# /$$
# | $$
# /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$
# /$$__ $$|_ $$_/
# | $$ \ $$ | $$
# | $$ | $$ | $$ /$$
# | $$$$$$$ | $$$$/
# \____ $$ \___/
# /$$ \ $$
# | $$$$$$/
# \______/
# This file is part of the 'rstudio/gt' project.
# Copyright (c) 2018-2025 gt authors
# For full copyright and license information, please look at
# https://gt.rstudio.com/LICENSE.html
#' Perform data cell colorization
#' @description
#' It's possible to add color to data cells according to their values with
#' `data_color()`. There is a multitude of ways to perform data cell
#' colorizing here:
#' - targeting: we can constrain which columns and rows should receive the
#' colorization treatment (through the `columns` and `rows` arguments)
#' - direction: ordinarily we perform coloring in a column-wise fashion but
#' there is the option to color data cells in a row-wise manner (this is
#' controlled by the `direction` argument)
#' - coloring method: `data_color()` automatically computes colors based on the
#' column type but you can choose a specific methodology (e.g., with bins or
#' quantiles) and the function will generate colors accordingly; the `method`
#' argument controls this through keywords and other arguments act as inputs to
#' specific methods
#' - coloring function: a custom function can be supplied to the `fn` argument
#' for finer control over color evaluation with data; the `scales::col_*()`
#' color mapping functions can be used here or any function you might want to define
#' - color palettes: with `palette` we could supply a vector of colors, a
#' **viridis** or **RColorBrewer** palette name, or, a palette from the
#' **paletteer** package
#' - value domain: we can either opt to have the range of values define the
#' domain, or, specify one explicitly with the `domain` argument
#' - indirect color application: it's possible to compute colors from one column
#' and apply them to one or more different columns; we can even perform a
#' color mapping from multiple source columns to the same multiple of target
#' columns
#' - color application: with the `apply_to` argument, there's an option for
#' whether to apply the cell-specific colors to the cell background or the cell
#' text
#' - text autocoloring: if colorizing the cell background, `data_color()` will
#' automatically recolor the foreground text to provide the best contrast (can
#' be deactivated with `autocolor_text = FALSE`)
#' `data_color()` won't fail with the default options used, but
#' that won't typically provide you the type of colorization you really need.
#' You can however safely iterate through a collection of different options
#' without running into too many errors.
#' @inheritParams fmt_number
#' @param columns *Columns to target*
#' [`<column-targeting expression>`][rows-columns] // *default:* `everything()`
#' The columns to which cell data color operations are constrained. Can either
#' be a series of column names provided in `c()`, a vector of column indices,
#' or a select helper function (e.g. [starts_with()], [ends_with()],
#' [contains()], [matches()], [num_range()], and [everything()]).
#' @param rows *Rows to target*
#' [`<row-targeting expression>`][rows-columns] // *default:* `everything()`
#' In conjunction with `columns`, we can specify which of their rows should
#' form a constraint for cell data color operations. The default
#' [everything()] results in all rows in `columns` being formatted.
#' Alternatively, we can supply a vector of row IDs within `c()`, a vector of
#' row indices, or a select helper function (e.g. [starts_with()],
#' [ends_with()], [contains()], [matches()], [num_range()], and [everything()]).
#' We can also use expressions to filter down to the rows we need
#' (e.g., `[colname_1] > 100 & [colname_2] < 50`).
#' @param direction *Color computation direction*
#' `singl-kw:[column|row]` // *default:* `"column"`
#' Should the color computations be performed column-wise or row-wise? By
#' default this is set with the `"column"` keyword and colors will be applied
#' down columns. The alternative option with the `"row"` keyword ensures that
#' the color mapping works across rows.
#' @param target_columns *Indirect columns to target*
#' `<row-targeting expression>` // *default:* `NULL` `optional`
#' For indirect column coloring treatments, we can supply the columns that
#' will receive the styling. The necessary precondition is that we must use
#' `direction = "column"`. If `columns` resolves to a single column then we
#' may use one or more columns in `target_columns`. If on the other hand
#' `columns` resolves to multiple columns, then `target_columns` must resolve
#' to the same multiple.
#' @param method *Color computation method*
#' `singl-kw:[auto|numeric|bin|quantile|factor]` // *default:* `"auto"`
#' A method for computing color based on the data within body cells. Can be
#' `"auto"` (the default), `"numeric"`, `"bin"`, `"quantile"`, or `"factor"`.
#' The `"auto"` method will automatically choose the `"numeric"` method for
#' numerical input data or the `"factor"` method for any non-numeric inputs.
#' @param palette *Color palette*
#' `vector<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' A vector of color names, a color class that can be cast to a vector of
#' color names, the name of an **RColorBrewer** palette, the name of a
#' **viridis** palette, or a discrete palette accessible from the
#' **paletteer** package using the `<package>::<palette>` syntax (e.g.,
#' `"wesanderson::IsleofDogs1"`). If providing a vector of colors as a
#' palette, each color value provided must either be a color name (Only R/X11
#' color names or CSS 3.0 color names) or a hexadecimal string in the form of
#' `"#RRGGBB"` or `"#RRGGBBAA"`. If nothing is provided here, the default R
#' color palette is used (i.e., the colors from `palette()`).
#' @param domain *Value domain*
#' `vector<numeric|integer|character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The possible values that can be mapped. For the `"numeric"` and `"bin"`
#' methods, this can be a numeric range specified with a length of two vector.
#' Representative numeric data is needed for the `"quantile"` method and
#' categorical data must be used for the `"factor"` method. If `NULL` (the
#' default value), the values in each column or row (depending on `direction`)
#' value will represent the domain.
#' @param bins *Specification of bin number*
#' `scalar<numeric|integer>` // *default:* `8`
#' For `method = "bin"` this can either be a numeric vector of two or more
#' unique cut points, or, a single numeric value (greater than or equal to
#' `2`) giving the number of intervals into which the domain values are to be
#' cut. By default, this is `8`.
#' @param quantiles *Specification of quantile number*
#' `scalar<numeric|integer>` // *default:* `4`
#' For `method = "quantile"` this is the number of equal-size quantiles to
#' use. By default, this is set to `4`.
#' @param levels *Specification of factor levels*
#' `vector<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' For `method = "factor"` this allows for an alternate way of specifying
#' levels. If anything is provided here then any value supplied to `domain`
#' will be ignored. This should be a character vector of unique values.
#' @param ordered *Use an ordered factor*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `FALSE`
#' For `method = "factor"`, setting this to `TRUE` means that the vector
#' supplied to `domain` will be treated as being in the correct order if that
#' vector needs to be coerced to a factor. By default, this is `FALSE`.
#' @param na_color *Default color for `NA` values*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The color to use for missing values. By default (with `na_color = NULL`),
#' the color gray (`"#808080"`) will be used. This option has no effect if
#' providing a color-mapping function to `fn`.
#' @param alpha *Transparency value*
#' `scalar<numeric|integer>(0>=val>=1)` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' An optional, fixed alpha transparency value that will be applied to all
#' color palette values (regardless of whether a color palette was directly
#' supplied in `palette` or generated through a color mapping function via
#' `fn`).
#' @param reverse *Reverse order of computed colors*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `FALSE`
#' Should the colors computed operate in the reverse order? If `TRUE` then
#' colors that normally change from red to blue will change in the opposite
#' direction.
#' @param fn *Color-mapping function*
#' `function` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' A color-mapping function. The function should be able to take a vector of
#' data values as input and return an equal-length vector of color values. The
#' `scales::col_*()` functions (i.e.,[scales::col_numeric()],
#' [scales::col_bin()], and [scales::col_factor()]) can be invoked here with
#' options, as those functions themselves return a color-mapping function.
#' @param apply_to *How to apply color*
#' `singl-kw:[fill|text]` // *default:* `"fill"`
#' Which style element should the colors be applied to? Options include the
#' cell background (the default, given as `"fill"`) or the cell text
#' (`"text"`).
#' @param autocolor_text *Automatically recolor text*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `TRUE`
#' An option to let **gt** modify the coloring of text within cells undergoing
#' background coloring. This will result in better text-to-background color
#' contrast. By default, this is set to `TRUE`.
#' @param contrast_algo *Color contrast algorithm choice*
#' `singl-kw:[apca|wcag]` // *default:* `"apca"`
#' The color contrast algorithm to use when `autocolor_text = TRUE`. By
#' default this is `"apca"` (Accessible Perceptual Contrast Algorithm) and the
#' alternative to this is `"wcag"` (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).
#' @param colors *[Deprecated] Color mapping function*
#' `function` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' This argument is deprecated. Use the `fn` argument instead to provide a
#' **scales**-based color-mapping function. If providing a palette, use the
#' `palette` argument.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @section Color computation methods:
#' `data_color()` offers four distinct methods for computing color
#' based on cell data values. They are set by the `method` argument and the
#' options go by the keywords `"numeric"`, `"bin"`, `"quantile"`, and
#' `"factor"`. There are other arguments in `data_color()` that variously
#' support these methods (e.g., `bins` for the `"bin"` method, etc.). Here we'll
#' go through each method, providing a short explanation of what each one does
#' and which options are available.
#' ### `"numeric"`
#' The `"numeric"` method provides a simple linear mapping from continuous
#' numeric data to an interpolated `palette`. Internally, this uses
#' [scales::col_numeric()]. This method is suited for numeric data cell
#' values and can make use of a supplied `domain` value, in the form of a
#' two-element numeric vector describing the range of values, if provided.
#' ### `"bin"`
#' The `"bin"` method provides a mapping of continuous numeric data to
#' value-based bins. Internally, this uses [scales::col_bin()] which itself
#' uses [base::cut()]. As with the `"numeric"` method, `"bin"` is meant for
#' numeric data cell values. The use of a `domain` value is supported with this
#' method. The `bins` argument in `data_color()` is specific to this method,
#' offering the ability to: (1) specify the number of bins, or (2) provide a
#' vector of cut points.
#' ### `"quantile"`
#' The `"quantile"` method provides a mapping of continuous numeric data to
#' quantiles. Internally, this uses [scales::col_quantile()] which itself uses
#' [stats::quantile()]. Input data cell values should be numeric, as with the
#' `"numeric"` and `"bin"` methods. A numeric `domain` value is supported with
#' this method. The `quantiles` argument in `data_color()` controls the number
#' of equal-size quantiles to use.
#' ### `"factor"`
#' The `"factor"` method provides a mapping of factors to colors. With discrete
#' palettes, color interpolation is used when the number of factors does not
#' match the number of colors in the palette. Internally, this uses
#' [scales::col_factor()]. Input data cell values can be of any type
#' (i.e., factor, character, numeric values, and more are supported). The
#' optional input to `domain` should take the form of categorical data. The
#' `levels` and `ordered` arguments in `data_color()` support this method.
#' @section Color palette access from **RColorBrewer** and **viridis**:
#' All palettes from the **RColorBrewer** package and select palettes from
#' **viridis** can be accessed by providing the palette name in `palette`.
#' **RColorBrewer** has 35 available palettes:
#' | | Palette Name | Colors | Category | Colorblind Friendly |
#' |----|-------------------|---------|-------------|---------------------|
#' | 1 | `"BrBG"` | 11 | Diverging | Yes |
#' | 2 | `"PiYG"` | 11 | Diverging | Yes |
#' | 3 | `"PRGn"` | 11 | Diverging | Yes |
#' | 4 | `"PuOr"` | 11 | Diverging | Yes |
#' | 5 | `"RdBu"` | 11 | Diverging | Yes |
#' | 6 | `"RdYlBu"` | 11 | Diverging | Yes |
#' | 7 | `"RdGy"` | 11 | Diverging | No |
#' | 8 | `"RdYlGn"` | 11 | Diverging | No |
#' | 9 | `"Spectral"` | 11 | Diverging | No |
#' | 10 | `"Dark2"` | 8 | Qualitative | Yes |
#' | 11 | `"Paired"` | 12 | Qualitative | Yes |
#' | 12 | `"Set1"` | 9 | Qualitative | No |
#' | 13 | `"Set2"` | 8 | Qualitative | Yes |
#' | 14 | `"Set3"` | 12 | Qualitative | No |
#' | 15 | `"Accent"` | 8 | Qualitative | No |
#' | 16 | `"Pastel1"` | 9 | Qualitative | No |
#' | 17 | `"Pastel2"` | 8 | Qualitative | No |
#' | 18 | `"Blues"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 19 | `"BuGn"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 20 | `"BuPu"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 21 | `"GnBu"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 22 | `"Greens"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 23 | `"Greys"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 24 | `"Oranges"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 25 | `"OrRd"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 26 | `"PuBu"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 27 | `"PuBuGn"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 28 | `"PuRd"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 29 | `"Purples"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 30 | `"RdPu"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 31 | `"Reds"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 32 | `"YlGn"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 33 | `"YlGnBu"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 34 | `"YlOrBr"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' | 35 | `"YlOrRd"` | 9 | Sequential | Yes |
#' We can access four colorblind-friendly palettes from **viridis**:
#' `"viridis"`, `"magma"`, `"plasma"`, and `"inferno"`. Simply provide any one
#' of those names to `palette`.
#' @section Color palette access from **paletteer**:
#' Choosing the right color palette can often be difficult because it's both
#' hard to discover suitable palettes and then obtain the vector of colors. To
#' make this process easier we can elect to use the **paletteer** package,
#' which makes a wide range of palettes from various R packages readily
#' available. The [info_paletteer()] information table allows us to easily
#' inspect all of the discrete color palettes available in **paletteer**. We
#' only then need to specify the palette and associated package using the
#' `<package>::<palette>` syntax (e.g., `"tvthemes::Stannis"`) for
#' the `palette` argument.
#' A requirement for using **paletteer** in this way is that the package must be
#' installed (**gt** doesn't import **paletteer** currently). This can be easily
#' done with `install.packages("paletteer")`. Not having this package installed
#' with result in an error when using the `<package>::<palette>` syntax in
#' `palette`.
#' @section Foreground text and background fill:
#' By default, **gt** will choose the ideal text color (for maximal contrast)
#' when colorizing the background of data cells. This option can be disabled by
#' setting `autocolor_text` to `FALSE`. The `contrast_algo` argument lets us
#' choose between two color contrast algorithms: `"apca"` (*Accessible
#' Perceptual Contrast Algorithm*, the default algo) and `"wcag"` (*Web Content
#' Accessibility Guidelines*).
#' @section Examples:
#' `data_color()` can be used without any supplied arguments to
#' colorize a **gt** table. Let's do this with the [`exibble`] dataset:
#' ```r
#' exibble |>
#' gt() |>
#' data_color()
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_data_color_1.png")`
#' }}
#' What's happened is that `data_color()` applies background colors to all cells
#' of every column with the default palette in R (accessed through `palette()`).
#' The default method for applying color is `"auto"`, where numeric values will
#' use the `"numeric"` method and character or factor values will use the
#' `"factor"` method. The text color undergoes an automatic modification that
#' maximizes contrast (since `autocolor_text` is `TRUE` by default).
#' You can use any of the available `method` keywords and **gt** will only apply
#' color to the compatible values. Let's use the `"numeric"` method and supply
#' `palette` values of `"red"` and `"green"`.
#' ```r
#' exibble |>
#' gt() |>
#' data_color(
#' method = "numeric",
#' palette = c("red", "green")
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_data_color_2.png")`
#' }}
#' With those options in place we see that only the numeric columns `num` and
#' `currency` received color treatments. Moreover, the palette colors were
#' mapped to the lower and upper limits of the data in each column; interpolated
#' colors were used for the values in between the numeric limits of the two
#' columns.
#' We can constrain the cells to which coloring will be applied with the
#' `columns` and `rows` arguments. Further to this, we can manually set the
#' limits of the data with the `domain` argument (which is preferable in most
#' cases). Here, the domain will be set as `domain = c(0, 50)`.
#' ```r
#' exibble |>
#' gt() |>
#' data_color(
#' columns = currency,
#' rows = currency < 50,
#' method = "numeric",
#' palette = c("red", "green"),
#' domain = c(0, 50)
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_data_color_3.png")`
#' }}
#' We can use any of the palettes available in the **RColorBrewer** and
#' **viridis** packages. Let's make a new **gt** table from a subset of the
#' [`countrypops`] dataset. Then, through `data_color()`, we'll apply coloring
#' to the `population` column with the `"numeric"` method, use a domain between
#' 2.5 and 3.4 million, and specify `palette = "viridis"`.
#' ```r
#' countrypops |>
#' dplyr::select(-contains("code")) |>
#' dplyr::filter(
#' country_name == "Bangladesh",
#' year %in% 2012:2021
#' ) |>
#' gt() |>
#' data_color(
#' columns = population,
#' method = "numeric",
#' palette = "viridis",
#' domain = c(150E6, 170E6),
#' reverse = TRUE
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_data_color_4.png")`
#' }}
#' We can alternatively use the `fn` argument for supplying the **scales**-based
#' function [scales::col_numeric()]. That function call will itself return a
#' function (which is what the `fn` argument actually requires) that takes a
#' vector of numeric values and returns color values. Here is an alternate
#' version of the code that returns the same table as in the previous example.
#' ```r
#' countrypops |>
#' dplyr::select(-contains("code")) |>
#' dplyr::filter(
#' country_name == "Bangladesh",
#' year %in% 2012:2021
#' ) |>
#' gt() |>
#' data_color(
#' columns = population,
#' fn = scales::col_numeric(
#' palette = "viridis",
#' domain = c(150E6, 170E6),
#' reverse = TRUE
#' )
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_data_color_4.png")`
#' }}
#' Using your own function in `fn` can be very useful if you want to make use of
#' specialized arguments in the `scales::col_*()` functions. You could even
#' supply your own specialized function for performing complex colorizing
#' treatments!
#' `data_color()` has a way to apply colorization indirectly to
#' other columns. That is, you can apply colors to a column different from the
#' one used to generate those specific colors. The trick is to use the
#' `target_columns` argument. Let's do this with a more complete
#' [`countrypops`]-based table example.
#' ```r
#' countrypops |>
#' dplyr::filter(country_code_3 %in% c("FRA", "GBR")) |>
#' dplyr::filter(year %% 10 == 0) |>
#' dplyr::select(-contains("code")) |>
#' dplyr::mutate(color = "") |>
#' gt(groupname_col = "country_name") |>
#' fmt_integer(columns = population) |>
#' data_color(
#' columns = population,
#' target_columns = color,
#' method = "numeric",
#' palette = "viridis",
#' domain = c(4E7, 7E7)
#' ) |>
#' cols_label(
#' year = "",
#' population = "Population",
#' color = ""
#' ) |>
#' opt_vertical_padding(scale = 0.65)
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_data_color_5.png")`
#' }}
#' When specifying a single column in `columns` we can use as many
#' `target_columns` values as we want. Let's make another [`countrypops`]-based
#' table where we map the generated colors from the `year` column to all columns
#' in the table. This time, the `palette` used is `"inferno"` (also from the
#' **viridis** package).
#' ```r
#' countrypops |>
#' dplyr::filter(country_code_3 %in% c("FRA", "GBR", "ITA")) |>
#' dplyr::select(-contains("code")) |>
#' dplyr::filter(year %% 5 == 0) |>
#' tidyr::pivot_wider(
#' names_from = "country_name",
#' values_from = "population"
#' ) |>
#' gt() |>
#' fmt_integer(columns = c(everything(), -year)) |>
#' cols_width(
#' year ~ px(80),
#' everything() ~ px(160)
#' ) |>
#' opt_all_caps() |>
#' opt_vertical_padding(scale = 0.75) |>
#' opt_horizontal_padding(scale = 3) |>
#' data_color(
#' columns = year,
#' target_columns = everything(),
#' palette = "inferno"
#' ) |>
#' tab_options(
#' table_body.hlines.style = "none",
#' column_labels.border.top.color = "black",
#' column_labels.border.bottom.color = "black",
#' table_body.border.bottom.color = "black"
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_data_color_6.png")`
#' }}
#' Now, it's time to use [`pizzaplace`] to create a **gt** table. The color
#' palette to be used is the `"ggsci::red_material"` one (it's in the **ggsci**
#' R package but also obtainable from the **paletteer** package).
#' Colorization will be applied to the to the `sold` and `income` columns. We
#' don't have to specify those in `columns` because those are the only columns
#' in the table. Also, the `domain` is not set here. We'll use the bounds of the
#' available data in each column.
#' ```r
#' pizzaplace |>
#' dplyr::group_by(type, size) |>
#' dplyr::summarize(
#' sold = dplyr::n(),
#' income = sum(price),
#' .groups = "drop_last"
#' ) |>
#' dplyr::group_by(type) |>
#' dplyr::mutate(f_sold = sold / sum(sold)) |>
#' dplyr::mutate(size = factor(
#' size, levels = c("S", "M", "L", "XL", "XXL"))
#' ) |>
#' dplyr::arrange(type, size) |>
#' gt(
#' rowname_col = "size",
#' groupname_col = "type"
#' ) |>
#' fmt_percent(
#' columns = f_sold,
#' decimals = 1
#' ) |>
#' cols_merge(
#' columns = c(size, f_sold),
#' pattern = "{1} ({2})"
#' ) |>
#' cols_align(align = "left", columns = stub()) |>
#' data_color(
#' method = "numeric",
#' palette = "ggsci::red_material"
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_data_color_7.png")`
#' }}
#' Colorization can occur in a row-wise manner. The key to making that happen is
#' by using `direction = "row"`. Let's use the [`sza`] dataset to make a **gt**
#' table. Then, color will be applied to values across each 'month' of data in
#' that table. This is useful when not setting a `domain` as the bounds of each
#' row will be captured, coloring each cell with values relative to the range.
#' The `palette` is `"PuOr"` from the **RColorBrewer** package (only the name
#' here is required).
#' ```r
#' sza |>
#' dplyr::filter(latitude == 20 & tst <= "1200") |>
#' dplyr::select(-latitude) |>
#' dplyr::filter(!is.na(sza)) |>
#' tidyr::pivot_wider(
#' names_from = tst,
#' values_from = sza,
#' names_sort = TRUE
#' ) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "month") |>
#' sub_missing(missing_text = "") |>
#' data_color(
#' direction = "row",
#' palette = "PuOr",
#' na_color = "white"
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_data_color_8.png")`
#' }}
#' Notice that `na_color = "white"` was used, and this avoids the appearance of
#' gray cells for the missing values (we also removed the `"NA"` text with
#' [sub_missing()], opting for empty strings).
#' @family data formatting functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 3-36
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.2.0.5` (March 31, 2020)
#' @export
data_color <- function(
columns = everything(),
rows = everything(),
direction = c("column", "row"),
target_columns = NULL,
method = c("auto", "numeric", "bin", "quantile", "factor"),
palette = NULL,
domain = NULL,
bins = 8,
quantiles = 4,
levels = NULL,
ordered = FALSE,
na_color = NULL,
alpha = NULL,
reverse = FALSE,
fn = NULL,
apply_to = c("fill", "text"),
autocolor_text = TRUE,
contrast_algo = c("apca", "wcag"),
colors = NULL
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
# Get the correct `direction` value
direction <- rlang::arg_match0(direction, values = c("column", "row"))
# Get the correct `method` value
method <-
values = c("auto", "numeric", "bin", "quantile", "factor")
# Get the correct `apply_to` value
apply_to <- rlang::arg_match0(apply_to, values = c("fill", "text"))
# Get the correct `contrast_algo` value
contrast_algo <- rlang::arg_match0(contrast_algo, values = c("apca", "wcag"))
# If no color is provided to `na_color`, use gray as a default
na_color <- na_color %||% "#808080"
# Error early if `palette = NA`, or is a numeric vector.
if (length(palette) > 0L && (is.numeric(palette) || anyNA(palette))) {
"`palette` must be a {.help [valid palette](gt::data_color)}, not a numeric vector."
# Defuse any function supplied to `fn`; if a function is supplied to `colors`
# (previous argument for this purpose) then let that take precedent and
# provide a deprecation warning
if (!is.null(colors)) {
fn <- rlang::enquo(colors)
if (is.character(rlang::eval_tidy(fn))) {
palette <- rlang::eval_tidy(fn)
fn <- NULL
"Since gt v0.9.0, the `colors` argument has been deprecated.",
"*" = "Please use the `palette` argument to define a color palette."
.frequency = "regularly",
.frequency_id = "data_color_colors_arg_palette"
} else {
"Since gt v0.9.0, the `colors` argument has been deprecated.",
"*" = "Please use the `fn` argument instead."
.frequency = "regularly",
.frequency_id = "data_color_colors_arg_fn"
} else if (!is.null(fn)) {
fn <- rlang::enquo(fn)
} else {
fn <- NULL
# Ensure that the `palette` contains something that can be used if no
# function (as `fn`) was provided
if (is.null(fn)) {
# If no palette is provided, use the default palette
palette <- palette %||% palette()
# Obtain a palette from the paletteer package if the
# `palette` value is of the special form `<package>::<palette>`
if (
is.character(palette) &&
length(palette) == 1 &&
grepl("^.+?::.+?$", palette)
) {
# Determine if the paletteer package is installed and stop the
# function if it is not present
reason = "to use palettes with the <package>::<palette> syntax."
# Parse the `palette` string and extract the two different
# components: the package that the palette comes from and the
# name of the palette
palette_pkg <- unlist(strsplit(palette, "::"))[1]
palette_name <- unlist(strsplit(palette, "::"))[2]
# Get the table of discrete palettes hosted in the paletteer package
palettes_tbl <- paletteer::palettes_d_names
# Use a `filter()` statement to determine if the package part of the
# string provided exists in paletteer
palettes_tbl <- dplyr::filter(palettes_tbl, package == palette_pkg)
# If the filtering results in a zero-row table, then stop the
# function and provide messaging on what went wrong and how
# to diagnose
if (nrow(palettes_tbl) < 1) {
"The palette package name (supplied with the `<package>::<palette>`
syntax) cannot be found in the paletteer package.",
"*" = "Ensure that it exists in the vector accessed with
# Use a second `filter()` statement to determine if the palette name
# component exists in paletteer for the color package
palettes_tbl <- dplyr::filter(palettes_tbl, palette == palette_name)
# If this filtering results in a zero-row table, stop the function
# and provide messaging on what went wrong and how to diagnose
if (nrow(palettes_tbl) < 1) {
"The palette name (supplied with the `<package>::<palette>`
syntax) is not associated with the {.pkg {palette_pkg}} package as a
discrete palette.",
"*" = "Ensure that the combination of palette package and palette
name exists as a record in the table accessed with
# Getting to this stage means the palette exists in the user's
# installation of paletteer; extract the palette with the
# `paletteer::paletteer_d()`
palette <- paletteer::paletteer_d(palette = palette)
# Cast the palette to a character vector for compatibility with
# scales:::toPaletteFunc(), which does not have methods for classed color
# vectors (such as those in the paletteer package). Casting is done here so
# classed color vectors from packages other than paletteer can also be used
# with `palette` (#1155).
palette <- as.character(palette)
# Get the internal data table
data_tbl <- dt_data_get(data = data)
# Evaluate `colors` with `eval_tidy()` (supports quosures)
fn <- rlang::eval_tidy(fn, data_tbl)
# Resolution of `columns` as column names in the table
resolved_columns <- resolve_cols_c(expr = {{ columns }}, data = data)
# Resolution of `target_columns` as column names in the table
resolved_target_columns <-
expr = {{ target_columns }},
data = data,
null_means = "nothing"
# Validate the supplied `resolved_target_columns` value
if (length(resolved_target_columns) > 0) {
# Stop function if the `direction = "column"` option is not used
if (direction != "column") {
"Specification of {.arg target_columns} can only be done with the
`direction = {.val column}` option.",
"*" = "Please modify the `direction` option or remove any values in
{.arg target_columns}."
# Obtain lengths of basis and target columns
resolv_col_length <- length(resolved_columns)
target_col_length <- length(resolved_target_columns)
# Stop function in the case of more than one basis column not matching the
# number of target columns
if (resolv_col_length > 1 && resolv_col_length != target_col_length) {
"If the length of resolved {.arg columns} is greater than one it must match
the length of the resolved {.arg target_columns}.",
"*" = "Please ensure these greater-than-one lengths are the same."
# Resolution of `rows` as row indices in the table
resolved_rows <- resolve_rows_i(expr = {{ rows }}, data = data)
# If resolved rows from tidyselect is NULL, then we return early
# to avoid scales issues later.
if (length(resolved_rows) == 0) {
# Generate a table to accumulate all of the styles to be applied to the
# body cells; in the end, this (along with all previously set styles) will
# be used in a concluding `dt_styles_set()` call
data_color_styles_tbl <-
locname = character(0L),
grpname = character(0L),
colname = character(0L),
locnum = numeric(0L),
rownum = integer(0L),
colnum = integer(0L),
styles = list()
# Obtain the total number of iterations depending on whether
# `direction` is column-wise or row-wise
if (direction == "column") {
total_iterations <- seq_along(resolved_columns)
} else {
total_iterations <- seq_along(resolved_rows)
# Iteration is performed in a piecewise manner
for (i in total_iterations) {
if (direction == "column") {
data_vals <- data_tbl[resolved_rows, resolved_columns[i], drop = TRUE]
} else {
data_vals <- data_tbl[resolved_columns]
data_vals <- unname(unlist(as.vector(data_vals[resolved_rows[i], ])))
if (!is.null(fn)) {
# If a color function is directly provided, use as is
color_fn <- fn
} else if (method == "auto") {
# For the "auto" method, we are getting data values in a piece-wise
# fashion and the strategy is to generate a color function (using
# a `scales::col_*()` function) for each piece of data; we can
# process vectors that are numeric with `scales::col_numeric()` and
# vectors that are either character or factor with `scales::col_factor()`
if (is.numeric(data_vals)) {
# Create a color function based on `scales::col_numeric()`
# Rethrow the error if something occurs. #1373
color_fn <-
palette = palette,
domain = domain %||% data_vals,
na.color = na_color,
alpha = TRUE,
reverse = reverse
error = function(e) {
"Failed to compute colors for column {.code {resolved_columns[i]}}.",
parent = e
} else if (is.character(data_vals) || is.factor(data_vals)) {
# At the time of this writing, scales has a bug where palettes in the
# form of colors (as opposed to functions or palette names) use
# interpolation when the number of colors is greater than the number
# of levels. Instead, colors should be subsetted. scales does the right
# thing for palette names though, so we need to screen those cases out.
palette <-
palette = palette,
data_vals = data_vals
# Create a color function based on `scales::col_factor()`
color_fn <-
palette = palette,
domain = domain %||% data_vals,
levels = levels,
ordered = ordered,
na.color = na_color,
alpha = TRUE,
reverse = reverse
} else if (method == "numeric") {
if (!is.numeric(data_vals) && direction == "row") {
"The {.val numeric} method with {.code direction = {.val row}} cannot be used
when non-numeric columns are included.",
"*" = "Either specify a collection of numeric columns or use the
{.val factor} method."
if (!is.numeric(data_vals)) next
# Create a color function based on `scales::col_numeric()`
color_fn <-
palette = palette,
domain = domain %||% data_vals,
na.color = na_color,
alpha = TRUE,
reverse = reverse
} else if (method == "bin") {
if (!is.numeric(data_vals)) next
# Create a color function based on `scales::col_bin()`
color_fn <-
palette = palette,
domain = domain %||% data_vals,
bins = bins,
pretty = FALSE,
na.color = na_color,
alpha = TRUE,
reverse = reverse,
right = FALSE
} else if (method == "quantile") {
if (!is.numeric(data_vals)) next
# Create a color function based on `scales::col_quantile()`
color_fn <-
palette = palette,
domain = domain %||% data_vals,
n = quantiles,
na.color = na_color,
alpha = TRUE,
reverse = reverse,
right = FALSE
} else if (method == "factor") {
palette <-
palette = palette,
data_vals = data_vals
# Create a color function based on `scales::col_factor()`
color_fn <-
palette = palette,
domain = domain %||% data_vals,
levels = levels,
ordered = ordered,
na.color = na_color,
alpha = TRUE,
reverse = reverse
# Evaluate `color_fn` with `eval_tidy()` (supports quosures)
color_fn <- rlang::eval_tidy(color_fn, data_tbl)
# Evaluate the color function with the data values
color_vals <- color_fn(data_vals)
# Process the color values, combining with a
# fixed alpha value if necessary
color_vals <- html_color(colors = color_vals, alpha = alpha)
color_styles <-
fill = lapply(color_vals, FUN = function(x) cell_fill(color = x)),
text = lapply(color_vals, FUN = function(x) cell_text(color = x))
if (length(resolved_target_columns) > 0 && direction == "column") {
if (length(resolved_columns) > 1) {
data_color_styles_tbl <-
columns = resolved_target_columns[i],
rows = resolved_rows,
color_styles = color_styles
} else {
for (j in seq_along(resolved_target_columns)) {
data_color_styles_tbl <-
columns = resolved_target_columns[j],
rows = resolved_rows,
color_styles = color_styles
} else {
data_color_styles_tbl <-
columns = if (direction == "column") resolved_columns[i] else resolved_columns,
rows = if (direction == "column") resolved_rows else resolved_rows[i],
color_styles = color_styles
# We are to generate an extra set of styling if we are applying coloring
# to the background fill and `autocolor_text = TRUE`. This styling applies
# to the foreground text in the same cells. For each background fill color,
# the ideal text color (either a light or dark color) will be determined
# and styles based on `cell_text(color = ...)` will be generated and added
# to the `data_color_styles_tbl`
if (apply_to == "fill" && autocolor_text) {
color_vals <-
bgnd_color = color_vals,
algo = contrast_algo
color_styles <- lapply(color_vals, FUN = function(x) cell_text(color = x))
if (length(resolved_target_columns) > 0 && direction == "column") {
if (length(resolved_columns) > 1) {
data_color_styles_tbl <-
columns = resolved_target_columns[i],
rows = resolved_rows,
color_styles = color_styles
} else {
for (j in seq_along(resolved_target_columns)) {
data_color_styles_tbl <-
columns = resolved_target_columns[j],
rows = resolved_rows,
color_styles = color_styles
} else {
data_color_styles_tbl <-
columns = if (direction == "column") resolved_columns[i] else resolved_columns,
rows = if (direction == "column") resolved_rows else resolved_rows[i],
color_styles = color_styles
data = data,
styles = vctrs::vec_rbind(dt_styles_get(data = data), data_color_styles_tbl)
generate_data_color_styles_tbl <- function(columns, rows, color_styles) {
locname = "data",
grpname = NA_character_,
colname = columns,
locnum = 5,
rownum = rows,
colnum = NA_integer_,
styles = color_styles
screen_palette_for_col_factor <- function(palette, data_vals) {
if (length(palette) > 1) {
nlvl <-
if (is.factor(data_vals)) {
} else {
if (length(palette) > nlvl) {
palette <- palette[seq_len(nlvl)]
#' Are color values in rgba() format?
#' The input for this is a character vector that should contain color strings.
#' While users won't directly supply colors in rgba() format, `html_color()`
#' can produce these types of color values and this utility function is
#' used in `rgba_to_hex()` to help convert colors *back* to hexadecimal
#' (ultimately for `ideal_fgnd_color()`). The output of
#' `is_rgba_col()` is a vector of logical values (the same length as the input
#' `colors` vector).
#' @param colors A vector of color values.
#' @noRd
is_rgba_col <- function(colors) {
grepl("^rgba\\(\\s*(?:[0-9]+?\\s*,\\s*){3}[0-9\\.]+?\\s*\\)$", colors)
#' Are color values in hexadecimal format?
#' This regex checks for valid hexadecimal colors in either the `#RRGGBB` and
#' `#RRGGBBAA` forms (not including shortened form `#RGB` here,
#' `is_short_hex()` handles this case).
#' @param colors A vector of color values.
#' @noRd
is_hex_col <- function(colors) {
grepl("^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}([0-9a-fA-F]{2})?$", colors)
#' Are color values in the shorthand hexadecimal format?
#' This regex checks for valid hexadecimal colors in the `#RGB` or `#RGBA`
#' shorthand forms.
#' @param colors A vector of color values.
#' @noRd
is_short_hex <- function(colors) {
grepl("^#[0-9a-fA-F]{3}([0-9a-fA-F])?$", colors)
#' Expand shorthand hexadecimal colors to the normal form
#' This function takes a vector of colors in the `#RGB` or `#RGBA`
#' shorthand forms and transforms them to their respective normal forms
#' (`#RRGGBB` and `#RRGGBBAA`). This should only be used with a vector of
#' `#RGB`- and `#RGBA`-formatted color values; `is_short_hex()` should be used
#' beforehand to ensure that input `colors` vector conforms to this expectation.
#' @param colors A vector of color values.
#' @noRd
expand_short_hex <- function(colors) {
gsub("^#(.)(.)(.)(.?)$", "#\\1\\1\\2\\2\\3\\3\\4\\4", toupper(colors))
#' For a background color, which foreground color provides better contrast?
#' The input for this function is a single color value in 'rgba()' format. The
#' output is a single color value in #RRGGBB hexadecimal format
#' @noRd
ideal_fgnd_color <- function(
light = "#FFFFFF",
dark = "#000000",
algo = c("apca", "wcag")
) {
# Get the correct `algo` value
algo <- rlang::arg_match0(algo, values = c("apca", "wcag"))
# Normalize color to hexadecimal color if it is in the 'rgba()' string format
bgnd_color <- rgba_to_hex(colors = bgnd_color)
# Normalize color to a #RRGGBB (stripping the alpha channel)
bgnd_color <- html_color(colors = bgnd_color, alpha = 1)
if (algo == "apca") {
# Determine the ideal color for the chosen background color with APCA
contrast_dark <- get_contrast_ratio(color_1 = dark, color_2 = bgnd_color, algo = "apca")[, 1]
contrast_light <- get_contrast_ratio(color_1 = light, color_2 = bgnd_color, algo = "apca")[, 1]
} else {
# Determine the ideal color for the chosen background color with WCAG
contrast_dark <- get_contrast_ratio(color_1 = dark, color_2 = bgnd_color, algo = "wcag")
contrast_light <- get_contrast_ratio(color_1 = light, color_2 = bgnd_color, algo = "wcag")
ifelse(abs(contrast_dark) >= abs(contrast_light), dark, light)
#' Convert colors in mixed formats (incl. rgba() strings) format to hexadecimal
#' This function will accept colors in mixed formats and convert any in the
#' 'rgba()' string format (e.g., "`rgba(255,170,0,0.5)`") to a hexadecimal
#' format that preserves the alpha information (#RRGGBBAA). This function is
#' required for the `ideal_fgnd_color()` function.
#' @noRd
rgba_to_hex <- function(colors) {
colors_vec <- rep(NA_character_, length(colors))
colors_rgba <- is_rgba_col(colors = colors)
colors_vec[!colors_rgba] <- colors[!colors_rgba]
rgba_str <- gsub("(rgba\\(|\\))", "", colors[colors_rgba])
rgba_vec <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(rgba_str, ",")))
color_matrix <-
ncol = 4L,
dimnames = list(c(), c("r", "g", "b", "alpha")),
byrow = TRUE
alpha <- unname(color_matrix[, "alpha"])
# Convert color matrix to hexadecimal colors in the #RRGGBBAA format
colors_to_hex <-
red = color_matrix[, "r"] / 255,
green = color_matrix[, "g"] / 255,
blue = color_matrix[, "b"] / 255,
alpha = alpha
colors_vec[colors_rgba] <- colors_to_hex
#' With a vector of input colors return normalized color strings
#' Input colors can be color names (e.g., `"green"`, `"steelblue"`, etc.) or
#' colors in hexadecimal format with or without an alpha component (either
#' #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA). Output is the same length vector as the
#' input but it will contain a mixture of either #RRGGBB colors (if the input
#' alpha value for a color is 1) or 'rgba()' string format colors (if the input
#' alpha value for a color is not 1).
#' @noRd
html_color <- function(colors, alpha = NULL, call = rlang::caller_env()) {
# Stop function if there are any NA values in `colors`
if (anyNA(colors)) {
cli::cli_abort("`colors` should not contain any `NA` values.", call = call)
is_rgba <- is_rgba_col(colors = colors)
is_short_hex <- is_short_hex(colors = colors)
# Expand any shorthand hexadecimal color values to the `RRGGBB` form
colors[is_short_hex] <- expand_short_hex(colors = colors[is_short_hex])
is_hex <- is_hex_col(colors = colors)
# If not classified as RGBA or hexadecimal, assume other values are named
# colors to be handled separately
is_named <- !is_rgba & !is_hex
colors[is_named] <- tolower(colors[is_named])
named_colors <- colors[is_named]
if (length(named_colors) > 0) {
# Ensure that all color names are in the set of X11/R color
# names or CSS color names
check_named_colors(named_colors, call = call)
# Translate the `transparent` color to #FFFFFF00 (white, transparent)
named_colors[named_colors == "transparent"] <- "#FFFFFF00"
# Translate any CSS exclusive colors to hexadecimal values;
# there are nine CSS 3.0 named colors that don't belong to the
# set of X11/R color names (not included numbered variants and
# the numbered grays, those will be handled by `grDevices::col2rgb()`)
is_css_excl_named <- colors %in% names(css_exclusive_colors())
if (any(is_css_excl_named)) {
# `css_exclusive_colors()` returns a named vector
# of the CSS colors not in the X11/R set; the names are the hexadecimal
# color values
colors[is_css_excl_named] <-
# Normalize all non-'rgba()' color values and combine
# with any preexisting 'rgba()' color values
colors[!is_rgba] <-
colors = colors[!is_rgba],
alpha = alpha
# Utility function for creating 'rgba()' color values
# from an RGBA color matrix (already subsetted to those
# rows where alpha < 1)
col_matrix_to_rgba <- function(color_matrix) {
color_matrix[, "red"], ",",
color_matrix[, "green"], ",",
color_matrix[, "blue"], ",",
round(color_matrix[, "alpha"], 2),
# Utility function for generating hexadecimal or 'rgba()' colors (for IE11
# compatibility with colors having some transparency) from hexadecimal color
# values and X11/R color names
normalize_colors <- function(colors, alpha) {
# Create a color matrix with an `alpha` column
color_matrix <- t(grDevices::col2rgb(col = colors, alpha = TRUE))
color_matrix[, "alpha"] <- color_matrix[, "alpha"] / 255
# If `alpha` has a value, replace all pre-existing
# alpha values in the color matrix with `alpha`
if (!is.null(alpha)) {
color_matrix[, "alpha"] <- alpha
# Generate a vector for the finalized HTML color values
colors_html <- rep(NA_character_, nrow(color_matrix))
# Determine which of the input colors have an alpha of `1`
colors_alpha_1 <- color_matrix[, "alpha"] == 1
# Generate #RRGGBB color values for `colors_html`
colors_html[colors_alpha_1] <-
red = color_matrix[colors_alpha_1, "red", drop = FALSE] / 255,
green = color_matrix[colors_alpha_1, "green", drop = FALSE] / 255,
blue = color_matrix[colors_alpha_1, "blue", drop = FALSE] / 255
# Generate rgba() color values for `colors_html`
colors_html[!colors_alpha_1] <-
col_matrix_to_rgba(color_matrix[!colors_alpha_1, , drop = FALSE])
css_exclusive_colors <- function() {
color_tbl_subset <- css_colors[!css_colors$is_x11_color, ]
color_values <- color_tbl_subset[["hexadecimal"]]
valid_color_names <- function() {
c(tolower(grDevices::colors()), names(css_exclusive_colors()), "transparent")
check_named_colors <- function(named_colors, call = rlang::caller_env()) {
named_colors <- tolower(named_colors)
if (!all(named_colors %in% valid_color_names())) {
invalid_colors <- base::setdiff(unique(named_colors), valid_color_names())
one_several_invalid <-
length(invalid_colors) > 1L,
"Several invalid color names were ",
"An invalid color name was "
"{one_several_invalid} used ({.str {invalid_colors}}).",
"*" = "Only R/X11 color names and CSS 3.0 color names can be used."
call = call
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.