
Defines functions showAvailableExpressionDataSets getExpressionDataSet subsetSamplesBySignificance subsetSamplesByName getSignatureGenesPerCMS getSignatureGenesPerCMSFromFit getCols fillVals randomString logIfNeeded getGgColorHue getAlpha getFit getCvfitList getLambda checkFeatureIds

Documented in checkFeatureIds fillVals getAlpha getCols getCvfitList getExpressionDataSet getFit getGgColorHue getLambda getSignatureGenesPerCMS getSignatureGenesPerCMSFromFit logIfNeeded randomString showAvailableExpressionDataSets subsetSamplesByName subsetSamplesBySignificance

##' list available expression data
##' list available expression data
##' @return vector listing the expression data sets that are available
##' @export
##' @author Robert Piskol
showAvailableExpressionDataSets <- function(){

  datasets <- data(package="CMString")$results
  datasets.expression <- subset(datasets, grepl("^exprs",datasets[,"Item"]))
  datasets.expression.names <- gsub("exprs.","",datasets.expression[,"Item"])



##' load expression data
##' load expression data
##' @param dataset string specifying which data set should be retrieved. Use showAvailableExpressionDataSets() to list available expression data  [default: "CIT"]
##' @return ExpressionSet with the requested data
##' @export
##' @import Biobase
##' @author Robert Piskol
getExpressionDataSet <- function(dataset = showAvailableExpressionDataSets()){

  dataset <- match.arg(dataset)

  message(paste0("loading ",dataset, " dataset"))
  dataset.exprs <- get(data(list=paste0("exprs.",dataset),package="CMString", envir=environment()))



##' subset samples from the results of the CMS classification based on a threshold value for the prection
##' subset samples from the results of the CMS classification based on a threshold value for the prection
##' @param x result of the CMS classification [default: none]
##' @param thresh numeric value specifying the threshold that will be used to select samples [default: none]
##' @return subsetted result of the CMS classification
##' @export
##' @author Robert Piskol
subsetSamplesBySignificance <- function(x, thresh){

    message("result of CMS classification has not been specified")
    message("threshold has not been specified")

  sdat.sig <- x$sdat.sig; pred = x$pred; clu.pred = x$clu.pred;  nam.ord = x$nam.ord

    is.sig <- apply(pred,1, function(x){any(x>thresh)})
    nam.sig <- names(is.sig[which(is.sig)])
    clu.pred[which(!names(clu.pred) %in% nam.sig)] <- NA

  nam.sig <- names(clu.pred[which(!is.na(clu.pred))])

  sdat.sig <- sdat.sig[,colnames(sdat.sig) %in% nam.sig]
  pred <- pred[rownames(pred) %in% nam.sig, ]
  clu.pred <- clu.pred[names(clu.pred)%in% nam.sig]

  idx <- match(nam.sig, nam.ord)
  nam.ord <- nam.ord[idx]

  return(list(sdat.sig = sdat.sig, pred = pred, clu.pred = clu.pred,
              nam.ord = nam.ord, gclu.f = x$gclu.f, missing.genes=x$missing.genes))

##' subset samples from the results of the CMS classification using sample names
##' subset samples from the results of the CMS classification using sample names
##' @param x result of the CMS classification [default: none]
##' @param samples vector of sample ids that will be selected from the CMS classification result [default: NULL]
##' @return subsetted result of the CMS classification
##' @export
##' @author Robert Piskol
subsetSamplesByName <- function(x, samples){

    message("result of CMS classification has not been specified")
    message("vector of samples that will be selected has not been specified")

  sdat.sig <- x$sdat.sig; pred = x$pred; clu.pred = x$clu.pred;  nam.ord = x$nam.ord;
  nam.sig <- samples
  nam.sig <- intersect(samples, names(clu.pred))
  # if(!is.null(thresh)){
  #   is.sig <- apply(pred,1, function(x){any(x>thresh)})
  #   nam.sig <- names(is.sig[which(is.sig)])
  # }

  #clu.pred[which(!names(clu.pred) %in% nam.sig)] <- NA
  #nam.sig <- names(clu.pred[which(!is.na(clu.pred))])

  sdat.sig <- sdat.sig[,colnames(sdat.sig) %in% nam.sig]
  pred <- pred[rownames(pred) %in% nam.sig, ]
  clu.pred <- clu.pred[names(clu.pred)%in% nam.sig]

  idx <- match(names(clu.pred), nam.ord)
  nam.ord <- nam.ord[idx]
  #pred <- pred[nam.ord,]

  return(list(sdat.sig = sdat.sig, pred = pred, clu.pred = clu.pred,
              nam.ord = nam.ord, gclu.f = x$gclu.f, missing.genes=x$missing.genes))

##' extract feature (gene) names/ids for a specific CMS subtype from a cvfit file
##' extract feature (gene) names/ids for a specific CMS subtype from a cvfit file
##' @param cms CMS subtype for which features should be reported. This can be a string "CMS1", "CMS2", "CMS3", "CMS4" or numeric value eg. 1,2,3,4 [default: none]
##' @param idtype one of "Entrez" or "Symbol" [default: Entrez]
##' @param s.stat Value of the penalty parameter lambda for which features will be reported [default: lambda.min]
##' @return vector of feature names
##' @export
##' @import glmnet
##' @author Robert Piskol
getSignatureGenesPerCMS <- function(cms, idtype=c("Entrez","Symbol"), s.stat="lambda.min"){

  fit <- getFit(idtype = idtype)
  cvfitlist <- getCvfitList(idtype = idtype)
  alpha <- getAlpha()
  lambda <- getLambda(cvfitlist, alpha, s.stat)

  signatureGenes <- getSignatureGenesPerCMSFromFit(fit, cms, lambda )

##' extract feature (gene) names/ids for a specific CMS subtype from a cvfit object
##' extract feature (gene) names/ids for a specific CMS subtype from a cvfit object
##' @param cvfit cvfit object generated using the cv.glmnet function [default: none]
##' @param cms CMS subtype for which features should be reported. This can be a string "CMS1", "CMS2", "CMS3", "CMS4" or numeric value eg. 1,2,3,4 [default: none]
##' @param s.stat Value of the penalty parameter lambda for which features will be reported [default: lambda.min]
##' @return vector of feature names
##' @import glmnet
##' @author Robert Piskol
getSignatureGenesPerCMSFromFit <- function(cvfit, cms, s.stat="lambda.min"){

    message("cvfit object has not been specified")
    message("CMS subtype has not been specified")
  #cvfit <- readRDS(classfile)

  cms <- gsub("CCS","",cms)
  cms <- gsub("ccs","",cms)
  cms <- gsub("CMS","",cms)
  cms <- as.numeric(cms)

  #classGenes <- rownames(coef(cvfit, s=s.stat)[[cms]])
  #classGenes <- classGenes[-1]
  signatureGenes <- coef(cvfit, s=s.stat)[[cms]]
  signatureGenes <- names(signatureGenes[signatureGenes[,1]!=0,1])
  signatureGenes <- signatureGenes[-1]

##' get colors
##' get colors
##' @param cat the category for which to return colors
##' @return vector of colors or color breaks depending on what category was requested
##' @export
##' @author Robert Piskol
getCols <- function(cat=c("COL_MUT", "COL_MUT_BK", "COL_SUB", "HEATMAP_COL3", "HEATMAP_BKS3", "CBBPALETTE")){

    message("no color category specified")
    message(paste("please specify one of:",paste(eval(formals("getCols")$cat), collapse=", ")))

  # check args
  cat <- match.arg(cat)

  # CMS colors
  COL_SUB <- c("#E08C27","#0B5E9B","#C46193","#138F63", gray(.5))

  # mutation colors
  COL_MUT <- colors()[99]
  COL_MUT_BK <- "white"
  COL_MUT_NA <- gray(0.5)

  # heatmap colors
  COL_GE_HIGH <- "darkorange"
  COL_GE_LOW <- "#1483E4"
  COL_GE_ZERO <- "white"

  HEATMAP_COL3 <- c(colorRampPalette(c(COL_GE_LOW, "white"))(120)[1:99],
                    colorRampPalette(c("white", COL_GE_HIGH))(120)[22:120])
  HEATMAP_BKS3 <- c(-20, -99:(-1)*0.02, 1:99*0.02, 20)

  CBBPALETTE <- c("#000000", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")



##' add missing genes to expression matrix. Gene expression for these genes in a particular sample will be filled with the average of gene expression across all genes in that sample
##' add missing genes to expression matrix. Gene expression for these genes in a particular sample will be filled with the average of gene expression across all genes in that sample
##' @param sdat gene expression matrix to which missing gene expression will be added (default: none)
##' @param missingGenes vector of gene IDs/symbols that will be added
##' @param addJitter boolean value specifying whether a small amount of jitter should be added to the expression of the supplemented genes (default: FALSE)
##' @param verbose specify whether messages should be printed (default: FALSE)
##' @return matrix with added values
##' @author Robert Piskol
fillVals <- function(sdat, missingGenes, addJitter=FALSE, verbose = FALSE){
    message("gene expression matrix has not been specified")
    message("vector of missing genes has not been specified")

  if(length(missingGenes) == 0){

    message(paste0("filling in expression values for ", length(missingGenes), " missing genes"))
    message(paste(missingGenes, collapse=","))

  m <- rowMeans(sdat, na.rm = T)
  mm <- mean(m, na.rm = T)
  tmp <- array(mm, dim = c(length(missingGenes), ncol(sdat)))

    tmp <- jitter(tmp, 0.01)
  tmp <- as.data.frame(tmp)

  rownames(tmp) <- missingGenes
  colnames(tmp) <- colnames(sdat)
  sdat.out <- as.matrix(rbind(sdat, tmp))


##' generate random string
##' generate random string
##' @param length integer specifying the length of the string to be generated (default: 10)
##' @return string
##' @author Robert Piskol
randomString <- function(length = 10){
  paste(sample(c(0:9, letters, LETTERS), length, replace = TRUE),
        collapse = "")

##' apply log2 scale to matrix if needed
##' apply log2 scale to matrix if needed
##' @param ex a matrix of values that will be log2 transformed (default: none)
##' @param verbose specify whether messages should be printed (default: FALSE)
##' @return matrix
##' @author Robert Piskol
logIfNeeded <- function(ex, verbose = FALSE){

    message("matrix 'ex' has not been specified")

  qx <- as.numeric(quantile(ex, c(0., 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.99, 1.0), na.rm=T))
  LogC <- (qx[5] > 100) ||
    (qx[6]-qx[1] > 50 && qx[2] > 0) ||
    (qx[2] > 0 && qx[2] < 1 && qx[4] > 1 && qx[4] < 2)
  if (LogC) {
    if(verbose){message("applying log transform...")}
    ex[which(ex <= 0)] <- NaN
    sdat <- log2(ex)
    if(verbose){message("log transform not necessary")}

##' z-score expression matrix
##' z-score expression matrix
##' @param x a matrix of values that will be z-scored (default: none)
##' @param center integer value to which to center the matrix to (default: NA - matrix will be centered to mean of all values)
##' @return matrix
##' @author Robert Piskol
zscoreVals <- function (x, center = NA){

    message("matrix 'x' has not been specified")

  if (is.na(center))
    center <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
  sd.x <- sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  z <- (x - center)/sd.x

##' reproduce ggplot's color hues
##' reproduce ggplot's color hues
##' @param n the number of colors to generate
##' @return vector of colors
##' @export
##' @author Robert Piskol
getGgColorHue <- function(n) {
  hues = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
  hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]

##' get alpha parameter
##' get alpha parameter
##' @return alpha parameter that was used for classifier training
##' @author Robert Piskol
getAlpha <- function(){

##' get glmnet object with the trained classifier
##' get glmnet object with the trained classifier
##' @param idtype one of "Entrez" or "Symbol" (default: Entrez)
##' @return glmnet fit object

##' @author Robert Piskol
getFit <- function(idtype=c("Entrez", "Symbol")){
  idtype <- match.arg(idtype)

  if(idtype == "Entrez"){
    data(fit.entrez, package="CMString", envir=environment())
  }else if(idtype == "Symbol"){
    data(fit.symbol, package="CMString", envir=environment())


##' get list of objects generated using the cv.glmnet function for multiple values of alpha
##' get list of objects generated using the cv.glmnet function for multiple values of alpha
##' @param idtype one of "Entrez" or "Symbol" (default: "Entrez")
##' @return list of cv.glmnet objects at different alpha levels
##' @author Robert Piskol
getCvfitList <- function(idtype=c("Entrez", "Symbol")){
  idtype <- match.arg(idtype)

  if(idtype == "Entrez"){
    data(cvfitlist.entrez, package="CMString", envir=environment())
  }else if(idtype == "Symbol"){
    data(cvfitlist.symbol, package="CMString", envir=environment())


##' get value of the penalty parameter lambda from crossvalidation for a specific alpha value
##' get list of objects generated using the cv.glmnet function for multiple values of alpha
##' @param cvfitList list of cv.glmnet objects at different alpha levels
##' @param alpha value of the alpha parameter for which a specific lambda should be retrieved
##' @param s.stat either "lambda.min" or "lambda.1se" (default "lambda.min")
##' @return list of cv.glmnet objects at different alpha levels
##' @author Robert Piskol
getLambda <- function(cvfitList, alpha, s.stat = c("lambda.min", "lambda.1se")){

  s.stat <- match.arg(s.stat)
  lambda <- cvfitList[[which(names(cvfitList) == alpha)]][[s.stat]]


##' detect whether gene expression matrix is labeled with Entrez gene ids or Symbols
##' detect whether gene expression matrix is labeled with Entrez gene ids or Symbols
##' @param sdat gene expression matrix that will be used for CMS assignment (default: none)
##' @param minoverlapFrac minimum overlap fraction required between rownames of expression matrix and either Entrez IDs or gene Symbols used for classification
##' @return String specifying whether Entrez IDs or Symbols should be used for classification
##' @author Robert Piskol
checkFeatureIds <- function(sdat, minoverlapFrac = .25){

  ids.current <- rownames(sdat)

  alpha <- getAlpha()

  # get entrez IDs used in the classifier
  fit.entrez <- getFit(idtype = "Entrez")
  cvfitlist.entrez <- getCvfitList(idtype = "Entrez")
  lambda.entrez <- getLambda(cvfitlist.entrez, alpha)
  classGenes.entrez <- rownames(coef(fit.entrez, s=lambda.entrez)[[1]])
  classGenes.entrez <- classGenes.entrez[-1]

  # get symbols used in the classifier
  fit.symbol <- getFit(idtype="Symbol")
  cvfitlist.symbol <- getCvfitList(idtype = "Symbol")
  lambda.symbol <- getLambda(cvfitlist.symbol, alpha)
  classGenes.symbol <- rownames(coef(fit.symbol, s=lambda.symbol)[[1]])
  classGenes.symbol <- classGenes.symbol[-1]

  # get overlaps
  ids.shared.entrez <- intersect(ids.current, classGenes.entrez)
  ids.shared.symbol <- intersect(ids.current, classGenes.symbol)

  frac.shared.entrez <- length(ids.shared.entrez)/length(classGenes.entrez)
  frac.shared.symbol <- length(ids.shared.symbol)/length(classGenes.symbol)

  if(frac.shared.entrez > frac.shared.symbol & frac.shared.entrez > minoverlapFrac){
    message("assuming Entrez IDs as gene names")
  }else if(frac.shared.symbol > frac.shared.entrez & frac.shared.symbol > minoverlapFrac){
    message("assuming Symbols as gene names")
    message("the supplied gene expression matrix overlaps to less than 25% with both EntrezGene ids or Gene Symbols")

rpiskol/CMString documentation built on May 24, 2019, 8:52 a.m.