A reference object of \code{\link{makeIndex}} or \code{\link{loadIndex}}.
#' @param padding Add padding to the start/end of reads in relation to the TIS.
#' Default is half of the TIS (i.e. 2bp whit Piggybac), meaning that the mapper
#' can report a match Xbp further than the TIS (i.e. TTAA).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' reference_hg19_PB = makeIndex(indexPath = '/home/A.Dent/analysis42/',
#'                               bsgenome = 'BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19',
#'                               ITR = 'PiggyBac')
#' C9 = newTagMeppr(F1 = 'clone9_FWD_R1.fq.gz',
#'                  F2 = 'clone9_FWD_R2.fq.gz',
#'                  R1 = 'clone9_REV_R1.fq.gz',
#'                  R2 = 'clone9_REV_R2.fq.gz',
#'                  name = "clone9",
#'                  protocol = 'PiggyBac')
#' align(exp = C9, ref = reference_hg19_PB, cores = 30, empericalCentre = T)
#' findInsertions(exp = C9, ref = reference_hg19_PB)
#' }
#' @return The object will be updated with a results-table:
#' \describe{
#' \item{fwdCount}{Forward read-counts at this insertion-site}
#' \item{fwdOrient}{Forward read-orientation at the insertion}
#' \item{D_FWD}{The imbalance of forward reads on both sides of the
#' site: D = 0 means no imbalance}
#' \item{fwdBinom}{The probability of the imbalance}
#' \item{revCount}{Reverse read-counts at this insertion-site}
#' \item{revOrient}{Reverse read-orientation at the insertion}
#' \item{D_REV}{The imbalance of forward reads on both sides of the site: D = 0
#' means no imbalance}
#' \item{revBinom}{The probability of the imbalance}
#' \item{pMarkerMeppR}{The combined probability of the imbalances}
#' \item{padj}{Bonferroni-adjusted probabilties}
#' \item{orientation}{The orientation of the insertion}
#' }
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges countOverlaps makeGRangesFromDataFrame findOverlaps GRanges strand
#' @importFrom IRanges subsetByOverlaps
#' @importFrom metap sump
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits subjectHits mcols
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @export
findInsertions = function(exp, ref, padding = NULL){

    padding = IRanges::width(ref$TIS[1])/2
  }; if(is.na(padding)){padding = 2}

  BAMlist = list('FWD' = exp$alignedReadsFWD,
                 'REV' = exp$alignedReadsREV)

    stop('No reads found. Did you run align()?')

  TIS = ref$TIS

  allReadRegions = GenomicRanges::reduce(unlist((GenomicRanges::GRangesList(BAMlist))))
  TISwithHits = suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(TIS, allReadRegions))
  TISwithHits = TISwithHits[seqnames(TISwithHits) != exp$insertName]

  ################################################################ get cntTables
  cntTableList = getCntTable(BAMlist, TISwithHits)

  # check if there is at least one TIS in common
  STRINGS = lapply(cntTableList, function(x){
      apply(x[,1:2], 1, paste, collapse = "_"),
      pattern = ' ',
      replacement = "") })

  checkTIS =  any(STRINGS$FWD %in% STRINGS$REV)

  if(length(checkTIS) == 0){checkTIS = F}

  ##################################################################### do stats
  resultsDF = NULL
    # no hits
    resultsDF = emptyResult()
  } else {
    # yeah! hits!
    TISintersect = cntTableStat(BAMlist, cntTableList)

      # no hits
      resultsDF = emptyResult()

  ########################################################## combine FWD and REV

    FWD = GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(keep.extra.columns = T,
    REV = GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(keep.extra.columns = T,
    FO = GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(FWD, REV)

    FWD = as.data.frame(FWD)[S4Vectors::queryHits(FO),]
    REV = as.data.frame(REV)[S4Vectors::subjectHits(FO),]

    merged = cbind(FWD[,-c(4:7)],REV[,-c(1:7)])
    colnames(merged)[4:7]  = paste0('fwd',colnames(merged)[4:7])
    colnames(merged)[8:11] = paste0('rev',colnames(merged)[8:11])

    # filter out TISs with the same D in FWD and REV
    merged = merged[!(merged$fwdD > 0 & merged$revD > 0),]
    merged = merged[!(merged$fwdD < 0 & merged$revD < 0),]

    # filter out TISs with a D of 0
    merged = merged[merged$fwdD != 0 ,]
    merged = merged[merged$revD != 0 ,]

    merged = merged[merged$fwdbeforePad != merged$revbeforePad,]

    # if TIS is found twice, this means is has beforePad T and F for both.
    # keep with highest counts
    merged$ID <- apply(merged[,1:2], 1, paste0, collapse = "_")
    TF <- names(table(merged$ID)[table(merged$ID)  > 1])

    if(length(TF) > 0){

      merged <- split(merged,merged$ID)

      merged <- lapply(merged, function(x){
        if(nrow(x) == 1){
        } else {

      merged <- dplyr::bind_rows(merged)

    merged$ID <- NULL

    ########################################################### combine P-values
    rownames(merged) = NULL
    if(nrow(merged) > 0){

      merged[merged$fwdpBinom == 0, "fwdpBinom"] = min(c(2.2e-16,
                                                         merged[merged$fwdpBinom > 0, "fwdpBinom"]))
      merged[merged$revpBinom == 0, "revpBinom"] = min(c(2.2e-16,
                                                         merged[merged$revpBinom > 0, "revpBinom"]))

      merged$fwdpBinom[merged$fwdpBinom == Inf] = 2.2e-16
      merged$revpBinom[merged$revpBinom == Inf] = 2.2e-16

      #  do sumlog
      merged$pval = apply(merged[,c(7,11)], 1, function(x){y = metap::sump(x)$p})
      merged$padj = stats::p.adjust(merged$pval)

      ############################################################ set orientation
      merged$fwdbeforePad = NULL
      merged$revbeforePad = NULL

      merged = GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(merged, keep.extra.columns = T)

      ORIENTATION = '*'
      ORIENTATION[merged$revD < 0 &
                    merged$fwdD > 0] = "+"
      ORIENTATION[merged$revD > 0 &
                    merged$fwdD < 0] = "-"

      # switch
        warning('checkPrimer not used.
              Will not try to flip orientation.')

      } else if(exp$rev5_fwd3){
        GenomicRanges::strand(merged) = ORIENTATION
      } else {
        ORIENTATION = ifelse(ORIENTATION == '+', '-','+')
        GenomicRanges::strand(merged) = ORIENTATION

      colnames(S4Vectors::mcols(merged)) = c('fwdCount',

      resultsDF = merged

    } else {
      resultsDF = emptyResult()


  ##################################################################### assigner
  exp$results = resultsDF
  tmp = exp
  # get arguments
  name <- sapply(match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)[-1], deparse)
  #find argument postion for exp
  AP = which(names(name) == 'exp')

  assign(name[AP], tmp, envir = parent.frame())



###########################                      ###############################
###########################        UTILS         ###############################
###########################                      ###############################

getCntTable = function(BAMlist, TISwithHits){

  cntTableList = lapply(BAMlist, function(x){
    ################################################################## beforePAD
    GRT = x[x$beforePad == T]

    TIST = TISwithHits
    TIST$cnt = 0
    TIST$cnt = suppressWarnings(GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(TIST,GRT))
    TIST$beforePad = T

    ################################################################### afterPad
    GRF = x[x$beforePad == F]

    TISF = TISwithHits
    TISF$cnt = 0
    TISF$cnt = suppressWarnings(GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(TISF,GRF))
    TISF$beforePad = F

    ################################################################### combined

    dplyr::bind_rows(as.data.frame(TISF[TISF$cnt > 1]),
                     as.data.frame(TIST[TIST$cnt > 1]))



emptyResult = function(){
  df = GenomicRanges::GRanges()

  S4Vectors::mcols(df) = data.frame(
    fwdCount = integer(),
    fwdD = numeric(),
    fwdBinom = numeric(),
    revCount = integer(),
    revD = numeric(),
    revBinom = numeric(),
    pval = numeric(),
    padj = numeric())


cntTableStat = function(BAMlist, cntTableList, padding = 2){

  if(any(sapply(cntTableList, nrow) == 0)){
  } else {

    tmp = lapply(c('REV','FWD'), function(ORI){

      CNT = cntTableList[names(cntTableList) == ORI][[1]]
      readsGR = BAMlist[names(BAMlist) == ORI][[1]]

      ###################################################### get overlapping reads
      cntTableGR = GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(CNT)

      hitDF = as.data.frame(suppressWarnings(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(readsGR,
      hitDF = split(hitDF$queryHits, hitDF$subjectHits)
      hitDF = lapply(hitDF, function(x){as.data.frame(readsGR[x])})

      CNT$D = 0
      CNT$pBinom = 1
      cntTablelapply = lapply(1:nrow(CNT), function(TISidx){

        thisTIS = cntTableGR[TISidx]

        # hits = subsetByOverlaps(readsGR, thisTIS) # <- put outside
        HHH = hitDF[[TISidx]]

        # ggplot(HHH, aes(xmin = start, xmax = end, ymin = ID, ymax = ID+0.5)) +
        #   geom_rect() + geom_vline(xintercept = c(start(thisTIS), end(thisTIS)))

        HHH$placement = NA

        # down is: reads start at the TIS-start
        HHH$placement[HHH$start >= (thisTIS@ranges@start-padding)] = 'down'
        # up is: reads end at the TIS-end
        HHH$placement[HHH$end <= (thisTIS@ranges@start+4+padding) ] = 'up'

        HHH$ID = -base::rank(rowMeans(HHH[,2:3]), ties.method = "first")

        # do a simple binomtest
        stats = c('up' = sum(HHH$placement == 'up', na.rm = T),
                  'down' = sum(HHH$placement == 'down', na.rm = T),
                  'none' = sum(is.na(HHH$placement)))

        pBinom = 1
        Dscore = unname((stats[2]/sum(stats[1:2]))-.5)
        Dscore = Dscore*2
        if(sum(stats[1:2]) > 0){
          # hits!
          pBinom = stats::binom.test(stats[1], sum(stats[1:2]))$p.value

        # fill CNT
        CNT[TISidx,'D'] = Dscore
        CNT[TISidx,'pBinom'] = pBinom
      CNT = dplyr::bind_rows(cntTablelapply)
      CNT[is.nan(CNT$D),"D"] = 0

      list("readsGR" = readsGR, "cntTable" = CNT[,-c(4,5)])

    names(tmp) = c('REV','FWD')

robinweide/tagmeppr documentation built on Feb. 26, 2020, 10:41 p.m.