
Defines functions compute_MD

#compute the mean distance
#compute the mean distance between observations and projected points on fitted 
#This function is used to compute the mean distance between observations and 
#their cloest points on fitted curve. Output is list containing the mean 
#distance value $MD and a data frame $data showing the coordinates of 
#observations, projected points and the distances between them.
#@param x,y data vectors, in which to evaluate the parameters in given formula.
#@param range.X numeric vector, defining the range of x, where the model 
#  function will be applied.
#@param parms parameters of model function.
#@param fun model function
#@author Shouwen Ma <\email{shouwen.ma@@uni-konstanz.de}>
#@keywords math
# @examples
# library(DoOR.data)
# load_door_data(nointeraction = TRUE)
# x<-door_norm(Or23a[,'Hallem.2004.EN'])
# y<-door_norm(Or23a[,'Hallem.2006.EN'])
# comb.xy     <-  na.omit(cbind(x, y))
# range_x     <-  range(comb.xy[,'x'])
# range_y     <-  range(comb.xy[,'y'])
# interval.X  <-  c(-1,2)
# model_parameters <- lm(x ~ y)
# linear_parameters <- model_parameters$coef
# names(linear_parameters) <- c("Intercept", "Slope")
# bottom.x 	<- as.vector(modelfunction_linear(range_y[1],linear_parameters) )
# top.x    	<- as.vector(modelfunction_linear(range_y[2],linear_parameters) )
# range.X <- c(max(c(0, bottom.x, range_x[1])), min(c(1, top.x, range_x[2])))
# MD <- compute_MD(x=x, y=y, range.X = range.X, parms = linear_parameters, 
#       fun = modelfunction_linear)
#' @importFrom stats na.omit lm optimize
compute_MD <- function(x, y, range.X, parms, fun) {

  x_y     <- na.omit(cbind(x, y))
  pp      <- numeric()
  interval.X  <- door_default_values("interval.X")
  for (i in 1:dim(x_y)[1]) {
    w   <- x_y[i, ]
    ff2 <- function(x) {
      ry <- interval_fun(x, range.X = range.X, middleFun = fun, parms)
      return((w[1] - x)^2 + (w[2] - ry)^2)
    opt.x <- optimize(ff2, interval.X, tol = 1e-04)$minimum
    opt.y <- interval_fun(opt.x, range.X, middleFun = fun, parms)
    opt   <- c(opt.x, opt.y)
    pp    <- rbind(pp, opt,deparse.level = 0)
  colnames(pp) <- c("X", "Y")
  dist <- sqrt(apply((pp[,c("X", "Y")] - x_y)^2, 1, sum))
  MD   <- mean(dist)
  return.data  <- data.frame(x_y, pp, distance = dist )
  return(list(MD = MD, data = return.data))
ropensci/DoOR.functions documentation built on Feb. 22, 2024, 9:44 a.m.